Wednesday, February 9, 2011


"If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a
man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.
-- Henry Ford


"An honest to God folk legend"

--artist Zac Brown

"A true American artist"
--legendary songwriter Larry Shell

"The Mark Twain of the Carolinas"
--artist/writer Billy Dean

"He's a Rhodes Scholar with a Southern Soul Groove"
--John Berry
"Born into the chaos of the late 60’s and torn between the unyielding philosophies of the Bible Belt, the spirituality of the civil rights movement and the idealism of the hippie culture, JOHN BROWN is part classic storyteller, part southern medicine man…an artist who plants a musical landscape influenced by Jackson Browne & Little Feat, Jimmy Buffet and Mark Twain, Lyle Lovett and the Bible. "
Man, this tobacco road, Eastern North Carolina boy is GOOD! Put him on in the background, you won't regret it. BT

Via Cousin John

Saudis Ordered Obama “Not To Humiliate Mubarak”

"In a testy personal telephone call on January 29, King Abdullah told President Obama not to humiliate Mr Mubarak and warned that he would step in to bankroll Egypt if the US withdrew its aid programme, worth $1.5 billion annually."
Very, very interesting and all makes perfect sense now. BT

Via Weasel Zippers

Egypt & The Muslim Brotherhood Part II

Martyrs for Islam

Obama’s Reckless Foreign Policy

Mike Scruggs

Hosni Mubarak was Commander of the Egyptian Air Force during the 1973 Arab-Israeli War. Although Egypt and its Arab allies were defeated by Israel during that war, the Egyptian Air Force performed well, and Mubarak became a national hero. In April 1975, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat appointed him Vice President of the Egyptian Republic. He was a loyal supporter of Sadat and assisted him in negotiations that resulted in a March 1979 peace treaty with Israel that remains crucial to maintaining peace in the Middle East. Sadat was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo in December 1978, a few months before the signing of the treaty. Because of this peace with Israel, however, Sadat came under heavy criticism from both the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Arab nationalists throughout the Middle East. Reacting to intelligence reports of an assassination plot against him in September 1981, Sadat cracked down on Islamist radicals and had 1,500 people arrested. The intelligence efforts, however, had missed the Jihadist plotters within the normally loyalist Egyptian Army.

On October 6, 1981, during a military parade, six Egyptian soldiers associated with the Muslim brotherhood and their Islamic Jihad offshoot emerged from a troop truck throwing grenades and firing automatic weapons into the reviewing stand. Sadat and eleven others were killed. Mubarak was wounded in the hand. The Jihadist assassins were violently opposed to the Egypt-Israel Treaty.

Hosni Mubarak thus became President of Egypt and continued to support Sadat’s policies, peace with Israel, and alignment with the United States. Is it any wonder then that Mubarak, having seen his mentor and eleven others gunned down by Islamist radicals, has ruled Egypt with an iron hand? He has, however, been a strong ally of the United States committed to peaceful coexistence with Israel despite considerable opposition from within Egypt and from other predominantly Muslim states. Former Vice President Dick Cheney recently pointed out that Mubarak assisted the United States in moving military aircraft into the Persian Gulf area during the 1991 Gulf War and provided Egyptian troops to help liberate Kuwait from Iraqi Army occupation under Saddam Hussein. Remarking on President Obama’s strident call for Mubarak’s immediate resignation, Cheney said, “President Mubarak needs to be treated as he deserved over the years, because he has been a good friend.”

Many foreign policy analysts have recently recalled the striking parallel between the Carter administration’s 1979 undermining of the Shah of Iran and President Obama’s undermining of Mubarak over the issues of human rights and repression of political dissent. In both cases, however, the political dissent was associated or heavily mixed with serious threats of assassinations and revolutionary violence to overthrow the established government. By undermining the Shah, we paved the way for radical revolution and theocratic tyranny under the Ayatollah Khomeini. Many realistically fear that an immediate removal of Mubarak could pave the way for the Muslim Brotherhood, Sharia Law, and Jihadist aggression against Israel and the United States.

Many American politicians of the last several decades have had idealistic dreams of Muslim democracies establishing peace and prosperity across North Africa, the Middle East, and the Muslim areas of South Asia and Indonesia. The reality is, however, that there is not a single real democracy among 57 Muslim nations with the possible exception—temporarily I fear—of Iraq. Now that Lebanon is predominantly Muslim, peace and democracy are mostly lost and may be irretrievable. Moreover, the spiritual leadership of Islam has generally been opposed to democracy. They believe the law of Islam (Sharia) has been decided by Allah and cannot be subject to democratic majorities or secular constitutions.

In 2005, President George W. Bush pushed for democratic reforms in the Palestinian territories of Israel. He got his way, and the Islamist terrorist group Hamas won a parliamentary majority in January 2006. With the anti-democratic Hamas Party in power, real democracy is highly improbable.

The liberal media often beats the drum for immediate social or political change without giving any thought to logical secondary consequences that might result in colossal political and human disaster. In 1963, liberal media misunderstanding and distortion of Buddhist protests in South Vietnam led President Kennedy to back a coup against South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem. Diem was killed in the coup, and both the South Vietnamese government and military were thrown into two years of chaos. North Vietnamese forces immediately began to capitalize on the political and military instability, and President Johnson was forced to bring in several hundred thousand U.S. troops to prevent the fall of South Vietnam. Both Presidents Johnson and Nixon later called Kennedy’s media provoked coup against Diem the biggest mistake of the Vietnam War.

Being an influence for positive social change usually requires understanding and patience. Insisting on immediate results is usually a blockbuster peace-killer leading to an avalanche of inhumanity and greater tyranny. We should never force our allies to surrender to internal revolutionary enemies, especially if they are also our enemies.

Recently, in a Fox News interview with Bill O’Reilly, President Obama seemed to discount the Muslim Brotherhood as a danger to Egyptian stability and Israeli, American, and Middle Eastern security. Unfortunately, the President seems to have a blind side to the dangers of leftist and Islamic statism.

To be continued.
Via Sipsey Street Irregulars "I know you’re busy working on the ATF idiocy, but I found the high capacity clip that they’re talking about on TV.
-- Brian"



The Library of Congress announced today that 11 more U.S. Representatives have co-sponsored H.R. 140 to end giving U.S. citizenship to the births of illegal aliens, temporary foreign workers and foreign tourists.

Thanks to all of you in 56 Congressional Districts throughout the country, H.R. 140 now has 56 signers!

All of these signed up yesterday!

Rep Bachus, Spencer (AL-6)
Rep Duncan, Jeff (SC-3)
Rep Forbes, J. Randy (VA-4)
Rep Griffin, Tim (AR-2)
Rep Neugebauer, Randy (TX-19)
Rep Palazzo, Steven M. (MS-4)
Rep Rogers, Mike D. (AL-3)
Rep Royce, Edward R. (CA-40)
Rep Sessions, Pete (TX-32)
Rep Stearns, Cliff (FL-6)
Rep Walberg, Tim (MI-7)

ACTION 1: If you live in the other 379 Congressional Districts, send another fax urging your U.S. Representative to sign up. Find it here:

We need to get across the 100 mark before winter is over to show the House leadership that this is an issue the American voters really want tackled.

ACTION 2: Several dozens of you have a U.S. Representative who promised during the 2010 campaign to support an end to birthright citizenship -- but who have done nothing in the month since H.R. 140 was introduced.

You will find a specialized fax to send if your Congress(wo)man is one of those.

I can tell you that your reminding these Members of their promises has caused quite a few staff people to get their feathers ruffled and complain that NumbersUSA is being too pushy. One staffer said, "What's the rush, nothing's going to happen until next fall at the earliest, anyway."

That staffer attitude is exactly why it is so important for citizens like you to put the pressure on Members -- and keep it on.

Members of Congress love to string stuff out and out and out until it is too late to do anything about an issue. Let's have a House floor vote on birthright citizenship this year. Then, if we don't win the first time, we will have the roll call to know who our opponents are for sure and work on them for another vote in 2012.

We're especially finding that a lot of freshmen Members are a little startled to find out that voters in their Districts want action right away. KEEP STARTLING THEM.


Something big is happening in at least one state legislature every day.

Keep track of the news on our home page.

ACTION 3: And make sure you are sending every fax and responding to every phone action note we post on your Action Board for your state's officials.

Please don't miss a single opportunity. Because the districts for state legislators are so much smaller than for Members of Congress, we really do need EVERY ONE of you to send these faxes and make these phone calls.


If you haven't already voted, you will find the survey at the top of your Action Board.

NumbersUSA members are voting for politicians to be included with the 9 who have the best polling and are already on our Presidential Hopefuls page.

This list is of people who have not taken themselves out of the race and have shown some interest in running for President.

Your votes break down like this after 6 days of filling out the survey:

20.1% -- Gov. Christie (N.J.)
18.4% -- Rep. Bachmann (Minn.)
12.6% -- Gov. Jindal (La.)

12.1% -- UN Ambassador Bolton
10.4% -- Gov. Perry (Texas)
08.2% -- Businessman Cain (Ga.)
08.2% -- Sen. Santorum (Pa.)

05.2% -- Gov. Daniels (Ind.)
03.2% -- Gov. Huntsman (Utah)
01.7% -- Gov. Pataki (N.Y.)

I would note that all of these are Republicans because no Democrat has indicated an interest in challenging Pres. Obama in the Primaries.


The Murder Of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry - Is the Government Covering Something Up With It's Silence?


Oleg Volk
"It has been nearly two months since US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was senselessly murdered in the darkness of the Arizona desert by Mexican bandits. Agent Terry was part of an elite BORTAC team assigned to patrol this region in search of these bandits who have been preying on illegal immigrants and drug dealers. The BORTAC team was ambushed by the bandits and Agent Terry was shot in the back and died from his wounds. Some serious questions are being raised by Iowa Senator Charles Grassley and many others about this incident and the government's apparent cover up or silencing of information about this case."

Via Sipsey Street Irregulars

The Cairo Bit: Another Soros Show?

(Some good links in the comments. BT)
"Is George Soros behind the uprising in Cairo? Numerous internet and twitter sources see his signature in the events"

Was It Something I Said (Wrote)?

"I just had an intimidation meeting with my local IRS agent. He is looking to put me in jail for failure to pay Social Security Taxes for the past two years totaling some $20,000 over the period of 2008-2010. I wondered why the Social Security Administration continued to hit the Guardians of Liberty website so long after all of the other Feds had left, now I know why. Just have a look at this StatCounter Report:"

Support Deep Spending Cuts for Deficit Remedy

Currently the funding of government is operating under a stop-gap measure passed during the lame-duck session of the 111th Congress, which is set to expire on March 4. On Tuesday, January 25, the House under a Republican majority passed a resolution 256-165 -- seventeen Democrats crossed the aisle to vote with the Republicans on this matter -- that instructs the Chairman of the House Budget Committee Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to set the budget at 2008 spending levels, or lower. This prompted House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s (R-Va.) unusually early announcement that a vote on funding the government for the rest of Fiscal Year 2011 will be on or around February 14.

The Congressional Budget Office’s newest report indicates that America’s debt is far worse than originally projected. Just last fall a reduction of the deficit had been predicted by the CBO which was based on existing laws and an assumption that the Bush-era tax cuts would be allowed to expire. However, the CBO's latest report on the budget and the economy states that: "For 2011 ... the federal budget will show a deficit of close to $1.5 trillion, or 9.8 percent of GDP." See the "Federal Deficit" graph on the left to see just how unprecedented the $1.5 trillion deficits for 2009-11 are.

Several bills have already been introduced that involve large-scale cutting. The mainstream media has lightly focused on a few of them, more for the purposes of discrediting the bill’s authors and their proposals, than anything. First out of the block but yet to be officially introduced in the House is Michelle Bachmann’s (R-Minn.). Bachmann’s measure would cut $425 billion in FY 2011 and annually thereafter. She would eliminate the Department of Education for an instant $31 billion in savings, repeal the unspent stimulus saving $60 billion, repeal the Food Safety Act, eliminate many subsidies and grants, reduce government travel and vehicle expenditures, and even cut defense spending, something that is viewed by American empire-builders as sacrosanct.

Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-Ky.) S. 162 would cut $500 billion from the deficit in 2011. S. 162 has already been approved by committee and has been placed on a calendar of business, so it can be brought up for a vote whenever Senate party leadership decides to. S. 162 is uniquely specific in that it lists spending cuts by department. For example he suggests cutting $26.5 billion from Health and Human Services, an overall decrease of 26 percent, with a 62 percent reduction in funding for the FDA, a 28 percent reduction for the CDC, 37 percent reduction for the National Institutes of Health, etc. Paul’s measure would eliminate the Department of Energy, and decrease spending for the Department of Education by 83 percent, the Interior Department by 78 percent, the Justice Department by 28 percent, the Transportation Department by 49 percent, and on and on. It’s a great read.

The Spending Reduction Act of 2011 introduced by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) in the House and Sen. Jim De Miint (R-S.C.) is actually the work of the Republican Study Committee. This piece of legislation has held tightly to reducing spending only by $80 billion for the remainder of FY2011 and $2.29 trillion over the ten years 2012-2121. It too, has some nice features in it; eliminating funding for PBS, National Endowment for the Arts, Amtrak, Community Development Fund, Title X Family Planning, and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Collecting the unpaid taxes of federal employees along with prohibiting taxpayer funded union activities by federal employees would save $2.2 billion over ten years.

This situation is unprecedented. Never before has the deficit been so high, and never before has Congress felt so much pressure from the electorate. The outcome of this budget battle will most certainly reveal the strength, or weakness, of the new Congress in fulfilling the voters’ November mandate, and also set the tone for the rest of the legislative year.

Contact your Senators and Representative and let them know the only acceptable and honorable thing to do for the country is to abandon the practice of conciliatory and token gestures and make deep and permanent cuts in spending. Get them to support only those measures that have large-scale cuts in spending. With current deficits running at the $1.5 trillion level, Congress needs to cut spending by at least many hundreds of billions per year. Otherwise they would only be perpetuating the deficit and debt problems.


Your friends at The John Birch Society


HSLDA -- Advocates for homeschooling Join now!

North Carolina--North Carolina Legislature Now in Session

Dear HSLDA Members and Friends:

The 2011 North Carolina legislative session is now underway. Throughout the session, January 26-July 29, HSLDA will be tracking legislation and scanning bills to determine whether to support or oppose proposed changes affecting North Carolina homeschoolers.

We are blessed to work with North Carolinians for Home Education (NCHE) and encourage homeschoolers to support NCHE through membership and participation in its annual statewide conference and book fair. NCHE is an invaluable partner, and together we are working to preserve your freedoms.

Learn more about NCHE and its upcoming annual conference HERE.

You can always visit our website HERE or contact our office by phone at 540-338-5600 or email at with any questions or concerns!

Thank you for your support. It is a privilege to serve you!

Very truly yours,

Dewitt T. Black, III
HSLDA Senior Counsel

America In Color From 1939-1943

Color America

Boys fishing in a bayou. Schriever, Louisiana, June 1940. Reproduction from color slide. Photo by Marion Post Wolcott. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress


Via T

Billy Beck

Barbarian Caprice

"The law is laid down so that the crime need not be proven. The process is expedited without any impertinence of defense."
(shorter People v. Bransford, 8 Cal.4th 894 (1994). See DUI Blog)

Does everyone understand why I keep calling it "Endarkenment"? It's the counter-Enlightenment, kids. Facts do not matter. Try to understand: it means that there is no reference to reality, and the power of the state gets to make it all up as they go along. If that ruins your life, then you get to suck it up and be a good little citizen in the name of whatever depravity it is that drives this sort of thing.

Try to imagine what the culture will come to as this epistemic dynamic is extended into the future. You might as well live under a fifth century barbarian king.

Is that what you want?

Via Western Rifle Shooters Association