Friday, March 4, 2011

Cathal Brugha & The Great Escape

Guerrilla Days In Ireland, Tom Barry
Page 188

"He appeared to be the very incarnation of one of those brave Irish warriors of yore, the story of whose bravery in battle has been handed down to us in song and story. Cathal Brugha's courage in 1916 (*See below) and the calmness with which he then faced the British when riddled with their bullets (**25 wounds) is only surpassed by the epic of his own passing in 1922. Then, alone of all the garrison, he refused to surrender, walked towards his enemies with his revolver blazing until he fell, mortally wounded."

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*Uncommon Valour- A look at the South Dublin Union garrison and the 1916 Rising

There is an amazing tale of when Cathal Brugha -boasting **twenty five wounds (Of which five were after cutting through arteries) and feared dead by many of his comrades- burst into song. Ceannt rushed to see the sight of Brugha slouched against a wall with his pistol to his shoulder still.

“The two heroes laid aside their weapons. The commandant came on bended knee the moment he saw the dreadful condition of his comrade- lying in a pool of his own blood four square feet in extent- embraced him, pressed him to his heart in a very passion of affection and tenderness. They exchanged greetings, very briefly, and the fond eyes of the commandant were flooded with tears”


The Great Escape – Nurse Linda Kearns

Shortly after escaping. Mae Burke, Eithne Coyle and Linda Kearns

Sebelius Cracks. Admits Obamacare Books Were Cooked!

Once Again: Our Government Is Criminal

By John Hayward

The House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee invited Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to swing by and have a little chin wag about the budgetary implications of ObamaCare. Representative John Shimkus (R-IL) noticed that the rather large sum of $500 billion was dedicated to both sustaining Medicare and funding ObamaCare. When he asked Sebelius which destiny awaited those five hundred billion clams, she replied, "Both."

That's right, folks: another part of the ObamaCare fraud involved double-counting half a trillion dollars. Shimkus said he was "shocked" to learn this. "We knew the health care law's actual cost was much greater than originally told to the public," he declared. "And now, the truth is slowly coming out in administration reports and testimony." In other news, Shimkus was equally "shocked" to discover........

Lincoln Urged Free Blacks To Resettle Abroad

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"For the sake of your race, you should sacrifice something of your present comfort for the purpose of being as grand in that respect as the white people," Lincoln said, promoting his idea of colonization: resettling blacks in foreign countries on the belief that whites and blacks could not coexist in the same nation.

Lincoln went on to say that free blacks who envisioned a permanent life in the United States were being "selfish" and he promoted Central America as an ideal location "especially because of the similarity of climate with your native land — thus being suited to your physical condition."


Lincoln Urged Free Blacks To Resettle Abroad

Devastating October 2010 "Gunwalker Bill" Newell Interview

The ATF, the gift that keeps on giving. So, 10 years for each ATF agent involved, correct Newell? Though you big shots who ordered the boots on the ground to do this should get at least double, I believe. And then we have the minor problem of you being responsible for Agent Terry's death as well as countless others in Mexico, so maybe life without parole? Your cellmates should enjoy having you around each day.

From earlier.

Waco, Ruby Ridge, Gunrunner, Ad Infinitum

Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood: Can the Army stand?

"The struggle for Egypt is not over.

Egypt’s Ruling Military Council has dissolved Parliament, suspended the Constitution, and promised new elections and a new Constitution in six months.

To the Western world’s great relief, the ruling military government has promised that they will continue to honor the Egypt-Israel peace treaty. So far, there has been no disruption of shipping in the Suez Canal.

The Military Council is headed by Field Marshall Mohammed Hussein Tantawi. Second in command is Army Chief of Staff Sami Anan. At least 12 other high-ranking Army, Navy, Air Force, and Security Forces commanders are members.

The most powerful arm of the Council is the Army with an active strength of 325,000. As in Turkey, Egypt’s officer corps consists principally of secularist nominal or cultural Muslims. However, about two-thirds of Army personnel are conscripts. Judging from a recent Pew Poll, we can expect that close to 84 percent of these younger and more fundamentalist soldiers support Sharia laws such as the death penalty for apostasy. Other active Security Forces number about 300,000 and were largely loyal to Mubarak"

Share a YouTube Video? Go to Jail


Ever sent someone a link to a copyrighted YouTube video? Of course: Everybody has. And now the US Government seems to think that means it can put us in prison.

Bryan McCarthy ran a website,, that linked to various websites where you could watch online streams of TV shows and sports networks. A couple months ago, the government seized his domain name and just today they arrested him for criminal copyright infringement.

But the government doesn't even allege he made a copy of anything!
Just that his site linked to various sites with copyrighted material. Under that sort of thinking, everyone who's sent around a link to a copyrighted YouTube video is a criminal.

This is another shocking overreach by the department of Immigrations and Customs

Enforcement (ICE) -- a steamship-era department that's proving once again it doesn't understand the Internet. We need to push back -- and fast -- before they try to lock up all Americans.

TEXT OF PETITION TO JOHN MORTON, DIRECTOR OF IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT: There's nothing wrong or illegal about posting a link to a website. This is another shocking overreach by ICE: You need to drop the charges against Bryan McCarthy right away.

Just sign HERE -- we'll deliver the petition to ICE later this month.

Here's TechDirt's take on the arrest.

Ron Paul Confronts Ben Bernanke: Actual Unemployment Over 20%

"Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) confronts Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke on monetary policy, and says that Fed policy has not helped to stabilize the economy over the last 30 years or so. Paul asks how the Fed can manage monetary policy if it doesn't have a definition for a dollar. And, he adds, gold is the true long-term measurement of value."

GOA Alert

Abuse Continues at BATFE
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) is entangled in yet another scandal.

The latest controversy involves Project Gunrunner. The BATFE knowingly allowed firearms to get into the hands of Mexican drug gangs, instructing American gun dealers to go ahead with questionable—and even illegal—gun sales. When two of these guns wound up at the crime scene of a murdered Border Patrol agent, at least one U.S. Senator is calling the agency to task.

In addition, Gun Owners of America has written a petition to the Congress, urging that the BATFE be stripped of its jurisdiction over firearms.

The history of this agency is one marred in abuse of its power and the trampling of the rights of Americans. In fact, as far back as 1982, a Senate subcommittee noted that ATF “has trampled upon the Second Amendment by chilling exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by law-abiding citizens.”

Action: Please click here and follow the link to learn more about the recent outrage along the border, and sign a petition that will be delivered straight to your Representative and Senators asking them to rein in this unconstitutional agency.

Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151


SCV logo(SAVANNAH - March 4, 2011) "The Director for the National Park Service in Washington has approved the erection of a monument to a group of 600 Confederate POW's known as the Immortal Six Hundred on the grounds outside the fort. The request, submitted nearly a decade ago by the Sons of Confederate Veterans and descendants of the veterans, was approved in February and will include both a granite monument and brick wall surrounding the perimeter of the area of the unmarked graves.

The veterans buried in the unmarked graves died while being held prisoner by the federal government during the War Between the States. Enduring forced privations including the withholding of food, clothing, and blankets during one of the coldest winters on record in Georgia, the Confederate officers being held within the fort organized the Confederate Relief Association on December 13, 1864 to care for the most severely ill among them.

As a result of the efforts of this compassionate care for their compatriots, only thirteen died while being held at Fort Pulaski. After the War's end, the 600 Confederate POW's held in Pulaski became known as the Immortal Six Hundred because of their steadfast courage and care for each other in the face of severe suffering. Their story has become one with which veterans and POW's of all of America's wars can relate personally.

Additional information on the Immortal Six Hundred is available online at Interviews may be arranged via email through

Immortal Six Hundred Camp 2600
Richmond Hill, Georgia
Georgia Division
Sons of Confederate VeteransDescendants of Point Lookout Organization

William Hagin, President
Richmond Hill, Georgia

Via T

Vietnam old and new

Ba Bay
"Modernism is easy to spot on the page, especially for collegiate English majors, but how the concept succeeds at the dining table is much less clear. Does modern food offer high-tech flourishes or quirky ingredients? Should it boggle the mind with plate design or go back to basics?

Those are the questions admirably tackled at Ba Bay, a sleek new boĆ®te in the shadow of Eastern Market that promises modern Vietnamese that still pays homage to the classics. The restaurant’s appellation, after all, mirrors the nickname of the owner’s grandmother (Ba Bay means “Madame Seven”). In walking the line between modernism and traditionalism, however, the kitchen ends up riffing on the second form more often than the first — and for satisfied diners, that’s a good thing."

Liberal Media Gives Black Racism From The WH A Pass.

Just when we think the liberal media’s hypocrisy could not be more blatant, they kick it to the next level. They have obviously abandoned any pretense of fair and honest reporting.

OK, we get it. Their template is “Conservatives suck”, kill them “politically”. Minorities are “angels”, victims of a racist America controlled by rich white guys.

Folks, if you understand this mindset, you understand the liberal media’s coverage of the Tea Party and their blatant ignoring of racism coming from the Left.

And let me just say this. Not only does the liberal media and the Left ignore black racism, they encourage it. I’m black. The Left verbally beats me up all the time for not resenting America and for not even harboring a low level hatred of whites. They diagnose us black conservatives with having Stockholm Syndrome.


White marchers gather at Glenn Beck rally this summer. Were they  driven by racial fears or patriotic sentiment?

Are whites racially oppressed?

"They marched on Washington to reclaim civil rights.

They complained of voter intimidation at the polls.

They called for ethnic studies programs to promote racial pride.

They are, some say, the new face of racial oppression in this nation -- and their faces are white."

Roundabout via Billy

IDF Women

"It is so difficult to draw a clear line of separation between the abuse and the wholesome use of the press, that as yet we have found it better to trust the public judgment, rather than the magistrate, with the discrimination between truth and falsehood. And hitherto the public judgment has performed that office with wonderful correctness."
--Thomas Jefferson to M. Pictet, 1803
IDF Hotties


Waco, Ruby Ridge, Gunrunner, Ad Infinitum

Scot L. Thomasson, the ATF's public affairs chief in Washington, said the Fast and Furious strategy is still under evaluation.

"It's always a good business practice to review any new strategy six or eight months after you've initiated it, to make sure it's working, that it's having the desired effect, and then make adjustments as you see fit to ensure it's successful," he said.

When were they going to re-evaluate? When half the population of Mexico was dead? This ranks right up there with Janet Reno's comparison of the military Combat Engineer Vehicles and Bradley Fighting Vehicles at Waco to "good rental cars."

Janet the First's "good rental cars."

You know you're in trouble when a government bureaucrat starts lecturing you on "good business practices." It is like a prostitute lecturing you on chastity, or a serial killer on the sanctity of life. Neither knows anything of what they are preaching.
Sipsey Street Irregulars

-----Original Message-----
From: georgemason1776
To: william.newell
Sent: Fri, Mar 4, 2011 7:04 am
Subject: Taking stock of what just happened, are you ready to surrender yet?

So, "Gunwalker Bill,"

I'm guessing that the Mexico gig is pretty much out at this point.

Now is probably just about your last chance to throw your superiors under the bus that they are surely going to try to throw you under. It is just a question of who throws first, who rolls first. If you are ready to roll, I can introduce you to Senator Grassley's people. Wouldn't count on immunity though. On the other hand, it probably would keep you out of prison, you being the first to emerge from the stonewall cave with your hands in the air.

Think it over.

Sincerely, and with best wishes,

Mike Vanderboegh
Sipsey Street Irregulars

PS: Let me know if you want to be taken off my email list.
And then I sent this afterthought:

-----Original Message-----
From: georgemason1776
To: william.newell
Sent: Fri, Mar 4, 2011 7:41 am
Subject: Afterthought.

Remember. You've crossed the line. You're not a cop anymore. You're a criminal. Time to start thinking like one and get the best deal you can.