Sunday, March 6, 2011

Yankees Fighting Rebel Women And Negroes

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A CORRESPONDENT of the Troy Times in describing the recent skirmish near Newmarket Bridge Dec 22 says:

The most singular thing connected with this skirmish was the appearance of a woman mounted upon a beautiful horse riding fearlessly in the thickest part of the fight and report says that she rode far in advance of the rebel cavalry and dashing up to the captain of Company G Twentieth regiment discharged a pistol at him when he turned around she smiled and rode off. The captain says he could easily have ended her life had he felt disposed but he was too much of a gentleman to shoot a woman. But the most provoking of all was the appearance of a company of niggers among the rebel infantry and three of those wounded from the Twentieth regiment were shot by these black rascals. We can fight men and even niggers, but we can't fight women though I think if this rebel horsewoman or any more female cavalry make their appearance in another fight they had better keep out of range of our rifles.


The following description of the affair at Newmarket Bridge on the 22nd of December 1861 is taken verbatim from "A Regimental History of the Twentieth Regiment, New York State Volunteer Infantry (The United Turner Rifles) Turnschützenregiment":

Full Account of the Newmarket Bridge Affair Gallantry of our German troops.

Fortress Monroe, Va. , Dec. 23, 1861.

The monotony of camp life here at Camp Hamilton was broken yesterday by the intelligence that an action of some magnitude had taken place between a detachment of 150 men of the Twentieth Regiment New York Volunteers, in command of Major Engelbert Schneff, and about seven hundred rebel soldiers. The particulars of the affair are as follows: - Major Schneff having lost a man from his command the day before, left Newport News on Sunday morning at eleven o'clock at the head of one hundred and fifty men, and wended his way towards Newmarket Bridge in search of him. Arriving near the bridge, the Major detailed some of his men to cross the creek, and charged them to search closely in the woods, as the man might have hidden himself from the enemy, who was seen about the place for several days previous. The reserve was placed behind the Newmarket Bridge (that is, where the crossing formerly was), and another detachment at Sinclair's Farm. The position of our men had scarcely been taken up, when the skirmishers of the Twentieth regiment discovered the enemy, consisting of three companies of infantry, among them one company of negroes, who appeared in the front, and made an attack. The left flank was attacked at the same time by two squadrens of cavalry, who came dashing along at a terrible gait and deafening yells. Our men stood their ground manfully, and, as soon as the proper moment came to fire, that cavalry being near enough (about 150 yards), the order to fire was given, and obeyed with alacrity. The reserve drove the cavalry back, killing several of them while retreating.

The skirmishers on the other side of the bridge were recalled by the Major, and owing to the bridge having been destroyed, they were compelled to swim across, hotly pursued by the enemy.

The pursuit of the rebels was so determined that a hand to hand engagement occurred. The pursuing party was joined by the negro soldiers, and Captain Stumpf, of the Twentieth regiment, was struck upon the back with the butt end of a musket, but not severely hurt.

Major Schneff hereupon took a position, deploying his entire force along the river banks as skirmishers, and a terrible fight ensued. The enemy fired by companies, whereas the fire of our men on the pursuers was by files and so rapid that one rebel officer and a private that stood on the other side were killed and tumbled into the river on their faces. The enemy hereupon withdrew as fast as possible, firing as they ran, leaving their dead and wounded behind. Six men of the Twentieth regiment were slightly wounded. The enemy's loss, as far as ascertained, was ten killed (three were picked up yesterday and seven today) and probably twenty or more wounded. One of the latter was brought off the field and treated by Assistant Surgeon Heiland of the Twentieth regiment. Several horses of the cavalry were also killed. The corpses of the two men who fell into the creek floated off with the tide, and acting Brigadier General Weber sent a detachment off to pick them up, if possible, to have them decently interred.

One of the bodies only was found, and in the center of the forehead was a hole from a bullet, which evidently was the cause of the death of this poor man. In his pockets were found a number of letters, and by that we ascertained that his name was John Hawkins, Adjutant of the Alabama Minute-Men. On his coat the buttons bore the letters A.M.M. About thirty dollars in shinplasters was also found on his body, and a small bag, slung about his neck, contained nineteen dollars in gold. The bills were on the banks of North Carolina and Virginia, and as low as ten cents in value. The enemy had retreated about three hundred paces, and having again taken up a position, commenced to pour a terrible fire upon Major Schneff''s command, without, however, doing any execution. The shower of bullets was so terrible that the houses, trees, and fences in the vicinity were completely riddled. The Turners, however, being greatly inferior in strength, kept a safe distance and did not reply to this fire.

Immediately after the fight commenced, Major Schneff, seeing that he had to cope with a force of three to one, sent off an orderly to Newport News, and also a messenger to acting Brigadier General Max Weber for reinforcements. General Weber instantly dispatched the six companies of the Twentieth regiment, in command of Lieutenant Colonel Francis Weiss, stationed at Camp Hamilton, and in company with Captain H. M. Burleigh, Provost Marshal of the camp, proceeded to the scene of action. Brigadier General Joseph B. T. Mansfield also hastened to the battlefield, heading the remainder of the Twentieth regiment battalion at Newport News, and the Second regiment, New York volunteers.

The Union Coast Guard, in command of Colonel D. W. Wardrop, being anxious to participate in the affair, were in marching order in the shortest possible time, and marched to Hampton bridge where they were kept in reserve. Such was the anxiety of the Coast Guard to be in the fight that a number of them smuggled themselves into the ranks of the Twentieth regiment, and were only discovered after having crossed the bridge. The other regiments of General Weber's brigade were very much disappointed in not being able to march forward and mingle in the impending battle, as they thought.

When General Weber arrived at the scene of action the fight was over, and the enemy was still visible in the distance, on the retreat. General Weber, however, received information that several of the men belonging to Major Schneff's battalion were missing. He thereupon sent Lieutenant Colonel Weiss in command of one company across Newmarket Bridge to follow the enemy in quest of the missing Turners. Colonel Weiss found three men who had been sent ahead as skirmishers before the action, and had the enemy during the entire action between them and the Twentieth regiment, but had remained undiscovered by the rebels, lying in the woods. Shortly after the arrival of the reinforcement, headed by General Weber from Camp Hamilton, Brigadier General Mansfield and staff, accompanied by the Second regiment, NYSV, Colonel J. B. Carr, came to the scene of action.

The enemy, however, had by this time probably reached a distance of five miles, and the bridges being taken up our men could not march in pursuit. Numerous trophies were captured by the gallant Twentieth. One beautiful saddle, belonging evidently to the horse of an officer that had been shot, was brought back to Newport News, as also numerous muskets, sabres, and pistols.

The engagement commenced about one o'clock and lasted until after three. Acting Brigadier General Weber and General Mansfield complimented Major Schneff highly on his bravery and the steadiness of his men. The Twentieth regiment acted with the precision of regulars, and not the first man was found to waver or fall back. Dr. Heiland, Assistant Surgeon of the Twentieth regiment, accompanied the battalion and proved himself not only a very proficient surgeon, but also a brave and courageous soldier. His ambulances and instruments were in readiness as soon as the first volley was fired, and to his care and skill it is owing that the few men wounded are in such good condition. None of our men who were hit by the enemy's shots are fatally wounded. Julius ******le of Company G was shot in the arm; Christian Tuebner, Company K shot in the elbow and above the wrist; Orderly Sergeant Roehhr of Company I of Williamsburg was wounded in the neck, but not fatally. The names of the other three I could not ascertain, they being at Newport News.

The rebels, although retreating before the steady fire of our men, behaved bravely; but their smoothbore muskets, notwithstanding well handled, were no match against the sharp and deadly rifle, handled with murderous aim by the gallant Twentieth regiment. The main fight began at Sinclair's farm; but the enemy's line extending to Newmarket Bridge, and the Twentieth regiment men being in a body there, the rebels concentrated their entire force at that point.

Via OneWayRawk, SWR
Yankees Fighting Rebel Women And Negroes

"They Fought Like Demons" Confederate Women Soldiers

Southern Heritage Youth Day

The Confederate Heritage Youth Day, sponsored by the York, South Carolina, SCV

Dear Compatriots

I would like to invite all campers and counselors to the upcoming 2nd annual Southern Heritage Youth Day. The Maj. Petty Camp # 872 will be sponsoring this big event to be held in Gaston County, 330 Lewis Rd Gastonia, N.C., CSA 28054 on Saturday, 4-16-2011. But campers are welcome to come Friday, 4-15-11. All campers will be enjoy a free nice, Southern dinner for all participants.

Southern Heritage Youth Day is held outside with a variety of interesting historians and instructors, all of whom are well educated in the true history of the South and our immortal Southern Cause. Living history programs will also be demonstrated, such as those involving infantry and artillery, to give you the bona fide flavour of our nation during the War for Southern Independence

It is a wonderful day of learning about our noble heritage and history. I encourage you to attend if possible. It will be splendid to have a reunion with the counselors and campers.

Thank you all, and may God save the South.

+In Christ and Dixie,+

Kirk Carter

Deo Vindice. +

Southern Heritage Youth Day

A Question Of Blue And Gray........And Black Lingers

width:414 and height: 500 and picwidth: 198 and pciheight: 240
H.K. Edgerton, right, is a black Confederate activist who works to bring the truth of black southern heritage to people of all races.
"Despite evidence to the contrary, many historians say blacks did not w
willingly fight with the Confederate army during the Civil War.

When Confederate Civil War hero Amos Rucker died, the city of Atlanta shut down for his funeral.

Eulogized by the state’s poet laureate with the moving “When Rucker Called the Roll,” the fallen veteran’s pallbearers included then-Georgia Gov. Allen Chandler, Judge William Lowndes Calhoun, ex-Postmaster Amos Fox and former Confederate Army Camp Commander Frank Hilburn. Rucker was laid to rest in Atlanta’s Southview Cemetary, current burial site of members of Martin Luther King’s family.

While such ceremony was not uncommon among Southern survivors of America’s Civil War, what made Rucker’s funeral so memorable is that he was among the black soldiers who fought for the Confederacy during the war."


A Question Of Blue And Gray........And Black Lingers

Via Pawmetto, SWR

The Real Reason the ATF Smuggled Guns Into Mexico



"As the mainstream media [finally] investigates the Gunwalker scandal, we’re learning more about the who, what, when and where. The unanswered question: why? Why did the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives allow, indeed encourage, smugglers to move weapons from American gun dealers to Mexican drug cartels? Until we hear from the agents in charge, including ATF acting head Kenneth Melson, we won’t know. And probably not then. Gunwalker is sure to torpedo the career of any federal employee stupid enough to defend the indefensible. All we have at the moment: speculation. But it’s becoming increasingly informed speculation. And the most likely explanation for this boondoggle is not the one you would expect, or the ATF suggests . . ."

".......A whole new chapter in the Gunwalker scandal?

Via Sipsey Street Irregulars

John Dodson, ATF agent, who put his career and maybe life on the line.
This revelation means that Osorio’s didn’t actually smuggle guns into Mexico. They gave them to an ATF informant who smuggled the guns to Mexican drug cartels. I repeat: the ATF was running the guy running the guns—and let him take the weapons into Mexico.

Question: did the ATF “let” this unnamed gun smuggler bring guns into Mexico or did they help him bring the guns into Mexico? If ICE or the DEA or U.S. Customs and Border Protection or the Texas state police intercepted the ATF’s man with the guns en route to Mexico, he would have ratted out the ATF in a New York minute. So . . .

It’s relatively safe to conclude that the ATF’s gun smugglers got a free pass across the border.

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.......tears quickly turned to anger as [Brian Terry's father Kent] replied, “I’ll tell you the truth, I think my son was set up. I think he was set up!”

“I know two weeks prior to his death he (Brian) was out there looking for dirty agents!” added Carolyn, citing a conversation she had with Agent Terry prior to his death.

Carolyn also described a conversation she had with officials on the night of Brian’s Tucson memorial. She recalled them saying there was no friendly fire involved. ”So my first question was ‘what about dirty agents?’” she said. “And their eyes all got real wide. and they kind of looked at each other like ‘we’ve been caught’ type thing.”


The Project Gunwalker Scandal just became an international incident.

William Faulkner On Gettysburg

"For every Southern boy fourteen years old, not once but whenever he wants it is the instant when it is still not yet two o'clock on that July afternoon in 1863, the brigades are in position behind the rail fence, the guns are laid and ready in the woods and the furled flags are already loosened to break out and Pickett himself with his long oiled ringlets and his hat in one hand and his sword in the other looking up the hill waiting for Longstreet to give the word and it's all in the balance, it hasn't happened yet, it hasn't even begun yet, it not only hasn't begun yet but there is still time for it not to begin against that position and those circumstances which made more men than Garnett and Kemper and Armstead and Wilcox look grave yet it's going to begin, we all know that, we have come too far with too much at stake and that moment doesn't need even a fourteen year old boy to think this time. Maybe this time with all this much to lose and all this much to gain: Pennsylvania, Maryland, the world, the golden dome of Washington itself to crown with desperate and unbelievable victory the desperate gamble, the cast made two years ago......"

William Faulkner

William Faulkner On Gettysburg

Courting In A Polite Society

Though forbidden to call on a pretty young woman at her home many years ago, young men adopted strategies calculated to win hearts nonetheless.

Bernhard Thuersam, Director
Cape Fear Historical Institute

Courting in a Polite Society:

“The age-old custom of making and receiving gifts had lost none of its ability to win favor during the ante-bellum period. When J. Johnston Pettigrew, later a hero of the Confederacy, desired to present a young woman whom he had admired with a small piece of jewelry he accompanied it with the following note:

“Although I have not the presumption to claim any but an undistinguished place among the number of your admirers – will you allow my respect for your father to obtain for me the privilege of….adding this little ornament as a token of the good wishes for your perfect felicity…”

[T]o which the young lady replied, in a formal note written in the third person, that she hoped Mr. Pettigrew would not leave the city “without affording her the opportunity of expressing in person the feeling which is so much better seen in action than in words. Should destiny deny her this boon, however, she will ever treasure the bracelet as a memento of one, whose character has long-since called forth her esteem and whose friendship she would be proud to win.”

(Antebellum North Carolina, A Social History, Guion Griffis Johnson, UNC Press, 1937, page

Courting In A Polite Society

1958 Jeep FC-150

"Every time we arrest people here illegally, that's making room for people here legally to find a job."
--Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Quote via Cousin John

1958 Jeep FC-150 designed by Brooks Stevens 1958 Jeep FC-150 designed by Brooks Stevens

4 Photos

FAB Defense KPOS

"Since my last post on the KPOS I've had lots of questions."



US citizens : If you own a Glock handgun, and you are about to buy this product, your handgun will become a Short-Barreled Rifle .
You must register your weapon with ATF. You can download an ATF1 form here."

"Here's how you can get a KPOS"