Thursday, March 24, 2011

OSU May Expel Dr. Robinson's Three Exemplary Children Because Of Their Father's Political Run?

Robinson Family Circa 1995

Dr. Robinson's Self-Taught Curriculum is the one that we use. I'd bet my life that every bit of his statements are true.
"Lysenkoism" at OSU?

"In the annals of politicized science, Trofim Lysenko provides a supreme example of ignorance and ignominy wedded to power. Lysenko was a two-bit horticulturist who rose to great prominence in the Soviet Union under dictator/mass murderer Joseph Stalin, becoming director of the Soviet Academy of Sciences's Institute of Genetics. Subjugating science to communist ideology and personal whim, Lysenko succeeded in outlawing biological research that was not in accord with his crackpot notions of genetics.

Lysenko's corollary was the extension of Stalin's infamous purges to the ranks of Russian scientists, many of whom were denounced, demoted, exiled, jailed, tortured — or even executed. After all, these dangerous folks were guilty of the serious thought crime of "deviationism": dissenting from the glorious truths of "the people's science," as defined by the Party and Lysenko.

Lysenkoism, obviously, resulted in deep personal tragedy for the scientists directly affected, but it spelled even larger tragedy for Russian science in general and greatly exacerbated the famines caused by Stalin's agricultural collectivization policies. Lysenko's pseudoscience spread to other communist countries and especially enjoyed Mao Zedong's favor in Red China, greatly contributing to that country's Great Famine, which killed at least 45 million Chinese between 1958 and 1962. (See: Mao's Great Famine by Frank Dikotter, 2010; Hungry Ghosts by Jasper Becker, 1996; and China's Bloody Century by R. J. Rummel, 1991.) Even after Stalin's death and after Lysenko had been denounced and toppled from his throne at the Soviet Academy of Sciences, Lysenkoism continued to reign supreme in Chairman Mao's totalitarian "People's Republic."

The charge of "Lysenkoism" is the ultimate opprobrium that can be leveled at a scientific institution or organization, suggesting that a mailed fist is being used to destroy scientists who "deviate" from the ideological path prescribed by the political powers that be. Has Lysenkoism infected Oregon State University? That would certainly seem to be the case, if c harges by Dr. Arthur Robinson (photo, above) turn out to be substantiated." (They will be. BT)
Many links below concerning this gentleman whose Global Warming myth may be the best.

"More than 31,000 American scientists have signed the following petition which Dr. Art Robinson initiated. His Power Point Presentation below compares their findings against the opposition, and lists the names of the scientists who signed.

Dr Robinson, Dixie's Homeschooler, Parries The Witch, Rachel Maddow

Hideaki Akaiwa: Badass of the Week (& that's to put it mildly)


"On the afternoon of Friday, March 11th, Hideaki Akaiwa was at his job, dully trudging out the final bitter minutes of his work week in his office just outside the port city of Ishinomaki in Japan's Miyagi Prefecture. What this guy's day job actually is, I honestly have no idea, but based on the extremely limited information I have on the guy I can only presume that his daily nine-to-five routine probably falls somewhere between the motorcycle chase scenes from the movie Akira and John Rambo's antics in the book version of First Blood on the ridiculousness/badassitude scale. But that's only speculation.

The one thing we know for certain is that Akaiwa was at work on the 11th, when suddenly, right as he was in the middle of jumping over a giant Gatling-gun-armed robot while riding on a rocket-powered jetbike he'd MacGuyvered together out of vines, tree branches, and a couple thumbtacks, something terrible happened – an earthquake. And not just any earthquake –"

Notable SCV Members

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Notable members

Like The Weekend? Praise Henry Ford, Not The Unions

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"Every day I receive at least one email from someone telling me how without unions there would be no weekend. Yes, it is true, people are indeed stupid enough to believe anything they are told.

In America today we are inundated with myths. These myths are concocted to shield the overly sensitive and the generally inept from the harsh realities of the world we live in as well as propel the powerbrokers to higher heights. These myths must be challenged and those that promote them must be broken down and dismantled to the status of quivering piles of Jell-o.

Unions struggle for relevance in today’s America considering that they account for just seven percent of the private sector workforce [1]. Much of what they once fought for is now guaranteed by the government or at least bureaucratically monitored by some agency or another. They have also mostly white washed their own history of violence against the private property of business owners to paint themselves as saints in a world of sinners.

Government unions are huge enigma. Compared to the private sector, 36.2 percent of government employees are unionized [2].

Now consider the standard propaganda in favor of unionism. The claim is that workers must unite against their evil corporate masters who would otherwise enslave them and trample the rights of workers if workers were not united. But who is the “evil” employer of government workers? Why, it is government."

Via Conservative Heritage Times


Magazines Saiga 12Ga Polymer 10Rd, New.

We just received a large quantity of Promag 10 round polymer magazines for the 12 gauge Saiga shotgun. The popular AK style Saiga comes with a small capacity magazine meaning more time for reloading and less time firing. Why not give this increasingly notarized shotgun the amount of rounds it deserves at only$27.95 each!

Deal with facts, not myths

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The Original Thirteenth Article of Amendment
To The Constitution For The United States


The Dispatch


I don’t mean to insult Mr. (Charles) Owens’ fourth-grade interpretation of the history of the “War of the Rebellion,” but if slavery was the reason for the war, why did the Southern states not support the original 13th Amendment, which guaranteed slavery and only required the South to reenter the Union to pass? To any sane person that would prove the war was not over slavery. Why did (President) Lincoln and (William) Seward when meeting with representatives of the Confederacy as late as February 1865 promise them if they would lay down their weapons they could keep their slaves?

It’s awkward when one deals with facts instead of myths, lies and one-sided history. Yes, by the way, I can document this and much more.

“Surrender means that the history of this heroic struggle will be written by the enemy, that our youths will be taught by Northern school teachers; learn from Northern school books their version of the war.”

— Confederate Gen. Patrick Cleburne

Gary Adams

Hayes, Va.


Libyan expats plot revenge terror attacks on UK streets over Gaddafi bombing raids

Islamic extremists could be bankrolled as terrorists by businessmen living in the UK

Islamic extremists could be bankrolled as terrorists by businessmen living in the UK


MI5 has warned that Libyan expats are plotting terrorist attacks in Britain in revenge for bombing raids on Colonel Gaddafi’s regime.

The threat was exposed after intelligence officers monitored hundreds of conversations between Libyans in the UK who have ‘maintained connections with Tripoli’.

It raises the spectre of a new atrocity such as the 1988 Lockerbie bombing which was ordered by Gaddafi after U.S. air raids on his palace, launched from air bases in Britain in 1986."

Via Jihad Watch

NC House Bill 29, Retrieval of Big Game, Goes To Governor For Signature

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"Many people will be happy to know that House Bill 29, Retrieval of Big Game, passed the Senate today and will be sent to Governor Perdue to be signed into law. This bill will authorize a hunter to use a handheld light and a single dog on a leash to retrieve a killed or wounded deer."

Senator Harry Brown

Maine governor: remove labor mural from labor dept

"Maine Gov. Paul LePage has ordered the removal of a 36-foot mural depicting the state’s labor history from the lobby of the Department of Labor headquarters building in Augusta.

In addition, the LePage administration is renaming several department conference rooms that carry the names of pro-labor icons such as Cesar Chavez."

Attack On Lee-Jackson Flags In Lexington

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I am sure that if you reside in the Lexington, Virginia area that you have no doubt heard of the recent attack lead against our display of period Virginia flags, Robert E. Lee Headquarters flags, and 2nd National (stainless banner) flags for Lee-Jackson Day. A small vocal group is attempting to have the city enact a policy to prohibit the displays in the future. Below is a recent article on the issue. It would be great to have some well written "letters to the editor" of our local papers expressing support for the flags, history, and free speech. Those email addresses are below.

Brandon Dorsey, Commander
The Stonewall Brigade SCV
Lee-Jackson Day sponsor

Editor: Rockbridge Weekly:

Editor: The News-Gazette:

Lexington Citizens Up In Arms About Flags
By Patte Wood
Staff Reporter

Lexington City Council was presented with a petition with approximately 350 signatures by resident Anna Brodsky during citizen comments on Thursday, March 17th.

The petition is a result of the confederate flags that were flown the week before Lee-Jackson Day parade organized by the Sons of the Confederacy. Lee–Jackson Day is a holiday celebrated in the Commonwealth of Virginia for the birthdays of Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson. The original holiday, created in 1889, celebrated Lee's birthday. Jackson's name was added to the holiday in 1904. In 1983, the holiday was merged with the new federal holiday Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as Lee-Jackson-King Day in Virginia. This merge was reverted in 2000. Lee–Jackson Day is currently observed on the Friday before Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which is the third Monday in January.

The flags were allowed to be flown by the City as they are under a federal injunction upholding freedom of speech. The petition reads as follows.

Via Nancy

GOA Alert

logo Gun Owners of America

Anti-gun ObamaCare Celebrates
One Year of Lies and Screw-ups

Not since "Rosemary's Baby" -- a ground-breaking film about the birth of the son of Satan -- has a one-year-old brought so much bad news during its first year of life.

Twenty-seven states (a majority) have obtained judgments that ObamaCare is unconstitutional, but that’s not enough. We can't count on the Supreme Court to do the right thing. Not with a court including Left-wing crazies like Sonya Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, nor with a Senate contingent that was not willing to stand up to them.

We have to INSIST that Congressmen who ran under the banner of REPEALING AND REPLACING the health care law will actually vote to defund ObamaCare on the next available spending bill.

Action: Contact your senators and representative. Insist that they oppose any more "continuing resolutions" or other government spending bills unless they defund ObamaCare.

Click here to read this important alert

Identifying photocopy machine poses problem for county official

Via A Trainwreck In Maxwell


What is a photocopier?

That seems like such a simple question.

But last year, a lawyer in a public-records case being heard by the Ohio Supreme Court had a hard time getting a $64,000-a-year Cuyahoga County worker to say whether the county recorder's office had a photocopier.

The effort consumes nearly 10 pages of a court transcript.

The overall case is about whether deeds and other records at the county recorder's office -- records that were collected and are maintained with your taxes -- should be readily available at reasonable cost.

The lawyers involved in the case say the question about the photocopier is technical, getting at an arcane point of law.

You be the judge.

What follows is a transcript of the deposition of Lawrence Patterson, acting head of information technology for the recorder's division of the county fiscal office. The questioner is attorney David Marburger, who filed the lawsuit on behalf of title companies. Another attorney, Matthew Cavanagh, represents the county and raises objections.

Extremist Hispanic Group Releases Racist Death Threat Video Attacking Black Civil Rights Activist Ted Hayes

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Shocking Internet Video Includes Photo of African American Hanging From Noose; Produced in Retaliation for Testimony by Mr. Hayes before Maryland House of Delegates Opposing Taxpayer Benefits for Illegal Immigration

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has obtained a shocking video produced by a extremist Hispanic group attacking civil rights activist Ted Hayes with racist smears and death threats. The video was posted to the internet on YouTube after Mr. Hayes testified, by invitation of Maryland Delegate Pat McDonough, on March 15 before the Judiciary Committee of the Maryland House of Delegates against providing taxpayer dollars for in-state tuition benefits for illegal aliens.

The video begins with the message “[expletive] you ‘Mayate,’” which is reportedly a racist and derogatory term used to smear African Americans and “dark skinned” people.

Ron Paul Warns Homeschoolers Department of Education wants to 'indoctrinate' children

As posted at POLITICO

Ron Paul & Michele Bachmann in Iowa Wednesday. | AP Photo

Ron Paul warned a group of home schooling advocates on Wednesday that officials at the Department of Education are trying to “indoctrinate” their children.

“They don’t educate our kids, they indoctrinate our kids,” the Texas congressman said of federal education efforts. “It’s a propaganda machine.”

Paul, who's considering a second White House bid in as many cycles, cast the many home schoolers in the crowd as something akin to a merry band of rebels against federal overreach. “What I’ve seen from you is an effort to counteract the propaganda machine."

Paul said the concerns expressed about children who are home schooled have been overblown and contended that the kids who really have a problem are those who grow up in the public system.

“In public education they’re intimidated to be conformists and individuals taught at home are very adapted to expressing what they believe,” he said.

Paul also credited home schoolers — many of whom, he conceded, supported his 2008 presidential campaign — for fostering an appreciation of the Constitution and the founding documents.

“The best thing that has come out of the home school movement is the respect you’re teaching about the rule of law and our Constitution,” he said.

Paul’s speech Wednesday came after a rally encouraging less government regulation of home schooling at the state capital that attracted roughly 1,000 on a cold and windy day in Des Moines.

Following his speech, the Texas congressman is meeting with Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad, who also spoke to the home school advocates.

Via Southern Nationalist Network

Beretta ARX 160

"It is necessary for every American, with becoming energy to endeavor to stop the dissemination of principles evidently destructive of the cause for which they have bled. It must be the combined virtue of the rulers and of the people to do this, and to rescue and save their civil and religious rights from the outstretched arm of tyranny, which may appear under any mode or form of government."
--Mercy Warren, History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution, 1805