Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Fort Fisher Hermit

"Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once."
-- Shakespeare, Julius Caesar Act II, Scene II

Via T

"T is saying "Brock will write back saying 'I met the Hermit in 196?' or else he'll write back and say 'I wanted to go meet the Hermit, but Mother said we shouldn't be messin around them kind of people'." :)

Shh! Obama gets anti-secrecy award, in secret!

You couldn't make this stuff up!
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President Obama finally and quietly accepted his “transparency” award from the open government community this week — in a closed, undisclosed meeting at the White House on Monday.

The secret presentation happened almost two weeks after the White House inexplicably postponed the ceremony, which was expected to be open to the press pool.

This time, Obama met quietly in the Oval Office with Gary Bass of OMB Watch, Tom Blanton of the National Security Archive, Danielle Brian of the Project on Government Oversight, Lucy Dalglish of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, and Patrice McDermott of, without disclosing the meeting on his public schedule or letting photographers or print reporters into the room.

Obama authorizes secret help for Libya rebels

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"President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing covert U.S. government support for rebel forces seeking to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, government officials told Reuters on Wednesday."

A Piece of ‘Gone With the Wind’ Isn’t Gone After All

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Long thought to have been burned the way the North set fire to the cotton at Tara, the final typescript of the last four chapters of Margaret Mitchell’s “Gone With the Wind” has turned up in the Pequot Library in this Yankee seaport town. If not quite a spoil of war, the manuscript is a relic of some publishing skirmishes, and it will go on exhibit starting on Saturday, before traveling to Atlanta, Mitchell’s hometown, in time for the 75th anniversary of the novel’s publication in June.

Via Ann, Belle Grove

Shooting Machetes with a Slingshot+

Shooting Machetes with a Slingshot

A Christmas tree slingshot

Via Jason, Belle Grove who commented "Brock, I thought of you and Oleg Volk when I saw this one." :)

Confederate History Month

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Contact information: Calvin E. Johnson, Jr., Chairman of the Confederate History Month Committee of the Sons of Confederate Veterans

1064 West Mill Drive, Kennesaw, Georgia

Phone: 770 428 0978

Cell Phone: 770 330 9792



April 1-30th 2011 is Confederate History and Heritage Month throughout the USA!

The Confederate History Month Committee of the National and Georgia Division Sons of Confederate Veterans proudly recognizes and appreciates the signing of proclamations by Southern governors, mayors and county commissioners since 1995 designating the month of April as “Confederate History and Heritage Month.”v

In 2009, the Georgia General Assembly approved Senate Bill No.27 and was signed by Past Governor Sonny Perdue, officially and permanently designating April as Confederate History and Heritage Month in Georgia.

In 1999, Texas Senate Resolution No. 526 passed designating April as Confederate History and Heritage Month in the “Yellow Rose” State of Texas.

The 150th Anniversary “Sesquicentennial” of the War Between the States ”1861-1865” is now underway through 2015 and the Confederate History Month Committee encourages everyone to make it a family affair and learn more about this important time in our nation’s past. See Georgia Division SCV Sesquicentennial Committee website at:

Confederate History Month commemorates the men and women of the Confederate States of America who came from all races and religions that include: Irish-born General Patrick R. Cleburne, Black Confederate drummer Bill Yopp, Mexican born Colonel Santos Benavides, Cherokee Born General Stand Watie and Jewish born Confederate Nurse Phoebe Pember who was the first female administrator of Chimboraza Hospital in Richmond, Virginia where she served until the end of War Between the States.

The Confederate History Month Committee salutes the women of Old Dixieland like Sally Tompkins of Richmond, Virginia who was commissioned a Captain by President Jefferson Davis and who financed and ran the Robertson Hospital in Richmond, Virginia during the war and….

Mrs. Charles J. Williams of Columbus, Georgia who was among those responsible for getting Confederate Memorial Day recognized as a legal holiday in Georgia by act of the Georgia legislature in 1874. For over 100 year’s members of the Ladies Memorial Association, United Daughters of the Confederacy and Sons of Confederate Veterans have held annual Confederate Memorial days on or near April 26th. Other states celebrate Confederate Memorial Day on May 10th and June 3rd--the birthday of Confederate President Jefferson Davis.

Read more about Confederate History Month at:

Arpaio Rejects Napolitano’s Safer Border Claim—Sends in New Armed Forces

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Patriots rallied in support of Governor Brewer, Sheriff Arpaio

Controversial Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio isn't buying Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano's claims that the U.S.-Mexico border is safer.

So Arpaio has announced the launch of one of the largest crime suppression sweeps in Arizona's history, “Operation Desert Sky,” targeting drug-smugglers using desert corridors in his county.

The sweep will include the use of 30 aircraft patrolling for at least 30 days, armed posse members, drug-sniffing dogs, and SWAT teams equipped with M-16s.

The SE Cupp Interview

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"Author. Conservative Thinker and Commentator. Atheist who nonetheless decries the Mainstream Media’s treatment of Christianity. Talk show host. Hunter. All these words and more describe the vivacious, articulate, stunning SE Cupp, the woman who proves, conclusively, that brains, beauty, logic, reason, and wry humor can come in a single package. I am in awe. Although the peripatetic Ms. Cupp’s travel schedule precluded a phone interview for now (although hope springs eternal), I was able to get her to answer some questions in writing about guns, the 2nd Amendment, and how a hunter can survive in the asphalt jungle of New York City."

A Bolshevik Love Story

[Politics, Murder, and Love in Stalin's Kremlin: The Story of Nikolai Bukharin and Anna Larina • By Paul R. Gregory • Hoover Press, 2010 • 196 pages]

"A man and woman who have known each other for more than two decades realize that they are in love. They marry and quickly have a son. Soon thereafter, the man is arrested for treason based on false charges. He's thrown in jail, endures a show trial, and is summarily executed.

The woman is also arrested on grounds of being a co-conspirator. She is thrown in prison and exiled, separated from her son, who grows up in orphanages. He does not see his mother, Anna Larina, again until she seeks him out nearly two decades later."

Threats Claim Nuclear Bombs Hidden All Over U.S.

"The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions." --American statesman and senator Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."--French philosopher Bertrand de Jouvenel (1903-1987)

More HERE.

Project Gunrunner: Obama's Stimulus-Funded Border Nightmare

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Buried in Barack Obama's failed trillion-dollar stimulus program was a $10 million bloody border racket that has now cost American lives. This goes far beyond the usual waste, fraud and abuse underwritten by progressive profligacy. It's bloodstained government malfeasance overseen by anti-gun ideologues -- and now anti-gun ideologue Attorney General Eric Holder will "investigate."

Welcome to Project Gunrunner. Prepare for another Justice Department whitewash.

Deployments Cost NC a Seat in Congress

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North Carolina is losing out on a congressional seat and future tax dollars because so many of its military personnel were deployed during the U.S. Census and counted in population totals for other states, according to an Associated Press review.

The Census counts most troops at the base where they live and work. But for personnel who are deployed overseas, the government tallies them for their home state -- often where the servicemember grew up or has family.

For example, a Soldier based at Fort Bragg in North Carolina could list his home as being in Oklahoma because that's where he was raised. That Soldier would be counted in Oklahoma if he was deployed overseas during the Census.

North Carolina officials estimate more than 40,000 troops were deployed from the state's military bases around the time of the Census one year ago, but only 12,200 of the nation's overseas military personnel listed North Carolina as their home state, according to Department of Defense data provided to AP.

The gap of some 28,000 troops was costly: The state was about 15,000 people shy of getting an extra congressional seat from Minnesota. Those seats are doled out based on population figures in order to ensure fair representation in the U.S. House.

Oath Keeping at the ATF

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ATF Deals Death In Massive False-Flag Psy-Op

“When mankind lost sight of the way to live, came codes of law and order.”

- Lao Tzu, circa 500 BC -

Blow-Back’s A Bitch

What would take the average writer an afternoon has taken me well over a week. Yet I must acknowledge that this story is breaking like storm waves on the government’s beach, and every time I think I’ve got the story covered another breaking wave of new developments hits home hard. Suffice, that this story is going to “grow legs”, with much credit to CBS’s Sharyl Attkisson.

As I write tonight, Thursday, March 24, 2011, I’ve viewed a video of President Obama discussing this case with a Mexican journalist. He used the interview like a pick-me-up photo-op as he slyly got in a plug for the Security and Prosperity Partnership, and boldly confronted reality with a Presidential air of denial.

Attorney General Eric Holder is under the heat-lamp, and so is head of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Janet Napolitano. Not to mention every salty dog atop the ATF’s hierarchy of internal power, the big-wigs of America’s most rogue Federal enforcement agency, the allegedly brilliant but certainly power-damaged minds of ATF’s leadership.

This story is going to grow and spread universally, and its gravity is more than significant. It is a scandal of extreme proportions, enough-so that the President is now asserting that neither he nor Attorney General Eric Holder was aware of this massive criminal ploy by ATF.

So as readers dive in below, recall this is just an accounting of facts I’ve gathered as of March 24, 2011. I’ll give links to a couple of the original timelines by David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh below.

How do you fight a suicidal nation?

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As a backdrop to this post, I recommend reading this post from Doug Ross. In it are quotes from Ahmadinejad and cronies which are very scary, but not exactly late-breaking news. If you've been following this psycho in the news, you'd have known for quite a while that he has been clinically proven to be a nutjob, and will sacrifice all 74 million Iranian citizens for an opportunity to destroy the little and great Satan - Israel and the United States.

Here are a few choice lines from that post:

"We have a strategy drawn up for the destruction of Anglo-Saxon civilization... we must make use of everything we have at hand to strike at this front by means of our suicide operations or by means of our missiles." - Hassan Abbasi, "strategic adviser" to Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

"We are in the process of an historical war between the World of Arrogance [the West] and the Islamic world, and this war has been going on for hundreds of years... Is it possible for us to witness a world without America and Zionism? had best know that this... goal [is] attainable." - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

"Our revolution's main mission is to pave the way for the reappearance of the 12th Imam, the Mahdi." - Mahmoud Ahmanutjob

"Is there art that is more beautiful, more divine, and more eternal than the art of martyrdom? A nation with martyrdom knows no captivity." - Same nutjob

We can make fun of the monkey-faced lunatic all night long (I'm too busy during the day), but the fact remains that he has an advanced technology, has advanced missile and space technology, is giving that technology to terrorist organizations worldwide, and is avidly pursuing nuclear weapons.

How do we fight a nation that is hell-bent on destroying you, at all costs? How to you deter such a nation when that very deterrence is seen as the ultimate reward? How do you frighten a person who spends each day conjuring up the scariest Armageddon scenarios and gleefully pursues them?

First, let's think about how you don't fight them: