Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mrs. Armand J. DeRosset: North Carolina’s Angel of Mercy

Coming soon to will be an essay tracing the life of Mrs. Armand J. DeRosset, wife of prominent Wilmingtonian Dr. DeRosset. After watching six of her sons depart for the defense of North Carolina in 1861, she went to work organizing the Soldiers’ Aid Society to aid the hungry, sick, wounded and dying. Below is an excerpt from the July, 1895 issue of the Confederate Veteran, pp. 218-219.

Bernhard Thuersam, Director

Cape Fear Historical Institute


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“This noble character deserves prominent record for her services to the South. She was President of the “Soldiers Aid Society” of Wilmington, North Carolina, from the beginning to the end of the war. Endowed with administrative ability, which called forth the remark, “she ought to have been a General,” gifted with unusual largeness of heart and breadth of sympathy, she was a leader of society, yet ever alive to the wants and sufferings of the poor and needy. Under her direction the Soldiers’ Aid Society was early organized, and for four years did its work of beneficence with unabated energy.

The North Carolina coast was especially inviting to the attacks of the enemy, and Mrs. DeRosset’s household was removed to the interior of the State. Her beautiful home in Wilmington was despoiled largely of its belongings; servants and children were taken away, but she soon returned to Wilmington, where her devoted husband was detained by the requirements of business, and she devoted herself to the work of helping and comforting the soldiers.

Six of her own sons and three sons-in-law wore the grey. The first work was to make clothing for the men. Many a poor fellow was soon without a change of clothing. Large supplies were made and kept on hand. Haversacks were home-made. Canteens were covered. Cartridges for rifles, and powder bags for the great Columbiads were made by hundreds. Canvas bags to be filled with sand and used on the fortifications, were largely used at Fort Fisher – and much more was in requisition.

The ladies would daily gather at the City Hall and ply their busy needles or machines, with never a sigh of weariness. When troops were being massed in Virginia, Wilmington, being the principal port of entry for the Confederacy, was naturally an advantageous point for obtaining supplies through the blockade, and Mrs. DeRosset, ever watching the opportunity to secure them, had a large room in her dwelling fitted up as a store room. Many a veteran in these intervening years has blessed the memory of Mrs. DeRosset and her faithful [aides] for the comfort and refreshment so lavishly bestowed upon him. Feasts without price were constantly spread at the depot. Nor were their spiritual needs neglected. Bibles, prayer books and hymn books were distributed. Men still live [1895] who treasure their war Bible among their most valued possessions.

Mrs. DeRosset’s ability to cope with and overcome difficulties to get all she needed for the men, was the constant wonder of those who daily assisted in her labors. An incident of her surpassing executive power is worthy of record. After the first attack on Fort Fisher, the garrison, under the command of the gallant officers, [General] Whiting and [Colonel] Lamb, was in great peril and in need of reinforcements, which came in [General] Hoke’s Division of several thousand men – [General] Clingman’s, [General] Kirkland’s, General] Colquitt’s and [General] Hagood’s Brigades – and with some of the North Carolina Junior Reserves. The wires brought the news that in a few hours they would arrive, hungry and footsore. Mrs. DeRosset was asked if they could feed them.

The ready reply was flashed back:

“Of course we can”: and she proved equal to the task. Through her energies and resources, and her able corps of assistants, she redeemed her pledge. Alas! all efforts to relieve the garrison failed, and many heroic lives were sacrificed. The fort fell, Whiting and Lamb were both seriously wounded and carried off to prison, and our last available port was in the possession of the enemy.

The harrowing scenes of hospital life followed, and here, as elsewhere, Mrs. DeRosset’s labors were abundant. The sick were ministered to by tender hands, the wounded carefully nursed, and the dead decently buried. The moving spirit in all these works of beneficence was the Soldiers’ Aid Society, directed by Mrs. DeRosset.

When all was over, Mrs. DeRosset was the first to urge the organization of the Ladies Memorial Association, for perpetuating the remembrance of the brave soldiers who died for our cause. Though persistently refusing to accept office, she remained a faithful member of the Association as long as she lived.”

Obama and Holder are lying to us in their public statements every day

"Cool Hand was right; this is now much bigger than guns going into Mexico. The President and Attorney General did know that ATF was being mismanaged in Phoenix to catastrophic levels. They took no action.

Dobyns attempted to warn them that something bad was about to happen under the ATF Phoenix mismanagement. He had no way of predicting that "something" would be Project Gunrunner or Operation Fast and Furious, but he knew it was breaking bad. They destroyed him for it.

A short period of time after all this came out Dobyns’s house was burned to the ground in an arson with his family inside and narrowly escaping. ATF did nothing.

The cycle repeats."

No Freer Place On Earth?


Frustration is growing with the system as it currently exists. This is not what America was supposed to be. It really takes a good look at the nation from outside the narrow path prescribed for us all to truly see the flaws in the new "American Way." When was the last time you stepped out of that path? When was the last time you let a tax bill go late, or refused to go along with the inspections and searches required of you?

The thing one discovers when they do step outside of that narrow path is that there is no liberty. Liberty is something you have as a human being, a right that cannot be limited or restricted. Liberty to the government is something you earn by obedience. You have no say, you can elect anyone you want to, but they are quickly indoctrinated into the government way and your voice is lost.

Go to court and claim your rights. You will quickly be held in contempt and fined or locked away. Do you understand? You are in contempt by demanding your rights. You are in contempt for reminding the jury that they have the right to judge the law as well as your guilt.

War is Holy, This I Know -- For Dear Leader Tells Me So

"I take President Obama's word for it that troops will not be engaged on the ground," eructated MSNBC's Ed Schultz, rebuking investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill for fomenting doubts about the wisdom of the Dear Leader's war in Libya. When Scahill made a passing reference to "your President Obama," Schultz morphed into a portlier, more articulate version of Sean Hannity: "`My' President Obama? Is he your president, too? Jeremy, is he your president, too?"

A suitable response to hectoring of this kind from a certified cultist would be the following:c

"I am not a member of the U.S. military, which means that I do not have a commander-in-chief. I am not an employee of the executive branch of the federal government, which means that the occupant of the White House is not my supervisor. Mr. Obama does not preside over me in any sense that I recognize. To the extent we have any relationship at all, Mr. Obama should be considered my subordinate, one of the hired help. He certainly doesn't have any moral or legal standing to pretend that he can order me to do anything, and if I had the opportunity I would place him under citizen's arrest for his crimes against the Constitution, individual liberty, and the peace of nations -- of which his criminal assault on Libya is the most recent but hardly the only example."