Sunday, April 10, 2011

Aleksandr Kolchak and "The Moral High Ground"

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Here’s a quote from when he assumed command in the Russian “Civil War”-

”The Provisional All-Russian Government has come to an end. The Council of Ministers, having all the power in its hands, has invested me, Admiral Alexander Kolchak, with this power. I have accepted this responsibility in the exceptionally difficult circumstances of civil war and complete disorganisation of the country, and I now make it known that I shall follow neither the reactionary path nor the deadly path of party strife. My chief aims are the organisation of a fighting force, the overthrow of Bolshevism, and the establishment of law and order, so that the Russian people may be able to choose a form of government in accordance with its desire and to realise the high ideas of liberty and freedom. I call upon you, citizens, to unite and to sacrifice your all, if necessary, in the struggle with Bolshevism.”

His actions?

Portraits of Confederate soldiers

Via Jason, BelleGrove

Tommie Wood, 13-14 Years Old? 11th Georgia

Faces of war


A Life in Pictures

The War Is Over - So Why The Bitterness?

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"The fact that it is acceptable to put a Confederate flag on a car bumper and to portray Confederates as brave and gallant defenders of states’ rights rather than as traitors and defenders of slavery is a testament to 150 years of history written by the losers." - Ohio State Professer Steven Conn in a recent piece at History News Network (No, I'll not difnigy his bitterness by providing a link)

This sounds like sour grapes to me. Were it not for the "losers", commemorations both 50 years ago and today would be virtually nonexistent. Were it not for the "losers" supporting advertisers of books and art which focus on the "lost cause" memory of the WBTS, most of Civil War magazines would go out of business overnight. One publisher responded to one of my posts about this issue stating that their magazine welcomed all readers, regardless of perspective. This person sounded a bit worried that I raised the question. They should be worried. What would happen if those to whom Mr. Conn is directing his remarks suddenly lost all interest in the WBTS or decided to boycott all national parks, museums, and Civil War publications? My guess is there would be a bit of a panic. But why the bittern tone in Mr. Conn's remark above? After all, one academic conference recently announced "we" [meaning academic historians] had "won" the narrative war and gleefully announced "victory." Mr. Conn should be celebrating. According to the announcement at the conference, the "losers" have lost again.

But then again, maybe the proclamation of victory was a bit premature.

The Story of Entitlement Addiction

"The economy has already imploded and is now reinflated with volatile hydrogen-like fiat, just waiting for the right spark to bring the whole zeppelin crashing down in flames."
-- Giordano Bruno
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"Welfare states rely on a complacent population, like spoiled children on spineless parents. So when finally the jig is up, no more vital fluids to leach, it is impossible to change course without serious pain. What the Republicans are asking for now is that the Democrats and their constituents agree to simple withdrawal and not scream from the pain of it all. With the public philosophy of the Democrats this is hopeless since they have been preaching that all you need to pay for it all is to rip off the rich, to rob them of their wealth and redistribute it throughout the land. But no amount of confiscation from the rich is going to fulfill the expectations of the millions of people who have become hooked on entitlements. "

The French Burqa Ban

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"The French ban on the burqa will be enforced from 11 April 2011. The result will be catastrophic.

If attempts are made to enforce this law these Muslims will become martyrs on behalf of their religion. Those who believe God is behind them are unstoppable in their intent. Therefore these women will be fined, and will predictably refuse to pay their fines. They will then be imprisoned en masse and the stage will be set for a blood soaked reprisal.

On the other hand, if it is not enforced, the Muslim defiance of French law will be demonstrated and emblazoned on every street. Indeed burqa wearing will likely increase as a gesture of Muslim defiance and assertion. The universal message will then become that Muslims are exempt from French law, and by extension the French law will be progressively regarded as unenforceable. Muslims will have good cause to believe that they are beyond French law. The nation will become ungovernable and uncontrollable."

From Wilmington to Charleston on April 10, 1861


Oakdale Cemetery

Wilmington, North Carolina

Ode said at Confederate Mound when it was unveiled May 10, 1872.

Why does yon war worn Soldier stand

His lone and silent watch to keep?

No Forman' s step is on the land

None, but the dead, around him sleep.

With Lee on many a battlefield

This gallant Soldier fought in vain,

With Whiting bled, but would not yield,

On Fisher's ramparts, piled with slain.

And now on each Memorial Day

Your vigil o'er your comrades keep,

Oh! Soldiers of honored gray,

Guard well the spot where heroes sleep

History of the Confederate Mound


The following is taken from the Cape Fear Historical Institute’s “Enlightened Wilmingtonian: Alfred Moore Waddell found at Waddell learned of the upcoming bombardment of Fort Sumter by telegraph on this day 150 years ago, took the steam ferry from the Market Street dock across the Cape Fear River to the Manchester railroad depot on Eagles Island, near the current battleship North Carolina location.

Bernhard Thuersam, Director
Cape Fear Historical Institute
From Wilmington to Charleston on April 10, 1861:

“North Carolina unionists like Waddell had earlier hoped for solutions to the secession crisis within the Union, the same Union fought for by their patriot fathers and grandfathers. With President James Buchanan's "Star of the West" expedition that not only illustrated disdain for South Carolina's regained sovereignty, but also an aggressive policy of the federal government to coerce a State, those like Waddell were convinced that there would be no hope of compromise in a sectional Lincoln administration dominated by Northern industrial and abolitionist interests.

He witnessed the bombardment of Fort Sumter after rushing to the city of Charleston by train:

"On the evening of April 10, 1861, the telegraph operator at the Wilmington office confidentially communicated to me at the (Wilmington Daily) Herald office a telegram that had just passed through from General Beauregard to Jefferson Davis at Richmond, saying that he would open fire on Fort Sumter at 4 a.m., if Major Anderson refused to surrender. Thereupon I hurried to the old "Manchester Depot" opposite to the Market Street dock on the other side of the (Cape Fear) river, and caught the train for Charleston as it was passing out. I described the trip to a New York audience in 1878 in the following brief sentences:

"I shall never forget that, after a night of great anxiety, and
when about twenty miles from the city, just as the first grey streaks
began to lighten the eastern sky, and when the silent swamps were
wakened only by the rumble of the train, there was distinctly heard
a single dull, heavy report like a clap of distant thunder, and immediately
following it at intervals of a minute or two, that peculiar measured throb
of artillery which was then so new, but afterwards became so familiar to our ears.

The excitement on the train at once became intense, and the engineer, sympathizing with it, opened his valves, and giving free rein to the iron horse, rushed us with tremendous speed into the historic city. Springing from the train and dashing through the silent streets we entered our hotel, ascended to the roof, and here I experienced sensations which never before or since have been mine. As I stepped into the cupola and looked out upon that splendid harbor, there in the center of its gateway to the sea, half wrapped in the morning mist, lay Sumter, and high above its parapets, fluttering in the morning breeze floated proudly and defiantly the stars and stripes. In a moment afterwards just above it there was a sudden red flash, and a column of smoke, followed by an explosion, and opposite on James Island, a corresponding puff floated away on the breeze, and I realized with emotion indescribable that I was looking upon a civil war among my countrymen."

Donald Trump Responds

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"Even before Gail Collins was with the New York Times, she has written nasty and derogatory articles about me. Actually, I have great respect for Ms. Collins in that she has survived so long with so little talent. Her storytelling ability and word usage (coming from me, who has written many bestsellers), is not at a very high level. More importantly, her facts are wrong!"

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