Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Bunny Barack

easter bunny cartoon

Brian Fairrington,


Why would OPEC give money to the American environmental left? Walter E. Williams explains

As gas prices approach $5 a gallon, and some even predict $6 a gallon by summer, the White House has launched an investigation into what is causing the rapid price surge. But on Thursday’s “Mark Levin Show,” George Mason University economist Walter E. Williams said no investigation was necessary since the cause of the spike in energy prices was obviously the fault of Washington politicians listening to “environmental wackos.”

“And actually, you know – collusion, if you look for the source of collusion – it’s in Washington, D.C.,” Williams said. “The federal government is in charge of colluding, you know setting prices and colluding on prices. But the problem with oil – I think it’s a supply problem. The United States, you know off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf and California and then huge oil finds in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming and North Dakota – we have more oil than Saudi Arabia has altogether. And so however, what’s the problem? The government listening to Congress listening to these environmental wackos – they’re stopping us from drilling and so the prices are going up.”

However, there is the potential for strange bedfellows in this debate, he said. According to Williams, it would be in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries’ (OPEC) best interest for the American environmental movement to succeed with its efforts to prevent domestic oil production.

Armistead's Gethsemane, For Old Virginia, For Your Lands, Homes, Sweeethearts, Wives And His Final Request

Armistead's Gethsemane


For Old Virginia

"For your lands, for your homes, for your sweethearts,
for your wives, for Virginia!"


Final Request from General Armistead

Dad who split up fight in McDonald's shot dead

Via Sipsey Street Irregulars

McDonald's (pic: PA)

A DAD-of-four who split up a fight in a McDonald’s was shot dead moments after being told he wouldn’t see the morning.

Raymond Mitchell, 34, had only popped into the restaurant to buy a hot chocolate.

But he apparently caused offence after splitting up two men fighting in the queue.

One of them, who had several gold teeth, shouted at Raymond: “You are gonna die tonight, you are not gonna see the morning.”

The thug is then said to have phoned an accomplice to fetch a gun, yelling into his mobile: “Bring me that thing.”

West: We need strong (Spartan) women to raise American men!

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My mother drilled this in my head.
“Spartan, here is your shield. Come back bearing this shield or being borne upon it!”

"He starts by using the example of the Spartans, the most feared army in ancient times:"

But when you understood what made the Spartan men strong, it was the Spartan women. Because the Spartan women at the age of nine gave up their male sons. And their male sons went into a training that was called the Agoge and they stayed in that training for the next eleven to twelve years. And when they were finally qualified, when they were finally ready to join the ranks for the Spartan army, it was not their father who gave them their cloak and shield. It was their mother who gave them their shield. And when the Spartan mother gave that young Spartan warrior his shield, she gave him this basic commandment: “Spartan, here is your shield. Come back bearing this shield or being borne upon it!”

When Queen Gorgo, wife of King Leonidas, was questioned by the Persian emissary and she somewhat spoke out of turn to this Persian emissary, he tried to rebuke her. And she looked at him and said “Persian, beware, for it is Spartan women who raise Spartan men.”

Atlanta Restore the Constitution Open Carry Rally April 23, 2011

"Good showing at the rally, about 50 Patriots showed up for the rally and it was held ON THE CAPITAL STEPS!

If you all remember, about a month ago the RTC members were illegally forced from the protest zone by Georgia Capitol Police... in response the RTC group did another rally a couple of weeks later, while many people worked to correct the illegal/unconstitutional action.

We had a great time today with a number of people speaking, Law Enforcement (Capitol Police and Georgia State Troopers) were excellent, casually hanging around and conversing with the citizens."

Making my statement
Don Syfrett

RTC Founder Dan Almond

Lee the Supreme Figure

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No American military commander has ever matched the example set by Robert E. Lee. From 1863 onward he was most often fighting with 50,000 half-starved, ragged and barefoot soldiers, against a superbly-equipped invading host of 120,000 or more.

Bernhard Thuersam, Director
Cape Fear Historical Institute
Lee the Supreme Figure:

“Above them all stands Lee. Those, the majority, who judge him by the usual yardsticks of strategy and tactics alone, fail to realize his full grandeur. He represents one of the supreme examples in military annals of the combination of strategist, tactical genius, leader of the highest inspiration, and technician in the arts of hastily fortifying defensive positions superbly chosen.

Here and there one can pick holes in him; one can say for example, that, at a period when he had not fully recovered from illness, he was at the same time rather slow and indecisive at Gettysburg; but when his eye swept a countryside it never betrayed him. From the ground or the map, or both in combination, he realized how to make the best use of every feature of the country, and the trace of every defensive position coming from his hand was masterly.

He used fortifications not only for the defensive but still more for local defensive and for the purpose of economizing strength, and to provide himself with a greater proportion to be employed in the open.

During the short period in 1862 when he was military advisor to the President…The advice he gave was nearly always the best. Yet that short period brought forth his gifts in large-scale strategy, when he planned the re-deployment of the available forces and the moves between the Shenandoah Valley and Richmond in the face of McClellan. Had he become commander-in-chief in 1862, or even 1863, his breadth of vision might have become as universally accepted as has its clarity. He must now stand as the supreme figure of this survey of a hundred years of war.”

(A Hundred Years of War, Cyril Falls, Gerald Duckworth & Co., 1953, pp. 59-60)
Lee the Supreme Figure

Confederate monument will be moved to site SCV originally desired but turned down!

Whitehall Memorial Monument

A monument to Confederate soldiers will be moved to an unlikely place -- the grounds of a condominium complex.

The Maury Commons Condominium Association has agreed to have the memorial placed on its property, which was built on an old cemetery.

"It was a place called Potter's Field. It's believed some Confederate soldiers were buried here," condominium association president Al Littek told 630 WMAL News.

Ironically, the condominium location is where the Sons of Confederate Veterans originally wanted the memorial, but the owners at the time refused permission.

Judge: Confederate Marker Must Move

Ruins of Steam-Powered Rice Mill, Butler Plantation

"Standing like a beacon along the famed Coastal Highway (US 17), this chimney is all that remains of a steam-powered rice mill operated in the 1850s by Captain Pierce Butler. In Antebellum Georgia, rice plantations were the backbone of coastal agriculture, buttressed by a large slave population, but the coming of the Civil War and its ensuing changes helped end this era in Georgia history."

Via T

EXCLUSIVE: DHS Can’t Account for 10 Libyan Men It Caught and Released Inside U.S.

President Barack Obama and Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi (AP photo/Michael Gottschalk)

"Even as President Barack Obama continued the U.S. military intervention in Libya’s civil war--with armed Predator drones beginning patrols over that North African country on Thursday--U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the division of the Department of Homeland Security responsible for enforcing immigration laws, could not account for 10 Libyan men it had caught and released inside the United States since July 2009."

Via Weasel Zippers

8th of November

Picky, picky, but at the beginning VC and M-16 S/B NVA and M-14 or change the pictures.

Via T who may add it to his routine.

'The Museum of the Confederacy - A Brief Look At A Worsening Situation'

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Dated, but not much has changed. Val is from New York.
The Original Spirit of the Museum of the Confederacy

The glory, the hardships, the heroism of the war were a noble heritage for our children. To keep green such memories and to commemorate such virtues, it is our purpose to gather together and preserve in the Executive Mansion of the Confederacy the sacred relics of those glorious days. [From the first appeal for donations to the Museum in January, 1892]

"The need of an organization to preserve a true and faithful record of the gallant struggle made by the soldiers of the South for independence being keenly felt, the Confederate Memorial Literary Society was chartered and organized under the laws of Virginia, its object being to teach all future generations the true history of the war and the principles for which these soldiers laid down their lives."
[From the first paragraph of the Introduction Page: Catalogue of the Confederate Museum of the Confederate Memorial Literary Society, 1905]

Dedication of Administrators from Earlier Days

"(W)e must pray that others will rise up to carry on the trust."
[Former Board President Sally Archer Anderson, 1926]

Warnings of a New Direction

Will It Be Goodbye John Boehner?

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"John Boehner will be writing his own political obituary if he capitulates again to Barack Obama and raises the debt ceiling of the US government.

Boehner says he wants to cut spending, but he will be exposed as a liar if he increases the debts currently smothering our economy. This issue is very clear, and Americans understand this crisis because so many of us have faced similar financial difficulties ourselves. We know what it means to have spent more than we can afford.

America cannot continue to feast on an orgy of credit and spending. Easy money given to the political establishment is the cause of the current crisis. George Bush spent more money than was prudent or necessary, and Barack Obama has doubled down. The debts now are greater than 14 trillion. How much debt will be enough?

The scare mongering by the media and power elites should be ignored. If we don't extend the debt ceiling, America need not default on current debts. Quite the opposite is true. If we continue to increase our debts we are moving minute by minute closer to a future default. No debtor improves his situation by increasing borrowing."

Illegal alien works 6 yrs as cop for Anchorage P.D.

anchorage illegal

An Anchorage police officer who took on a false identity that masked his Mexican citizenship has been arrested and charged with passport fraud, federal officials said Friday.

At a news conference Friday, U.S. Attorney Karen Loeffler said that patrolman Rafael Espinoza, on the Anchorage police force for about six years, was really Rafael Mora-Lopez, a Mexican national working in the United States illegally.

Salisbury Cathedral

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Via my eponymous relative, Salisbury!
I can hear my Mother's voice now stating "He is risen" on Easter morn followed by all saying "He is risen indeed!"

Pastor Terry Jones closing remarks April 22, 2011

Via Western Rifle Shooters Association

And as I posted there:

"Terry Jones ain't nobody's fool and I would be proud to stand beside him."

$50 silver - The Price Point of Liberty

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"$50 dollar silver is the first sign of blue sky after a devastating storm. It's the morning after sunshine bringing people out of hiding and together again for the process of rebuilding with the promise of a new start.

For more than 100 years the United States has been at the center of a war being waged around the clock by a cult-of-evil clawing and biting like a rabid dog at the heart of civilization. It has been an epic struggle of an outnumbered, outgunned regiment of courageous defenders of human individuality, dignity, and liberty against a tyranny intent on the enslavement of all humanity. It has been a bloody war, a costly war and even now the battles continue, but the tide is turning, finally, toward the side of good."