Where Are We? Where Do We Go From Here?

"When a country is indebted to the degree that we’re indebted, the country always defaults. We will default because the debt is unsustainable."
-- Rep. Ron Paul, July 19, 2011


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America…. A place of infinite possibilities.

Or at least it used to be. To some… minority immigrants… Illegal immigrants… it still is.
But what about the regular lunch pail carrying American?

I grew up thinking my own laziness was my only limitation on my potential. We all know it also includes luck, who you know, and how much ass you kiss on the way up.

But it wasn’t the government that figured into the limitation. But now…. now and in the forseeable future, .Gov WILL be the MAJOR factor in determining one’s future.

I’m a child of the Cold War. The big enemy was CCCP… the Soviet Union… The Iron Curtain.
Over 100,000 Americans died in conflicts trying to limit the pervasive spread of Communism. Those lives have been truly wasted as the United States has completely split with its charter that was debated and won by the blood of our ancestors 235 years ago.

My generation has put the final nail in the coffin of the Republic. The Baby Boomers with 3 Presidents to its account, Clinton, Bush2, and the Pretender, and they have seen to it that the American Taxpayer has been hamstrung with continued bloating of the Federal government, their children’s financial future in a yoke of slavery and 3rd World limitations in a country where the sky USED to be the limit…

So, what to do? As a 47 year old white guy, I’m buying land and precious metals.


Debt ceiling represents referendum on Patriots’ efforts for two years

The August 2nd debt ceiling deadline represents the future of our country but not in the sense that the government and media have portrayed. The American people are watching this crisis play out in Washington but a new undertone is starting to emerge. We are learning that the two political parties are more concerned about placing blame on the other party in order to gain an advantage in the elections next year than taking responsibility for our future. We are learning that political power and control is more important in our government than our future. We are learning that our future and freedom are no longer a concern in most politician’s agendas.

The media and both political parties have marginalized Americans who have had the audacity to question the path of our nation. Whether the label is Tea Party or 912, the proper term is patriot and that is what they fear. Patriots are awakening across the country, speaking out and standing up to restore the principles of our country. We the people were responsible for the Republican victory in the US House of Representatives in 2010. Our vote represented our demands for the return of fiscal responsibility and the Constitution.

This is the point that the Obama administration and Congress do not understand: the debt ceiling represents a referendum of all of the patriots’ efforts over the past two years. If the debt ceiling is raised, we will be forced to acknowledge that all of our work was in vain.

Some Gone With the Wind dresses faded forever

Via Jeanie

Cara Varnell, an independent art conservator who specializes in Hollywood film costumes, works with the green velvet gown from the film "Gone With the Wind," Tuesday, July 19, 2011, in Austin, Texas. The Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas is working to preserve five of the dresses acquired with the collection of film producer David O. Selznick in the 1980s.  (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

Efforts to preserve and restore several iconic dresses from the Oscar-winning Civil War movie "Gone With the Wind" have uncovered what might be painful for die-hard fans: Some of them simply can't be made to look like they did on screen.

Stitching and holes can be repaired and extra feathers added years ago can be removed, but the dresses are old, badly faded in spots and in one case, just too fragile to handle.

The Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas announced a $30,000 effort last year to preserve five of the dresses acquired with the collection of film producer David O. Selznick in the 1980s. The goal is to have them ready for a 2014 exhibit to mark the film's 75th anniversary.

Ransom Center officials this week gave The Associated Press a look at the work being done to bring them back to the best shape possible.

The costumes are among the most famous in Hollywood history and played a key role in one of the most popular films ever. The Ransom Center holds five dresses it wanted to restore for display: Scarlett O'Hara's green curtain dress, her green velvet gown, a burgundy ball gown, a blue velvet night gown and her wedding dress


Action Alert: Oppose UN Arms Trade Treaty

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The United Nations is planning on its Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) being finalized in 2012, after this mid-July saw another session of talks of the Third Preparatory Committee on the ATT. The UN’s ATT final agreement negotiations set for four weeks next summer will be under slightly different rules of “consensus” rather than a majority vote. With over 100 arms-control organizations in attendance and lobbying hard this year, a consensus for the ATT will easily be reached.

Many of the arms-control groups like Amnesty International (AI) and Control Arms pushing for the ATT are blatant about their goals. A spokesman for Control Arms says all arms and all weapons deals must be controlled. AI insists the biggest arms suppliers are the United States, France, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia, the UK and Italy. However they ignore the worst transgressors of illegal trafficking like Russia and Albania.

UN apologists keep insisting that the ATT will not affect Americans’ ability to purchase or use guns. Using terms like “inflammatory,” “rabble-rousing,” and “fear-mongering,” to describe any opposition to the ATT in the press, their own rhetoric has been debunked by more than one source. It is quite clear, then, that the UN’s propaganda machine may not be accomplishing its usual goals.

The National Rifle Association’s Wayne LaPierre was able to deliver some rather pointed remarks at the UN meeting on the ATT. LaPierre detailed the objections of many Americans with the most notable being:

We are told "Trust us; an ATT will not ban possession of any civilian firearms." Yet, the proposals and statements presented to date have argued exactly the opposite, and - perhaps most importantly - proposals to ban civilian firearms ownership have not been rejected.

We are told "Trust us; an ATT will not interfere with state [a nation's] domestic regulation of firearms." Yet, there are constant calls for exactly such measures.

We are told "Trust us; an ATT will only affect the illegal trade in firearms." But then we're told that in order to control the illegal trade, all states [nations] must control the legal firearms trade.

We are told, "Trust us; an ATT will not require registration of civilian firearms." Yet, there are numerous calls for record-keeping, and firearms tracking from production to eventual destruction. That's nothing more than gun registration by a different name.

We are told, "Trust us; an ATT will not create a new international bureaucracy." Well, that's exactly what is now being proposed -- with a tongue-in-cheek assurance that it will just be a SMALL bureaucracy.

We are told, "Trust us; an ATT will not interfere with the lawful international commerce in civilian firearms." But a manufacturer of civilian shotguns would have to comply with the same regulatory process as a manufacturer of military attack helicopters.

Canada’s delegation tried to have civilian firearms exempted from the treaty with the very narrow clause “small arms have certain legitimate civilian uses, including sporting, hunting, and collecting purposes,” submitted for approval; but it wasn’t, proving once again the UN’s complete disarmament doctrine is at the core of the ATT.

A Second Amendment watchdog organization, the Second Amendment Foundation, has issued a warning that many of the details and definitions, requirements and regulations of the treaty have not yet been worked out, but will most likely be conducted behind closed doors.

It’s more than a little hypocritical that the Obama Administration is willing to cede control of private Americans’ small arms ownership and use to the United Nations under the guise of ending gun running, given the Obama Administration’s ATF and DOJ’s own alleged roles in the largest and most scandalous gun trafficking case ever. A simple reminder to our Senators about “Project Gunrunner” and “Operation Fast and Furious,” which saw guns trafficked to Mexico apparently with U.S. government approval and collusion and with disastrous results, should be enough to stop the Arms Trade Treaty. This could be a pivotal 2012 election issue; help make it one.

Contact your Senators, remind them that our hard won and vigilantly preserved constitutional protections should never be interpreted or submitted to the whims or the planned agenda of any global organization, much less the useless and untrustworthy UN. And get them to sign on to Senator Jerry Moran’s (R-Kansas) letter to President Obama that so aptly opposes the treaty: “We agree that sales and transfers to criminals and terrorists are unacceptable, but we will oppose any treaty that places the burden of controlling crime and terrorism on law-abiding Americans, instead of where it belongs: on the culpable member states of the United Nations who have failed to take the necessary steps to block trafficking that is already illegal under existing laws and agreements.”


Your friends at The John Birch Society

Allen West Slams Planned U.S. Tank Sale to Egypt, Cites Muslim Brotherhood Risks to Israel

Via PUMABydesign

Rep. Allen West is reportedly “strongly opposed” to a planned U.S. sale of M1A1 Abrams tanks to Egypt given the growing probability that the Muslim Brotherhood could, at some point in the near future, lead the Egyptian government. Allowing the sale of such tanks, would, according to West, “seriously jeopardize the safety and security of the state of Israel.“ West added that the ”last thing” he wants to see are Egyptian M1A1 tanks “rolling through the Sinai toward Jerusalem.”

Deputy attacked by mob while trying to issue ticket

Via Steve
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North County Times
Seven people were arrested and one person was shocked with a stun gun Tuesday morning after a disruptive crowd tried to prevent a deputy from citing a man for a traffic violation, authorities said.

A San Diego County sheriff's deputy pulled over a vehicle with two men inside at 7:40 a.m. after he saw the vehicle violate a traffic law near the 200 block of Civic Center Drive, Lt. Jim Duffy said.

The driver, who was later identified as Ismael Martinez, 51, did not have a license, and neither did his passenger, Francisco Martinez, Sgt. Mike Arens said.

The driver began calling people to come to the scene while the deputy was ticketing him, Duffy said. The driver refused to stop calling people and struck the deputy on the hand, he said.

The deputy was arresting the driver when the passenger got out of the car and attacked the deputy, Arens said. The three struggled.

A tow truck driver who was standing nearby jumped into the fight to help the deputy, Duffy and Arens said. The deputy used his stun gun to shock the passenger during the struggle.

More deputies came to help control the situation and finish the arrests, Arens said.

A few minutes later, about 25 people showed up in response to the driver's earlier phone call, Arens said. Most of them were men and appeared to be the driver's relatives.

The people were disruptive and tried to free the driver, but they quickly dispersed and moved to the other side of the street once the deputies started arresting people, the officials said.

Raul Martinez, 25; Alfredo Martinez, 27; Jorge Martinez, 20; Fernando Martinez, 26; and Aldo Martinez, 22, were arrested on suspicion of crimes including refusing to disperse, inciting a riot, assaulting a peace officer and criminal threats, Arens said.

The passenger was taken to a hospital for treatment of his injuries, then booked into Vista Detention Center, Arens said.

The first deputy suffered minor injuries, but he was not taken to a hospital, Arens said.

He said no one else was hurt.


I thought you might find this e-mail below of interest. I have the feeling that we will start seeing much more of this type of thing in the future as the economy worsens and the police are perceived more and more to be nothing more than shakedown artists and revenue generating agents of the state rather than protectors of the people that they proclaim themselves to be. The racial aspect here adds a whole other dimension to this story. Needless to say, the picture painted is not a pretty one and doesn’t bode well for the future of the country and more specifically for those people trapped in large and very ethnically/racially diverse cities. The book by Thomas W. Chittum entitled “Civil War II: The Coming Breakup Of America” which was written back in the early ‘90s after his extensive and varied military service both as an American soldier and as a mercenary in the former Republic of Yugoslavia and elsewhere comes to mind. I think this incident as well as all of the recent flash mob activity shows that his predictions have started to progress to the next stage in the chain of events which may lead to catastrophe for a heck of a lot of people.

Interesting times we live in…

Mexicans rioting and attacking American cops in our cities – Vista is 60 miles north of the Mexican border. A simple traffic stop on an unlicensed illegal alien driver goes bad. 25 people show up and start rioting and beating the deputy. Check out this story.


I looked up all 7 men arrested on the SD Jail website http://apps.sdsheriff.net/wij/wij.aspx. The driver and two others are not currently shown in custody, meaning they were likely deported already, although they could be out on bail.

Of the 4 men that are currently in jail, 2 are illegal aliens on ICE holds. 2 are charged with felony lynching (rioting to free a suspect in custody) and one is charged with felony death threat, presumably on the sheriff deputy. Plus numerous other charges.

That tow truck driver deserves a medal from the city – he may have saved that deputy’s life by jumping in when the driver and passenger attacked the deputy initially. We really need to crack down on illegal aliens and put mayors of sanctuary cities in prison before we lose any more cops to this lawlessness and anarchy by foreign criminals roaming freely in our cities. Let’s cut the PC crap and enforce our laws now!

Jeff Schwilk

San Diego Border & Immigration Reporter

National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Recap 07-19-11

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Injustice Everywhere


Here are the 15 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Tuesday, July 19, 2011:

  • Parkersburg WV settles suit for $70k to a man claiming cops beat him while he was cuffed when they arrested him, then again at the station and then yet again while he was shackled to a bed at the hospital. [3] http://bit.ly/r9iHbl
  • A Bryan TX cop resigned during an investigation into a questionable shooting incident where witnesses contradicted his report. The resignation seals and closes the investigation against him which prevents public release of any information about it. [3] http://bit.ly/qWKHRe
  • Punxsutawney PA settles suit for $250k to family of man who died while left alone in the back of police cruiser for 4 hours after police arrested him for public intoxication. [0] http://bit.ly/qKykXD
  • Lufkin TX police and prosecutors apparently insisted on taking a man to trial on an evading arrest charge after police broke down his door, tear gassed him in his bathroom, then shot him with pepperball rounds when they mistook him for a burglar in his own home because he didn’t speak any English. They originally charged him with burglary but then changed it to evading when they figured out they couldn’t charge him for burglarizing his own home. [5] http://bit.ly/olabfg
  • 2 Jackson TN cops indicted on civil rights violation charges for allegedly stealing over $1,000 from the victim of a home invasion robbery who had been shot. [0] http://bit.ly/rfIXOx
  • Newark NJ settles suit for $55k to a journalist who had his camera seized and was arrested all allegedly to prevent him from sending photos he took for publication [4] http://bit.ly/qKs5n7
  • Oklahoma City OK police admit they made some mistakes when they wrongfully arrested 20 kids for curfew violations as they waited for their parents to pick them up from a movie theater 20 minutes before the curfew actually started. [0] http://bit.ly/nmKYry
  • Elgin IL cop arrested w/his nephew on assault charges for allegedly beating up employees at Michigan amusement park [1] http://bit.ly/nmdLZO
  • San Diego Co CA deputy arrested for obstruction, resisting & harboring fugitive wanted in a rape investigation who was apparently in her home. [0] http://bit.ly/nftYlB
  • Naperville IL police sued by man who’s mugshot was given to the press who published it as a DUI arrest even after he was released without charge when he blew 0.0 after a DUI stop. [3] http://bit.ly/otC7bW
  • Rosebud TX now-former police chief sentenced to 120days jail, to be served on weekends at his leisure, after convicted of evidence tampering [0] http://bit.ly/pJRlz9
  • Laurel IN reserve police officer suspended after charged w/public indecency for having sex in public pool after families complained to workers about it. [0] http://bit.ly/pXyAV3
  • 2 Orlando FL cops stationed at schools suspended, 40hrs & 8hrs, for sending porn email msgs from school computers [0] http://bit.ly/rpRhw2
  • Payson AZ drug cop demoted for sexting photos of his genitals to a confidential female informant [0] http://bit.ly/pLLw3P
  • Baltimore MD cop forced to be rehired on appeal after fired for sleeping on duty now indicted for drug conspiracy & heroin distribution charges [0] http://bit.ly/nh4YaH

West: Obama supporters ‘a threat to the gene pool’

Via Don


In his latest weekly update to constituents, U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Plantation, calls the debate over the federal government’s debt limit “the ultimate ideological clash in America…between those who believe in principled fiscal policies and those desiring the socialist bureaucratic nanny-state.”

He rips President Obama‘s handling of fiscal affairs and the economy and offers this critique of Obama’s supporters:

“I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool.”


Via California Tree of Liberty


Well, actually, I'd go for the one below !

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Not to make light of the subject

People have noticed the 25 government agencies on Obama’s new White House Rural Council. And, they’re questioning what might be the need for all of them.

What people may not have noticed yet, is that the government agencies in this council are also on other councils. These councils, as well as the individual government agencies, are implementing international laws that have taken effect through Executive Orders, Memorandums of Understanding, agreements and regulations that most Americans don’t even know about. These have bypassed Congress. And, it also seems they have completely bypassed the Constitution.

The devil is in the details

These agencies and councils are forming “partnerships” with members and groups other than the American people. However, our tax dollars pay for their salaries and for the programs.

Some “partnerships” sound innocuous, but as you might guess, the devil is in the details.

I’ll give you an example.