Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What would it take to get you to fight? We are already at war.

If you don't have the time to read the entire piece, at least check out these
"twelve fundamental rules." This applies to the entire nation these days, not just the South.

The mantra “Violence [or the serious threat thereof] never settles anything” is patently false. History shows that it indeed does settle many things. Please don’t forget this—your enemy hasn’t.

Never underestimate your enemy but always make him underestimate you. There are some advantages to being perceived as “dumb Southerners . . .”

Educate yourself –don’t be content to be part of the herd. Learn useful things. Stupid, lazy people are not free people.

Don’t take anything for granted. Things are not always what they seem. Tomorrow is not guaranteed to be the same as today. Your own personal and family routine can be disrupted quite easily. Do you have a contingency plan?

Be a leader—don’t be a sheep (unless Christ is your Shepherd). Generate your own solutions instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you. How many times have I gotten a phone call from a League member who complains that nothing is happening in his area? What do I tell him . . . ?

Get tough, mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. The weak will surely perish. Don’t be afraid to be seen as a dissenter. Speak your mind—you’ll find people will respect you for it and will listen to what you have to say. Be willing to take risks. And most importantly, don’t take counsel from your fears. This is what the enemy expects you to do in the face of his superior strength (so he thinks). Disappoint him . . .

Don’t engage the enemy on ground of his own choosing. Don’t accept his labels—“domestic terrorist,” “right-wing extremist,” “racist,” “anti-semite,” etc. These terms are meant to shame and marginalize you. Know you own mind and laugh them off. This is quite unsettling to the enemy. Once he sees that you don’t wish to be accepted into his “society,” then he loses a major weapon (ostracization) to use against you.

Be unpredictable. If the enemy expects you to do “A,” then do “B.” Be creative with this category . . .

Pay heed to your experiences in all things. If something works, use it. If something fails, abandon it. If something is necessary, keep it; if it proves useless, get rid of it. This includes the mental as well as the physical. Don’t allow useless sentiments or junk to rule you. Get rid of anything that is a drag on your ability to be an effective warrior for Southern independence.

Know hope. You will make mistakes. Just don’t make big ones that cannot be overcome. Don’t give in to cynicism, defeatism, or nihilism—they will assure your ultimate destruction. Be realistic but never abandon your sense of optimism and hope for the future. Never fall victim to complacency—you can always do better.

He who is willing to die for a cause will defeat one who isn’t. Always act as if you are fighting in the last ditch for the survival of all you hold dear. The enemy does intend on killing you and taking all you have. He has made this fight personal—you had better take it that way.

We are already at war—we just don’t know it. One instance: Immigration. This is not just a matter of policy. It’s a matter of our very survival as white men and women of European Christian stock on this land we call the South. It is a zero sum game—we win or they win. There is no middle ground for compromise. Losing means that my grandchildren will grow up in a third world country. Multiculturalism and diversity means “we” cease to exist as a viable and prosperous people. Another instance: the criminal banksters—led by Bernanke and Geithner--and their politician-whores in Washington, DC, are in the process of stealing the wealth of the Southern middle and working class. We should have already considered this a declaration of war against us, for how can a man survive if he is robbed of his very sustenance. And the whole scheme is being pulled off under color of law. If this does not make you want to fight, then you don’t belong in our organization.

Via Southern Nationalist Network


Dr. J. Michael Hill, LS President
(Presented on 30 July 2011 at The League of the South national conference in Abbeville, South Carolina)

WHAT would it take to get you to fight? I’m not speaking figuratively but literally. What would it take to turn you into a William Wallace or a Robert Bruce, an Issac Shelby or a Francis Marion, a Bedford Forrest or a John Pelham, a Michael Collins or a Tom Barry?

Before you answer, ponder some things and count the costs. First, what is so valuable to you that it is indispensable to life itself? Ordered liberty? Loved ones? The place that sustains you and that you call home? The free and unfettered practice of your Christian faith?

These are the things that are important to me, as I suspect they are to you, too. What would my life be without them? Would it be worth living? My answer is “no.” I had rather die than suffer to have these blessings taken from me. And I would also die rather than see my kinsmen deprived of them. Because when I and my kinsmen together are denied these life-giving things, our civilization will die.

Neither man’s law nor his traditions should necessarily keep free men from a solemn defense of these blessings. For what is law or tradition if it seeks not the well being of those it purports to serve? Law becomes tyranny and tradition the justification for it.

WE are not made to live in isolation; rather, we here in the South are a people. Our ancestors came from Europe, but we long ago ceased to be Europeans. We are in a sense Westerners (to differentiate us from the various peoples of the Orient), but that designation is too loose and amorphous. For the last four centuries we have been becoming Southerners. The South is where we make our stand. It is our home.

Our ancestors fought, bled, and died through the ages to give us ordered liberty and prosperity. We come from a long line of fierce and Godly men and women who would not bend the knee to tyranny. Some seven centuries ago (6 April 1320), after the execution of William Wallace and the subsequent triumphs of Robert Bruce, our Scottish ancestors gave us the Declaration of Arbroath, which reads, in part, as follows:

“But from these countless evils we have been set free, by the help of Him Who though He afflicts yet heals and restores, by our most tireless Prince, King and Lord, the Lord Robert [Bruce]. He, that his people and his heritage might be delivered out of the hands of our enemies, met toil and fatigue, hunger and peril, like another Macabaeus or Joshua and bore them cheerfully. Him, too, divine providence, his right of succession according to or laws and customs which we shall maintain to the death, and the due consent and assent of us all have made our Prince and King. To him, as to the man by whom salvation has been wrought unto our people, we are bound both by law and by his merits that our freedom may be still maintained, and by him, come what may, we mean to stand. Yet if he should give up what he has begun, and agree to make us or our kingdom subject to the King of England or the English, we should exert ourselves at once to drive him out as our enemy and a subverter of his own rights and ours, and make some other man who was well able to defend us our King; for, as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom — for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.”

Do you, Southern patriot, understand what you’ve just read? The Scottish people, through their representative who drafted and signed this declaration, extend their most humble thanks to the man—King Robert the Bruce—who drove the hated English from their lands. Moreover, they acknowledge Bruce’s right (and that of his successors) to the throne of Scotland and their fealty to him as King—“we are bound both by law and by his merits . . . .” However, there is a caveat: “Yet if he should give up what he has begun, and agree to make us or our kingdom subject to the King of England or the English . . . .” In other words, should the people of Scotland be betrayed by their leader, they would in no ways be bound to continue to obey or serve him against their own interests. Nor should the Southern people consent to serve those who betray their interests in our own day.

Sadly, our true interests were compromised and sold for a mess of pottage by our so-called leaders a long time ago. For instance, if the South had had real leaders of the people there would have been no second reconstruction known as the civil rights movement. Nor would there have been a Republican Party take-over of Dixie beginning in the 1960s. Nor would we have become a tame and servile economic colony to the interests of international business and banking. No. Had the natural leaders of the South lead us instead of betraying us, then we would be a free and prosperous people in 2011. But because they sold us out for their own pursuit of wealth and power, we must do as the Scottish people threatened to do in the 14th century—we must look to ourselves alone and what resources we can muster at the late and perilous hour.

The prime resource, as it were, is found up here, in our heads. It is the realization that we are no longer “free” in the sense that our forefathers were. Though I do tend toward hyperbole from time to time, I am not exaggerating now. Things may seem normal to some degree, but they are not. Since the fall of 2008, we have been robbed, and not just we who are alive today but our children, grandchildren, and generations of Southerners yet unborn. The American kleptocracy has stolen your patrimony in broad, open daylight, laughing at you all the while. When anyone questioned their tactics, they trotted out the old “financial Armageddon” argument, bolstered by visions of martial law across the land. Our people acted as if they barely noticed and then went back into their self-induced coma. It is truly pitiful to see an enslaved population that believes it is free. They wear their chains as if to make a fashion statement.

There are indeed today few men able and willing to think for themselves and to provide for their family’s needs without some sort of government assistance. Compare an average man off the street in 2011 with a frontiersman from two centuries ago. I’m not talking about comparative skills—rather, I’m talking about attitude. One is dependent and slavish; the other, independent and proud. One makes good fodder for a declining and decadent empire; the other was the raw material for a young and energetic republic. One has no idea what his true God-given rights are; the other knew them and would die defending them. Simply put, one is a sheep; the other a man.

In order to properly and effectively “play the men,” to use a Biblical allusion, and to put up a good fight, we need to remember twelve fundamental rules:
  1. The mantra “Violence [or the serious threat thereof] never settles anything” is patently false. History shows that it indeed does settle many things. Please don’t forget this—your enemy hasn’t.

  2. Never underestimate your enemy but always make him underestimate you. There are some advantages to being perceived as “dumb Southerners . . .”

  3. Educate yourself –don’t be content to be part of the herd. Learn useful things. Stupid, lazy people are not free people.

  4. Don’t take anything for granted. Things are not always what they seem. Tomorrow is not guaranteed to be the same as today. Your own personal and family routine can be disrupted quite easily. Do you have a contingency plan?

  5. Be a leader—don’t be a sheep (unless Christ is your Shepherd). Generate your own solutions instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you. How many times have I gotten a phone call from a League member who complains that nothing is happening in his area? What do I tell him . . . ?

  6. Get tough, mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. The weak will surely perish. Don’t be afraid to be seen as a dissenter. Speak your mind—you’ll find people will respect you for it and will listen to what you have to say. Be willing to take risks. And most importantly, don’t take counsel from your fears. This is what the enemy expects you to do in the face of his superior strength (so he thinks). Disappoint him . . .

  7. Don’t engage the enemy on ground of his own choosing. Don’t accept his labels—“domestic terrorist,” “right-wing extremist,” “racist,” “anti-semite,” etc. These terms are meant to shame and marginalize you. Know you own mind and laugh them off. This is quite unsettling to the enemy. Once he sees that you don’t wish to be accepted into his “society,” then he loses a major weapon (ostracization) to use against you.

  8. Be unpredictable. If the enemy expects you to do “A,” then do “B.” Be creative with this category . . .

  9. Pay heed to your experiences in all things. If something works, use it. If something fails, abandon it. If something is necessary, keep it; if it proves useless, get rid of it. This includes the mental as well as the physical. Don’t allow useless sentiments or junk to rule you. Get rid of anything that is a drag on your ability to be an effective warrior for Southern independence.

  10. Know hope. You will make mistakes. Just don’t make big ones that cannot be overcome. Don’t give in to cynicism, defeatism, or nihilism—they will assure your ultimate destruction. Be realistic but never abandon your sense of optimism and hope for the future. Never fall victim to complacency—you can always do better.

  11. He who is willing to die for a cause will defeat one who isn’t. Always act as if you are fighting in the last ditch for the survival of all you hold dear. The enemy does intend on killing you and taking all you have. He has made this fight personal—you had better take it that way.

  12. We are already at war—we just don’t know it. One instance: Immigration. This is not just a matter of policy. It’s a matter of our very survival as white men and women of European Christian stock on this land we call the South. It is a zero sum game—we win or they win. There is no middle ground for compromise. Losing means that my grandchildren will grow up in a third world country. Multiculturalism and diversity means “we” cease to exist as a viable and prosperous people. Another instance: the criminal banksters—led by Bernanke and Geithner--and their politician-whores in Washington, DC, are in the process of stealing the wealth of the Southern middle and working class. We should have already considered this a declaration of war against us, for how can a man survive if he is robbed of his very sustenance. And the whole scheme is being pulled off under color of law. If this does not make you want to fight, then you don’t belong in our organization.


ON March 23rd 1775, in Virginia, the largest colony in America, a meeting of the colony's delegates was held in St. John's church in Richmond. Resolutions were presented by Patrick Henry putting the colony of Virginia "into a posture of defense...embodying, arming, and disciplining such a number of men as may be sufficient for that purpose." Before the vote was taken on his resolutions, Henry delivered his most noteworthy speech, imploring the delegates to vote in favor. I will now quote part of that very familiar speech; however, I will stop before the most famous part—the last four paragraphs. I’ll leave those for you to ponder on your own.

Now, Mr. Henry:

“This is no time for ceremony. The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty towards the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.

Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren, till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation?

. . . Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with these warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love? Let us not deceive ourselves, sir. These are the implements of war and subjugation -- the last arguments to which kings resort. I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, if its purpose be not to force us to submission? Can gentlemen assign any other possible motives for it? Has Great Britain any enemy, in this quarter of the world, to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies?

No, sir, she has none. They are meant for us; they can be meant for no other. They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the British ministry have been so long forging. And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer on the subject? Nothing.

Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament.

Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne. In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope.

If we wish to be free -- if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending -- if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained, we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us!”

May God give us the courage He gave to our Southern colonial and Confederate ancestors to resist tyrants in the cause of Christian liberty. May God bless you and may He save the South!


Dr. J. Michael Hill, of Alabama, is President of The League of the South and the author of Celtic Warfare and Fire & Sword. He is also a frequent lecturer on Southern cultural issues. [contact him]

Bowie Knives: The Baltimore Republican, 1861

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"An officer of the New York 71st, who arrived this morning, details the particulars of the fight in a most graphic style. He states that in the first place, owing to the ignorance and stupidity of one or all the commanding officers, the various regiments were not kept together as they should have been, but became scattered about in every direction, and were in such a position as to render them almost harmless to the enemy.

He says he never saw men fight as the Confederates did; 'twas not like men, but like infuriated devils. They rushed from their batteries, notwithstanding the statements to the contrary, and drawing their tremendous knives, they cut and slashed among the United States troops as though, in his language, 'they were mowing down weeds.'
Bowie Knives: The Baltimore Republican, 1861

Iran called on Britain to "stop the atrocities of police on the streets"

State news agency IRNA reported that during the weekly press conference in Tehran, Foreign Ministry spokesman of the Islamic Republic Ramin Mehmanparast called London Police order to stop the country's violence against its citizens.

Mehmanparastt also urged the government to begin Defida Cameron talks with representatives of rebellious youths from the street. He offered to let London independent human rights organizations to investigate the circumstances of the death of Marcus Dagan, provoked riots, and, thus, protect civil liberties.

Iran's statements clearly repeated statements by the leaders of Western countries who spoke out against violence, arranged by the police on the streets of Tehran after the people did not believe in the fairness of the official results of presidential elections in 2009 (re-elected President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for a second term, defeating Mir-Hossein Mousavi).



South Carolina and Tariff Policy

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My G, G Grandfather - Tariff Must Be Reduced
The Tariff must be reduced; it was grinding the South to powder. The northern manufacturers were declaring dividends of 25 and 30 per cent per annum, while the poor farmer at the South could scarcely "make both ends meet." The Tariff must be reduced - it made the rich richer and the poor poorer.
Added to the American South’s dislike of the imbalanced tariff policy promoted by the North was Henry Clay’s “American System,” patterned after England’s mercantile system and earlier promoted by centralizer Alexander Hamilton. Those that believe the American South sought self-determination in 1861 because of slavery will find the true reasons for secession in the revolutionary antebellum North. Even the proposed Corwin Amendment, which had Lincoln’s support and guaranteed African slavery within the Union, would not bring the seceded States back.

Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"
“South Carolina had opposed the tariff from the earliest days of the republic. The very first Congress, in 1789, had included a group of Carolina representatives known as “anti-tariff men.” When the Washington administration sponsored a mild import measure, Senator Pierce Butler of the Palmetto State brought the charge that Congress was oppressing South Carolina and threatened a “dissolution of the Union, with regard to that State, as sure as God was in his firmament.”

The tariff of 1816, passed in a wave of American national feeling after the War of 1812, found six out of ten Carolina members voting against the bill. John C. Calhoun and the other three members who supported the measure were severely censured at home.

Almost the entire South opposed the tariff of 1824. The spreading domain of King Cotton now had a well-defined grievance: the Northeast and the Northwest were uniting to levy taxes on goods exchanged for exported cotton; their protective tariff policy, and concomitant program for internal improvements, was benefiting their entire section at the expense of the South.

The policy protected New England [cotton] mills and furnished funds for linking the seaboard States of the North with the new Northwest by means of canals and turnpikes. The Southern planters paid the bills: they were forced to buy their manufactured supplies in a high market and their chief article of exchange, cotton, had fallen from thirty cents a pound in 1816 to fifteen cents in 1824. In addition, the internal improvements program offered them no compensation; the rivers took their cotton to the shipping points.

When the “Tariff of Abominations” passed in 1828, all the Southeastern and Southwestern members of the House opposed it, except for three Virginians. In the Senate, only two Southerners supported “the legislative monstrosity.”

The opposition to Northern tariff policy was most vociferous in the Palmetto State. [English-born South Carolinian Thomas Cooper produced] Lectures on the Elements of Political Economy (1826) and other writings of the period [which] receive credit for doing much toward shaping opinion on the tariff. In 1827, he told Senator Martin Van Buren of New York that if [Henry Clay’s] American system were pushed too far, the Carolina legislature would probably recall the State’s representatives from Washington.

Seven years after [Cooper’s] arrival in the Palmetto State, he made the famous declaration that it was time for South Carolina “to calculate the value of the Union.” This historic utterance of July 2, 1827, gave rise to shocked expressions of horror, even among some Carolina hotheads, but it had been indelibly burned into the thinking of a generation. It had a habit of cropping out down through the years. Webster and Hayne both alluded to it during their famous debate.

An English traveler, stopping at Columbia…in 1835, had the opportunity to hear Cooper expressing his opinions and to observe the attitude of those who surrounded the strong-minded college president [of South Carolina College]. After this occasion, he noted in his diary:

“I could not help asking, in a good-natured way, if they called themselves Americans yet; the gentleman who had interrupted me before said, “If you ask me if I am an American, my answer is No, Sir, I am a South Carolinian.” [These men] are born to command, it will be intolerable to them to submit to be, in their estimation, the drudges of the Northern manufacturers, whom they despise as an inferior race of men. Even now there is nothing a Southern man resents so much as to be called a Yankee.”

(Romanticism and Nationalism in the Old South, Rollin G. Osterweis, LSU Press, 1949, pp. 139-141)

South Carolina and Tariff Policy

What will you do when the invaders march down your street?

The reality is simple; the English can no longer depend on the state for protection of life and livelihood. I watched in horror as hundreds of decent, mainly white locals stood powerlessly observing their homes and businesses being put to the torch.

No police, no fire brigade, no nationalist vigilantes, no English youth defenders, no resistance of any kind, no hope.


I know the English, unlike us Celts are calm, private and very individual in nature but unless Englishmen stand together to defend their homes and families they will be destroyed. This violence is a mere taste to what is coming, make no mistake. This is the end of the beginning, the next phase of our colonisation has now begun and the violence will become much worse in the coming decade.

To the so-called hardcore, 14 word nationalists who boast of what they will do when the race wars starts, I say, grow up and shut up, your kind have done nothing but weakened our cause by your straight arm salutes and by your obnoxious views.

Where were the massed ranks of the shaven headed nationalist ‘defenders’ who march around England looking for a fight every weekend last night, as the invaders burnt Croydon? Where were the bomber jacketed loud mouth yob nationalists when our people were jumping out of their burning homes?

As things stand there will be no culture/race/religious war in England, it will be a massacre and those in the multi cult areas won’t stand a cat in hells chance of survival never mind silly thoughts of a glorious nationalist victory.

A real nationalist’s first duty is to defend our people and country, we failed. Our young men (you know, the ones that often boast of how patriotic they are, always waving flags and making a lot of noise) did not run away, they couldn’t even get it together to turn up!

This shows just how silly and ineffective the nationalist cause has become in this country. Nationalism needs men and women of quiet dignity and courage not big mouthed disorganised thugs or discredited nationalist political parties.

Surely we can all see now that the 'state' cannot or will not protect our homes or our women and children. Nor will the current nationalist groups and parties. However, since the beginning of time the ultimate responsibility to protect our loved ones and our property has always rested with the individual man of the family.

The idea of a police force (now service) was only ever meant to act as a back up to this universal truth. I say to every British male: the safety of YOUR wife, YOUR children, and YOUR home is YOURS...first and foremost.

Now you see that the state will indeed allow you to be robbed and burnt out of your home, what now? More white flight...WE LIVE ON AN ISLAND MY ENGLISH FRIENDS, YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF PLACES TO HIDE FROM REALITY!

It is time for defence committees to be formed, not only in the affected areas but in ALL areas of the country, so that assistance can be offered by those more fortunate. I am not talking about white vigilantes, ABSOLUTELY NOT, but we need ALL decent British citizens who are patriots to start acting in the way every man in previous generations would have: Stand together and prepare for the worst but hope for the best.

Last night it was property, indeed the mobs attacked many private dwellings, kicking domestic doors in and entering family homes. Last night theft was the main impulse, but rape and pillage always go hand in hand.

Ask yourself my English brothers: If a these mobs rampage down your street and kick in your doors, could you ever be a man in your own house again or in the eyes of your children after the mob has left your wives and daughters on the floor, could you look at yourself in the mirror ever again??

Ask yourself, why no looting or serious bother in Asian areas or some other places? I shall tell you why. This was because hundreds of Asian men (and Turks and Lebanese) took the personal safety of their loved ones, businesses and homes into their own hands, the BBC will not show you, but last night hundreds of men were out on the streets of their districts prepared to fight ANYONE who would threaten what is theirs.


My Daughter Said....

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The Feral Irishman



My daughter just walked into the living room and said "Dad, cancel my allowance immediately, rent my room out, throw all my clothes out of the window, take my TV, and stereo, and iPhone, and iPod, and my laptop.

Please take all of my jewelry to the Salvation Army or Cash Converters.

Then sell my new car, take my front door key away from me and throw me out of the house. Then disown me and never talk to me again. And don't forget to write me out of your will and leave my share to my brother.

Well, she didn't put it quite like that... she actually said...

"Dad this is my new boyfriend, Mohamed."

London Glaziers Praise Youth for Economic Stimulus by Kaiser Leib

Zero Gov

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The Law By Frederic Bastiat

The Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass has released a statement in support of the economic stimulus activities undertaken this week in London. “Over the past three nights,” said guild spokesman JM Keynes, “The brave young people of London have taken it upon themselves to guarantee the economic health of our city for years to come.” Keynes went on to explain that the Glaziers expect a 10,000% increase in demand for new glass windows over the coming weeks, which will employ hundreds of new glassmakers, who are paid as much as six francs for each new window produced.

Shopkeeper F Bastiat took a rather dimmer view of the stimulus package, citing its cost to his business. “Look here,” he said, gesturing to his store’s broken window. “They broke that, broke the door, came in and took things right off the shelves.” Bastiat expects that his insurance will cover some of the damages, but that much of his inventory will be a total loss. “I had a year’s profits tied up, just in what was on the shelves,” he explained. “And some of it they just destroyed! This television was too heavy to steal, I suppose, so they just smashed it.”

Bastiat’s selfishness, though, is not representative of most Londoners. In addition to creating jobs and increasing private spending, the stimulus is providing an increased standard of living for some participants. ”I got tones of stuff todayyyy!” explained one of the stimulus agents via twitter, ” … whop whop … wat ev;; it was free so i took it ennit,, didn’t get caught so[.]”

The London Olympics, set for 2012, could bring economic stimulus to countries the world over. “Just imagine,” said Keynes, “What would happen if some of these elite athletes had their possessions appropriated by another stimulus, or if they were injured? And there’ll be millions of attendees, too! All these people will have to buy replacement goods and seek health care upon return to their home nations. Everyone will benefit!”

Bastiat could not be reached for further comment at press time.

Repost: 6 lessons learned from the 20th Century

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What I Have Learned From the Twentieth Century
With thanks to Schoolmasters Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Mao Tse-Tung and Pol Pot

From the Liberty Pole
June, 1999
by Mike Vanderboegh

As an amateur historian of this sad century whose time is almost up, I would like to reflect upon six lessons I have learned in my studies. Folks who wish to live free and prosperous in the next century would do well to understand the failures of the past.

LESSON NO. 1: If a bureaucrat, or a soldier sent by a bureaucrat, comes to knock down your door and take you someplace you do not want to go because of who you are or what you think -- kill him. If you can, kill the politician who sent him. You will likely die anyway, and you will be saving someone else the same fate. For it is a universal truth that the intended victims always far outnumber the tyrant's executioners. Any nation which practices this lesson will quickly run out of executioners and tyrants, or they will run out of it.

LESSON NO. 2: If a bureaucrat, or a soldier sent by a bureaucrat, comes to knock down your door and confiscate your firearms -- kill him. The disarmament of law-abiding citizens is the required precursor to genocide.

LESSON NO. 3: If a bureaucrat tells you that he must know if you have a firearm so he can put your name on a list for the common good, or wants to issue you an identity card so that you be more easily identified -- tell him to go to hell. Registration of people and firearms is the required precursor to the tyranny which permits genocide. Bureaucrats cannot send soldiers to doors that are not on their list.

LESSON NO. 4: Believe actions, not words. Tyrants are consummate liars. Just because a tyrant is "democratically elected" does not mean he believes in democracy. Reference Adolf Hitler, 1932.

And just because a would-be tyrant mouths words of reverence to law and justice, or takes a solemn oath to uphold a constitution, does not mean be believes such concepts apply to him. Reference Bill Clinton, among others.

The language of the lie is just another tool of killers. A sign saying "Arbeit Macht Frei" (Work Makes You Free) posted above an execution camp gate does not mean that anybody gets out of there alive, and a room labeled "Showers" does not necessarily make you clean. Bill Clinton notwithstanding, the meaning of "is" is plain when such perverted language gets you killed. While all tyrants are liars, it is true that not all political liars are would-be tyrants -- but they bear close watching. And keep your rifle handy.

LESSON NO. 5: Our constitutional republic as crafted by the Founders is the worst form of government in the world, except when compared to all the others. Capitalism, as well, is a terrible way to run an economy, except when compared to all other economic systems. Unrestrained democracy is best expressed as three wolves and a sheep sitting down to vote on what to have for dinner. The horrors of collectivism in all its forms -- socialism, communism, national socialism, fascism -- have been demonstrated beyond dispute by considerable wasteful trial and bloody error. Leaders such as Bill Clinton who view the Constitution as inconvenient and ignorable are harbingers of tyranny.

LESSON NO. 6: While nations do not always get the leaders they deserve, they always get the leaders they tolerate. And anyone who tells you that "It Can't Happen Here" is whistling past the graveyard of history. There is no "house rule" that bars tyranny coming to America. History is replete with republics whose people grew complacent and descended into imperial butchery and chaos. Dictators count on the assistance of people who are complacent, fearful, envious, lazy and corrupt. While there is no "Collective guilt" to the crimes of a regime (all such crimes being committed by specific criminal individuals), there is certainly "collective responsibility" -- especially for those who watch the criminals at work without objecting or interfering.

National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Recap 08-08-11

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Injustice Everywhere
  • University of Cincinnati OH police version of fatal taser incident contradicted by witness alleging teen was kneeling in an attempt to follow commands given by police at the time. [3] http://ow.ly/1vtRqQ
  • 20 Hamilton ON cops sued by refugee claiming cops beat him while he was cuffed during wrong-door drug raid [3] http://bit.ly/qU23o5
  • 15 Gloucester Twp NJ cops are accused of excessive force on 2 teen boys who claim they were beaten & hit with batons while arrested. Police maintain they attacked the officers who were called by a store owner claiming the teens threatened him but witnesses and the store owner appear to be contradicting that version of events. [3] http://bit.ly/orBdgp
  • 4 Cleveland OH cops are the subject of a suit filed by a man alleging excessive force was used after a New Years chase that was captured on helicopter video and is still the subject of a federal investigation. [1] http://ow.ly/1vtRLA
  • US ICE agents are being sued over a series of predawn raids where 1 woman alleges an agent groped her, her sister claims the officer remained in the room when they were allowed to change, and a couple claims the agents lacked a warrant during the raids. [3] http://ow.ly/1vuD57
  • New York NY cop sentenced to 1yr after jury convicted him of official misconduct in case where he was accused of sexually assaulting a drunk woman while his partner, scheduled for sentencing Wednesday, stood lookout. [0] http://is.gd/wbCOsq
  • Denver Co CO deputy was sentenced to 24yrs after pleading to child abuse & attempt sexual assault charges involving 8 & 12-year-old boys [0] http://bit.ly/qFKDZj
  • Another Denver Co CO deputy pleads guilty to a reduced attempted sexual assault on a child charge involving a teen girl [0] http://ow.ly/1vuJQn
  • Burlington NC cop gets 5mo jail in plea deal to indecent liberties with a minor involving a 14yr-old girl in the police explorer’s program [0] http://ow.ly/1vuqM5
  • Orleans Parish LA deputy investigated for leaving post while inmate on suicide watch killed self w/toilet paper [0] http://bit.ly/rpFQYM
  • Romulus MI police dept fires officer who filed a racial discrimination complaint alleging he was referred to as “monkey” that launched a 3 year-long state probe [4] http://bit.ly/q3FlQV
  • Eudora KS police officer arrested on misd battery charge after woman suffered minor injuries claims he struck her [1] http://bit.ly/nU9Vr7
  • Hudson Co NJ retired capt now serving as director of narcotics div investigated for possible pension violations [0] http://ow.ly/1vu155

Philadelphia mayor talks tough to black teenagers after ‘flash mobs’

Via Don

** FILE ** In this March 20, 2010, photo, young people run down South Street during a flash mob incident that involved thousands and closed the street to traffic from Front Street to Broad in Philadelphia. Thanks to websites like Twitter and Facebook, more and more so-called flash mobs are materializing across the globe, leaving police scrambling to keep tabs on the spontaneous assemblies. (AP Photo/The Philadelphia Inquirer, Laurence Kesterson)


PHILADELPHIA — Mayor Michael A. Nutter, telling marauding black youths “you have damaged your own race,” imposed a tougher curfew Monday in response to the latest “flash mob” — spontaneous groups of teens who attack people at random on the streets of the city’s tourist and fashionable shopping districts.

“Take those God-darn hoodies down, especially in the summer,” Mr. Nutter, the city’s third black mayor, said in an angry lecture aimed at black teens. “Pull your pants up and buy a belt ‘cause no one wants to see your underwear or the crack of your butt.”

“If you walk into somebody’s office with your hair uncombed and a pick in the back, and your shoes untied, and your pants half down, tattoos up and down your arms and on your neck, and you wonder why somebody won’t hire you? They don’t hire you ‘cause you look like you’re crazy,” the mayor said. “You have damaged your own race.”


Court tells Hawaii officials to explain Obama's birth records

Via Don

California attorney Orly Taitz today secured an order from United States District Court Magistrate Judge Richard L. Puglisi demanding representatives of the Hawaii Department of Health appear in federal court Sept. 14 to show why Taitz should be prevented from seeing whatever original 1961 documents the agency has on record regarding Barack Obama's birth.

Taitz returned to federal court in Honolulu today after Hawaii DOH officials presented her with a letter refusing to comply with her subpoena on grounds that Hawaii privacy laws prevented officials from releasing Obama birth records to the public.

"It's ridiculous," Taitz told WND.

She had argued previously – without getting a response from the state – that Obama had waived all privacy rights by releasing his long-form birth certificate to the American public at a White House press conference April 27.

The ExParte Emergency Motion for Order to Show Cause and to Compel Attendance for Production of Documents that Taitz filed with the federal magistrate asked the court to demand Hawaii DOH head Loretta Fuddy appear in court to explain why she would not comply with the subpoena.

"Getting a federal judge to demand Fuddy's attendance at a show-cause hearing is a victory," Taitz said. "I will return to Hawaii on Sept. 14 and I expect then to be able to force the Hawaii DOH to turn over the relevant records as demanded by the subpoena."

Pentagon to Reconsider Landing Chinooks in Battle Zones




Pentagon to Reconsider Landing Chinooks in Battle Zones

KABUL, Afghanistan -- Two Pentagon officials told McClatchy Newspapers on Monday that an investigation into the helicopter crash that killed 30 American troops would probe whether it's a mistake to send the large, lumbering Chinook helicopter into a Taliban firefight, where it's a target for insurgents.

As the remains of the 30 troops killed in the military's deadliest incident of the Afghan war were being flown back to the United States, U.S. commanders confirmed that the servicemen were flying to the aid of American troops embroiled in a firefight when an insurgent shot down their helicopter with a rocket-propelled grenade.

The U.S.-led military coalition in Afghanistan offered the first detailed account of the tragedy since the pre-dawn crash in the Tangi Valley, a Taliban-infested area of Wardak province, about 60 miles southwest of Kabul, the capital.

"The helicopter was reportedly fired on by an insurgent rocket-propelled grenade while transporting the U.S. servicemembers and commandos to the scene of an ongoing engagement," said a statement released by the International Security Assistance Force.

The Pentagon announced that the return of the servicemen's remains, in flag-draped coffins, to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware possibly as early as Tuesday won't be open to the news media, although family members will be allowed to attend. The ceremony will be closed to the public because there were "no identifiable remains," said Marine Col. David Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman.

Separately, two Defense Department officials told McClatchy that a military investigation into the crash would ask whether dropping a Chinook into the middle of a battle is too dangerous now. Before the incident, the Taliban rarely had shot down a Chinook, bolstering commanders' confidence that the military could use the aircraft, which can carry more people than the Black Hawk helicopter, under such circumstances.

But just two weeks earlier, on July 25, the Taliban used a rocket-propelled grenade to shoot down a Chinook in eastern Afghanistan's Kunar province, injuring two U.S. servicemembers. That Chinook was struck in the bottom and was forced to make a hard landing, defense officials said.

On Saturday, officials said, the grenade struck the middle of the helicopter, essentially splitting it in midair, killing everyone on board.

Area residents told McClatchy by phone that the ground forces and the Taliban were in the midst of a firefight less than a mile from the crash site.

President Obama said that the incident, while tragic, wouldn't deter American forces from the fight in Afghanistan, now in its 10th year. U.S. forces have begun to withdraw 33,000 "surge" troops from the country, a drawdown that's expected to be completed in September 2012.

"We will press on and we will succeed," Obama said. "Our troops will continue the hard work of transitioning to a stronger Afghan government and ensuring that Afghanistan is not a safe haven for terrorists."

Gen. John Allen, the commander of the U.S.-led mission in Afghanistan, said: "We will continue to relentlessly pressure the enemy and we will continue to develop the Afghan National Security Forces so that on their strong, broad shoulders they can defeat this insurgency and bring lasting and enduring peace to this historic land and this great people."

According to the coalition statement, Saturday's incident began when U.S. ground troops became engulfed in a battle with Taliban forces armed with rocket-propelled grenade launchers and AK-47s. The troops were flying to the aid of other U.S. servicemembers who'd gone into the Tangi Valley in search of an unidentified Taliban leader who oversaw "insurgent operations" in the remote area, the ISAF statement said.

"After commencing the search, the initial security force on the ground observed several insurgents, armed with rocket-propelled grenade launchers and AK-47 assault rifles, moving through the area," the statement said. "The security force and the insurgents exchanged small-arms fire, resulting in several enemies killed."

The Soldiers asked for backup, and 33 people -- Navy SEALs, Airmen and Afghan special forces -- climbed into a Chinook and headed to battle, led by five crewmen.

When a Chinook lands, it descends slowly to the ground, and on Saturday it did so into a remote area where there was no surrounding base to offer protection. Even under the best of circumstances, military officials say, the landing is most vulnerable part of the flight. In Afghanistan, amid fierce fighting, it's the best chance the Taliban have of killing dozens of troops at one time.

Those killed aboard the twin-rotor CH-47 Chinook included "five aircrew and 25 personnel from the U.S. Special Operations Command," said the statement, which withheld the identities of the victims and their units.

Many of the dead reportedly were from the same Navy SEAL contingent from which was drawn the unit that killed Osama bin Laden in the al-Qaida leader's hideout in Pakistan in May.

Also killed were an Afghan interpreter and seven Afghan commandos.

After the crash, the unit on the ground "broke contact" with the insurgents, moved to the crash site, secured it and searched for survivors, the ISAF said.

The investigation to determine the "exact cause" of the crash was ongoing, the statement said. It was the deadliest incident the U.S. military had suffered in Afghanistan since the 2001 U.S.-led invasion.

Civilization's End

Via Western Rifle Shooters Association

The flash mobs in America or the Blackberry mobs in London have one thing in common. It isn't race, though they tend to predominantly be minorities. It's identity.

The counterculture has not changed dramatically since the 70's, but it has tossed aside any appearance of idealism. The new counterculture draws in two groups, disaffected upper middle class white youth and lower class black youth. Their goals are purely materialistic, looted iPods and government subsidies for housing, education and anything else they can think of.

These are the children of the welfare state with little in common except a rejection of the commercial way of life. Neither the entitled white university brat or the posturing ghetto teenager has any interest in working. The businesses they smash are an alien thing to them. Small businessmen do not go about smashing stores. The people who do think of commodities as something they trick or intimidate others into giving to them. And that covers everyone from municipal unions to thugs driving around BMW's.

Rand's looters take on a more literal meaning in Tottenham. Smashing store windows and grabbing what's inside is only the protest for more government handouts taken directly to the businesses who fund it without the bother of a government middle man.

This lawless materialism is the essence of the welfare state. "Loot as much as you can, or someone else will." If you don't grab government benefits or sneakers in store windows, someone else will. The rich are grabbing, the pols are grabbing-- time to queue up and loot your share. Communism made this way of thinking so commonplace that all of Russia became one black market. And we are not far behind.

What kind of people behave this way? Those who have come to think of wealth as an infinite pile from which everyone grabs as much as they can. This is where the ethos of the socialist left and hip-hop comes together. Obama gleefully spending millions on himself and trillions on national giveaways for his donors and supporters is the most obnoxious fusion of this phenomenon.

Technological savvy melded with barbaric behavior, the 21st century mobile devotee turned raider is a wake up call in more ways than one. These are not mere race riots, they are the self-organization of the end of our civilization.

The classic raid has come to the cities of West, its hallmarks are not frustration but careful planning, followed by a violent rush. The raids may have a profit motive, but often they are there only to terrify. Mostly there is no larger political agenda, only the emergence of an old way of life that most people think died with the Vikings.

Congressional Reform Act of 2011: 3,311 Letters and Emails Sent So Far

London riot pictures & Google map

London riot pictures

Global Guerrillas

  • Live blog covering the London Riots (3rd night and spreading). Each group appears to be about 150 strong. They disperse quickly when challenged. Reassemble quickly at a new location via SMS texting (Blackberry). Locations of riots in London (see Google map)

  • Riots london

Texas Hobbit House: A Small, Handmade Treasure

Via Global Guerrillas

Texas Hobbit House: A Small, Handmade Treasure

Of all the houses I visited during my tenure as Natural Home editor-in-chief, the first one holds a special place in my heart. I visited Gary Zuker’s hand-built cob cottage—built for $40,000—in 1999. Natural Home named it our “house of the decade” in 2009, and the house continues to capture the imagination of everyone who sees it.

Gary, a University of Texas computer engineer, had no carpentry experience when he set out to build a small, inexpensive weekend getaway and eventual retirement home on 2 acres of wooded land, just up the hill from Lake Travis outside of Austin, Texas. Austin’s resident sustainable-building guru Pliny Fisk, co-director of the Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems, helped him build a home out of modified cob known as Leichtlehmbau, a lightweight mixture of straw and clay. “Anybody can do this,” Gary realized. “It’s simple.”

After poring over drawings of medieval straw-clay cottages in ancient texts at the university’s historical library, Gary pulled together a straw-clay recipe based on historical documents and modern-day innovations. “Real cob is mostly earth with straw as a binder,” he explains. “Leichtlehmbau, a German term for light straw-clay, is a legitimate extension of it. You add more straw and use only clay to cut down on the amount of earth and increase insulation.”

Gary bought 250 bales of straw at $1.50 a bale from nearby farmers. He had 6 cubic yards of blue clay, which a gravel company was hauling out of a local pit, delivered for $25. He found more than 100 recipes for exterior plaster used to seal the clay and straw, including everything from horse urine to molasses. But all shared the same core ingredients: lime, sand, and horsehair. Lacking access to horsehair, Zuker substituted polyester fiber and added rock salt and alum.

Murray Libersat, a faculty member at the University of Texas School of Architecture, designed Gary’s house according to Sastric architecture, a Hindu design system resulting in simple, elegant buildings that harmonize with the natural order of the universe. The plan called for a simple, rectangular 650-square-foot living area and a 180-square-foot bathroom area. A scissor-truss system for the home’s structure was built using freshly cut loblolly pine from a sawmill nearby.

The house took a good three years to build, and Gary’s still tinkering with it. Troughout the building process, he put blinders on about time. “I had more time than money,” he says. “You cannot make something beautiful if your mind is on the clock. It’s all part of just getting away from the modern mentality.”

Liberty on Film: Hayek and Others

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A colleague sent me a link to the following collection of Hayek interviews, now available online.

Other useful sites include:


http://www.missliberty.com/ – updates to Miss Liberty’s Guide to Film and Video




William F. Buckley, Jr.’s Firing Line show included interviews with people across the political spectrum, now collected at the Hoover Institution:



I have the entire “Hayek on Firing Line” show from 1977 as an audio clip MP3. Bob Murphy posted a short 4 minute clip from the show here:


Hayek on “Meet the Press” from 1975 is here:


A transcript of the show is here:


Jeffrey Tucker comments here:


Bob Roddis