Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Top Break Revolvers

How did the perfect revolver for its time end up in second place? We look at the Smith & Wesson Top Break, a classic American revolver used by Frank and Jesse James, Annie Oakley, Bill Tilghman and Buffalo Bill . Gun experts you’ll meet in this episode: Larry Potterfield, Jim Supica, Jason Schubert, Dr. Jack Atwater, Dick Williams, Bill Laughridge, Lance Olson and Stephen Hunter.

Aired first time on 08-03-11.

Air Times on Outdoor Channel: 09-21 at 2:00PM | 09-21 at 7:30PM | 09-21 at 10:30PM | 09-22 at 1:30AM | 09-25 at 6:00AM. All times EST.

NC SB 26: Benefit Corporations: Expansion of the Public-Private Fascist State

Via Bill
Let me begin by congratulating any readers who’ve slogged through the first three parts of my analysis of the North Carolina Benefit Corporation Act, or SB26. While those articles expose both the incompetence (or worse) of the NC General Assembly for considering such legislation and the abuse that such vague, open-ended legislation can entail, you’re probably still wanting to know just why I’ve bothered cobbling together several thousand words warning you of the perils of such a new regulation.

Follow closely, and I will explain — and those of you who haven’t read the first three parts should probably do so now so you’ll know I’m not making scenarios up out of whole cloth.

Imagine two corporations, Mammon LLC and Beneficius B Corporation. The former is a traditional corporation, the latter a new “Benefit Corporation” created courtesy of the passage of SB26; both are primarily involved in the housing construction industry. And both are submitting bids for an “affordable housing” project being contemplated by a North Carolina municipality as a result of the passage of the “Congestion Relief and Intermodal Transportation 21st Century Fund,” specifically G.S. 136-252 section (b) (3) (d), which says applicants for grants must produce a “housing needs assessment and plans” that includes:

“Identification of potential resources and a strategy to provide replacement housing for low-income residents displaced by transit development and to create incentives for the purpose of increasing the stock of affordable housing to at least fifteen percent (15%) within a one-half mile radius of each transit station and bus hub to be affordable to families with income less than sixty percent (60%) of area median income.”

But most important for consideration in this hypothetical situation is this: the two companies are not only completely equal in terms of customer satisfaction and quality of work, but have submitted precisely the same bid. So who gets the contract for the housing project?

Be honest. Do you really think that Beneficius, because its very corporate designation implies it is imparting a “benefit,” wouldn’t get the contract over Mammon? Of course it would, even though the decision-makers at the municipality might not say that’s the reason in so many words. And of course there’s always the possibility that a Benefit Corporation could simply underbid its non-Benefit Corporation competitors because it allegedly doesn’t seek the same type of profit margins that bad, money-loving standard corporations do.

So now one company would likely win out over another company not because its work is necessarily more “beneficial” but because it had hired more women and minorities, used more renewable energy, recycled more goods, reduced its carbon footprint, offered more generous employee compensation plans, and dealt with suppliers who had followed the same regimen — i.e., creating the vague “general public benefit” defined by the “third-party standard” I addressed in Part 3. But are the qualifiers that make up the bulk of the “third-party standard” all that beneficial? The wage gap between men and women has been obliterated; men are being increasingly shoved out of the workplace, in keeping with Agenda 21's focus on women and children; renewable energy sources are costing lives and money; manmade global warming is a scam; and recycling is utterly inefficient and even wasteful.

"Eric Holder probably wishes there was an 18 minute gap in these tapes." HEH!:)

About Napolitano, Issa commented, “She seems to know everything and is running everything until something goes wrong.”

In a series of secretly recorded audio tapes believe to have been recorded last March and obtained by CBS News, an Arizona gun dealer and an ATF agent involved with ATF's "Fast and Furious" operation worried about the unraveling scandal.

The tapes were made just weeks after CBS News broke the story in February.

Secret recordings raise new questions in ATF 'Gunwalker' operation

The conversations were recorded by Andre Howard who ran the Lone Wolf Trading Company. Howard's gun dealership had been cooperating with the ATF in "Fast and Furious." At least two of his weapons were sold to a straw buyer before turning up later at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Hope MacAllister, the ATF agent heard in the conversations, was the lead case agent.

The ATF's controversial "Fast and Furious" operation allowed thousands of weapons to be smuggled into Mexico and into the hands of drug cartels. Agents involved describe it as "letting guns walk."

Among other things, Howard and MacAllister expressed concerns about ATF Special Agent John Dodson, who by that point had gone public about "Fast and Furious" in an exclusive interview with CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson.

(Listen to the audio below)

They also spoke of their concerns that Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) was investigating, with Agent MacCallister saying of her superiors in Washington, DC, "they're gonna say have to say Grassley you're just gonna have to sit your a-- down."

These recordings are important because MacAllister has never spoken publicly about her involvement in the operation and its fallout and Howard's role as a gun dealer cooperating with the ATF placed him in position to see "Fast and Furious" firsthand . The audio recordings contain new revelations about the guns involved, and ATF's efforts to respond to the breaking scandal. The tapes were turned over to Congressional investigators and the Inspector General in connection with their probe into "Fast and Furious."

The excerpts below refer to whistleblower ATF special agent John Dodson, and a March 9 letter that Rep. Lamar Smith and 13 other House Judiciary Committee members sent to Attorney General Eric Holder demanding answers regarding "Fast and Furious."

(Read text of the audio excerpts below.)

The gun dealer is Andre Howard, the agent is ATF Agent Hope MacAllister.

Gun Owners of America Action Alert

The Second Amendment
is Coming Under Fire!

Vote could occur as early as Wednesday

Earlier this month, we alerted you to the fact that Congress will have an opportunity to defund some of the anti-gun programs that the Obama Administration has foisted upon the American people.
Well, we are sorry to report that the congressional leadership is not yet listening to you. The House will soon be taking up H.J.Res. 79, which bundles all 12 appropriation bills to fund the federal government for the next month and a half.
According to GOA’s sources on Capitol Hill, this bill contains:
  • NO DEFUNDING of ObamaCare;
  • NO DEFUNDING of Operation Fast & Furious which was used to demonize American gun owners, while helping send arms to Mexican drug cartels;
  • NO DEFUNDING of requirements that will register American gun owners in the Southwest -- regulations that were instituted by the Obama Administration as a way of deflecting attention from their involvement in Fast & Furious;
  • NO DEFUNDING of the shotgun and rifle import bans; and,
  • NO DEFUNDING of the Administration’s ability to engage in negotiations on an anti-gun small arms treaty.
ACTION: We need to redouble our efforts. Please use the pre-written letter to contact your congressman, and urge your friends and family to do the same. Time is of the essence!
Tell your Representative to stake out a position early and publicly that they will oppose any continuing resolution which does not defund ObamaCare, Fast & Furious, the illegal long gun multiple sales regs, the illegal shotgun and rifle bans, and the UN negotiations to produce a treaty which will register American gun owners.

What The Patriot Act Wrought: Gee, this turned out swell........

Via Wes

Check out the chart.

We dipped our toes over the weekend, Fellow Reckoner. Re-tested the waters. We wanted to know whether, over the past ten years, the public discourse regarding 9/11 and the subsequent “War on Terror” – waged both on foreign soil and, increasingly, against the liberties of American citizens at home – had shifted. A few questions…

Are people still waving flags and crying “traitor!” toward anyone with the inclination to question directives from the state’s military machine? Or has the mood become more reflective, more contemplative…more conducive to free and open discussion? After a decade at war, fighting on multiple fronts at a cost of trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives, has “war fatigue” finally set in?

“I originally was supportive of George Bush’s call for a war against Saddam Hussein,” responded one reader. “Since then I have come to be a huge believer in Ron Paul and have become disillusioned with our ‘war’ mentality. Thank you for your open dialogue.”

Wrote another, “…[I]t appears that I would be in agreement with the DR writers at this point, even though that would not have been the case 7-10 years ago. I was hoping for ‘getting the job done, and get it over with,’ but that hasn’t happened. Enough is enough now. But what should I have expected from a government that still has in place wool subsidies from WWII and a telephone tax from the Spanish-American war? We have now progressed far beyond ongoing taxes and ongoing subsidies to just plain ongoing wars.”

Setting aside the financial costs of “ongoing wars” abroad, there is also the cost in terms of personal liberty to be considered. Our mates over at The 5-Minute Forecast provided the following, disturbing observation last week…

The Patriot Act authorized “sneak and peek” search warrants – where you, the suspect, don’t have to be notified of the search until after the fact. If you’re a patriot and thought those powers would be used to fight terrorism, well you would be wrong.


CEO Blows Away Congressional Hearing: 'I Was Fined for Hiring Too Many People!'

Via Forbes.com: The following statement from Mr. Schiff was entered into the Congressional Record this morning as testimony before the House of Representatives Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs, Stimulus Oversight and Government Spending hearing: “Take Two: The President’s Proposal to Stimulate the Economy and Create Jobs.”

How the Government Can Create Jobs
September 13, 2011

Mr. Chairman, Mr. Ranking member, and all distinguished members of this panel. Thank you for inviting me here today to offer my opinions as to how the government can help the American economy recover from the worst crisis in living memory.

Despite the understandable human tendency to help others, government spending cannot be a net creator of jobs. Indeed many efforts currently under consideration by the Administration and Congress will actively destroy jobs. These initiatives must stop. While it is easy to see how a deficit-financed government program can lead to the creation of a specific job, it is much harder to see how other jobs are destroyed by the diversion of capital and resources. It is also difficult to see how the bigger budget deficits sap the economy of vitality, destroying jobs in the process.

How to get an 80' sailboat through the 65' bridges of the Intracoastal Waterway

How to get an 80' rig through the 65' bridges of the Intracoastal Waterway using two tons of water. The balls get swung out with an initial turn to port or stbd. The tendency then is for the roll to continue by itself, but is controlled by letting the bags out slowly with a line made off to each bag and running through necessary tackle to a cockpit winch.

Excerpt from new book on Obama's WH: “We’re home alone. There’s no adult in charge."

A recently released Politico report sharing excerpts from the soon-to-be published Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President by Ron Suskind is blowing up across the Internet, putting on display the on-the-record words of Obama White House staff and their collective and often less-than-favorable assessment of the inner conflicts rampant within the Obama administration – including scathing commentary that in effect, defines Barack Obama as an absentee president.

Issa to launch probe of Obama actions on Solyndra, LightSquared

Via III Percent Patriots

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said Tuesday that his committee plans to investigate government loan programs to private corporations in light of allegations of improper dealings between the White House and failed energy company Solyndra and wireless start-up LightSquared.

"I want to see when the president and his cronies are picking winners and losers… it wasn't because there were large contributions given to them," the chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Tuesday morning on C-SPAN.

Issa said the committee was looking at whether it was improper for members of Congress or White House staff to select companies eligible for subsidized government loans when those companies could give campaign donations. Loan programs have been a popular tool to provide funding for popular industries — like tech, green energy, and American auto companies — at more favorable terms than could be secured privately.


Solyndra's Execs will take the fifth
Solyndra LLC's chief executive and chief financial officer will invoke their Fifth Amendment rights and decline to answer any questions put to them at a Congressional hearing on Friday, according to letters from their attorneys obtained by Reuters.

In the letters sent to the House Energy and Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, attorneys for Solyndra CEO Brian Harrison and CFO W. G. Stover said they advised their clients not to provide testimony during the hearings.


Conference call by Darrell Issa with bloggers on the state of the Gunwalker investigation

Yup. First, as did many bloggers who have written on Gunwalker, I received this email message from the Issa Committee yesterday:

Update on Fast & Furious Investigation

WHO: Chairman Darrell Issa, Oversight & Government Reform Committee.

WHAT: Please join Chairman Issa to discuss the latest developments in the Justice Department's failed Operation Fast and Furious, a program which allowed guns to walk into the hands of drug cartels resulting in the death of border patrol agent Brian Terry and countless Mexican citizens.

WHEN: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 10:15AM EDT – 11:00AM EDT

It included a call-in number and access code.

Now this, to me, was a stunning development in and of itself. As I have been gleefully paraphrasing Bill Clinton recently, "The era of Big media is over." Nothing proves that more so than Darrell Issa's reaching out to bloggers in this way. Of course, it is understandable that he might be more than a little frustrated in the "authorized media." FOX runs a story last week about a "third gun" which was "disappeared" by the FBI at the Terry murder scene and no one followed up on it. I mean, c'mon, it was like finding a second rifle at the Kennedy assassination, but did anybody cover it? No, save one, and that was Sharyl Attkisson at CBS who gave us the ATF-FFL tapes this week verifying the third gun. And did CBS see fit to feature this on the Evening News? Oh, hell no. Sharyl, who was the first of the "mainstream media" to break this story, can't get out of the blog ghetto they have her in. Her Gunwalker stories are not apparently "important enough" to waste valuable broadcast electrons on. Right.


Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley told this column late Monday that he “never had the slightest idea” when he began looking into Operation Fast and Furious that it would become a huge scandal that has generated three investigations and hearings before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

“It keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger,” Grassley said in an exclusive telephone interview with Examiner and Gun Week. “It’s much bigger than I anticipated.”

Fast and Furious is the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ operation that, according to revelations so far, allowed thousands of guns to be purchased by low-level straw buyers and then moved into the illegal gun pipeline to Mexican drug cartel gunmen. Grassley started asking questions about the operation in late January, as this column reported here and here. In addition to his own probe, there is a House investigation and the Justice Department's Inspector General is also investigating.


National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Recap 09-19-11

Injustice Everywhere

  • 2 Martinsburg WV cops are being sued by a man who suffered 30 taser burns when arrested for obstruction when he refused to leave a rental car agency while he was on the phone with their supervisors to deal with a dispute. [3] bit.ly/ppfgMV
  • At least 2 Toronto ON police officers are being investigated after a man was injured when he fell from a balcony when tasered during a domestic call standoff [0] bit.ly/pH5S2Y
  • New Lenox IL is being sued by a disabled veteran claiming cops tasered & falsely arrested him while he was helping an accident victim when the officers mistakenly thought he was one of the motorists who were suspected of being drunk. [3] bit.ly/pdXNN9
  • Riverhead NY police sued by a man shown on video being beaten by a cop while cuffed in a hall leading to court. [3] bit.ly/nJsyFJ
  • Baton Rouge LA police sued by woman shown in video being dragged by her hair by a cop at an accident scene. We put the video up for a vote recently along with 2 other videos that were borderline, it was the only one of those three where readers overwhelmingly voted that it was a credible case of misconduct as most departments have a policy against the use of hair holds. [0] bit.ly/q9nbOl
  • Calgary AB cop gets a conditional discharge sentence which will clear his record after his assault conviction for punching a DUI suspect for grabbing the DUI test machine. [0] bit.ly/pogTpI
  • Los Angeles Co CA jury demands investigation of gang unit deputies for what they say were outright lies at trial [3] lat.ms/pWM1Xr
  • Gautier MS cop arrested on multiple sexual battery & touching a child for lustful purposes charges [0] bit.ly/nnR7Hj
  • Cookeville TN cop fired after charged w/2 counts soliciting sexual exploitation of a minor in ongoing investigation [0] bit.ly/q2gEJw
  • Mt Kisco NY police sued by woman who was 18 when she claims male & female cops strip searched her over a DUI citation [3] bit.ly/qMlj9C
  • New York NY police make questionable arrests during third day of #occupywallstreet protests including one arrest where the report was contradicted by journalists and an arrest for writing on a sidewalk with chalk. [3] nyti.ms/nDy6pp
  • Seattle WA police sued by KOMO News in battle over access to department’s database of dashcam videos [4] http://bit.ly/qwNyDv
  • Cincinnati OH cop gets reprimand for confiscating cameras at Rep Steve Chabot’s town hall meeting [0] bit.ly/nvTypl
  • Naperville IL settles suit for $10k to man who’s name was published for Memorial Day DUI arrests despite 0.0 BAC [0] bit.ly/nBjhgI
  • Saline Co MO deputy charged w/3rd degree domestic assault, allegedly punched unspecified victim’s ribs & stomach [0] bit.ly/oJzWIH
  • Albuquerque NM cop sentenced to 6mo jail & 6mo house arrest on obstruction charge for tipping pal off to FBI probe [0] bit.ly/qQHI8A
  • Louisville KY cop charged w/public intox & felony mischief for allegedly damaging a vehicle during a wedding party [0] bit.ly/pepzE3

That’s it for today, stay safe out there!

Medal of Honor Roll Call: Patrick Henry Brady

Rank and organization: Major, U.S. Army, Medical Service Corps, 54th Medical Detachment, 67th Medical Group, 44th Medical Brigade.
Place and date: Near Chu Lai, Republic of Vietnam, 6 January 1968.
Entered service at: Seattle, Wash.
Born: 1 October 1936, Philip, S. D.


For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty, Maj. Brady distinguished himself while serving in the Republic of Vietnam commanding a UH-1H ambulance helicopter, volunteered to rescue wounded men from a site in enemy held territory which was reported to be heavily defended and to be blanketed by fog. To reach the site he descended through heavy fog and smoke and hovered slowly along a valley trail, turning his ship sideward to blow away the fog with the backwash from his rotor blades.

Despite the unchallenged, close-range enemy fire, he found the dangerously small site, where he successfully landed and evacuated 2 badly wounded South Vietnamese soldiers. He was then called to another area completely covered by dense fog where American casualties lay only 50 meters from the enemy. Two aircraft had previously been shot down and others had made unsuccessful attempts to reach this site earlier in the day. With unmatched skill and extraordinary courage, Maj. Brady made 4 flights to this embattled landing zone and successfully rescued all the wounded. On his third mission of the day Maj. Brady once again landed at a site surrounded by the enemy. The friendly ground force, pinned down by enemy fire, had been unable to reach and secure the landing zone.

Although his aircraft had been badly damaged and his controls partially shot away during his initial entry into this area, he returned minutes later and rescued the remaining injured. Shortly thereafter, obtaining a replacement aircraft, Maj. Brady was requested to land in an enemy minefield where a platoon of American soldiers was trapped. A mine detonated near his helicopter, wounding 2 crewmembers and damaging his ship. In spite of this, he managed to fly 6 severely injured patients to medical aid.

Throughout that day Maj. Brady utilized 3 helicopters to evacuate a total of 51 seriously wounded men, many of whom would have perished without prompt medical treatment. Maj. Brady's bravery was in the highest traditions of the military service and reflects great credit upon himself and the U.S. Army.

Robert J. Laplander is a military historian and the the author of Finding the Lost Battalion and other works. You may see his endeavors at www.lulu.com/lostbattalion or: http://bit.ly/kUcnN2
Medal of Honor Roll Call: Patrick Henry Brady

The Battle of Chickamauga

Via Human Events

Sept. 20, 1863: Confederate forces under the command of Gen. Braxton Bragg​ (yes, Fort Bragg, N.C. is named in his honor) prevail against Union forces under Maj. Gen. William, though Bragg’s casualties are far higher than those of Rosecrans.

Confederate Gen. D. H. Hill will say: "It seems to me that the elan of the Southern soldier was never seen after Chickamauga; the brilliant dash which had distinguished him was gone forever. He fought stoutly to the last, but after Chickamauga, with the sullenness of despair, and without the enthusiasm of hope. That ‘barren victory’ sealed the fate of the Southern Confederacy​."

The Battle of Chickamauga

Whose Country Is It, Anyway? by Patrick J. Buchanan

For the third straight year, the median income of the typical American family fell in 2010. Adjusted for inflation, it is back where it was in 1996, the longest period of zero growth since the Depression.

And the poverty rate has inched up to 15.1 percent.

Both figures, however, should be put in perspective.

For example, a family can be classified as poor and own a car, a flat-screen TV and a computer, and have a washer-dryer and a garbage disposal.

Folks below the poverty line have their kids educated free in Head Start, for 13 years in public schools, then get Pell grants for college. They get free food stamps and health care through Medicaid. They get subsidized housing and earned income tax credits, are eligible for all other safety-net programs, and can earn $23,300 in pretax income and pay no income taxes.

Poverty in 21st century America is not poverty in the Paris of "Les Miserables" or the London of Oliver Twist or the Dust Bowl of Tom Joad.

The 15-year stagnation in the median income of the American family, however -- a vanishing of the American Dream that one's children will know a better life -- is a more serious matter.

For there are causes of the stunted growth in the standard of living of the American family that neither party is willing to address, if either of them even recognizes those causes.

First is the immersion of the U.S. economy in a global economy. This plunged U.S. workers into direct competition with workers in Asia and Latin America willing to do the same jobs for far less, in factories where regulations are far lighter.

U.S. corporate executives leapt at the opportunity to close plants here and relocate abroad. This explains the 50,000 factories that disappeared in the Bush decade and the 5.5 million manufacturing jobs that vanished.

You cannot have a rising standard of living when your highest-paid production jobs are being exported overseas.

Spitting on the Roman Empire...

Quote via hefferman1

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."
--Thomas Jefferson


California Tree Of Liberty
From: senatorbobsmith@comcast.net
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2011 08:47:15 -0400

Dear Curtis,

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my column with Accuracy in Media regarding the saving of our Constitutional Republic. I agree with you that the preservation of liberty can be costly. I know first hand, since I lost my dad in WWII. My brother and I served in Viet Nam and were fortunate enough to come home. We felt it was an honor to serve. You are also correct, that only about one-third of the colonists were patriots. One-third were with the King and the other one-third played both sides in hopes of being on the winning side no matter who won! It is not only blood, however, that preserves liberty. Patriots need resources to put up the fight. Washington almost failed because he did not have the resources to obtain the equipment and war materials he needed to fight. If you are inclined to help Accuracy in Media with a contribution, I would be most grateful. You can do so by going to their website at www.aim.org. They do a great job in getting the message out. Thanks for your support, Curtis. Senator Bob Smith


I respond by e-mail:


My family first arrived here in America in 1635 aboard the Blessing. My family has fought the Indians, the French, the British ... the Nazi's, the Vietcong ... and soon, the Taliban. Yet none of these wars produced the senators and congressmen that sit in the chambers of D.C. These wars are not the cause of the direct assault on our liberties. No sir. The direct assault on our liberties are the product of the men and woman who sit in the halls of the senate and the house. It is you people who are responsible for the PATRIOT Act. It is you people who are responsible for the Dept. of Homeland Stasi. The Fusion Centers. NSA snooping on American Citizens. TSA and VIPR Teams groping and fondling our wives and daughters and mothers and grandmothers at our airports, bus stations, train stations, metro-links and now our football stadiums. Big Sis and her Stasi like snitch program. Etc., etc., etc.

The fact is senator ... we have become the Nazi's, the Stasi, the KGB, and etc. ... we have become everything we have supposedly fought against.

The fact is senator, you and your family, me and my family, have fought for naught.

Many Amerikans are oblivious to their state of liberty. Many of us are not. Maybe the senate and con-gress can BS many Amerikans, but they can not BS everyone.

To be blunt senator, if our military were fighting for our liberty, our military would surround D.C. and arrest most of the senate and con-gress for treason. You people don't even have the balls to shut down the Federal Reserve and restore America to sound constitutional money. You people don't have the balls to kick out the United Nations and tear up every single U.N. treaty. You people sit aside and allow U.N. Agenda 21 to be implemented in every State of the Union. You people stand idly by while presidents create unconstitutional E.O.'s. You people stand around and slap each other on the backs, play grab-ass, and trade pens, while using the constitution as toilet paper while telling us how wonderful the constitution is.

Go read Article 1 Section 8 of the constitution senator. That is the extent of your delegated powers. If you have a misunderstanding of the General Welfare Clause and Commerce Clause, go read the Federalist Papers.

I am going to vote one more time senator for Ron Paul after not voting for years because of the putrid stench of choices in the ballot box. After that, we'll see what that one-third of Patriots has in mind.


Spitting on the Roman Empire...



See: “We Can’t Just Leave It Up To The Parents” via Western Rifle Shooters Association