Thursday, October 20, 2011

“We shoot white bitches like you around here.”

The second video was the most telling one. The Bill of Rights for me, but not for thee!:)


Nightmare @ Occupy Philly

Via Moonbattery

I commented that the sixties looked sane compared to this dingbat.


& for a bonus OWC. This is battier than the first, I do believe.


Cooler Corn

Roundabout via Cousin Colby

bon appetit
Am I the only person who hasn't heard of "cooler corn"?

As an obsessive food nerd, you'd expect that I would have at least heard of it, but over the weekend I was blindsided by the simple genius of this method for cooking loads of corn on the cob (which is still in season, no matter that summer already seems like a sad memory) perfectly.

I was hepped to it while visiting my family in Maine. Short story: We like corn on the cob. And with eight adults at the table, that means a couple of dozen ears. We would have used the lobster pot to cook them all, but the lobster pot was busy steaming lobster. (And please don't spell it "lobstah". It's not funny.) Then my sister, a capable Maine cook with years of camping experience says "let's do cooler corn!" Before I can ask "what the hell is cooler corn?" a Coleman cooler appears from the garage, is wiped clean, then filled with the shucked ears. Next, two kettles-full of boiling water are poured over the corn and the top closed.

Then nothing.

When we sat down to dinner 30 minutes later and opened it, the corn was perfectly cooked. My mind was blown. And I'm told that the corn will remain at the perfect level of doneness for a couple of hours.

Turns out, Cooler Corn is pretty well known among the outdoorsy set (I found a handful of mentions on various camping websites). But for those of us who avoid tents as much as possible, it's perfect for large barbecues and way less of mess than grilling. In fact, I may even buy another cooler just so I'm ready for next summer. Now that I'm in the know. --Scott DeSimon

A Long Day’s Journey Out of Night, Part II

Gates of Vienna
Four and a half million years ago in the first few seconds of the early morning of our species the earth moved. Slowly but inexorably Africa subtended Asia, and Africa broke.

Africa, then, was an expanse of low, rolling, tree-clad hills stretching from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, from the Inland Sea to the frigid southern waters. It was a quiet place; a comfortable, undemanding habitat where evolution appeared to have stalled and a relatively stable ecological balance had triumphed such that the daily demands of survival lacked the innate ferocity of the preceding Lower Tertiary period.

But this Africa would be no longer. The confrontation between one tectonic plate and another initiated an event that changed a small, rocky planet orbiting a minor star on the outer arm of an inconsequential galaxy — and it changed it forever. In a few short moments of geological time the shuddering continent heaved and buckled, its convulsions raising to the north a range of mountainous catchments that would feed into a great river basin in its centre and at the same time curtail the extent of the precipitation that had once fallen evenly across the land. Their north facing flanks and the hinterland beyond became a place of rain shadow, a dry, hot desert stretching to the shores of the Mediterranean.

Simultaneously, from the Northeast, there opened a deep wound in the earth’s crust as the mantle split and the ocean thundered into the fiery depths where magma turned the waters of a nascent Red Sea into superheated steam.

Southward, on land, beyond the boiling waters, a serpentine chasm speared into the heart of Eden reaching almost to the tip of the continent, slicing through the blanket of forest and coming close to cutting the eastern seaboard free from the rest of the land mass. Here molten lava welled up, bubbled and hissed, rose and roiled until finally settling to the bottom of the fracture, slowly solidifying, and with this cooling came a chain of undulations and cracks in the surface, embryonic lakes awaiting the fulfilment of their promise as they lay strung between sheer cliffs of basalt in the west and a vast wedge of land to the east.

This wedge of land, this protuberance, was the key player in the environmental and evolutionary drama that was about to unfold, for that part of the Africa plate upon which it sat was now semi-detached and had tilted along its north-south axis, pushing high up into the path of the easterly monsoon. Driven by the wind and Coriolis force the water-heavy clouds followed the rising slope into the cold upper air beyond the scarp and deposited the bulk of their contents into the open wound beyond, filling the lakebeds and greening the plain that surrounded them.

Soon vast herds of herbivores and their attendant predators would roam here, later to be joined by an arboreal omnivore that would adapt to the demands of life in the open in a strange and unique way.

Thus came into being the womb and cradle of mankind, the Great Rift Valley, where one day an anthropoid ape would lift its knuckles out of the red African earth and walk upright.

We are all out of Africa, and what a fascinating, wonderful journey it has been. It did not happen all at once of course, but to the best of our knowledge over a period from 200,000 to 15,000 years ago. Nor was it a single, linear exodus. There is evidence that shows there was more than one wave, perhaps several, each having a particular geographic and temporal dynamic, and at one stage our numbers became so small we came close to dying out altogether.

The fossil record, incomplete though it is, is only one part of the jigsaw. In recent decades the use of DNA analysis has enabled quite accurate delineation of the time lines and extent of our human Diaspora. For ease of explanation these can be compartmentalised into six phases. Briefly:

Into Africa

There is a consensus between paleoanthropologists and geneticists that modern humans arose in the Rift Valley close to 200,000 years ago and a fossil found in Omo Kibish, Ethiopia, does substantiate this hypothesis. (Sites in Israel hold the earliest evidence of modern humans outside of Africa, but that group went no further, dying out about 90,000 years ago.) In Africa fossil remains at a site at Klasies River Mouth in modern day Cape Province date from 120,000 years ago.

Out of Africa

Genetic data show that a small group of modern humans left Africa for good 70,000 to 50,000 years ago, settling first in the Arabian Peninsula and eventually replacing all earlier types such as Homo Neanderthalensis. All non-Africans are the descendents of these travellers who may have migrated around the top of the red Sea or across its narrow southern opening.

The First Australians

Discoveries at two ancient sites — artefacts from Malukunanja and fossils from Lake Mungo — indicate that modern humans followed a coastal route along southern Asia and reached Australia nearly 50,000 years ago. Their descendents, Australian Aborigines, remained genetically isolated on that island continent until recently.

Early Europeans

Paleoanthropologists long thought that the peopling of Europe followed a route from North Africa through the Levant. But genetic data show that the DNA of today’s western Eurasians resembles that of people in India. It appears possible that an inland migration from India seeded Europe between 40,000 and 30,000 years ago.

Expansion into Asia

Around 40,000 years ago humans pushed into Central Asia and arrived on the grassy steppes north of the Himalayas. At the same time they travelled to Southeast Asia and China, eventually reaching Japan and Siberia. Genetic clues indicate that humans in northern Asia eventually migrated to the Americas.

Through the Americas to Cape Horn

Exactly when the first people arrived in the Americas and the exact sequence of their dispersion or re-dispersion is still hotly debated. Genetic evidence suggests it was between 20,000 and 15,000 years ago when sea levels were low and a land bridge connected Siberia to Alaska. Ice sheets would have covered the interior of north America, forcing the new arrivals to travel down the west coast, leaving artefacts and fossils at Kennewick (9,500 Before Present Era), Spirit Cave (9,500 — 9,400 BPE), Clovis (13,500 BPE) in the north before reaching Monte Verde in Southern Chile 15,000 to 12,000 years ago.

The wonder is that we survived at all. Yet survive we did, and in the process of our migrations we have adapted to and colonised every biome on the planet where an air breathing species can exist. From arctic wastes to lush tropics, from vast plains to high mountain pastures, from cool, damp woodlands to sere desert we have set down our feet and in turn these environments have, particularly in extremis, shaped the way we think and act and go about the daily business of life.

With this in mind I shall, in a later essay, turn some attention to the remnants of the second phase, those who did not move onward and outward but remained in and colonised the Arabian Peninsula and its immediate environs. Here a harsh climate and demanding terrain forever shaped the minds and defined the way of life of a certain subset of our species — the Semitic peoples.

In the years prior to the advent of DNA analysis much was made of the fact that there were ‘missing links’ in the fossil record. True, there were, and they remain so to this day, but we couldn’t dig up the whole planet in the hope of finding something that may have conveniently died where the geoclimatic conditions were favourable to fossilisation. DNA analysis has now filled in most of the gaps, but in a sense there do remain missing links, not fossils but events that even DNA cannot answer — why did our distant ancestors come down from the safety of the trees and venture out into the dangerous open spaces beyond, and, having done so, what drove them to adopt bipedalism?

There are no definitive answers to either question, only speculation, and that is a fertile field indeed. Some biologists propose that when the primate family tree branched to separate the apes from the monkeys the former lost the ability to digest unripe fruit, which monkeys could harvest before the apes and so forcing the latter to seek other food sources. Others, behavioural anthropologists, may argue that it was simply a case of a species taking advantage of a new niche. Perhaps it was a combination of both and of other factors such as major changes in the forest habitat brought about by the climactic events that had created the Great Rift Valley. Whatever it was we will probably never fully understand.

The matter of apes adopting bipedalism (another seminal branching of the primate family tree) is one that offers a much richer seam of hypotheses for us to mine. Physiological and behavioural studies of modern apes have revealed some interesting clues, principally that apes are not true quadrupeds in the same sense as say an antelope or a lion or a meercat. Their long forelimbs evolved for climbing and swinging, and as a consequence when walking on four limbs apes have to ‘knuckle walk’, an ungainly and not particularly efficient gait. It locates their shoulders much higher than their pelvis, thus positioning them already part way to an upright stance.

Furthermore it is not unreasonable to assume that a habit of rising briefly upright in order to scan above the long grass of the plains for approaching predators was a necessary defensive mechanism. Thence over thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of years those whose pelvic girdles had or had developed minor muscular and skeletal changes that enabled them to stand frequently and for longer would stand a better chance of survival and consequently have a better chance of passing on these small but accumulative mutations to future generations.

However it happened, this permanent freeing of two limbs from a locomotive function, limbs with an opposed thumb at their extremities, opened another evolutionary door which eventually lead to the crafting of tools and weapons, by which means these proto-humans came to manipulate their environment in ever more sophisticated ways.

In due course, possibly out of an intuitive need to cooperate effectively, there followed the development of language and an increase in brain capacity, although which came first is uncertain. What is certain is that their descendents, modern man, would arise slowly but inexorably through a long chain of distant relatives, Australopithecus, Homo habilis and many others, to become what we see when we look in the mirror today, Homo sapiens sapiens.

I remarked earlier that speculation on these matters is a fertile field. Well I too speculate, and as I have a tendency to anthropomorphise, sometimes mischievously, here, for what it’s worth, is my contribution to the academic debate:

[One day long after the Rift had settled into the steady rhythms a functional biome Mrs. Ugg came swinging through the trees, a child clutching tightly to her chest hair and several other older children following in her wake. She settled on a branch next to Mr. Ugg and eyed him malevolently for a few moments before speaking.

“Look at you, you great lump” she said “all you do all day is sit there on that branch sucking on the last of the ripe mangoes and watching those monkeys down there kicking a coconut from one end of a field to the other. And look at them! What on earth are they up to falling over and screaming ‘Referee!’ every time another one runs past them? You’re all bloody daft, and I’ll tell you this, the kids are hungry and unless you get off your fat, idle butt and get out there and find us some food you can give up all hope of ever again getting your hands on my butt, or anything else for that matter. So there!”

And so it came to pass that the exodus began. Ugg led his people into the new world, Mrs. Ugg relented and was again fruitful and the tribe of Ugg grew and spread over the land and prospered until…

…several Millennia later one of their descendents was out with his troop, foraging on the savannah. It was back-aching work bending over all day, bums in the air, scratching for edible roots and insects. Suddenly, impulsively, Ugg The Latest stood upright, placed the heels of his hands on his back and pressed them one on each side of his aching spine. Ahh! he murmured, as he stretched and sighed in relief. Then he looked around at the panorama before him and froze in amazement.

“Good God!” he said to himself, “look at all that Totty, I’m going to have to do this more often.” and then, after a short period of pleasant contemplation “Oh, hell, now I suppose I’m going to have to learn to count as well!”

And so it came to pass that Ugg began to spend a lot of his time in an upright stance, a stance soon adopted by all the male members of his tribe and then in quick order by the female members, but for an entirely different reason. Or so it is writ in the Book of Seneca III.]

In closing I submit that in the sublime moment of an ancient ape’s epiphany was born the eternal trichotomy — Belief, Recreational Sex, and Reasoning — and as the three have been uneasy bedfellows ever since, particularly within the Islamic mind-set, I feel they are worth examination in detail.

Moonbat Utopia in Oakland

Features of the runaway moonbattery on display at Occupy Oakland include public sex, fighting, drug dealing, sexual harassment, assault, graffiti, vandalism, giant rats, public urination, and various other sanitation issues. Even the media is figuring out that no one to the right of Occupy Wall Street supporter Barack Hussein Obama will fail to be horrified by these animals:

MORE with videos

The Silent Aftermath of Gettysburg

North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial Commission"

Twenty-year-old Captain Oliver Evans Mercer of Company G, 20th North Carolina Regiment was killed on the first day of fighting at Gettysburg. A farmer by occupation, Mercer mustered with the “Brunswick Guards” at Camp Howard in Brunswick county in June 1861, along with fellow officers John S. Brooks and Daniel K. Bennett. Hearing of her son’s death in battle, Mercer’s mother wrote Virginia-born Dr. J.W.C. O’Neal who was identifying, recording and burying the Confederate dead left on the battlefield:

“Our Wilmington papers bring the welcome intelligence to many bereaved Southern hearts that you have cared for the graves of many of our Confederate dead at Gettysburg, replaced headboards and prepared a list of names.

May the Lord bless you is the prayer of many Southern hearts. Oh! We have lost so much. There are but few families that do not mourn the loss of one or more loved ones, and only a mother who has lost a son in that awful battle can and does appreciate fully such goodness as you have shown.

I, too, have lost a son at Gettysburg, a brave, noble boy in the full bloom of youth, and my heart yearns to have his remains, if they can be found, brought home to rest in the soil of the land he loved so well. I need your assistance and I am confident you will aid me. No sorrow-stricken mother could ask and be refused by a heart such as yours.”

(Debris of Battle, The Wounded at Gettysburg, Gerard A. Patterson, Stackpole Books, 1997, pp. 200-201)

The 20th North Carolina was commanded by Colonel Alfred Iverson, and Colonel Thomas Fentress Toon of Columbus county. Read more on Colonel (later Brigadier-General) Toon at

The Silent Aftermath of Gettysburg

Only the Ron Paul Revolution understands that Washington and Wall Street are one and the same

Via Bazz

The Tea Party began as a protest against the bailout of Wall Street.

Now the Tea Party is, in effect, coming to the defense of Wall Street.Link

Conservatives never learn.

Let me explain.

Another side of the story: May 25/29/30 1865

Via Southern Nationalist Network
My Negroes have made no change in their behavior, and are going on as they have always hitherto done. Until I know that they are legally free, I shall let them continue. If they become free by law then the whole system must be changed. If the means which I now possess of supporting the old and the young are taken away, they must then necessarily look for their support to their own exertions.

May 29
As Gen. Gillmore's order, based upon Chief Justice Chase's opinion, announces the freedom of the Negroes there is no further room to doubt that it is the settled policy of the country. I have today formally announced to my Negroes the fact, and made such arrangements with each as the new relation rendered necessary. Those whose whole time we need, get at present clothes and food, house rent and medical attendance. The others work for themselves giving me a portion of their time on the farm in lieu of house rent. Old Amelia and her two grandchildren, I will spare the mockery of offering freedom to. I must support them as long as I have anything to give.

May 30
My Negroes all express a desire to remain with me. I am gratified at the proof of their attachment. I believe it to be real and unfeigned.

For the present they will remain, but in course of time we must part, as I cannot afford to keep so many, and they cannot afford to hire for what I could give them. As they have always been faithful and attached to us, and have been raised as family servants, and have all of them been in our family for several generations, there is a feeling towards them somewhat like that of a father who is about to send out his children on the world to make their way through life.

Another side of the story: May 29/30 1865

Why Calling a Constitutional Convention is a Bad Idea

Quite a while ago I posted a paper which laid out how the second Amendment would be changed at a Con-Con and believe you me, it was everything the Collectivists could possibly want. Can't find it now, though.

National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Recap 10-19-11

Here are the 25 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Wednesday, October 19, 2011:

The Tenth Point (of the Communist Manifesto) Part 5

The Copperhead Chronicle
by Al Benson Jr.
Some of what happened in West Virginia in 1974 (taken from my own notes made in early 1975)

In May, 1974, Mrs. Alice Moore, a member of the School Board, brought to the attention of the Kanawha County Board of Education and to the attention of Kanawha County parents, the content of the anti-Christian and anti-American textbooks that were about to be adopted for use in Kanawha County government (public) schools. As bad as some of the content of these books was they were adopted for use in Kanawha County schools on June 27, 1974 by the school board on a 3-2 vote. This was done in spite of the presence of over 1200 protesters who crowded the Board of Education offices and also stood out in the pouring rain asking that these books not be adopted. The adoption was done in spite of 12,000 signatures on a petition asking that these books not be adopted for use in schools by the Board. In the face of all this protest, on the recommendation of several English teachers, the books were accepted.

So much for the myth of parental input in government schools--and it is a myth.

During the month of June, 1974, a group called Christian American Parents was formed to try to combat the textbooks and their influence. In July, a department store, Hecks Inc. was picketed by parents. The man who was president of the store was on the school board and had voted to adopt the rotten textbooks. This was one method the parents had to legitimately protest his actions.

In August of 1974 a group led by Rev. Darrell Beech went to see the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Kenneth Underwood, to ask him if he would remove the books. Mr. Underwood claimed his hands were tied--the books were legally adopted. Mr. Underwood claimed he could do nothing about the situation (did he even really want to?). The frustrated parents claimed they could do something. They could boycott the schools!

You have to realize that, at this point, the protesters had tried to do everything legally and properly and none of those in authority in any capacity were willing to help them.

It is interesting to note that Mr. Underwood, during an interview granted to the "Charleston Daily Mail" said, in regard to the books: "As a total literature program, I think it's great. There are some expressions I don't like, but I don't know if it's because they are filthy." While Underwood claimed he didn't really know if it was right to shove the books down the kids' throats against the parents' wishes, he balanced that thought off with one that contradicted it. He said "But, again, there is no way I can see these books have to be thrown out." That interview was published in the "Charleston Daily Mail" for October 12, 1974. In August Underwood's hands had been tied. He couldn't get the books out; they were legally adopted. However, by October, Underwood thinks the books as a "total literature program" are "just great." Either Mr. Underwood's thinking underwent a remarkable evolution from August to October, or, from his comments it appears he would not have tried to get rid of the books if he could have.

In August, 1974, another group, the Concerned Citizens of Kanawha County was formed. Also that August an anti-textbook group demonstrated at the governor's mansion. The governor was conveniently "out of town." Had the protesters been some sort of radical left-wing group he would almost certainly been on hand to welcome them with open political arms. Politicians are always on hand to toss out the welcome mat to the left-wingers, but for Christians and patriots they are almost always "out of town." The following week more protesters visited the governor's mansion. The honorable Governor still seemed to be "out of town." I suspect, had protesters visited the governor's mansion every day for the next year they would have been informed that he was on a year's sabbatical to Pago Pago.

The Tuesday before school started in 1874 there was an anti-textbook rally in St. Albans, West Virginia with about 400 present. These folks met and voted to boycott government schools until the rotten textbooks were out. It was now getting to the point where the local media had to say something and the local papers came out with the story (no doubt hoping to keep it local). However, a mass protest was planned at the Civil Center in Charleston, and on Thursday several thousand parents turned out, carrying signs and passing out printed excerpts from the questionable textbooks. That gave folks a real chance to see some of what was in the books. They didn't like it.

That Saturday about 7,000 protesters met at Point Lick Community Park. State police had to turn people away for lack of room and traffic was backed up for two miles! All this the very last week before school started! A few dedicated Christian patriots had worked away all summer to get the word out about what was really in Mr. Underwood's "great" literature program and their efforts bore fruit. From a handful they went to thousands in a few weeks and they did something in Kanawha County, West Virginia that ought to be done in every county and parish in the United States! Despite the rotten media coverage they got (and still get today in retrospect) the parents of Kanawha County succeeded in focusing national attention on a public school system such as no one else has been able to do, before or since.

What they did not realize at the time was that their own government, at all levels, would turn out to be their chief antagonist. The public school system was part and parcel of a grand design to undermine and destroy their faith and culture by brainwashing their children. That program continues to this day.

The Tenth Point (of the Communist Manifesto) I, II , III & IV

Buchanan: GOP Risks Third Party Revolt with Romney Candidacy

The GOP could face a revolt from within its tea party grassroots base if it nominates an establishment candidate without true conservative, anti-big government values, one of America’s leading conservative pundits tells Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview.

Specifically, columnist and former Republican presidential candidate Pat Buchanan told Newsmax that the nomination of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the architect of a state insurance plan that many say inspired Obamacare, could prompt the tea party movement to form a third party.

“It’s a real possibility because the tea party folks and the Republican conservatives and social conservatives and others are very apprehensive of Mitt Romney and they don’t feel he is really one of us,” Buchanan told Newsmax.

“They’ve got reason for that feeling and that sentiment but if they do that, if, for example … they persuaded Ron Paul to run on a third party ticket, Barack Obama would be easily re-elected,” he added.

"........the Republican Party would rather run a dog for president than Ron Paul."

Via Bazz

The Daily Bell

Dominant Social Theme: Who is this guy Ron Paul and why does he keep running when he doesn't have a chance?

Free-Market Analysis: One gets the feeling the Republican Party would rather run a dog for president than Ron Paul (left). And yet ... by almost every reasonable account, the libertarian congressman from Texas is still in contention to win the Republican nomination. He's got popular support, healthy bank balances and a message that resonates.

Whether or not Ron Paul wins, he's already had a significant effect on the US national discourse. His candidacy continues to shatter the command-and-control mechanism of the Republic Party – and that's one reason the bigwigs don't like him. He's a walking repudiation of the Republicans' hitherto hidden agenda.

The Republican Party masqueraded as one that respected private markets and believed in limited government. But Ron Paul's candidacy exposed the fault lines and made it clear to millions that the Republican Party's public face was not its private one.

The central core of the Republican Party's belief structure supports the industrial-military complex and employs a strategy of compromise with the US's Democratic opposition that has led to a country that more closely resembles European socialist nations than the pre-Civil War "exceptionalism."

The Republican leaders have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at Ron Paul to try to stop him. They tried to talk Chris Christie, the popular conservative governor of New Jersey, into running and for a while they were focused on Rick Perry – until his big government past came back to haunt him.

Now suddenly Herman Cain is becoming a front-runner, though he was dismissed even in the recent past as an unserious candidate. His "9-9-9" plan has galvanized public attention, perhaps because it is easily assimilated. "Nine percent corporate business flat tax, 9 percent personal income flat tax, and a 9 percent national sales tax," Cain explained.

It sounds reasonable until one realizes that Cain is actually proposing ANOTHER tax. What sane person would believe that the US federal government would be content with these rates for long? Eventually, they would be subject to tax creep; the country would end up with higher rates AND a "national sales tax."

Ron Paul, on the other hand, is about to release a plan of his own that focuses on cutting, not adding. The small-government congressman is also willing to live with a vastly reduced salary if he gets into the White House. Here's more from Brody's "scoop":

The five departments that would be abolished are the Departments of Education, Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Commerce and Interior. However, while the departments would be eliminated, the plan would be to roll certain functions into other departments.

For example, the Department of Education would be done away with but pell grant programs would be phased in somewhere else. There's a lot more details to come but those will be unveiled Monday in Las Vegas. The mainstream media wants to continue to discount Ron Paul even though his poll numbers are healthy, his fundraising is strong and his message is resonating.

Now, in this 2012 campaign, he has developed a new wrinkle as he tries to make a concerted pitch to pro-life social conservatives by talking up the value of human life. Ron Paul is not called Dr. Paul for nothing. He's an obstetrician. Coming off his big straw poll victory at the Values Voter Summit, he's now out with an extremely compelling pro-life ad.

Brody, CBN's chief political correspondent, not only has his "scoop," he seems to understand the larger picture – that Ron Paul's bottom-line impact is the way he's changing the national debate, yanking it back toward something resembling free-market "classical" liberalism.

He writes that even if Ron Paul doesn't win the nomination, "his constitutional conservative beliefs have already won him something far more valuable and long lasting: changing the discourse in American politics."

Ron Paul's announcement about cutting executive departments is yet another example of the kind of libertarian solutions that the Republican powers-that-be have trouble dealing with. Every time Ron Paul introduces these sorts of concepts, another public discussion begins about the nature of the US Leviathan and its appropriate role.

Ron Paul's lasting effect may be his singular success in challenging the role of the American empire and its legitimacy. Using the power of the Internet – helping enable what we call the Internet Reformation – Ron Paul will surely be remembered as a significant "change-maker."

Conclusion: We'll end with Brody's last line, which is a good one: "The media scoffed at him in 2008 but who's having the last laugh?"

Mr. Zuccotti’s Zoo

NEW YORK—The morning routine is now a pleasure. Up early, stretch and bend the creaky limbs, hit the coffee, then off to judo and karate. Last week I only managed to get drunk twice, hence there were five such mornings. And what mornings they were. Stolen from summer without the oppressive heat, one crosses the park from east to west, the sun flooding the paths with light, creating long shadows to go along with the tall maples and oaks. It’s early and the noise level is nil and one can hear the birds. The leaves reveal autumn’s first golden blush, and I cross over ponds, small hills, groves, and spongy earth papered now with maple leaves. At present there is green everywhere, and red maples are starting to live up to their name, but the occasional discarded rubbish from the previous evening reminds me that this is not Arcadia, but Noo Yawk, the city that is known for never going to sleep.

Actually, they’ve been sleeping in a park downtown, but more on this later.

“I’m all for it, but who’s gonna replace the crooks that are there now?”

On the way to the judo club I cross mostly women, their men already down in Wall Street trying to keep up. Jewish women with tortured countenances jog as if they’re in terrible pain. Running and Jewish motherhood do not go together. You can tell they only do it so they can shop until they drop at Bloomingdale’s later in the day. Next come hatchet-faced WASP ladies looking as if they haven’t had a bowel movement in weeks. They stride through the morning mist, imperious and unfriendly. Fat Hispanics crowd me off the narrow paths pushing precious little crybabies’ carts while loud, obese, bling-covered black mamas have me wondering what they’re up to this early. It’s a good female mix with the poor little Greek boy among them on his way to torture and be tortured.


Paradise revisited: SF plan would offer tax break for hiring felons

Via Survival

San Francisco businesses that hire people with felony convictions would get a tax break, under legislation expected to be introduced today.

"Ex-felons are among the most challenged populations in getting work," said Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, who is crafting the plan.

Persuading an employer to hire a convicted felon, particularly in this economy when the unemployment rate is hovering just under 10 percent, is difficult, especially when there's a wide pool of job applicants without felony records.

But offering businesses a monetary incentive may get them to consider hiring someone with a criminal past, said Mirkarimi, who chairs the Board of Supervisors' Public Safety Committee and is a candidate for sheriff in the Nov. 8 election.

Nope, this isn't a parody.

Obama on Gunwalker: ‘People Who Have Screwed Up Will Be Held Accountable'.

Via Survival
which states: Gee, so he's suggesting that he be impeached? That's very big of him.

Just love it.


The Daily Bell: Elite Control of OWS Protests Increasingly Obvious?

When it comes to prosecuting the lead players involved in the fraudulent financial activities that have led to the destruction of our economy, the Obama Administration, loaded with Wall Street campaign contributions and led by major financial firm operatives such as Tim Geithner and Bill Daley, has delivered empty rhetoric and minimal action. In the absence of leadership on this critical issue, it may come down to a new proposed OccupyWallStreet Department of Justice Working Group to restore the rule of law. The proposed group will feature members such as Bill Black, a man who has a strong track record of successfully prosecuting and jailing bankers during the S&L crisis. In this video, David DeGraw joins Bill Black on the Dylan Ratigan Show to discuss the "epidemic of fraud" and the people who need to be held personally responsible for the destruction of our economic system. – AmpedStatus

Dominant Social Theme: We need to use the might of the US, its terrific RICO laws and the dedicated servants of intelligence agencies to bring justice to the American people.

Free-Market Analysis: It's getting surreal out there. David DeGraw, the self-titled founder of the Occupy Wall Street movement has now announced his intention to bring on board William Black, an American lawyer, academic, author and a former bank regulator, to serve as Occupy Wall Street's litigation arm. Black has seemingly agreed.

Are we correct to wonder about this "arrangement?" It's beginning to seem like some sort of a sub-dominant OWS theme, that Wall Street tycoons should be "brought to justice." Yet when it comes to America, this assumption involves the endorsement of the judicial system as it is, a strange stance for a movement like OWS to take. We've written about the US system here: No Justice in the West.

EDITOR'S ALERT: Brietbart's Big Government website is reporting on an email data dump exchanged by "leaders" of the Occupy Wall Street movement that "make[s] it clear that MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan has been directly involved with [a group of journalists apparently including Matt Taibbi and David DeGraw]." According to Dan Riehl, this aid "included helping them to draft statements and offering revisions to a statement David DeGraw might later discuss on NBC News with Brian Williams." Taibbi himself has poured cold-water on the emails, saying, "There is nothing terribly interesting in any of these exchanges. Most all of the things written were things all of us ended up saying publicly in our various media forums."

In fact, the real agenda of those behind Occupy Wall Street evidently and obviously continues to emerge, even as we read articles about libertarian and free-market involvement in the movement – involvement that for increasingly obvious reasons does not influence those at the top.

These self-appointed "leaders" (who do not exist, they say) such as DeGraw and Assange seem to have outsized clout in a movement that is supposed to be grass-roots and consultative. The non-leadership of OWS seems intent on focusing the movement directly on Wall Street and its captains of greed, despite dissenting voices and libertarian involvement.

Zero Hedge carried an article yesterday warning about the scapegoating of Wall Street as a "catalyst for class warfare." The article cited a new poll commissioned by The Hill concluding that, "in the minds of likely voters, Washington, not Wall Street, is primarily to blame for the financial crisis and the subsequent recession."

The movement appears to have struck a chord with progressive voters, but it does not seem to represent the feelings of the wider public. The Hill poll found that only one in three likely voters blames Wall Street for the country's financial troubles, whereas more than half — 56 percent — blame Washington.

This does not seem to bother DeGraw who merrily soldiers forward as the scourge of Wall Street. Talk of guillotines, of the French Revolution and class warfare (that inevitably ends in the bloodshed of the middle class that DeGraw is supposedly avenging) seem not to bother him.

The man, for all his erudition, energy and apparent genius, seems oblivious to history. He is determined, he says, to help America "restore the rule of law." He takes for granted the "lawfulness" of the American system of justice and its judicial methodologies. Perhaps he shouldn't.

We note that Julian Assange the other day in his now-famous speech on the steps of St. Paul's in London explained (somehow he is another self-identified spokesperson of this "movement") that the protests were about "building" the rule of law rather than tearing it down.

Strange that DeGraw and Assange should seemingly be reading from the same playbook, but perhaps it is just coincidence. On the other hand, as we have mentioned many times now, this entire, vast movement can also be seen as an exercise in controlled history with people playing their assigned roles within the organizational ambit of Money Power.


Baseball Players Remind Power-Hungry Democrats to Mind Their Own Morality First

Godfather Politics

Everything is beautiful and rosy in the states and counties run by Democrats in this nation. California, Illinois, New York, and other Democrat states have solved the problems of unemployment, recession, skyrocketing government debt, public sector unions out of control, government spending and fraud. Democrats are running out of problems to solve.

It’s time to focus on fields that so far have evaded the Democrat problem-solving and benevolent heavy government hand. Specifically, the baseball fields.

Yesterday, four Democrat legislators, apparently idle after solving all the other problems of our nation, sent a demand to Major League Baseball to ban the chewing of tobacco. Let’s get this straight, American politicians are something like medieval feudal barons who can order people around, right? That’s why they can make such demands.

But Major League Baseball didn’t kowtow. Clement “Babe” Yastrzemski III sent a reply back in which the League demands that the US Senate bans extramarital sex for politicians. A nice reminder that the four control-freaks are from the same party whose former President’s use of the Oval Office was not exactly within the tradition of decent family morality. Their own party refused to impeach Clinton who gave the worst example ever to the youth of this country among all presidents.

You can read the texts of the two letters here.

Even more outrageous than the savage hunger for control over other people is the Democrats indifference to issues that are even more morally relevant than chewing tobacco. Tobacco is so very important but killing unborn children is not. (One wonders why such concern for the health of children that could have been killed in the womb without any legal repercussions whatsoever.) Counterfeiting and devaluing the currency and destroying the lifetime savings of millions of Americans is not important either. The destruction of the American middle class is insignificant compared to chewing tobacco. The rising Federal government debt, the taxes and regulations, the rape of the American public by unconstitutional organizations like EPA and TSA means nothing.

But chewing tobacco deserves the time of the legislators; that same time is paid by the taxpayers who have watched Major League for decades and never suffered from it as much as they suffered from their lying, immoral, power-hungry politicians. No Major League Baseball Player ever forced anyone to pay his salary. All politicians live off the back of the American people using force to make us pay their salaries.

Democrat – and Republican too – politicians must learn to shut up. We have allowed too much control to be transferred to them. It’s about time to take it back.

A Long Day’s Journey Out of Night, Part I

Our English correspondent Seneca III returns with the first essay of a four-part series on British history, human development, and Islam. A slightly different version of this essay was previously published at Crusader Rabbit.

Part I: Roots

The human predilection to gather in co-operative communities in order to shape, control and utilise a particular environment for the benefit of all members of the commune is as old as our species. It is an animal thing, a pack thing, a tribal thing.

In both zoology and psychology the term ‘territorial imperative’ is a noun used to describe the need to claim and defend a territory, its assets and the successful social organisation that generated them.

It has been argued that in human terms the intensity of this need is inversely proportional to the length of time such a domain has been populated by a particular group who are or have become ideologically and genetically homogenous and have for long known no threat from without.

This first in a short series of essays examines the history and present condition of my own locale. As a working example, predominantly rural in nature, it reflects much of the same time line and upheavals as in more urban areas, although there, close to the epicentres of occupation, awareness of the current threat is far more acute.

Essentially, the main thrust of my argument is that history is the key. It is there that, throughout Europe and the Anglosphere, evolved those socio-cultural characteristics and modes of conduct that determine and will forever define why and what we are, and so clearly separate us from the descendents of the tribes of Arabian Peninsula and those conquered by them.

Some time around 3500BC a finely crafted and polished flint hand axe fell to the floor of a forest. One can only ponder why it fell and why it remained there, for this was a valuable and sophisticated tool, and we know that Neolithic man preferred to farm and herd and build his burial barrows on open, higher ground rather than down amongst the trees where bears and wolves roamed.

Yet, as there are some faint hints of small settlements in the dim, forbidding woodland where the axe fell, it is conceivable that the owner was a stranger, a trespasser perhaps, fleeing from the territorial imperative of the locals. Whatever happened that day, there the axe remained, sleeping beneath the trees that would shed their leaves upon it and then in their time crumple into the deepening carpet of rich soil.

Over the ensuing millennia the axe lay in darkness as above it strode the men of the Bronze and Iron ages, leaving their mark, particularly in the forest where, in early spring, the floor is still an ethereal and seemingly endless carpet of bluebells. There they paused and then passed on, Celts and then Romans who in their turn were followed by the Romano-British, each of them dropping or discarding some small token of their transient presence: a few coins, some broken pottery or the black circles of their charcoal kilns.

In the late seventh century an extended family of West Saxons, driving north from their settlements about thirty miles away, established a home, or ‘Ham’. It was they who split the rocks and felled the trees, ploughed the first fields, built a Great Hall for their Thane and neat, rectangular thatched houses for themselves, all close to several small springs rising just to the south and west of their clearings.

In the distant past these springs had bubbled to the surface, becoming a rivulet and then a stream that chuckled its way to the southeast. As it travelled the stream was fed along its course by other streams and run-off and, growing swiftly, it became a river artery, the Great Ouse, along which would come the vanguard of the Angles as they penetrated inland from the Wash to challenge the Saxon hegemony.

Thus it came to pass that these tribes of crook-boned men made war in this place, but over the passage of time sanity or necessity prevailed and thereafter came a wary peace punctuated by bouts of intermarriage and fractious squabbling until finally settling into the bucolic homogeneity of an Anglo-Saxon forest village.

The first significant record of the village is, of course, the Domesday Book of 1086, which indicates that the area had by then become something of a hodgepodge of feudal landowning, divided amongst the Norman invaders by ‘hides’ and ‘hundreds’ between “…the Count of Mortain, Giles de Pinkeni and Earl Aubrey in the values of five shillings, ten shillings and nine pounds…” However, one should view these figures with some caution; the Domesday Book was devised as a basis for taxation, and those who collected the taxes, not those who would pay them, assessed the value.