Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sarah Palin Nails OWS Hypocrisy

Via III Percent Patriots

At a Republican meeting not far from here, Sarah Palin nailed the difference between the Tea Party and the Occupy Whatever crowds. While we all may agree that the bailouts were wrong, and we should end the fed, as some occupiers seem to protest, my answer is make the government so small and impotent they can't give bailouts. OWS says "give me the money instead of them".
"They say 'Wall Street fat cats got a bailout so now I want one too.' And the correct answer is no one is entitled to a bailout," Palin told the crowd of about 1,000 at the Republican Party of Florida dinner. "The American dream, our foundation, is about work ethic and empowerment, not entitlement."

She compared the protesters and President Barack Obama to the "crony capitalists" they say they oppose.

"Barack Obama is owned by Wall Street [see here - Graybeard]. The fat cats, as he calls them, they're his friends. They're his pals. That's where he gets his campaign donations. And he's very generous about giving these cats their cat nip — bigger returns on their investments in bailouts," Palin said.
She went on to try and convince OWS that they need to be protesting Washington, where the policies they claim to oppose come from. Fat chance.

The NC Boys Who Never Came Home

Via Cousin John


Delbert Scott talks about the sense of loss he has felt since losing his brother, Marcus, during World War II.

Evelyn Westbrook takes a deep breath and runs her fingers across the cover of an undersized Bible that dates back more than 70 years.

She thumbs through its pages until she reaches the passage her brother, David, marked before he fell on a battlefield in Belgium.

It's Luke's narrative of the birth of Christ.

"He had hoped to get home for Easter, but never made it," Evelyn said, closing the book before placing it back among her brother's Purple Heart and a condolence letter signed by FDR that was sent to the young man's family shortly after his death. "You know, in war, there is always this fear that the boys are going and some of them aren't coming home. But my family was very Christian and just trusted that the Lord would do whatever was best."

David Hill is only one of dozens of names recently immortalized within a memorial constructed to ensure Wayne County never forgets the sons it sacrificed on battlefields from Europe to Vietnam.

But when his sister choked up just talking about the tune blared by a lone bugler at the end of a funeral held more than a half-century ago, it seemed clear that some still live, every day, with a void no tribute -- no matter how powerful -- could fill.

"From the day of that memorial service until now, if I ever hear taps, it's just so hard." Evelyn said, her eyes filling with tears. "I've wondered so many times who he would have been -- what he would have done."

They are more than just names -- the men whose legacies will be honored on Veterans Day before forever being preserved on a lot at the corner of Walnut and William streets.

To those they left behind, the county's war dead will remain dedicated husbands, beloved brothers, cherished sons and fierce friends ... always.


Delbert Scott remembers when his older brother, Marcus, flagged down a train passing through Belfast.

"He went along the track and took out his handkerchief," he said. "That's the last time he saw home."

But that moment is not the final memory Delbert has of a young man he will forever see as "a typical teenage boy."

It was late December 1942 -- a few days before Christmas -- and Marcus was preparing to join the war effort mounting across the world.

"He said, 'Daddy, if you could come (see me), I would appreciate it. I'm shipping out.' So Daddy and me went down to Jackson, Mississippi and spent Christmas eve with him," Delbert said. "I was so young that I didn't realize why that hurt Daddy so bad."

But as he grew older, memories formed years earlier revealed to the boy just why his father was so distraught when faced with the reality that his son was joining the fight.

At the time of his enlistment, Marcus was too young to sign up for the service -- to live his boyhood dream -- without parental consent.

"We lived in a four-room house and Daddy, he would have to come through our bedroom to get to the kitchen," Delbert said. "Well, Marcus wanted to join the Army Air Corps so bad that he already had the paperwork and two or three different times, he would jump out of bed when he heard Daddy coming through and had this fountain pen laying up on the dresser and he'd say, 'Daddy, are you going to sign my enlistment papers?' Daddy would say, 'No. Not today.'

"Well, finally, one morning, Daddy come in the room and Marcus jumped up. He said, 'Daddy, you gonna sign the papers today?' Daddy said, 'Where's the pen?' When he got through signing the paper, he said, 'Son, I feel like I've just signed your death warrant.' Daddy took that to his grave."

Charles Marcus Scott was killed June 27, 1943 -- after logging more than 50 combat missions -- during a training flight designed to get replacements ready for battle.

Delbert, who was only 7 years old at the time, can still see a taxi pull up to his home.

"I was on the other side of the house in the garden picking butter beans when I saw that taxi drive up. Well, the only cars that came up that road was the mailman," he said. "So when I saw that taxi turn in, I left my butter bean bucket around the house and the guy came up. He looked at Mama and said, 'Well, I hate to do this, but I think I got bad news for you.' ... It was very devastating to Daddy."


Roy Thompson only has one memory of his brother.

He was only 6 years old when Ralph was killed in Korea.

So he clings to the moment a little boy tried to impress his role model by reading a book far too advanced for a toddler.

"It was just a little old 'Dick and Jane' or something like that," Roy said. "Right now, that's the only thing I can remember. I just know that he was in the service -- that he had to go off to war."

But as the years passed, he wondered if he was growing into the kind of young man Ralph was before his death -- if they had the same personality; if their faces looked the same.

"I probably look like him," Roy said. "Guess I'll never know."

And instead of reaching back to moments they spent together for answers to those questions, he, instead, has been forced to rely on stories passed along from women his brother once dated and friends he made before he left for war.

"And today, I don't guess there are too many people that would even remember him," Roy said. "I mean, he was born in 1930."

Ralph fell in Korea on Sept. 12, 1950.

But according to his family, the military never explained just how the young man died.

"All I've heard is that he was only across the water for 18 days when he was killed," Roy said. "The letter, it didn't say how.

"But I know this: he will never be forgotten."


A little girl eludes her brothers before, upon assuming the role of "Indian princess" she allows them to bind her hands and feet.

"We were playing cowboys and Indians and they ... tied me to the garage door," Evelyn said. "I, of course, was happy to be the Indian princess. Dumb me.

"So they would go on about their playing and every five or 10 minutes they would come around and do that ... Indian call. I thought I was still in the game, but what was really happening is they were trying to get rid of me."

The woman laughs.

"David and my older brother were my childhood playmates," she said. "We were very close."

So when his body was finally returned to Goldsboro and laid to rest at Willowdale Cemetery, it was devastating to the girl who had, years earlier, walked alongside him so many times.

"When his remains came back home, two servicemen came with them. They stood by that body until the funeral was over. They never left our house -- stayed there night and day," Evelyn said. "There were, of course, mixed emotions. It was only natural to be sorrowful. But you were also proud."

So when the Wayne County Veterans Memorial is dedicated Friday, a loving sister will be among the faces in the crowd.

"I think it's wonderful. I sure do," Evelyn said. "I want to honor him."

And Delbert, too, will attend the ceremony -- if for no other reason than to gain a little more closure.

"I'm constantly reliving it," he said. "If he was living, he would have eight years on me."

Roy appreciates the effort of the Wayne County Community Memorial Association Trustees -- the group that has worked, since the former community building burned, to preserve the "hallowed grounds" it once stood upon.

"I think it's real nice," he said. "Maybe one day, people will go up to his name and say, 'Hey, that person might be kin to me.'"

But for some, like Delbert's younger brother, Cecil, who was so young that he has no memories of Marcus, no monument could ever replace the memories he was robbed of on foreign soil.

"I never saw him," Cecil said. "And I'm just sorry he never got to see me."

What Would Really Happen If Ron Paul Were To Be Elected President?

No income tax, the Federal government generates revenues by other means;

no IRS forms to deal with;

no need to send your kids off to phony wars in foreign theatres;

no more cut off the top by the Federal Reserve;

assurance there really is gold in Ft. Knox;

gold-backed money like this nation once had before the banksters cut their own deal at Jekyll Island, South Carolina decades ago and Nixon took America off the gold standard;

rising individual purchasing power as inflation is nixed (no need to ask the boss for a raise, your money will buy more),

financial gains on your banked money instead of erosion of your wealth via inflation;

your chance to own a home will greatly improve rather than the current situation where home ownership is now only a fading American pipe dream;

and true reform of healthcare rather than manipulation by those with vested interests.

Hell On Wheels Trailer

Video re-post with new article.

Stardom for Anson Mount? Fine, but on his terms

When first sighted, Cullen Bohannon is in Washington, D.C. He is a man of few words and piercing, haunted eyes. A Confederate soldier in the just-concluded Civil War, he now has unfinished business of his own: avenging the death of his wife.

"Did the war take her?" someone asks Bohannon, to which he tersely acknowledges, "Sump-em li-kat."

So he heads west to work on the transcontinental railroad and settle some scores at the Union Pacific construction camp.

That, in a nutshell, describes "Hell on Wheels," an epic new AMC drama taking its title from the term for the movable community that will accompany the drudgerous laying of track through fierce frontier. It is here in this transient world of harsh nature, brute ambition and clashing personalities that much of the action will take place in the series, which premieres Sunday at 10 p.m. EST.

It stars Colm Meaney, Dominique McElligott, Ben Esler, Philip Burke, Eddie Spears and rapper-actor Common, as well as Anson Mount in a role that maybe, just maybe, will launch him into stardom.

Or maybe not. Either way, the 38-year-old Mount professes not to care.

Raised in a small town in Tennessee, he says he grabbed the role of Bohannon because "it's hard to find Southern characters that are not stereotyped or vilified or aggrandized. And this managed to escape all those traps.

"As a Southerner," he adds, "you grow up with at least an inkling of what it's like to come from a conquered culture, and that's an important part of this character."


Whoever Controls the Schools Rules the World

Godfather Politics

One of the more pleasurable parts of what I do is traveling around the country and meeting people who have not let what is a steady stream of bad news deter them in preparing young people for the future. The most rewarding experiences I have are meeting with young people who are part of the growing Christian private, church, and home school movement. These youngsters are doing amazing things in the classroom with only a fraction of the financial resources showered on public schools. Courses in logic, Latin, and Greek are common. They can run rings around most adults in what they know about history and the Bible. They are eager to take part in discussions with adults, even challenging them at times. They are the future, and the future looks bright.

Not long ago, I was asked to speak at Tall Oaks Classical School in New Castle, Delaware. While I was waiting for my ride to my next speaking engagement, a teacher asked if I could come to her class. It seems that her students wanted to meet a “famous author.” Looking around for a moment, I realized she was talking about me. So off I went to a fourth grade class. What a delightful group of young people.

They asked great questions. You could see the enthusiasm in their eyes and the interest in their voices. They peppered me with questions about writing. “How long does it take you to write a book? . . . How many books have you written? . . . How do you choose what to write about?” They all participated. I hope their eagerness never dies. Vision for the future, even in fourth graders, is crucial. Education has to be more than learning “stuff.” There must be vision and purpose. These children, because of their teachers and the school staff, get a full dose of both every day. They will be the future of this great nation.

I pointed out in my messages that the other side understands the importance of education. Nebuchadnezzar certainly understood it. The king gathered up the best and brightest of what Israel had to offer, gave them a free education, paid for their meals, and indoctrinated them in the Babylonian worldview with the express purpose of entering “the king’s personal service” (Dan. 1:1–5). Modern tyrannies have similar designs on education. Adolf Hitler knew that the way to capture a nation and establish a new way of governing the world was to educate the children. The following is taken from William L. Shirer’s book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich:

“When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side,’ he said in a speech on November 6, 1933, “I calmly say, ‘Your child belongs to us already . . . What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.’” And on May 1, 1937, he declared, “This new Reich will give its youth to no one, but will itself take youth and give to youth its own education and its own upbringing.”[1]

Too many conservatives, even those who have chosen Christian education for their children, have not always understood the long-term implications of education. The other side does. Consider the words of John Dunphy in the infamous and often quoted comments that appeared in his article “A Religion for a New Age” The Humanist magazine:

I am convinced that the battle for humankind’s future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselytizers of a new faith: a religion of humanity that recognizes the spark of what theologians call divinity in every human being. There teachers must embody the same selfless dedication of the most rabid fundamentalist preacher, for they will be ministers of another sort, utilizing a classroom instead of a pulpit to convey humanist values in whatever subject they teach, regardless of the educational level—preschool, daycare, or large state university. The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new—the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism, resplendent in its promise of a world in which the never-realized Christian ideal of “love thy neighbor” will finally be achieved.[2]

Dunphy gets it. Has he backed off of these comments? Not a bit. He’s made it clear that the battle is on, and “humanism is going to win.” Let’s take up the challenge. Humanism won’t win as long as the students in Mrs. Brearly’s Fourth grade class continue to do their work. The future can be bright again.

The end of the road for Global Warming hysteria

One of my favorite peeves.
Dr. Robinson (Dixie's Homeschooler) Myth Of Global Warming
Global Warming hysteria has had a good run - over twenty years, but we're approaching the end of the road for the Global Warming Industry (bloated scientific bureaucracies, bloated green NGOs, the bloated UN IPCC, etc). While I shall shed no tears for this crowd, it's not my dislike of the corrupted state of the science that leads me to this conclusion; rather, it's a merciless financial calculus that is playing itself out across the globe.

And just in the nick of time, too. While terribly damaging to the world's economies, the worst part is the terrible impact green policies are having on the developing world. The result of the anti-growth/anti-industrialization policies is literally keeping a billion people in poverty, with its associated high mortality and associated misery.

A quick level set before I get to the meat of my argument. This is an outstanding introduction to the entire situation. The first part recaps the state of the science, and lays out how pathetically weak the "consensus" view really is. The second part lays out the political landscape: where this came from (Al Gore came to this very late) and where it's going.

Tao Pen or S&W Pens

The Tao had a write up on Survival tonight. I had checked this out when I was looking for Dixie, but picked the S&W since you do not have to remove the cap to use it in defense. I told her to hit them with the Mean Green first and hopefully that will end it.

Elishewitz Tao Pen v. Smith & Wesson Tactical Pens

New York Gangsters in Charleston

The 1860 Democratic party convention in Charleston arrayed Southerner Democrats seeking peaceful platform compromises to ensure their State’s sovereign rights and peace within the Union, against Northern Democrats seeking power, influence and spoils at any cost.

Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"

“Men in the Free Soil faction of New York Democrats were nicknamed “Barnburners,” and compared to the farmer who burned down his barn to get rid of the rats. The conservatives were called “Hunkers,” apparently a Dutch term meaning “conservative.” Undisputed boss of [one faction] and their delegation to Charleston, was Dean Richmond, a tough, portly, broad-shouldered Buffalo businessman. Although he never could write or speak with perfect grammar, the often profane, intimidation chieftain achieved great power in both business and politics.

Richmond consolidated seven upstate railroads into the New York Central system, lobbying the legislature – by fair means and foul – into making it all legal. Against Dean Richmond’s [faction was] arrayed the mayor of New York City, Fernando Wood, and his Mozart Hall boys, Tammany’s rivals, and his mouthpiece, the New York Daily News. [De Alva Alexander said of Wood]: “As a politician he was as false as his capacity would allow him to be, having no hesitation, either from principle or fear, to do anything to serve his purpose.”

Wood arrived early [in Charleston] at the Syracuse hall, bringing along a gang of roughs, headed by John C. Heenan, “the Benecia Boy,” the champion prizefighter. When [Richmond’s faction] came in later, Peter Cagger mounted the platform and declared John Stryker temporary chairman. In the ensuing melee, Stryker was pushed off the platform and “an intimidating array of pistols” appeared.

To make sure that his delegates won all the New York seats at Charleston, Dean Richmond played a double game. He agreed to vote with the [Stephen] Douglas forces…At the same time he made a solemn promise to [Louisiana] Senator [John] Slidell and the Southerners that he would go along with them in nominating an acceptable presidential candidate who would unite the party.

By his double-dealing, he persuaded the Southerners to go along with seating all of his delegates instead of letting half of them go to the forces of Mayor Wood, who promised to vote with the South. Some credentials committee members proposed dividing the New York seats evenly between the Hards and the Softs. But in the end, Dean Richmond got them all. The Southerners, who went along with the decision, found too late that they had been tricked.

Douglas would hold New York. Also working for Douglas, and speaking up for him in the hotels and barrooms of Charleston, were numerous friends eager to share in the spoils of the next Democratic administration in Washington. A hostile South Carolinian, writing from Charleston, sniffed that the Douglas men “came here like a gang of wolves, or a flock of vultures, bent on spoil, without compromise or alternative; their howlings are for blood.”

[The] premier orator…William Lowndes Yancey, took the stage amid a storm of applause, cheers, “hi-hi’s and cock-crows.”

He appealed to the Northerners to understand why the Southerners must have a platform that recognized their rights. “Ours,” he said, “is the property invaded; ours are the institutions which are at stake; ours is the peace that is to be destroyed; ours is the honor at stake – the honor of children, the honor of families, the lives, perhaps of all – all of which your course may ultimately make a great heaving volcano of passion and crime.”

By “the great heaving volcano of passion and crime,” Yancey referred to the Southerners’ nightmare that the abolition of slavery would mean turning loose four million blacks to roam about in idleness and crime, and to threaten white peoples’ lives. The prospect of a social revolution, even a race war, was no idle fancy; it filled the Southerners’ minds with horror.”

Richmond favored “a platform to suit the North so as to make a great Northern Democratic party and gain a majority of the representatives in Congress and let the South go to the devil.” “What the hell do we care about the South?” Richmond shouted. “What we want, by God, is a Democratic party at the North. Damn the South!....”

(Lincoln: The Road to War, Frank van der Linden, Fulcrum Publishing, 1998, (excerpts), pp. 29-38)
New York Gangsters in Charleston

Occupy Wall Street Sides With McDonald’s Against Burger King


What happens when greedy capitalists won’t give representatives of The People whatever they want for free? This:

An Occupy Wall Street protestor was arrested early Friday after a violent rampage at a McDonald’s that refused to offer him free food.

The NYPD says it happened at about 2:45 a.m. at a McDonald’s near the make-shift tent city in Zuccotti Park.

Fisika Bezabeh, 27, went into the world’s largest restaurant chain and demanded free food, apparently craving a burger over the gourmet food being served in the park.

The people behind the counter, who are working instead of protesting, were not about to offer the man free food.

Bezabeh then turned violent, ripped a credit-card reader from a counter and threw it at workers before police arrived and arrested the protester.

Apparently moonbats are less fond of the food at Burger King, to judge from this disturbing scene from Occupy Oakland:

What liberals have against Burger King — other than that the company makes a profit by providing people with something they want a price they can afford — is anybody’s guess.

Maybe BK can turn the Occucommies’ denunciations into an ad campaign. You can’t go wrong by appealing to the vast majority of Americans who regard the self-styled “99%” with growing loathing and horror.

Islam is Fear, Part I & II

The following post is the first part of a three-part series adapted from Bob Smith’s work at Islam’s Fatal Flaw. It is a lucid analysis of the deadly effectiveness of Islam as a self-replicating closed system.

Islam is Fear, Part I

Islam is Fear, Part II

Brian Aitken Stands for Individual Liberty

Kidnapped and caged despite not harming anyone, Brian Aitken stood on his principles and gained the support of many.

Accused of violating New Jersey's draconian victim disarmament legislation and barred from seeing his son, Aitken remained steadfast - turning down plea deal after plea deal.

Today - at least partially vindicated (he was granted "clemency" from Chris Christie), Brian is on the offensive. His refusal to cower should be an inspiration to us all.

"Occupy DC" Violently Raids Tea Party's "Defending the American Dream Summit"...many injured

Occupy DC protesters violently injured peaceful Tea Party go-ers (some elderly) and attemped to force entry into the Washington Convention Center on Friday (Nov 4, 2011), where Americans for Prosperity is hosting their "Defending the American Dream Summit." The protesters also formed roadblocks, surrounding the convention center and only allowing non-luxury cars to pass. Parents with their children were caught in the violence. Some injured... Auto/pedestrian accidents occured as Occupy protestors rushed into the streets hurling profanities at drivers and attempting to block drivers' paths. This has to stop...

Occupy DC Scum Push Old Lady Down the Stairs

Brock Townsend said...

Reading your brief comments and the two articles, I am not sure of your point. The first seems to side clearly with the reporter, but the second can't be construed as such, though obviously the occupiers would stick together.

Kerodin said...

From what I read, and what I know of DC LEO, I'd have to say the Occupy folks were looking to make a story about being hit. The Occupy folks gave one story, but other witnesses supported the driver.

DC LEO is very, very serious about protecting pedestrians, and if there was any doubt, they'd have sided with Team Occupy and arrested the driver.

Here in DC we deal with traffic-blocking protests weekly, often several times each week, and as much as I give LEO a hard time, they do a pretty good job of making sure nobody gets hurt or stupid. The Occupy folks were way out of bounds, at night, looking for a headline, I am convinced.

BTW: I don't think the Occupy folks tried to stage anything, I think they just tried to make a felony out of an accident...much like an NFL punter will fake to draw a Roughing charge.

It's time to evict them all.
