Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hoover Was a Homo

The title of this piece is both offensive and untrue, which has not dissuaded Hollywood from making a feature film based on this very premise.

In the almost forty years since his passing, the antisocial, anti-American, and anti-Western forces which seek to undermine civilization have never quite forgotten about the FBI director. Any time his name is mentioned it must always be accompanied by claims he was a homosexual, accusations that he persecuted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and allegations of paranoia over subversives.

Now comes Hollywood’s attempt to ingrain in the media generation its mendacious image of the man. Because many actually believe that what they view on the silver screen is the authentic granite of history, it is time to set the record straight. What better way than by running down the crime blotter of charges?

Allegation #1 – Misdemeanor – Suspect was fanatical anti-subversive.


British Misfit Dumping Ground

Contrary to popular notions, white residents of the American colonies were not a free people. After the abolition of serfdom in Mecklenburg’s duchies in the 1820’s, those emancipated white slaves were little more than landless, starving migrant workers, many of whom sold themselves to indenture in order to look for land in America.

Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"

British Misfit Dumping Ground:

“At the time of the Revolution, about half the white population of the Colonies consisted of indentured laborers and their descendants. Some were orphans, debtors, paupers, mental defectives. Others had committed petty crimes. Still others were whores. Children were stolen and spirited off to be sold under indentures.

The Irish in particular were victimized. Oliver Cromwell believed that they were admirably suited for slavery and saw to it that the survivors of the Drogheda massacre met that fate in Bermuda. His agents scoured Ireland for children to be sold to planters in the Americas. Between 1717 and 1775, 50,000 English felons were transported to mainland North America. For the most part, the indentured workers settled in the South where the demand for unskilled plantation labor was greatest. American writers and politicians protested against the use of the Colonies as dumping grounds for the unwanted, the impoverished and, in some cases, the vicious and mentally inferior.

Benjamin Franklin compared British emigration policy with sending American rattlesnakes to England to teach them manners. These protests went unheeded and deportation continued until the American Revolution stopped it and forced England to turn to Australia as an alternate destination.

At the time of the Revolutionary War, opposition to slavery and the continued importation of Negroes was widespread among the intellectual and political leaders of the nascent republic. [Virginian] George Wythe, Jefferson’s teacher and friend, freed all his slaves on moral grounds. John Adams declared shortly before his death: “I have, through my whole life, held the practice of slavery in such abhorrence, that, I have never owned a negro or any other slave…”

(The Negro in American Civilization, Nathaniel Weyl, Public Affairs Press, 1960, page 23)
British Misfit Dumping Ground

Don't miss it: VIDEO: Pamela Geller Speaks at Florida State Tea Party Convention

She mentioned that polling on OWS was favorable, but that's not what Rasmussen reports.

"Al Jazeera: That's a camera with a gun.":)

Atlas Shrugs

Huge thanks to David DiCrescenzo, Editor at Large American Patriots Press for videoing and posting my speech at the Florida State Tea Party Convention last weekend.

It was the most amazing event, historic in fact, and the mainstream media's myopic meme was culled from the Hamas-linked CAIR press release deriding the event and creating Islamic supremacist lies out of whole cloth. Yes, now the media is taking their talking points and their cues from the Muslim Brotherhood, pimping their anti-American hate and spinning it into "news reportage." Their coverage of the Florida State Tea Party Convention channeled the Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR's press release, which focused on a single fallacious and diabolical lie: the absence of big name politicians from this event -- which of course was my fault. More here.

This is war.... on the truth.

CAIR was rebuked and disinvited to the Tea Party, but no mention was made of that in any of the news accounts. But the CAIR lie that politicians didn't come because of me (part of the Islamic smear campaign against voices of freedom) was widely repeated.

Who cares which politicians showed up?

This event was never about the politicians. It was about the people they serve. It was about the people who put them there. We the people. It was about organizing, strategizing and developing our battle-plan for 2012. As for the absent politicians, some of them got to where they are only with the help of the Tea Party. They will surely come around later in the game. Those politicians who were too afraid of Hamas-linked CAIR to show up at this event will come knocking on the doors of these people when they need their votes. Expect a booty call from certain cowardly and quisling politicians. But these folks won't be so inclined to answer this time.

Listen to the speech. Watch it and see for yoruself what they don't want you to know. This is war and they need the American people misinformed and disarmed. Take action, learn everything.


Outrage: Government Forces Private Citizens to Pour Bleach on Home-Grown Organic Food

Via ojibwa, L&P

“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.”

The Declaration of Independence
July 4, 1776


With 48 million Americans on federal food assistance we are bewildered by the latest government outrage from Nevada, where a group of private citizens gathered together at Quail Hollow Farm for a Farm-to-Fork dinner consisting of an organic spread prepared by Chef Gio were forced to dispatch and sanitize hundreds of pounds of food with bleach.

As invited guests began to arrive, mingle and satiate their appetites, one unexpected individual, operating under the auspices of the Southern Nevada Health District, had another plan in store for dinner.

The following outrageous first-hand account of the incident should make your blood boil. If it doesn’t then we don’t know what will.

Via Laura Bledsoe of Quail Hollow Farm:

Our guests were excited to spend an evening together. The food was prepared exquisitely. The long dinner table, under the direction of dear friends, was absolutely stunningly beautiful. The music was superb. The stars were bright and life was really good.

And then, …

for a few moments, it felt like the rug was pulled out from underneath us and my wonderful world came crashing down. As guests were mingling, finishing tours of the farm, and while the first course of the meal was being prepared and ready to be sent out, a Southern Nevada Health District employee came for an inspection.

Because this was a gathering of people invited to our farm for dinner, I had no idea that the Health Department would become involved. I received a phone call from them two days before the event informing me that because this was a “public event” (I would like to know what is the definition of “public” and “private”) we would be required to apply for a “special use permit”.

If we did not do so immediately, we would be charged a ridiculous fine.

Stunned, we immediately complied.

We were in the middle of our harvest day for our CSA shares, a very busy time for us, but Monte immediately left to comply with the demand and filled out the required paper work and paid for the fee. (Did I mention that we live in Overton, nowhere near a Health Department office?) Paper work now in order, he was informed that we would not actually be given the permit until an inspector came to check it all out.

She came literally while our guests were arriving!

In order to overcome any trouble with the Health Department of cooking on the premises, most of the food was prepared in a certified kitchen in Las Vegas; and to further remove any doubt, we rented a certified kitchen trailer to be here on the farm for the preparation of the meals. The inspector, Mary Oaks, clearly not the one in charge of the inspection as she was constantly on the phone with her superior Susan somebody who was calling all the shots from who knows where.

Susan deemed our food unfit for consumption and demanded that we call off the event because:

1. Some of the prepared food packages did not have labels on them. (The code actually allows for this if it is to be consumed within 72 hours.)

2. Some of the meat was not USDA certified. (Did I mention that this was a farm to fork meal?)

3. Some of the food that was prepared in advance was not up to temperature at the time of inspection. (It was being prepared to be brought to proper temperature for serving when the inspection occurred.)

4. Even the vegetables prepared in advance had to be thrown out because they were cut and were then considered a “bio-hazard”.

5. We did not have receipts for our food. (Reminder! This food came from farms not from the supermarket! I have talked with several chefs who have said that in all their years cooking they have never been asked for receipts.)

The only way to keep our guests on the property was to destroy the food.

We asked the inspector if we could save the food for a private family event that we were having the next day. (A personal family choice to use our own food.) We were denied and she was insulted that we would even consider endangering our families health. I assured her that I had complete faith and trust in Giovanni our chef and the food that was prepared, (obviously, or I wouldn’t be wanting to serve it to our guests).

I then asked if we couldn’t feed the food to our “public guests” or even to our private family, then at least let us feed it to our pigs. (I think it should be a criminal action to waste any resource of the land. Being dedicated to our organic farm, we are forever looking for good inputs into our compost and soil and good food that can be fed to our animals. The animals and compost pile always get our left over garden surplus and food. We truly are trying to be as sustainable as possible.)

Again, a call to Susan and another negative response.

Not only were we denied the use of the food for any purpose, to ensure that it truly was unfit for feed of any kind we were again threatened with police action if we did not only throw the food in the trash, but then to add insult to injury, we were ordered to pour bleach on it.

Now the food is also unfit for compost as I would be negligent to allow any little critters to nibble on it while it was composting and ingest that bleach resulting in a horrible death. Literally hundreds of pounds of food was good for nothing but adding to our ever increasing land fill!


Trousdale Place

Trousdale Place is a handsome old two-story brick house serenely shaded by large trees and has been proudly placed on the National Register of Historic Places as well as the Tennessee Civil War Trail.

It is located two city blocks west of the Gallatin, Tennessee Public Square. This historic home was built circa 1813 by John H. Bowen, a local attorney and member of Congress. Bowen died in 1822, and the house was later acquired by Governor William Trousdale. The city of Gallatin was developed on part of the original North Carolina land grant #1 awarded to Captain James Trousdale, Governor Trousdale’s father, for his service in the Revolutionary War. In 1812, lots were sold for the construction of the jail, courthouse and other Gallatin city buildings.

In 1899, Annie Berry Trousdale, daughter-in-law of William Trousdale, deeded the home to the Clark Chapter #13 of the United Daughters of the Confederacy to honor all veterans and in particular, veterans of the Confederacy. Then the mansion became known as The Trousdale Place.

Sumner County supplied the Confederate States Army with approximately 3,000 soldiers. To memorialize the Trousdale’s military history and the service of these Confederate soldiers, a monument was erected on the front lawn of Trousdale Place on September 19, 1903.

In 1979, the Sumner County Museum Association was granted permission by Clark Chapter #13 UDC to build a museum on the property. Today, Trousdale Place is open for tours by appointment and private rentals and is part of the Sumner County Tour program. The home and grounds make a rich atmosphere for receptions, teas, meetings, weddings, luncheons and other special events.



Trousdale Place

Penn State trustees fire coach Joe Paterno, president Graham Spanier

Paterno and Spanier were informed of the decision by telephone. “We were unable to find a way to do that in person without causing further distraction,” Surma said.

The day was always coming. The old coach was 84, and each new season brought questions whether it would be his last. No one, though, expected it to happen quite like this.

The Penn State board of trustees voted unanimously to fire football coach Joe Paterno Wednesday night amid the growing furor over how the school handled sex abuse allegations against an assistant coach. Penn State president Graham Spanier also was ousted.

The massive shakeup came at the end of a day that started with Paterno announcing he planned to retire at the end of his 46th season, saying he wanted to finish with “dignity and determination.” But the board decided he had to go immediately.

“The university is much larger than its athletic teams,” board vice chair John Surma said during a packed press conference.

Paterno and Spanier were informed of the decision by telephone.

“We were unable to find a way to do that in person without causing further distraction,” Surma said.

Earlier in the day a tearful Paterno, who won more games than any coach in major college football history, stood in an auditorium in the Penn State complex and told disbelieving players that he planned to retire at the end of the season.

Not because he was too old or couldn’t win anymore, but because of the child sex abuse scandal involving longtime assistant coach and onetime heir-apparent, Jerry Sandusky.

“Success With Honor” was ending in disgrace, and the tears flowed from behind the thick eyeglasses.

“In all the clips I’ve seen of him, I’ve never seen him break down and cry,” quarterback Paul Jones said. “And he was crying the whole time today.”

Cornerback Stephon Morris said some players also were nearly in tears themselves.

“I still can’t believe it. I’ve never seen Coach Paterno like that in my life,” Morris said.


November 10, 2011 Grassley: Holder refusing to provide 11 witnesses for Fast and Furious interviews

Via Sipsey Street Irregulars

Gee, they must be too busy......No ulterior motive, just move on along now.

Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley said Thursday that Attorney General Eric Holder is continuing to stonewall congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious. This time, Holder is refusing to provide 11 of the 12 witnesses Grassley and House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa have requested be made available for interviews.

“We have requested 12 Justice Department witnesses be made available for transcribed interviews,” Grassley said in a Thursday Senate Judiciary Committee executive business meeting. “Despite the department’s promises of good faith cooperation, only one witness has been provided so far — former U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke. The department has refused to schedule interviews with any of the other 11 witnesses. That’s not the good faith cooperation I was promised, and it is unacceptable.”

Occupy Oakland Open Account at Bank They Vandalized

It’s as if progressives are totally unaware of how their hypocrisy makes it impossible for any reasonable person to take them seriously. The vastness of it must be too great for them to get their stunted minds around, just as a fish could never comprehend the extent of the ocean. Occupy Oakland provides another example:

A group of Oakland anti-Wall Street protesters who blame large banks for the economic downturn have decided that one of those institutions is the best place to stash their money for now.

Protesters at an Occupy Oakland meeting Monday voted to deposit a $20,000 donation into a Wells Fargo account. The move comes just days after one of Wells Fargo’s branches was vandalized during a massive downtown demonstration.

What do communist revolutionaries need with a bank account?

Protesters said it was the easiest way to access the money to bail out people from jail.


CNN Defends the Fed – Calls Ron Paul Economically Illiterate

Dominant Social Theme: When it comes to economics, Ron Paul doesn't know what he's talking about.

Free-Market Analysis: So here comes Dr. Michael Salemi to defend central banking from Ron Paul. And where does his defense appear? On CNN, of course, the pre-eminent US media mouthpiece for the Anglosphere power elite.

The more CNN sinks in the ratings, the more support it gets. It's kind of the anti-news channel in this regard or perhaps the media's most prominent example of the Peter Principal (outside of AOL, another elite-controlled outfit). CNN is constantly failing upward, along with CIA-trained Anderson Cooper.

This statement by Salemi (see article excerpt above) is especially egregious. Ron Paul has written books on free-market economics and was a close friend of the great libertarian economist Murray Rothbard who along with Lew Rockwell founded the Mises Institute.

Today, the numbers of Ludwig von Mises Google cites rival those of the Fabian fraud, John Maynard Keynes. Free-market thinking has swept the world, magnified by the megaphone of communications technology and the Internet Reformation. What's Salemi ever done other than to offer up misinformation to overly-trusting students?

This is nothing but a big dominant social theme of the power elite. The meme is simple: Central banks are a natural progression of the money system and anyone who contradicts them is being foolish and economically illiterate.

This isn't true, of course. Central bankers FIX the supply of money by deciding on its volume and price. Price-fixing never works. It merely transfers wealth from those who produce it to those who have not and don't have any idea of how to deploy it efficiently. That's why lottery winners are always going broke and why the government itself – a price-fixing machine – can never get anything right.


Weich & Holder: The lies continue

“Mr. Weich, as you are well aware, it is a crime to knowingly make false statements to Congress,” Chairman Issa writes in his letter to Weich. “As DOJ’s principal liaison to Congress, we rely on you to be straight with the facts. You have not been, and so your credibility on this issue has been seriously eroded. Whether it is the case that you were fed a lie and faithfully repeated it in a letter to Congress, or whether it is the case that you took the initiative to lie to Congress yourself, you are responsible for the contents of letters that bear your signature.”


Defending the indefensible, Field Marshal Holder tells a "local" lie.

Recall this from earlier this week:
"Some of the overheated rhetoric might lead you to believe that this local Arizona based operation was somehow the cause of the epidemic of gun violence in Mexico. In fact, Fast and Furious was a flawed response to and not the cause of the flow of illegal guns from the United States into Mexico." -- Eric Holder, testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, 8 November 2011.
Senator John Cornyn wasn't about to let him get away with the "local" defense, i.e. blaming Phoenix:
"On August the 7th, I sent you a letter, asking you about the Texas connections, and I got a letter back last Friday from your subordinates, saying that you were unable to provide more information at this time. I'm hopeful you will be able to provide more information, because we know that the weapons from Fast and Furious have shown up at 11 different crime scenes in the United States, and this is far from, as you'd stated earlier, a local law enforcement operation in terms of its impact." -- Senator John Cornyn to Eric Holder, ibid.
Which then led to this exchange:
CORNYN: OK. Well, let me go on to something else. Do you still contend this is still a local law enforcement operation?

HOLDER: No, no; it's a federal -- oh, no, no, that -- don't misinterpret that. It's a -- it's a federal law enforcement...


CORNYN: Well, they're your words. You said it was it was...

HOLDER: No, no...

CORNYN: ... a local law enforcement...

HOLDER: Well, then, that's my fault.

CORNYN: ... opening testimony.

HOLDER: Well, that's my fault. It's a federal law enforcement operation that was concerned -- that was of local -- of local concern. It was not a national operation. (Emphasis supplied, MBV.)

CORNYN: Well, it metastasized, didn't it, to Mexico, it metastasized to Texas, and obviously Arizona. So it wasn't certainly local in effect. Well, you would agree with that?

HOLDER: Well, as I indicated in my opening statement, the impact of the mistakes made in Fast and Furious are going to be felt in Mexico, in United States, and probably for years to come.
"It was not a national operation."

We already have reporting from FOX and CBS that there were a number of gunwalking operations in a number of states. There is also the reporting by David Codrea and myself on the Tampa operation walking firearms to Honduras and more by David documenting gunwalking domestically in Indiana.

Holder however testified that the gunwalking was "local" and not "national." As a charter member of the Coalition of Willing Lilliputians commented yesterday, "Holder is placing a LOT of cards in his deck on the 'localized' aspect." If Holder can be proven a liar or even unaware of multiple locations or operations involving gunwalking, he said, that Holder is "seriously vulnerable."

Indeed he is.

"Seriously vulnerable" as in a demonstrated perjurer.

Perhaps someone will ask him when he shows up at the House hearing on 8 December.

Sheriff Joe threatened for probing eligibility

Via Don, L&P

Says intimidation comes from drug lords, Obama fans: 'I'm not sure which are worse'

Amid death threats, Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio is scratching his head over the major media's virtual silence about his decision to investigate Barack Obama's eligibility to run for re-election.

"Getting death threats is nothing new for me," Arpaio told WND, referring to his national reputation as a tough enforcer of immigration laws. "But why has the media has decided to black out all news of our Obama investigation? That's what I don't understand.

"I'm a controversial guy and usually the media is all over me," he continued, "but when I decided to investigate Obama, the media has suddenly gone missing in action."

Arpaio said that if the media's strategy is to minimize the impact of his investigation by ignoring it, it is not likely to work.

"If the mainstream media thinks our investigation will go away if it remains unreported, they're wrong. The investigation is proceeding, and I fully anticipate we will publish a report early next year."



I’ve written in the past posing the question “Where do we go from here?”

This question, in it’s simplicity, asks the reader to contemplate life after the USA as we know it.

I try to be objective and even maintain a positive outlook on the country. . I really do. Try, I mean. I have 2 growing kids for Christ’s sake.

I’ve never been a negative person. Growing up, I was always taught that the sun always rises, the early bird gets the worm, Early to bed early to rise…. Etc. All positive quotations and clichés.

But, I’ve never seen my country in this condition. 50 years into the Great Society and we’re broke. I mean, yes, we heard ‘broke’ back in the 70’s, 80’s, ‘90’s and ‘00’s. But we’re seriously broke this time.

Here are some things to ponder:

When your Fed chairman, as a legitimate strategy to fix debt says, “We can always print more money, we’ll never be broke”, you know you are either living in Bizzaro world or you really don’t understand world economics like you thought.What he expects is that other bankrupt countries will continue to buy our debt.

When your children have to take remedial courses in college because they REALLY aren’t smarter than a fifth grader, you know you’re school systems are places where there is more baby sitting going on than learning.

When jobs are going overseas at a whirlwind pace, you know that 1) Unions suck, 2) its cheaper to produce goods elsewhere, 3) regulations are stifling for business here.

When you’re engaged in at least 2 real wars, 2 or 3 proxy wars, and maybe 2 more ‘engagements’, all the while cutting the defense sector and veteran care, you know there is a blatant strategy to weaken the Armed Forces for some reason via attrition of both equipment and troops.

When you allow millions of people (refugees) to pour into the country while not demanding the other country to get it’s act together so that these people will find THEIR country more suitable to live in, you know the long term strategy is actually to overtake that country in a way that sees the USA grow almost twice in size.

When you learn that the overall high school dropout rate is 35% EVERY year… and that in large Democrat controlled cities it’s as much as 75%, you know there is a massive effort to dumb-OUT the people of those areas so that they are dependant and easily swayed (manipulated) to whatever the machine tilts them towards.

When you understand these things and many other issues, you see that the country has deteriorated at a rapid rate. This decline, often written and postulated about in other articles elsewhere for years, has been precipitous and at an almost freefall rate.

With all these issues, at their current level of decline, is there a real chance of arresting the fall and reclaiming the higher moral standards of our fore fathers?

The answer is a simple, “No.”

Established societies always go in one direction, down. As a society grows it is living with the ideals that founded it. As the society ages, these ideals get pushed back further from the point of implementation and each and every year those values retreat further in the group consciousness and other items start to blossom and get louder and suddenly the original mores are either ignored or forgotten. The more people you have, the more pressures on the former standards. The more tolerance, the more abuse. There’s a reason why hard ass generals, coaches, and Presidents get results.

America is no different. We are the sum of her people. This country was founded on principles of Freedom that people had fought over and won since the Magna Carta was signed almost 800 years ago (1210ad). Her train may be ready to pull out and leave the station. There have been other dire times, but I can’t recall where all these things have lined up so perfectly and in such a weakened state… at the same time. We are now a nation of limp lilly men and touchy feely policies.

“Where do we go from here?”, noone knows. But with all these issues, the continued over taxation, the approaching BOOMER bust, the approaching ‘austerity’, the approaching European depression, the looming Iranian War, dueling Anarchist/Communist/Islamist hostile takeovers, America will be hard pressed to maintain her stature as the world’s strongest, wealthiest, mightiest nation on any list.

Todd Reece

To the thousands of supporters of 1Lt Michael Behenna,

Via Deborah

It has been awhile since we sent out an update. Michael's lawyers have filed the petition to the Court of Appeals of the Armed Forces (CAAF). The CAAF is the highest court for the military justice system and is similar to the Supreme Court as they do not have to take your appeal. There were four issues on Michael's case presented to the CAAF and we would expect to hear within 30-60 days whether the CAAF will hear his case. If the CAAF does not choose to hear any of the issues, then Michael’s appeals are done. So you can see the importance of this appeal. We desperately need your prayers so that Michael’s conviction will be seen by the CAAF for what it is – an abomination of the military justice system. The CAAF judges are civilians, so it is our hope that they will look at Michael's case much differently than how the military judges have thus far.

Michael has his next Clemency Hearing the first week of January 2012. Although the Clemency Board disappointed us last year in not granting any Clemency (despite Michael being a model prisoner for the past two years), we know we will get to present Michael’s situation before a new panel. In addition, we are hopeful that with the US military leaving Iraq at the end of December, that the atmosphere of appeasement towards the Iraqi government may be different. If you want to help with Michael's Clemency you can draft a letter to the Clemency Board. A sample clemency letter is included below, but we ask that you PLEASE change up the language and add some additional thoughts, so the letters don't all look the same.

Also, we would like to get Michael's petition (currently 28,400) to over 35,000 signatures before our meeting with the Clemency Board. We would really appreciate it if you could blast out this request to everyone you can. You can sign the petition at

Michael is handling his prison life remarkably well and is not caught up in the negative mindsets and daily doldrums of incarceration. His sights remain firmly on the day he will be released and finally returns home to his family. He very much appreciates all the support that you have given him and looks forward to being able to thank each of you for all your efforts on his behalf. Thanksgiving is just a couple of weeks away and despite our struggles to free Michael from this injustice we have much to be thankful for. As the holidays near and Michael spends his 1000th day behind bars please keep him in your prayers and consider sending him a card or letter at:

Michael Behenna #87503

1300 N. Warehouse Road

Ft. Leavenworth, KS 66027-2304

Lastly, a Special Forces soldier who Michael befriended in Leavenworth named Kelly Stewart has a new book about Stewart's politicized military trial (the author talked about Michael's case in the forward). I won't ruin the story for you, but suffice it to say that it is the most tragic, unjust conviction I have ever encountered. The book is called Three Days in August and can be purchased at the following link: Please pray that Kelly will receive a new trial so that he can clear his name once and for all.

Yours in the fight for justice,

Scott & Vicki Behenna



Deputy Assistant Secretary Mitrano

c/o Army Clemency and Parole Board

1901 South Bell Street

Arlington, VA 22202

Re: Clemency for 1LT Michael Behenna

Dear Ms. Mitrano,

I have followed the case of 1LT Michael Behenna since hearing about his conviction for killing an al-Qaida operative. I have read many news accounts about his conviction, the email written by the government forensic expert Dr. Herbert MacDonell, and the outstanding background of this young man, including his Officer’s Evaluation. I request, on his behalf, that you grant him clemency and immediately release him. His immediate release would give him the same opportunity that our military is affording enemy combatants who are being released in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Please consider the “fog” this young man was operating under after having survived an attack on his platoon which took the lives of two of his soldiers just three weeks before, and the questionable decision to require 1LT Behenna to return the terrorist home. I have many questions about his conviction, especially hearing that critical evidence was withheld from his defense counsel and the jury. Give this young man the benefit of the doubt and release him so that he can begin to pick up the pieces of his life.


Robbery and Opportunity

Kerodin points to a member of Occupy who want the government to forgive student loans.

I'm trying to keep tabs on things as they develop, and his blog is one good source.

So, this guy from Occupy wants his voluntary and not life-sustaining loan forgiven.

That is, to force all of you by proxy, at gunpoint, to pay for his education.

The government could, I guess.

I have student loans, too... I could force everyone else to absorb them through petitioning those who control the government's guns...and then maybe afterwards, I could go protest government violence...

That was a joke. Honor dictates I repay mine.

That's because my father taught me to be a man.

On the other hand, being in my early thirties, what are the odds of me receiving back the Social Security money that has been taken from me? Yet try to stop the government from robbing me to subsidize those who stopped working when they could not afford to, (I went there with both barrels, didn't I?) and voila...

You'll have people once again demanding to be given my money, by proxy, at gunpoint.

Attorney General Eric Holder’s “head must roll” if he is responsible for the fatally flawed Operation Fast and Furious.

“I can’t say that’s Holder at this point. If it is Holder, then obviously I’m going to say he’s got to go. But whoever it is at the highest level of government, whether it’s in the Justice Department or the White House, we’ve got to get that person.”

Personal encounter with Shariah law

Via Billy
Mathew Staver, Liberty Counsel
Founder and Chairman

Two weeks ago, I found myself directly in the crosshairs of the growing conflict between Shariah law and our Constitution.

The Oxford Dictionary of Islam defines “Shariah law” as “God’s eternal and immutable will for humanity, as expressed in the Quran and Muhammad’s example (Sunnah), considered binding for all believers.”

In practical terms, “Shariah” also describes a movement under way in European and American legal systems to overturn Western civilization through the imposition of Islamic law and culture. As a constitutional attorney, I can tell you firsthand that this phenomenon is accelerating at an alarming rate.

++Hotel cancels conference on Shariah law.

In fact, on Friday I will be speaking at an important national conference on the impact of Shariah law on the U.S. Constitution. This conference was originally scheduled to be held at the Hutton Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. But just days ago, Hutton Hotel banned the conference and cancelled a perfectly valid contract, claiming “safety concerns.”

The fact is, private companies and municipalities are facing more and more pressure to cater to or adopt special rules for Muslims. In one recent case, Muslim workers claimed “unfair labor practices” because they were told to clock out before taking prayer breaks. In another instance, claims of discrimination were leveled when Muslim women were told not to wear their head scarves for safety reasons before going on a roller coaster.

And now in courts of law across this nation, Shariah law is already being applied in case after case.

++There are actually dozens of “Shariah law” cases in our courts!

A study by the Center for Security Policy found 50 state court cases that considered Shariah law. To make matters worse, these cases referenced differing variations of Shariah law from 16 countries. The study concluded, “[J]udges are making decisions deferring to Shariah law even when those decisions conflict with constitutional protections.”

The Center’s study was by no means exhaustive, but instead was taken from a “small sample of appellate published cases.” That means, in reality, Shariah law could be being applied in hundreds of other courtrooms across this nation!

++The greatest threat we face from radical Islam.

The truth is, the greatest threat our nation now faces from radical Islam is not in the form of another 9/11 attack, but rather in the slow, steady, and systematic implementation of Shariah law.

It’s already happening in Europe where schools are adopting special rules for Muslim students during Rhamadan. Europe is so far gone that the Archbishop of Canterbury (the head of the Church of England) said that the adoption of Shariah law is “unavoidable” and the idea that “there is one law for everybody” is “a bit of a danger.”

++Liberty Counsel’s petition opposing Shariah law in our courts.

As I noted above, in just the last few days I have experienced firsthand the growing battle over Shariah law. When the Hutton Hotel in Nashville banned our conference on Shariah law, I immediately sent them a strongly worded Demand Letter objecting to their suppression of free speech rights.

It was then that I knew we had to do more immediately. That’s why, today, Liberty Counsel is launching a new Citizen Petition opposing the use of Shariah law in our courts and culture. I am asking you to be among the very first signers of this petition as, together, we build a grassroots coalition to stop Shariah law. Go here to sign:

The petition also supports Liberty Counsel’s “Demand Letter” sent to Hutton Hotel, and their owners at Amerimar Enterprises in Philadelphia, protesting their anti-free speech move to ban our conference. Go here to see our Demand Letter:

Liberty Counsel’s legal team will stand at the forefront of those confronting this growing challenge to our Constitution and way of life. But right now, I need your signature on this petition opposing Shariah law so I can demonstrate to companies, municipalities, political leaders, and even courts that citizens across America are taking a stand on this vital issue!

++Please sign in the next 36 hours!

One final note...

This Friday, I will be speaking at the conference on Shariah law that was unjustifiably and improperly treated by Hutton Hotel when they cancelled the contract to provide the conference venue. I want to tell those gathered that tens of thousands of citizens have taken a stand! So please sign the petition right now so I can report the total number of signers in the first 36 hours of our petition to those in attendance:

Thank you so much for your prayers, your support, and your action on behalf of our God-given liberties!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

+ + Comments? Questions?

Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family. Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776

The Great Joe Paterno is gone…

Papa Joe. JoePa.

An icon. An institution unto himself. He WAS Penn State.

84 years old and subjected now to an unbelieveable, indescribable, and ignominious legacy. He won’t be remembered for helping thousands of kids and youngsters get an education and live productive lives.

No, he’ll be tarred and feathered for his ‘role’ in a pedophile scandal involving an asst. coach and friend who he knew for 30 years or more.

When advised of allegations, he told the university. What else should he have done??? Perhaps he should have fired the guy on the spot, or maybe bent him over his knee and spank him? No... he simply told the people that needed telling. And they told the Penn State president.And the complaint didn't come from the kid, it came from a graduate coach who is now the Wide receiver coach. Yet all those that he told are either fired or charged with not calling the authorities.

When we stand in judgment of another, especially without knowing all the facts, we expose ourselves to what Jesus saw when he protected some lowlife.
“Those that are without sin, cast the first stone.”

What he didn’t say… and had enough class and respect NOT to say was this, “And all others- STFU.”

Our society thrives on ‘judgment’. Rick Perry’s gaffe makes him an idiot. Paterno is a blind old man that allowed this to happen for years and didn’t do a thing about it. Conservatives are stupid, uneducated and racist. Liberals are conniving hippies from the 60’s who refuse to grow up.

Hmmmm, ok.. the last one is accurate, but you get my point. What makes the Republicans, and TP especially, different is that we DO give the other side an honest chance for debate and consideration. It’s just that after 60+ years, the time for compromise and acquiescing is over and the time for redirection onto a firmer and more productive path is here.

JoePa and this latest incident is another in a long line of instances that divert attention from the true issues and onto some incidental, micro-societal issue that chews up air time that would be better served exploring MACRO-societal issues. Since when is it ok in this country to pass judgment on another before PROVEN guilty? The news cycle and the media storm is when this began. And it’s ruined many a life.

JoePa shouldn’t have to pay the price for another’s sins. By all reports the man is the hardest working man in football and has shown that work ethic for his entire tenure.He didn't 'follow up' and call the police.
But no, the university wanted blood, wanted someone to be held into account, and its JoePa. I’m sure JoePa’s age, contract, and other inter-university political factors (he WAS Penn State... and you know how academia people feel about jocks) did not come into play. No, not at all.

JoePa was a tough SOB. He was hurt coaching several times over the last 5 years.
In 06 he couldn't avoid a onrushing player and messed up his knee.
In 08, at the age of 80....yes EIGHTY... he was demonstrating onside kickoffs and suffered a sprained hip...
And this year he got nailed again and suffered a broke shoulder and hip.

Odds are, JoePa dies before either the year is out, or as football cranks up next year. No sweat, just another old guy who used to build young men into great men, gone. Something we desperately need in society today.

Todd Reece