Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Citizens forced to leave their homes?

Via Tom

Hey, if you get wounded enforcing bogus "anti-grass" laws, who cares? Or as mother would say, good riddance to bad rubbish.

The Miami Herald

What began as a bust on a suspected marijuana house turned dangerous and deadly Tuesday night, with bullets flying at officers and police returning fire.

It ended with a Miami-Dade police detective in critical and at least one suspect dead. Miami Herald news partner WFOR CBS4 reported that a second suspect was hurt and in police custody.

The shots were fired about 7 p.m. in the area of Coral Way and Southwest 60th Street. Neighbors said it looked like officers had arrived to bust a suspected marijuana grow house in the area.

Miami Herald news partner WFOR CBS4 reported on its website that police went to the home and asked for consent to search it. About the same time, a car pulled up, a man got and fired shots at them.

Officers returned fire.

The man who fired at the officers was struck and killed. A second suspect was shot and in custody, CBS4 reported.

The detective, whose name was not released, was taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital’s Ryder Trauma Center. Police spokesman Detective Roy Rutland said the detective was shot multiple times in the abdomen. He was in critical but stable condition Tuesday night after surgery at the hospital, where he was joined by his family and dozens of fellow officers.

Hours later, Coral Way between Southwest 57th and 62nd avenues remained closed to traffic, and helicopters hovered overhead. Officers from cities spread across Miami-Dade came to help.

The shooting happened at a time when most people were arriving home from work or already inside. Many said they had the TV on, one man was watching the Olympics, when they heard the sudden crackle of gunfire.

One neighbor, who did not give her name, said she was at home with her dogs when she heard the gunshot. She saw a man with a high-powered rifle shoot at police officers.

When she came out, she saw armed officers not in uniform. They told her to leave her home immediately.

Another neighbor, who only gave his first name of Noel, said he was at home, watching the Olympics in shorts when an officer knocked on his door and said he had to leave. He had to borrow a shirt from another person.

Luis Fajardo, 52, said he lived on Southwest 35th Street and 57th Avenue. He was coming home when he started to see at least 30 police cars filling up the otherwise typical West Miami-Dade neighborhood, a place filled with single-family homes, trees and has a park nearby.

“You never think that this would happen in your neighborhood,” said Mike Gonzalez, 53, who lives about a block away from where the shooting happened.

Miami Herald staff writer Diana Moskovitz contributed to this report.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/07/31/2923721/breaking-news-miami-dade-working.html#disqus_thread#storylink=cpy

Comment on: U.S. Army Purchases Riot Gear As Fears Over Civil Unrest Grow

Got Militia?


You can dress Johnny up, but can you make him dance?

On the other side of the coin I think they will actually need that gear to protect Americans.

The scenario I see unfolding is this:

On a day we will not be aware of the credit of the united States will run out. On that day the foreign bankers from the Fed will take a cab out to La Guardia and board foreign flag carriers en-route back to Europe or perhaps South America. They will all be gone by noon, and the clerks and mid level managers will start to panic. Then at around 2 PMafter the afternoon papers hit the street the Treasury will order all of the banks to close down, and so will Wall Street.
The 6PM News will tell of ATM's and online banking being unavailable.

The next morning when the first groups can't buy their Starbucks or gas folks will begin to get angry. By 10 AM the news will be full of politicians asking for calm as they "Sort" out the problems and begin to promise the banks will be closed only till the end of the weekend and that everyone should start home.

By this time the state funded portions of Welfare, unemployment, and Medicaid will be out of funds. The lunch hour restaurants still open will begin to explode as all of those who eat off of their Debit cards find them useless. The rest of the people will make mad runs on the local stores and when they can't use credit and debit cards will start hauling the goods out over incoming patrons.

Those with money will get it taken from them by panicking people and the war will be on. States will call up the reserves, but most members will be out stealing food and gas for their families. The rest will have no way to report. By the next morning there will be a need for the Military to respond, but I suspect most of them will refuse the call so they can stay home and protect their families.

The ones who are single, and separated from their homes by hundreds of miles, will be all they get. Most of these will be new officers and young privates.

Where will the Militia be? Home with the family. Where will the LEO be? Home with the family.

By day 4 the inner city, and youth that have always operated off their Debt cards and play-stations, will be out in groups looking for food, fun, and Sex. The store they will be shopping in will be your house and mine. The piles of bodies and burning buildings will mark the closed stores.

So if the feds want to order some updated riot gear for the ones who show up I say go ahead.

I don't feel them spending it on goods in our factories will hurt anyone and when we pick it up off the ground it will still be good. Maybe a bit soiled.

Santa Claus

Dedicated Dad's comment on NC: Another Stooge Heard From

"...They'rrrrrree....makin' a list
and checkin' it twice!
Gonna remember who's naughty and nice!
Pa-tri-ots are coming,
To TOOOooowwwn!..."

See, CONgressPERSON (*NOT* "...man"!)- you regime-fellators ain't the ONLY ones who can :"make lists"...

Don't get me wrong - I'm not SAYIN' -- I'm just sayin'...

"...Well, we will have some, but as far as the breakdown, I'm not sure at all. I'm skeptical that we will have the majority, but will be happy to be proven wrong.:)...>>

I've pondered this a lot, and even asked a few active-duty folk what THEY think...

Basically, my unscientific research would indicate that most of the "grunts" would likely follow orders - at least at first - but there *WILL* be dissent, and there *WILL* be deserters. There will even be some who will shoot the officers who give them illegal orders and threaten punishment if they're not followed.

After a few such incidents, and the obvious questioning and discomfort most would have at being ordered to mistreat or even KILL fellow AMERICANS, there's a strong likelihood that more and more will defect and join "freefor"...

Bottom line: It ain't gonna be pretty for the regime - which is why they're bringing in all the blue-helmets to "cross train" as they practice for the future...

The Rifle & Democracy

Via The Gun Blog Black List

The tank, the B-52, the fighter-bomber, the state controlled police and the military are the weapons of dictatorship. The rifle is the weapon of democracy. If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns. Only the police, the secret police, the military, the hired servants of our rulers. Only the government and a few outlaws. I intend to be among the outlaws.

Abbey, Edward (author, 1927-1989)

Two goodies from the Moneychanger


These past few days I may have sounded rather harsh and unforgiving toward the criminals, parasites, and tyrants who stand in the way of our lives, freedom & prosperity. Most of the time I merely laugh at them because they are so ridiculous, posturing as Great Benefactors of Humanity & Wise Men when in fact they lack enough maturity to be admitted to an adult Sunday School class.

I never knew this before, but on 31 July 1777 the Marquis de Lafayette was made major-general of the Continental Army at an age of only 19. That couldn't happen today because the only thing 19 year olds know is how to play video games, although a few can read.

Religious Exemption Approved, Lawsuit Averted

Scott Woodruff answers questions and assists members regarding legal issues in Virginia. He and his wife homeschooled their children. Read more >>


With HSLDA’s guidance, the M.J. family submitted a letter to the Franklin City school board asking that their children be exempted from public school attendance on the grounds that they had religious, conscientious objections to their children attending public school. The letter pointed out that public schools educate kids in a pervasively secular atmosphere, and they knew God did not want their children educated that way.

The superintendent wrote back saying that the board had denied their exemption. The letter explained that the board “ … feels the responsibility to assure that your children receive an appropriate education.” The family asked for help.

Home School Legal Defense Association Senior Counsel Scott Woodruff wrote to the board explaining that the religious exemption statute did not give them discretion to deny the family’s exemption since they had satisfied all lawful prerequisites. He explained that HSLDA was prepared to represent the family in a lawsuit against the school board if that was the only solution.

Woodruff later learned that several board members were quite new. Their lack of familiarity with the religious exemption statute may have contributed to their surprising rejection of the M.J. request.

Carrying with him lawsuit papers ready to be filed in Southampton Circuit Court, if necessary, Woodruff traveled to speak to the board at its next meeting.

Board Meeting

After Woodruff provided the board with a brief introduction to the statute and data showing that over 20% of families use this as their homeschool option, one member inquired about the religious convictions of the family’s 7-year-old. Woodruff showed the board a copy of the U.S. military conscientious objection statute, after which the Virginia statute is patterned. He noted that while the military statute requires one applying for conscientious objector status to have religious convictions based on both training and belief, the Virginia statute only requires training or belief. And the parents’ letter explained they were training their children in their parents’ beliefs.

One board member said she would have voted in favor of the exemption if the family had provided assurance that they would homeschool the children. Woodruff explained that this is not a prerequisite under the statute.

Another board member said that they like to look over the curriculum of homeschoolers. Woodruff explained that this, likewise, is not a prerequisite under the statute. He added that as of July 1, 2012, the only curriculum description a home instruction family must submit is a simple list of the child’s subjects.

Another board member seemed anxious about whether exempt parents would really educate their kids. Woodruff provided a copy of Dr. Brian D. Ray’s 1994 study showing that Virginia religiously exempt students score 33 percentile points higher than others, on average.

After all their questions had been answered, the board voted to grant the family’s exemption. We appreciate the board’s open mind and willingness to reconsider their decision.

Hillary Clinton Slams Bachmann For Investigation Call

Freedom Outpost


On Monday Secretary of State Hillary Clinton slammed House Republicans Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), Tom Rooney (R-Fla.), Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.) and Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) for the letters that they sent in which they called for a serious investigation into how deeply ties are within the U.S. government to the Muslim Brotherhood and specifically they called out Clinton’s deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin. Clinton tried to act as though she never plays politics like this, though this is not politics, it’s fact. She said that such suggestions about her aide has “no place in our politics” for such “assaults.”

This reminds me of the same woman who declared “This is a vast right wing conspiracy.” Oh wait this is that same woman. But here’s the thing, an investigation is not an assault. This is nothing more than rhetoric. While her husband’s indiscretions may have at times brought us to shaking our heads and laughing at the ridiculousness of some of the statements he made, Islamist terrorists and the Muslim Brotherhood inside the U.S. government are not a laughing matter.

“Leaders have to be active in stepping in and sending messages about protecting the diversity within their countries,” Clinton said at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. “We did see some of that in our own country. We saw Republicans stepping up and standing up against the kind of assaults that really have no place in our politics.”

The Hill reports,

The remarks have been criticized by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who took to the Senate floor to denounce the accusations as “specious and degrading attacks.”

These latest allegations surfaced after the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, Mohammed Morsi, won the presidential elections in Egypt, forcing a reevaluation of U.S. ties to the Arab world’s most populous country.

In her comments, Clinton called religious freedom a “bedrock priority” of the Obama administration’s foreign policy.

Clinton said, “As I told the Christians with whom I met [when visiting Cairo earlier this month], the United States does not take the side of one political party over another. What we do is stand firmly on the side of principles.”

Nothing could be further from the truth. While claiming that “our engagement with those leaders will be based on their commitment to universal human rights and universal democratic principles,” she doesn’t see it that way at home, does she? At every turn her party and their “principles” or lack of them are both in view and they care nothing for universal human rights or democratic principles.

Dixie After The War

Recommended by Calvin Johnson

This for anyone that thinks they've got it tough today!

"Doctor Robert G. Stephens of Atlanta, tells me of a Confederate soldier who, returning armless to his Georgia home, made his wife hitch him to a plow which she drove; and they made a crop.

Myrta Lockett Avary “Dixie After the War” published 1906"

White Girl Bleed a Lot — On The Jamie Glazov Show, Tuesday, July 31, 2012, 8-9 pm Pacific

Join The Jamie Glazov Show that will air on Tuesday, June 31, 2012 at 8-9 pm Pacific (11-12 pm EST) on Blog Talk Radio.

This week’s guest is: Colin Flaherty, an award-winning writer whose work has appeared in more than 1000 new sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and others.

His story about a black man unjustly convicted of trying to kill his white girlfriend was featured in the Los Angeles Times and on Court TV and resulted in the release of Kelvin Wiley from state prison.

He is a former ghost writer for a Chairman of the US Commission on Civil Rights and author of White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence and How the Media Ignore It.

To listen to the program, click here.
Or go to: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/radio-

The call-in # is: (347) 857-1380.
See you Tuesday night!

Resolve in their Hearts

"Look, soldiers!"

A boy of about ten perched on top of a gate-post to better see the approaching cavalry. His older brother walked over to him, a half-whittled stick still in his hand. He shaded his eyes against the setting sun and looked on with envy. Jeffrey was fourteen and certainly a man in his own mind. That his mother disagreed was not his fault at all.

"They are all right, " he said slowly "Aren't they, Will."

More @ NamSouth

DEA Gone Wild

Via Don

This Houston Chronicle story is terrifying:

The phone rang before sunrise. It woke Craig Patty, owner of a tiny North Texas trucking company, to vexing news about Truck 793 — a big red semi supposedly getting repairs in Houston.

“Your driver was shot in your truck,” said the caller, a business colleague. “Your truck was loaded with marijuana. He was shot eight times while sitting in the cab. Do you know anything about your driver hauling marijuana?”

“What did you say?” Patty recalled asking. “Could you please repeat that?”

The truck, it turned out, had been everywhere but in the repair shop.

Commandeered by one of his drivers, who was secretly working with federal agents, the truck had been hauling marijuana from the border as part of an undercover operation. And without Patty’s knowledge, the Drug Enforcement Administration was paying his driver, Lawrence Chapa, to use the truck to bust traffickers.

This jackass DEA adventure has driven Mr. Patty to the edge of bankruptcy, and possibly toward an even worse fate:

More @ NRO

U.S. Murders: All 13,636; Hands and Feet 801; Assault Rifles: less than 348

Via Don

It is often said that guns, particularly assault rifles, are designed for one thing, and one thing only: to kill lots of people.

Assault rifles in the United States are failing miserably in this purpose. There are tens of millions of assault rifles in America. Because the definition of an assault rifle has been rather fuzzy, the number can be said to be anywhere from 10 million to 30 million. Of those, the AR-15 type is fairly common with numbers between 5 and 10 million.

The FBI murder statistics do not differentiate between types of rifles. There are about 100 million rifles in the United States. In 2009, the last year in which numbers have been reported, there were 13,636 murders. Guns were used to murder 9,146 people. Hands and feet were used to murder 801 people. Blunt objects were used to murder 611 people. Rifles were used to murder 348 people, and that is all rifles, of which assault rifles are only a small fraction. Assault rifles are used so infrequently in homicides that many police departments almost never see them; in 2009, there were nine states that did not have a single murder committed with any rifle.

So why is the left so intent on banning rifles that are the most suitable for militia use (clearly protected by the U.S. Constitution), when they are used so rarely in murder? Banning baseball bats would make more sense, yet would be nearly as senseless.

It is this disassociation from facts and reality that lead many ordinary people to believe that when their government works to disarm them, it is up to no good.

Dean Weingarten

Marching Through Culpeper premiere this weekend

Via Carl

After months of preparation, “Marching Through Culpeper” strides onto stage Friday night.

The Civil War-set stage adaptation of the Virginia Morton novel of the same name debuts at Eastern View High School at 7:30 p.m. Friday, kicking off a series of events commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Cedar Mountain.

An opening day reception will be held at Daniel Technology Center from 5 to 7 p.m. Morton said more than 200 tickets have been sold for the reception and that dignitaries Dr. James Robertson and original music and lyric writer Rod Stone will be at the reception, along with descendants of real characters in the show — Dr. Frank Stringfellow, great-grandson of Confederate scout, Frank Stringfellow, and Jeb Stuart IV, great-grandson of the famous Confederate general.

Morton said the play is progressing with dress rehearsals scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday.

“We’re getting there,” she said. “A lot of work has already been done. We’re going to have some phenomenal special effects.”

She said advanced ticket sales have been brisk.

More @ Star Exponent

Tricks of the Trade

(During the Vietnam War, among many other responsibilities in the SEA AOR, SF fulfilled a core mission, providing leadership cadre for indigenous ranger-type units referred to as "Mike" Forces. The project under which this was conducted was Project Delta, or B-52 (any errors in my recounting of that two sentence history are the result of OPSEC. They have nothing to do with my ongoing battle with CRS syndrome..."Can't Remember Shit"). One of the lasting legacies of Project Delta was the production of the now-famous Recon Tips of the Trade. This ongoing article series will be my feeble attempt at updating them, with modifications for irregular force partisans in a non-SEA AOR....--J.M.)

The mini-manual known as "Recon Tips of the Trade" was developed by SFOD-B 52, 5th SFG(A), with assistance of the MACV Recondo school.

General Tips of the Trade

More @ Mountain Guerrilla

The North an Absolute Dictator of the Republic

There was no “Lost Cause” as Jefferson Davis was correct in predicting that struggles for the principle of constitutional government would emerge once again, in other forms and at other times. There was indeed established by the North a “Myth of Saving the Glorious Union” which claimed that religion and morality were on the side of the righteous victors, and that they had eradicated an “outpost of Satan’s dominion” in defeating Southerners seeking political independence. In no way had they saved the constitutional and fraternal Union as the Founders’ had erected it. See http://www.ncwbts150.com/TheMythoftheLostCause.php for more on this topic.

Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"

The North an Absolute Dictator of the Republic:

“[But] there were persons in Congress and out who would not believe the war had come to an end until those who had caused it were adequately punished, the Negro set on the road to first-class citizenship, and the Republican party assured of political dominance. As early as May 5, 1865, The Independent, which spoke for what came to be called the radical Republicans in Congress, was asserting:

“There is one, and only one, sure and safe policy for the immediate future, namely: The North must remain the absolute Dictator of the Republic until the spirit of the North shall become the spirit of the whole country…the South is still unpurged of her treason. Prostrate in the dust she is no less a traitor at this hour than when her head was erect. They cannot be trusted with authority over their former slaves; they cannot be trusted with authority over the re-cemented Republic…The only hope for the South is to give the ballot to the Negro and in denying it to the rebels.”

In like spirit George W. Julian of Indiana would “indict, convict and hang Jefferson Davis in the name of God; as for Robert E. Lee, unmolested in Virginia, hang him too. And stop there? Not at all. I would hang liberally while I had my hand in.” Senator Benjamin Wade of Ohio suggested that “if the Negroes by insurrection could contrive to slay one-half of the Southern whites, the remaining half would then hold them in respect and treat them with justice.” Charles Sumner would seize all rebel property and distribute it to the Negroes, give them the vote, and let them rule the section.

In President Andrew Johnson’s third annual message, “he opposed granting the Negro the vote on grounds that “no independent government of any form has ever been successful in (his) hands.” Yet Johnson’s point was that Negroes just out of slavery knew so little of public affairs that their voting would consist of nothing more “than carrying a ballot to the place where they were directed to deposit it.”

The war would not be over until the Southern people were “repentant” to the point of accepting intellectual, social and economic changes, perhaps even a political rearrangement.

The symbol of these changes was to be the Negro. Just as slavery had been the symbol of all that had divided North and South, so now all the differences had to do with the Negro. The trouble with symbols is that they vastly oversimplify situations and tend unconsciously to stir emotions, and to reduce material interest to the pattern of right versus wrong.

Why did Congress now insist on taking a hand in control (of Reconstruction)? The object, of course, was to give the legislature under Republican dominance the power to do with the South what the victor in the war thought should be done.

The Negro was now a three-fifths man, and his vote, if granted or refused, was a party matter. In either case, it might determine party control. It could not be forgotten that Wade Hampton’s brother had told Whitelaw Reid that if the Negro were given the ballot, “the old owners would cast the vote of their people almost as absolutely and securely as they cast their own. If Northern men expected in this way to build up a Northern party in the South, they were gravely mistaken.”

Yet if it worked the other way, the future of Republican rule was assured.”

(Reconstruction: The Ending of the Civil War. Avery O. Craven, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1969, pp. 93-133)

Stubborn Ignorance

Via Oleg


Academic intelligentsia, their media, government and corporate enthusiasts worship at the altar of diversity. Despite budget squeezes, universities have created diversity positions, such as director of diversity and inclusion, manager of diversity recruitment, associate dean for diversity, vice president of diversity and perhaps minister of diversity. This is all part of a quest to get college campuses, corporate offices and government agencies to "look like America."

For them, part of looking like America means race proportionality. For example, if blacks are 13 percent of the population, they should be 13 percent of college students and professors, corporate managers and government employees. Law professors, courts and social scientists have long held that gross statistical disparities are evidence of a pattern and practice of discrimination. Behind this vision is the stupid notion that but for the fact of discrimination, we'd be distributed proportionately by race across incomes, education, occupations and other outcomes. There’s no evidence from anywhere on earth or any time in human history that shows that but for discrimination, there would be proportional representation and an absence of gross statistical disparities, by race, sex, height or any other human characteristic. Nonetheless, much of our thinking, legislation and public policy is based upon proportionality being the norm. Let’s run a few gross disparities by you, and you decide whether they represent what the courts call a pattern and practice of discrimination and, if so, what corrective action you would propose.

Jews are not even 1 percent of the world’s population and only 3 percent of the U.S. population, but they are 20 percent of the world’s Nobel Prize winners and 39 percent of U.S. Nobel laureates. That’s a gross statistical disparity, but are the Nobel committees discriminating against the rest of us? By the way, in the Weimar Republic, Jews were only 1 percent of the German population, but they were 10 percent of the country's doctors and dentists, 17 percent of its lawyers and a large percentage of its scientific community. Jews won 27 percent of Nobel Prizes won by Germans.

Nearly 80 percent of the players in the National Basketball Association in 2011 were black, and 17 percent were white, but if that disparity is disconcerting, Asians were only 1 percent. Compounding the racial disparity, the highest-paid NBA players are black. That gross disparity works the other way in the National Hockey League, in which less than 3 percent of the players are black. Blacks are 66 percent of NFL and AFL professional football players, but among the 34 percent of other players, there’s not a single Japanese player. Though the percentage of black professional baseball players has fallen to 9 percent, there are gross disparities in achievement. Four out of the five highest career home run hitters were black, and of the eight times more than 100 bases were stolen in a season, all were by blacks.

How does one explain these gross sports disparities? Might it be that the owners of these multibillion-dollar professional basketball, football and baseball teams are pro-black and that those of the NHL and major industries are racists?

There are some other disparities that might bother the diversity people. Asians routinely get the highest scores on the math portion of the SAT, whereas blacks get the lowest. Men are about 50 percent of the population, and so are women, but there’s the gross injustice that men are struck by lightning six times as often as women. The population statistics for South Dakota, Iowa, Maine, Montana and Vermont show that not even 1 percent of their population is black. On the other hand, in states such as Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, blacks are overrepresented.

Finally, there’s a disparity that might figure heavily in the upcoming presidential election. Twenty-four out of the 43 U.S. presidents have been 5 feet 11 inches or taller, above our population’s average height. That is not an outcome that would be expected if there were not voter discrimination based upon height. Mitt Romney is 6 feet 2 inches tall, and Barack Obama is 6 feet 1 inch.

Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. To find out more about Walter E. Williams and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com.


Fighting superior forces

If you watch video please keep in mind I do not take sides here or any religious believes. This is just example video from 5 days ago fighting in Aleppo, Syria.

When tank comes you just feel small. Really small. When you see on video tank is going through ruined streets you can not feel that strange feeling in your gut, that feeling is mixture of tremendous vibration from that death machine, your adrenaline and fast working brain trying to figure what you gonna do in order to live another day, to not get killed by that machine.

When you see tank destroyed on clip, you can not feel heat, smell burn from ruin and bodies. Whole situation can feel very overwhelming.

I had few times close encounter with tanks.

Once I spent horrifying 45 minutes while group of some 60 men, with one tank destroying some buildings with it around the place where I was hiding together with one friend. They just searched buildings using the tank as device for leveling already ruined place.

After that small groups of them searched buildings. We were unable to get away, and unable to defend. So only way was to try to hide and hope that beast will not go after us, or guys notice us.

Tank was probably 30 or 40 years old, for sure not some modern thing, it had all kind of painted messages on it, I remember clearly one „you are f#cked now“ on front of it.

When that thing smashed wall some 50 meters from us and started to roll, changing directions all the time, I felt so small and miserable.

We were hiding under the rubble, my friend was starting to yell at me at that moment, I thought that he remembered something smart, but of course I could not hear him a single word, I just gave him sign to stay down and shut up.

Anyway they passed by us, we survived. Later I asked him what he wanted at that moment and what he yelled. He said that he sang some song. He is not sure why, but I guess he was just scared to death, and it was unintentionally. People do weird things in situations like this. Some laugh, some cry and some sing.

What can we learn from this? I think one of biggest lessons I learned in my life about survival.

Prepare to be overwhelmed.

More @ SHTF School

Tennessee Flaggers Debut! - Flagging the Watauga Historical Society

Tennessee Flaggers Face the Elephant for the First Time:

Out come.... Victory!!

Following in the footsteps of the Virginia Flaggers, and the Georgia Flaggers before them... the Tennessee Flaggers made their official debut in Elizabethton, TN, to protest the Watauga Historical Society and their blatant disregard for the honor and memory of Confederate soldiers buried at Green Hill Cemetery.

In what could only be described as a phenomenal success, 24 Flaggers made their way to Elizabethon on a balmy July Saturday. We gathered first in a field behind the cemetery. After a word of prayer, we marched to the cemetery, where we were joined by Elizabethton City Manager, Fred Eden, and a local news reporter. Attendees found the grounds completely overgrown and each Confederate grave covered with survey tape and orange flags.

A brief ceremony was held, where HK Edgerton also shared remarks. Several of the Flaggers gave interviews to the press and we made our way out to the road in front of the cemetery.

"Smile and wave" was the theme of the day. The Tennessee Flaggers had fliers printed up that described the offenses committed by the WHA and the response from the public was overwhelmingly positive. Many folks stopped to ask what was going on, and were outraged when given the facts of the situation.

The highlight of the day was when Flagger Bill Dennison spotted Dawn Peters, one of the main offenders, driving by to check out the action. Ms. Peters has said… …"The Confederates lost the right to fly that flag 150 years ago. We do not want to see that Confederate Flag flying over Green Hill Cemetery, or over Elizabethon, TN." Needless to say, she got an eyeful of Confederate flags!

Monday, July 30, 2012

10 Tips for gun control advocates.

Via Robert

Democratic Underground

#1 The gun show loophole, as you wish to define it, does not exist. Every law that applies outside gun shows applies inside the doors. Federal Firearms Licensees (a.k.a., gun dealers or FFLs) at a gun show must fill out their ATF Form 4473s and do their FBI background (NICS) checks just as if they were at their shops (or their homes for that matter). Only private sales do not have these restriction at gun shows, they also do not have them outside of gun shows.

#2 Internet gun sales are subject to the same regulations and background checks as purchases from a gun shop. If you purchase a gun online, it has to be shipped to a Federal Firearms License (FFL) dealer, and you must pass the same legal checks to pick it up.

#3 You are constantly mis-defining the word Regulated as it appears in the 2A. As used by the writers of the 2nd it is defined : "properly functioning , orderly, and quite predictable, as in, to regulate a clock." It has nothing to do with control, it just meant that the people should train with their weapons. You're trying to apply the word "regulation" as we use it now to "regulate" as the writers used it then. Words change, or have multiple meanings. The word "regulate" wasn't used as you are defining it until 1828. See: Websters Dictionary 1806 & 1828, & Dictionary of Word Origins by John Ayto. Of course, I guess its possible that when your physician advises you to maintain a well regulated colon, he thinks you should give control of your body functions to the fed.

#4 Claiming that the SCOTUS has misinterpreted the 2A for 200 years is not likely to undo the precedent they have set. (and it just makes you look silly)

#5 Be careful how you go about trying to undo the 2A, the same tyrannical tactics would eventually be used on the rest of the Bill of Rights.

#6 Privately owned "Assault Rifles" are not assault rifles and are not full-auto, they are the exact same as the average hunting rifle and fire 1 round per 1 pull of the trigger. There are much more dangerous guns. Focusing on the ones that "look scary" demonstrates that you know nothing about firearms and causes the average gun owner to ignore you. (on a side-note, that "high capacity" mag may hold 100 rounds; but the shooter would have to pull the trigger 100 times, with no jams, and have 100% accuracy 100 times for that to matter)

#7 Neither the Constitution or the Bill of Rights ever granted citizens the right to own guns. It is NOT something granted to us by the government. It was a right that was presumed to exist. The BoR simply stated that the government could not infringe upon that independently existing right.

#8 The founders did not protect our right to keep and bare arms for the sake of hobbyists and hunters. Its primary function is as a check against the threat of tyranny. To which most gun control advocates will promptly call you a paranoid, red dawn, crazy. Though I see no threat of such a problem presently, to say that our government could never turn on its citizens points out that you are ignorant of human nature and world history. To the other half who will say "like you would have any chance against the U.S. military if the fed wanted to go dictator", well much the same was said about the Colonies chances against the British empire, and I don't know about you, but I will take a small chance of avoiding a police state over NO chance.

#9 There's a reason perfectly sane law abiding citizens enjoy going to the range. Guns are fun. No, seriously.

#10 The American public strongly support the 2nd Amendment. Even on DU support for gun rights is at 70%. To have any hope of accomplishing your goal of more regulation or gun bans you will have no choice but to convince the average gun owner to support it. Calling 2A advocates "gun nuts" "redneck" "baby killer" psychopath" etc is unlikely to aid you in this.

Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte asked to resign

July 30, 2012
by Rocco J. Piserchia

Today Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte spoke together at Fayetteville Technical Community College in order to instill fear and panic over impending budget cuts to the military. The 3 Senators are on a hype fest to manipulate the public to prevent the military budget from being reduced. They also plan to speak in VA, FL and NH. Re the hype check out how this was sold by the NC Military Business Center:

The Senators will discuss the potentially devastating impact of inaction by Congress and the Administration on the looming Fiscal Year 2013 budget sequester, which would result in an additional $500 billion in automatic defense budget cuts beginning in January 2013. The Senators will discuss how inaction on sequestration would seriously risk national security, eliminate over two million jobs in our struggling economy, potentially devastate the defense industry in North Carolina (the second largest sector of the state economy) and break faith with the men and women of our Armed Forces and their families.

When a local Patriot told me that these 3 Senators were scheduled to speak and the public was invited I decided to attend.

Cowboy Revisionist History

I'll state it was because everyone was armed. A nobrainer.

I was pleased to learn that today is the Eighth National Day of the Cowboy. As such, it’s especially appropriate that we take advantage of the opportunity to set the record straight on many things Cowboy and Western.

First of all, the Old West was far more peaceful than is commonly portrayed in movies and the popular culture. As Thomas DiLorenzo points out in his Independent Review article, “The Culture of Violence in the American West: Myth versus Reality,” “some authors assume that the West was very violent and then assert, as Joe Franz does, that ‘American violence today reflects our frontier heritage’”—an argument that has been resurfacing in the past week in the aftermath of the Aurora, Colorado shootings. Yet DiLorenzo finds: “The civil society of the American West in the nineteenth century was much more peaceful than American cities are today, and the evidence suggests that in fact the Old West was not a very violent place at all.”

Further, in their chapter, “An American Experiment in Anarcho-Capitalism: The Not So Wild, Wild West,” in the Independent Institute book Anarchy and the Law, Terry Anderson and P.J. Hill found:

The West during this time often is perceived as a place of great chaos, with little respect for property or life. Our research indicates that this was not the case; property rights were protected and civil order prevailed. Private agencies provided the necessary basis for an orderly society in which property was protected and conflicts were resolved.

Thomas DiLorenzo also details that it was the establishment of a standing army in the aftermath of the Civil War that created the “violent” American West which consisted primarily of violence against Indians. Prior to the Civil War, settlers obtained land through negotiating with Indians. Following the Civil War,

More @ The Lighthouse

Real Estate Agency Evicts Hospitalized Soldier, Sells Belongings

Via Stu

Guardian of Valor

A real estate agency out of Killeen, Texas has evicted a Soldier from his residence while the Soldier was in the hospital. They also sold all of his belongings and trashed the rest. The Soldier SGT Porrazzo, has been in the hospital for two and a half months. Here is the email I received:

”Sgt Porrazzo has had 15 years of service in the Army with four years being in Iraq deploying with 1st Cav and 2nd ID. In May 2012 my battalion had a training exercise to Yakima Training Center in Washington State while there Sgt Porrazzo had to be hospitalized at Fort Lewis, WA. at Madigan Hospital. My 1SG was contacted by Sgt Porrazzo’s landlord a Mr. Tommy Atha of Texas Town Line in early June and my 1SG briefed him on the hospitalization of Sgt Porrazzo. Over the next few weeks I kept them abreast of the situation until Sgt Porrazzo returned to Fort Hood, the whole while being assured they would work with him. While Sgt Porrazzo was being treated at Fort Lewis I contacted Mr. Atha that Sgt Porrazzo was still in the hospital and reassured the real estate agency he has the money but not his check book and they would be paid upon his return. Sgt Porrazzo returned to Fort Hood in July and contacted his landlord.

They informed him that the house was being rented by someone else and all his worldly possessions had been auctioned off or thrown away and he owed them money for past due rent and moving fees from the time he was in the hospital between May 2012 and July 2012. I drove out to Sgt Porrazzo’s house with one of my NCOs and verified that there was someone living there. My NCO called the Landlord and the secretary verified the story that they auctioned off everything that was of value and threw out what couldn’t be sold. I then proceded to the rental agency and talked to them in person. Mr. Atha along with his lawyer assured me that they had waited the appropriate times to evict my soldier and they were in their legal right. When the rental agency first made contact with the Company my 1SG let it slip we had Sgt Porrazzo’s keys, Mr. Atha told me that they had to change the locks on the house because of this and could only release the new keys to Sgt Porrazzo or someone with a power of attorney. He also said that they inventoried the home when they changed the locks and between then and the eviction several of Sgt Porrazzo’s fire arms had gone missing. While Sgt Porrazzo was in the hospital I harassed my CO daily to help me get a limited power of attorney so someone can pay his rent which never came about.

Sgt Porrazzo lives very Spartan but, his father before he died owned and operated a gun store; his prize piece that Sgt Porrazzo inherited was a Barret 50 cal sniper rifle retailing at $10,000 and many other fire arms that were in his house were seized by his landlord. His house he was renting wasn’t impressive.”

We have contacted Army Times and several other news agencies who are looking into this situation. We are awaiting the response from the real estate agency and will post it up as soon as they respond.

Texas Town Line
Tommy H. Atha
254 690 1365.
1201 s W.S. Young Dr. Ste 111a
Killeen, TX 76543

And their facebook page……TownLine Properties

If you decide to contact the real estate agency, use TACT. As any belligerent remarks, cursing etc can only hurt our end result.

We will post updates as they come available.

UPDATE 1: After several hundred disgruntled Soldiers and Veterans voiced their opinions on their facebook page, the company took the Facebook page offline.

UPDATE 2 The rental agency has made contact with the Soldiers brigade, we will update you as this progresses.

UPDATE 3: We have found out more about the Soldiers injuries from a family member, it will be at least another 4 months before he is released from the hospital. it looks as though it will be a career ending injury.

UPDATE 4: We are being told by the family that their maybe as many as 20 weapons missing totaling in excess of $50,000. Also we are hearing that Ft. Hood has placed a warning about this company on their Newcomers document.

The Real Estate company has responded, we are awaiting answers to additional questions.

My name is Tommy Atha, I am the bad guy everyone is writing about and I am a veteran. Please let me set as much of the story straight as I can. I cannot specifically comment about a clients private matters but I can tell you that I have secured all of the property from one location and I am also awaiting contact from the tenant. In addition, nothing has been sold, given away, or thrown away. Be assured we can account for all the property that was in the home when we took possession of the home. We look forward to speaking with this tenant which we understand could be months away. We are concerned about people’s un-informed opinions but we cannot control other people. If you would like to be a client we would like to invite you to come in and see for yourself.

Also the family does not wish to take donations, but if you would like to help, they say letters of support can be sent to:

SGT Mark Porrazzo
31st CMCO
Building 14020
Fort Hood, TX 76544


GOA Action Alert

Anti-gun Lautenberg trying to
put amendment on Cybersecurity Bill

Washington is, to say the least, not a town known for its high moral standards.

But there is, perhaps, no one with more expertise in milking shameless advantage out of national tragedy than ultra-liberal senators Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

So it can hardly be a surprise that, this week, these anti-gun Senators intend to offer an amendment to the cybersecurity bill which would prohibit the manufacture of magazines with a capacity of over 10 rounds.

They appear oblivious to the fact that their “gun ban” mentality created a deadly situation in Aurora, Colorado, where there was a room with a number of trained military marksmen -- and none of them were allowed to have a gun.

Any one of those individuals could have made a big difference. Heck, does anyone doubt there would have been a different outcome if George Zimmerman had been in the theater?

Incidentally, lest anyone think that banning magazines is the be-all-and-end-all for Lautenberg, he has already announced that he intends to follow up his magazine ban with legislation to monitor and limit your purchases of ammunition.

Explains the clueless Lautenberg: “No sportsman needs 100 rounds to shoot a duck ….”

So this Einstein believes you don’t need 100 rounds of ammunition? Who decided that our Bill of Rights should be a “Bill of Needs”?

It’s time to nip this nasty piece of work in the bud and ensure that his efforts to exploit innocent victims for political gain do not go any further.

ACTION: Click here to contact your Senators. Demand that they vote against the Lautenberg-Schumer magazine-ban amendment to the cybersecurity bill.

2 months to go: Autumn NC PATCON (Patriot Convention) Action necessary


The Seven Blackbirds

Autumn NC PATCON (Patriot Convention) October 4th - 7th 2012

3 months to go: Autumn NC PATCON (Patriot Convention)


Camping available Thursday night through Sunday night.

We had a most congenial meeting last time and the first two below have been added to ensure that we do so again.

1. Please leave personal feuds, if any, at the front gate. Nothing productive will come of infighting or character assassination.

2. We don't see any solution to our nation's problems that either political party will agree to, so leave political campaigns at the front gate also.

3. Please read III Percent Patriots 2012 Political Platform before the event if you have not done so.

4. Bring your ideas/solutions to the meeting.

5. Anyone who wishes to speak at the PATCON should register prior to the event in order to have a well organized meeting. The topic and length of time required should be submitted by September 1st to give enough time to coordinate and publish the agenda. Speakers will be sent confirmation notices, starting time and length allotted for their speech. A white board stand and flip chart will be provided and possibly more if needed. brocktownsend@gmail.com

I. If we have 45 people who pay $20 in advance we can have everything like before. (In advance because of the embarrassment of asking those who attended last time for more)

II. If we have 45 positive replies by the 15th of August, then I'll ask all concerned to send in the money. If I receive the total necessary by 30 August, then we are good to go.

III. If not, we can see how much more each would need to pay in order to make up the shortfall.

IV. If too much, we could gamble on the weather and not rent the tent, tables and chairs.

V. Or we could purchase individual boxes of Pig Pickin' or whatever from The Filling Station. A few people could pick everything up once ordered. If we had it on Sunday, we can get one pound of cooked food plus the dessert for $5 as they have a buffet. This amount was sufficient for us, but I doubt if all would want to do this on a Sunday.

VI. Finally we could all just bring a cooler with food/drink and a chair.

Ideas, anyone?

Federal Court finds Obama appointees interfered with New Black Panther prosecution

Via Sedition

A federal court in Washington, DC, held last week that political appointees appointed by President Obama did interfere with the Department of Justice’s prosecution of the New Black Panther Party.

The ruling came as part of a motion by the conservative legal watch dog group Judicial Watch, who had sued the DOJ in federal court to enforce a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for documents pertaining to the the New Black Panthers case. Judicial Watch had secured many previously unavailable documents through their suit against DOJ and were now suing for attorneys’ fees.

Obama’s DOJ had claimed Judicial Watch was not entitled to attorney’s fees since “none of the records produced in this litigation evidenced any political interference whatsoever in” how the DOJ handled the New Black Panther Party case. But United States District Court Judge Reggie Walton disagreed. Citing a “series of emails” between Obama political appointees and career Justice lawyers, Walton writes:

The documents reveal that political appointees within DOJ were conferring about the status and resolution of the New Black Panther Party case in the days preceding the DOJ’s dismissal of claims in that case, which would appear to contradict Assistant Attorney General Perez’s testimony that political leadership was not involved in that decision. Surely the public has an interest in documents that cast doubt on the accuracy of government officials’ representations regarding the possible politicization of agency decision-making.

In sum, the Court concludes that three of the four fee entitlement factors weigh in favor of awarding fees to Judicial Watch. Therefore, Judicial Watch is both eligible and entitled to fees and costs, and the Court must now consider the reasonableness of Judicial Watch’s requested award.

More @ The Examiner

Braindead: Egalitarianism Olympics Style

Absolutely criminal.


Remember when we heard all the BS about how little leagues teams would play and there were no winners or losers? Remember how grades would be curved in order to help students pass who didn’t deserve it? Remember Affirmative Action and how people were placed into positions they didn’t earn, but it was to fill a particular ethnic quota? Do you understand how the homosexual movement is pushing for “marriage equality?” Well now we are seeing the same thing on display at the 2012 Olympics.

Though among the top gymnasts and a favored to win Olympic gold in the next round of competition, Joydyn Wieber, because she finished third behind her other U.S. teammates Gabby Douglass and Aly Raisman, will not be moving on. No longer are the Olympics about who the very best are. No, no, the Olympic rules committee has determined that only two members of each team can advance to the all-around. It doesn’t matter that your team may have the top five out of all competitors, only two from your team can move on.

Of course these athletes work pretty much their entire lives to get to the Olympics and then to find out that rules are not in favor of who is the best, but in trying to make everyone feel like a winner. It seems the rules committee wants every country to have a medal.

Know that the all-around final consisted of 24 girls. Wieber placed fourth, but because of the two team member from each country rule, she is out and others will fill the spot.

Well this is prime example of where egalitarianism gets us. Instead of rewarding hard work, talent and ability, the Olympics are rewarding where people come from.

This type of mentality in the rules, along with the opening ceremony and promotion of socialism has made for disheartening viewing of the 2012 Summer Olympics.

More @ Freedom Outpost

Was the Aurora Shooter Really Wearing Body Armor?

Via Ol' Remus

From the first reporting of the incident up through the present, we've heard that the person who attacked the Dark Knight Rises audience in Colorado last week was wearing "body armor". A sampling:

* USA Today: He was dressed head-to-toe in black bullet-proof gear, including helmet, vest, leggings and a groin and throat protector.

* HuffPo: [Aurora Police Chief Dan] Oates confirmed that the suspected shooter was ***, who entered the theater during a screening of "The Dark Knight Rises" dressed in all black and with heavy body armor.

* And this breathless piece in Amateur Webzine Slate: Armored and Dangerous, The scariest innovation in the Aurora mass shooting isn’t guns or ammo. It’s SWAT gear.

But is this true?

Here's a pdf of a receipt for some of the equipment the shooter purchased. One of the items is called the "Blackhawk Urban Assault Vest". Here's what it looks like:

That's not a bulletproof vest. A clue can be found in the big green open spot in the middle of it. Some would call that "center mass".

Now it's possible the shooter wore that vest over a bulletproof vest, but following the trail of the reporting, it seems like there's also a decent probability that an initial erroneous report from the scene that either repeated eyewitness accounts of body armor or mistook the vest above to be bulletproof morphed into the account of the fully armored killing machine that the press is running with now. After all, they do have a history of being not even wrong where gun-related reporting is concerned. It will be interesting to see if the "facts" as we now know them change as more details are released.

Why is this important?

More @ Ace of Spades

3 Goodies from Ol' Remus

We can not even control our borders but somehow we are going to gather up two hundred million guns. As I say liberalism is dead—brain dead and otherwise.
R. Tyrrell, editor American Spectator, author The Death of Liberalism, to Paul Bedard at washingtonexaminer.com

Chicago and Chick-fil-A - There is nothing wrong with private citizens deciding that they don't like the CEO and thus won't patronize the stores. That's free choice and perfectly legitimate. But government is not empowered to restrain trade as a consequence of someone's religious beliefs.
Karl Denninger at market-ticker.org

One of the media's last jobs in the country is to cover the withdrawal and retreat of the criminals responsible... It is necessary to keep the sheeple a tad confused about what has happened until all loot has been carted off and the furnishings properly stripped right down to the last curtain rod.
Texas Arcane at vault-co.blogspot.com

Fred at his best: Race Hucksters

Fred On Everything

God Save Us from Federal Help

I read, with the joy that I usually reserve for recurrent migraines, that Precedent Obama will establish an Office of African-American Education, thus furthering the racial Balkanization of the country, providing makework jobs for useless bureaucrats and, predictably, accomplishing nothing. I read also that the NAACP has filed complaint with the Department of Education against Fairfax County, Virginia, just outside of Washington, because its high school for the very bright, Thomas Jefferson High, doesn’t have enough blacks.

Probably I should give up reading.

It never ends. Charges of discrimination, demands for special privilege, endless laws, wringing of teeth and gnashing of hands, lowered standards, no positive results, and start over again.

Readers may not know this, but I suffer from a rare mental condition called “predictive clairvoyance,” that lets me read newspaper headlines from far in the future. Really. I’m serious. Psychologists know about it. This morning I channeled a story from the Beijing Times from the year 5012 (Beijing being the world capital):

“NAACP files suit against school board over test scores, citing discrimination and lingering effects of slavery.”

One Charisse Espy Glassman of the NAACP says (of the Fairfax complaint, not the Beijing, though the two are barely distinguishable) that the county needs to pour resources into the early grades, find gifted blacks and Hispanics, and funnel them into Thomas Jefferson High. It’s because, see, discrimination starts in kindergarten, blah, blah, blah.

What is the woman smoking? Somebody must have put something in her drugs. Her delusion is beyond Paraquat. Yes, racial discrimination exists. This I concede. Racial discrimination pervades American society, apparently ineradicably, rising over window sills, clogging storm drains—and all of it in favor of blacks. Try:

Head Start, the federal Department of Education, NCLB, forced integration, forced busing, free after-school programs, Youth Scholars, welfare, grants given to universities,medical schools, and law schools for developing minority outreach programs, affirmative action in school admissions, government contracts, government and private-sector jobs, unidirectional hate-crime laws, and so on. And on. And on.

Everything in America aims at somehow keeping blacks happy. Think this is just my idea? Walter Williams, the black and sensible columnist, has written, “Academic intelligentsia, their media, government and corporate enthusiasts worship at the altar of diversity. Despite budget squeezes, universities have created diversity positions, such as director of diversity and inclusion, manager of diversity recruitment, associate dean for diversity, vice president of diversity and perhaps minister of diversity.”

Exactly, observably, undeniably. The United States has tied itself into knots that would baffle a wind-era sailor to keep thirteen percent of the population placated. And done it unsuccessfully. All we hear is slavery, send money. We be discriminate, send money. Give us a job we can’t do very well, or perhaps at all. That is what affirmative action is.

No nation has ever made such desperate, soul-wrenching efforts to convince a large minority to for God’s sake do your homework. And this is what it comes to. I say to black parents: Your kids do not do poorly in school because of discrimination, but because they don’t know the answers. We evil whites can give you schools and books. We can’t read them for you. And we can’t make your children read them. That’s your job.

Now, since Ms. Glassman is in Fairfax County, where I once lived, she might look next door to the District of Columbia. The schools in DC are entirely under the control of blacks, and the per capita expenditure is very high. Yet the schools are almost the worst in the country. Why is that, Ms. Glassman? Might it—just conceivably, you understand: I don’t want to fall into wild speculation—have something to do with the quality of teachers hired by the black government, the degree of orderliness required of the black students, and the degree of insistence by their parents that they do their homework?

Now, as I look at the figures for Thomas Jefferson High, I see that 64.2 percent of the students are Asian, though Asians are a tiny part of the population, and only 26.2 percent are whites, who are a huge part of the population. That is, Asians are wildly overrepresented with respect to my pale species, in fact by a factor of about ten. Ms. Glassman, do you hear me whimpering that I be discriminate? That everything is someone else’s fault? That Asians are mistreating me, send money?

No. I figure that the Asian kids got there because they were smarter than the whites, or studied harder, or both. I don’t argue that it’s because my Anglo-Saxon ancestors were mistreated by the Norman French under Henry II.

Actually it is whites who suffer discrimination. Blacks get into Ivy schools ahead of us because they can’t do the work, and Asians get in ahead of us because they can, so we get sqwoze out from above and below. I feel very sorry for us, send money.

Implicit in all the solemn trumpery about race is that vile and malevolent whites want to exploit blacks, or see advantage in holding them down. Oh? I suspect that if rationality were oil, race hustlers would be about a quart low, so let me explain some facts. Most whites do not want to hold blacks down. On purely selfish grounds, it is very much in the interest of whites for blacks to prosper. If all blacks shot into the middle class tomorrow, we could tax them instead of paying for welfare. We could fire three-quarters of most urban police departments. We could live in the cities. We could take the wrong exit into Newark and expect to come out alive.

I don’t know how many blacks could get into Thomas Jefferson if they tried, you know, like, studying. I do know that the pathetic illiteracy of so many urban blacks is unnecessary, and that they don’t have to speak that awful he be, we be, muhfuh, muhfuh linguistic goulash sometimes called ebonics. In France, blacks speak French and in Mexico, Spanish, not Franbonics or Hisbonics. Why not English in America?

I know. I’m a dangerous radical.

And I know that anyone who really wanted to improve education for blacks could look to the Catholic schools of Washington, which do, or did when I last looked, a far better job than a dimwitted, vote-for-me Office of African-American Education. How did the artful mackerel-snappers do it? By demanding courtesy, expelling trouble-makers, insisting on done homework, and assuming that students were capable of it. Duh.

The Princeville Montessori School Incidence

I decided to re-post this now, as I had just called the family who looks after Dixieland and her daughter had just pulled her child out for much of the same reasons as I did in 2002. Shows nothing changes in our worthless government.

Re-post NamSouth

September 16, 2002

Dr. W. Steve Stone

September 16, 2002

412 Pearl Street
Tarboro, NC 27886

Dear Dr. Stone,

Since I have removed my daughter, Dixie Townsend, from Mrs. Maultsby's first grade class at the *Princeville Montessori School, I am writing you since I feel you should know the reason for this action. In the spring of this year my wife, our daughter and I moved from California to N.C.

Upon the recommendation of Denise and William Overman, from whom we bought our home, we enrolled our daughter at Princeville. We were pleased that she would be in such a school as she had attended Montessori pre-school in California.

More @ NamSouth

Conservatives work to cull moderate Republicans - Now We're Getting Somewhere!

Glen Bradley came to our PATCON.

JOHN HANNA | Associated Press

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Frustrated by their inability to achieve some policy goals, conservatives in Republican states are turning against moderate members of their own party, trying to drive them out of state legislatures to clear the way for reshaping government across a wide swath of mid-America controlled by the GOP.

Political groups are helping finance the efforts by supporting primary election challenges targeting several dozen moderate Republicans in the Midwest and South, especially prominent lawmakers who run key state committees.

Two years after Republicans swept into power in many state capitols, the challengers say it's time to adopt more conservative policies.

"If you don't believe in that playbook, then why are you on the team?" declared Greg Smith, who is trying to oust a moderate incumbent from the Kansas state Senate.

The push is most intense in Kansas, where conservatives are attempting to replace a dozen moderate Republican senators who bucked new Gov. Sam Brownback's move to slash state income taxes.

The Club for Growth, a major conservative interest group, is spending about $500,000 in Missouri this year. That's double the amount it invested two years ago. The anti-tax group Americans for Prosperity opened new chapters in Iowa, Minnesota and New Mexico. The conservative business group Texans for Lawsuit Reform spent $3.5 million on legislative candidates in the first half of 2012, more than double its total during the same period two years ago.

The primary strife reflects differences that were somewhat concealed in the party's triumphant victories in 2010, when, aided by public discontent about the economy, the GOP won its broadest control of state government since the Great Depression. After the vote, Republicans held governorships in 29 states and control of most of the legislatures from Michigan to Texas.

Conservatives, some aligned with the tea party movement, hoped to begin realizing their vision of smaller government and of a reformed education system that would give parents more alternatives to traditional public schools. But some of their initiatives were scaled back by GOP colleagues to soften the impact on public schools and other public services.

Oklahoma Republican Gov. Mary Fallin's plan to begin phasing out the state income tax was blocked entirely, and Brownback and Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman had to settle for a fraction of the tax cuts they wanted.

Conservatives leaders say they are determined to seize a historic opportunity.

Anaheim Police Dressed in ACU's Stop Protest Near Disneyland

Via Don

The line between military and 'peace officer' continues to be blurred.

Latest example is Anaheim, California; Home of The Happiest Place on Earth.

In an effort to prevent protestors from reaching Disneyland, who were marching against the shooting of an unarmed man by the Anaheim police, horse mounted patrols and officers in full ACU battle dress were sent out to quell the march.

The march appears to have been co-opted by by a couple of commie and socialists groups from Los Angeles.

Regardless, is this what our 'Peace Officers' have become?

What Is Law?

Re-post on memory jog from Reading Liberty: 2009 NamSouth & 2010 FNC The Law By Frederic Bastiat

What Is Law?
"What, then, is law? It is the collective organization of the individual right to lawful defense.

Each of us has a natural right — from God — to defend his person, his liberty, and his property. These are the three basic requirements of life, and the preservation of any one of them is completely dependent upon the preservation of the other two. For what are our faculties but the extension of our individuality? And what is property but an extension of our faculties? If every person has the right to defend even by force — his person, his liberty, and his property, then it follows that a group of men have the right to organize and support a common force to protect these rights constantly. Thus the principle of collective right — its reason for existing, its lawfulness — is based on individual right. And the common force that protects this collective right cannot logically have any other purpose or any other mission than that for which it acts as a substitute. Thus, since an individual cannot lawfully use force against the person, liberty, or property of another individual, then the common force — for the same reason — cannot lawfully be used to destroy the person, liberty, or property of individuals or groups.

Such a perversion of force would be, in both cases, contrary to our premise. Force has been given to us to defend our own individual rights. Who will dare to say that force has been given to us to destroy the equal rights of our brothers? Since no individual acting separately can lawfully use force to destroy the rights of others, does it not logically follow that the same principle also applies to the common force that is nothing more than the organized combination of the individual forces?

If this is true, then nothing can be more evident than this: The law is the organization of the natural right of lawful defense. It is the substitution of a common force for individual forces. And this common force is to do only what the individual forces have a natural and lawful right to do: to protect persons, liberties, and properties; to maintain the right of each, and to cause justice to reign over us all."

Punishing Enemies of the North

Questions abound from the following – how can Americans who follow the spirit of Jefferson’s Declaration, i.e., “the consent of the governed” be declared “enemies” and have their property confiscated by the mere agent of the States; how can independent and free States be “insurrectionary” in a voluntary and fraternal union; and how does a citizen of a State hold loyalty to “the Union flag” when it is the US Constitution that they and their representatives are sworn to uphold and defend?

Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"

Punishing Enemies of the North:

“It was “enemies’ property” that was made seizable in the second confiscation act; and the harsh rule was adopted that all persons residing in the eleven “insurrectionary” States were enemies during the Civil War, a rule which was even extended to include foreigners and those who were in fact loyal to the Union flag.

It was held after the war that neither pardon nor universal amnesty could restore property rights when proceedings under the second confiscation act had been completed. Thus the guilty thing during the war was mere residence in an “insurrectionary State.”

Yet the United States Supreme Court in another line of decisions held that insurrection and war do not loosen the bonds of society, and that ordinary acts of the individual Southern States were valid and binding. The Confederate States were held to be a government maintaining such actual supremacy during the war in the South that obedience to its authority, in civil and local matters, was both a necessity and duty.

In seeking to understand the various interpretations of what the government at Washington required of the Southern people it might perhaps be said that they were expected to withhold support for their own governments insofar as such governments were acting against the United States, while giving support in “ordinary” civil matters.

Such qualified support of any government, however, is difficult to defend in theory, while in practice it was utterly impossible.

In vain did [Northern] moderates as [Orville H.] Browning of Illinois, Garrett Davis of Kentucky, [Jacob] Collamer of Vermont, and [John B.] Henderson of Missouri urge that the drastic confiscation program was designed to ruin millions of unoffending civilians. Of no avail were the arguments that it was unjustifiable as a belligerent measure, that it was forbidden by the Constitution, that it amounted to a bill of attainder, that it would bear heavily upon men who really supported the Union.

By a peculiar rigmarole Congress rushed through an “explanatory joint resolution” to the effect that the law was not the work of forfeiture beyond the life of the accused; and, though this met only a part of his objections, the signature of Lincoln was obtained on a measure of which he fundamentally disapproved.”

(The Civil War and Reconstruction, J.G. Randall, D.C. Heath and Company, 1969, pp. 284-285)

Punishing Enemies of the North