Sunday, April 1, 2012

Presidential Salute

Via Pit Snipes Gripes & Suckers On Parade


"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."

Found over at Old Retired Petty Officer

Zoomie: American Acts of Defiance Sticker

I bought 10. Step right up to the plate, folks.

Zoomie: American Acts of Defiance Sticker
Buy Now: Click the Image for

‘He Looks Black’: NBC Launches Internal Investigation into Selective Editing of Zimmerman Police Tape

NBC has revealed that it is launching an internal investigation into the “editing process” surrounding the conversation between George Zimmerman and a police dispatcher (shortly before Trayvon Martin was shot), where Zimmerman appears to volunteer racial information.

Exposed by Fox News and Newsbusters, NBC played the conversation on the “Today Show” as: “This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.”

The unabridged version is:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.

Erik Wemple of the Washington Post noted:

The difference between what ‘Today’ put on its air and the actual tape? Complete: In the ‘Today’ version, Zimmerman volunteered that this person ‘looks black,’ a sequence of events that would more readily paint Zimmerman as a racial profiler. In reality’s version, Zimmerman simply answered a question about the race of the person whom he was reporting to the police. Nothing prejudicial at all in responding to such an inquiry.

More @ The Blaze

Aung San Suu Kyi 'wins landslide landmark election' as Burma rejoices

Now to see if it will be ignored once again.


Once we had been there for a few days, we decided that we ought to check out Burma. We went to their embassy, but it was clear that they weren't *overjoyed about Americans visiting there, (my friend had an official passport) and they did their best to do everything as slowly as possible. So, we just left and enjoyed Bangkok some more. We had understood that there was one good English hotel in Rangoon where all that they had was gin and no girls, but we wanted to visit anyway.


The scale of the Nobel Prize-winning democracy icon's apparent victory is close to her party's performance in the 1990 constituent assembly elections, which was ignored by Burma's military rulers.

Ms Suu Kyi and other leading NLD figures spent much of the last two decades under arrest, but was freed in 2010 in a surprise move by the regime, followed by a series of political reforms.

More @ The Telegraph

Concert at Fort Bragg geared toward atheists

My Basic Training camp. "Welcome To The Home Of The 82nd Airborne."

For the first time in history, the U.S. military hosted an event expressly for soldiers and others who don't believe in God, with a county fair-like gathering Saturday on the main parade ground at one of the world's largest Army posts.

The Rock Beyond Belief event at Fort Bragg, organized by soldiers here two years after an evangelical Christian event at the eastern North Carolina post, is the most visible sign so far of a growing desire by military personnel with atheist or other secular beliefs to get the same recognition as their religious counterparts.

The purpose was not to make the Army look bad, organizers said, but to show that atheists and other secular believers have a place in institutions like the military

Dawkins to rally: 'Show contempt' for faith

"I love the military," said Sgt. Justin Griffith, main organizer of the event and the military director of American Atheists. He added, "This is not meant to be a black eye."

Griffith said he and other non-religious soldiers are not permitted to hold atheist meetings at the post and have so far been rebuffed in their efforts to change that. They feel their beliefs marginalize them.

Organizers were hoping for a crowd of about 5,000. At least several hundred people gathered on the parade ground by midday Saturday.

More @ USA Today

Will It Take Revolution?

“A little matter will move a party, but it must be something great that moves a nation.”—Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1792

In my Constitution Classes I teach that we have four tools on our tool belt for taking back America. Those tools were provided by the Founding Fathers through the instruction booklet for taking back this nation, the United States Constitution.

As we enter Constitution crisis after Constitution crisis with this very dangerous Obama administration, it can be easy to lose sight of the truth. I am an optimist, and it is never too late to turn around a system like ours. . . if we are willing to do what it takes to get it back. It won’t be easy, and it won’t be quick, but it can be done.

Like I tell my students regularly, the way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.

Education is the key, for how can we use the tools given to us if we don’t even realize they exist? Then, when educated, the populace can work to create what needs to be done to take back this nation. Eventually, it all comes to a tipping point, and the cockroaches in Washington have no choice but to listen, and once again become obedient to the Constitution, and servants to the people and the States.

The four tools, with the one that ties in with the title of this piece at the end, are as follows:

More @ CFP

Climate Change Skepticism a Sickness That Must be “Treated,” Says Professor


Comparing skepticism of man-made global warming to racist beliefs, an Oregon-based professor of sociology and environmental studies has labeled doubts about anthropogenic climate change a “sickness” for which individuals need to be “treated”.


Thanks To Senator Lieberman, You Guys Are Going To Get Me Sued

April 2nd = Just found out this was an April Fool's Joke and that's good news.:)

Just what we need. More Big Brother

....... it looks as if Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-ouchebag Censor) — is seeking to strike a another serious blow against free speech on the internet.

At issue is Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which says that hosts — everyone from Google to Facebook to humble little Popehat — is only liable for the content they create, not for the content that others (for instance, thread and forum commenters) put on the internet. It's not an exaggeration to say that this protection is the legal backbone of the modern internet — without it, no site could afford to allow anonymous users or commenters, topics of discussion would be strictly limited by liability-adverse legal teams, and the internet would be a less robust, interesting, and free place.

Apparently Lieberman is about to offer a bill eliminating it.

More @ Popehat

Tags: Obama Fundraiser | Fraud Top Obama Campaign Donor Accused of Fraud

Via A Trainwreck in Maxwell

A major contributor to President Barack Obama's re-election effort is accused of defrauding a businessman and impersonating a bank official.

Donor Abake Assongba gave more than $50,000 to Obama this election season. But her past legal troubles, which include unpaid debts, are creating a new headache for Obama's campaign.

The allegations were first reported Sunday by The Washington Post. Its report says Assongba tried to rip off more than $650,000 from a Swiss businessman and use the funds to build a multimillion-dollar house in Florida.

More @ NewsMax

Joe Biden: I wouldn't want 'a real job'

Vice President Joe Biden, long known for making embarrassing verbal gaffes, echoed the cynical criticism many people levy against career politicians, stating he had stayed in the Senate for 36 years because he didn’t want to get “a real job.”

Biden was speaking to a Democratic fundraiser in Chicago Thursday night, when he turned to praise the work of Richard M. Daley, the city’s former mayor of over 20 years.

“I never had an interest in being a mayor, ’cause that’s a real job. You have to produce,” Biden said, according to a White House pool report. “That’s why I was able to be a senator for 36 years.”

More @ WND

"Civil War or War Between the States?"

Some contemporary historical sources in North Carolina continue to use the Northern term and viewpoint for the 1861-1865 conflict, "Civil War,' though a North Carolina specific commemoration of that period should properly use the terminology of the time. This website relates that historical period through the eyes and minds of North Carolinans then, and this is the only manner with which we can today understand those who preceded un in time. Below the reader will find our reasons for using the properhistorical term, the one which North Carolinians used to describe that conflict.

"Civil War or War Between the States?"

Ron Paul Ends Presidential Bid, Resigns From Republican Party and Congress Paul Will Lead State of Texas To Secede From Union

If only it was true.


Dump DC


By R. David Murphy
Royters News Service

LAKE JACKSON, TEXAS – Congressman Ron Paul announced today that he is ending is bid for the Republican Presidential candidacy for 2012. But the rest of his speech today was shocking and holds serious ramifications for himself and the State of Texas.

Congressman Paul called a press conference at a makeshift podium in the driveway of his Lake Jackson, Texas home. With his wife Carol at his side, and his son Senator Rand Paul standing to his left, next to Daniel Miller, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement, Paul quietly but forcefully read from a prepared speech.

Doctor Paul said, “It has become clear to me that the election system in America is hopelessly corrupt and broken. In every caucus…in every primary…in every state where we worked tirelessly to spread our message of smaller Constitutional government, we found widespread vote counting fraud. We won many caucuses and primaries outright, but the Republican political bosses would have none of it. Continuing to campaign between now and the Republican convention would be an exercise in futility, and a betrayal to the hundreds of thousands of Ron Paul supporters. So, effective today, April first, my quest to become the Republican presidential candidate is ended.”

“Now, I would like to speak to all the faithful men and women, old and young, who have been so supportive of my candidacy over the last eight years: Thank you so much for your faith in me. To quote the writer Victor Hugo – ‘There is nothing that is stronger than an idea whose time has come.’ The goal of smaller, manageable, lawful government is that powerful idea. But the remaining presidential candidates do not hold to this idea. Each one, it his own way, embraces big government and endless wars. So I hereby release all delegates to the Republican convention with the hope that each delegate will refuse to vote for either Romney, Santorum or Gingrich.”

“In addition, I hereby announce that effective immediately, I resign from my position as Congressman from the 14th Texas Congressional District. I can no longer participate in what I have come to see is a government entirely out of control, which is running headlong toward economic and political collapse.”

“Further, and finally, I will continue to fight for accountability, small government, individual liberty and property rights. But not in the way you might think. I have come to a crucial philosophical conclusion. The only way that our goals and commitments can come true on the North American continent is through state secession. Nullification of Federal law will be ineffective because the states have neither their own money nor their own militias. Fighting in the courts takes too long, and we could not reasonably expect a Federal court to rule against itself. The only way left to do what the Declaration of Independence called us to do – to throw off such government, and provide new guards for our future security – is to secede from the Union.”

“I ask all the people who have supported the Ron Paul candidacy to join me in a commitment to liberty, and to the dream of secession. Toward that end, I hereby announce today that I will lead the fight in my home state of Texas for Texas independence. Texas was a sovereign nation before statehood, and in order to wrestle control away from the Federal government and merely survive as a people, Texas must secede from the Union and become a sovereign nation once more. I will gladly seek the office of President of a New Texas as soon as Texas is once again a nation.”

“Thank you for your attendance at this press conference. We will not be taking any questions at this time. Goodbye and God Bless Texas.”

And with his signature wide grin, Ron and Carol turned and walked back to their front door.

Daniel Miller, remaining at the podium, stated: “This is an historic day for Texas. We will move forward with all haste and urgency to lead Texas to independence. Ron Paul is the perfect man to lead Texas to sovereignty, and Texas will take its place among the nations just like Sam Houston predicted.”

Senator Rand Paul had these words: “I grew up being taught by a man who is a servant leader. I completely support my father’s decisions, and will do whatever I can to help him achieve his goals.”

Copyright 2012, Royters News Service. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Happy April Fools’ Day.

Georgia PATCON

Alrighty then...

Returned from the GA PATCON last night, and it was an unbelievable session, with some of the heavy hitters in the Patriot movement and also some of the familiar RTC faces.

The discussions were excellent, wide ranging, and VERY in-depth, they went from, organizing our troops, to aggressively AND passively engaging OPFOR, for the lack of a better word. But most importantly, EFFECTIVELY and relentlessly taking the "message" back from the Left.

Another major thrust will be, and as all here know... Re-establishing control of the Federal Government, BUT starting at the local level and branching ourselves back up to the top.

As many know, we are now in a foot race to the finish line and the competitors are Freedom and Tyranny... To even have a hope of winning this race, ALL will have to engage on ALL fronts. I know many of us are tired and damn near used up, but as is often mentioned here...

"Better to die on your feet as a free man, than on your knees as a slave"

The main thrust of the meet was to come up with techniques and solutions to engage the population through various means, not only through the Net, but with heavy outreach and support "operations" to various groups throughout the country... To my great joy most of the players are, like me, completely out of the "Box" they are attempting to stuff us in.

Who would have thought that OWS and RTC stand TOGETHER, more on that form of "outreach" later, as the plans are tightened up.

Another heavy push which I hadn't given much credence to, was the direct impact of Home schooling and economic "uplift" throughout the country, prepare to get some info to push anywhere you can, it MUST be a major push in the Re founding movement.

There was so much info put that I'm still tired this morning, a lot is still swirling in our heads that must be digested and put into an aggressive action plan.

More detail will be brought out little later as the info is condensed and combined with the NC PATCON and the Liberty Summit.

More to come.

Don, L&P

Florida Turns ‘Gunshine State’ After Years of GOP Control

For years, Florida Capitol Police asked gun owners to check their firearms at the door. Not anymore.

Since a law in October made it easier to carry concealed weapons into the 1.2 million-square-foot government headquarters in Tallahassee, Senate security relies on alert buttons installed on the phones of lawmakers and staffers that let them instantly listen in to events.

“I don’t think panic buttons are going to be very helpful if somebody charges into your office with a gun,” said Senator Nan Rich, a Weston (82339MF) (82339MF) Democrat who opposed the measure.

More @ Bloomberg

The Vultures Are Circling: Texas Lawmaker Seeks Changes to Self-Defense Law

A Texas lawmaker plans to introduce legislation to amend the state’s self-defense “Castle Doctrine” law in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida, according to a report by KHOU-TV in Houston.
Democratic state Rep. Garnet Coleman told the station the Texas legislature went too far in 2007 when it removed the “duty to retreat before using deadly force” clause from the law, which gives citizens a green light to defend themselves, or stand their ground, rather than run from a confrontation. He said the change in wording had a disproportionate impact on minorities.

“The reality is . . . that it’s all about the perception whether someone is or isn’t going to use deadly force, which allows someone to shoot first and ask questions later,” Coleman said. “That turns into an affirmative defense against prosecution.”

More @ NewsMax