Thursday, April 26, 2012

Free Trade: Exporting Jobs, Importing Aliens

In his book, The Open-Borders Network: How a Web of Ethnic Activists, Journalists, Corporations, Politicians, Lawyers, and Clergy Undermine U.S. Border Security and National Sovereignty, author Kevin Lamb — managing editor of this journal — makes this important observation: “The propaganda in favor of uncontrolled immigration from today’s business leaders echoes the arguments California business magnates made in support of bringing in hundreds of thousands of Chinese coolies to work on the railroads and in agriculture in the 1880s. Yet there is an important difference. Until recently, advocates for American business took care to claim that their demands served the interests of the nation and its people. Today, a growing and significant segment of America’s most important business interests is not only striving for, but openly espouses, the opening of America’s borders and the eclipse of its national sovereignty.”1

The special interests Lamb writes about are what President Dwight Eisenhower dubbed “the military-industrial complex”: a powerful conglomerate consisting of Wall Street moguls, multi-national corporate elites, and naïve politicians, who on this issue, will march under a “free trade” banner in anybody’s parade.

I am a dinosaur, but not yet a fossil........


........I remember when people actually fought to be FREE.

Now, they fight to get FREE STUFF and shackle themselves willingly as slaves on the Government's plantation.
- In their spare time they fight over coveted sneakers at the mall.

The more things stay the same...

Plato's 'Cave Allegory' from his "Republic" is germane here, but the unions in the government-run schools don't teach it because it was written by (sniff) a 'dead white male' thousands of years ago, and it runs counter to the "progressive" agenda that is anti-freedom and anti-human.
- Now, people only know Orwell's prophetic "slavery is freedom" but do not seem to comprehend the awful meaning of it, nor the import.

Feds Will Decide If Matthew Owens Beating Is A Hate Crime

Well, we know how that's going to turn out.

Mobile County District Attorney Ashley Rich says her office met with the U.S. Attorney, FBI and the police department about the Matthew Owens beating case.

They want the feds to decide whether a hate crime was committed.

More @  WKRG

George Zimmerman: Prelude to a shooting

Though civil rights demonstrators have argued Zimmerman should not have prejudged Martin, one black neighbor of the Zimmermans said recent history should be taken into account.

"Let's talk about the elephant in the room. I'm black, OK?" the woman said, declining to be identified because she anticipated backlash due to her race. She leaned in to look a reporter directly in the eyes. "There were black boys robbing houses in this neighborhood," she said. "That's why George was suspicious of Trayvon Martin."

More @ New York Post

NSA Possible Domestic Interception/Collection Points Map

Via The Dorkfish Express

The following is a list of possible locations of NSA domestic interception points inside the United States.  The list was presented by computer security researcher Jacob Appelbaum at a recent event held at the Whitney Museum in New York along with filmmaker Laura Poitras and ex-NSA employee William Binney.  One of the addresses, an AT&T building on Folsom Street in San Francisco, is the location of Room 641A which was the subject of multiple lawsuits regarding the warrantless surveillance of U.S. citizens.  A recent article in Wired quoted Binney as estimating that there are likely ten to twenty of these locations around the country.