Friday, May 4, 2012

Woman With Shotgun Kills Rapist

Appears to be old, but just posted at the link.

Via Cousin John

This woman was raped and the rapist came back to do it again. The second time around he met her while she was holding a 12 gauge shotgun she borrowed from a friend!

This registered sex offender with 11 felony arrests was determined. He cut the electricity and broke in through the same basement window he came through the first time. We really like what Prosecuting Attorney Morley Single says starting at 2:49 in the video.

Kent State tape indicates altercation and pistol fire preceded National Guard shootings

 Guess I missed this.

Via A Trainwreck in Maxwell

A noisy, violent altercation and four pistol shots took place about 70 seconds before Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on antiwar protesters at Kent State University, according to a new analysis of a 40-year-old audiotape of the event.

The discovery adds new perspective to -- and raises new questions about -- one of the signature events of the 20th century, after four decades of spirited discussion and research.

"They got somebody," an observer says. "Kill him!" at least two male voices repeatedly shout, followed by sounds of a struggle and a female voice yelling, "Whack that [expletive]!" or "Hit that [expletive]!" Four distinct shots matching the acoustic signature of a .38-caliber revolver then ring out, according to a review by New Jersey forensic audio expert Stuart Allen.

Sharpton's anti-Arpaio segment reveals White House 'scared'

Via Cousin John

A segment on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show deriding the findings of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigation of Barack Obama’s presidential eligibility shows the White House fears coming revelations, according to WND senior writer Jerome Corsi.

Corsi, who has probed Obama’s eligibility for four years, said “it’s obvious that the White House is scared.”

The segment by Sharpton on his daily “PoliticsNation” show April 27 was an attempt to get out ahead of the news, Corsi said.

The White House is “front-running the story, putting it out through a surrogate trying to ridicule Arpaio’s investigation, because they know how much damage he is about to do to the president,” he said.

“The legitimacy of Obama’s presidency is about to come unglued.”

More @ WND

"Does Obama make you sick to your stomach?"

Campaign flyer in my mailbox today from Grey Mills  running for Lt. Governor. Boy, if he didn't hit the nail on the head!

Looks like another RINO will bite the dust

 Good riddance to bad rubbish

Via Legal Insurrection

In what is likely to be the final live-caller public poll ahead of Tuesday's Indiana Senate Republican primary, state Treasurer Richard Mourdock has opened up a ten point lead over Sen. Richard Lugar, whose 35-year Senate career is in serious jeopardy.

A Howey/DePauw Indiana Battleground Poll conducted by Democratic and Republican pollsters on Monday and Tuesday of this week shows Mourdock leading Lugar 48 percent to 38 percent.
The previous Howey/DePauw survey, which was conducted from March 26-28, had Lugar leading Mourdock 42 percent to 35 percent. In the weeks since that survey was taken, outside groups have come to the aid of both candidates, spending big bucks on TV ad buys and mail drops.

Allied outside groups of both candidates have released polls during the last two weeks showing a single-digit race. But the Howey/DePauw polls have been the only reliable live-caller surveys that have not been conducted for one of the candidates or on behalf of an allied group.

$PLC: “We’re not really set up to cover the extreme Left.”

 Guess he'll get fired, telling the truth you know.

Via Sedition

In light of the May Day arrests of the Cuyahoga 5, the Occupy Wall Street–affiliated group of men who planned to blow up a bridge in Cleveland, Ohio, I called the Southern Poverty Law Center to find out of they had any plans to start tracking the Occupy movement. The first person I spoke to was so shocked by the question that she paused for a good 15 seconds before promising to put me in touch with a representative. This she eventually did, however, and after a game of cat-and-mouse — the person she’d found for me was busy “hosting an international conference on right-wing extremism,” natch — we managed to touch base and I to pose the question: “Do you have any plans to start tracking Occupy Wall Street after a hate group tried to blow up a bridge?”

“No, I don’t think so,” he said. “We blogged it right away when it happened.” I asked him why he thought this deserved only a blog post, and he explained that the SPLC only deals with “hatred of people based on class characteristics,” which a little more pushing revealed meant “immutable characteristics such as a person’s eye or skin color.” “So,” I asked, “Occupy doesn’t count because it doesn’t hate people based on their innate characteristics?” He assented, but didn’t explain adequately why SPLC is vocal on “Islamophobia,” for example — whatever Islam is, it is not an “immutable” characteristic — and why it concerns itself with matters of traditionalist Catholic theology.

More @ NRO

Training & testing your Paramedic knowledge

Via Glenn Allen @ Western Rifle Shooters Association

 Excellent training and a place to test your knowledge HERE

Good place to test your Paramedic knowledge HERE.

16th century map offers hidden clues about Lost Colony

Via Old Virginia Blog

Something is screwy as the video won't play here, but you can see it at the link.

British researchers say they've made a startling discovery in the centuries-old mystery surrounding the Lost Colony – a solid clue about the fate of more than 100 English settlers that might have been hiding in plain sight for more than 400 years.

In 1585, Sir Walter Raleigh sent a group of pioneers to establish what was supposed to be a permanent English colony on Roanoke Island in Dare County. Among them was John White, the grandfather of Virginia Dare, the first English child born in the Americas.

White returned to England, where war with Spain was raging, in 1587. It took him three years to return to the Roanoke Colony with supplies. When he arrived, in August 1590, he found the colony deserted.
There was no sign of a struggle or battle, and what happened to the settlement and its inhabitants has never been discovered.

Perhaps, until now.

More @ WRAL

Werner G. Goering


Hermann Goering's brother Charles lived in the United States. A nephew Werner G. Goering fought in the U.S. Air Force and his German roots did not prevent him from participating in the bombing of Germany.

Trayvon and Zimmerman: The Structure and Elements of a Disinformation Campaign

BtyScott Swett ,the primary author of To Set The Record Straight: How Swift Boat Veterans, POWs and the New Media Defeated John Kerry and webmaster for and  The veteran-led opposition to John Kerry in 2004 countered a longstanding leftist disinformation campaign that smeared American troops and veterans as "war criminals."
"Trayvon," of course, is Trayvon Martin, the black 17-year-old who was killed two months ago in Florida.  "Zimmerman" is George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch captain who shot him.  Referring to Martin by his first name and Zimmerman by his last is just one small tactic in the national media campaign to make Martin's death an enduring symbol of white racism.
The Trayvon campaign is accurately described as "disinformation" because deception is a fundamental part of its planning, strategy, and implementation.  Leftist disinformation campaigns are common but not widely understood.  This article is intended to make them easier to recognize, and to provide a framework for additional research and investigation.  Whether or not George Zimmerman was justified in pulling the trigger is outside the scope of this analysis.
The Trayvon narrative can be summarized as follows: a black child was walking innocently through a gated community after buying some candy at a store, when a white racist stalked and murdered him for no reason but his color.  The police, who are also racists, let the white man go free.
This narrative is similar to those used in previous racial disinformation campaigns:
  • 1987 - White racists have raped a young black girl and left her in a trash bag.
  • 1996 - White racists are burning down black churches across the South.
  • 2005 - White racists at Duke University have raped a black woman.
Like the Trayvon narrative, the earlier narratives were untrue.  However, they remain widely believed as a result of the massive media coverage used to bring them to national attention.

1873 Winchester "Bring It Back From The Dead!"

 Via mpopenker

This past year I really got involved in Cowboy Action Shooting and this lead me to any type of rifle or pistol from the period 1850 to 1897. Mostly Black Powder firearms.

Everything I’ve acquired thus far have been reproductions as the “real thing” was too expensive or un-shootable.

This changed yesterday……On the Kittery Trading Post (Maine) used gun list I saw an 1873 Winchester and the pictures showed it to be in excellent condition. The price was extremely reasonable ($795). These rifles in any condition usually command $2000+ .  There is a frame and barrel with no internal parts or wood on Gun Broker for $350!

Kittery did say the barrel’s bore was toast. But I figured this could be resolved with a rebore or a reline.
So I drove the 2 hours and 15 minutes to check it out.

Fifteen minutes later I was the new owner of a 128 year old Winchester 1873 lever action rifle!
Caliber is 38-40 and I’m going to reline the barrel with a Redman liner in the same caliber.
I ordered dies, bullet mold, cases and wads yesterday.

I took the whole rifle apart and cleaned over 100 years of lint, dead bugs and other unidentifiable material from the works. There is zero wear inside. In fact, it looks near new! It appears someone shot this rifle very little and put it away without cleaning the bore and ruined it. Which actually preserved the entire rifle in near pristine condition.

I’ll leave the wonderful aged patina as it is. Looks great! I’ve sent a request and my $70 to the Cody Museum in Wyoming (The Keeper of all the Winchester records) for a letter detailing when, where and how it was sold. I do know from the serial number that it was made in 1884.

‘Stop the Islamization of America’: Controversial Campaign Mailer Enrages Muslim Lobby

Via Don

Political campaign slogans, especially in the modern day, tend to be completely meaningless, focus grouped jumbles of words, designed not to offend the voters and to enlighten them even less. “Hope and Change,” for instance, or “Forwards,“ or even ”Country first.”

But “Stop the Islamization of America?” That might not play well with some people. Still, it’s one of the campaign promises which Texas Tea Party candidate Itamar Gelbman is apparently running on, in a decision that is inspiring the ire of some voters (and some national organizations), but earning the admiration of others.

Gelbman, who is running against Rep. Joe Bartin in Texas’ 6th District, doesn‘t have exactly the biography you’d expect from any candidate, Tea Party or otherwise. He says he’s an “Army Lieutenant” running for Congress. What he doesn‘t mention is that the army he’s talking about isn’t the United States Army – it’s the Israeli Army. That’s right, while Gelbman is an American citizen – he was born in New York, and has made a point of showing his birth certificate – he was raised in Israel, and served in the Israeli Defense Force, eventually attaining the rank of Lieutenant in Israel’s Special Forces. According to his campaign bio, he moved back to the United States to work in Security Consulting, and is now running for Congress.

Which brings us to the slogan mentioned above – “Stop the Islamization of America.” According to a report from WFAA Dallas, the slogan appeared in one of Gelbman’s flyers, which was sent to every voter in Texas’ 6th District, asking for their vote.

More @ The Blaze

Survival Tactics for Flash Mob Violence

 Applies most everywhere.

Via Nancy

As the weather becomes warmer in Chicago's young thugs will again be targeting  their victims out on the streets on the Gold Coast for assault, robbery or worse. Tourists are particularly desirable targets because the experienced thugs know they will not return to appear in a Chicago courtroom to testify.  It’s a fact of life, particularly in the Windy City.  
With the proliferation of inexpensive cell phones groups of savages can assemble quickly out of nowhere.  They count on their numbers to overcome and brutalize their victims.      
Don’t let their young ages or initially friendly appearance take you off guard.  Avoiding them on sight is the best policy.
If you must be out do not leave home without a decent handgun, preferably a modern large caliber semi-automatic.  Also carry at least two extra magazines.  Hopefully you’ve already 
 obtained some professional training.
Chicago’s bans on possession and carrying firearms are blatantly un-Constitutional and under review in the courts as we speak.  I don’t see a quick resolution.  I advocate ignoring the bans because your life is far more important than the whims of the politicians who want you defenseless.
You have an absolute right to use deadly force against mobs whether they are armed or not!  Just because you don’t see a weapon does not mean they are unarmed.
You will never reason with or obtain sympathy from a mob, so don’t bother to try.   The closer they get to you the less ability you will have to escape. Don’t let them get close.
As a mob approaches you in a hostile or threatening manner all bets are off.  
Don’t pull your gun and expect they will quit.  They will overwhelm, disarm and perhaps kill you.  Instead look for your exit path, draw your gun and fire at the most menacing thugs in center mass.  You’re not required to warn anyone! Shoot until the threat is over.  Scoot to safety and keep on going.  Do not call 911 or talk about the event to anyone but a lawyer assigned to defend you. 
If you’re in a car that is surrounded the people in front of your car are reasonably presumed accomplices of those trying to assault or extract you from your vehicle.  Step on the gas and run them over!  This is no automobile accident and the traffic laws of leaving the scene of an accident do not apply! Again you need to scoot and stay mute.
If the police detain you, it becomes more imperative than ever that you keep your mouth shut.  You won’t be able to talk your way to freedom if they have you detained.   Cooperation will only cause you bigger problems.  The police will understand your request for a lawyer.  
The magic words to live by are shoot, scoot and stay mute!  The majority of cops will have little interest in tracking down someone who fought back and escaped with their lives.
You must escape these mobs at all cost.  The cops will never be able to respond in time to save you.  Self-help is really, all you have. 

Obama Signs Executive Order Declaring International Law for the United States

Via Cousin Bill

On May 1, 2012, our Glorious Leader, Premier Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, signed yet another Executive Order – Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation.  This dictate is designed to standardize regulations between the United States and it’s so called trading partners.
What is a regulation?  A law.  So what is actually being attempted here is a standardization of international law.  It is an absolute violation of the Constitution for the United States to legislate our law outside of our borders.

Considering the many international security agreements the traitors occupying our highest seats of power have entered into, this latest executive order can absolutely be used to institute gun confiscation laws/regulations, without any consent by our Congress or our Judicial.  And once these foreign laws are brought to the United States under the various security agreements, foreign troops will be brought in to enforce the foreign laws upon the people of the United States.
So look at what we have now.

Ex-Marine Beaten to Death by Georgia Mob

Via Billy

Bond denied for suspects in former Marine's death


Why, I never would have guessed in a million years......... 

Three suspects newly charged in the death of a former Marine from Cobb County were denied bond at court hearings Wednesday, Channel 2 Action News reported.
Arthur Lynell Batchelor, 37, of Acworth, and Jason Scott Hill, 35, and Tarell Winston Secrest, 36, both of Marietta, continue to be held in the Cobb County Adult Detention Center. They were arrested Tuesday.
All three men and 38-year-old Sean DGene Hall of Atlanta, who was arrested Monday, are charged with murder, aggravated assault and aggravated battery in the death of Zachary “Zach” Gamble.
More @ FOX