Friday, August 31, 2012

Blood Of Afghan Betrayal On Obama's Hands

Via Craig

Investor's Business Daily

War On Terror: It's now clear why so many U.S. troops have fallen prey to Afghan insider attacks: The administration disarmed them while arming their Afghan trainees, making them sitting ducks.

With U.S. and NATO troop deaths from so-called green-on-blue attacks climbing past 100, military brass last week reversed a standing order requiring troops to remove their magazines from their weapons while quartered inside bases with their "trusted Afghan partners."

Rogue Afghan soldiers or police have easily gotten the jump on their trainers, shooting them in cold blood with the rifles and ammunition issued by the U.S. Ten of our troops have died this way in just the past two weeks.

The number of insider attacks this year already exceeds the total for last year. Since the start of 2012, there have been 32 attacks resulting in 40 deaths, many more than last year's 21 total attacks.

Earlier this month, an Afghan security commander ambushed U.S. troops. The officer, who was helping U.S. special forces train the local police force, lured elite U.S. soldiers to a Ramadan meal at his outpost to talk security. He then opened fire on them at close range, killing three and wounding one.

The Taliban took credit for the attack. The terror group released a video indicating it has heavily infiltrated the Afghan national army and police force.

"I opened fire on three Americans who were sitting together," a rogue Afghan soldier, identified as Ghazi Mahmood, says while smiling for the camera. "The reason I killed them is because they have occupied our country. They are enemies of our religion."

He said that there are many other uniformed Afghans "looking for the opportunity to kill infidels."

Now, after years of denying the attacks were anything but an "isolated" problem, U.S.-led command has finally let American soldiers carry loaded weapons at all times to protect them not just from terrorists but from the Afghan security forces they're training.

The policy reversal exposes the suicidal nature of the prior order. Even as our disarmed soldiers were being systematically ambushed and gunned down by their Afghan counterparts, high command continued to co-locate entire Afghan military units inside U.S. bases.

As a gesture of trust toward these Muslim partners, commanders ordered U.S. soldiers to remove their magazines from their weapons while training and working alongside them.

The Afghans, however, were allowed to remain armed.

Further exposing them to "friendly fire," American troops generally removed their heavy Kevlar body armor once they got inside the base.

Disarming the Afghans would have been the obvious solution. But of course that would expose this whole "training partnership" as the farce it really is.

Training and standing up a national security force in Afghanistan is the linchpin of President Obama's withdrawal strategy. He has set a 2014 deadline for troop pullout.

But the Pentagon is already reducing troop presence by 30,000 by the end of the summer. Many of the remaining soldiers will switch from fighting to training and advising Afghan forces. This means even more of them will be exposed to insider attacks.

But we're not just training Afghans to replace soldiers. We're hiring them to protect our soldiers right now, and many of them have also turned on our soldiers.

Obama has insisted on using Afghan security guards for base security as a way to limit the size of the U.S. military footprint in Afghanistan.

Hiring local Afghans to protect troops obviates the need to deploy some 20,000 additional troops as MPs, or to move existing troops out of combat roles.

Obama's rush to withdraw has needlessly cost at least 100 soldiers' lives and wounded countless others.

Gov. Gary Johnson Could Cost Romney 5 Battleground States, 74 Electoral Votes Needed to Win in 2012

Via Oleg

Old, but first I've seen it.

Libertarian Party

"2-Term Governor Gary Johnson's Votes in North Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Nevada, and Colorado Could Determine the Winner of the 2012 Presidential Election"

Libertarian Presidential candidate Gov. Gary Johnson is polling at 5.3% nationwide. (JZ Analytics / Washington Times).

But look at the numbers when he's included in statewide polls against Obama and Romney. 13% in New Mexico. 9% in Arizona. 7% in Colorado. 7% in New Hampshire. 8% in Montana. (PPP and others)

Governor Johnson's poll numbers - and his votes this November - may be the critical factor in "Tipping Point" or battleground states like North Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Nevada, and Colorado - where Obama and Romney are 1% to 6% apart. Mitt Romney needs these five states, these 74 Electoral votes to win the White House.

North Carolina and Virginia voted Republican seven out the last eight Presidential races. Florida and Colorado voted Republican in six out of the last 8. Nevada voted Republican in five out of the last 8. All five of these battleground states voted for Barack Obama in 2008.

Zogby, Rasmussen, Gallup, CNN / Opinion Research, New York Times, Washington Post, LATimes, ABC, and CBS Polling Organizations all KNOW that 3% or 6% or 9% of the vote for Libertarian Presidential candidate Gov. Gary Johnson in these states could easily cost Romney 74 Electoral Votes - and the 2012 Presidential election.

Starting now, these organizations need to include two-Term Governor Gary Johnson in all state Presidential polls - especially in these five "Romney Must Win" battleground states.

Gary Johnson was a two-Term Republican Governor of New Mexico (1995-2003). During his eight years in office, he vetoed over 750 bills - more than all other governors combined. He was repeatedly recognized and honored as the "most fiscally conservative Governor in America."

Zogby, Rasmussen, Gallup, CNN / Opinion Research, New York Times, Washington Post, LATimes, ABC, and CBS Polling: Include Libertarian Presidential candidate Gov. Gary Johnson in all national and state Presidential polls. Show us the full picture.

VIDEO: TSA Takes Over Bus Station In Tampa, DHS Agents Threaten Journalists

Via Battlefield USA


Reporters forced to show papers or be “detained for 72 hours” by Homeland Security

Independent Journalists documenting the level of security theatre surrounding the Republican National Convention in Tampa were threatened with being “detained for 72 hours” by Homeland Security agents, after they filmed TSA employees occupying a Greyhound bus station close to the security perimeter.

The reporters with the Houston Free Thinkers captured video of no less than five blue shirted TSA workers manning the ticket office at the station, ready to conduct bag searches and pat downs on bus passengers.

The station, at 610 Polk Street in downtown Tampa, was adorned with TSA and Homeland Security notices, designating it a high security screening area.

After filming the TSA workers inside, the reporters turned their attention to a parked Homeland Security vehicle across the street, claiming that the agent that sat in the car was taking photographs of them.

Upon crossing the street to ask the agent why he was taking pictures, two more DHS vehicles pulled up and agents jumped out and immediately confronted the reporters, asking them for ID.

When the reporters refused to provide ID and asked why they were being detained, one DHS agent stated “You are filming a federal compound… that in itself is against the law.”

“The fence?” one reporter questioned.

“Everything behind the fence.” the agent replied, before again asking the reporter for ID.

When the reporter again questioned why he needed to show ID, the agent stated “This is not a game, I don’t want you to tell me anything. I want to see something, or I can hold you for 72 hours, it’s your choice.”

The reporters provided ID in order to avoid detainment, but made it clear to the DHS officers that they believed the agents were violating their rights.

Watch the exchange below:

More @ Prison Planet

Welcome to Sock Hop at the Beach!

Join Us October 25th – October 27th for John Moore’s Sock Hop first-ever live broadcast, as well as a southern-style buffet and entertainment from The Seaside Band! Below is the tentative schedule of events. Be sure to check back often, as we will be adding more availability and updating the calendar.

Your Oak Island escape starts at only $150 per person for the entire weekend. Not $150 per night…$150 per person for four days and three nights all on beautiful Oak Island. Four days, three nights, food and entertainment for only $150 per person!

Hope to see you in October!

Disclaimer: $150 is based on 4 person occupancy at Yaupon Dunes, where all condos are just $600 for the 3 nights.

Calendar of Events

Thursday, October 25th

3:00 PM: Check-In
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Meet & Greet
Appetizers will be provided by local restaurants. Beer & wine provided by Oak Island Accommodations. Register for Friday’s Door Prizes!

Friday, October 26th

7:00 AM – 6:00 PM: Shop, Golf, Dine, Fish, Swim or Just Relax!
Special discounts will be offered for our VIPs!
6:00 PM – 11:00 PM: John Moore’s Sock Hop First-Ever Live Broadcast
Join us at the oceanfront Breaker’s Beach Club for John Moore’s Sock Hop first-ever live broadcast! Door Prizes all night long provided by local businesses! Full cash bar will be available.

Saturday, October 27th

7:00 AM – 6:00 PM: Shop, Golf, Dine, Fish, Swim or Just Relax!
Special discounts will be offered for our VIPs!
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM: Join Us Back at Breakers for a Southern-Style Buffet
7:30 PM – 12:30 AM: Seaside Band and a Live DJ will Keep You Entertained!

Exact schedule of events is subject to change.

For a list of available rentals, please stay tuned to this website, or call 800-243-8132 and mention the Sock Hop!

Multi-State Concealed Carry Gun Permit Class Becomes Groupon Success

Freedom Outpost


The internet company is facing scrutiny after posting a discount on firearms classes that would allow student to be able to carry concealed in multiple states. A Seattle firearms training center is behind the deal.

Adan Salazar writes,

The Insight Training Center has 4 locations around Seattle each offering Groupon insiders a $145 class for $69 to obtain a nonresident Utah Concealed Firearm Permit. The Insights Training Center website states, “This 4-hour all-inclusive class fulfills the Utah training requirement and gets your application ready to submit.”

“Combined with a Washington license, the Utah permit allows its holders to carry concealed firearms in 33 states,” the Groupon deal explains.

The owner of the Insight Traning Center, Greg Hamilton, is very pleased about the business his Groupon ad did. The offer was taken advantage of by 500 people within twenty-four hours. He praised the marketing of Groupon saying that “They let hundreds of thousands of people know you exist, so it’s good marketing.”

However, there were the uneducated that were interviewed by the local Fox TV affiliate. One person that ran across the deal said, “Lattès don’t kill people, guns do, so I’m kind of thinking that this should be exempt from those kinds of circumstances.” Yeah right, and my car causes accidents all by itself, my spoon makes me fat, and my bed makes me lazy. We are use to this type of rhetoric from the anti-gun, uneducated about firearms crowd. This seems to be where the benefit of Hamilton’s business shines. It educates people on firearms and with education comes confidence and a removal of fear of guns. Front Sight Founder Ignatius Piazza, in stating what a person that is educated and trained becomes said, “You are the weapon, your gun is just a tool.”

The students who pass the course and pay the fees will then be able to carry concealed in the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Now this is not special for just Hamilton’s classes. If you have a CCW (Concealed Carry Weapons) permit, then there are many states that will reciprocate that permit and it will also allow you to carry in many more states than the one you have your permit in.

I’m actually looking forward to more firearms training centers opening up and offering great deals on CCW for law abiding citizens. This is one of the best ways to keep the Second Amendment rights alive and intact.

Listen to the report from Fox:

Internal Army Poll: Only 26% of Officers Say Army Headed in Right Direction--'Political Correctness' Cited

Via Don

Army troops
Is the U.S. Army headed in the right direction?

An internal Army survey that was conducted in 2011 and published this year discovered that only 26 percent of active-duty Army officers say yes--and that one of the two main themes cited by those who say no is that the Army is now adversely impacted by "political correctness" imposed by both outside policymakers and senior Army leaders.

The 26 percent who said the Army was headed in the right direction in 2011 was the lowest percentage who gave that response since the Army began conducting this survey in 2005. It was also significant drop from the 33 percent who had said the Army was heading in the right direction in 2010.

In the 2011 survey, in contrast to the 26 percent who said the Army was heading in the right direction, 38 percent said it was headed in the wrong direction and another 36 percent remained neutral on the topic, neither agreeing nor disagreeing that the army is heading in the right direction.

The report said that 24 percent of those who believed the Army was not headed in the right direction provided additional comments on why they believed that was the case. "Two themes stood out in these comments," said the report. The first was concern over the downsizing of the Army and the impact it might have on national security.

The second was the impact of "political correctness."

More @ CNS

Sherman and others on returning slaves


I would like to submit the following excerpts from the Official War Records as evidence of the Yankee position on slavery. While many still contend the war was to free slaves, these and many others writings in the OWR prove time after time that it was not.

Washington, July 16, 1861.
Brigadier-General MCDOWELL, Commanding, &c.

SIR: The general-in-chief desires me to communicate to you that he has received from the President of the United States a second note dated to-day on the subject of fugitive slaves in which he asks: "Would it not be well to allow owners to bring back those which have crossed" the Potomac with our troops? The general earnestly invites your attention to this subject knowing that you with himself enter fully into His Excellency's desire to carry out to the fullest all constitutional obligations. Of course it is the general's wish the name of the President should not at this time be brought before the public in connection with this delicate subject.
I remain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Lieutenant-Colonel and Military Secretary.
LOUISVILLE, KY., October 15, 1861.

Colonel TURCHIN.

DEAR SIR: Two gentlemen unknown to me but introduced by Mr. Guthrie say some negro slaves have taken refuge in your camp and are there sheltered.

The laws of the United States and of Kentucky all of which are binding on us compel us to surrender a runaway negro on application of negro's owner or agent. I believe you have not been instrumental in this but my orders are that all negroes shall be delivered up on claim of the owner or agent. Better keep the negroes out of your camp altogether unless you brought them along with the regiment.

Yours, &c.,

Eddie Grey

Warner Bros: Confederate Flag Stays On General Lee

article image

Rumors swirled into a firestorm after reported that the Confederate flag would be removed from future Dukes of Hazzard's General Lee cars.

An anonymous insider with Tomy Toys claimed the Confederate flag would be banned from all 2013 General Lee cars, reports the Daily Mail.

The post read: "Starting January 1, 2013 all Dukes of Hazzard General Lee vehicles will not be allowed to be produced with the Confederate flag on the top of the vehicle. This directive has been passed onto us from the licensor Warner Brothers."

However, a spokesperson for Warner Bros told NBC News: "We were not, and are not, planning to change the design of the General Lee on merchandise. All reports to the contrary have been inaccurate."

More @ Opposing Views

Senator Huntley charged with falsifying business records, conspiracy in 'charity scam'

Via safetalker

Sen. Shirley Huntley in handcuffs after surrendering today.

State Sen. Shirley Huntley was arrested this morning and pleaded not guilty to charges that she allegedly funneled taxpayer money through her Queens non-profit program.

Huntley and several other defendants did not speak during their initial appearance in a Mineola courtroom. They were all released on their own recognizance and ordered back to court on Sept. 14.

Outside court, Huntley repeatedly said “It’s a great day” to every question fired at her.

The Post first reported last year how Huntley, a who represents Jamaica, Laurelton and South Ozone Park, tried to direct $155,000 to her Parent Workshop nonprofit.

She’s been charged with conspiracy in the fifth degree, tampering with evidence and falsifying business records.

Prosecutors will claim that Huntley and other defendants falsified papers, making it appear that Parent Workshop performed services stated in the contract, when no such services were ever performed, sources said.

More @ New York Post

Correspondence and collusion between the New York Times and the CIA

Via Don

CIA spokeswoman Marie Harf, via Twitter

The rightwing transparency group, Judicial Watch, released Tuesday a new batch of documents showing how eagerly the Obama administration shoveled information to Hollywood film-makers about the Bin Laden raid. Obama officials did so to enable the production of a politically beneficial pre-election film about that "heroic" killing, even as administration lawyers insisted to federal courts and media outlets that no disclosure was permissible because the raid was classified.

Thanks to prior disclosures from Judicial Watch of documents it obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, this is old news. That's what the Obama administration chronically does: it manipulates secrecy powers to prevent accountability in a court of law, while leaking at will about the same programs in order to glorify the president.

But what is news in this disclosure are the newly released emails between Mark Mazzetti, the New York Times's national security and intelligence reporter, and CIA spokeswoman Marie Harf. The CIA had evidently heard that Maureen Dowd was planning to write a column on the CIA's role in pumping the film-makers with information about the Bin Laden raid in order to boost Obama's re-election chances, and was apparently worried about how Dowd's column would reflect on them. On 5 August 2011 (a Friday night), Harf wrote an email to Mazzetti with the subject line: "Any word??", suggesting, obviously, that she and Mazzetti had already discussed Dowd's impending column and she was expecting an update from the NYT reporter.

A mere two minutes after the CIA spokeswoman sent this Friday night inquiry, Mazzetti responded. He promised her that he was "going to see a version before it gets filed", and assured her that there was likely nothing to worry about:

More @ The Guardian

I would just like to take a moment to thank Obama

I would again like to take the time to thank the Obama admin for bringing us all together. Before, I like many others were just toiling away, trying to open the eyes of our fellow citizens, and having little impact.

But due to the actions of a handful of America hating leftist radicals attempting to take over the country, eye's were opened, making our jobs much easier.

Due to Obama's actions and non-action, I know a LOT more people across the country, People from almost every state in the union, people from all walks of life, and from all areas of the political spectrum.... people like me.

These are the same people that fill the TEA Party, the 9/12 Project, the Restore the Constitution movement and probably damn near every Militia Group in the country. Many of these people are spread so far and wide, I would NEVER have met them on my own.

My personal network already spanned the globe from my many years in the service and working with various Law Enforcement groups and agencies. But due to Obama's actions, the network is now expansive and wide ranging... and just to think that there are MANY others just like me, always brings a smile to my face when I'm feeling down.

These are the people that will keep the flame burning and growing, until it consumes the disease that is infecting the Republic, the disease of progressivism and collectivism. They will help me work hard at the restoration... until those that have brought us to this position pay dearly for their treachery.

So again, thanks Obama.


When Treason Becomes The Norm: Why The Proposition Nation, Not Islam, Is Our Primary Enemy

Via Matthew

The noted blogger Fjordman is filing this report via Gates of Vienna.
For a complete Fjordman blogography, see The Fjordman Files. There is also a multi-index listing here.

Prefatory note from Fjordman:

This text was inspired by the essay “Why Is This Not Treason?” by the brave English activist and patriot Paul Weston and is partly based on comments I left at the blog Jew Among You.

In 2009 it was revealed that the ruling Labour Party had purposefully flooded Britain with several million immigrants, without consulting its citizens, in order to socially engineer a “truly Multicultural” country. The huge increases in migrants over the previous decade were partly due to a politically motivated attempt to radically change the country and to “rub the Right’s nose in diversity,” according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Prime Minister Tony Blair. He said mass immigration was the result of a deliberate plan, but ministers were reluctant to discuss this for fear that it would alienate the party’s “core working class vote.”

Lord Glasman — a personal friend of the Labour Party leader — in 2011 stated that “Labour lied to people about the extent of immigration… and there’s been a massive rupture of trust.” He admitted that the Labour Party had sometimes been actively hostile to the white natives. In particular, they tended to view white working-class voters as “an obstacle to progress.”

To my knowledge, these shocking revelations of a Western government virtually launching a full-front attack to crush its own people have so far not caused a single word of protest from political leaders or mass media in any other Western country, although these acts could be construed as a policy of state-sponsored ethnic cleansing targeting the white majority population. In my country’s mass media, these public admissions from Neather were hardly mentioned at all, although journalists never miss an opportunity to warn against the dangerous tide of “white racism and xenophobia” that is supposedly sweeping the Western world today.