Tuesday, September 25, 2012

GOA Action Alert: UN

The UN Continues Pushing to
Take Away Your Second Amendment Rights
We can all breathe a sigh of relief that the Obama administration was forced to pull out of signing the Arms Trade Treaty in July.  Following its actions, China and Russia also balked.
So congratulations, once again, are in order -- as your hard work paid off handsomely.  Over 50 US Senators ultimately signed a letter opposing this abomination!
But don’t think the UN has pulled back from its unremitting efforts to destroy your constitutional rights.
Earlier this month, the UN’s “Review Conference on Illicit Small Arms Trade” adopted an anti-gun “consensus outcome document” with the acquiescence of the Obama administration. 
Among other things, the document, in the UN’s own words, “underscored efforts in marking, record-keeping and cooperation in tracing small arms ….”  We all understand that this verbiage is code for national gun registration. 
And in the words of the UN, “Member States agreed to strengthen national measures on marking ….”  Now “marking” can mean many things.  But we know from records of UN discussions, that one of the things it means is “microstamping.”
This procedure to imprint a unique identifier on fired cartridges, may or may not be safely scientifically achievable.  And at any rate, it is very costly.
Thus without admitting it, microstamping requirements could effectively put an end to your Second Amendment rights.
Now, the “consensus outcome document” will certainly not have the punch of a Senate-ratified treaty.  Nevertheless, we cannot assume it will not be a threat -- or that the President won’t try to implement certain parts of it through Executive Order.  Of course, Barack Obama could do an illegal Executive Order or illegal regulation with or without UN encouragement, and that is something we might be facing during a second presidential term, if he is re-elected.


Via Knuckledraggin' My Life Away

 For many of these avid supporters, who are dependent and appreciative of Obama, it is no longer what is good for the country but what is good for them. America has been bought and it should be of no surprise to anyone that Obama is polling so high and has a high probability of winning re-election despite terrible performance. His performance is just not important to his supporters.


"It's unbelievable," said an unemployed waitress. "How can Obama be leading in the polls and likely to win enough electoral votes for a second term despite the worst economic performance by any President in the past 100 years?"

"It's downright frightening," said A small business owner. "What is the real plan that Obama and the Democrats have for their ‘transformation of America' and, more importantly, how are they going to achieve that plan and how will it affect my business and my family?"

The answers to these critical questions is clear. There is enough evidence, both direct and circumstantial, to provide reasonable answers. Yet, the reasons for Obama's showing in the polls and his transforming plan are kept masked by a media and a public who is seduced by the silver-tongued politician.

Obama's ability to mask his intentions produces an almost opium-like effect. That mask, however, will be removed once re-elected and America will, more clearly than ever, see and feel the impacts of the ‘plan'.

There is no question that this has been the worst managed economy by any President in our history. Unemployment has not improved despite massive government spending, deficits have soared over $16 trillion, our credit rating has dropped for the first time ever and family income is down $4,000 per household.

Despite this performance, with only a few weeks to the election, Obama is ahead in most polls. This anomaly has never happened before. Why is it happening now? Simple!

Debt and deficits are of no concern to Obama and the Democrats. It is simply the price we must pay to assure the ‘transformation of America'. It is a matter of the end justifying the means. To make this transformation they must be assured that they will have an overwhelming majority of committed, loyal and dependent voters for the long term.

To accomplish this they simply throw fiscal responsibility out the window and buy these votes, effectively ‘buying America'. After all, this election is not one of ‘four more years' but twenty or more years.

Black Markets Emerge in School Cafeterias Across America

Roundabout via Keep It Simple Survival

One thing is guaranteed…anytime the government moves to restrict something, be it alcohol during prohibition, marijuana in the drug war, gold after 1933 confiscation, black markets always emerge.
In the case of the tight school lunch restrictions being put into place in schools across the country, enterprising young bootleggers are smuggling in chocolate syrup and selling it by the squeeze.
Michelle Obama championed the federal Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act as part of her Let’s Move campaign.  The act has been put into place to combat childhood obesity but it’s leaving a lot of kids…well…HUNGRY.

School lunches have undergone such a drastic transformation that students across the country are complaining of hunger pangs throughout the day.  Portion sizes have been reduced, dessert and flavored milks have been banned, and, in the name of financial easing, the prices of these smaller lunches have been increased.

USDA Deputy Undersecretary Janey Thornton blames the kids for the reported hunger pangs. ”One thing I think we need to keep in mind as kids say they’re still hungry is that many children aren’t used to eating fruits and vegetables at home, much less at school. So it’s a change in what they are eating. If they are still hungry, it’s that they are not eating all the food that’s being offered.”

The kids are fighting back.  Student athletes across the country are complaining that their caloric needs are not being met by the enforced diet. No adjustments are being made based on energy output – the food offerings are the same across the board.  Kids report only drinking the milk and throwing out the plates of hummus and black bean salad in revolt, according to a student in South Dakota. Serving sizes are only slightly adjusted by the age of the kids – the new rulebook sets calorie maximums for school lunches — 650 calories for elementary-schoolers, 700 for middle-schoolers and 850 for high-schoolers.

More @ SHTF

The U.S. overvalues free speech.

Via Stu

Just like we do the rest of our freedoms and just try and take any of them away.  Maybe try the 2nd first, big boy.


The universal response in the United States to the uproar over the anti-Muslim video is that the Muslim world will just have to get used to freedom of expression. President Obama said so himself in a speech at the United Nations today, which included both a strong defense of the First Amendment and (“in the alternative,” as lawyers say) and a plea that the United States is helpless anyway when it comes to controlling information. In a world linked by YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, countless videos attacking people’s religions, produced by provocateurs, rabble-rousers, and lunatics, will spread to every corner of the world, as fast as the Internet can blast them, and beyond the power of governments to stop them. Muslims need to grow a thick skin, the thinking goes, as believers in the West have done over the centuries. Perhaps they will even learn what it means to live in a free society, and adopt something like the First Amendment in their own countries.

But there is another possible response. This is that Americans need to learn that the rest of the world—and not just Muslims—see no sense in the First Amendment. Even other Western nations take a more circumspect position on freedom of expression than we do, realizing that often free speech must yield to other values and the need for order. Our own history suggests that they might have a point. (Good luck)

More crap @ Slate

France set to ban the words 'mother' and 'father' from official documents

 French prisoner sends severed finger to justice minister

The move, which has outraged Catholics, means only the word "parents" would be used in identical marriage ceremonies for all heterosexual and same-sex couples.
The draft law states that "marriage is a union of two people, of different or the same gender".
It says all references to "mothers and fathers" in the civil code – which enshrines French law – will be swapped for simply "parents".
The law would also give equal adoption rights to homosexual and heterosexual couples.
Justice Minister Christiane Taubira told France's Catholic newspaper La Croix: "Who is to say that a heterosexual couple will bring a child up better than a homosexual couple, that they will guarantee the best conditions for the child's development?"(Gee, I would have no idea.......)

Child Welfare Legislation Outlaws Spanking

My mother finally broke her huge hair brush on my backsides and said she wasn't going to spank me anymore since it didn't do any good!:)

When Governor Jack Markell signed into law Senate Bill 234 on September 12, 2012, Delaware became the first state in the in the nation to effectively outlaw corporal discipline of children by their parents.

Sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Patricia M. Blevins (District 7), the legislation creates a definition of the term “physical injury” in the child abuse and neglect laws to include “pain.” Currently the law permits a parent to use force to punish a child for misconduct, but it prohibits any act that is likely to cause or does cause physical injury. By defining “physical injury” to include the infliction of pain on a child, spanking has become a crime in Delaware punishable by imprisonment.
Under the new law, a parent causing “physical injury” (e.g., pain) to a child under age 18 would be guilty of a class A misdemeanor and subject to one year in prison. A parent causing pain to a child who was 3 years of age or younger would be guilty of a class G felony and subject to two years in prison.

Home School Legal Defense Association opposed this bill as a violation of the right of parents to direct the upbringing of their children, including the long-recognized right to administer reasonable corporal discipline. HSLDA worked with the Delaware Home Education Association and the Delaware Family Policy Council in an effort to bring about a defeat of this legislation.

NYC schools give out morning-after pills to students — without telling parents

The Department of Education is giving morning-after pills and other birth-control drugs to students at 13 high schools, The Post has learned.

School nurse offices stocked with the contraceptives can dispense “Plan B” emergency contraception and other oral or injectable birth control to girls without telling their parents — unless parents opt out after getting a school informational letter about the new program.

CATCH — Connecting Adolescents To Comprehensive Health — is part of a citywide attack against the epidemic of teen pregnancy, which spurs many girls — most of them poor — to drop out of school.

While Big Apple high schools have long supplied free condoms to sexually active teens, this is the first time city schools have dispensed hormonal birth control and Plan B, which can prevent pregnancy if taken up to 72 hours after unprotected sex.

It might be a nationwide first as well. The National Association of School Nurses could cite no other school district supplying Plan B.

So far, during an unpublicized pilot program in five city schools last year, 567 students received Plan B tablets and 580 students received Reclipsen birth-control pills, the city Department of Health told The Post.

This fall, students can also get Depo-Provera, a birth-control drug injected once every three months, officials said.

Results of the War


 At the end of the war in North Carolina, General William Hardee spoke of the end of slavery and queried a Northern reporter on the true compassion of the North for the freedmen. The Radical Republicans would turn the freedmen into a voting machine to maintain political hegemony, and keep them in the South to calm Northern workers who feared low-wage labor competition should the freedmen move northward.

Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"

Results of the War:

“A correspondent for the New York Herald, Theodore C. Wilson….somehow managed to secure a seat in the [railroad] car with Hardee and [Chief of Staff Thomas B.] Roy, and now he headed off to Greensboro with them. Exploiting this opportunity, probably as Hardee breakfasted, Wilson asked him for an interview, which Hardee granted, receiving him “in a very cordial, generous, unreserved manner.” In reply to a general question about the war and slavery Hardee said:

“….I accept this war as the providence of God. He intended that the slave should be free, and now he is free. Slavery was never a paying institution….For instance, my wife owned about one hundred negroes; forty of the hundred were useless for work, yet she had to feed these forty, in order to get the work of the other sixty.

The negro will be worse off for this war. Will any of your abolitionists….feed and clothe half-a-dozen little children, in order to get the work of one man and woman? Sir, our people can pay the working negroes a fair compensation for their services, and let them take care of their own families, and then have as much left at the end of the year as we had under the old system.”

General…..Will we not have guerilla warfare?

“So help me God, sir, if we do I am ready and willing to fight to put an end to it….Let me impress it upon you that the people of the South want to live in peace with the people of the North, and you will find they will do it. They will do it cheerfully, provided your government does not resort to harsh measures. If it does resort to harsh measures, I cannot answer for the consequences. We staked our all on the success of our arms, and they failed us, and now we are willing to return and live under the laws of the United States as we find them…..”

(General William J. Hardee, Old Reliable, Nathaniel C. Hughes, Jr., LSU Press, 1965, pp. 297-298)

Survival Priorities: The Rule of Three

Via Don


While I took issue with the conclusions drawn from the facts employed in a recent article titled ‘The Coming Food Armageddon’, the truth is you could find yourself and your loved ones in a struggle for survival at any time. For what it’s worth, not only am I a big booster of ‘prepping’, I have a realistic strategy if the SHTF and my outdoor skills are better than most, although that’s not really saying much given our predominantly urban population. And if you are interested in such things, there are tremendous resources available to you to help you prepare for whatever it is that your want to prepare for. The Survival Mom is a great resource for one. Ready Nutrition is another.

But prepping is not what I want to talk to you about. I want to talk to you about Survival. And I’m not going to offer you any strategies, tactics or supply sources. Rather, I just want you to get your head into a slightly different place than it probably is right now. For some of you, this might be a remedial review. You may be military, firefighter, law enforcement, rescue worker or just plain folk with an inordinate amount of common sense. Regardless, it never hurts to revisit the basics.

image by CarbonNYC

And all of the basics can be summed-up in “The Rule of Three” which says, absent sudden death (such as an accident) or terminal illness, your survival is generally contingent upon you not exceeding
  • 3 minutes without breathing (drowning, asphyxiation)
  • 3 hours without shelter in an extreme environment (exposure)
  • 3 days without water (dehydration)
  • 3 weeks without food (starvation)

Meet the Street Artist Who’s Wanted by the NYPD for Punking the Police with Fake Drone Ads

Via Stu


His name is 'Essam' and he's a 29-year-old art school grad from Maine, who served in Iraq as a "geo-spatial analyst", and has put up posters like the one above all over New York. It shows drones being used to police regular people in an Orwellian world... with the NYPD logo plastered all over it, as if to endorse it. The NYPD wants him arrested, he wants to let people know the scariness of drones.
Animal New York scored an exclusive interview with the street artist who readily admits that he's not really a part of the street art scene and it's interesting to hear him describe his work. In his talks with Animal:
He agrees that there is an inherent irony in his spoofs: the very fact that the NYPD (which claims to be strongly pursuing him with their "counter terrorism squad") hasn't caught him yet, is proof that we have not reached a state of Orwellian control. "But we're going in that direction and no one's talking about it," he says. "And I think that's pretty scary."
He's already put up over a hundred of these spoof drone ads and he's done them under the very nose of the NYPD and has yet to be caught. Let's hope it stays that way. Be sure to check out Animal's video interview with 'Essam' too (his face is blacked out and his voice is distorted):

More @ Gizmodo

State Department sent gay man to be ambassador to Libya?

Via Billy

That was brillant.........


Today I went out into the field here in Chicago looking to talk to some of the striking teachers but no one in a red-shirt was anywhere to be found (or, if they were wearing one, they had nothing to do with the teachers’ union strike).  A journalist friend of mine asked me to nose around and see if I could uncover anything about slain Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was rumored to be gay.  A former “roommate” of Stevens by the name of Austin Tichenor lives and works in Chicago and while making calls to friends of mine in the theater world who know him I also thought to check some sources with the city who deal with the State Department and foreign dignitaries when they are in town.

Of course, they’ve all been talking about Ambassador Stevens’ murder by Muslims in Libya:  and all of them are incredulous that the State Department sent a gay man to be ambassador to a Muslim country.  News reports continue to indicate that the Muslims who murdered Stevens also raped him repeatedly, before and after his death.

I was told by friends in the City’s protocol office to go over to the Second Story Bar in downtown Chicago, just off Michigan Avenue, because it’s where a lot of gay guys who work for both the city and the consulates go after work.  Chicago is home to a great number of consulates, including the Polish, Chinese, and Serbian consulates amongst others.  I happened to luck out when the bartender working, who is a friend, tipped me off that a man in a suit talking to some other foreign-looking types worked at the Serbian consulate a few doors up the street towards the lake.

More @ Hill Buzz

Politico Poll: Romney Leads on Almost Every Issue, But...


So let me get this straight: Mitt Romney leads among independents, leads with middle-class households by double digits, leads with likely voters on six of seven issues (including large advantages on jobs, spending and the economy), and holds an eight-point edge with the bellwether Catholic demo -- yet he trails overall by three points?  Maybe it's a terrible partisan split, you might think.  Not so.  It's D+3, which is completely reasonable.  These numbers don't quite add up, but they do suggest that while the incumbent is in real trouble on substance, his challenger's style-points struggles are real.  To that end, one possible explanatory factor is Romney taking a hit on personal favorability, a trend we also spotted in the battlegrounds poll earlier today.  From the Politico numbers:

More @ Townhall

Michigan asks voters if they’re legal citizens; ACLU freaks out

Michigan asks voters if they’re legal citizens; ACLU freaks out

The American Civil Liberties Union teamed up with the SEIU and a few other interested groups to sue the Michigan Secretary of State, Ruth Johnson, over her addition of a check box to ballot applications, asking voters to confirm they are U.S. citizens who legally have the right to vote.  ACLU’s Michigan executive director, Kary Moss, described this as a “cynical voter suppression tactic.”

No, this is not a joke or satire.  The ACLU actually thinks a check box asking voters to confirm that they’re legally entitled to vote constitutes “suppression.”  The mad scramble to protect vote fraud operations had degenerated into this level of absolute lunacy.  Devoid of anything approaching a logical argument, vote fraud defenders are down to describing a simple “Yes or No” question on ballot applications as a “roadblock” that will “confuse” and “intimidate” minority voters.

The Last Aviator of the Confederacy

Via Ian Dewar

In a quiet corner of the Oakwood Cemetery located in the Texas City of Corsicana, a weather beaten and Moss covered headstone bears a simple inscription. A.E. Morse. 1843-1914. Not much to show for the man who piloted the last Confederate Balloon on a scouting mission over the Front Lines during the defense of Charleston, South Carolina in 1863.

 When the War Between the States commenced in April 1861, with Georgia being amongst the first of the original seven States to secede, Charles Cevor, a well-known early pioneer of balloon flights in the South, was living and working in Savannah offering “Demonstration” balloon flights at county fairs and similar public gatherings, all in an effort to earn a living and to spread interest in this new method of transport. In fact early in April 1860, Cevor and a man named Dalton, completed an inadvertent first Cross-Country flight when they lifted off into a gale and were promptly blown out to sea dragging their winch-line behind them!!

In 1861, as people flocked to support to their Civic leaders, and to enlist in the States Militia and National Guard in an enthusiastic support of the Southern States bid for independence from the Union, Charles Cevor promptly approached the Military to offer his balloon and services to the Army. Unhappily he was turned away, though not forgotten as news of his balloon was passed on to higher authorities. General Thomas Drayton of the newly minted Confederate Army was apparently very interested in the idea of using balloons for field observation, and so was General Joseph Johnson, it becomes very possible then, that Cevor after losing his first balloon the “Montpelier” at sea. Replaced it with a new vehicle, called the “Forest City” and continued flying his “Demonstration” flights, just in time to be called on to fly as a Contractor for the Army in June 1861 near the Leesburg Pike as first reported in the Northern press.

Up through April of 1862, Charles Cevor as a civilian, continued to operate his balloon on behalf of the Army probably as part of what today would be called a Test and Development program despite having enlisted in the Chatham Artillery Battery in August 1861 in Savannah. At this same period in August 1861, a young and enthusiastic recruit to the Confederate cause had enlisted on the same day as Cevor, and while Cevor was now developing his aviation skills and expertise. Young Adolphus Morse was learning how to be a soldier, and carry a backpack and musket and to march everywhere as soldiers seem to delight in doing! At this time, there appears to be no evidence of any other balloons operating in the South apart from the “Forest City”, so any references in the Northern press to “rebel” balloons during this period presumably had to refer to Cevor.

Adolphus Morse was born in Troy P.A. in 1843, sometime later his family moved to Georgia, it’s a mystery now as to why they moved, but perhaps the family at the time felt the prospects for their future looked better in the South. It is highly likely that young Adolphus Morse was most impressed to be going through 19th Century “Boot Camp” with someone like Charles Cevor, a famous local hero, and if he had had an opportunity to attend one of Cevor’s Balloon exhibitions in Savannah before the war started, one can imagine the young lad’s determination to listen and learn from an expert! Its probable too that Cevor spent most of his time ensuring his balloon was airworthy and available when required, and perhaps not much time being spent on the niceties of military discipline, though its more than likely he would have had to get involved in the supervising and training on the logistical support side of the operation. Being an early “Smoky” type balloon, the only real support required, was the use of several strong backs to move the balloon and basket from a cart, and to spread the envelope out after digging a hole that would be used as a fire-pit. But the Army would also have needed a training system! 

'2016: Obama's America' Filmmakers Claim Organized Disinformation Campaign

UPDATED: The movie showed up on YouTube over the weekend as rumors spread it would also be shown free on the Fox News Channel.

The filmmakers behind 2016: Obama’s America are claiming a coordinated attack engineered by supporters of Barack Obama to suppress the box-office results of the movie, which is a critical look at the president.

The film, the second-highest-grossing political documentary in U.S. box-office history, has made $32 million domestically since opening in mid July but took in only $938,000 during the recent weekend for a per-screen average of $771, down 27 percent from $1,060 per screen in the previous weekend, according to BoxOfficeMojo. Overall, the movie's boxoffice dropped 53 percent in the most recent weekend compared with the previous one, its largest decline since opening 10 weeks ago.

While such a drop isn't unusual for a movie during the course of a week -- especially when the theater count dropped from 1,876 to 1,216 -- filmmakers nevertheless say box-office results were artificially depressed for two reasons: a disinformation campaign spreading the false rumor that Fox News Channel would be showing the movie in its entirety Sunday and a pirated version of the film showing up on YouTube this weekend.

“Saturday morning, I started getting e-mails from groups and individuals either warning me about the piracy of 2016: Obama’s America or thanking me for allowing the movie to go online,” said Randy Slaughter, president of Rocky Mountain Pictures, the film’s distributor.

Filmmakers said they notified the FBI that the movie was available illegally and that they notified YouTube of a copyright breach, prompting the user to take down the film.

American High School Band Marches with Hammer & Sickle

A Pennsylvania high school marching band is raising eyebrows with a halftime performance that commemorates the Russian revolution, complete with red flags, olive military-style uniforms, and giant hammers and sickles.

“St. Petersburg: 1917” is the theme for the New Oxford High School Marching Band. Ironically, the school’s athletic teams are called the Colonials and their colors are red, white and blue. The band’s website features a picture of the group with students holding a hammer and sickle.

 “There is no reason for Americans to celebrate the Russian revolution,” said one irate parent who alerted Fox News. “I am sure the millions who died under Communism would not see the joy of celebrating the Russian revolution by a school 10 miles from Gettysburg.”

The parent, who asked not to be identified, attended a football last Friday night with his children. He said he was shocked by what he saw.

“It was Glee meets the Russian Revolution,” he told Fox News. “I’m not kidding you. They had giant hammers and sickles and they were waving them around.”

“Who thought this was a good idea?”

Rebecca Harbaugh, the superintendent for the Conewago Valley School District, told Fox News that the band’s performance was “not an endorsement of communism at all.”

“It’s a representation of the time period in history called St. Petersburg 1917,” she said. “I am truly sorry that somebody took the performance in that manner. I am.”

“If anything is being celebrated it’s the music,” she said. “It is what it is. I understand people look at something and choose how to interpret that and I’m just very sorry that it wasn’t looked at as just a history lesson.”

Besides, she explained, “in 2008 we did an entire show on freedom.”

But some critics said it’s outrageous for any American school to be celebrating such a violent era.
“It would be tantamount to celebrating the music of 1935 Berlin,” the parent said. “If I was Lithuanian, Estonian, or Ukrainian, I’d be a little hot. I’d be really hot. It’s insulting to glorify something that doesn’t need to be glorified in America.”

Paul Kengor is the executive director for the Center for Vision & Values at Pennsylvania’s Grove City College.

He initially thought the halftime performance was a joke.

“This is surreal,” he told Fox News. “This is like something out of the Twilight Zone – but it’s even stranger than that.”

Kengor said even if the school was not celebrating the revolution “they seem to be commemorating this to some degree.”

“The Bolshevik Revolution launched a global Communist revolution that from 1917 through the 1990s was responsible for the deaths of over a hundred million people,” he said. “What the Russian revolution unleashed was a nightmare – a historical human catastrophe. This is something that should be condemned and not in any way commemorated or laughed at.”

Gerson Moreno-Riano, dean of Regent University’s College of Arts & Sciences, told Fox News the performance is shocking.
“The Russian revolution was one of the most violent episodes of the 20th Century,” he said. “Lenin put into place a doctrine of mass terror to crush the opposition and thousands and thousands of people were murdered.

The history professor said there’s very little to celebrate in that movement.

“It’s full of violence, terror, destruction and in some weeks thousands of people were executed – some thrown with rocks around their necks into the river to drown,” he said.

“It’s quite frankly horrific that a high school would be celebrating that at a football game,” he said.
He was even more disturbed by the group photograph of the band in front of the hammer and sickle."

More @ Fox