Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Champion Living In A White Squatter Camp


For all who are following our work with Irene, the 15 year-old runner who lives in a White squatter camp near Pretoria, South Africa, here’s the news:

On my last trip I went to a school regional track meet where Irene ran in both the 800m and the 1500m races.  She won Gold in both.  I also discovered that she runs barefoot, as do most of the children, because they can’t afford shoes.  The shoes we made for Irene were customized since she has no toes.  They were stolen within days by a drug addict in the camp.  He sold them so we can’t get them back even though we know who he is.  So now she runs with no shoes.

More @ WHISNews21

1 comment:

  1. Preview of comming attractions to a former democratic republic near you! I wish I could
    afford to help this girl financially but right now I can't. Instead I posted her story to Facebook. Maybe someone there will see her story and help.
