Chinese sorties over disputed islands spark war fears

 U.S. could be drawn into regional conflict through pact

U.S. could be drawn into regional conflict through pact
U.S. could be drawn into regional conflict through pact
U.S. could be drawn into regional conflict through pact
The U.S. is monitoring increased international tensions in the disputed Senkaku Islands in the South China Sea after twice in three days China sent jet fighters to the “Air Defense Identification Zone” it has declared around the chain.

The sorties came after both Japan and South Korea sent fighters into the area to challenge China’s exclusive claim to the uninhabited islands.

Chinese Air Force Col. Shen Jinke claims his nation’s flights are routine and a “defensive measure and in line with international common practices.”

The islands located about 250 miles east of the Chinese mainland have been a point of contention over the past year, because Japan and China, along with Taiwan and South Korea, all express claims to them.

Clarion Project Intelligence and National Security analyst Ryan Mauro says the declaration is China flexing its muscle.

“This is a way of China declaring military domination over the islands without officially taking them over. By saying it is an air defense zone, China is trying to dominate the airspace. It’s basically saying, ‘These are ours and if your aircraft trespass, we have the right to shoot them down,’” Mauro said.

C. J. Burke, CEO of intelligence and consulting firm Burke and Associates, notes China’s long history of animosity toward Japan.

More @ WND

Florida Angler Hooks and Releases Rare 800-pound Sea Creature

A Florida angler managed to hook this massive creature over the weekend.

Captain Mark Quartiano earned his nickname “Mark the Shark” from years of experience fishing off the coast of Florida, but even he was stunned by his monstrous catch on Saturday. According to CBS Miami, Quartiano hooked the large creature while filming for a series of fishing shows in Miami waters. He identified the stingray as a member of the Dactylobatus clarkii species, relatives of the shark and commonly known as fingerskates or hookskates.

“I’ve caught one like it before, but never that size, not in the last 30 years I’ve been doing this,” Quartiano told ABC News. “It’s a very rare fish. It’s like a big gigantic whipping stingray. It’s a dinosaur.”

More @ Out Door Hub

Man Throws Away 7,500 Bitcoins, Now Worth $7.5 Million

Via Daily Timewaster

 James Howells bought the Bitcoins in 2009, when they cost next to nothing. (Getty Images)

A British man says he threw out a hard drive that had 7,500 bitcoins on it, worth over $7.5 million as of Wednesday.

James Howells of Wales purchased the suddenly skyrocketing Internet currency for almost nothing back in 2009.

He says he likely threw out the hard drive sometime over the summer, and only recently remembered what was on it.

“You know when you put something in the [trash], and in your head, say to yourself ‘that’s a bad idea’? I really did have that,” Howells, who works in IT, told the Guardian.

A few months after Bitcoin’s launch, Howells created a computer program to “mine” the digital currency. 

More @ CBS

The Knockout Game -- NYT/NPR Say No Big Deal

Via III Percent Patriots

The "knockout game" -- and the media underreporting of it -- combines the breakdown of the family with the media's condescending determination to serve as a public relations bureau for blacks.

The "game" is a dare in which a young man -- all the perps appear to be male people of color, mostly blacks -- tries to literally knock out an innocent bystander with one blow.

Both National Public Radio and The New York Times say these reports of the "knockout game" being widespread are overblown and do not represent a trend.


Friday, November 29, 2013

Professor: Obama Should Be Allowed to Run for a Third Term

Via Knuckledraggin' My Life Away

Want more Obama?

In The Washington Post, Jonathan Zimmerman, a history professor from NYU, has written an article claiming that all of America’s problems would be soloved–GET THIS–if only we would allow Barack Obama to run for a third term!

He wants to amend the Constitution and abolish presidential term limits.

Zimmerman writes that Obama–whose approval rating is at an all time low of 37%–would be much more effective at governing if he could stand for re-election in 2016 because then he’d be less likely to “ignore” the will of the American people. “It’s time to put that power back where it belongs,” he writes. “Barack Obama should be allowed to stand for re election just as citizens should be allowed to vote for — or against — him. Anything less diminishes our leaders and ourselves.”

US Model Springfield 1903A3 .30-06 $899.99 By Gibbs Rifle Company

 Features New 4 Groove Green Mountain Barrel and New Walnut C-Stock

Deer stolen from Kaukauna hunter

It's a hunter's worst nightmare - having their trophy buck stolen. That's what happened to one Kaukauna man and his son while they were hunting up north near Birnamwood.  Now they are hoping to warn other hunters of this alleged deer thief.

Chris Hutchison of Kaukauna is very disappointed.

"It's a real empty, lost feeling, I mean when you get something stolen from you," said Hutchison.
Hutchison and his 19-year-old son, shot two bucks on the opening day of deer hunting. They were keeping them in the back of their truck while they continued to hunt.

"When we got back to the truck, back to the campground we noticed someone had stolen the deer yesterday afternoon," said Hutchison.

More with video @ WTMJ

Black Friday at Liberty Classroom!


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Our ninth course, coming in two weeks, is on the history of political thought — it’s called “Freedom’s Progress,” and it’s taught by the great Gerard Casey of University College, Dublin.

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Everyday Hero: Marine Vet Saves Woman's Life at Football Stadium


The Marine Corps has an old phrase, Semper Fidelis. It means “always faithful.” This attitude of service certainly rang true this weekend, when 61-year-old veteran Donnie Navidad instinctively dashed forward to catch a woman on a 50 foot free fall inside the Oakland Raiders' stadium.

"He simply saved her life," Alameda County sheriff's Sgt. J.D. Nelson stated.

Navidad grabbed and embraced the plummeting stranger and the two slammed into the concrete together. The softened impact still left the woman hospitalized in critical condition. Paramedics cut off Navidad’s "Bo" Jackson jersey to access his wounded arm.

From the AP:

More @ Townhall

New York chef suffers broken jaw, nose in likely 'knockout game' attack in Philadelphia

Via Horace 

 FILE: Diego Moya KNOCKOUT - Manhattan chef Diego Moya was an apparent victim of the �Knockout� game while visiting his family in Philadelphia for Thanksgiving. The chef, who is a chef at Casa Mono, suffered a broken jaw and nose during the attack Tuesday night. Moya was ambushed by six males, between the ages of 16 and 21, and punched, without anything being stolen.

 Must have been those right wing, racist Tar Heel Confederates again........

Police are investigating a vicious attack on a Manhattan chef who was walking alone on Tuesday night when he was allegedly assaulted by a group of six to eight men, all between the ages of 16 and 21. ‘I'm not well, a lot of swelling and overall pain,’ said victim Diego Moya. ‘Should be four weeks until I lose the wires and can eat normally, which is devastating being a chef. Means I can't work.’

 More @ Daily News

Preaching the Everlasting Shell Game

John Brown carried one of “Beecher’s Bibles” at Harper’s Ferry, provided by a man greatly responsible for the war that ended the republic.  Upon Beauregard’s demand for the surrender of Fort Sumter in April 1861 Beecher was to proclaim that “I utterly abhor peace . . . Give me war redder than blood and fiercer than fire.” The abolitionists would offer no practical and peaceful solution to slavery, only war to the knife and a million dead. 
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"

Preaching the Everlasting Shell Game

“Henry Ward Beecher, the most popular preacher in America, famous for his spellbinding crusades against slavery, liquor, the secret vice and every other evil, committed adultery with at least one woman of his congregation, a woman who happened also to be a Sunday School teacher and the wife of an admiring protégé of Beecher’s.  

The offense itself is not so revealing as the spirit of callous exploitation with which it was carried out and the deceit and hypocrisy with which it was covered up. Beecher was warmly defended by the establishment of his day.  Most of the press declared his innocence and his parishioners raised $100,000 for his legal expenses, while those who brought the charges that we now know to be true were hounded. 

The powers that be, then as now, rush to the rescue when their most valuable asset, their pretense of superior moral vision, is threatened. Henry’s deceit in this episode was not merely a weakness displayed on one painful occasion. It was a way of life to a man whose fame and riches were built on a conveniently abstract, unscrupulously-aggressive, politically irresponsible moralizing.  

In his memoirs, for example, Henry lied about so simple a thing as a college debate. He recounted an occasion in which he had carried the house against a proposal for the colonization of blacks outside the United States.  In fact, he had not participated in the debate in question and the pro-colonization side had won.  Characteristically, he had falsely glorified his own role and distorted the historical record to make his antislavery stand date to a much earlier and more dangerous period than it actually did.

The story of the Beecher’s is that of people who proclaimed themselves the champions of freedom and morality and demonized those who disagreed, while all the time keeping their hand in the till and their eye on the main chance.  The chief lesson we can learn is that there is something in the American fabric that guarantees that now and then such people will succeed outrageously. 

Today’s secular liberals will, of course, dismiss Henry Ward Beecher as simply a typical hypocritical Protestant moralist. Yet he was one of them. He was a leading liberal of his day, a crusader not for souls but for political and social reform.  He was an establishment figure, not a small-town vigilante.
He spoke from a position of power and respectability from which he safely and irresponsibly rode to the outer limits every fad of his day. 

Beecher is not the father of the Moral Majority; he is the father of the smug establishment figures who juggle morality and sybaritic life-styles in an everlasting shell game.  

That strange combination of Puritanism and democracy which wreaked so much havoc in the 19th century, having done its work and reached the natural limits of its expansion, began a retreat into narrower and less dangerous limits after the debacle of Reconstruction. Something very similar is perhaps happening now.  If so, we can hope once again for leaders for whom public life, as for Lee, is an arena for the exercise of private virtue rather than, as for the Beechers, a vehicle for the social mobilization of private greed and discontent.” (1982)

(The Enemy Up Close, book review of The Beecher’s, Milton Rugoff, 1981; Clyde N. Wilson, Defending Dixie, Essays in Southern History and Culture, FAE Press, 2006, excerpt, pp. 209-210)

3,300 warheads, missile machinery found at Jamaican port

Via Charlie

Deputy Superintendent of Police Steve Brown
Deputy Superintendent of Police Steve Brown

Jamaican authorities have seized 3,300 warheads and a missile-making machine at the port of Kingston and sought help from international police in tracking the shipper, Jamaican media reported Friday.

The unauthorized arms shipment was discovered Thursday afternoon in a police and customs operation carried out at a berth of Kingston Wharves, the RJR News site reported.

A high-level investigation has been launched, and Jamaican police have asked for assistance from international law enforcement, the news service said.

More @ LA Times

For Nearly Two Decades the Nuclear Launch Code at all Minuteman Silos in the United States Was 00000000


Today I found out that during the height of the Cold War, the US military put such an emphasis on a rapid response to an attack on American soil, that to minimize any foreseeable delay in launching a nuclear missile, for nearly two decades they intentionally set the launch codes at every silo in the US to 8 zeroes.

We guess the first thing we need to address is how this even came to be in the first place. Well, in 1962 JFK signed the National Security Action Memorandum 160, which was supposed to ensure that every nuclear weapon the US had be fitted with a Permissive Action Link (PAL), basically a small device that ensured that the missile could only be launched with the right code and with the right authority.

1970 Ford Mustang Mach 1 Twister Special 428 Cobra Jet, 9,365 Original Miles

 S133.1 1970 Ford Mustang Mach 1 Twister Special 428 Cobra Jet, 9,365 Original Miles Photo 2

- Group of 96 specially ordered and consecutively numbered Ford Mustangs
- Made exclusively for Ford Kansas City sales district dealers
- One of 48 Twister Specials built with the 428 CI super cobra jet engines
- C6 automatic transmission
- Power front disc brakes
- AM radio
- Tinted glass
- Factory drag-pack option
- 3:91 traction-lok rear axle
- Magnum 500 wheels with Firestone wide oval tires
- Only 9,365 original documented miles!
- Built October 17, 1969
- Sold to Friendly Ford, Inc. in Springfiled, Missouri
- Documented with Marti Report
- Previous title showing only 8,667 miles in 1993

More @ MECUM

Cancer Patient Who Spoke Out Against ObamaCare Now Being Audited

Via WiscoDave

Bill Elliot was a cancer patient who lost his insurance due to ObamaCare and couldn’t pay the expensive new premiums. He was talking about paying the ObamaCare fine, going without health insurance and “letting nature take its course.”

He went on FOX News where his story was picked up by C. Steven Tucker, a health insurance broker who helped him keep his insurance.

Now suddenly Bill Elliot is being audited for 2009 with an interview only scheduled in April 2014. Assuming he lives that long. That might be a coincidence, but Tucker is being audited back to 2003.
That’s a rather strange coincidence.

More @ Front Page

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Black Rifle Raffle & Sales: III Arms

Jim Miller is offering the only remaining original "Minuteman 15" .223/5.56 NATO rifle from III Arms Company to benefit the Citadel and the 527.  The link will go live at noon tomorrow, here and at several supportive websites. 

Tickets are $20/each, no limit on quantity.  The drawing will be made on Christmas Day.

Ammo By The Pound: Starts At Midnight


Caliber Estimated Weight Estimated Rounds Quantity **Delivered Price
9mm - Brass 26 Pounds 900 Rounds Many $169
40 S&W - Brass 24 Pounds 650 Rounds Some $139
45 ACP - Brass 22 Pounds 450 Rounds Many $139
45 ACP - Steel 22 Pounds 450 Rounds Many $129
380 ACP - Brass 23.5 Pounds 1150 Rounds Rare $249
22 LR 14 Pounds 2100 Rounds Some $99
357 Magnum 17 Pounds 500 Rounds Rare $175
38 Special 20 Pounds 600 Rounds Rare $149
5.56x45 - Brass 12 Pounds 440 Rounds Few $111
*7.62x39 22 Pounds 750 Rounds Many $119
*7.62x54r 20 Pounds 375 Rounds Few $69
*308 Win 27 Pounds 475 Rounds Few $179
5.7x28 12 Pounds 775 Rounds Rare $309

What's Ammo by the Pound?

Please keep in mind - these products will be available for purchase at midnight (EST) Friday morning. Due to a limited number of each caliber available, we are asking that shooters limit their order to just one ammocan of each caliber for this special promotion. Thank you for your understanding!

Our customer service team has been getting a ton of calls from folks asking for Black Friday deals. Well, we can't blame anybody looking to save a few bucks. The problem is, the way this year's ammo market has gone, there isn't much out there we can offer a steep discount on when it comes to ammo.

Then, it hit us: A way for us to offer ammo at a steep discount for shooters and not have to fight off debt collectors to do it.

More @ Ammoman

Syria Rebels: "They fire randomly to force Christians to leave,"


Much of the shelling in recent weeks has centered on Christian-majority areas in the Old City, where many residents now barricade themselves at home and schools are half empty. Businessmen say sales have plunged, because people no longer dare to go out.

"Shells have become part of our everyday life," said Jean Nahhas, an 18-year-old business administration student who lives in the predominantly Christian area of Qassaa, which has been particularly hard hit by the shelling.

Nahhas, whose uncle was killed in shelling a month ago, said he and other Syrians have established a routine, going home early and calling to check on family and friends after each explosion.

Assad retains strong support in the capital, particularly among minority sects including Christians, Alawites, Druse and Shiites, making them likely targets. Foreign embassies and schools also are frequently hit. Rebels are overwhelmingly from the country's Sunni majority sect, and Christians are convinced that Islamic extremists among the fighters are deliberately targeting their neighborhoods.

More @ Townhall

Obama, Oprah, media to blame for black mobs: Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson warns, 'Hatred for whites is reinforced and encouraged'


Did you ever imagine that, in America, groups of black thugs would attack unsuspecting whites? Did you ever think the first black president and Oprah Winfrey would encourage division and hatred between races?

In today’s America, that’s the unfortunate reality.

In what many tamely call the “knockout game,” black teenagers target whites to attack them without provocation. The aim is to knock the victim unconscious with one blow. Man, woman, young or old – it doesn’t matter – these thugs do not care.

Authorities have reported violent attacks in New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., Connecticut and Illinois. There have been at least four recent fatalities.

In New York City, police said they’ve had seven “knockout” incidents this fall. Some of the attackers specifically targeted Jewish people, including an assault on a 78-year-old woman. In New Haven, Conn., police are investigating six attacks in just the past month.

Mayor Michael Nutter of Philadelphia has warned that “knockout game” suspects would face charges ranging from aggravated assault to third-degree murder. “We will catch you. You’ll be prosecuted, and your life will be changed dramatically.”

More @ WND

Father of knife-wielding suspect that attacked police officers calls his death “murder”


42-year-old Michael Habay slipped on motocross armor and allegedly armed himself with a pair of knives (pictured above) when Boulder Police came to check on the welfare of his live-in girlfriend after neighbors saw him with the knives, and heard him making threats. When a police entry team breached the door, Habay allegedly charged, and was deflected by the police point man carrying a ballistic shield. Habay then charged a second officer, who shot and killed him.

Habay’s father has taken issue with the shooting.

Another Company Leaves Anti-Gun Colorado; Maverick Ammo Announces Move to WY


Gun, ammo and accessory makers continue to flee from anti-gun states. Another company has announced they will be leaving the state of Colorado.

Maverick Ammunition, who also does business as Ammo Kan, will be leaving Colorado for Laramie, WY.

According to a report from the Laramie Boomerang,

NFL Rejects Super Bowl Commercial from Gun Company

The NFL has rejected a commercial submitted by firearm manufacturer Daniel Defense for the 2014 Super Bowl.

Daniel Defense manufactures rifles on the AR-15 platform, but the commercial did not even mention Daniel Defense products. Instead, Guns & Ammo says the commercial "focused on themes of personal protection and fundamental rights." 

The Super Bowl will air on FOX, and FOX says they could not accept the commercial "due to the rules of the NFL itself" regarding firearm-related businesses.

The NFL's prohibited advertising categories include, but are not limited to, "contraceptives," "fireworks," "distilled spirits and flavored malt beverages," "tobacco," and "firearms, ammunition, or other weapons."

As Guns & Ammo noted, the "firearms portion of the NFL’s Prohibited Advertising Categories states":
5. Firearms, ammunition or other weapons are prohibited; however, stores that sell firearms and ammunitions (e.g., outdoor stores and camping stores) will be permitted, provided they sell other products and the ads do not mention firearms, ammunition or other weapons.

Guns & Ammo noted that "according to these guidelines, Daniel Defense’s Super Bowl commercial does not violate NFL policy for two reasons":

Daniel Defense has a brick-and-mortar store, where they sell products other than firearms such as apparel.

More @ Breitbart

Suddenly, it's 'bigoted' to be Swedish


In the drive for Scandinavian culture to utterly annihilate itself as fast as possible, let it never be said that art galleries and institutions failed to do their part.

Oslo’s “New Nordic Art” website (as an example) reveals that “Nordic” has evolved to mean any person with absolutely no genetic, historic, cultural or especially religious connection to the region itself. Proof of the native purge is the list of artists from “Costa Rica, China, Israel, France, Palestine, Haiti/Switzerland, USA, UK, Lebanon and Japan.” Featured artists “reside” in Norway at some point, which is fine, but they seem to have entirely eclipsed anyone with a Norwegian grandmother.

Why the serious snub of indigenous Scandinavians?

More @ WND

Top US hospital laying off staff due to Obamacare

Via Pirate Morgan

Top US hospital laying off staff due to Obamacare

The Cleveland Clinic, which is ranked among the top four U.S. hospitals, is making layoffs and cutting its budget more than $100 million as a direct result of the Affordable Care Act, the Daily Caller has learned.

“The cuts for 2014, about half of those are related to the Affordable Care Act…We anticipate a reduction in workforce,” Cleveland Clinic executive director of communications Eileen Sheil said in an interview with TheDC.

The Cleveland Clinic is reducing its 2014 budget by $330 million.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

NC: Bad karma: Duke lacrosse accuser gets 14 years for murder


In what could be seen as a severe case of very bad karma, the North Carolina stripper who falsely accused a group of Duke lacrosse players of rape in 2006 is headed to prison after being convicted for stabbing her boyfriend to death. Sometimes stories just slip under the national radar screen, but I believe in this case, it’s intentional

According to the New York Daily News,

More @ Allen B West

Private Bryan Jackson Buck SCV Camp # 1769, Peletier NC Presentation To The Western Carteret Fire & EMS In Appreciation Of Their Services

All those on duty were present, but in and out at various times performing duties.

A little magic by Gary.

Gary Riggs, of our camp, gave a presentation on the medical aspects during the battles of the WBTS.  Impressive, as all his presentations have been.  The camp furnished pizza and drinks to all afterwards.

November 2013




While We’re Out Christmas Shopping

Early next week, as the rest of us recover from our turkey-induced comas, see off our visiting relatives and munch on Thanksgiving leftovers, some Alamance County Commissioners are planning an activity that does not conjure an image of so much Americana. Unfortunately, it appears that a few of the commissioners (Manning, Massey & Smith) are still scheming to sneak an anti-gun ordinance through while their constituents are distracted by holiday travel and Christmas shopping. This is certainly not in the spirit of the holidays.

Last week, GRNC informed its supporters that the Alamance County Commissioners were considering an ordinance to enact a total gun ban in county buildings by banning open carry (concealed carry is already banned).  Unfortunately, after hearing from gun owners, rather than doing the right thing, some of the commissioners apparently continue to seriously consider a gun ban, and they are planning a vote on such an ordinance this Monday morning.

Give Thanks by Standing Up for Your Rights

There is no time more appropriate than Thanksgiving to reflect on the fact that we live in a place where our Natural rights are
recognized and protected. What better way to give thanks for being blessed in this way than to stand up for those rights? Please contact the County Commissioners and let them know that you will not tolerate an infringement on the gun rights of every citizen in Alamance County just because of the prejudices of a few.

Below you will find suggested text for an e-mail that you can send to the County Commissioners who are believed to still be supporting the gun ban. Use the copy-and-paste e-mail list provided to send them this critical message. Also, please attend the County Commission meeting this Monday morning. Details for the meeting are below as well.

If there was ever a time to send an e-mail, spread the word, attend a county meeting, and to not count on the “other guy” to stand up for your rights, this is it.