Thursday, April 25, 2013

It's Not Politics, It's Personal


"And Now, After Sending Our Best Young Men To Die On distant battlefields fighting Communism, we may simply vote a Marxist into our highest office."
23 July 2008
10/'67 - 5/'69 USARV, 6/'69 - 09/'71 OICC/RVN+, 06/'73 - 25/04/'75 DAO, US Embassy RVN


Via Ninety Miles From Tyranny

The Real Reasons Why The Liberty Movement Is Preparing To Fight

Via Kaf


Last month, but first I have seen it and right on.

Years ago while writing for Neithercorp Press I penned an article entitled “One Day Soon, We’ll All Be Homegrown Terrorists”.  In that piece I described a not so far off future in which martial law, economic collapse, and the destruction of civil liberties stood imminent.  I related my views on the propaganda rhetoric of the SPLC, and how they were using false association to tie liberty groups to any deviant organization they could think of, including racists and domestic terrorists, in order to condition the American public to react to our message with immediate contempt. 

It became clear to me then that the SPLC, which had become the propaganda wing of the widely reviled Department Of Homeland Security, was helping set the stage for a paradigm shift in the U.S.  This shift would obviously include economic and social disruption, as well as political turmoil beyond anything our nation has seen for over 150 years.  But most importantly, it would pave the way for certain elements of the American populace, namely those who are awake, aware, and outspoken, to be labeled “enemy combatants” dangerous to the state.

Though posing as an anti-racist monitoring institution, the SPLC’s primary concern has never been the KKK or “White Identity”.  Rather, the SPLC’s job has been and always will be to marginalize and defame those who stand against centralized federal power, regardless of how corrupt that power has become.  They are not anti-racists, or liberals, or concerned citizens; they are STATISTS, who only care about maintaining the superiority of a government that has been bought and paid for many times over by a gaggle of international financiers with delusions of godhood.    

The SPLC, of course, has so far utterly failed in their efforts to stop the rise of Constitutional activists.  By their own admission, “patriot groups” have expanded exponentially since 2008, and continue to develop freely even in the face of wildly absurd character attacks taken from the amoral (immoral) guidebook of Saul Alinsky himself.  The truth, once realized, is difficult if not impossible to stop.

Unfortunately, the establishment understands this as well…

More @  Alt-Market

Gun Shops Rationing Ammo: 'We Have Police Departments that are Scrambling'

Via avordvet

Gun shops across the country are reporting ammunition shortages as many Americans continue to stock up on whatever they can get their hands on.

Jeff Dillard, who runs National Armory in Pompano, Florida says, "I have never seen ammo so impossible to get."

Bruce A. Pelletier, owner of Pelletier's Sports in Jaffrey, New Hampshire, says in his forty-four years in business, he's never seen the shortage this bad.

"Customers have been buying it all at once. We've been at the point to limiting it to one or two boxes per person, so at least that more than one of our customers can have some."

At Sam's Outdoor Outfitters, which has locations in both New Hampshire and Vermont, rationing isn't even an option.

"We haven't had any ammunition that we can limit," says owner Stanley Borofsky.

"People are calling on a daily basis...I've been here since 1957, and I've never seen the shortage this bad," he said.

Tyler Boucher of Highlander Arms in Chesterfield believes that the "prepper" movement and rumors of the government buying up large quantities has exacerbated the run on ammunition.

More @ CNS News

UN Disabilities Treaty on the Move

Dear HSLDA Members and Friends,

We are hearing from multiple sources that the U.S. Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee is gearing up to hold hearings on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The plan is to hold the hearings sometime next month.

The Senate needs to hear from you immediately that this already defeated UN treaty must not be ratified by the U.S. Senate. The United States Senate must not surrender our domestic sovereignty and the care of children with disabilities to unelected, unaccountable UN bureaucrats. Parents know best how to care for their children with disabilities. U.S. law is the gold standard for ensuring that people with disabilities are protected and able to participate in all areas of U.S. society.

The U.S. Senate will be in recess next week, which means that your senators are back in your state meeting with constituents. Please do three things:
  1. Call and email your two U.S. senators and urge them to oppose the UN CRPD. The Capitol Hill Switchboard is 202-224-3121, and you can use this link to email your senators.
  2. Find out if there is a constituent meeting in your area, or see if you can visit your U.S. senators while they are on recess. You can visit HSLDA’s Legislative Toolbox, click on your state, and then click on your senators to find their personal webpage.
  3. Please forward this email to your friends and family, and educate them about the dangers that this UN treaty poses to parental rights, homeschool freedom, and our nation’s sovereignty.
Your message to your senators can be as simple as the following:
“I urge you to oppose the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This treaty surrenders U.S. sovereignty to unelected UN bureaucrats and will threaten parental care of children with disabilities. Our nation already has laws to protect Americans with disabilities. This treaty is unnecessary and will hurt families by giving bureaucrats the power to decide what is in the best interests of a child with disabilities, not the child’s parents.”
To find out more about the CRPD please click here. To read the text of the CRPD please click here.
Thank you for joining with us in this battle to protect our children and our children’s future. You defeated this treaty last year. Standing together, we can defeat this treaty once again.

For liberty,

Michael P. Farris, J.D., LL.M.
Chairman, HSLDA

P.S. We greatly value you and your support—it is a privilege to serve you! If you or someone you know is not a member of HSLDA, will you consider taking a moment today to join or recommend us? Your support enables us to defend individual families and protect homeschooling freedom for all. Join now >>

Rescued at the Point of A Gun: Second Video Confirms Militarized, Warrantless Boston Raids

Via avordvet

Several days ago we posted a video depicting law enforcement officials forcing homeowners out of their residences at gun point as they searched for Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Because the video was not an official, state-sponsored release through mainstream media channels, we were lambasted for publishing false information. Some readers via social media, our commenting forums and email suggested that nothing of the sort happened in Watertown, Massachusetts. They accused this web site, as well as (where we sourced the video), and other alternative media publishers of posting footage of an unrelated incident and summarily dismissed the shocking evidence.

For many, the notion that police, armed like military personnel, would raid homes in suburban U.S.

neighborhoods with brute force and without regard for fourth amendment Constitutional protections such as warrants or probable cause, was something they simply couldn’t wrap their heads around.
Thus, alternative media was once again dismissed by many as peddling conspiracy theories.

So, for those who require their daily directives and talking points from ‘trusted’ mainstream media sources, we offer up a second video as evidence that not only did police and military personnel roll armored vehicles down city streets in America in a de facto state of martial law, but they actively entered the homes of hundreds of residences without permission, warrant or regard for the most fundamental laws of our land.

More @ SHTF Plan

Forrest Rides Again


Reunion of the 3rd Tennessee Cavalry....... General Nathan Bedford Forrest's escort......the original scouts. Two Blacks right rear and one, left rear all at  end.  He had 40 some Black Scouts who went with him and fought through the War.  Haven't found out what year this was, but probably early 1900's.
Well, the fans of Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest have had their fun with park names.
What now?

As if we didn't already know, social media and civics don't mix well. The online name-the-parks popularity contest was no contest. Either hundreds of Forrest/Davis fans voted to restore the original names or else a handful of hardcores from the Sons of Confederate Veterans voted multiple times.

The committee appointed to rename the three parks met Monday for 45 minutes but made no decisions. Members got handouts with the results of the web poll as well as a list of suggestions from the Greater Memphis Chamber of Commerce.

The former Nathan Bedford Forrest Park that triggered this exercise got 525 responses, with 481 of them favoring that name. Ida B. Wells, endorsed in some well-publicized newspaper columns, public statements, and blogs, was the second choice, with just three votes, the same as Civil War Park.

The former Jefferson Davis Park also got 525 responses, including 484 in favor of that name. Confederate Park got 463 votes, with Confederate Memorial Park the runner-up with 7 votes.

Gun Bill Defeat is Not Enough

Via avordvet


Catherine the Great once demanded of her favorite commander, Aleksandr V. Suvorov, why he had allowed defeated enemy soldiers to escape. "I wanted to kill or capture every last one," he admitted, "but pity stayed my hand."

"You are not known for pity toward my enemies," the Empress replied.
"It was a pity that I had no fresh cavalry at hand," Suvorov explained.
The story may be apocryphal, but it illustrates Suvorov's highly successful principle perfectly: never fight the same men twice. The attack with cold steel involved sharp objects with angry Russian soldiers behind them crashing not into but through the enemy, and it caused the opposing soldiers to turn their backs and run. The Cossacks' horses could run faster, which gave the fugitives no choice but to hand over their weapons and flags if they wanted to live. The word "retreat" was blasphemous, and even the command to halt was reputedly given only on the parade ground. 

Sweden's Caroleans (Karoliner, soldiers of King Charles) also relied almost entirely on offense to overthrow their enemies. Gustavus Adolphus added cavalry known as Hakkapeliitta, from the Finnish war cry hakkaa päälle, or "Chop them up!" This is what we must now do the enemies of the Second Amendment, as opposed to allowing them to survive politically to fight another day -- which the Glorious Leader and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have already pledged to do.

Incrementalists Must be Stopped: Period.

Most Unparalleled Last Card Played By a Reckless Gambler

With enlistments dwindling and in dire need of recruits, Lincoln would play a last card as did Lord Dunmore in 1775, and Vice-Admiral Alexander Cochrane in 1814.  All three intended to bring the Americans to their knees in the face of slave revolt and race war with an emancipation decree.  Despite Lincoln’s proclamation, only 180,000 of a 3.5 million African population served in the Northern army – perhaps half of them conscripts. These slaves pressed into blue uniforms would be used to build fortifications, cook food, and aid on picket, and in segregated units with white officers. 
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"

Most Unparalleled Last Card Ever Issued By a Reckless Gambler:

“[On] May 9 [1862], General David Hunter, by an order, proclaimed the slaves free in his department of Georgia, Florida and South Carolina.  May 19, the President [Lincoln] nullified this action….proclaiming that the freeing of slaves would be his responsibility as Commander-in-Chief……

The warm and impulsive [Massachusetts Governor John] Andrew answered a call for troops, May 19, “I think they (our people) will feel the draft is heavy on their patriotism. But if the President will sustain General Hunter, recognize all men, even black men, as legally capable of that loyalty the blacks are waiting to manifest, the roads will swarm, if need be, with multitudes whom New England would pour out to obey your call.”

In July, Hill, the correspondent of the “Tribune,” notes a disheartening conversation with General Wadsworth, who had been in close converse with the President at the War Department many hours, every day, for several months. He regarded Lincoln as wholly “without anti-slavery instincts,” and talking frequently of the “nigger question,” on the wrong side. 

September 23 the Proclamation of emancipation – an experiment in government by decree, rare for us, but common in continental Europe – was issued, to become the law of the land January 1, 1863. Ignored hitherto as a political factor in this absorbing drama, whether at Montgomery or Washington, the negro had become a military force of the first importance.

Experts agreed that these poor waifs, an errant factor in civilization, must be taken now from the ciphers dormant before the decimal, and be put into the working columns of figures which represented men. “The labor of the colored man supports the rebel soldier, enables him to leave his plantation to meet our armies, builds his fortifications, cooks his food, and sometimes aids him on picket by rare skill with the rifle,” said General [Montgomery] Meigs on November 18.  “By striking down this system of compulsory labor, which enables the leaders of the rebellion to control the resources of the people, the rebellion would die of itself.”

The immediate results were very disheartening to the President. “The North responds to the proclamation sufficiently in breath; but breath alone kills no rebels.” The radical Republicans welcomed it, but their constituents did not send out in recruits that strong adult element, the lusty thews and sinews from which the working military strength of a nation must be drawn. But in a military sense the radicals embodied the nervous force of the North, rather than the brawny muscle which should subdue the solid enforced strength of the Southern people.

The overwhelming unfriendly majority [of the North] spoke through the “Times.” “The death of slavery must follow upon the success of the Confederates in this war.” But Mr. Lincoln’s emancipation “can only be effected by massacre and utter destruction.” Another sapient critic call the proclamation “the most unparalleled last card ever issued by a reckless gambler.”

(War Government, Federal and State, in Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and Indiana, 1861-1865, William B. Weeden, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1906,pp. 117-118, 120-122)

Domestic terror suspect fingers $PLC

Via avordvet

Attacker admits plans for violence facilitated by $PLC's 'hate' listings

A key leader of the Washington-based Family Research Council, the pro-family organization attacked by “gay” terrorist Floyd Lee Corkins, II, last year, says he is asking the government to stop utilizing the organization that likely influenced Corkins’ decision to attack innocent workers at FRC’s Washington office.

Retired Lt. Gen. William G. “Jerry” Boykin, the executive vice president of FRC and also a member of the board of, also is asking the U.S. news media to stop citing reports, statements and claims from the Southern Poverty Law Center, which he said legitimizes the organization.

The reason is that Corkins, who has pleaded guilty to a charge of domestic terrorism, confirmed to the FBI that he obtained information about the FRC from the “hate group” listing posted online by the SPLC, and that’s how he picked his target.

According to the government’s sentencing memorandum in the case against Corkins, who is now expected to be sentenced sometime in June, the “mass killing of innocent civilians” was averted narrowly by “the heroic intervening actions of Leonardo Johnson, a building manager/security guard who was seriously injured as a result.”

It happened when Corkins came to the FRC office intending to shoot everyone he could, but was stopped by Johnson, who wrestled Corkins into submission even though he had been shot in the arm.

More @ WND

A tale of two Scarboroughs: From rabid gun rights crusader to gun control advocate

Via avordvet


Over the past four months, former Florida Republican Rep. Joe Scarborough has used his “Morning Joe” program on MSNBC as a platform to be an outspoken critic of the National Rifle Association and anyone else standing in the way of what he calls “common-sense” gun control legislation.

On more than one occasion over the past month, Scarborough has accused NRA-loyal Republicans of putting the interests of “rapists” ahead of other Americans.

“I can’t believe those Republicans are going to allow the entire Republican Party to be the party that basically put rapists’ rights over parents’ rights to keep their kids safe when they go to school,” Scarborough said on his April 8 program.

And after Republicans blocked an expansion on federal background checks for gun purchases last week, Scarborough declared that they were driving their party toward extinction.

But Scarborough hasn’t always been so passionate about restricting gun rights. In fact, prior to the 2003 start of his cable television career, he was among the most vehement defenders of gun rights.

In National Rifle Association questionnaires obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller — dated Aug. 23, 1994, Sept. 2, 1994, and June 7, 2000 — Scarborough declared his strong opposition to any federal effort to restrict gun rights.

Scarborough submitted two versions of the same questionnaire in 1994 because the first was apparently misplaced. TheDC has obtained both.

“The NRA must elect & support candidates who will view the gun rights issue as a constitutional battle,” Scarborough wrote on a 1994 questionnaire. “The founding fathers did not give us the 2nd Amendment to protect our rights to shoot ducks. Our constitutional right to bear arms is so we may protect our family in the manner we choose. No compromise! 

News Source Says Saudi ‘Person Of Interest’ Is Osama Bin Laden’s Son

 Screen Shot 2013-04-23 at 8.56.59 AM

We haven’t vetted this yet but feel free to check out the links below… very interesting.




More @ Clash Daily

Report: Federal Judge Compromised Investigation By Prematurely Mirandizing Tsarnaev


Thanks to the "Public Safety Exception" to Miranda (which was created in 1980), the government is not forced to choose between treating a suspect as an enemy combatant or immediately allowing said suspect to hide behind an attorney and the right to remain silent. In extraordinary circumstances, when a suspect is believed to be part of a broader conspiracy that might result in the loss of innocent life, authorities have 48 hours to question the suspect before mirandizing him.

Dzokhar Tsarnaev, the man suspected of being a co-conspirator in the Boston Marathon bombings, was mirandized after only 16 hours of questioning. According to Fox News, FBI officials were "stunned" when federal District Court Judge Marianne Bowler arrived at the hospital and read Tsnarnaev his rights. Sources told Fox News that this premature action might have hurt the investigation.

More @ Breitbart

Military Blocks Southern Baptist Convention Website

Via Terry


Blamed Problem on Possible Virus
Sure, I believe in fairy tales also.......

 Warning message said Baptist website had hostile content

The U.S. Military has blocked access to the Southern Baptist Convention’s website on an unknown number of military bases because it contains “hostile content” — just weeks after an Army briefing labeled Evangelical Christians and Roman Catholics as examples of religious extremism, Fox News has learned.

The Southern Baptist Convention is the nation’s largest Protestant denomination known for its support of the pro-life movement and its strong belief in traditional marriage.

Southern Baptist chaplains reported that had been blocked at military installations around the nation. The censorship was made public after an Army officer tried to log onto the denomination’s website and instead — received a warning message.

“The site you have requested has been blocked by Team CONUS (C-TNOSC/RCERT-CONUS) due to hostile content,” the message read.

Team CONUS protects the computer network of the Dept. of Defense. The SBC’s website was not blocked at the Pentagon.

It’s unclear what the “hostile content” might have been. The SBC is pro-life and opposed to same-sex marriage.

“So the Southern Baptist Convention is now considered hostile to the U.S. Army,” the officer wrote in an email to the American Family Association.

More @ Red State

Judge Napolitano: Rand Paul 'Unequivocally' Did Not Change Position On Drone Strikes

Via Cousin John

Whatever, but this wasn't covered:

“Fighting terrorism and capturing terrorists must be done while preserving our constitutional protections. This was demonstrated last week in Boston.

(Good Lord, man talk about inserting you foot in your mouth twice.  Your father is ashamed, as am I.)

GE Capital Cuts Off Lending to Gun Shops

General Electric Co. GE +0.41% is quietly cutting off lending to gun shops, as the company rethinks its relationship to firearms amid the fallout from the school shooting in Newtown, Conn.

 Duncan's Outdoor Store in Bay City, Mich., said he received a letter from GE Capital Retail Bank in which the lender said it had made "the difficult decision" to stop providing financing services to his store. Other gun dealers have received similar notices.

Rex McClanahan, co-owner of Buds Gun Shop in Lexington, Ky., remembered first meeting GE representatives at an outdoor trade show called Nation's Best Sports in Fort Worth, Texas.

GE is at least the second big financial firm to retreat from the gun business following the school shootings, which claimed the lives of 20 first-graders and six adults in December.

Days after the killings, private-equity firm Cerberus Capital Management LP said it would try to sell the gun company it owns—Freedom Group Inc.— which makes brands including Remington, Bushmaster, Marlin and H&R.

The moves highlight how companies, closely attuned to the concerns of investors and employees, have reacted to public horror caused by the attacks, even as complicated political considerations doomed new gun-control legislation in the Congress.

More @ WSJ

US Mint Sales of Gold Coins Hit 3-Year High


Sales of gold coins by the U.S. Mint are heading for the highest total since December 2009 after prices in New York had the worst two-day slump in three decades.

As of Wednesday, sales totaled 196,500 ounces, up from 62,000 in March, data on the mint’s website show. The amount for all of December 2009 was 231,500 ounces.

The mint said on April 23 it suspended sales of coins weighing a 10th of an ounce after demand more than doubled in 2013 from a year earlier. Shoppers from India to China and Japan joined consumers in the U.S. and Australia in the rush to buy jewelry and coins following a price decline that sent bullion into a bear market after 12 years of gains.

“The crash in prices has provoked huge new interest in physical bullion,” Miguel Perez-Santalla, a vice president at New York-based BullionVault, said in a telephone interview. “Our business last week was 250 percent more than a week before.”

The mint sells 22-karat American Eagles of 1 ounce, half an ounce, a quarter and a tenth of an ounce.
“The 1-ounce gold bullion coins are the most popular,” Michael White, a Mint spokesman, said

More @ Money News

Boston Bombers Had One Gun: Ruger 9mm; Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Was Unarmed During Final “Shootout”

Via avordvet

 Boston bombers shootout (courtesy

“Even though the Tsarnaev brothers made a violent dash from police, allegedly tossing homemade bombs as they fled, police told ABC News they so far have recovered only a single, semi-automatic handgun from the two men now accused of carrying off the Boston Marathon bombing . . .  Law enforcement sources told ABC News the gun recovered from the scene of the Tsarnaev brothers’ shoot out with police was a Ruger 9 mm semi-automatic handgun. Sources said the gun is in the custody of the Massachusetts State Police lab and that the serial number on the firearm was obliterated.” The revelation means . . .

A) there was no assault rifle as reported by both the police (on the radio recordings) and the media and B) it seems increasingly likely the Tsarnaevs killed MIT cop Sean Collier to take his gun—an effort thwarted by his retention holster.

If so, this indicates C) a lack of training and preparation and D) that the Tsarnaevs may well have been self-trained terrorists.

Oh and it’s now been revealed that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was unarmed when he was captured. You know, after surrounding cops opened fire on him.