May Victims of Communism Day


Today is the fifth annual Victims of Communism Day, a day to remember the people murdered by their own governments in their quest to achieve a "worker's paradise" where everyone is equal, where "to each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities" is the beautiful dream lie.  R.J. Rummel, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Hawaii, has calculated that the total number of victims of Communism - that is, the domestic victims of their own governments - in the USSR, China, Vietnam, North Korea and Cambodia is 98.4 million people.  For all Communist governments during the 20th Century, he puts the estimate at approximately 110 million.  And this wasn't in warfare against other nations, this was what these governments did to their own people - "breaking eggs" to make their utopian omlette.

Six million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust, and another six million people the Nazis decided were "undesirable" went with them.  "Never again" is the motto of the modern Jew, and many others just as dedicated.  But "again and again and again" seems to be the rebuke of history.

The Communists are hardly alone in these crimes.  Rummel estimates that the total number of people murdered by their own governments during the 20th Century is on the close order of 262 million, but the single biggest chunk of that truly frightening number is directly due to one pernicious idea:  That we can make people better.

Why do I own guns?  For a number of reasons, but one of them is this:

DHS Whistleblower Says War On Terror Is A Charade – Real Targets Are American Patriots

Julia Davis, a former Customs and Border Protections Officer, was falsely declared a domestic terrorist and subjected to retaliatory efforts against her by the Department of Homeland Security. Her home was raided by a 27 man “special response team.” She was twice falsely arrested and imprisoned, but later exonerated. She is now a national security expert and has put out a historical documentary titled Top Priority: The Terror Within. She claims that the War On Terror by the Department of Homeland Security is a charade and that the agency seems to be targeting concerned American patriots.

GIOA Alert: Obama Administration Trying to Grab Guns Through Executive Order

Tell HHS their new regs are crazy

“Gun Owners of America [has] spent the months since Newtown doing tremendous damage, insisting that expanded background checks will lead to a gun registry.” - New York Times, April 4, 2013

It’s quite a complement when the New York Times thinks that you are doing “tremendous damage.”  But you can be sure that the other side is not going to go away quietly.

And sure enough, the Obama Administration is trying to unilaterally undo our recent victory in the Senate - and to undo the “damage” that all of us inflicted together.

But first, a little history.

Remember when Senators Pat Toomey, Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer formed an unholy alliance during the recent gun battle on Capitol Hill?  Remember how their amendment would have encouraged your psychiatrist to turn you in to the FBI's gun ban list?

And you remember how we stopped that provision, because over 40 senators found it to be odious and a violation of the Second Amendment?

Well, guess what?  Barack Obama has just concluded that "he don't need no stinkin’ Senate."

Instead, Secretary Kathleen "ObamaCare" Sebelius - and her Department of Health and Human Services - has promulgated regulations which would, by executive fiat, waive all federal privacy laws and encourage you doctor to report you to the FBI.

Understand a couple of things:  First, the standard which your doctor would use to turn you in is embodied in Clinton-era ATF language and in the anti-gun Veterans Disarmament Act of 2007. Specifically, you doctor would "drop a dime" on you if he suspected you were even a slight "danger to yourself of others" or were "unable to manage your financial affairs."

So if they say you can't balance your checkbook, then you lose your constitutional rights.

But there's another problem:  The day these regulations become law, lawyers will be lining up to sue "deep-pocket" psychiatrists for every case where they failed to turn in a patient to NICS - if the patient subsequently engages in a horrific act.

The bottom line?  Any psychiatrist who failed to report all of his patients to the NICS system risks losing everything if any of them engages in harmful conduct.  Soon the rule of thumb will be: See a shrink; lose your guns.

And the regulations will apply to private, as well as government-employed psychiatrists.

The bad news is that 165,000 military veterans have already lost their gun rights because of the “see a VA shrink, lose your gun rights” precedent from the Clinton-Bush era.

Sadly, what happened to military veterans has now begun in the private sector - especially in places like New York, after they recently passed their misnamed SAFE Act.

According to gun rights reporter, Dan Roberts, firearms are now being confiscated from gun owners because of their mental health information. For example:

“[John Doe] received a letter from the Pistol Permit Department informing him that his license was immediately revoked upon information that he was seeing a therapist for anxiety and had been prescribed an anxiety drug. He was never suicidal, never violent, and has no criminal history.”

So now taking anxiety pills can result in one’s forfeiting their Second Amendment rights in New York!
This is where the gun haters want to push their agenda.  And this is one reason why background checks are so dangerous - because they give government bureaucrats the opportunity to deny law-abiding people their constitutionally-protected rights.

But the good news is this:  The HHS rulemaking is still at an early stage, and HHS is (no doubt reluctantly) taking the views of the general public.

ACTION: Go to the Federal Register - at - and respond to the regs entitled “HIPAA Privacy Rule and the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).”

Let the HHS know how you feel about waiving all federal privacy laws for people who seek counseling.

You may submit your comments at

Also, be sure to tell your congressmen that you oppose the “see a shrink, lose your guns” regs issued by the HHS.  Ask him to issue his own comments as well.

The regs themselves lay out several ways that you may submit your opposition.  The comment period ends on June 7, 2013.

GRNC Guns Alert 5-3-13 Johnston Co. Schools & D.A. Persecute Eagle Scout


Hypocrites prosecute Cole Withrow but let Asst principal off scot-free!

Illustrating hypocrisy, a complete absence of judgment, common sense AND knowledge of NC state firearms laws, Johnston County officials have penalized senior high school student and Eagle Scout, Cole Withrow just weeks prior to his graduation with honors.

Was he also caught with illegal drugs or burglary tools? No, these offenses are apparently less-harshly punished. Cole's transgression was honestly reporting that he had mistakenly left his shotgun in his truck after skeet shooting the day before. What has he received for straight-forwardly admitting his harmless error? Expulsion and a felony charge.

Hypocrisy of selective prosecution on display

Cole may be fortunate that GRNC was able last year to change language in state law that requires firearms must be “knowingly” brought to campus to merit a felony charge. His unintentional error clearly does not meet this standard, and he is being charged and penalized more aggressively than either the law or good sense allows.

Ironically, just over two years ago, at the same school, assistant principal Catherine Bennett mistakenly brought a handgun to school, which stayed in a vehicle on campus for two weeks and was actually found and handled by auto shop students who worked on the vehicle. And what penalty did Bennett suffer? Three days suspension and no criminal charges. In fact, the school's resource officer, sheriff's deputy Andy Worley, got two days suspension for trying to hide the crime.

Cole's predicament is clear illustration of why WE MUST resist ANY new gun control proposals and not rest before current restrictions upon lawfully bearing arms are rescinded. 

We need to send a message to the DA, Principal and School Board involved letting them know that North Carolina gun owners will not stand idly by and watch one of their own pilloried by anti-gun zealots misapplying the law to entrap and punish the law-abiding.

Is immigration reform political suicide for GOP?

Via Mike

 Is immigration reform political suicide for GOP?

If and when Congress votes on a new immigration bill – whatever the “triggers,” timetables or other provisos – the real issue to be decided will be the same as it has been from the beginning.

That issue is whether the Republican Party, dazed from a daily pounding by the Washington press corps, will agree to commit political suicide by enfranchising 11 plus million illegal aliens on U.S. soil, the vast majority of whom will soon be casting Democratic ballots.

As is well known, the GOP is being stampeded toward this political cliff with the argument that only by agreeing to such legislation can it appeal to Hispanic voters, 70 per cent of whom supported Barack Obama in last year’s election. By endorsing amnesty for illegals (though not called such), say the pundits, Republicans can improve their standing among Hispanics.

This advice, be it noted, comes from the same media/political sectors that constantly urge the GOP to cave in on other issues. According to the political sages, and GOP “consultants” who take their marching orders from the press corps, the party also needs to opt for same-sex marriage, a pro-choice message on abortion and other such positions if it wants to win elections.

Police Drone Crashes into Police

Via avordvet

The Montgomery County (Texas) Sheriff's Office had a big day planned. After becoming the first department in the country with its own aerial drone ($300,000!), they were ready for a nice photo op. And then the drone crashed into a SWAT team.

The Examiner reports a painfully contrived police action-athon:

More @ Gizmodo

Communists vs Southern nationalists battle in Washington, DC

'Yes. Those are burn and boot marks. But guarded faithfully she was.' -Shane Long
‘Yes. Those are burn and boot marks. But guarded faithfully she was.’ -Shane Long

On 1 May 2013 a sizable group of actual communists (flying red flags and holding signs denouncing ‘sexism’ and chanting ‘the workers united will never be defeated’) rioted in Washington, DC. Their violent demonstration was protested in part by a handful of Southern nationalists with Confederate flags and other symbols. Shane Long, vice chairman of the Maryland League of the South, was present at the counter-protest and writes:
At 4:50 [in the first video below], you will see Scott Terry and I versus 400 communists, battling to take back the Confederate Flag and St George flag. Both flags were successfully saved from burning and reunited with us, with some force. The commie rally was forced to end after a few Southern Nationalists refused to stand down. Find the English flag, Southern Cross and the man in camo fighting for it. That’s me. I got the flags back, albeit with a bruised rib, torn pants and a burnt flag. The communist protest was ended by Secret Service after this incident. Side note: all Secret Service expressed some level of solidarity with our cause.
CNN reports on the riot:
In Washington on Wednesday, two May Day groups, with differing views, fought in Lafayette Park near the White House, police said.
The skirmish, between a group calling itself the White Student Union and another, the May Day Workers, escalated as combatants threw bags of urine and flag poles at each other.
One person was arrested, U.S. Park Police said.
“We were here to protest communism and to stand up for the blue collar working class. And then I got urine thrown on me,” said Matthew Heimbach, president of the White Student Union.
“So it shows really how tolerant these people are.”
John Zangas, who was with the May Day Workers, said people were offended by some of the statements from the White Student Union.
“I don’t even want to characterize them but they’re fairly bigoted,” said Zangas.
Heimbach, a frequent guest on the SNN podcast, writes:
Went to picket the Reds with WSU members. Commies threw a bottle of [urine] on me, spit on us, and attacked us. Our enemy is foul. No surrender.
Note: Click here for pictures of the battle with the communists. Picture number 8 shows Mr Long on the ground clutching the St George Flag which he has recovered from the enemy.
Also note: ‘In the Capital’ covers the story and twice mentions SNN in its article. Ironically though, it gives credit to ‘Think Progress’ for the picture it uses of Matthew Heimbach – an SNN picture.

Even more pictures and video: Raw Story has more video footage of the event which shows Heimbach and Long up close confronting the anti-White communists.

Warning: The Leftists use a lot of profane language and engage in violence in these videos. It is telling about the nature of the anti-Southern, anti-White enemy which we face today.

NC: Want 'hate group' info? See Duke University


The Despicable $outhern Poverty Law Center
Duke University officials have announced they are accepting an archive of “hate” literature from the Southern Poverty Law Center, which itself recently has been linked in a court case to domestic terrorism.
The announcement explained that SPLC was donating “its extensive collection of materials documenting extremist and hate groups in the United States.”

The recipient will be the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, officials said.

According to the announcement, the collection includes “nearly 90 boxes of periodicals, pamphlets, flyers and other documents intended for distribution to group members and recruits over the past 30 years.”

“The SPLC collection includes materials on many types of extremist groups such as neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, white nationalists, neo-Confederates, racist skinheads, black separatists, border vigilantes and others,” Duke said.

More @ WND

Benghazi Whistle Blower: “… Americans Were Deliberately Left There To Die”

Via avordvet

 Two of my SEAL brothers (Doherty and Woods) were in Benghazi, working with the CIA on an intelligence mission to locate shoulder fired surface-to-air missiles that were stolen by Al Qaeda when Libya fell. They heard several shots being fired near the consulate. It was recorded that Ty radioed to inform his superiors and tell them what he was hearing and requested permission to assist at the consulate. However, they were told to “stand down!” An hour later, they called again to report the gunfire and requested to assist and were again told to “stand down!” WHY? And by whom? Only the President can give the order to military units to cross a country’s borders.

On or about midnight, while shooting in various areas was still going on, it was reported that Woods and Doherty called for any U.S. military support they could get because they were taking fire at the CIA safe house/annex. The request was denied. There were no communications problems at the annex, according those present at the compound (which was verified by the radio recordings and by the drone that was flying overhead.) The team was in constant radio contact with their headquarters. In fact, it was reported that Doherty was on the roof of the annex manning a heavy machine gun killing several terrorists when mortars were fired at the CIA compound. Because they knew that there was a drone overhead, Woods had a laser on the mortar position for targeting. However, the drone was reported to be unarmed.