Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Syria Traffic Goes "Dark" As Country Disappears From Internet

Via NC Renegade

While there have been no new military attacks on Syria since Sunday morning, something more peculiar happened in the past few hours, when according to Akamai and various other Internet traffic trackers, Syria has literally gone "dark", or, as Umbrella Security Labs describes it, as if "Syria has largely disappeared from the Internet."

More @ Zero Hedge

NC PATCON: Congratulations!



A group of West Coast Patriots shipped Brock 2 80% AR lowers, and they were raffled during the PATCON.

Congratulations to Michael H. (of Illinois) & John P. (who was present)

Thanks to all for the support.




Good evening Brock.

Many persons were asking me at the TCCC, about where to find and purchase meds and antibiotics for their future preparations.

Here is a very informative article to answer all of their questions and to also provide several reliable online sources for them to consider.

Please post this so they can make wise choices and can proceed safely in making their purchases for their family members and themselves.


                                        Guide To Veterinary Drugs for Human Consumption

HSLDA Alert: Congress Tackles the Common Core National Standards and Databases

William A. Estrada, Esq.
Director of Federal Relations

Last week, HSLDA sent a nationwide alert asking you to call your U.S. senators and urge them to sign a letter from Senator Chuck Grassley exhorting Congress to defund the federal government’s role in the Common Core Standards and Curriculum.

Thanks to your calls, eight senators joined Senator Grassley and signed onto the letter. They include Mike Lee (UT), Tom Coburn (OK), Jim Inhofe (OK), Deb Fischer (NE), Rand Paul (KY), Pat Roberts (KS), Jeff Sessions (AL), and Ted Cruz (TX).

These senators understand that parents and teachers, not federal education bureaucrats, should decide how and what children learn. They understand that the Common Core has become a one-size-fits-all approach to education and that the federal government has no business using tax dollars to entice the states to adopt the Common Core. You can read the letter here. And please take a moment to send these nine senators a short thank-you email for standing against nationalized education. You can send them an email from this page.

Speaking Out

The Senate was not alone in opposing the Common Core. Representative Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO) also circulated a letter to his colleagues in the House opposing Education Secretary Arne Duncan’s support of the Common Core, as well as the national databases which are threatening the privacy of children’s data. Thirty-three other representatives also signed the letter. You can read Rep. Luetkemeyer’s letter here, and if your congressman signed onto the letter, please thank him or her.
You can use this link to find your representative and send a thank-you email for signing onto Rep. Luetkemeyer’s letter.

HSLDA is grateful to these members of Congress for exposing the dangers of the Common Core.

HSLDA will be providing more information about the dangers of the Common Core in the coming days and weeks. We encourage you to continue to fight against national curriculum standards, national testing, and national databases in your states by contacting your governor and state legislators and sharing your concerns. Homeschoolers know that a one-size-fits-all approach to education is bad for children and dangerous to our fundamental right to direct the education and upbringing of our children.

 Other Resources

HSLDA: National Databases—Collecting Student-Specific Data is Unnecessary and Orwellian
HSLDA: Common Core State Standards Initiative—Too Close to a National Curriculum

"I have served a sentence worse than death."

Via Ryan


The following essay is by William Blake, who has been held in solitary confinement for nearly 26 years. Currently he is in administrative segregation at Elmira Correctional Facility, a maximum security facility located in south central New York State. In 1987, Blake, then 23 and in county court on a drug charge, murdered one deputy and wounded another in a failed escape attempt. He was sentenced to 77 years to life. 
This powerful essay earned Blake an Honorable Mention in the Yale Law Journal’s Prison Law Writing Contest, chosen from more than 1,500 entries. He describes here in painstaking detail his excruciating experiences over the last quarter-century. “I’ve read of the studies done regarding the effects of long-term isolation in solitary confinement on inmates, seen how researchers say it can ruin a man’s mind, and I’ve watched with my own eyes the slow descent of sane men into madness—sometimes not so slow,” Blake writes. “What I’ve never seen the experts write about, though, is what year after year of abject isolation can do to that immaterial part in our middle where hopes survive or die and the spirit resides.” That is what Blake himself seeks to convey in his essay. 
—Lisa Dawson
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“You deserve an eternity in hell,” Onondaga County Supreme Court judge Kevin Mulroy told me from his bench as I stood before him for sentencing on July 10, 1987. Apparently he had the idea that God was not the only one qualified to make such judgment calls.

Judge Mulroy wanted to “pump six buck’s worth of electricity into [my] body,” he also said, though I suggest that it wouldn’t have taken six cent’s worth to get me good and dead. He must have wanted to reduce me and The Chair to a pile of ashes. My “friend” Governor Mario Cuomo wouldn’t allow him to do that, though, the judge went on, bemoaning New York State’s lack of a death statute due to the then-Governor’s repeated vetoes of death penalty bills that had been approved by the state legislature. 
Governor Cuomo’s publicly expressed dudgeon over being called a friend of mine by Judge Mulroy was understandable, given the crimes that I had just been convicted of committing. I didn’t care much for him either, truth be told. He built too many new prisons in my opinion, and cut academic and vocational programs in the prisons already standing.

I know that Judge Mulroy was not nearly alone in wanting to see me executed for the crime I committed when I shot two Onondaga County sheriff’s deputies inside the Town of Dewitt courtroom during a failed escape attempt, killing one and critically wounding the other. There were many people in the Syracuse area who shared his sentiments, to be sure. I read the hateful letters to the editor printed in the local newspapers; I could even feel the anger of the people when I’d go to court, so palpable was it. Even by the standards of my own belief system, such as it was back then, I deserved to die for what I had done. I took the life of a man without just cause, committing an act so monumentally wrong that I could not have argued that it was unfair had I been required to pay with my own life.

What nobody knew or suspected back then, not even I, on that very day I would begin suffering a punishment that I am convinced beyond all doubt is far worse than any death sentence could possibly have been. On July 10, 2012, I finished my 25th consecutive year in solitary confinement, where at the time of this writing I remain. Though it is true that I’ve never died and so don’t know exactly what the experience would entail, for the life of me I cannot fathom how dying any death could be harder or more terrible than living through all that I have been forced to endure for the last quarter-century.

Nullification Goes Mainstream

The Jeffersonian principle of state nullification of unconstitutional federal laws has been getting more and more media attention over the past several years — nearly all of it negative, of course. The arguments against it are not difficult to answer, especially for members of this site. That hasn’t stopped reporters and opinion-molders from smearing supporters of Jefferson’s view, and letting the public know that anyone holding such a position can expect the usual treatment.

And yet, according to recent polling data, the strategy isn’t working. Despite the best efforts of the perpetual demonization machine, Rasmussen finds the following: “On the general question of ‘nullification,’ 44 percent believe states should have the right to block any federal laws they disagree with on legal grounds. Thirty-six percent disagree and 20 are undecided.”

Check out the Tenth Amendment Center’s analysis.

IMF Chief Lagarde Criticizes US Government Spending Cuts


Mind your own business, idiot.

International Monetary Fund head Christine Lagarde criticized the U.S. government's budget policies as too tight on Tuesday, in an appearance in Amsterdam that was interrupted by student protestors.

Lagarde said the U.S. government's debt reduction plans are too abrupt, including the $85 billion in federal budget cuts known as the sequester. She said that the current policies would lower the U.S. economy's growth rate.

More @ Newsmax

Reports Show Gun Homicides Down Since 1990s


Gun homicides have dropped steeply in the United States since their peak in 1993, a pair of reports released Tuesday showed, adding fuel to Congress' battle over whether to tighten restrictions on firearms.

A study released Tuesday by the government's Bureau of Justice Statistics found that gun-related homicides dropped from 18,253 in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011. That's a 39 percent reduction.

Another report by the private Pew Research Center found a similar decline by looking at the rate of gun homicides, which compares the number of killings to the size of the country's population. It found that the number of gun homicides per 100,000 people fell from 7 percent in 1993 to 3.6 percent in 2010, a drop of 49 percent.

Both reports also found the rate of nonfatal crimes involving guns was also down by around 70 percent over that period.

The trend in firearm-related homicides is part of a broad nationwide decline in violent crime over the past two decades, including incidents not involving firearms.

The Justice study also said that in 2011, about 70 percent of all homicides were committed with a firearm, mainly a handgun.

More @ Newsmax


Via NC Renegade

Stop the Riddell Amendment: NO CHANGES TO SECTION 12 OF HB 937

Everybody: Get it out on forums and start calling your House reps. Tell them to oppose the Riddell amendment for HB 937 . He wants a 7 year bar on anybody who gets their rights restored, after previously having been adjudicated incompetent, before getting a concealed carry handgun permit. GRNC might buy into 1 year, but anybody who goes to the lengths (and the evaluations) necessary for restoration of gun rights should be sufficiently vetted for a permit. So deliver the message: No changes to Section 12 of the bill.


  • EMAIL HOUSE REPUBLICANS: Use the copy and paste list below to deliver a clear message that you expect them to pass HB 937 without ammendments.
  • CALL & EMAIL YOUR NC HOUSE REP: Let them know you expect them to vote against all weakening amendments and for final passage of HB 937. Find your rep HERE or by going to: http://www.ncleg.net/representation/WhoRepresentsMe.aspx
Contact Information
 Copy and paste email addresses for House Republicans:

Dean.Arp@ncleg.net, Marilyn.Avila@ncleg.net, John.Bell@ncleg.net, Hugh.Blackwell@ncleg.net, Jamie.Boles@ncleg.net, Robert.Brawley@ncleg.net, Brian.Brown@ncleg.net, Rayne.Brown@ncleg.net, Rob.Bryan@ncleg.net, Dana.Bumgardner@ncleg.net, Justin.Burr@ncleg.net, Rick.Catlin@ncleg.net, George.Cleveland@ncleg.net, Jeff.Collins@ncleg.net, Debra.Conrad@ncleg.net, Leo.Daughtry@ncleg.net, Ted.Davis@ncleg.net, Jimmy.Dixon@ncleg.net, Josh.Dobson@ncleg.net, Jerry.Dockham@ncleg.net, Nelson.Dollar@ncleg.net, Jeffrey.Elmore@ncleg.net, John.Faircloth@ncleg.net, Jim.Fulghum@ncleg.net, Mike.Hager@ncleg.net, Jon.Hardister@ncleg.net, Kelly.Hastings@ncleg.net, Mark.Hollo@ncleg.net, Bryan.Holloway@ncleg.net, Craig.Horn@ncleg.net, Julia.Howard@ncleg.net, Pat.Hurley@ncleg.net, Frank.Iler@ncleg.net, Charles.Jeter@ncleg.net, Linda.Johnson2@ncleg.net, Bert.Jones@ncleg.net, Jonathan.Jordan@ncleg.net, Donny.Lambeth@ncleg.net, James.Langdon@ncleg.net, David.Lewis@ncleg.net, Chris.Malone@ncleg.net, Susan.Martin@ncleg.net, Pat.McElraft@ncleg.net, Chuck.McGrady@ncleg.net, Allen.McNeill@ncleg.net, Chris.Millis@ncleg.net, Tim.Moffitt@ncleg.net, Tim.Moore@ncleg.net, Tom.Murry@ncleg.net, Michele.Presnell@ncleg.net, Nathan.Ramsey@ncleg.net, Dennis.Riddell@ncleg.net, Stephen.Ross@ncleg.net, Jason.Saine@ncleg.net, Ruth.Samuelson@ncleg.net, Jacqueline.Schaffer@ncleg.net, Mitchell.Setzer@ncleg.net, Phil.Shepard@ncleg.net, Paul.Stam@ncleg.net, Edgar.Starnes@ncleg.net, Bob.Steinburg@ncleg.net, Sarah.Stevens@ncleg.net, Michael.Stone@ncleg.net, John.Szoka@ncleg.net, Thom.Tillis@ncleg.net, John.Torbett@ncleg.net, Rena.Turner@ncleg.net, Harry.Warren@ncleg.net, Andy.Wells@ncleg.net, Roger.West@ncleg.net, Chris.Whitmire@ncleg.net,


Suggested Subject: “Pass HB 937 WITHOUT amendments!”

Dear Representative:

I strongly urge you to pass House Bill 937, “Amend Various Firearms Laws” by passing the bill without weakening amendments such as the Riddell amendment.

It is past time that we are able to defend ourselves and our families while eating at dinner restaurants. It is past time that law-abiding faculty and staff are able to adequately defend themselves while traveling to and from work.

Your constituents have a fundamental right to bear arms for defense. It is your responsibility to help remove infringements on this right. This is why NC gun owners elected pro-Second Amendment legislators in an election that went liberal in other states.

We worked hard for you. Now it is your turn to return the favor.

I will be monitoring your actions via Grass Roots North Carolina legislative alerts, and rest assured I will hold legislators accountable for their votes.


Kidnapped Cleveland woman, Amanda Berry, hailed a 'hero' after desperate 911 call


As police and the FBI try to piece together how the three women and a 6-year-old girl, who police believe is the daughter of one of the women, remained captive in a house for more than a decade in a densely populated section of Cleveland, the women were released Tuesday from a local hospital and returned to their families.

"The real hero here is Amanda [Berry]," Cleveland's assistant police chief Ed Tomba said at a press conference.

The women were identified as Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight. The three were treated in the MetroHealth Emergency Department Monday night and released on Tuesday morning. Authorities would not comment further on their conditions, saying only that they looked to be healthy and in need of a good meal. The women all lived within two miles of the suspect's home.

More @ Fox

Reid calls Sen. Cruz a ‘schoolyard bully’


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) bickered Monday as Cruz rose to object to Reid’s motion to appoint conferees to a House-Senate budget committee.

Cruz said he was concerned that the conference report — which cannot be filibustered — would be used to raise the nation’s debt ceiling. He asked that Reid amend his motion to go to conference to make out of order any provisions raising taxes or raising the debt ceiling.

Reid said Cruz had a chance to amend the Senate budge, which raises $975 billion in new tax revenue from tax reform, when it was considered on the floor.

He said Cruz’s request to eliminate all taxes in a final House-Senate budget was absurd.

“The senator from Texas was on the losing side ... now he wants us to adopt the losing side’s view or we cannot go to conference,” Reid said.

“My friend from Texas is like a schoolyard bully,” Reid added.
"He pushes everybody around and is losing and instead of playing the game according to the rules, he not only takes the ball home with him, but he changes the rules — that way no one wins except the bully who tries to indicate to people that he has won."

Cruz, a Tea Party darling whose rhetoric has sometimes raised eyebrows among Republicans, shot back that “I wasn’t aware we are in the schoolyard.”

More @ The Hill

Fact-free gun control crusades by Thomas Sowell


Amid all the heated, emotional advocacy of gun control, have you ever heard even one person present convincing hard evidence that tighter gun control laws have in fact reduced murders?

Think about all the states, communities within states, as well as foreign countries, that have either tight gun control laws or loose or non-existent gun control laws. With so many variations and so many sources of evidence available, surely there would be some compelling evidence somewhere if tighter gun control laws actually reduced the murder rate.

And if tighter gun control laws don’t actually reduce the murder rate, then why are we being stampeded toward such laws after every shooting that gets media attention?

Have the media outlets that you follow ever even mentioned that some studies have produced evidence that murder rates tend to be higher in places with tight gun control laws?

The dirty little secret is that gun control laws do not actually control guns. They disarm law-abiding citizens, making them more vulnerable to criminals, who remain armed in disregard of such laws.

"Southern Independence: Antidote to Tyranny"

The 20th Annual LS National Conference
Friday & Saturday, 21-22 June 2013

Alabama LS Headquarters and Cultural Center
12814 U.S. Hwy 231, Wetumpka, AL 36092
(just north of Montgomery in Elmore County)

Featuring practical workshops and speeches promoting Southern independence and practical responses to the current tyranny. Confirmed speakers thus far are:
  • Michael Hill, LS President
  • Michael Cushman, Founder of Southern Nationalist Network
  • Mike Crane, member of the LS Board
  • Josh Doggrell, East Alabama LS chapter chairman
  • Pastor John Weaver, pastor of Freedom Baptist Ministries in Fitzgerald
  • Michael Peroutka, Esq, 2004 Presidential Candidate  for the Constitution Party
  • Mr. Hannes Louw, President of International Afrikaner Society (IAS)
  • Mr. Thomas J. Ferreira, former Mayor of Boksburg, South Africa
Conference fees, which include a locally catered BBQ dinner at noon on Saturday, are as follows:
Individual: $60;
Couple (husband & wife): $95;
Family (including all children): $100 plus $10 per meal.
Register online by PayPal or credit card at www.dixienet.org. Or send check/money order made out to the League of the South to:
League of The South
2013 Annual Conference
PO Box 760,
Killen, AL 35645


Georgia Hinson Rifle Clinic - May 10-11

Our next Georgia Hinson Rifle Clinics (2) will take place on 10 & 11 May at Pastor Weaver's farm near Fitzgerald, Georgia. Both Clinics will begin at 8:30AM and end around 4:30PM. Our registration fee is $20 per student/shooter. This will include the Dinner meal. Please respond quickly as we have a tendency to fill up quickly.

I don't know where else in the world that you can get this type of instruction for $20 (cash) per clinic. I will register you for the clinic when I receive a $10 non-refundable deposit from you. We only have room for 15 students each day, so sign up quickly. My address is below.

I know that it is very difficult to find 22 long rifle ammo right now. So, we have cut the number of rounds you will need down to 200. Please begin right now looking for ammo (if you need it) because it will be hard to find.

If you want to come and can't find any ammo, give me a call at 912.618.8112. I have a very limited amount of my stock that I will be willing to sell for $.10 per round (my replacement cost) to those that give me their word of honour that they don't have what they need to shoot the course. I don't want to sell my ammo to replace yours. Only to help you shoot the course and I only have a very limited amount.

I you want to come, please reply as soon as possible. I will send everyone who does a list of equipment, directions and motels (if needed).

For Georgia Independence,
Ed Wolfe
P.O. Box 91
Newington, Georgia 30446


April 2013 Free Magnolia 

The April 2013 issue (vol. 7, no. 2) of The Free Magnolia is in the LS office.

The lead article is "A Lesson For the South: Sinn Fein and the Dail Eireann."

Other articles include:

"Le Deuxieme Sexe" (the Second Sex) by Robert Salyer;

"Fineness of Manner and Expression" by Pam Smith;

"Look Away, Dixieland" by Michael Cushman;

"The Magicians" by Michael Hill and

"Hundred Year Horizon: A Review of At Home in Dogwood Mudlhole" by Michael Tuggle.

Help us get The Free Magnolia distributed all over Dixie.

Place your order today.

As usual, 100 copies go for $20 (postpaid) and can be ordered online at www.dixienet.org or by mail at the LS office at:

League of The South
PO Box 760,
Killen, Alabama 35645.

For more information vist http://DixieNet.org

NC PATCON: If Not Never, Then When?


So the Spring NC PatCon was a huge success.  My brother in my tribe and I drove 12 hours from Pennsyltucky to Tarboro, NC on Thursday so that we could be there Friday for the TCCC class on Friday.  Needless to say, we got in at midnight set up camp, had some beers, laughed about stupid stuff all while under the canopy of twinkling stars and cackling coyotes off in the distance.  We went to bed at about 3 a.m. and at about 5:30 a.m. the picture above let us know once again who is boss on the property.  If its your first time on the property and you have never heard a peacock, I can guarantee that when you do and its dark, you would swear someone is being murdered. 

We woke up, crawled out of our tents, and made some coffee on the gel stove to go with our pecan rolls we brought.  Some of the others came over to say good morning.  Some were familiar faces and some were new.  Class was to start at 0900, so we had about an hour to wake up with some crunchy coffee.  SFMedic lead the charge with starting the class.  We were scheduled to be in class from 0900 to 1800.

We were truly blessed to have a trauma nurse as well as two other doctors in our class.


John Ainsworth – Spring NC PATCON 2013: Excellent, as usual


John Ainsworth discusses the 14th amendment and explains why national citizenship usurped the Constitution and states’ rights.