Militiaman Training


The Patriots who participated in the TCCC course at Brock's PATCON spoke very highly of the training and the trainers involved.  It is commonly accepted that comms are a weakness in the current Liberty Movement.  Even General Washington used ciphers and special inks and spies.  Tactical training is, for the genuine Militiaman, essential.  A larger strategy must be accepted by a majority. 

Most of the men and women who make up the militia today are merchants and mechanics and accountants, not professional soldiers.  Militiamen need to know the skills of Small Unit Combat, room and building clearing, intelligence gathering, and more, and they need to learn from professionals.  Modern Militiamen need to learn how to hit and be hit at close range, they need to know how to stop the bad man from getting the cuffs on, they need to know how to choke a man out - and, if they choose, to break that man's neck instead.


The Heretic at Heritage: Buchanan at his best

Via III Percent Patriots

Jason Richwine, the young conservative scholar who co-authored the Heritage Foundation report on the long-term costs of the amnesty bill backed by the "Gang of Eight," is gone from Heritage.

He was purged after The Washington Post unearthed his doctoral dissertation at the JFK School of Government.

Richwine's thesis:

IQ tests fairly measure mental ability. The average IQ of immigrants is well below that of white Americans. This difference in IQ is likely to persist through several generations.

And the potential consequences of this?

"A lack of socioeconomic assimilation among low IQ immigrant groups, more underclass behavior, less social trust and an increase in the proportion of unskilled workers in the American labor market."

Richwine defended his 166-page thesis before Harvard's George Borjas, Richard Zeckhauser and Christopher Jencks, who once edited The New Republic. But while his thesis was acceptable at Harvard — it earned Richwine a Ph.D. — it has scandalized the Potomac priesthood.

Our elites appear unanimous: Richwine's view that intelligence is not equally distributed among ethnic and racial groups, and is partly inherited, is rankest heresy. Yet no one seems to want to prove him wrong.

Consider Richwine's contention that differences in mental ability exist and seem to persist among racial and ethnic groups.

In The Wall Street Journal last month, Warren Kozak noted that 28,000 students in America's citadel of diversity, New York City, took the eighth-grade exam to enter Stuyvesant, the Bronx School of Science and Brooklyn Tech, the city's most elite high schools. Students are admitted solely on their entrance test scores.

Of the 830 students who will be entering Stuyvesant as freshmen this fall, 1 percent are black, 3 percent are Hispanic, 21 percent are white — and 75 percent are Asian.

Now, blacks and Hispanics far outnumber Asians in New York. But at Stuyvesant, Asians will outnumber blacks and Hispanics together 19-to-1.

Is this the result of racially biased tests at Stuyvesant?

More @ Creators

Benghazi Background: Shadows of a Greater Tyranny

Mike Scruggs


  Here is a short one, leading into Obama's increasingly bold anti-Christian actions.

     Was Obama’s emphasis on the anti-Muslim YouTube video as the cause of the embassy attack related to Obama and Clinton plans for prosecuting “Islamophobia” as a Hate Crime in U.S.?

      The Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), a 56-nation political powerhouse often operating under UN auspices, initiated a resolution in 2005 calling for a ten-year plan to counter “Islamophobia,” a propaganda term invented by the Muslim Brotherhood. The plan called for all UN states to enact legislation to punish any criticism of Islam.

     In March 2011, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia succeeded in getting the United Nations to pass a resolution condemning “Islamophobia,” but he made it clear that his aim was much more ambitious. He wanted Islamophobia—essentially any criticism of Islam or its Prophet, Muhammad—to be a UN Hate Crime enforceable in the United States and other Western countries.

     This plan had the sympathy of U.S. President Barack Obama, whose agenda during his term of office has been hostile to any orthodox form of Christianity and has favored Islam at every opportunity, including a plan to build a Mosque near the 9-11 site in New York City. Obama’s record, particularly since his November 2012 reelection can be shown to be increasingly anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, and anti-Israel. Most recently, the Obama Administration has released prospective regulations to severely limit any religious expression in the Armed Forces, making it very difficult for military chaplains to speak freely in ministering to American military personnel. 

     In December 2011, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was working with the OIC to implement corresponding Hate Crimes Laws in the United States and other Western countries to criminalize criticism of Islam and exact punishment against those who violate them.

     Meanwhile, Coptic Christians in Egypt—about 10 percent of the population—were undergoing increasing persecution. In July 2012, a short 14 minute YouTube video, really a trailer for a longer two-hour movie, was produced by Coptic Christians in Los Angeles. The video showed the present Coptic persecution in Egypt and scenes from the life of the Prophet Muhammad. Muhammad was portrayed accurately according to the Koran and teachings of Muhammad, although the video was very amateurish. The two-hour movie was screened only once by 10 people in Los Angeles and never again. The 14-minute video was uploaded to the Internet in early September 2012. Muslim clerics in Egypt and the Muslim world considered the Coptic Christian portrayal of Muhammad blasphemy—punishable by death in Islamic Law (Sharia).

     On September 11, the anniversary of the 9-11-2001 attack on the United States, a protest riot against the video—probably organized rather than spontaneous—broke out at the U.S Diplomatic Mission in Cairo, Egypt. Shortly thereafter, on the same day, there was an organized terrorist attack on the U.S diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and the American Ambassador, Chris Stevens, and three other Americans were killed. Meanwhile protests against the video, The Innocence of the Muslim People, began to spread around the Muslim world.

     State Department emails indicate that high-level State Department personnel watered down the mention of Islamist terrorist organizations involved in the attack and emphasized probable connections to the YouTube video protest.  This has been confirmed by State Department Whistleblower Gregory Hicks.
     UN Ambassador Susan Rice began on September 16 to make media appearances blaming the embassy attack on the video. The Obama Administration continued this line through September 25.

     President Obama and Secretary Clinton undoubtedly hoped the video issue would mask their foreign policy failures in Libya and Egypt during the election, but they probably also hoped to use the video issue as both a cause of the embassy attack and a convenient public relations tool to push through “Islamophobic” Hate Crime Laws in the United States, further suppressing Christian, and Jewish free speech.

NC: 180 Year Old Baptist Newspaper Said IRS Targeted Them

A 180-year-old Baptist newspaper said on Thursday that it was targeted by the Internal Revenue Service for extra scrutiny.

The Biblical Recorder, published by the North Carolina Baptist State Convention, said it was singled out by the agency in March, Fox News reports.

Last summer, the Recorder gained national attention after Allan Blume, its editor, published an interview with Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy.

In the interview, Cathy said that he was "guilty as charged" in his support of traditional family values.

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Lt. Governor: Gun Manufacturers, Missouri Welcomes You


Lt. Governor Peter Kinder is urging Gov. Jay Nixon and legislative leaders to send a clear message to gun manufacturers by backing efforts to recruit them to locate in Missouri.
Kinder points to a West Plains businessman who has offered up land to any gun manufacturer that wants to move to the Ozarks, a proposal he says has gained the support of Gun Owners of America.

The Missouri Legislature has passed and sent the governor a measure that declares federal gun control laws unenforceable in Missouri. Another measure would give businesses tax incentives to gun manufacturers to relocate to Missouri.

"For years, some states that are home to gun manufacturers have continued to bite the hand that feeds them, passing laws to restrict firearms," Kinder said in a press release. "Some of those companies now are deciding it's time to pull out and move to more friendly pastures. I encourage Gov. Nixon and lawmakers to send a concerted message to these manufacturers: Missouri welcomes you."

Rutherford Institute Presents Arguments in 4th Circuit Court of Appeals Over Civil War Heritage Group’s Right to Fly Confederate Flag

Via LH

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit heard arguments today in a First Amendment lawsuit filed by The Rutherford Institute, which alleges that the City of Lexington, Va., violated the Constitution by prohibiting a civil war heritage society from flying the Confederate flag on flag standards maintained by the city.  Institute attorneys asked the appeals court to reverse a ruling by the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia, which dismissed the lawsuit on behalf of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) on the grounds that the City was free to adopt an ordinance denying private parties the use of flag standards along City streets even though it had previously allowed local organizations to fly their flags from the standards. In arguments to the three-judge appeals panel, Rutherford Institute attorneys contend that the City’s motive for adopting the flag ordinance—allegedly in response to an SCV request to fly the Confederate flag and because of the City’s opposition to the message conveyed by that flag—was colored by a desire to silence the SCV’s speech.

“The First Amendment was penned by the Framers of the Constitution to protect our ideas and speech, both the popular and the unpopular,” stated John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute. “The issue here is not whether the Confederate flag should be displayed but whether we, as Americans, remain committed to the idea of free speech. If we allow the censoring of something simply because it may be controversial, we open the door for the government to discard anything deemed disturbing or offensive.”

Texas Lt. Gov. Demands Investigation of Abortionist After Video Exposé

Via Billy


The lieutenant governor of Texas, David Dewhurst, demanded an investigation Wednesday of an abortionist whose employees claim he twisted the heads off of babies who were born alive during abortion procedures.

A new video exposé released Tuesday of the Aaron Women’s Clinic in Houston, one of three clinics owned by abortionist Douglas Karpen, depicts gruesome details of the practices of an abortionist who is currently facing a criminal investigation for allegedly allowing late-term babies to be born alive then twisting their heads off with his bare hands.

According to LifeNews, three former employees of Karpen's brought forward photos taken on their cell phones at his clinic on Schumacher Lane in Houston. The photos depicted two babies aborted well beyond the legal limit of 24 weeks in Texas. The babies’ necks had been cut.

Liberals Call for Holder's Ouster/IRS Exec Collected Big Bonuses/ IRS Targeted Catholic League

Even Liberals Call for Holder's Ouster

 More @ Newsmax


IRS Exec at Heart of Targeting Scandal Collected Big Bonuses 

More @ Newsmax 


Bill Donohue: IRS Targeted Catholic League 

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Kern County Deputy Ryan Greer, Involved In David Sal Silva Beating Death, Has Killed Before

Via comment by anonymous on Names of police who beat the father to death


 Greer was one of the four Kern County cops involved in the December 18, 2010 death of Mr. Jose Lucero, who was mentally ill. Greer and the other cops tasered Mr. Lucero 29 times in six minutes, and for good measure, pepper-sprayed him. This was all done right in front of Mr. Lucero’s parents. The incident ended up costing Kern County $4.5 million, the judgment rewarded to the family in November as a result of a wrongful death lawsuit. We are continuing to conduct further public and otherwise records searches to determine if any of the other assailants have prior criminal records as well.


We received a tweet late last night with a report about California police beating a man to death as he begged for his life. We thought the tweet was in reference to Mr. Kelly Thomas, the man Fullerton cops Manuel Ramos, Jay Cicinelli et al. beat to death as he begged for his life on July 5, 2011. But instead the horrifying incident replayed itself early last Wednesday morning just 140 miles north of where Mr. Thomas was murdered.

Eric Holder: My Position Deserves More Respect from Congress

Attorney General Eric Holder: "I respect the oversight role that Congress plays. This isn't always a pleasant experience; it's one that I recognize that you go through as an executive branch officer. The one thing I've tried to do is always be respectful of the people who've asked me questions. I don't frankly think I've always been treated with a great deal of respect, and it's not even a personal thing. If you don't like me, that's one thing, but I am the Attorney General of the United States." (Most unfortunately)

Video @ Breitbart

Police Chief Asks Citizens for Ammo, Gets 1,500 Round Loan Amid Strong Response

 Via avordvet


As the "Great Ammunition Shortage" continues, police departments across the country are struggling to supply their arsenals. One police chief turned to the community for help, and citizens stepped up.

In Proctor, Minnesota, police chief Walter Wobig says that his suppliers have told him he'll have to wait "months" for the 1,000 rounds he's requested.

When Wobig turned to the residents of Proctor by putting out a call for help meeting his department's ammo needs, citizens contacted his office, eager to help.

"The citizens were like, 'If you need something, we got plenty here,'" said Wobig.

One resident and a Proctor police officer loaned 1,500 rounds from their personal stockpile to the department.

More @ CNS

Benghazi Emails Directly Contradict White House Claims

 Pretty sure HPSCI won't like them :-)

The White House on Wednesday released 94 pages of emails between top administration and intelligence officials who helped shape the talking points about the attacks in Benghazi, Libya, that the CIA would provide to policymakers in both the legislative and executive branches.

The documents, first reported by THE WEEKLY STANDARD in articles here and here, directly contradict claims by White House press secretary Jay Carney and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the revisions of those talking points were driven by the intelligence community and show heavy input from top Obama administration officials, particularly those at the State Department.

The emails provide further detail about the rewriting of the talking points during a 24-hour period from midday September 14 to midday September 15. As THE WEEKLY STANDARD previously reported, a briefing from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence shows that the big changes came in three waves – internally at the CIA, after email feedback from top administration officials, and during or after a meeting of high-ranking intelligence and national security officials the following morning.

Not a crime for government employees to target citizens


Rep. Michael Turner, R-Ohio, said the IRS hassling and prying into hundreds of conservative organizations applying for tax-exempt status is outrageous but may have actually been legal, so he is introducing legislation to criminalize such activity.

“Unfortunately, it currently isn’t a crime if a political appointee or a faceless bureaucrat gets up as a supervisor and walks over and instructs a bunch of employees to begin targeting the American public. That’s wrong. It should be a crime,” said Turner, who adds this was a crime if the directive to make life miserable for conservative groups came from the White House.

Turner’s legislation, the Taxpayer Nondiscrimination and Protection Act of 2013, would make it a crime for anyone else to do it. The bill calls for five years in prison and a $5,000 fine for anyone found to be targeting organizations as a result of their political ideology.

“By making it a crime, we hope to stop it,” he told WND. “When that supervisor walks in that employee’s office and gives him that direction when they know it’s a crime and that they themselves could go to jail for five years and pay a $5,000 penalty, they’re going to think twice and hopefully stop.”

More @ WND

James Dobson confirms IRS slam campaign against his group


The Internal Revenue Service campaign that put a bull’s-eye on “tea party” groups and those with “Constitution” or “patriot” in their name also took a swipe at Christians.

That was confirmed today when Dr. James Dobson, whose has served as an adviser to presidents and now runs Dr. James Dobson’s FamilyTalk, said his organization’s status was threatened because it didn’t present “all views.”

n lightning rod standing up for Christian values for decades as an author, broadcaster, speaker and adviser. He has written more than 30 books including, “The New Dare to Discipline,” “Love for a Lifetime,” “Life on the Edge,” “Love Must Be Tough,” “The New Strong-Willed Child,” Bringing Up Boys,” “Bringing Up Girls” and “Head Over Heels.”
He was an associate clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Southern California School of Medicine for 14 years and on the attending staff of Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles for 17 years.
He has advised three U.S. presidents on family matters, and holds 17 honorary doctoral degrees. In 2008 he was inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame and recently he received the “Great American Award” from The Awakening.

More @ WND

Issa v. Holder as usual

 I understand Issa hates his guts and rightly so.  
Wonder how many times Holder has lied so far?

Eric Holder lashed out at his chief antagonist Wednesday at a congressional hearing where the attorney general was questioned on recent administration scandals, telling Republican Rep. Darrell Issa at the end of a tense exchange that his conduct is "shameful."

Holder’s comments came after Issa accused him of purposely and repeatedly keeping information from Congress.

“No, that’s what you typically do,” Holder responded. Following crosstalk, Holder added, “That is inappropriate and is too consistent with the way in which you conduct yourself as a member of Congress. It’s unacceptable and it’s shameful.”

The heated exchange with the lawmaker who led the charge against Holder regarding the botched Operation Fast and Furious came during a House Judiciary Committee hearing that examined a new set of scandals. Holder was grilled on a series of allegations, including the way the agency tried to find out who was behind a government leak to The Associated Press.

More @ Fox

White House Releases 100 Pages of Benghazi Emails, but conveniently leaves out the first 3 days


The emails released by the White House are dated 9/14/2012, which is three days after the attack on 9/11/2012. Three days worth of information is missing.

More @ Townhall

Obama threatened IRS audit of ASU


But in 2009 at Arizona State University's commencement, he noted that he had not been given an honorary degree and added that the school's president and board of regents "will soon learn all about being audited by the IRS."     

That doesn't sound so funny now.    


Benghazi and IRS Targeting: Politics by Other Means

What do the Benghazi cover-up and the IRS scandal have in common? They were both about winning elections, under false pretenses.    

Winning elections, after all, is something Barack Obama is good at. He obviously loves campaigning and delivering grand orations to enormous adoring crowds.   

He loves it so much that he flew off to Las Vegas to campaign the day after the first murder of a U.S. ambassador in 33 years.    

What actually happened in Benghazi was out of sync with the Obama campaign line. Osama bin Laden was dead. Al-Qaida was on the run. The global war on terror -- well, don't call it that anymore.    
A deliberate effort to mislead the voters was launched. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, White House press secretary Jay Carney and the president himself talked about a spontaneous protest of an anti-Muslim video -- even though no evidence of that came from Benghazi.   

The White House and the State Department altered the CIA's talking points -- not just in one minor particular, as Carney claimed, but through 12 separate versions. The Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice, armed with the talking points, spoke sternly about a spontaneous protest and an anti-Muslim video on five Sunday interview shows.    

The campaign trail press grilled Mitt Romney for his (impolitic) statement immediately after the attacks. Obama went on talk shows and peddled his line about an anti-Muslim video.    

More @ Rasmussen

Socalism: Venezuela to import 50M rolls of toilet paper after government claims it's wiped out

Via Billy


First milk, butter, coffee and cornmeal ran short. Now Venezuela is running out of the most basic of necessities — toilet paper.

Blaming political opponents for the shortfall, as it does for other shortages, the embattled socialist government says it will import 50 million rolls to boost supplies.

That was little comfort to consumers struggling to find toilet paper on Wednesday.

"This is the last straw," said Manuel Fagundes, a shopper hunting for tissue in downtown Caracas. "I'm 71 years old and this is the first time I've seen this."

More @ Fox

Obama to Announce Major US Nuclear Force Cuts Soon

President Barack Obama is set to announce a new round of strategic nuclear warhead reductions in the near future as part of a disarmament agenda that could reduce U.S. strategic warheads to as few as 1,000 weapons.

The next round of U.S.-Russian arms talks would follow Obama's expected announcement that the United States' arsenal of strategic warheads can be reduced unilaterally to around 1,000 warheads. That position is expected as part of the Pentagon's long-delayed Nuclear Posture Review implementation study that Obama was expected to sign earlier this year.

Recent press reports have indicated that President Obama may make the cuts -- fully one-third of the nation's arsenal -- by executive action and without Congressional authorization.

Specialists on nuclear deterrence say further cuts beyond the 1,550 deployed warheads mandated by the 2010 New START arms treaty could undermine the United States' ability to deter nuclear powers like Russia and China, who have significant modernization programs for their nuclear arsenals underway.

Further cuts also are likely to embolden other non-nuclear states, including Japan, to consider building their own nuclear arsenals, analysts say.

Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney said the administration is seeking to unilaterally disarm U.S. nuclear forces, something that is "the most dangerous thing I have ever seen an American president attempt to do."

"This is not the time to embark on such a dangerous path, with China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea increasing their nuclear forces," he said.

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