Sunday, June 9, 2013

War casualties: Girls bought by perverted Saudis


Rich Saudi Arabian men – some of whom are closely associated with the Saudi royal family – have been purchasing for their sexual pleasure Syrian girls and young women from among the hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing the Syrian civil war conflict to Lebanon and Jordan, evidence suggests, according to report from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

Most of the Saudis suspected of such atrocities are in their 60s and 70s. When they tire of the girls, these Saudi men often hand them off to other men, or the girls somehow just disappear, witnesses say.

“They come into Lebanon and Jordan and go to the Syrian refugee camps where the Syrian families there have nothing,” one Lebanese source said. “The Saudis then offer $200 for girls aged nine to 14 years and take them from their families. Because *families are so desperate for money, they give in to the temptation.” 

*The families are more despicable then the buyers and my retribution would be swift and fatal. 

More @ WND

Hayward school to sponsor toy gun exchange

Only in Obamaville.  Above is what I asked for from Santa Claus every Christmas.:)

An elementary school will hold a toy gun exchange Saturday, offering students a book and a chance to win a bicycle if they turn in their play weapons.

Strobridge Elementary Principal Charles Hill maintains that children who play with toy guns may not take real guns seriously.

"Playing with toys guns, saying 'I'm going to shoot you,' desensitizes them, so as they get older, it's easier for them to use a real gun," Hill said.

                                                     More nonsense @ Mercury News

Ex-CIA Worker Revealed as Source of Spy Agency Leaks


An ex-CIA employee working as a contractor at the U.S. National Security Agency said he was the man who had leaked details of a top secret U.S. surveillance programme, acting out of conscience to protect "basic liberties for people around the world."

Holed up in a hotel room in Hong Kong, Edward Snowden, 29, said he had thought long and hard before publicising details of an NSA programme codenamed PRISM, saying he had done so because he felt his country was building an unaccountable and secret espionage machine that spied on every American.
Both the Washington Post and Britain's Guardian newspaper - to whom he gave the documents he had purloined - published his identity on Sunday.

"I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things ... I do not want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded. That is not something I am willing to support or live under," he told the Guardian, which published a video interview with him on its website.

"The NSA has built an infrastructure that allows it to intercept almost everything. With this capability, the vast majority of human communications are automatically ingested without targeting. If I wanted to see your emails or your wife's phone, all I have to do is use intercepts. I can get your emails, passwords, phone records, credit cards," he said.

More @ Newsmax

The FBI: An American Cheka

Nearly twenty years ago, then-FBI Director Louis Freeh – still basking in his agency’s residual glory from the Mt. Carmel Massacre of April 1993 – visited Moscow to sign a joint cooperation accord with the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). After touring the Lubyanka Square headquarters of the Russian secret police, Freeh observed that “Our nations have more in common than ever before.”
At the time I thought it was shocking that Freeh would traduce his country, and his agency, by offering that comparison to the renamed KGB. Roughly two decades later I’ve come to understand that if the comparison is offensive, the Russians have the stronger claim to be the insulted party. 
Like their Russian and Soviet siblings, the FBI’s primary role is that of fabricating crimes in the service of the state. Since 1991 – more particularly, since 2001 – the FBI has engaged in this behavior far more extensively than the Russians, both in terms of the volume of fabrications and the geographical reach of its operations. And evidence is accumulating that the Bureau has added assassination to its proto-totalitarian toolkit. 

Rich ‘progressive’ bullies way into gun debate


 Lerer thinks Congress needs his "outside leadership" to disarm his countrymen.

Huffington Post co-founder and venture capitalist Ken Lerer has made it his personal mission to “destroy the NRA,” Business Insider reported yesterday, assuming “reported” is the right word to use when profiling a key investor in their corporation.
Lerer has launched “Stop the NRA,” a manic hodgepodge of a website aggregating just about every hysterical left wing anti-gun rant out there from sources as "diverse" as Think Progress, CSGV, The Huffington Post, MSNBC and other bastions of objectivity.

“Stop The NRA is dedicated to ending gun violence in America,” the report continues, without explaining how disarming those who don’t engage in “gun violence” will accomplish that end.

“Lerer has been working on the gun issue for 12 years,” we are informed, albeit what innovations or successes he’s had in all that time remain unclear.

More @ Examiner

The Great 'Tactical Training' Con


Yea, well, I had to fire this parting shot before heading off for the weekend up to WV to, primarily, dig a latrine hole.

The Great Tactical Training Con:

I was just reflecting and re-read this AAR HERE

Here is an extract:
"Tactical" vs Tactical

While over the past few years there have been a lot of 'tactical' courses offered out there, I have never taken an interest in them. I can sum it up in two words to explain why: Square Range.

There is only so much that can be done on the square range. I cannot completely blame instructors as there is a fear of lawsuits and a lot of facilities are not setup for this level of training. I have noticed within the gun community (especially online) is the thought that attending these courses, or even a lot of them, transforms a shooter into an individual that can operate in the field as a soldier. I'm not saying that this is explicitly stated, but there is are a lot of implications made by those who attend courses and feel they are 'all set.'

The square range can be good to teach fundamentals and get a shooter familiar with his weapon. Short of that, if you want to train in how to use your weapon in combat, you need to replicate that environment as close as possible. Jumping around the range, walking around barrels and shooting 1,000 or even 2,000 rounds in a weekend just creates noise and shreds paper. I think I expended at most 300 rounds of ammunition in his course. You are putting down accurate fire, not spraying rounds on rapid fire, marksmanship counts. 

If you want to have any chance of surviving an exchange of gunfire you need a team. Not only do you need a team, you need a team that has been trained and knows what it is doing. It is certainly exemplified in Max's course.
So I'm deciding to break cover, at the expense of potentially taking incoming from some over this. But what the hell, so what? It needs to be said.
It's something I think, and its why I deliberately designed my course the way I have, and why I purchased the pop-up targets and set them up in the way I have, in the woods in a realistic combat environment.