Wednesday, June 12, 2013

God bless you, Pop. Go rest high........

When the Virginia Flaggers were formed, almost two years ago, I came to know of PoP Aaron when Billy Bearden suggested I write him and tell him about what I was up to.  PoP published my story as "Virginia Belle Needs Help"...

...and word quickly spread through the Heritage community.   Thanks in large part to his help, what began as one woman taking a stand has now grown into a nationally recognized organization, with hundreds having joined us in our efforts, and hundreds more lending their support.   

I was very grateful for his support, but as I got to know PoP, found that the real treasure was in the friendship that blossomed with this most dedicated warrior.

Certainly, his record of standing against those who would attack our Heritage speaks for itself.  For years, he has been a tireless fighter, working mostly behind the scenes and without recognition, which if you knew PoP, was pretty much how he wanted it. 

Having recently lost my own Father,  PoP became a surrogate father to me.  He was my mentor, teacher, and spiritual counselor.  PoP had the kind of Faith...simple and unwavering...that I pray others see in me.  Throughout his illness, he told me on many occasions that he was quite ready to see his Savior...but would like just a little more time to put a  few more scalawags, traitors, and Southern Heritage haters in their place...if the good Lord saw fit.

Communications and Security – Part 1

This is the first of three articles outlining the installation of a WiFi bubble over a small geographic region. The second article will outline how to install wireless IP security cameras (indoor and outdoor). The last article will outline how to install an email server (such as Microsoft Exchange) on this system to allow your group to have email without the Internet (or Prism).

Most people are familiar with a WiFi hotspot or wireless network in their home. The range of these installations is not large so your neighbor across the street will not be able to access your computers. 

However, there are applications where a larger WiFi bubble or a connection between two wireless bubbles will provide communications and security at a reasonable price. The system outlined in this article has been tested at a distance of three miles. It is rated at 17 miles depending on the topography.

Step 1:
You will need to purchase two (one at each point) Ubiquiti Nanobridge NB-5G25 Outdoor MIMO 5GHz 25DBI.


You will need at least one laptop with an Ethernet port to set up the initial bridge installation as outlined in this video:

Sen. Ted Cruz On Being Obamaphobic For Opposing Amnesty: “Guilty As Charged”


Senator Ted Cruz         @SenTedCruz
If supporting real immigration reform, not path to citizenship is "Obamaphobia," guilty as charged. RT if you're a fellow "Obamaphobic!"

 Well, it appears the Socialists just stick to the Alinsky playbook and believe that calling names will be enough to win the day. I suppose they didn’t get the memo that some Americans are just not intimidated by name calling. It seems that Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), yes the same Bob Menendez that was embroiled in an underage prostitution scandal, is fond of name calling. In the latest round of the use of “phobia,” which is really becoming quite boring, Menendez said that Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) must has “Obamaphobia” because he stand opposed to the amnesty bill being pushed forward by the Senate’s Gang of Eight, which is doing nothing more than selling out Americans to illegals 

Valor: Into The Jaws Of Death


My wife asked me the other day, "what was the Civil War about anyhow?"

This caught me a bit off guard, since historians have written about the causes of the Civil War ever since the Civil War broke out and still battle over interpretations. How does one answer a loaded question, whose answer spans monumental issues like slavery, states rights, constitutions and the invariable role of individuals who don't always behave predictably?

We are in the midst of commemorating the 150th anniversary of that war, which spanned from 1861-1865. More men were killed — 625,000 — in the American Civil War than in any other conflict the United States has been in since the American Revolution. 

The statistics of famous campaigns and battles are staggering — tens of thousands of men killed and wounded in the space of a few months — like the Union campaign to bring Vicksburg, the key to controlling the Mississippi River, to its knees, or in three short days early in July in the rolling countryside of Pennsylvania at a place called Gettysburg.

The "high tide" of the Confederacy was marked at Gettysburg by the most famous charge of the war, led by Gen. George *Pickett on the third day of battle, July 3, 1863.


The description of the Confederate attack as "Pickett's Charge" is misleading on two counts. First, Major General George Pickett was the commander of only one of the three Confederate units that took part in the assault. Major General Isaac R. Trimble and Brigadier General J. Johnston Pettigrew each commanded a unit of the attack. The second misconception is with respect to describing the Confederate assault as a "charge." The assault line of the approximately 12,500 Confederate soldiers engaged in the attack extended a half-mile in width. The hapless attackers were required to advance one mile through an open field and over a stone fence before they could engage their enemy. The majority of this distance was covered at a rank-and-file walk while Union troops poured deadly cannon and rifle fire upon them. The Confederates could not fire back. The Union troops, however, maintained a murderous hail of rifle fire by organizing themselves into efficient lines of four soldiers. After the first in line fired, he would move to the back of the line to reload his weapon while the next in line fired.

The impact of this efficient killing machine on the approaching Confederates was devastating. As their comrades fell, their units would reorganize and tighten their ranks. Smoke from the cannonade from both sides soon drifted over the field dramatically reducing visibility. The noise was deafening. As they approached withina a few feet of the Union line, the Confederates charged. Some were able to scale the low stone wall separating them from their enemy, but the devastating fire from the Union troops forced a retreat. The battle was over.

“. . .the grand march moved bravely on.”

One Way Or Another, A Revolution Is Coming

Via WiscoDave

The sordid revelations from the Obama administration are coming at a pace that can only be described as, well, fast and furious. So let’s lay down some markers here, as a sort of road map for the months and years ahead:

First, if the PRISM program and all the rest of the government’s surveillance programs were so good and necessary, then why didn’t the feds catch the Tsarnaev brothers, who earlier this year blew up the Boston Marathon?  Or Major Hassan, the 2009 Fort Hood mass-murderer?  Or the “underwear bomber,” also from 2009, who nearly succeeded in blowing up the passenger jet flying into Detroit? 

Second, if and when everything is revealed about PRISM and all the rest, it’s likely that we will learn of important and inculpating connections between the National Security Agency (NSA), on the one hand, and many civilian agencies, on the other.

I am not just referring to Eric Holder’s Justice Department; I am also referring to the gleefully gushing leakers and win-at-any-cost politicos in the White House.  And oh yes, let’s not forget the Obama administration’s partisan allies at the IRS, as well as the Obamacare overseers at the Department of Health and Human Services.

Moreover, since we know that the IRS was eagerly willing to share secret tax information with favored private groups, we shouldn’t be surprised, in the end, to learn that NSA/PRISM material ended up in the hands of Obama friends and allies outside of the government.

Third, we now know that Silicon Valley, and the telecommunications industry, are the key to the Obama strategy for total information awareness.  In fact, the internet companies, and the phone companies, were the spearpoint for PRISM.  No, wait, that’s not the right image.  Let’s try this: These communications companies put peepholes into all of our private lives, through which Uncle Sam could sneak a peek.  Every e-mail, every phone call, every text-message--the government knows about them all.

It’s now evident that all these wonderful digital services--many of them, such as Google’s Gmail, given away for free--were, in fact, a kind of Trojan Horse.  That is, on the outside, it all seemed like a good deal--but then the real truth comes tumbling out, and it’s too late.  Some might recall the rueful lesson of the Trojan War: “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.” The rueful lesson of our own time: “Beware of geeks bearing gifts.'

Yes, Big Brother walks among us now, peeking and snooping into everything. And we, innocently and unwittingly, invited Big Brother into our midst. 

Godspeed, PoP

Via Chuck


"PoPs was a modest man up to the very end....PoPs wanted to pass quietly and sneakout the backdoor...The only request my Father had was to be remembered for what he believed in....Dad asked to have no funeral and  wanted All to know he loved them dearly ...Financial struggles that all of us have concerned him greatly and he wanted that energy and income given to the Cause."
          Dusty Aaron

Snowden Threatens to Reveal More 'Explosive' NSA Secrets & May Trade Info 'for Refuge' in China

Former U.S. spy Edward Snowden on Wednesday vowed to fight any bid to extradite him from Hong Kong and promised "explosive" new revelations about Washington's surveillance targets, The South China Morning Post reported.

Specifically, Snowden reportedly showed the newspaper "unverified documents" describing an extensive U.S. campaign to obtain information from computers in Hong Kong and mainland China.

"We hack network backbones, like huge Internet routers, basically, that give us access to the communications of hundreds of thousands of computers without having to hack every single one," he told the newspaper.

Officials have confirmed that Snowden may have more secret material.

"Apparently he's got a thumb drive," Sen. Saxby Chambliss, a Republican from Georgia, said Tuesday. "He's already exposed part of it and I guess he's going to expose the rest of it."

National Security Agency Director Gen. Keith Alexander told the Senate Intelligence Committee that "he doesn't know where Snowden is now," Chambliss said.

And the British paper The Guardian reported it believed Snowden had moved to a "safer" hotel in Hong Kong, the city to which he fled in preparation for the bombshell data dump.

"I'm neither traitor nor hero. I'm an American," Snowden said in the exclusive interview, released two days after he checked out of the city hotel and went to ground.


 Image: Gordon Chang: Snowden May Trade Info 'for Refuge' in China

Edward Snowden is no doubt planning to defect to China to protect himself from U.S. extradition laws, author and China expert Gordon Chang says.

"If you're trying to run away from Uncle Sam, you don't go to a jurisdiction which has an extradition treaty with the U.S., which Hong Kong does," Chang said Wednesday on "Fox & Friends."

Snowden, who could be facing charges related to his disclosure of a classified government program that collects telephone and email data, is still in Hong Kong, according to an interview he gave The South China Morning Post.

"What he's really thinking is that China is going to save him from being extradited and probably he's also going to think about trading information for refuge. ... He's saying to the Chinese, 'This is how valuable I am, so don’t let the US extradite me,'" Chang told Fox.

More @ Newsmax

10 Points About The Confederacy

I made this list in order to clear up some misconceptions people had about the Confederacy. This is not a comprehensive list of facts about the Confederacy; I picked a few that I thought most people wouldn’t be familiar with. Overall, *I intended for this to be a fun and informative list, and not to start a North versus South debate.

*The road to hell is paved with good intentions.:)  257 comments

1918 Elkhorntavern Thumbnail

Union troops were primarily city and town dwellers. They named battles after natural objects near the scene of the conflict. Confederate troops were, chiefly, from the country and named battles after impressive artificial (man-made) objects near the scene of the conflict. The battle of “1st Manassas / Bull Run”: The Union army named the battle “Bull Run” after a little stream near the scene, called Bull Run, and the Confederate army named the battle “Manassas” because of the Manassas railroad station located nearby. There were at least 230 actions that were known to have more than one name.

In “Ball’s Bluff / Leesburg”- The Union troops noted the steep 100-foot-high bank rising above the Potomac on the Virginia shore, and the Confederate army noted the nearby city of Leesburg, Virginia. “Pea Ridge / Elkhorn Tavern”: Elkhorn was a nearby tavern and Pea Ridge was the name of a crest of the Ozark’s Ridge.

More @ List Verse

Henry Clay on the Abolitionists Mad and Fatal Course


Henry Clay, the “great compromiser,” pled with the abolitionists to cease their incendiary activities which threatened to disrupt the Union in a speech before the United States Senate in February 1839. The States he labels as “free” were former slave and slave trading States which were offering no peaceful and practical solutions to the African slavery they helped nurture and perpetuate. 
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"

Henry Clay on the Abolitionists Mad and Fatal Course

“….Abolition should no longer be regarded as an imaginary danger. The abolitionists, let me suppose, succeed in their present aim of uniting the inhabitants of the free States, as one man, against the inhabitants of the slave States. Union on one side will beget union on the other. 

And this process of reciprocal consolidation will be attended with all the violent prejudices, embittered passions, and implacable animosities, which ever degraded or deformed human nature.  A virtual dissolution of the Union will have taken place, while the forms of its existence remain.

The most valuable element of union, mutual kindness, the feelings of sympathy, the fraternal bonds, which now happily unite us, will have been extinguished for ever. 

 One section will stand in menacing and hostile array against the other. The collision of opinion will be quickly followed by the clash of arms. I will not attempt to describe scenes which now happily lie concealed from our view.  Abolitionists themselves would shrink back in dismay and horror at the contemplation of desolated fields, conflagrated cities, murdered inhabitants, and the overthrow of the fairest fabric of human government that ever rose to animate the hopes of civilized man. 

Nor should these abolitionists flatter themselves that, if they can succeed in uniting the people of the free States, they will enter the contest with a numerical superiority that must insure victory.  All history and experience proves the hazard and uncertainty of war.  And we are admonished by Holy Writ, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong.  But if they were to conquer, whom would they conquer?  A foreign foe – one who had insulted our flag, invaded our shores, and laid our country waste? 

No, sir; no, sir. It would be a contest without laurels, without glory; a self, a suicidal conquest; a conquest of brothers over brothers, achieved by one over another portion of the descendants of common ancestors, who, nobly pledging their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, had fought and bled, side by side, in many a hard battle on land and ocean, severed our country from the British crown, and established our original independence.   

The inhabitants of the slave States are sometimes accused by their Northern brethren with displaying rashness and sensibility to the operations and proceedings of the abolitionists. 

[But] Let me suppose that the people of the slave States were to form societies, subsidize presses, make large pecuniary contributions, send forth numerous missionaries throughout all their borders, and enter into machinations to burn the beautiful capitals, destroy the productive manufactories, and sink in the ocean the gallant ships of the Northern States. Would these incendiary proceedings be regarded as neighborly and friendly, and consistent with the fraternal sentiments which should ever by cherished by one portion of the Union toward the another?

Would they excite no emotion? Occasion no manifestations of dissatisfaction? Nor lead to any acts of retaliatory violence? 

I beseech the abolitionists themselves, solemnly to pause in their mad and fatal course….let them select….one more harmless, that does not threaten to deluge our country in blood. I entreat that portion of my countrywomen, who have given their countenance to abolition, to….reflect that the ink which they shed in subscribing with their fair hands abolition petitions, may prove but the prelude to the shedding of the blood of their brethren. 

I adjure all the inhabitants of the free States to rebuke and discountenance, by their opinion and their example, measures which must inevitably lead to the most calamitous consequences.”

(The South, A Documentary History, Ina Woestemeyer Van Noppen, D. Van Nostrand Company, 1958, pp. 258-260)

Ran Paul: First secure the border and then grant work visas

Via avordvet

 Rand Paul
In his prepared text for a speech he is delivering today at the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, Sen. Rand Paul (R.-Ky.) said to illegal aliens who want to live and work in the United States: “[W]e will find a place for you.”

Paul also said he envisions today’s illegal aliens becoming additional “taxpayers.” “Imagine 12 million people who are already here coming out of the shadows to become new taxpayers,” said Paul.

Illegal aliens working in the United States today are not exempted from complying with the nation's tax laws anymore than they are exempted from complying with U.S. laws governing immigration or document fraud. “First, everyone has to acknowledge that we aren’t going to deport 12 million illegal immigrants,” said Paul. “If you wish to work, if you wish to live and work in America, then we will find a place for you.

 “In order to bring conservatives to this cause however, those who work for reform must understand that a real solution must ensure that our borders are secure,” said Paul. “But we also must treat those who are already here with understanding and compassion.”

 More @ CNS News
In his prepared text for a speech he is delivering today at the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, Sen. Rand Paul (R.-Ky.) said to illegal aliens who want to live and work in the United States: “[W]e will find a place for you.”
Paul also said he envisions today’s illegal aliens becoming additional “taxpayers.”
“Imagine 12 million people who are already here coming out of the shadows to become new taxpayers,” said Paul.
Illegal aliens working in the United States today are not exempted from complying with the nation's tax laws anymore than they are exempted from complying with U.S. laws governing immigration or document fraud.
“First, everyone has to acknowledge that we aren’t going to deport 12 million illegal immigrants,” said Paul. “If you wish to work, if you wish to live and work in America, then we will find a place for you.
“In order to bring conservatives to this cause however, those who work for reform must understand that a real solution must ensure that our borders are secure,” said Paul. “But we also must treat those who are already here with understanding and compassion.”
- See more at:

An Interesting Comment At Zero Hedge

Via Terry

 463Px-1861 Davis Inaugural

Chupacabra-322's picture
It's worse, a lot worse if the following is true and the dots connect.  Remember, their Totalitarian Authoritarian System is based on Criminal Fraud.
Constitution ended in 1861 according to Senate Report 93-549 (93rd Congress, 1st Session, 1973):

When the Southern states walked out of Congress on March 27, 1861, the quorum to conduct business under the Constitution was lost. The only votes that Congress could lawfully take, under Parliamentary Law, were those to set the time to reconvene, take a vote to get a quorum, and vote to adjourn and set a date, time, and place to reconvene at a later time, but instead, Congress abandoned the House and Senate without setting a date to reconvene. Under the parliamentary law of Congress, when this happened, Congress became sine die (pronounced see-na dee-a; literally “without day”) and thus when Congress adjourned sine die, it ceased to exist as a lawful deliberative body, and the only lawful, constitutional power that could declare war was no longer lawful, or in session.
The Southern states, by virtue of their secession from the Union, also ceased to exist sine die, and some state legislatures in the Northern bloc also adjourned sine die, and thus, all the states which were parties to creating the Constitution ceased to exist. President Lincoln executed the first executive order written by any President on April 15, 1861, Executive Order 1, and the nation has been ruled by the President under executive order ever since. When Congress eventually did reconvene, it was reconvened under the military authority of the Commander-in-Chief and not by Rules of Order for Parliamentary bodies or by Constitutional Law; placing the American people under martial rule ever since that national emergency declared by President Lincoln. The Constitution for the United States of America temporarily ceased to be the law of the land, and the President, Congress, and the Courts unlawfully presumed that they were free to remake the nation in their own image, whereas, lawfully, no constitutional provisions were in place which afforded power to any of the actions which were taken which presumed to place the nation under the new form of control.
President Lincoln knew that he had no authority to issue any executive order, and thus he commissioned General Orders No. 100 (April 24, 1863) as a special field code to govern his actions under martial law and which justified the seizure of power, which extended the laws of the District of Columbia, and which fictionally implemented the provisions of Article I, Section 8, Clauses 17-18 of the Constitution beyond the boundaries of Washington, D.C. and into the several states. General Orders No. 100, also called the Lieber Instructions and the Lieber Code, extended The Laws of War and International Law onto American soil, and the United States government became the presumed conqueror of the people and the land.
Martial rule was kept secret and has never ended, the nation has been ruled under Military Law by the Commander of Chief of that military; the President, under his assumed executive powers and according to his executive orders. Constitutional law under the original Constitution is enforced only as a matter of keeping the public peace under the provisions of General Orders No. 100 under martial rule. Under Martial Law, title is a mere fiction, since all property belongs to the military except for that property which the Commander-in-Chief may, in his benevolence, exempt from taxation and seizure and upon which he allows the enemy to reside.
President Lincoln was assassinated before he could complete plans for reestablishing constitutional government in the Southern States and end the martial rule by executive order, and the 14th Article in Amendment to the Constitution created a new citizenship status for the new expanded jurisdiction. New laws for the District of Columbia were established and passed by Congress in 1871, supplanting those established Feb. 27, 1801 and May 3, 1802. The District of Columbia was re-incorporated in 1872, and all states in the Union were reformed as Franchisees of the Federal Corporation so that a new Union of the United States could be created. The key to when the states became Federal Franchisees is related to the date when such states enacted the Field Code in law. The Field Code was a codification of the common law that was adopted first by New York and then by California in 1872, and shortly afterwards the Lieber Code was used to bring the United States into the 1874 Brussels Conference and into the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907.
In 1917, the Trading with the Enemy Act (Public Law 65-91, 65th Congress, Session I, Chapters 105, 106, October 6, 1917) was passed and which defined, regulated and punished trading with enemies, who were then required by that act to be licensed by the government to do business. The National Banking System Act (Public Law 73-1, 73rd Congress, Session I, Chapter 1, March 9, 1933), Executive Proclamation 2038 (March 6, 1933), Executive Proclamation 2039 (March 9, 1933), and Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111 and 6260 prove that in 1933, the United States Government formed under the executive privilege of the original martial rule went bankrupt, and a new state of national emergency was declared under which United States citizens were named as the enemy to the government and the banking system as per the provisions of the Trading with the Enemy Act. The legal system provided for in the Constitution was formally changed in 1938 through the Supreme Court decision in the case of Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins, 304 US 64, 82 L.Ed. 1188.
On April 25, 1938, the Supreme Court overturned the standing precedents of the prior 150 years concerning “COMMON LAW” in the federal government.

Calling all SONS and DAUGHTERS to the 12th Annual Sam Davis Youth Camp!

When and Where?
Virginia Camp: Sunday June 16th to Friday, June 22th, 2013 at SW Virginia Woodmen of the World Family Activity Center, 1336 Simmons Mill Rd, Thaxton, VA 24174. The deadline for applications is Monday, Jun 11, 2013.
Texas Camp: Sunday Jul 28th to Saturday Aug 3rd at Three Mountain Retreat, 1648 FM 182, Clifton, TX 76634. The deadline for applications is Monday Jul 21, 2013.
Why should your son or daughter attend the Sam Davis Youth Camp?
In a survey conducted by the Center for Survey Research and Analysis in 2000, 65% of college seniors failed to pass a high school equivalent American history test:
Only 23% correctly identified James Madison as the "Father of the Constitution." Yet, 98% knew that "Snoop Doggy Dog" is a rapper.
Just over half, 52% knew that George Washington's Farewell Address warned against establishing permanent alliances with foreign governments. Yet, 99% correctly identified Beavis & Butthead.
What to do?
Today, General Cleburne's words, quoted above, ring all too true.
There is no question that the youth of today must run a terrible gauntlet, and that many are struck down along the way by one or more of the politically correct influences which flourish in our schools.
Sometimes these youths are from the best homes, with strong families and religious training. With even the most conscientious parenting though, oftentimes in high school or college, even these best & brightest finally succumb to the liberal, politically correct view of history.
This summer, you can help turn the tide. For one week, our Southern young men and ladies (ages 12-20) will gather to hear the truths about the War for Southern Independence. This camp (named for the great young Confederate Sam Davis) will combine fun and recreation with thoughtful instruction in Southern history, the War Between the States, the theology of the South during the War, lessons on Southern heroes, examples of great men of the Faith, and for the first year, special programs and sessions for our Southern ladies!
This is the seventh year the Sons of Confederate Veterans h as offered such a wonderful event for our sons and grandsons, and the second year we offer the program for our daughters and granddaughters. We urge you to take advantage of this great opportunity. It is our responsibility to teach our Southern history and culture to the future generations.
Need more details? Interested in becoming a counselor? Please contact:
Jack Marlar, 2161 Greenpond Rd., Fountain Inn, SC 29644, 864-862-3946
More info and sign up applications at:

Woman ‘molested in COURTROOM by marshal before he orders her to be arrested

A 28-year-old woman has accused a court marshal of sexually assaulting her during a search in a courthouse witness room - and numerous court employees are accused of covering it up.

Monica Contreras, from Las Vegas, is suing Clark County and its courts, claiming her civil rights were violated when marshal Ron Fox groped her when she attended for a divorce hearing in August 2011.

Her two-year-old daughter was with her at the time.

Judge Patricia Donninger is accused of ignoring Contreras when she complained to her about the incident and a video shows Donninger with her back turned to Contreras, acting as if she doesn't hear her. 

More @  Mail

"No legal right to defend himself"


Prosecutors silenced a key witness who would have supported a U.S. soldier’s claim he acted in self-defense in the killing of a terror suspect, but U.S. Supreme Court justices are unwilling to hear an appeal of the case.

The parents of Michael Behenna, who was convicted of killing a known al-Qaida member in 2008, say they will now turn to members of Congress and the White House for help for their son.

Scott and Vicki Behenna, who have established the Defend Michael website, explained to supporters in an email today the U.S. Supreme Court’s denial leaves standing a military court’s decision that their son had no legal right to defend himself from a possibly lethal attack from the terror suspect.

More @ WND

Troops 'targeted by NSA for anti-Obama views'


The NSA is systematically monitoring the Internet posts and telephone conversations of U.S. military returning from Afghanistan, according to a civil-liberties attorney.

“The FBI and the Secret Service are showing up to request an interview to question specific Internet posts the veteran has placed on websites such as Facebook,” explained attorney John Whitehead, founder of the Rutherford Institute.

Whitehead said the agencies are looking for “anti-Obama views that can be interpreted to reflect psychological problems of sufficient seriousness to disqualify the veteran from ever owning a firearm.”

Whitehead told WND credible sources within the National Security Agency have told him the NSA is downloading 1 trillion communications on the Internet per month, including posts to various websites, emails, instant message communications and texting messages.

As WND reported last week, Whitehead and the Rutherford Institute in a lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court in Richmond, Va., are representing Marine veteran Brandon Raub, 27, who was arrested by FBI and Secret Service agents for comments he made on Facebook expressing dissatisfaction with the present direction of the U.S. government.

Whitehead said his office has received numerous calls from U.S. military returning from Afghanistan with reports they are being visited by the FBI and Secret Service to ask questions about their Internet postings.

“We are advising veterans being visited by the FBI or the Secret Service to take the Fifth Amendment rather than answer questions that might end up with a diagnosis of PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, which goes into the veteran’s file and can be used in the future to prevent the veteran from purchasing a firearm,” he said.

More @ WND

Russian 'Anti-Gay' Bill Passes With Overwhelming Majority

Via Ryan

 Russian 'Anti-Gay' Bill Passes With Overwhelming Majority

Russia’s lower house of parliament on Tuesday gave its final approval for a controversial “anti-gay” bill, with only one of the 436 lawmakers present abstaining and no votes against, after a day of clashes outside the building and dozens of arrests by police.

The bill seeks to ban the “the promotion of non-traditional sexual relationships,” making such acts punishable by a fine of up to 1 million rubles ($30,000).

The first draft of the bill, passed by the State Duma on January 25, used the term “homosexuality” but this was replaced by the term “non-traditional sexual relationships,” in the final version Tuesday.
To become law the bill must now be passed by the Federation Council – Russia’s upper house of parliament – and signed by President Vladimir Putin. Both steps are likely to be mere formalities.

More @ Rianovosti

Near Sudley Church. March 1862

Prince William County, Virginia. "Along Bull Run near Sudley Church. March 1862." Each of the dozen or so sticks lined up in front of the boys marks a grave. 

* Prince William County, Virginia. "Along Bull Run near Sudley Church. March 1862." Each of the dozen or so sticks lined up in front of the boys marks a grave.

* Companion picture to last post and thanks to Chickenmom for jogging my mind.

Tommy “PoP” Aaron


PoPs came up with the title and I have it hanging in my kitchen.

 So sad, but what a fighter he was, true to his Southern heritage.  He is the one responsible for me finally putting my memories to pen by starting up NamSouth without telling me and then urging me to go ahead. (This was after he did the same for another blog, but I didn't follow through.)  So, PoPs, in that simple task alone, you have educated many, many people in the Cause.  I'm sure you are receiving a rowdy welcome from your Confederate ancestors now!



It is with heavy heart that I bring to you all the news of PoP Aaron's Passing.

As most old members know, Tommy "PoP' Aaron was a life long Southern Patriot and founder of this forum back in 2004. He struggled for the last several years with cancer, having to be hospitalized at the VA many times. He always came back more determined than ever to fight the good fight and encourage all of us to do the same. Today, he crossed over the river to rest in the shade and in the Lord's arms.

We all salute you Brother PoP and take comfort in knowing that now you are at peace and with our Lord Jesus Christ.

His son Dustin Lee left me this email today:

"Pop passed Away today Hamp.....Please let the guys on the forum know how much he loved them and he was so sorry he was not able to communicate much in the end.....Thank All of you for the prayers love and support....I will always be Grateful to all of you.."

I will contact Dustin to find out about arrangements. I will post here on the forum. Those wishing to express personal condolences can email Dustin at

-- Hamp

THOMAS SOWELL: Amnesty advocates ignore facts on crime, cultures, compatibility with Americans

Via Mike

One of the many sad signs of our times is the way current immigration issues are discussed. A hundred years ago, the immigration controversies of that era were discussed in the context of innumerable facts about particular immigrant groups. Many of those facts were published in a huge, multi-volume 1911 study by a commission headed by Sen. William P. Dillingham.

That and other studies of the time presented hard data on such things as which groups’ children were doing well in school and which were not; which groups had high crime rates or high rates of alcoholism, and which groups were over-represented among people living on the dole.

Such data and such differences still exist today. Immigrants from some countries are seldom on welfare but immigrants from other countries often are. Immigrants from some countries are typically people with high levels of education and skills, while immigrants from other countries seldom have much schooling or skills.

Nevertheless, many of our current discussions of immigration issues talk about immigrants in general, as if they were abstract people in an abstract world. But the concrete differences between immigrants from different countries affect whether their coming here is good or bad for the American people.

The very thought of formulating immigration laws from the standpoint of what is best for the American people seems to have been forgotten by many who focus on how to solve the problems of illegal immigrants, “living in the shadows.”

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