Thursday, June 20, 2013

We're Winning on Guns and Amnesty But we need to cut off Obama’s escape routes

“The reason President Obama's gun control proposals were killed [is] because hundreds of thousands of Americans began slamming the phone lines, and all of the Senators that were leaning towards supporting it suddenly said, ‘Holy cow, the folks back home don't like this.’ [There] is nothing more powerful than the conservative grassroots when we are engaged and letting our voice be heard.”
-- Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), June 19, 2013
Your grassroots efforts are making a world of difference on Capitol Hill.  But we need to keep the pressure on if we are going to defeat the anti-gun amnesty bill. 
We’ve asked you repeatedly to focus your attention on the Senate bill; today, we take a brief look at the House.
But first, here’s a brief update on White House efforts to resurrect gun control.
Biden’s plug goes virtually ignored by media
If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound? 
We’ll never know.  Joe Biden’s Tuesday press conference to renew his push for gun control went almost completely unreported.  The notable exception was an MSNBC report that the NSA scandal made gun control less likely than before.
The liberal media, instead, spent the last couple of days lamenting that “the air had been take out of the push for [the anti-gun immigration bill].” 
What will Boehner do on anti-gun amnesty?
While pro-gun House members held an anti-amnesty press conference, your calls and e-mails to “swing” senators lowered the chances that key members of the Senate GOP might go for a do-nothing sell-out “compromise.”
As Senator Ted Cruz told Rush Limbaugh yesterday, “[There] is nothing more powerful than the conservative grassroots when we are engaged and letting our voice be heard.”
All the while, House Speaker John Boehner told reporters, to their horror, that he wouldn’t bring an anti-gun amnesty bill to the floor over the objections of a majority of House Republicans.  According to anti-gun reporter Anne Kornblut of The Washington Post:  “That’s a real tough one.”
And California Congressman Dana Rohrbacher predicted that Boehner would lose his job if he violated that pledge. 
So have we won yet? 
Boehner was asked by anti-gun reporters whether he might send a conservative immigration bill to a House-Senate conference –- and allow the conference to turn it into an anti-gun monstrosity.  When asked whether he might rely on Democrats to pass an anti-gun conference report, Boehner replied:  “We’ll see when we get there.” 
So that’s today’s task:  To make sure Boehner doesn’t use an anti-gun House-Senate conference to circumvent Republicans in the House.
ACTION:  Click here to contact your Representative.  Ask him to insure that no House-passed immigration bill be sent to conference with an anti-gun amnesty bill from the Senate.

This is about dismantling the United States and nothing less.
Cryptically, he spoke of Obama’s apparent infatuation with Abraham Lincoln and asked, rhetorically whether that means anything. A country that will fall into a civil war of sorts, and all of the things common to both. Does Obama know something, or feel something? Is that playing in to his desire for oaths only to him, and not the country? Think about it.”


As noted in my June 7, 2013 report titled DHS Insider: It’s about to get very ugly, the additional information provided to me that was temporarily withheld from publication is now being released. The methodical and incremental release of information was (and is) deliberate, to allow other things to play out, such as the public exposure to the name Edward Snowden and his revelations regarding just how extensive the domestic surveillance apparatus is—and who the surveillance is actually targeting.

Back to the early hours of June 7, 2013


“You’ve got to understand that they are trying to find the likes of me,” stated my source. Pretty soon, no one is going to be talking to anybody, especially in the alternative media, even about the damn weather. They won’t risk it, and I’m not just talking about a risk to their careers, either. There has been a systematic method of intimidation with some known and even “approved” media contacts, not just against them, but against their families,” he emphasized.

“Just give it two weeks at most, it will come out that no one will talk to the media,” he added. [Author note: See this article about AP CEO confirming their sources won’t talk anymore, dated 19 June 2013]. “But let me give you some details about some things I was told too. I know this is second-hand information, but it was from someone in a position of authority to know, someone I trust, and someone who I expect to reveal to [name of elected official deleted] the true extent of what has and in some cases, still is taking place. This individual is preparing to disclose much, and has obtained legal counsel, but the problem is that one misstep could be fatal in a literal sense, and [this source] knows that. If not fatal, there are other legal challenges, especially under a corrupt judiciary. By the time this appears in print, the disclosures will likely have already been made, just not made public.”

The Holder hammer & the Chicago plumbers


More @ Canada Free Press

Supreme Court's authority faces stunning challenge

Via NC Renegade


A coalition of Christian organizations is warning that the U.S. Supreme Court does not have the power to redefine the institution of marriage, which predates government, churches and even religion.

The statement comes just as the court is expected to release its ruling on the Proposition 8 case in California and the federal Defense of Marriage Act.

In the Proposition 8 case, a homosexual judge in California ruled that the state’s voters did not have the right to limit marriage to one man and one woman. Voters approved an amendment in 2008 defining marriage only months after the state Supreme Court established same-sex marriage.

DOMA, which was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, states that for federal purposes, only marriage between one man and one woman is recognized. Homosexual activists challenged the law, and President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder announced that they simply would refuse to defend it, even though it is the law of the land and they are charged with enforcing it.

The coalition today released a statement that left no doubt about the intention of its members should the Supreme Court step rule against traditional marriage.

“As Christians united together in defense of marriage, we pray that this will not happen. But, make no mistake about our resolve. While there are many things we can endure, redefining marriage is so fundamental to the natural order and the true common good that this is the line we must draw and one we cannot and will not cross,” they say.

More @ WND

III Glen Beck Show Appearance



Five of us from the Steering Committee were taped on a segment of the Glen Beck Show this afternoon. The broadcast will be at 5 p.m. Eastern time tomorrow, June 21st. Mr. Beck has his own network called The Blaze. Some cable networks carry him, but if yours doesn't you can watch it over the internet. You can sign up for a free fourteen day trial of on line access to his network at 

We feel that Mr. beck gave us a fair shake and are excited about this opportunity. We talked about the same things that are on our blog and web site, but there is an interesting bit of new information for those who desparately want to label us as racist. See if you can spot it.  :-)

(If you can't tune in tomorrow the show will be available on the internet so you can watch it later.)


Evangelical Group Misleads on Funding Source for Immigration Ads

Via Matthew

In a story Thursday at The Christian Post, the Evangelical Immigration Table denied that left-wing billionaire George Soros provided funding for the EIT's recent advertising in support of the Senate's immigration reform. The article specifically pushes back on reporting done by myself and my colleague Matthew Boyle. Unfortunately, EIT's denials fail to address the crux of our reporting. 

Breitbart News has reported that the Evangelical Immigration Table, whose members have taken a leading role in pushing for the Schumer-Rubio immigration bill, doesn't legally exist. We have also reported that the ads the group claims are "paid for by the Evangelical Immigration Table" were actually purchased by the National Immigration Forum, an organization which has received millions of dollars from George Soros' Open Society Institute.

More @ Breitbart

Fighting Terrorism by Arming Terrorists

Via Ryan

 Oleg Zabielin /

The only Republican to vote against the bill rebuked his colleagues. “This is an important moment,” Rand Paul said. “You will be funding, today, the allies of al-Qaeda. It’s an irony you cannot overcome.”


The Syrian intervention John McCain and the Clintons want would be a war for Islamism, not democracy.

The Obama administration appears to be moving toward arming rebels in Syria, though the White House has only publicly confirmed an increase in the “scope and scale” of its military support.
By one estimate, seven of nine key rebel combatant groups are Islamist. “As the civil war has dragged on, the rebels have become more Islamist and extreme,” the Economist reports. Thus the administration’s decision to arm only the non-Islamist rebels may soon resemble O.J. Simpson’s search for the “real killers.”
Arms shipments approved by the Obama administration have already ended up in the hands of jihadists in Libya. “The weapons and money from Qatar strengthened militant groups in Libya,” reported the New York Times, “allowing them to become a destabilizing force since the fall of the Qaddafi government.”
Operation Fast and Furious meets American foreign policy.

House votes to let states run drug tests on food stamp applicants

Via Billy


The House late Wednesday voted to give states the authority to conduct drug testing on people applying for food stamps under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

By voice vote, members approved the idea as an amendment to the farm bill. The amendment was proposed by Rep. Richard Hudson (R-N.C.). Hudson said the proposal would help ensure SNAP benefits go to needy families and children.
"If adopted, this amendment would join a list of good-government reforms contained in the farm bill to save taxpayer money and ensure integrity and accountability within our nutrition system," Hudson said.

"From preventing lottery winners from receiving food stamps, to closing loopholes and preventing illegal immigrants from receiving benefits, I commend the chairman and ranking member on the work done to reform the food stamps program in the farm bill."

More @ The Hill

Senate Agreement to Bolster Border Security


ABC News has confirmed that the Senate “Gang of Eight” and other members have reached an agreement to strengthen border security provisions in their bill that they hope will deliver the 70 crucial votes needed for the measure.

According to a high-ranking Senate aide, a formal announcement is expected to be introduced on the Senate floor this morning, but no immediate vote is expected. As of now, no news conference on the deal is scheduled either.

A second Capitol Hill source tells ABC News the agreement will include a major border build up, with a  key change being a nearly doubling of border agents, completion of 700 miles of fence, and a specific plan for border security, which must all be fully implemented before green cards are available to undocumented immigrants.

More @ ABC

Who Are The Real Traitors?

Via WiscoDave


“We’ve slipped away from a true republic. Now we’re slipping into a fascist system where it’s a combination of government, big business and authoritarian rule, and the suppression of the individual rights of each and every American citizen. 

When it comes to any significant differences on foreign policy, economic intervention, the Federal Reserve, a strong executive branch, a welfarism mixed with corporatism, both parties are very much alike.  The major arguments in hotly contested presidential races are mostly for public consumption to convince the people they actually have a choice.” 

Ron Paul


“I’m neither traitor nor hero. I’m an American.”Edward Snowden

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”  - Samuel Adams

There are weeks that change the course of human history. There are weeks when people must choose sides. There are weeks that expose the real American traitors. There is no middle ground in this debate. You are either on the side of freedom, liberty, truth, transparency and the U.S. Constitution or you are on the side of mindless obedience, oppression, deception, corruption and tyranny. 

A courageous young Millennial named Edward Snowden has risked his life and his future to expose the illegal, surreptitious surveillance programs being conducted by the United States government in clear violation of the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The NSA, with the full knowledge of Barack Obama and Congress, has been covertly collecting phone and internet records on millions of Americans with the full cooperation of Verizon and other mega media/data corporations. Our owners have been using the U.S. Constitution to wipe their asses. 

The 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is so unambiguous that any intelligent politician, bright journalist or fifth grader in Miss Sabatini’s history class could interpret its meaning and intention. Our founding fathers believed in truth, clarity and simplicity. The traitorous sociopaths in control of our government today believe in obfuscation, ambiguity and complexity.

Right rips Rubio as Republican immigration votes slip away


Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) is feeling the heat as potential GOP allies are now turning against his immigration reform bill.

Republican colleagues who were previously viewed as possible “yes” votes are keeping their distance from the 1,075-page measure.

On Wednesday, conservative activists ripped Rubio and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) — both sponsors of the bipartisan immigration measure — at a Capitol Hill rally.

The crowd, which was protesting the bill’s effort to put millions of illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship, booed at the mention of Rubio’s name during the six-hour event.

The rally underscored the mounting opposition to the immigration reform bill among both grassroots conservatives and GOP senators.

Potential Senate Republican backing for the legislation has begun to evaporate because of deep skepticism over its border-security and enforcement provisions.

More @ The Hill

Teleprompter: To make sure Obama “doesn’t wander off and give up the game.”


MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews, who famously said he felt a thrill up his leg listening to Barack Obama speak in 2008, is now blaming a lackluster speech Wednesday by the U.S. president in Berlin on the sun.

“I think a lot of the problem he had today was the late afternoon sun in Berlin ruined his use of the teleprompter and so his usual dramatic windup was ruined,” Matthews said moments after the address. “I think he was really struggling with the text there.”

Online commenters are having a field day with Matthews’ remark, with comments such as, “Five years into his presidency, even sychophants like Chris Matthews know they can no longer blame Bush. So starting here, starting now, it becomes official: It’s the sun’s fault.”

More @ WND

Insurance company boycotts schools that arm teachers


In yet another challenge to the Second Amendment, an insurance company has refused to provide its products to schools that want to protect students by arming teachers or staff members.

Already, President Obama has made curbing gun rights a legislative priority, and his administration has limited the rights of certain veterans, people with various medical diagnoses and users of marijuana in states where possession is legal.

Now, the EMC Insurance Cos., which insures many Kansas schools, has announced it will not cover any school in which certain defensive measures are taken to protect students, such as teachers carrying concealed weapons.

“We understand that the school districts have every right to decide which way they want to go,” a company vice president in Wichita told the Topeka Capital-Journal.

“But we have to make the decision based on what we perceive to be our best financial interest.”
A new state law allows teachers and other workers to carry guns on school grounds under some circumstances. Previously, only police officers were allowed to be armed.

More @ WND

Military plans to destroy $7 billion worth of equipment in Afghanistan.


Facing a tight withdrawal deadline and tough terrain, the U.S. military has destroyed more than 170 million pounds worth of vehicles and other military equipment as it rushes to wind down its role in the Afghanistan war by the end of 2014.

The massive disposal effort, which U.S. military officials call unprecedented, has unfolded largely out of sight amid an ongoing debate inside the Pentagon about what to do with the heaps of equipment that won’t be returning home. Military planners have determined that they will not ship back more than $7 billion worth of equipment — about 20 percent of what the U.S. military has in Afghanistan — because it is no longer needed or would be too costly to ship back home.

21 Facts About NSA Snooping That Every American Should Know

Va Cousin Colby

There seems to be a lot of confusion about what the NSA is actually doing.  Are they reading our emails?
Are they listening to our telephone calls?  Do they target American citizens or is it only foreigners that they are targeting?  Unfortunately, the truth is that we aren’t going to get straight answers from our leaders about this.  The folks running the NSA have already shown that they are willing to flat out lie to Congress, and Barack Obama doesn’t exactly have the greatest track record when it comes to telling the truth.  These are men that play word games and tell lies for a living.  So it would be unrealistic to expect them to come out and tell us the unvarnished truth about what is going on.  That is why it is so important that whistleblowers such as Edward Snowden have come forward.  Thanks to them and to the brave journalists that are willing to look into these things, we have been able to get some glimpses behind the curtain.  And what we have learned is not very pretty.  The following are 21 facts about NSA snooping that every American should know.

#1 According to CNET, the NSA told Congress during a recent classified briefing that it does not need court authorization to listen to domestic phone calls…

Gertz: Obama's 'Communist' Nuclear Stance Could Trigger Arms Race


President Barack Obama's call on Wednesday for "peace with justice" as he proposed the reduction of America's nuclear arsenal has communist overtones and could trigger an arms race, veteran journalist Bill Gertz says.

"It's somewhat of a radical departure from our nuclear deterrence posture and could be very destabilizing and prompt a nuclear arms race by a lot of countries," Gertz, a senior editor at the Washington Free Beacon website and columnist at The Washington Times, told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"The president is using a new term to support his earlier disarmament call-back in 2009 in Prague, and it's called 'peace with justice,' which has a very Marxist, Leninist ring to it.

"All of the rhetoric of the communist groups around refer to peace with justice, [and] now the president has employed it for the first time."

More @ Newsmax

PTR bolts Connecticut for South Carolina

Via WiscoDave

 Later, Fascists: PTR bolts Connecticut for South Carolina

PTR Industries, which makes high quality G3-style .308 rifles, is leaving the gun and job hating state of Connecticut with all their employees, and is relocating to South Carolina:
“The cat is out of the bag on Connecticut firearms manufacturer PTR Industries. They are coming to Horry County, South Carolina!!!,” South Carolina Rep. Alan Clemmons (R- Myrtle Beach), who met with the company earlier this month, wrote to his constituents via Facebook this morning.
And it’s true. PTR Industries announced that it’s packing up and moving to South Carolina, the company confirmed with this morning. It’s the first of all the Connecticut gun makers to do so.
The formal announcement will be made at a ribbon cutting ceremony on Monday at 2:30 p.m. at an industrial building in Aynor, PTR Vice President John McNamara said and added that “the entire company will be relocating.”

Mo0re @ Bob Owens

Sacrificing Our Daughters: On the Psychology of Islamic Rape-Gangs

Via NC Renegade

 In Great Britain, young white girls are being drugged, gang-raped, and tortured by Muslim men. These brutal attacks are occurring so frequently and in so many cities, it would be positively irrational not to look for a connection. So, why are Muslim rape-gangs targeting young British girls and treating them as if they're worthless? Perhaps the answers are in the Qur'an.

 For those who want the sources I quoted or referred to in the video, here they are: