I generally try to stay away from Velociworld unless I have a point to make. A sound bite. A relevant point. Otherwise I am a blithering idiot. I like a talking point. I don't have one at the moment. Therefore I'm going to blather. You may leave now.
Let's talk about this administration. It is criminal. It is political. It is also inexorable. It won't be stopped. But, like the Communist threat in 1946, it can be contained.
I ran across George Kennan's memoirs in 1980 in a bookstore in Virginia-Highlands in Atlanta. It was fascinating. He was the author of the Long Telegraph from Moscow to Truman. He realized we had already lost Europe, and we needed to contain the Soviets. He argued for what would later be known as detente.
That didn't work out too well. We lost China, Cuba, Angola, North Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua, a host of countries.
Reagan introduced rollback. There is no containment. We will roll you back. Very Churchillian. Very beautiful. Especially because it worked.
This guy? This guy we have now? He's nothing. He's vaporware. As Theodore Roosevelt once said, I could carve a better man out of a banana.
The Left is old and tired. Like me. They can be rolled back. Put your kid in trade school. Refuse federal school loans. Create plumbers and engineers and HVAC masters. Starve this beast. Law school is a sure path to unemployment and $250,000 in debt. Don't play that game.
The lesson we must teach these Marxists disguised as liberal Democrats is: We will roll you back. It's like Patton in Africa. There is no other choice. Every now and then the good people must strike down the horrid whores. At the very least our kids will appreciate it.
And I apologize for the two sentence paragraphs. I must speak down to the lip movers on the a gauche side. Context.