Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Home Invasion Dilemma - Discussion & Scenarios

Via III Percent Patriots
Never forget.

My intent is to discuss, in a scenario based format, the dilemma posed by the increased risk of armed home invasion and your potential responses to it. Firstly, let me lay out my assumptions for this discussion:
1) Current ‘Law Enforcement’ policy has seen the proliferation of co-called ‘SWAT’ teams. ‘SWAT’ refers to a ‘Special Weapons and Tactics’ Law Enforcement team. However, due to insufficient selection and training for these teams, there is little ‘special’ and ‘tactics’ about them. Thus, for the purpose of this discussion I will be referring to them as ‘Home Invasion Teams’ or HIT teams.   
2) You and your family are law abiding citizens, for what that is worth in the current climate of authoritarian tyranny. As such, you are not expecting a home invasion. You would have no reason to do so. At worst, you may be in contravention of some unconstitutional local statute or ordinance, such as selling milk, or harboring Bambi, keeping standard capacity rifle  magazines, or some such other non-crime.
3) If you actually expected a home invasion, then you would adopt different tactics. You would not be asleep in your home. You would prepare a defense and probably not actually be in your home. That is all a different topic, such as home / retreat defense in an SHTF environment, something that I cover in detail in ‘Contact! A Tactical Manual for Post Collapse Survival.’ Similarly, the assumption is that if you suffer a home invasion, the intent of the HIT team is not expressly to kill you and your family i.e. there remains a veneer of legality over this activity. However, death is still a very likely possibility as the result of a HIT raid. If there is no longer any veneer of legality, and you are suffering from kill squad attacks, then refer back to the SHTF point, and you have no choice but to establish defenses to repel marauders, or bug out, or both.

 4) There are an increasing number of ‘no knock’ nighttime raids by HIT teams. There are also an increasing number of these raids that target the wrong address. There are also an increasing number of criminal (i.e. non Law Enforcement…er…) home invasions and a number of these raids have seen criminals wearing police/SWAT style uniforms – er…just to clarify, they were impersonating Law Enforcement, and they were not actually Law Enforcement personnel….still with me? I know, it’s confusing nowadays….the problem being that with a ‘no knock raid’ there is no announcement or expectation of a Law Enforcement visit. Back to point 2 above, you are ‘law abiding’ people, not a meth lab or some such other den of criminals
5) These HIT teams are often established but poorly or inadequately trained. The focus is no longer to ‘serve and protect’ but to hurt, threaten, endanger and control citizens, while ensuring that the ‘officers’ look to their personal safety. The focus is on the ‘officer’ “going home at the end of my shift.” This means that the HIT team tactics may be poor. They lack restraint. They are fearful. They lack fire control and discipline. If they raid your house, everyone in it, including the animals, is in great danger. 
6) The better way for Law Enforcement to deal with a visit to a home would be to phone ahead and discuss the matter. And/or send a couple of deputies or plain clothes detectives. You know, the way it used to be done when ‘Officer Friendly’ may have existed. If your grass is too long, in contravention of the homeowners association and local ordinances, perhaps they can discuss that. Maybe even offer to mow it on their time off. You know, hearts and minds and all that….However, if it is felt that there is sufficient threat of violence from the home, then have a HIT team on standby, secure the perimeter, place overwatch. You know; all those sensible tactical things. You know, for when the home is lived in by pesky tea bagger and constitutionalist types, crazy white cracker white gun clingers i.e. the holy grail of domestic terrorism. No: reserve your no knock 0300hrs raid for the den of drug dealers and actual criminals.
Ok, so enough of the assumptions. Let’s take a look at this. We are going to have, for this scenario, a no knock raid at 0300hrs. You are the husband of a family with a wife and young children, and at least one dog. You are preppers and Patriots and you have firearms and ready gear. You personally have a tactical ‘crash bag’ with your personal tactical gear, battle belt, plate carrier (PC) and ruck. You have weapons readily available in the house in case of a home invasion: something like a handgun, shotgun or AR15. However, with young kids, these are not right there on the nightstand, they are either in a safe or up somewhere high, like on hooks in the closet. You only have the ammo readily available that is loaded into that firearm. The rest is in your gear or in the safe.
You are asleep and not expecting a home invasion. At 0300hrs the first you may know of the raid may be something like the following, or a combination:

Survival Food Company Urgently Contacted By FEMA.........?

Via Knuckledraggin' My Life Away

 Actual email recieved by Matt of (Image:


Recently my friend Matt, the owner of was contacted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) by way of email, leading on that something is ready to pop off.

Matt being the patriot he is immediately contacted me with this disturbing news. He even provided screenshots of the actual email sent by a FEMA representative. The names and revealing information have been blurred out.

More @ Intelli Hub

WALL OF SHIPPING CONTAINERS Set Up Outside Nidal Hasan “Workplace Violence” Trial

Via Angry Mike

workplace violence

Just your typical “workplace violence” trial…

A three story wall of shipping containers was set up outside the Nidal Hasan trial at the Lawrence H. Williams Judicial Center at Fort Hood, Texas.

The extra precaution was due to possible terrorist threats… But Obama says it was “workplace violence.”

 The courtroom is protected by hundreds of stacked freight car-size shipping containers.
Newser reported:

Wife Of Ft. Hood Survivor: “DOD Is Gagging Us”

Via Angry Mike

Autumn Manning, wife of Army Staff Sgt. Shawn Manning who was wounded in the Ft. Hood terror attack, is speaking out on Twitter. Manning claims that the Department of Defense has “slapped victims of violence with gag orders” and is preventing them to discuss denial of benefits and other developments in the wake of the attack.

Screen Shot 2013-08-07 at 6.30.03 PM 

More @ Red State

Coburn OKs Obama Nominee For OPM Director Katherine Archuleta After Congressional Staffers Get Obamacare Waiver


There is much to like about Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK). His annual Wastebook project has been helpful in exposing wasteful government spending. However, I pause as his recent release of a hold he had placed on Barack Obama’s nominee, Katherine Archuleta, to head the Office of Personal Management (OPM) after a proposed ruling allowed the federal government to subsidize health insurance premiums of Congressional staffers, as well as members of Congress. Coburn blocked Archuleta’s nomination last week after a Senate committee approved her nomination. The approved nomination was to be “an attempt to force OPM to explain its position” on Obamacare subsidies. Fox News reports on the ruling that led to Coburn’s unblocking Archuleta’s nomination.

‘Peace With Honor’

 Here are 25 Stunning Photos Of the Vietnam War
A South Vietnamese soldier uses the end of a dagger to beat a farmer for allegedly supplying government troops with inaccurate information about the movement of Viet Cong guerrillas in a village west of Saigon, Vietnam. (AP Photo/Horst Faas, File).

 (Not my take.  Seems like they just pulled the VC out of a swamp where he was hidding underwater while breathing through a hollow stalk.)

More @ The Blaze (Title of 25 years refers to the 1973 "Peace Accords" not the evacuation.)

1935 Stout Scarab

Via szhaman


Strange aluminum Scarab
It then it would be called "car, ahead of time," "the first minivan," or even an "icon of automotive art deco." And in 1932, when American aircraft William B. Stout (William Bushnell Stout) created the first such vehicle, the public reacted to the bizarre-looking cars with great care.

Body came out like a profile Aircraft Wing and a scarab beetle at the same time. This beetle that inspired the author of the project, showed off on the bow of the car.

More @ Oldtimer 

Black mob targets off-duty police


A mob of nine black people attack two off-duty cops visiting Green Bay. Downtown. At night. Happened last month.

Green Bay cops show up. No one is arrested. The off-duty cops – from Minneapolis – do not like that. They accuse Green Bay cops of running a “clown show.”
“I’m not trying to be an a****** here,” said the Minneapolis cop in a dashboard cam video. “But we get jumped by nine f****** black guys and we’re the problem? We’re two small white guys and you got a crowd of black guys up there.”
The Minneapolis cops did something that apparently is just not done in Green Bay. They fought back. The mob was “doing their monkey thing,” said one of the cops. “We’re police officers. I punched him in the face and I will do it again.”

The Minneapolis cop used a racial slur. It is not known whether that was before or after they called Green Bay police a “clown show.” 

More @ WND

Bang! Editor fired after publishing gun-owner map


The editor of the New York newspaper that created a furor by publishing the names and addresses of gun-permit owners suddenly is out of a job.

According to the Rockland Times, a competitor to the Gannett-owned Rockland County Journal News, editor Caryn McBride is among the casualties of a recent purge at the Journal News.
The report said 17 journalists were among a total of 26 staff members at the Journal News who were let go.

It was the Journal News that in 2012 published the names and addresses of all gun owners in Westchester and Rockland counties under the headline “Where are the gun permits in your neighborhood?”

The Times said police reports showed McBride had called the Clarkstown Police Department to notify them of a flood of angry phone calls and letters the newspaper received after it published the map.

More @ WND

CNN Report Slams WH on Benghazi: "Inconsistent, Conflicting, Inaccurate"


Miracles never cease.

Perhaps I spoke to soon in criticizing CNN's John King for focusing so much of his Benghazi analysis on Republicans exploiting -- or thinking of exploiting -- the scandal for political purposes. 

 In a segment that aired as part of the network's special report on the terrorist attack, King was harshly critical of the administration's handling of the massacre and its aftermath:

Pentagon considers giving soldiers in same-sex relationships 10 days of leave to marry

Via Billy "It was better when they kicked them out."


The Pentagon is considering giving military personnel in same-sex relationships up to 10 days of leave so they can travel to states where they can legally marry, according to a Department of Defense document obtained by the Associated Press. The proposal is an effort to deal with the extension of benefits to same-sex partners that aren't in legal marriages.

The Department of Defense is on track with plans to give same-sex spouses of military members access to healthcare, housing and other benefits by its end-of-August deadline.

More @ AL

Clarksville Schools Poised To Arm Staff Despite AG Opinion

Via WiscoDave

The Clarksville school superintendent said Monday that trained teachers and staff still could be armed when school starts since he has determined that an attorney general’s opinion unfavorable to the program is “erroneous.”

Superintendent David Hopkins said that after consulting over the weekend with the school district’s attorney, he has concluded that Attorney General Dustin McDaniel was wrong to say in an advisory opinion last week that school districts are not permitted under state law to act as private entities able to hire private security guards or train their employees to provide armed security.

The district recently spent about $68,000 training about 20 employees to serve as armed security guards. Hopkins said Monday the district is waiting on word from the Arkansas State Police as to whether McDaniel’s opinion means the district has to cancel the program — and that unless the agency indicates that it does, the program will be in place when classes start Aug. 19.

More @ SW Times

Dog eats paralyzed man's testicle

Via Bill "The moral of this story is:  no matter how bad your day is going, somewhere, someone is having a WORSE one."


  A Trumann man awoke Monday morning to find his dog eating one of his testicles.

The man, who has not been identified, is paralyzed and told police he has "no feeling from the waist down."

Around 7:45 a.m. Monday he was awakened by a "burning pain" in his mid-section, according to the initial police report.

More @ WAFF

A Rebel Yell for the Colonel

Via WiscoDave


Trayvon. Bernanke. The Colonel. America is buffeted by blustery winds of change these days, yet who among us would have thought even they could disquiet the solemnity of the buffet table?

Recently it was announced that the venerable gentleman in the white suit and string tie would be phased out of our collective consciousness. KFC, formerly Kentucky Fried Chicken, is erasing the Colonel from its advertising and some establishments. Has there ever been a greater corporate betrayal? (Well, yes; but probably nothing similar where chicken breasts are concerned.)

Harland Sanders has always been something of a hero of mine. Not because he managed to hit on just the right blend of essential herbs and spices, but because as far as sheer tenacity and the grit of making it through life goes, he is a model for us all.

The Colonel was born not in 1790, as producers of Little House on the Prairie would have you believe, but in 1890 to a dirt-poor family in rural Indiana. During his infancy his father was severely injured, ending their farming life. The patriarch became a butcher for a few years but soon caught fever and died. Eldest child Harland became man of the house (at age 5) until his mother married a stepfather who beat him. By 12 he left school and subsequently left home.


IWI TAVOR 16 & 18" models in stock (1 of each)
IWI Tavor SAR Barrel: 18"
At the end of the 1982 Israel-Lebanon War arose an understanding that the modern battlefield had changed. One of the conclusions from the war, particularly relevant to the small arms industry, was that the battle had moved from open field conflicts to close-quarters engagements – and there was a need for a seamless transition from daylight to nighttime capability on a single mission. Out of this understanding, and after more than a decade of collaboration and testing with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) - the TAVOR®rifle was born. Just as race car technology trickles down to consumer automobiles, so do these time and battle-tested firearms now become a modern sporting rifle platform for civilian gun enthusiasts.
The TAVOR® is a perfect fusion of an ordnance grade steel receiver coupled to a Mil-Spec cold hammer forged barrel and encased into a high-impact strength polymer uni-body with exceptional situational ergonomics. The ultra-compact form factor allows for easy transitions in close quarter situations…or even in your favorite deer blind. The bullpup design moves the center of gravity of the rifle closer to the users’ body allowing for more instinctive aiming and improved acquisition time to target. This innovative design also allows for a full length barrel, which means no loss of down range ballistic accuracy. Near and far range accuracy is enhanced by the minimized recoil provided by a non-lubricated long stroke gas piston system. With the exception of a hand-specific locking bolt, the rifle is completely ambidextrous allowing for easy left-hand conversion of the operating handle, ejection port, fire-control safety, sling swivel receptacles and fore-mounted accessory Picatinny rail. The TAVOR® is supplied with IDF-tested and approved magazines – but you can also use your own AR-15/M16 style magazines.

Vietnam: “It was the Alamo” William P. Collier recommended for MOH

Via LH
Then-Maj. William Collier, center, with his translator, Mr. Long, left, and then-Air Force Capt. Joseph Personett look out over the burm of Mo Duc District Headquarters, Vietnam, in 1972.

In 41 years, Col. Bill Collier has never talked about his experience in Vietnam.

"I didn't want to talk about it," he said. "When you lose as many guys, those are painful memories. That was 41 years ago. What's the point? I put all this stuff in a box. Sealed it up. Sealed up my mind, too."

It wasn't until he started a combat veterans support group at Northeast Presbyterian that he opened up.  Initially, he wanted to help the younger veterans.

"I'm convinced helping these guys means a combat vet talking to a combat vet," said Collier. "There's an understanding there that's hard to explain."

That understanding allowed Collier to dig out a dusty old recording of a debrief of a mission no one had read about, and one Collier's fellow veterans couldn't believe.

"We all just sat there, across the board, and said, 'This is a medal of honor,'" said Col. Steve Vitali.
It was 1972. American combat troops were gone and peace talks were going on in Paris. Collier, then a Major, was a U.S. Army advisor to the Mo Duc district of Vietnam.

"It was a farming community," he said. "100% farmers. They were peasants, Third World peasants."

Around 120 were under his command, part of what was basically the South Vietnamese national guard. Collier was one of only two Americans at a district headquarters that was no bigger than a football field.
North Vietnamese, wearing sashes that read Liberate Mo Duc, attacked just before sunrise. There were hundreds in that first attack. But hours later, there were thousands.

Collier knew he wouldn't make it.

More @ WISTV