Monday, September 30, 2013

The Unholy Triangle and the Rise of the Conservative Base

Via LH


America is a resilient nation. We have had bad Presidents before, but without a doubt, never as bad as the current occupant of the White House. Hopefully, over time America should bounce back from the chaos and destruction Obama’s policies and leadership have inflicted upon this nation.

We have witnessed Obama vacillate and abdicate American national security interest to tyrants and challengers on the world stage; while paradoxically, Obama ignores American laws and bullies his political opponents in the US.

How can a great people in such a grand nation ever allow a revolutionary to assume the highest elected office in the United States? Maybe, as the deaf tone Republican leadership played the traditional roles of politics, the progressive juggernaut covertly infiltrated and dominated mainstream media, academia, and Hollywood. The progressive wing of Congressional Democrats surged in Congress while mainstream Dixieland Democrats were purged. Congressional Democrats have titled so far left of center that patriotism is now a relic that has been replaced by progressive orthodoxy.

The old Journalist networks that previously provided less biased news and information has morphed into an unholy triangle which has forgone financial rewards in order to support a progressive agenda.

Stealthily, this unholy triangle has joined forces with the progressive radicals in the Democrat Party to squash conservatism.

The first pillar of the unholy triangle, the progressive media empire, shapes, censors, and fits the news to advance a progressive agenda and protect a Democrat President. We have seen how the media can create a Republican scandal or crisis when there is none. We also witnessed this empire bury news to stop and shield Democrats from growing scandals such as Benghazi, NSA, and IRS. In the largess of media power, it effectively filters the information to restrict the Republican message from ever reaching the public.

The second pillar of the unholy triangle, Academia, is no longer a vibrant institution of intellectual exploration. Academia reeks of extreme ideological professors who rule with iron fists and tolerate no thought or expression apart from their progressive theocracy. Try to invite a notable conservative speaker to address any prestigious campus. The faculty will vocally revolt to such an idea and their brainwashed students will follow suite in an attempt to verbally intimidate the administration into cancelling such opportunities, and, if that doesn’t work, will rudely interrupt and harass the speakers at every opportunity. How hypocritical are the Academia declarations of the right to “freedom of speech”! To the majority of Academia today, that right is only guaranteed if you share their agnostic religion of progressivism!

More @ Poli Site

The Professor Who Lynched ‘Negroes’


 We had Greenbrier Cuban graduates who went back to fight Castro with sad results.

Any professor in the U.S. who utters the “N-word” even offhandedly gets cashiered instantly.

Examples abound.  Nowadays even using the perfectly proper term “Negro” can get an educator fired, as in the case of a Bronx teacher.

The trick to—not only keeping one’s academic job—but catapulting to emeritus status apparently involves using the term “Negro” only for anti-communist black people that you lynched. I use the word “lynch” here—not in the current conservative context referring to liberal handling of Herman Cain, Allen West, Clarence Thomas, etc.—but literally, as in murdering. An example exists:

 The first (victim) was a tall handsome mulatto. He stood blindfolded before the paredon (firing squad wall), his hands bound in front of him. “Muchachos,” he said calmly, “The only crime you are going to commit is to kill me, because I am innocent.”

I stepped into the field shouted: “Ready!..Aim!–FIRE!”…the man went down and I went up to him immediately, commanding the firing squad to order arms as I walked. There were bullet holes in his shirt and he seemed dead, but I wasted no time in putting the automatic to his head and pulled the trigger. It made a neat round hole.

Next (victim) to die was a Negro who was hauled kicking and screaming to the paredon…I told the jailers to throw him up against the wall and get out of the way…the condemned man froze in terror when he saw his executioners arrayed before him.

More @ Front Page

#PPProject: Harassment & Vandalism at Indiana University


A pathetic POS who needs to be removed from the population.

Participants in the Planned Parenthood Project Tour were harassed and the display was vandalized during a stop at Indiana University.

More information:

Students for Life of America (SFLA) is one of the nation's most active pro-life organizations and the largest youth pro-life organization. We are the only national pro-life organization dedicated to training and equipping college, high school, medical, and law school students. Our approach is uniquely effective, and the methods we have developed are a combination of time-tested techniques and cutting-edge technology.

Daughter kills mother and brother, dad kills daughter

Via Knuckledraggin' My Life Away

 Police: Daughter killed Pa. mom with shotgun

As I commented at the link:  Couldn't make this up.

A two-decade family feud came to a violent end when a man shot dead the two home invaders that killed his wife and son, not knowing the assailants included his long-estranged daughter, authorities said Sunday.

Though the investigation of Friday's shootings continues, authorities said it appears Josephine and Jeffrey Ruckinger planned to murder her family at their rural central Pennsylvania home — but it remains unclear what exactly led to the deadly confrontation.

"They parked at the bottom of a long driveway, and walked up, heavily armed," said Cambria County District Attorney Kelly Callihan.

Josephine Ruckinger was armed with a sawed-off 12-gauge shotgun and her husband had a Derringer pistol and a .22-caliber semi-automatic handgun as they approached the Frew family home in Ashville, about 40 miles southwest of State College, according to investigators.

John Frew, his wife Roberta, and their son John Jr., 47, had just returned from dinner out, and were watching TV in the living room of the white mobile home when there was a knock at the door, authorities said.

Police say Roberta, 64, answered the door, and cried out something like "Oh my God, they have guns!" before her daughter shot her at point-blank range. John Jr. then may have attempted to arm himself with a gun, but Jeffrey Ruckinger shot him multiple times in the chest, killing him, police said.

The elder Frew, 67, grabbed a .22 revolver and came out from the bedroom to find the daughter he didn't initially recognize pointing the shotgun at him. Frew fired once, hitting her in the head, then turned and exchanged fire with Jeffrey Ruckinger, killing him. He then called police.

Josephine Ruckinger was still alive when police arrived, but later died at an area hospital. John Frew was not hurt.

More with video @ AJC

Our Confederate Veterans

 File:Cherokee Confederates Reunion.gif
 Thomas' Legion Cherokee Reunion, New Orleans 1903

Via PoP's Southern Thangs

The marching armies of the past
 Along our Southern plains,
 Are sleeping now in quiet rest
 Beneath the Southern rains.

The bugle call is now in vain
 To rouse them from their bed;
 To arms they'll never march again--
 They are sleeping with the dead.

No more will Shiloh's plains be stained
 With blood our heroes shed,
 Nor Chancellorsville resound again
 To our noble warriors' tread.

For them no more shall reveille
 Sound at the break of dawn,
 But may their sleep peaceful be
 Till God's great judgment morn.

We bow our heads in solemn prayer
 For those who wore the gray,
 And clasp again their unseen hands
 On our Memorial Day.

Author Unknown

The Standing Army Marches On

 Dallas County

When the Constitution’s Framers adopted the 3rd Amendment, prohibiting the peacetime quartering of soldiers, they had fresh on their minds the experience of the British occupation of Boston, the use of armed enforcers to conduct searches without traditionally restrictive warrants, and the overall spectacle of government officials heavily armed in a military capacity patrolling the streets to enforce the central state’s will. Thomas Jefferson condemned standing armies as “instruments so dangerous to the rights of the nation and which place them so totally at the mercy of their governors that those governors, whether legislative or executive, should be restrained from keeping such instruments on foot but in well-defined cases.”

The fear here was not so much that soldiers nominally associated with the military proper would patrol the streets, but that heavily armed officials with the best military equipment available would treat domestic affairs as though everywhere were a war zone. The colors of the uniforms and even jurisdiction were secondary to the material existence of ubiquitous armed agents with wide discretion in enforcing the government’s decrees.

Obamacare: Designed to Fail?



There are so many problems raised by Obamacare that one wonders if it was designed deliberately to fail. You don’t need a course in economics to have predicted two of the biggest problems:

1) the provision requiring any employer with 50 or more employees to provide healthcare. This has spawned an epidemic of companies called “49ers” with 49 or fewer employees; and,

2) the provision requiring that any employee working more than 30 hours be given employer-provided health insurance. This has made part-time employment the new norm. Last month fully 70 percent of all new jobs created were part-time jobs.

More @ My Gov Cost

HSLDA: Support Liberty, Justice, Homeschool Freedom this Election

On Thursday, Generation Joshua is going to deploy a team of over 100 students across Virginia to bring the clear message of life, liberty, and freedom to voters. The upcoming governor’s election in Virginia is considered by many a test run for the nation as to what values will matter for the 2014 congressional elections.

The liberals are aggressively opposing homeschool dad Ken Cuccinelli in his run for governor. Throughout his career, Ken has taken stand after stand for personal freedom, limited government, and justice. His stand has been so clear that both liberty-loving Ron Paul and values champion Mike Huckabee have endorsed him.

But as you would expect, any time someone stands up with a clear message advancing liberty, responsibility, and justice in America, the people who think government knows best set their sights on taking him down. Recently I received an email opposing Ken, and I’ll just let you read it.
Ken Cuccinelli’s extreme agenda isn’t just talk:

• He supported ‘personhood’ legislation that could have banned common forms of birth control like the pill.
• He pushed medically unnecessary regulations on women’s health clinics that have already led one facility to shut its doors
• And he almost derailed the state budget in an attempt to defund Planned Parenthood!
For some strange reason, I feel like I want to work harder to support this man.
Which brings me to the point of this email: if we are going to stand up for our liberty, and if we want to do our best to elect a homeschool dad as governor in George Washington’s state, we need to raise another $15,000.

If you would consider partnering with us, we would greatly appreciate it. We have been given a matching grant up to $25,000.This means every dollar you contribute is doubled—$5 becomes $10, $25 becomes $50, $50 becomes $100, $500 becomes $1,000, etc. We want to make maximum impact but we can't do it without your help.

Please help us support life, family and liberty in Virginia.


Joel Grewe
Director of Generation Joshua
540.338.8606 (fax)

Greece Takes Another Step Toward Martial Law with Arrests of Golden Dawn Leaders

BS. We know where this is going when the cops are masked.

Democracy: Now you see it and now you don't!

Something is happening in Greece and global elitists don't like it so they are up to their regular shenanigans that deprive people of their rights and due process. No worries though. It's all in the name of routing evil. Okay, whatever. Let's ask Golden Dawn leaders though.

Apparently, the Golden Dawn political group in Greece is now seen as a Neo-Nazi group so police have begun arresting their leaders and are essentially doing their level best to shut down the political party because of it. The authorities have gone so far as to charge leaders as being part of a "criminal organization." This party is an extreme right-wing party in Greece so elitists don't like that. To make matters worse, "a Greek 'Gangster Rapper' singer known as 'P Killa' was stabbed to death. The suspected killer had Golden Dawn campaign materials at his house. The murder is being used to as an excuse to try to outlaw a major political party."

I'm sorry, but this is too hilarious to be true. A Greek gangster rapper was found to have Golden Dawn campaign materials in his home when police found his body? Wow, how convenient. Beyond this, the individual accused of killing P Killa is said to be "George Roupakias, 45, an avowed supporter of Golden Dawn."

GRNC Alert 9-30-13 NCSBA & NCSBAC Presidents Lie About Anti-Gun Agenda


Deny Director discussed HB937 repeal in meetings...


NC School Board Association President Evelyn Bulluck and NC School Boards Action Center President Tim Morgan responded last Thursday to GRNC's exposure of their efforts to use YOUR TAX DOLLARS to repeal state law allowing storage of handguns in locked containers on school property.

In their response, sent to every School Board Member in the state, they claim that NCSBA Director of Government Relations, Leanne Winner has not been advocating repeal of HB937 in her meetings with county school boards around the state. According to Bulluck and Morgan's letter, 

Here are the facts: At no time during her [Director Winner's] district meeting legislative updates has Ms. Winner claimed that NCSBAC will be used to repeal the concealed carry firearm statute.”

The problem with this statement is that it is a complete fabrication. Director Winner has been criss-crossing the state, meeting with school boards, and promoting an anti-Second Amendment agenda calling for repeal of HB937. GRNC knows this because we have audio recordings of her meetings. You can listen to one of these recordings of Director Winner's statements yourself Here and at:

Not only does Director Winner call for repeal, but she also impunes the General Assembly for passing the law, particularly the NC Senate. She also insults every holder of a concealed handgun permit in the state, by outrageously claiming that we will have shoot-outs in school parking lots over athletic event disagreements. And unfortunately this law won't help us defend our kids in “Gun Free Schools”. It will simply allow us to avoid defenseless traveling to and from campus.

President Bulluck's memo goes on to accuse GRNC of misrepresenting NCSBA's position, telling EVERY School Board Member in the state that GRNC has lied. This cannot stand. It is NCSBA who is attacking the fundamental rights of North Carolinians, insulting legislators and handgun permittees, and spindling the truth while spending OUR TAX DOLLARS to do it. THIS MUST BE STOPPED!

Salon Does PC Hit Piece on Richard Spencer

Richard Spencer has hit the big time. Salon just published a hit piece on him called “The Hatemonger Next Door.”

Is it really asking too much that if a journalist accuses someone of hate in an article that the article actually attempt to support the allegation of hate? What she proved in the article is that she thinks Richard Spencer is a politically incorrect wrongthinker and he offended her oh so rightthinking sensibilities  But what the author believes to be politically incorrect wrongthink does not equal hate, and the use of the word hate is rank demagoguery.

NC Republicans vow to fight US DOJ over voter laws

Via LH

North Carolina's Republican governor and GOP lawmakers are vowing to fight a lawsuit filed by the U.S. Justice Department challenging the state's tough new elections law on the grounds it disproportionately impacts minority voters.

Gov. Pat McCrory says the federal complaint filed Monday is an overreach and without merit. McCrory says he has hired private lawyers to help defend the new law from what he suggested was a partisan attack by President Barack Obama's Democratic administration.

North Carolina's new law cuts early voting by a week, ends same-day voter registration and includes a stringent photo ID requirement.

More @ AP

The Last House Call & The Ellenboro Fair/ An Open Letter & Open Report
HK and Dixie at The Hunley Funeral 2004.

Dear Ms. Lunelle,

Almost immediately after I had been introduced, several hands would go up and the question that would be put to me; Mr. Edgerton, where do you stand on the President's request for support to take military action against Syria?

I would reply: " I find it ironic that President Obama who would champion the likes of Abraham Lincoln, Assad and many of the third world cruel dictators that have surfaced since the War Between the States took their training from the hand book of Lincoln's policy of committing total warfare on innocent old men, children and especially women, carried out by his Generals, Grant and Sherman.

( 2 ) Mr. Edgerton , I read where you spoke about the Dream of King, and have said that the likes of Jackson don't have a clue on how to bring the sons of former slave owners and the sons of former slaves to the Table of Brotherhood. What would you do or suggest how that would take place?

I would answer that I would solicit the help from a real trustworthy Holy Man, and my choice would be Father Alister Anderson, Past Chaplain In Chief of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. After that answer, a lot of hands would go up. However, I would defer any questions on the matter to Father Anderson of whom I wished could have been present in this gathering of Black folks who now wanted to meet him.

One very old Black man would recount that his grand father had been taken by union troops and forced to serve in the Yankee army, and generally did not like to talk about the war, but when pushed to on an occasion of a family gathering, had cried as he recalled a day when he was forced to set the torch to a home of a decent White family who had shown so much kindness to him and other slaves that had been farmed out to them by their Master. He said that there was not a dry eye in that gathering, and that no one ever asked again of his grandpa about the War Between the States.

As I made my way from the low country of South Carolina, I could not help but feel a deep sadness that so many people of the South both White and Black had been turned against each other after they had stood together for so long in a test of human suffering and inevitable love and kindness that they would find for each other in the course of human events.

The Ellenboro Fair in Ellenboro, North Carolina that once issued to the Commander of the Sons of Confederate Veterans a ban on the Southern Cross because it would be offensive to some of the patrons has now in the third consecutive year welcomed the Rutherfordton Rifle Camp Sons and their Colors. I would don the uniform of the Southern soldier and alongside their Commander Jim Kennedy, Bud Scott and others of the Camp, post the Colors for four days before the fifth day would rain us all out.

 HK Edgerton

Price comparisons

Just an idle thought: from 1900 to 1933, US dollar was worth roughly a pennyweight (1/20 troy ounce or 1.556 gram) of gold. As of today, gold trades for just under $ 43/gram. A dollar today buys about 67 times less gold than it did in 1925. Do we earn 67 times more? A more Meaningful comparison Would be to the Wages and prices of the Day .
In 1924, a typical farm wage was a little less than $ 50/month, or a little over $ 44K annually in today's money. Skilled trades (numbers for unionized workers in NYC, therefore not typical of the rest of the country) were four to six times higher. Another source listed average income under $ 100/month - I am sure that these numbers varied greatly with location and other factors. I am not sure how the linked site came up with the 1:12.48 ratio - for that to be accurate, the purchasing power of gold had to be 5.3 times lower than today.
For New Technologies , like radios, That was more than true. A good radio with a speaker approached $ 100 - imagine how much technology $ 6,700 buy us today! 

More @ Oleg Volk

“The Agenda” and the Confederate Flag

Via Billy


There was an Internet article on the headline of which read “Confederate Flag’s Re-emergence: Racism or Regional Pride?” To those of you who follow this sort of thing, you already know where this article is going. It’s one among scores that seem to appear every week across the country. Someone, somewhere waves a Confederate flag and the “news” (what a laugh) media is there to shout “KKK Invasion!” It would be ludicrous if it were not so sad. A public-school-“educated” populace is so completely befuddled that many of them actually take this stuff seriously.

According to this article Confederate flags seem to have made a re-emergence in the Philadelphia area—a region those of Yankee/Marxist mentality thought they had sewed up. Turns out they might be in error.

Forgetfulness of the Crusaders


Author Robert Penn Warren writes below of “The Treasury of Virtue,” the psychological heritage left to the North by the war and the irrefutable basis of its long-serving Myth of Saving the Union. With his armies victorious the Northerner was free “to write history to suit his own deep needs . . . and knows, as everybody knows, that the war saved the Union.”
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"

Forgetfulness of the Crusaders 

“When one is happy in forgetfulness, facts get forgotten.  In the happy contemplation of the Treasury of Virtue it is forgotten that the Republican platform of 1860 pledged protection to the institution of slavery where it existed, and that the Republicans were ready, in 1861, to guarantee slavery in the South, as bait for a return to the Union. 

It is forgotten that in July, 1861, both houses of Congress, by an almost unanimous vote, affirmed that the War was waged not to interfere with the institutions of any State but only to maintain the Union.  The War, in the words of the House resolution, should cease “as soon as these objects are accomplished.” 

It is forgotten that the Emancipation Proclamation, issued on September 23, 1862, was limited and provisional: slavery was to be abolished only in the seceded States and only if they did not return to the Union before the first of the next January.

It is forgotten that the Proclamation was widely disapproved [in the North] and even contributed to the serious setbacks to Republican candidates for office in the subsequent election.  

It is forgotten that, as Lincoln himself freely admitted, the Proclamation itself was of doubtful constitutional warrant and was forced by circumstances; that only after a bitter and prolonged struggle in Congress was the Thirteenth Amendment sent, as late as January, 1865, to the States for ratification; and that all of Lincoln’s genius as a horse trader (here the deal was Federal patronage swapped for Democratic votes) was needed to get Nevada admitted to Statehood, with its guaranteed support of the Amendment. 

It is forgotten that even after the Fourteenth Amendment, not only Southern States, but Northern ones, refused to adopt Negro suffrage, and that Connecticut had formally rejected it a late as July, 1865.

It is forgotten that Sherman, and not only Sherman, was violently opposed to arming Negroes against white troops. It is forgotten that . . . racism was all too common in the liberating army.  

It is forgotten that only the failure of Northern volunteering overcame the powerful prejudice against accepting Negro troops, and allowed “Sambo’s Right to be Kilt,” -- as the title of a contemporary song had it. 

It is forgotten that racism and Abolitionism might, and often did, go hand in hand. This was true even in the most instructed circles [as James T. Ayers, clergyman, committed abolitionist and Northern recruiting officer for Negro troops confided to his diary] that freed Negroes would push North and “soon they will be in every whole and Corner, and the Bucks will be wanting to gallant our Daughters Round.”  It is forgotten, in fact, that history is history.

Despite all this, the war appears, according to the doctrine of the Treasury of Virtue, as a consciously undertaken crusade so full of righteousness that there is enough oversurplus stored in Heaven, like the deeds of the saints, to take care of all small failings and oversights of the descendants of the crusaders, certainly unto the present generation. The crusaders themselves, back from the wars, seemed to feel that they had finished the work of virtue.

[Brooks Adams pronounced] “Can we look over the United States and honestly tell ourselves that all things are well within us?”  [Adams] with his critical, unoptimistic mind, could not conceal it from himself, but many could; and a price was paid for the self delusion. 

As Kenneth Stampp, an eminent Northern historian and the author of a corrosive interpretation of slavery, puts it: “The Yankees went to war animated by the highest ideals of the nineteenth-century middle classes . . . But what the Yankees achieved – for their generation at least – was a triumph not of middle class ideals but of middle class vices.  The most striking products of their crusade were the shoddy aristocracy of the North and the ragged children of the South. Among the masses of Americans there were no victors, only the vanquished.” 

(The Legacy of the Civil War, Robert Penn Warren, University of Nebraska Press, 1998, pp. 60-65)

The Hemi Under Glass Collection

In 1964 George Hurst was looking for a car for the 1965 drag racing season that would serve as a test bed and promote the Hurst brand and his aftermarket shifters and wheels. Hot Rod Magazine Tech Editor Ray Brock liked the new-for-1965 A/FX class, and explained to Hurst how putting a Hemi in the back of a Barracuda would give excellent weight transfer and be very quick off the line. Brock even had a name for the creation: the Hurst Hemi Under Glass. He sketched the idea onto a napkin over dinner, which Hurst took back to his shop with the question, “Can we build this?” The answer was typical of any self-respecting bunch of hot rodders: “Sure, we can build whatever you want.”

The finished car, however, was not what Hurst wanted - at least not at first. The Hemi’s mid-engine location and vast power reserves made it all but impossible to launch the car hard without instantly lifting the nose skyward in quite dramatic fashion. What looked like a major problem, however, turned out to be a huge hit with the fans, and so was born the most popular series of crowd-pleasing wheelstanders in drag racing history.

The original 1965 Hurst Hemi Under Glass set the pattern for a succession of cars that appeared at major events across North America until 1975 and then again from 1992 until 2009. Bob Riggle was there every step of the way, first as a Hurst mechanic and fabricator and then as one of only two men ever to pilot the Hurst Hemi Under Glass.

More @ MECUM

Holder Announces Plans To Sue North Carolina

Via Mike


North Carolina is the latest target in the Obama regime’s mission of suing as many ostensibly sovereign states as possible. Attorney General Eric Holder announced plans to seek legal action against the state based on new voter identification laws.

While state leaders and residents overwhelmingly favor plans to ensure votes cast in a particular election are legitimate, Holder naturally assumes the real driving force is institutional racism.

“Allowing limits on voting rights that disproportionately exclude minority voters would be inconsistent with our ideals as a nation,” he said during a Monday morning press conference.

His harsh criticism stems from laws that would reduce the period of early voting while requiring voters present valid identifications at polling places.

Islam and The West: Concerns about the Koran


By Mike Scruggs

Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, is a revealed religion. In all three faiths, alleged revelation of spiritual and moral truth is recorded in a book or books that are considered sacred and unconditional. Judaism has the books of the Old Testament, and Christianity has added the books of the New Testament to that foundation. The alleged divine revelation of truth and moral principles in Islam is the Koran. An important characteristic of revealed religion is that its teachings have the status of final divine authority and are therefore not subject to amendment or reinterpretation by mankind or majority vote.

The Bible was written over many centuries by men who are considered to have been divinely inspired. The Christian view is that their writings may reflect various literary styles, personalities, and historical contexts, but they impart divine truth as the authors were moved by God in the person of the Holy Spirit. The Jewish view of Scripture is similar but does not embrace Christian New Testament books or view God as a Divine Trinity— Father, Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit.

Islam’s view of the Koran goes far beyond the Judeo-Christian concept of divine inspiration. Muslins believe that the Koran was written by Allah (Arabic for God) and already existed in heaven before the Angel Gabriel gave it piecemeal to their Prophet. Muhammad faithfully revealed these passages to his followers as they were given to him over a period of 22 years. Shortly after his death in 632, Muhammad’s followers compiled these revelations into a perfectly accurate rendering of the heavenly Koran.

The Koran is a little smaller than the New Testament and contains considerable repetition. For example, the story of the Exodus is repeated 27 times. Eliminating the repetitions in the Koran would make it only about 40 percent as big as the New Testament. Because the Koran’s verses often neglect to give the full context of its revelations, other teachings of Muhammad recorded by his followers are critical to its interpretation. These are called the Hadiths. The Hadiths which Muslim scholars consider most reliable are regarded as truth only slightly less sacred and significant than the Koran itself. These collections are especially important because they help fill in the context and meaning of Koranic verses. Still, many objective Western scholars of the Koran consider about 20 percent of its verses to make little sense. Much Muslim scholarship goes into tracing and determining the authority and reliability of the Hadiths, but the Koran itself is not very open to different interpretations. In a society dominated by Islamic Law (Sharia) the penalty for doubting standard interpretations of the Koran can be death.

The Koran’s many repetitions are often inaccurate borrowings from the Old Testament and other Jewish writings. Of the 27 repetitions of the Exodus story, the Passover—a very important part to Jews and Christians—is consistently left out. It also contains some confused Christian history and theology. For example, Isa (apparently Jesus) is said to be the son of Mary (confused with Miriam), the sister of Mosses and Aaron.  Isa, the Jesus of Islam, is not the Son of God but only a Prophet and did not die on the cross or save anybody from their sins. He comes back at the end of time to destroy Christianity and convert people to Islam. Despite these obvious (and often distorted) borrowings, Muslims do not consider Islam to be a derivative of Judaism or Christianity. They consider Islam to be the original faith of Abraham of which Judaism and Christianity are corruptions.

Although “Allah” is a monotheistic god with many characteristics common to the Lord God of the Bible—all-powerful, all-knowing, sovereign over all nature and mankind—their personalities as painted by the Koran and the Bible respectively are quite different. Muslims insist that Allah and the Lord God of Judeo-Christianity are the same, but many Christians disagree. Most Muslims who have converted to Christianity, however, consider that Allah is God, but that Islam has badly distorted his true nature and personality.

One of the great concerns about Islam to the West is its violent nature. For 1400 years its principal way of spreading the Muslim faith has been the sword. The Koran calls for Holy War to make Islam the dominant religion of the world in no less than 109 verses.  So much that Jihad must be considered a cardinal pillar of Islam. It seems secondary in importance only to the proclamation that Allah is the only god and Muhammad is his prophet.

The call to Jihad is really a derivative of another cardinal principle of Muslim theology—the Supremacy of Islam. This is seen especially in Surah (chapter) 9, verse 33:

“He it is who hath sent his Apostle with the Guidance and a religion of truth, that He may make it victorious over every other religion, albeit they who assign partners to God be averse from it.”

It should be noted that “assigning partners to God” is a major sin in Islam, the Trinitarian God of Christianity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—is blasphemy to Muslims.

I often hear people claiming that with proper teaching or guidance Islam could be made into a more peaceful religion, more compatible with the West. This is close to being nonsense. Islam is a revealed religion not subject to change or pacification by majority vote or the influence of the West, women, or “moderates.” The problem is in the Koran and the teachings of Muhammad. You cannot make Islam into a religion of peace without removing the Koran and Muhammad.

Another concern which the West must take into account when dealing with Islam is that according to the Koran and Muhammad, civil government and Islamic law, ideology, and religion should be inseparable.  Most Sunni and Shia religious leaders consider democracy an affront to the Will of Allah.

Western governments that naively allow open-door immigration, especially massive increases in Muslim immigration, are inviting tumultuous troubles.

More Obama BS: All veterans’ benefit payments will be disrupted if a shutdown goes beyond two weeks


The Department of Veterans Affairs told congressional officials Friday that all benefit checks it issues, including disability claims and pension payments, will be disrupted if a government shutdown lasts for more than two or three weeks, according to congressional sources.

During the telephone briefing, the leadership of the House and Senate Veterans Affairs committees were told that VA will run out of money to make compensation and pension payments if a partial shutdown is drawn out for weeks, according to aides to two members of Congress.

The briefing, which was provided by VA congressional affairs,  represents a significant change from what the members had previously been told, and from the information the VA has released to the public, according to congressional officials.

An army of 3ft-tall dummt paratroopers were dispatched over northern France on the eve of D-Day

Via WiscoDave

 Rare finds: A dummy parachutist that was one of 500 dropped over France on D-Day to confuse the enemy has been found in a garden shed with a number of maps, documents and artefacts

A rare dummy parachuted into occupied Europe to bamboozle the Germans on D-Day and draw their forces from the actual invasion has been found in a garden shed.

At least 500 of the 3ft stunt puppets were dropped along with SAS soldiers at four spots away from the Normandy beaches to take the enemy away from genuine drop zones.

Sent in the middle of the night, these canvas 'paradummies' - nicknamed Ruperts - were designed to burst into flames when they landed so the Germans could not find them.

But one has survived combat and has been discovered at the bottom of a British garden along with some once top secret maps and documents.

Six SAS soldiers were parachuted in with the dolls, with equipment playing the sounds of a loud battle to make the subterfuge even more realistic.

Although they were half the size of a human, they would have appeared lifelike to those looking up from the ground on a dark night.

More @ Daily Mail

Common Core: Marxist Inspired


The schools [utilizing Common Core]… are organized in a highly centralized government-run system. They [Common Core courses] have the following characteristics in common: they are overwhelmingly secular in orientation; a common school is provided through at least grades seven or eight; little or no tuition charge is made; schools are mostly coeducational; the curricula are tightly prescribed, as are the textbooks...students are offered few electives…”

Sound familiar? Although this sounds like Common Core, with the exception of the inserted text, it’s actually a description from “Common Features of Education System in Communist Nations.” Common Core is a top-down national curriculum currently being forced on our public schools that attempts to treat every student exactly the same regardless of ability. It is reminiscent of the slogan popularized by Karl Marx, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need,” which means no matter how hard someone works, or how intelligent they are, everyone will be treated the same. But due to flaws inherent in human nature, such as laziness and greed, this slogan is incapable of ever becoming reality, and attempts to implement it have resulted in the deaths of millions in Stalinist Russia and Mao Tse-Tung's China.

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Top MIT scientist: Newest UN climate report is ‘hilariously’ flawed


Not all scientists are panicking about global warming — one of them finds the alarmism “hilarious.”

A top climate scientist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology lambasted a new report by the UN’s climate bureaucracy that blamed mankind as the main cause of global warming and whitewashed the fact that there has been a hiatus in warming for the last 15 years.

“I think that the latest IPCC report has truly sunk to level of hilarious incoherence,” Dr. Richard Lindzen told Climate Depot, a global warming skeptic news site. “They are proclaiming increased confidence in their models as the discrepancies between their models and observations increase.”

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change claimed it was 95 percent sure that global warming was mainly driven by human burning of fossil fuels that produce greenhouse gases. The I.P.C.C. also glossed over the fact that the Earth has not warmed in the past 15 years, arguing that the heat was absorbed by the ocean.
“Their excuse for the absence of warming over the past 17 years is that the heat is hiding in the deep ocean,” Lindzen added. “However, this is simply an admission that the models fail to simulate the exchanges of heat between the surface layers and the deeper oceans.”

House Hearing Room Bursts Out Laughing at Obama's ‘Red Line’ on CR

 Rep. Jim McGovern

The laughing stock of the world.

 People attending a House Rules Committee hearing on Saturday evening burst into laughter when Rep. Jim McGovern (D.-Mass.) affirmed to House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers (R.-Ky.) that President Barack Obama, by threatening to veto a continuing resolution to fund the government past Monday if it includes a House amendment to delay Obamacare, has thus “drawn a red line” on the  CR. 

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