K9 Attacks Child When Cops Hide “a very small amount of illegal drugs” on 5th Graders to Demonstrate Their Omnipotent Power

Via Angry Mike


 An 11-year-old boy was bitten by a police dog during a simulated drug raid demonstration in Brazil, Indiana last week.

The boy suffered puncture wounds to his calf when Max, the K-9 officer, bit him during a mock drug search presentation.

Judge J. Blaine Akers arranged for K-9 teams to carry out a simulated drug raid for a group of fifth-graders as part of a Red Ribbon Awareness week kick-off event at the Clay County Courthouse.

According to The Brazil Times:

    Brazil Police Chief Clint McQueen said a very small amount of illegal drugs were hidden on one of the juveniles to show how the dogs can find even the smallest trace of an illegal substance. He added all this was done “under exclusive control and supervision of members of the court and law enforcement.”

Apparently the children were advised to “stay still” while the dogs sniffed them. The officer’s report explains why he thinks Max decided to take a bite out of one of the children:

United Nations To Take Over The Alamo?

Via The Lonely Libertarian


San Antonio, Texas Mayor Julián Castro is currently negotiating with the United Nations to designate the Alamo as a UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site, meaning that a blue UN flag may fly above the historic shrine of liberty once it falls under UN control.

UNESCO, a specialized agency within the UN, created the World Heritage Site status out of a 1972 international agreement, which calls for nations to join together to manage historical sites through “collective assistance.”

“San Antonio has the opportunity for its five Spanish Colonial Missions [including the Alamo] to be nominated to be the first UNESCO World Heritage site in the State of Texas and the 22nd World Heritage designation in the United States,” the October 2013 City of San Antonio newsletter reads.

The Alamo consists of both the Alamo chapel and the surrounding compound now referred to as the Alamo Plaza.

The Alamo chapel, which is what people tend to picture when they hear the name “Alamo,” is managed by the Texas General Land Office and the Daughters of the Republic of Texas.

The Alamo Plaza, where most of the fighting took place during the 1836 Battle of the Alamo, is administered by the City of San Antonio.

During the battle, at least 189 Alamo defenders sacrificed their lives for liberty instead of surrendering to the tyrannical Mexican president Antonio López de Santa Anna.

The Alamo emerged from the battle as a sacred shrine for individual freedom in the face of collective evil.

Global warming gets nearly twice as much taxpayer money as border security


New estimates show the federal government will spend nearly twice as much fighting global warming this year than on U.S. border security.

The White House reported to House Republicans that there are 18 federal agencies engaged in global warming activities in 2013, funding a wide range of programs, including scientific research, international climate assistance, incentivizing renewable energy technology and subsidies to renewable energy producers. Global warming spending is estimated to cost $22.2 billion this year, and $21.4 billion next year.

At the same time, the federal government will spend nearly $12 billion on customs and border enforcement this year.

Young Witness at Fort Fisher – Captain Edgar Dickinson Williams of Smithville

Via Bernhard


“Captain Williams was born at Smithville, now Southport, North Carolina February 4, 1849, a son of Edgar and Susan Osgood Andrew (Potter) Williams, natives of Charleston, South Carolina, and Smithville, North Carolina, respectively. The father was a master mariner in the trade to the West Indies until his death in February, 1863, and the mother died in 1862, he only surviving her for a year.

When a lad he witnessed both bombardments of Fort Fisher, and other war activities of this region, with such vivid interest that the impressions remain, and for some years he has been collecting relics taken from Fort Fisher . . . donating this collection to the public schools of Wilmington, to be handed down to generations yet to come.  In 1921 he raised a fund to place a monument at Fort Fisher [to memorialize the] engagement which Captain Williams witnessed, January 14, 1865, which resulted in the fall of the Confederate stronghold January 15, 1865. 

In March 1874, Captain Williams married Ida Jane Fleet, born at Wilmington, a daughter of James and Caroline (Sholar) Fleet, natives of Granville, Nova Scotia, Canada, and Wilmington, respectively. 

During the War between the States Mr. Fleet supervised the loading and distribution of cargoes to and from blockade runners in the port of Wilmington, and [his] business of towing, wrecking, barging and general handling of ships is now conducted under the name of the Diamond Steamboat and Wrecking Company. 

It has always been a source of deep regret to Captain Williams that his tender years prevented his participation in the War Between the States . . . [though] Probably the work [he has] accomplished in discovering and preserving relics . . . will not be appreciated at its proper value until this generation has passed, but it is none the less important. [He] has located four guns of the Lamb battery, named for Col. William Lamb, wounded at Fort Fisher.  These guns were buried on the west side of the Cape Fear River in 1865, and they laid there until discovered by Captain Williams. 

He has recently discovered in the course of his investigations [the wreck of the privateer CSS Chickamauga], taken up to a point about forty miles above Wilmington, known as Indian Wells.
Captain Williams had the misfortune to lose his wife by death July 5, 1923.”

(North Carolina: Rebuilding an Ancient Commonwealth, American Historical Society, Inc., 1928, pp. 361-362) 

“Abortion on demand and without apology!”


That’s one of several slogans being uttered by a new pro-abortion movement. According to Breitbart:

“On Monday, pro-abortion groups across the country launched an organized effort to feature women telling uplifting stories of their abortions…Tellingly, organizers suggest that their goal is to keep abortion ‘safe, legal, and affordable’ – a marked change from the old pro-choice slogan from the Clinton years, ‘safe, legal, and rare.’ The organizers also want to “end the stigma” surrounding abortion.“

Safe, legal and rare. What a crock. The abortion movement was never out to make abortions anything but legal.

Newsmax/Zogby Poll: Libertarian Hurting Cuccinelli in Va. Gov. Race


A Newsmax/Zogby Poll shows that with one week to go before Virginians elect a new governor, Democrat Terry McAuliffe is leading Republican Ken Cuccinelli by a margin of 35.5 percent to 30.4 percent, with Libertarian candidate Robert Sarvis gathering enough support to tip the balance.

Although McAuliffe's campaign spending advantage and the scandals surrounding outgoing Republican Gov. Robert McDonnell are the most oft-cited reasons for Cuccinelli's underdog status, Zogby's polling shows that Sarvis is hurting the state attorney general's chances.

In figures released Tuesday, Zogby found that among likely Virginia voters, attorney and high-tech entrepreneur Sarvis drew 9 percent of the vote for the Nov. 5 contest, with 6.8 percent preferring another candidate, and 18.3 percent undecided — an unusually high number of voters who haven't made up their minds at this late date, veteran pollster John Zogby told Newsmax.

When the "undecided" voters were removed from the survey, Zogby found that McAuliffe, former Democratic national chairman, led Cuccinelli by 43 percent to 37 percent and Sarvis drew 11 percent, while 8 percent selected another candidate.

"Republicans do have cause to be worried and yes, Sarvis is hurting Cuccinelli more than McAuliffe," Zogby told Newsmax shortly after the release of his survey. "What is especially important is that, among voters who are aged 18 to 29, Sarvis draws 24 percent — one in four voters."

More @ Newsmax

GOA Action Alert: Senate Judiciary Committee to Vote on Anti-Gun Judge for Nation's Second-Highest Court


Ask your Senator to oppose the gun-hating nominee, Robert Wilkins
The Senate Judiciary Committee will soon begin the first step in taking anti-gun judges and “court-packing” them into what is widely regarded as the nation’s second-most-important court -- the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.

And, unlike anti-gun judges with no “paper trail,” the nominee, Robert Wilkins, has a particularly virulent anti-gun record.

Wilkins was the D.C. District Court judge who decided, last year, that non-resident U.S. citizens do not have the Second Amendment right to purchase a firearm [Dearth v. Holder, 893 F.Supp. 59 (2012)].

Dearth had contended that federal firearms laws and regulations made it effectively impossible for a U.S. citizen residing in Canada to purchase a firearm in the United States.

Wilkins responded, in his opinion on “Second Amendment Claims,” that it didn’t matter if a U.S. citizen was legally barred from purchasing a firearm in the United States, because he already owned a gun in Canada and was free to bring it into the country.

What?  So if you already own a gun, the Second Amendment doesn’t prohibit the government from preventing you from purchasing another one?  This comes perilously close to saying that the Second Amendment protects only possession of firearms, and not sales.  Hence, this “pre-existing gun argument” could just as easily be used to ban all purchases and sales of firearms by U.S. citizens in the U.S.

This is made even worse by the context in which Wilkins’ nomination is being pushed. Currently, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals is not exactly a conservative bastion. Although it overturned the District of Columbia’s “Banana Republic” anti-gun laws in the Heller case -- as did the Supreme Court on appeal -- it upheld ObamaCare and perhaps provided momentum for the Supreme Court to do the same.

Nevertheless, the Obama administration would like to turn the critical D.C. circuit into a liberal stronghold like California’s Ninth Circuit -- and it is threatening to blow up the Senate rules in order to do so.

ACTION: Please Click here to contact your Senators and demand that they oppose the nomination of anti-gun zealot Robert Wilkins to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Please note that the vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee is JUST THE FIRST STEP.  If Wilkins is voted out of the committee, then the full Senate will vote on him soon afterwards.  The committee vote is expected on Thursday.

Wisconsin State Superintendent Tony Evers Offers Veiled Threat to Opponents of Common Core

Wisconsin State Superintendent Tony Evers
                                                               Another Useful Fool.

Kim Simac,  Wisconsin State Director for Concerned Women for America, Chairperson for Northwoods Patriots, and one of the major community organizers in northern Wisconsin, stated, "Superintendent Evers' threat to jump directly to the Wisconsin Supreme Court should any legislation or decision be made to opt out of CCSS exposes his lack of confidence in the standards themselves.

Those supporters of CCSS should have an arsenal of evidence that proves excellence and superiority in the product. Obviously they do not."

Ohio Islamic School: Children's Ankles & Wrists Chained - Beaten with a Long Stick for not Learning Religious Passages

This story is eerily similar to the firsthand undercover investigation I reported on here on the Al-Farooq mosque in Nashville, Tennessee. I had video footage of a 7-year-old girl talking about her husband and how they are regularly beaten during shariah class.

US Out of Top 20 in Global Economic 'Prosperity' Index


The U.S. tumbled out of the top 20 most economically prosperous nations in an annual measure of wealth and well-being compiled by the Legatum Institute, falling below France and China.

While the U.S. rose one place to 11th position in the London-based research group’s overall prosperity index, it was downgraded in a gauge measuring economic strength. In a month in which lawmakers shut the government and struck a deal to avoid default only as the clock began running out, faith in the U.S. government also fell to an all-time low.

“The U.S. can no longer be seen as the most prosperous nation in the world — indeed it’s no longer even in the club,” said Jeffrey Gedmin, the institute’s president and chief executive officer. “This year’s index shows that Americans are suffering increasing hardship as a result of the country’s economic condition.”

More @ Money News

NC: 'Queen Anne's Revenge' dive raises 5 cannons


BEAUFORT — A small arsenal of guns covered the deck of the Coast Guard Cutter Smilax this week after a mission that seized a few pieces of history.
Five cannons were raised Monday from the Queen Anne's Revenge shipwreck site at Beaufort Inlet, the most recovered at one time from the wreck considered to be Blackbeard's flagship.

“Today is definitely a red-letter day: five guns coming off the site,” said David Moore, who has been a member of the QAR team since recovery efforts began.

The five concretion-covered cast iron cannons averaged about 2,000 pounds each and are among the largest of the guns recovered from the shipwreck site. They fired six-pound cannons and were used in defense of the Queen Anne's Revenge, which sank after running aground nearly 300 years ago.

More @ Star News

RACE IN AMERICA: Questions Megyn Kelly must answer


I have a question for Megyn Kelly, a Fox News program host. Ms. Kelly, why did you rush to call Joe the Plumber a racist on your prime-time show when it is a fact that you gave a complete pass to the avowed racist Negress and ACORN member Jehmu Greene when she openly insulted Tucker Carlson for being a white male who disagreed with her? Or perhaps, Ms. Kelly, you presumed the smarmy Negress Jehmu Greene was actually embracing Mr. Carlson with words of love and kindness when she verbally attacked and insulted him live on camera on your show for what amounted to his being white. And before you disagree, let me remind you that it was your favorite Negress who hurled an insulting volley of racial epithets based solely on Carlson being white.

As I wrote last week, “[You] attacked Joe the Plumber calling him a racist for an article [you] wanted the public to believe he had written titled, ‘America Needs A White Republican President,’ which was in fact written by Kevin Jackson, who is only slightly lighter than am I.”

Ms. Kelly, you sat there on your prime-time news program and with all of your petulant, insult-feigned glory, tried to convince an unsuspecting audience how deplorable Joe the Plumber was for writing such an insulting, insensitive and racist article. But, as I stated, Joe the Plumber, who is white, did not write the article; Kevin Jackson, who is black, wrote the article. Joe simply reposted it.

So, why are you indicting Joe the Plumber and his blog as racist for reposting an article written by a black man who happens to be a conservative?

More @ WND

Leaked Video: FEMA Preparing Military Police For Gun Confiscations and Martial Law

Via Jeffrey

U.S. Army MP told Constitution may be suspended by Homeland Security

The video, shot in September 2013, shows an army commander briefing the MPs on their new command structure under the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Homeland Security for domestic operations with the National Guard.

The MP began recording the exchange after being shocked to hear that they were now under FEMA control.

In this video you can clearly hear the commander discuss the suspension of the Constitution for martial law and gun confiscations in America.

In essence, the military police is to provide security for FEMA while the agency confiscates our guns during a government-declared domestic crisis.

More @ Info Wars

Experimental Russian military attack helicopter, Ka-52K crashes in Moscow near residential neighborhood

A helicopter crashed just meters away from residential houses in the South East of Moscow. The Russian Emergencies Ministry said the pilots managed to bail out in time, but received trauma injuries.

The Russian Defense Ministry has confirmed it was an experimental military helicopter, Ka-52K.

Both pilots have been taken to hospital and remain in serious condition, the head of Moscow’s Department of Healthcare Georgy Golukhov told Interfax.

Eyewitnesses of the accident said the helicopter’s crash was followed by two loud explosions. The aircraft fell in a wooded area, reportedly near a helipad. Thick smoke from the fire is now covering the neighborhood.

More with pictures @ RT

Another gun company heads south: American Tactical Imports relocates to Summerville, SC


American Tactical Imports (ATI) has become to latest gun company to flee the anti-gun Northeast for the comparative freedom of the southern states. ATI will begin leaving Rochester, New York for Summerville, SC, starting in November.

American Tactical Imports (ATI), a worldwide importer of firearms, ammunition and tactical equipment to the United States, announced today that it will open a warehousing and distribution location in Dorchester County.

The Eastport Industrial Park location in Summerville also will be the site for limited firearm assembly, as well as the company’s headquarters, its customer service center and its sales office.

The $2.7 million investment is expected to generate 117 new jobs.

More @ Bearing Arms

Under Pressure From The White House, NBC Throws Its Reporter Under the Bus and Censors News That Obama Wrote Regs to Disqualify and Terminate Health Insurance Policies

Via WiscoDave


They later re-inserted the censored material. But what would compel them to delete true information in the first place?

Fears for Barack Obama's political position, of course.

The news world, and the right blogosphere, from what I can tell, is still missing the story here.

The story is not that "Obama knew" that policies would be terminated. That's damning.
But what is hugely damning and very important going forward is not that Obama knew, but that Obama made this happen, and could unmake it with a phone call, but chooses not to.

The White House's pushback on this point demonstrates that they understand how important this part of Lisa Meyers' report is.

This also illustrates how politically compromised NBC News is -- that they would throw their reporter under the bus and redact her story even though it was 100% right. I imagine Lisa Meyers had to fight like a demon to get a true story reported by NBC.

Here's a cached version of the original, and here's that damning paragraph 3:

New Moral Code Forced Upon Virginia


In early 1959, Virginia Governor J. Lindsay Almond informed his citizens that it had been decreed that they did not control the schools in their own State, and that their educational system must be degraded as was done in District of Columbia.  Bernhard Thuersam

New Moral Code Forced Upon Virginia:

“On January 19, 1959, came the legal rejection of massive resistance that Governor Almond expected. Both the Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals and a three-judge federal district court ruled, in separate cases, that the anti-desegregation statues adopted in 1956 were illegal and invalid. When the beleaguered governor went on television two days later to announce his response to the court rulings, his tone was strident and his message was one of continued defiance.  An impassioned Almond told Virginians:

“To those in high places or elsewhere who advocate integration for your children and send their own to private or public segregated schools, to those who defend or close their eyes to the livid stench of sadism, sex immorality and juvenile pregnancy infesting the mixed schools of the District of Columbia and elsewhere; to those who would overthrow the customs, morals and traditions of a way of life which has endured in honor and decency for centuries and embrace a new moral code prepared by nine men in Washington whose moral concepts they know nothing about . . . to all these and their confederates, comrades and allies, let me make it abundantly clear for the record now and hereafter, as governor of this State, I will not yield to that which I know to be wrong and will destroy every semblance of education for thousands of the children of Virginia.”

(The Dynamic Dominion, Realignment and the Rise of Virginia’s Republican Party Since 1945, Frank B. Atkinson, George Mason University Press, 1992, pp. 1104-105)

Thanks to Ben Bernanke,


For rich people all around the world, Ben Bernanke has been a living saint.

As I explained recently, the Federal Reserve chairman’s policies have allowed the world’s wealthiest capitalists to borrow unprecedented amounts of money … and buy world-class assets.

Meanwhile, the people whom Ben fleeced – the workers, the savers, the few Americans left with simple industry and thrift, the kind of folks who would never have believed the government would actively try to hurt them – have been wiped out. They’ve seen the real value of their wages, savings and standard of living decline by huge amounts.

If you doubt me, consider the following graphic of indicators. They are real and “unadjusted” (unlike the U.S. government’s various measures of inflation, which have “adjusted” so many times over the years that they’re nearly meaningless).

These indicators show in simple, stark terms exactly what Bernanke did to our economy.

More @ WND

New FBI director tells agents to visit MLK monument

 Can't imagine where he got the idea..........:)

New FBI Director James Comey will tell all the Bureau’s new agents and analysts to visit the monument to Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in Washington, D.C.

Previous FBI directors had instructed new agents to visit the Holocaust museum in Washington, which shows “abuse of power on a massive, almost unimaginable, scale,” Comey told FBI agents and staff at his Oct. 28 swearing-in ceremony. Comey said he would continue that practice, while also instructing new agents to visit the memorial to King.

“I’m going to direct that all new agents and analysts also visit the Martin Luther King Memorial here in Washington,” said Comey, whose term runs for 10 years.

NC: Raleigh backs away from gun sign showdown


City parks officials announced Friday that they’ll remove some – but not all – of the outdated signs banning concealed weapons in parks.

The move follows a lawsuit threat from Grass Roots North Carolina, the state’s biggest gun rights group. The group’s president emailed the Raleigh City Council this week to demand an update to the signs reflecting a new state law that allows concealed-carry permit holders to bring guns to playgrounds, greenways and college campuses.

Initially, parks director Diane Sauer told the gun-rights activists that updated signs would only be installed when the existing ones are in poor condition and need to be replaced. In an email to the group, she noted that the state might change the laws again, and a citywide sign change would be too costly.

Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/2013/10/26/3314041/raleigh-backs-away-from-gun-sign.html#storylink=cpy

Ruger SR-762 – Piston Driven 7.62NATO Battle Rifle – New Gun Review

Sturm Ruger & Co. knew back in 2009 that they needed to be in the semi-auto rifle market with more than just the Mini-14. They wanted an AR-15-type rifle, but soon discovered that the“Mil-Spec” AR-15 left a lot to be desired. A standard AR sends its hot gases back to the bolt, pushing on the bolt carrier and opening it for the next shot. This makes for a very hot and very dirty bolt group after only a few rounds, and this can and does hurt both short and long term reliability.

So while most of the market was busy copying the standard AR-15 design with their own branded product, Ruger decided to take the less beaten path, and create their own design. That design was the SR-556, in 5.56 NATO, or .223 Remington. Instead of just gas, the 556 employed a rod to move the bolt, this rod rode above the barrel, and was controlled by an adjustable gas block. The design is very similar to the rifle that used to be called “the right arm of the free world,” the FN-FAL. This new Ruger rifle contained the gas/rod system of the FAL, yet had the weight advantage and ergonomics of the AR-15. Out of the gate the SR-556 was a hit for Ruger, and several variations of the SR556 are still extremely popular today.

More @ Guns America

Three more veterans die after improper VA medical treatment

Via LH


Improper care in the emergency room led to three patient deaths at the Department of Veterans Affairs hospital in Memphis last year, part of a growing pattern of preventable deaths at agency hospitals nationwide.

The latest report from the VA's Inspector General found one of the patients was given medication despite a documented allergy to the drug, and had a fatal reaction.

Another died after being administered multiple medications without proper monitoring, and the third died after delays in getting proper treatment for very high blood pressure, the IG said.

The deaths occurred between April and September 2012.

Recent IG reports have linked patient deaths and infections at other veterans' facilities to improper care, unsafe sanitary practices and poor maintenance.

Sen. Ron Johnson Prepared to Sue 'Lawless' Obama Administration


Sen. Ron Johnson tells Newsmax he is prepared to sue the "lawless" Obama administration over its decision to grant members of Congress and their staff special treatment under Obamacare.

The Wisconsin Republican also warns that the real concern, above and beyond the dysfunctional Obamacare website, is the damage Obamacare will do the country's healthcare system and personal freedoms.

Johnson, a successful businessman, was elected in 2010, defeating three-term Democrat Russ Feingold. He is a member of the Budget, Foreign Relations, Commerce, and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committees.

More @ Newsmax

Corporate Welfare: JP Morgan Chase has made $560,492,596.02 administering food stamps for the feds

Via Cousin John

I think we have a new definition of the term “corporate welfare.” Banks like JP Morgan Chase are making huge dollars administering the food stamp program for the Federal Government.
According to a new investigation by the Government Accountability Institute, JP Morgan alone has made over half a billion dollars off of the growing welfare program.
from GAO:
  • Three companies – J.P. Morgan EFS, Affiliated Computer Services, and eFunds – provide EBT services for 49 states and 3 US territories.

  • Since 2004, 18 of 24 states who contract with J.P. Morgan to provide welfare benefits have contracted to pay $560,492,596.02. New York alone has a seven-year contract worth $126,394,917.

  • Projected average food stamp spending post-recession will be 175% greater than pre- recession average spending, from $28 billion to $77 billion.

  • Since 2009, 32 states have followed the USDA’s suggestion to use Broad Based Categorical Eligibility “as a way to increase SNAP participation and reduce State workloads.” Changing the rules for eligibility, along with state-level changes in application methods, has contributed to a 70 % increase in food stamp participation from 2007 to 2011.56

  • Lax security by EBT processors and states invites food stamp fraud, often through social media.

  • There are understaffed fraud investigation units at both the federal and state level. For example, Florida has just 63 staff positions to police approximately 3 million EBT users state-wide. These investigators not only handle TANF and SNAP eligibility fraud, but also EBT trafficking, Social Security Disability and Medicaid eligibility fraud, Emergency Financial Assistance for Housing, and Low Income Energy assistance, among many others.

Sheriff Finch Goes To Trial!


We bring you an update from Sheriff Mack at the the Liberty County Courthouse in Florida:

Well, I was wrong! I never thought the case against Sheriff Nick Finch would make it to trial, but that is exactly what is going to happen, tomorrow morning, October 29, 2013 at 0900. (Happy Halloween, nothing could be creepier!) The charges against this good man have been so flimsy and frivolous that I was certain a trial would be out of the question. But the tyrants are moving forward with their agenda to stop Sheriffs in their tracks and to make them answerable to the State! This case, this abuse of authority, and the inherent injustice associated with this case, puts everything at stake that we all have fought so long for; the power and independence of the county sheriff and his duty to stand for individual liberties. 

Sheriff Nick Finch Sheriff Finch did exactly what all of us have been hoping and praying for now for so many years; he nullified a gun charge and the arrest of a law-abiding citizen. So the State, under the direction of one corrupt deputy Attorney General (Willie Meggs) with complicity of an equally corrupt FL Governor, actually arrested and removed from office the duly elected Sheriff of Liberty County, Florida. Governor Scott and Mr. Meggs claim that Sheriff Finch destroyed public records when he released the innocent man arrested by one of his deputies. (You can read more about this at cspoa.org.) So of course, they nullified the election of Sheriff Finch who had only been in office a few months when all this occurred. Which begs the question: which is worse, the Sheriff rectifying an arrest of an innocent man and possibly whiting out the man's name on the jail roster or the AG and Governor destroying the election by the people of Liberty county who chose Sheriff Finch last November to be their their Chief Law Enforcement Officer? 

I ask each of you to join me in prayer.

I thank you for your support and donations.

If you'd like to help again please do so at

It is very much needed. I will keep you posted.

Now we have Sheriff Finch going into the Lion's den with his trial starting Tuesday morning. The jury has been selected. I thought doing so would be impossible. Why? Because if the prospective jurors voted for Finch then that would be grounds for dismissal from jury service. Likewise, if the prospective jurors voted against Finch, that too would disqualify them from jury service. If the prospective jurors were so apathetic as to not vote at all that should also be grounds for disqualification. If you don't care enough to vote in an election how are you going to care enough to vote on a jury?

But still, a jury has been selected and yes, Sheriff Finch puts his life and career on the line for all of us tomorrow. I am here to support him and his good wife in every way that I can. Tonight I will hit my knees and pray for Sheriff Finch and his family. But more importantly, I will pray for truth and justice. I will pray for America and the hope that we can restore liberty one county, one good Sheriff at a time.

In liberty,

Richard Mack 

P.S. What else can you do to help?  Please spread the word by forwarding this email to everyone you can, and please post links to cspoa.org on your own web sites and social networking pages (facebook, etc.)  We desperately need to increase awareness if our message is to have a widespread effect!

42% Identify with Obama Politically, 42% with the Tea Party


& now it begins.

Voters are evenly divided when asked whether they agree more politically with President Obama or with the average member of the Tea Party. But an enormous partisan gap colors virtually all opinions of the Tea Party.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 42% of Likely U.S. Voters think the president’s views are closest to their own when it comes to the major issues facing the country. But just as many (42%) say their views come closest to those of the average Tea Party member instead. Sixteen percent (16%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

2 armed men killed by homeowner


A small, spotted dog ran playfully in and out of a yard where just a day earlier two men died in a gruesome shootout.

The shy animal Monday morning played with the crime scene tape put up Sunday night by investigators who had responded to a shootout at a home near the intersection of Sioux Road and Mariposa Drive.

Hidalgo County sheriff’s deputies responding to calls of shots fired found one man in the roadway with two gunshot wounds to the torso and a second man inside a house with two shots to the head, Sheriff Lupe Treviño said.

Preliminary information shows that the two deceased men had contacted the homeowner about buying roosters from him, Treviño said. The two men arrived at the house and spoke with the homeowner and a houseguest, but then something sparked an altercation and the two individuals pulled out handguns while the homeowner went inside and got his own handgun, the sheriff said.
After the shooting, the two men who had gone to the home were dead, while the homeowner and the houseguest were unharmed.

At the scene, investigators recovered three handguns, including at least one revolver and one semi-automatic, and were conducting ballistics testing on them.

More @ The Monitor

Suspect dead after home invasion on Wakefield near Clayton in Fresno County


One suspect is dead after a home invasion in Fresno County.

Deputies say a husband and wife were inside the home during the home invasion. They reported two men forcing their way in to their home.

Police say the husband shot one suspect dead. The husband was also shot. His condition is not known. Deputies say the man was airlifted to Fresno Community Regional Medical Center and was able to speak.

More with video @ ABC