Friday, November 1, 2013

North Carolina Public School Teachers Sending Pro-Union Propaganda Home With Kids

As Scott Walker's experience in Wisconsin taught us, public sector union bosses are the lowest of the low.

In North Carolina, the radical Marxist agitators have stooped to using schoolchildren to disseminate pro-union propaganda.

A line was crossed tonight in Holly Springs, NC by the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE). A flyer for a planned Teacher “Walk In” was distributed to kids at Holly Ridge Elementary school in their ‘take-home folders’ today. This “Walk In” has been talked about in the media a bit but nothing hit as close to home as this did. This flyer had no business being ferried home by our children...

More @ Doug Ross

Navy SEALs ordered to remove ‘don’t tread on me’ Navy Jack from uniforms

 Navy SEALs ordered to remove ‘don’t tread on me’ Navy Jack from uniforms

The Navy Jack is the ‘don’t tread on me’ flag, one that has earned a revered place in America’s naval history and a beloved place in sailor’s hearts, through its use for over two centuries. This symbol of America’s naval ferocity has spanned our country’s entire existence, flying from the masts of the Continental Navy during the war of independence, to today’s War on Terror. In fact, an amendment to the Navy code called SECNAV Instruction 10520.6 clearly states that as of 31 May 2002 all ships are to fly the flag throughout the duration of the War on Terror.

So why would ranking SEAL commanders ban the historical symbol? Is the proverbial top bass banning the flag? Is President Obama?

Clearly the administration and sycophant “top brass” officers have degraded America’s military prestige; from hand-tying rules of engagement, to uniform regulations that make our military allegedly more compatible with foreign forces, to the banning of an awe-inspiring flag that traces its roots to the first U.S. Navy. We have a civilian-led military, but why should our ranking commanders be complicit in the administration’s war on it? Why don’t they stand up to Obama and his leftist cronies?

Muslim Brotherhood Operatives in the U.S.

Roundabout via Cousin John

El Watan, one of Egypt’s most widely circulated and read newspapers, published a report discussing the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence over the United States, especially in the context of inciting pro-Brotherhood policies against Egypt’s popular June 30 Revolution, which resulted in the ousting of Muhammad Morsi and the Brotherhood from power.
Titled (in translation), “With Names, Identities, and Roadmap…  El Watan Exposes Brotherhood Cells in America,” it’s written by investigative journalist Ahmed al-Tahiri, who begins the report by saying:
In the context of El Watan’s ongoing investigation concerning the Brotherhood’s cells and lobby inside America that support the regime of the ousted [Morsi], and which intensified their activities to attack and defame the June 30 Revolution, informed sources have disclosed to El Watan newspaper the names and cell entities of the Brotherhood and their roadmap of activities all throughout the United States of America.
The sources said that these organizations, which are spread throughout the States, agitated for and were supportive of the decisions taken by Muhammad Morsi’s project to “Brotherhoodize” and consolidate power [in Egypt] and gave a favorable opinion to the general American public that Morsi’s decisions were welcomed by the public [in Egypt].
Following the June 30 Revolution, these groups launched a malicious war in order to incite the American administration to take hostile decisions against Egypt, with the aim of bringing back the Brotherhood to the power.
El Watan then goes on to name names, saying that the following activists and entities are Brotherhood operatives working within the United States (reproduced verbatim):

More @ Front Page

Standing For Liberty presents Freedom Rising on Sunday Night


This is your Executive Director Larry Pratt with a special announcement!

This election cycle is going to be one we cannot leave our musket on the wall for.  We need to stand up and fight like we have never before.  This is why we are teaming up with Standing for Liberty for a very special fundraiser.

Here is how you can help us and spread the word in your community.  I will be in Tulsa, Oklahoma to speak along with Congressman Jim Bridenstine, Rev. Rafael Cruz (father of Sen. Ted Cruz), Lt. Col. Oliver North, and musical talent Krista Branch, this Sunday November 3rd for an event called “Freedom Rising,” brought to you by

(The event will go from 4pm - 6 pm CST.)

We have set up a special link, , where you can help us raise money by participating in a live stream/pay per view for Gun Owners of America.

It is important that we have your correct email when you purchase your ticket for $10.00 (plus a $1.54 fee);The correct email is a requirement for receiving the special code to join the event online.

I want to thank you for your activism and for helping to support Gun Owners of America.


Larry Pratt
Executive Director

The Not So Civil War & the Issue of States' Rights

 If this picture offends you, you need a history lesson.
 If this picture offends you, you need a history lesson.

In American schools the Civil War is a one trick pony.  It was all about slavery and that is all it was about.   

There can be no doubt that slavery was a blight upon the History of the United States.  It was incompatible with the inspiring words of our Declaration of Independence,

    "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." 

The very idea of chattel slavery wherein one person can own another and their children, and their children's children unto the furthest generation is an abomination.   The South saw this as their peculiar institution, and they had built an entire culture upon slavery as an economic necessity. For a variety of reasons even the Southern Churches supported and attempted to justify the practice.

However, all of this being said slavery was not the only issue at stake in the Civil War.

Emerson College Poll: Cuccinelli 2 Points Behind McAuliffe in Va.

Republican Ken Cuccinelli has pulled within 2 percentage points of Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the Virginia gubernatorial race with just four days to go, a new poll shows.

The Emerson College Polling Society says  McAuliffe’s lead over Cuccinelli is now 42 percent to 40 percent, with Libertarian candidate Robert Sarvis lagging taking 13 percent of the vote.

McAuliffe's lead is within the poll's margin of error, which Emerson says is 3.24 percent.
The society says the survey, conducted October 25-30 among 874 likely voters, shows that Cuccinelli is "gaining momentum" going into the final weekend before the election.

Early last month Emerson College had found that Cuccinelli was trailing McAuliffe by five points. The new poll comes just two days after Quinnipiac University stated that McAuliffe was ahead by four points.

More @ Newsmax

Stockman seeks special prosecutors for Obama

Congress needs to assign special prosecutors to investigate Obama administration misbehavior, charges a congressman who has distributed to members of the U.S. House copies of the book “Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Obama from Office.”

“From Benghazi to Fast and Furious to crony deals for ‘green’ energy to Obamacare the lawless Obama administration must be reined in. I am calling on Congress to establishment Select Committees on these scandals with full subpoena power,” said Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, in a statement Thursday.

“We’ve seen how the Obama administration smears and defames their critics. Congress should investigate these scandals and turn the matters over to special prosecutors,” he said.

More @ WND

Bloomberg’s NYC: A Place where women can be knifed to death, free of the moral quandary of shooting their attacker


Once again, empowered by gun control, a knife wielding man hacks yet another women and her four children to death.

In Sunset Park Brooklyn, 25 year old Ming Dong Chen took a knife and went on a rampage killing 37 year old Qiao Zhen Li and her four children; William (1),  Kevin (5), Amy (7), and Linda (9).

Another tragic reminder that gun control does not equal crime control.  In fact, gun control promotes INEQUALITY, leaving people victims to those with greater strength.  How could this woman have saved herself and protected her four children?  Sam Colt gave her a way a 175 years ago, but Mayor Bloomberg has denied it for the past 11.

Cruz and Carson in 2016

The presidential election of 2016 will be a defining moment for the nation and for the Republican Party.

Not so for the Democratic Party. There’s no controversy among Democrats about what America should be and what their party is about. Big government, welfare state socialism, and secular humanism.

The only question about who the Democratic presidential candidate will be is which welfare state socialist, secular humanist they will nominate.

The picture for Republicans is more complex and this makes Democrats happy. They see Republican Party intraparty dissension as division and weakness which, in their view, can only help Democrats.

Key issues divide Republicans both about principles – what is America about? – and political strategy – what are the best tactics for electing candidates and advancing the party agenda?

More @ Townhall

Appeals Court Rejects Obamacare Contraception Mandate

A federal appeals court struck down Obamacare's controversial birth control mandate, declaring that requiring contraception coverage in employee health plans is unduly burdensome for business owners who oppose birth control on religious grounds.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled 2-1 Friday in favor of Francis and Philip Gilardi, the Roman Catholic owners of Ohio-based Freshway Foods and Freshway Logistics, who argued that the provision in the new healthcare law would violate their religious freedom, The Hill reports.

"The burden on religious exercise does not occur at the point of contraceptive purchase; instead, it occurs when a company's owners fill the basket of goods and services that constitute a healthcare plan," wrote Judge Janice Rogers Brown in the court's decision.

Had the plaintiffs refused to comply with the law, they would have faced a $14 million fine.

More @ Newsmax

Ted Cruz's father: Send Obama 'back to Kenya'

Barack Obama’s links to Kenya run deep in his family history.

Obama’s wife, Michelle, in fact, called her husband “a Kenyan” and referred to “his home country in Kenya.” Kenyans also have referred to Obama as “a fellow Kenyan” and a “son of the soil of this country.”

Before Obama was elected, it was fairly common to find references in the media to the former Illinois senator as born in Kenya.

The Kenyan government, as well, in 2009 commissioned a cultural museum in Kenya to “honour the birthplace of President Obama.”

Even Obama’s own literary agency billed him as “born in Kenya” as late as 2007 to promote the sale of his book “Dreams from My Father.”

More @ WND

TSA agent shot dead at LAX

A gunman walked into Terminal 3 at Los Angeles International Airport Friday morning and opened fire at a security checkpoint, killing a Transportation Security Administration officer and wounding at least three other people, law enforcement sources tell CBS News.

The gunman “took an ‘assault rifle’ out of a bag and began to open fire into the terminal,” according to Patrick Gannon, the airport’s chief of police.

“He proceeded into the screening area and went past the screeners into the airport itself. Police tracked the individual through the airport and successfully took him into custody,” said Gannon at a news conference.

Law enforcement sources told the Los Angeles Times that the gunman was a TSA employee at LAX.

More with video @ WND

Former Secret Service Agent Warns On Scandals: “It’s worse than people know; I’m not trying to scare you either.”

 Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino: President Obama Sees Government as Shiny New Toy

Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino, who is running for Congress in Maryland, appeared on the Glenn Beck Program Thursday to discuss why he chose to run for elected office.

“We’re at a very dangerous point, Glenn,” Bongino began. “We’re in a lot of trouble. The president sees government — and I think it’s because of his lack of experience, and maybe community organizing in the past — as like this shiny new toy. And for all the disagreements I had with Clinton, Carter, and Bush, there were always limits. There was that line you just didn’t cross — we cross that seemingly every day…”

Bongino said that we’re “lost in the scandals,” from the IRS targeting conservative organizations to Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius “shaking down” the healthcare industry, among others.

“It’s to the point where these scandals in and of themselves [that] would be huge, backbreaking scandals are just lot (lost) in the ‘scandal fog’ of this administration,” he said in disbelief. “It’s worse than people know; I’m not trying to scare you either.”

More @ The Blaze

Justice and State departments blocking access to survivors of Benghazi attack,qurl=http,P3A,P2F,,P2Fpolitics,P2F2013,P2F10,P2F31,P2Fjustice-and-state-departments-blocking-access-to-survivors-benghazi-attack,P2F,P3Futm_source,P3Dfeedburner,P26utm_medium,P3Dfeed,P26utm_campaign,P3DFeed,P253A,P2Bfoxnews,P252Fmost-popular,P2B,P2528Internal,P2B-,P2BMost,P2BPopular,P2BContent,P2529,aforce=false,afullpage=false,athumbnail_max_width=230,aviewport=650x1000.pagespeed.ic.wfGdlxWFZg.jpg

The Justice and State departments are now citing a year-old FBI investigation and a future criminal prosecution to block access to survivors of last year’s Benghazi terror attack.

In an Oct. 28 letter to Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.,the State Department’s Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, Julia Frifield, refers to "significant risks" and "serious concerns about having the survivors of the attack submit to additional interviews."

Graham has been asking since last year for the FBI’s transcripts of interviews with State Department and CIA survivors who were evacuated to Germany after the Sep.11 attack on the U.S. consulate.

He and other Republicans believe the transcripts will show the survivors told the FBI it was a terrorist attack and made no mention of a video or anti-U.S. demonstration at the consulate.

This intelligence was  likely available to the president, his national security team and U.N.
Ambassador Susan Rice, who five days after the assault blamed it on an anti-U.S. demonstration and inflammatory video.

"You can't hide behind a criminal investigation," Graham told reporters during a news conference on Capitol Hill.  "That's not a good reason to deny the Congress witness statements 48 hours after the attack."

More @ Fox

Top Hospitals Opt Out of Obamacare

 University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio, Best Hospitals, Honor Roll 

Which Top Hospitals Take Your Health Insurance Under Obamacare?


The Obama Administration has been claiming that insurance companies will be competing for your dollars under the Affordable Care Act, but apparently they haven't surveyed the nation's top hospitals.

Americans who sign up for Obamacare will be getting a big surprise if they expect to access premium health care that may have been previously covered under their personal policies. Most of the top hospitals will accept insurance from just one or two companies operating under Obamacare.

"This doesn't surprise me," said Gail Wilensky, Medicare advisor for the second Bush Administration and senior fellow for Project HOPE. "There has been an incredible amount of focus on the premium cost and subsidy, and precious little focus on what you get for your money."

More @ US News

Rep. Issa Subpoenas Sebelius for Obamacare Documents

 Image: Rep. Issa Subpoenas Sebelius for Obamacare Documents

Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has subpoenaed Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius for documents related to the “entirely dysfunctional” Obamacare website's problems.

“The administration’s failure to provide answers about what led to the disastrous launch of and what is being done to fix it is completely unacceptable,” the California Republican said.

“The evidence is mounting that the website did not go through proper testing, including critical security testing, and that the Administration ignored repeated.

 More @ Newsmax

So loyal, so brave, the dog who flew against the Luftwaffe

Via WiscoDave

War dog: When gunner Robert Bozdech, right, crashed near a French farmhouse, the last thing he expected to find was the German shepherd Antis, left. But the two became inseparable, with Antis sneaking inside Robert's plane

Antis the German shepherd was discovered as a puppy in No Man's Land

RAF gunner Robert Bozdech adopted him as a member of 311 Squadron

Dog saved lives and could hear Luftwaffe planes before they arrived

Eventually he stowed away aboard Robert's aircraft, risking death and injury

He was awarded the Dickin medal for 'outstanding devotion to duty'

Rising to a kneeling position, and miraculously unhurt, he spotted what looked like an old farmhouse 100 yards or so to the north. At a crouch he moved towards it.

Although there were no footprints in the snow, he could hear faint sounds of movement inside. Cocking his pistol, he gingerly pushed open the front door.

‘Get your hands up!’ he shouted in halting French. ‘Show yourself! Now!’

More @  Daily Mail

Virginia Flaggers - 2013 Mechanicsville Rotary/Ruritain Christmas Parade


Sunday, December 8th, we will be marching/riding as a unit in the Mechanicsville Christmas Parade. As many of you know, the Confederate flag and those of us who carry it have become increasingly unpopular in many civic events. There are dozens of well known incidents of Heritage groups being banned, or asked not to carry a Confederate flag, or deliberately left out of parades or community events.

This is not the case in Mechanicsville Rotary/Ruritan Parade. This is a huge parade, with large, Confederate friendly crowds, where the organizers WELCOME our presence. We will be walking, carrying flags, and have a trailer available with seating for those who cannot make the walk. Our friends in the Mechanized Cavalry will also be riding with us again this year! We encourage EVERYONE to join us and make this a Confederate Christmas in Mechanicsville!

All are welcome. The only requirements are that you bring a Confederate flag to carry, and a smile to share with the crowd. We recommend dressing for the weather and Christmas, and wearing comfortable walking shoes, as the route is several miles long.

We will have staging details and more information available two weeks before the parade, but be prepared to arrive betwen 1:00 and 2:00 p.m.

We are asking everyone who can, to bring a bag of candy to share and pass out. We will also be passing out battle flags and Va Flagger information.

Please share this with anyone you think might be interested, and make plans to be a part of this event. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me.

Join the VA Flaggers in forwarding the colors, celebrating CHRISTmas, being a part of educating the public about our ancestors and the flags they fought and died under... and changing hearts and minds!

Exclusive Offer - Worlds Only Iphone 4/4s Stun Gun Case

There's now a stun gun case for your iPhone 4/4S! Yellow Jacket is the World's Only Stun Gun iPhone Case, BudsGunShop and Yellow Jacket have teamed up to bring you an exclusive offer. Place your order before midnight Sunday, November 3rd, and get your Yellow Jacket Case for ONLY $99.99 plus Free Shipping! Click HERE for more information.

So, what makes Yellow Jacket different from iPhone cases? Yellow Jacket has three key features that make it truly a “Knock out”. Concealed inside Yellow Jacket is a high voltage stun gun plus a rechargeable battery to give you a boost anytime you need it! The durable hard plastic case also protects your phone from damage caused by drops and daily wear & tear. I come in your choice to four colors black, yellow, white, and pink.

NC: Another Embarrassment For Obama As Senate Blocks Nomination Of Mel Watt To Head Fannie, Freddie

Via NC Renegade

In what is merely the latest humiliating blow to Obama, moments ago, in a 42 to 56 vote, Senate Republicans blocked President Barack Obama's nominee to oversee the FHFA - the administration in charge of mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which in turn are so instrumental to restoring housing as the primary source of "High Quality Collateral" (and its securitization), which in turn is critical to allow the Fed to eventually step away from QE. The defeat on a procedural vote for the nominee, Democratic Representative Mel Watt of North Carolina, came despite an aggressive White House push in the past few days to round up support. The vote against limiting debate on Watt's nomination was 56-42, four short of the needed 60 votes to move ahead in the Senate. Whether this means that Moody's ADP's Mark Zandi is back on the table as a potential nominee is unclear as of this writing.

As we pointed out back in May, all those mostly financial lobby supporters of Mr. Watt are encouraged to see their money back.

From: In Whose Pocket Is Mel Watt?

Following the earlier reported devastating news for Mark Zandi fans (all one of them, including Mr. Zandi himself) that the Moody's economist/ADP seasonal adjuster, will not be the next head of the GSEs, and instead that privilege will go to North Carolina Democrat Mel Watt, we decided to take a quick look in whose pocket the career Congressman (elected into congress in 1992) truly lies. We are delighted to announce that with Mr. Watt's lobbying dollars coming almost exclusively from Wall Street, Lawyers/Law Firms, and Labor Unions, the $7+ trillion in US mortgages, and sole source of mortgage creation in the US, is in "very good", if just a little conflicted and quite socialist, hands.

Mortgage forgiveness-demanding, crony capitalist comrades of the world, unite! (while charging $1000/hour)

Mel Watt's biggest career contributors by industry:

Pro-Gun Sheriff Found Not Guilty

Via III Percent Patriots

Sheriff Nick Finch (Facebook Photo)

Nick Finch, the Florida sheriff arrested in June after he defended the Second Amendment, has been declared “not guilty” of the charges brought against him by the State of Florida, according to Richard Mack.

The Liberty Co. sheriff was charged with felony “official misconduct” and “falsifying public records” after he released a suspect arrested on an unconstitutional gun charge and removed the arrest file.

After closing arguments by prosecutors and the defense, the jury took less than 90 minutes to reach its verdict.

Finch said today on the Alex Jones Show that the judge and the prosecutors were “not surprised” over his acquittal.

“They knew that they had no case,” he said.

Finch is expected to return to his duties as sheriff.

During the trial, the sheriff testified that he released Floyd Eugene Parrish, who was arrested for unlawfully carrying a firearm, because he believed the Second Amendment trumped all state gun laws.

More @ Info Wars

How to hide from Predator Drones UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Survival Guide

Via Resister In The Rockies

 How to hide from Predator Drones UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles FLIR

The General Atomics Predator Drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) typically operated by US Air Force AFSC 1U0X1, UAS – Unmanned Aerospace System Sensor Operators. Drones are equipped with the AN/AAS-52 Multi-spectral Targeting System, armed with GBU-12 Paveway II laser guided munitions, camera (generally used by the pilot for flight control), a variable aperture infrared camera (for low light/night), and a variable aperture day-TV camera. The Predator Drone is an armed, multi-mission, medium-altitude, long endurance remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) that is employed primarily in a killer/scout role as an intelligence collection asset and secondarily against targets.

The aircraft can employ two laser-guided AGM-114 Hellfire missiles which possess a highly accurate, low collateral damage, and anti-armor/anti-personnel engagement capability. The MQ-1B Predator handles reconnaissance while MQ-9 Reaper is used primarily “in a hunter/killer role,” and secondarily for intelligence. The drone endurance is more than 40 hours and the cruise speed is over 70kt. The air vehicle is equipped with UHF and VHF radio relay links, a C-band line-of-sight data link which has a range of 150nm and UHF and Ku-band satellite data links.

The targeting system is a primary threat. The MQ-1B carries the Multi-spectral Targeting System (MTS-A) which integrates an infrared sensor, a color/monochrome daylight TV camera, an image-intensified TV camera, a laser designator and a laser illuminator into a single package. The effective operational radius of the aircraft is about 459 miles.

UAV remote sensing functions include electromagnetic spectrum sensors, gamma ray sensors, biological sensors, and chemical sensors. A UAV’s electromagnetic sensors typically include visual spectrum, infrared, or near infrared cameras as well as radar systems. Click here to download the JFCOM UAS – A detailed explanation of drone operations, schematics, and capabilities that include;
  • Full-color nose camera that the pilot uses primarily to navigate the craft
  • Variable aperture camera (similar to a traditional TV camera)
  • Variable aperture infrared camera for low-light and night viewing
  • Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) for seeing through low visibility

Why are drones a threat to Americans?

 More @  USCROW