Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s Explosive Claim About Benghazi Survivors

Via NC Renegade

The Obama administration is “changing names” of the Benghazi survivors and “creating aliases” to keep them hidden from congressional investigators and the American people, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) told Greta Van Susteren on Thursday night. He also said the administration is “dispersing them around the country” to keep them out of sight.

Gowdy’s stunning claims were overshadowed by CNN’s bombshell report that revealed there were “dozens” of CIA operatives on the ground in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, the night of the deadly attack that killed four Americans. Meanwhile, the CIA is taking “unprecedented” to keep whatever it was doing in Benghazi a secret, according to the report.

“Stop and think what things are most calculated to get at the truth? Talk to people with first-hand knowledge. What creates the appearance and perhaps the reality of a cover-up? Not letting us talk with people who have the most amount of information, dispersing them around the country and changing their names,” Gowdy said.

More @ The Blaze

NC: Unnecessary Death: NC Veterans Killed by Illegal Aliens

Via NC Renegade

 Image courtesy of NCFIRE.info

Earlier this month the Examiner published an article: More than 100 North Carolinians have been killed by illegal aliens.  As Obama rekindles a fresh push for Amnesty and as Veterans’ Day approaches, I would like to highlight the stories of veterans killed by illegal aliens.  Because our government refuses to enforce current immigration law and refuses to protect and seal our borders, these individuals who served their country with honor were killed by criminals who never should have been in the country.  The Amnesty pushers are telling you these criminals just came here for a better life.  Were these murders just good, hard-working folks like you and me?  Hardly.

It is a tragedy when anyone becomes the victim of violent crime.  It is all the more shameful when the criminal is an illegal alien flying under the radar and given cover by the government.  These American veterans who were killed volunteered to protect the rest of us from all enemies foreign and domestic.  They signed a blank check valued up to and including their lives to keep that oath, but they were not killed in the line of duty on the battlefield.  They were shamefully murdered in the streets of North Carolina.

So, What Do We Do If We’re Ambushed?



Noob:  “So, what do you do when you think you’ve been ambushed?”

Good question.  Valid, too.  A new member of the team/patrol should be taught effective immediate action drills for this, as well as other common situations encountered in a SHTF situation.  Let’s check out the conversation for a moment:

Older, more experienced teacher:  “Well, the way we did it back in the day was to have everyone in the kill zone immediately assault the ambush position screaming and yelling and shooting.  They told us that’d give us the best chance at survival.”

Noob:  “How did you know it was an ambush and not a perimeter or something?”

Older, more experienced teacher:  “Son, when all hell breaks loose without warning, and the shooting is coming from one side, it’s an ambush!”

Noob:  “So did it work?”

Older, more experienced teacher:  “In training it did.”

Noob:  “Oh….”

Unfortunately, in many AO’s today, a common assumption of indigenous teams participating in counter-ambush immediate action drills (IAD), and was previously standard doctrine of all US forces prior to the adoption of MW, is anytime a team/patrol is engaged without warning they are in an ambush and have only one of two options for survival:

Pictured with the man who shot him dead moments later: RAF policeman grins alongside rogue Afghan policeman who opened fire on him and comrade

 Corporal Brent McCarthy of McCarthy with a rogue Afghan policemen suspected of shooting dead him and L/Cpl Lee Davies, 1st Battalion Welsh Guards

An unwitting British soldier who posed for a photograph with a rogue Afghan policeman was shot dead by him seconds later.

Corporal Brent McCarthy, 25, is pictured with a member of the Afghan Uniformed Police just moments before the shooting. 

After the snap was taken the gunman and another accomplice turned their weapons on the RAF policeman. 

More @ Daily Mail

Virginia Governor Race: Libertarian Candidate Robert Sarvis Funded by Obama Campaign Bundler


Recently, Ben Swann asked why alleged Libertarian candidate Robert Sarvis was being shut out of the debate for governor of Virginia. I think Swann made some excellent points. However, even among libertarians and other political pundits, there were questions regarding whether or not Sarvis was a libertarian. Now, it's come to light that Sarvis' campaign received his largest independent expenditure of $11,500 from Libertarian Booster PAC, and Austin, Texas based super PAC and the primary funder is Joe Liemandt, who donated between $100-$200K to Barack Obama's re-election.

Many had a problem with Sarvis running and this was their concern. I suppose I would have a similar concern, but was more concerned with the issue of someone else's ideas being shut out of debate.

With that in mind, things should be out on the table. After all, this is what Libertarians and true conservatives want to see, ie. Real transparency.

The $11.5K given to Sarvis was allegedly to get his name on the ballot through petition and to produce campaign materials.

Mr. Liemandt is a software billionaire who owns Trilogy. His contributions are more than half of the super PAC's operating revenue of $229,000. He contributed $150,000.

According to Meredith Jessup at The Blaze:

More on Schools


Last week I fulminated about the calamitous effects of the feminization of the schools, of turning the school into an emotional infantile crèche aimed at the fundamentally female goals of psychological conditioning, conformity, and totalitarian niceness. A lot of mail arrived, pro and con. Since schooling is of importance to the US, perhaps it is worth looking at.

Predictably, I was accused of hating women. Actually it is not women that I find objectionable, but American women, who are a small part of the world’s women.

My saying “American women” is of course a wild generalization subject to degrees, exceptions, and qualifications. A more sober statement would be something like this: There are enough American women overtly hostile to men, enough snarling feminists teaching semiliterate misandry in academic departs of sexism (Women’s Studies), enough little boys being drugged at female recommendation, enough repression of normal behavior of small boys by female teachers, enough bias against men in divorce courts, enough depiction of men as fools and knaves by females in the media, that it seems to me wise to avoid the species. I mean none of this to apply to women to whom it does not apply.

Now, if I were the only one who thought the foregoing, I would dismiss myself as a crank expat living in Mexico.

4 On Your Side investigates traffic stop nightmare

Via avordvet

A review of medical records, police reports and a federal lawsuit show deputies with the Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office, police officers with the City of Deming and medical professionals at the Gila Regional Medical Center made some questionable decisions.

The incident began January 2, 2013 after David Eckert finished shopping at the Wal-Mart in Deming.  According to a federal lawsuit, Eckert didn't make a complete stop at a stop sign coming out of the parking lot and was immediately stopped by law enforcement.    

Eckert's attorney, Shannon Kennedy, said in an interview with KOB that after law enforcement asked him to step out of the vehicle, he appeared to be clenching his buttocks.  Law enforcement thought that was probable cause to suspect that Eckert was hiding narcotics in his anal cavity.  While officers detained Eckert, they secured a search warrant from a judge that allowed for an anal cavity search.
The lawsuit claims that Deming Police tried taking Eckert to an emergency room in Deming, but a doctor there refused to perform the anal cavity search citing it was "unethical."

But physicians at the Gila Regional Medical Center in Silver City agreed to perform the procedure and a few hours later, Eckert was admitted.

What Happened

While there, Eckert was subjected to repeated and humiliating forced medical procedures.  A review of Eckert's medical records, which he released to KOB, and details in the lawsuit show the following happened:

More @ KOB

Concealed carrier confronts, kills two armed robbers in Reading, PA


I’d like to take this opportunity to vividly illustrate a minor flaw in Wayne LaPierre’s argument.
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun who knows how to use it, and this Reading, PA concealed carrier certainly did:
The armed men took cash, cigarettes and lottery tickets before exiting the store. Outside they were confronted by the concerned citizen who told them not to move and that he was calling police.
Adams said a struggle ensued and the suspects took out their weapons. The citizen, however, was also armed and fired at the suspects.
The suspects were both shot in the chest and died at the scene.
More @ Bearing Arms

Female store clerk shoots and kills would-be robber


On Nov. 2, December Long was working as a store clerk at the Stop & Go at 3131 Sylvania Ave.

Police said around 9 p.m., Christopher Shockley attempted to rob the store at gun point, and Long grabbed a gun of her own from behind the counter.

"He came in to do the armed robbery. It turned into a gun fight," said Toledo Police Public Information Officer Joe Heffernan.

According to police, Shockley shot first, striking the clerk in the abdomen. Long then returned fire, hitting Shockley, and killing him.

Warthog Pinned Down by Wild Dogs, Gets Ambushed by Crocodile

David notified me that this was removed by user and I see no other up at this time.

Senate Approves Bill that Legalizes Sodomy and Bestiality in U.S. Military

Via Jeffery

The Senate on Thursday evening voted 93-7 to approve a defense authorization bill that includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, it also repeals the military ban on sex with animals–or bestiality.

And now this is an added concern, that sodomy has been removed, and as we have discovered, that bestiality–the prohibition against it–has been removed from the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So yes, the House will have problems with this bill.

Mike Farris Testifies against UN Disabilities Treaty: Please Call Your Senators


Today HSLDA Chairman Mike Farris testified before the U.S. Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee against the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

HSLDA strongly opposes this dangerous United Nations treaty. We encourage you to read Mike Farris’ testimony online.

HSLDA strongly supports laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and other laws which have made the United States the world leader for ensuring the freedom and dignity of people with disabilities. But we reject any attempt to ratify a United Nations treaty which would threaten our nation’s sovereignty and threaten the ability of parents, not government bureaucrats, to care for their children with disabilities.

The CRPD does all of this and more. Senators in favor of the CRPD say that our concerns are baseless and that we can trust the United Nations. These are the same leaders who told us that we could keep our health insurance if we liked it. They do not understand the dangers of ratifying a binding international law treaty. You can read the text of the CRPD for yourself online, and read our full analysis of why we urge the Senate to reject this treaty.

It is crucial that all 100 U.S. senators hear from you, their constituents, about this UN treaty. We will not win this battle against the United Nations unless homeschoolers, parents, and concerned citizens stand up and flood the Senate with calls against this treaty. Your message can be as simple as the following:
“I urge you to oppose the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This treaty surrenders U.S. sovereignty to unelected UN bureaucrats and will threaten parental care of children with disabilities. Our nation already has laws to protect Americans with disabilities. This treaty is unnecessary and will hurt families by giving bureaucrats the power to decide what is in the best interests of a child with disabilities, not the child’s parents.”
You can reach your two U.S. senators by calling the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121, by using our legislative toolbox to type your address and find their contact info, or by using HSLDA’s emailing tool to send a prewritten letter to your senator by filling out your information here.

Thank you for standing with us for U.S. sovereignty and for homeschool freedom and parental rights.
Our nation’s political system is premised on the fact that we elect the men and women who write our laws, and we hold them accountable at the ballot box. The CRPD would undermine this by allowing unelected, unaccountable UN bureaucrats sitting in Geneva, Switzerland, to review our nation’s compliance with the CRPD. Americans must make the law for America. The CRPD must be rejected.
• • •

Protect Your Family

If you aren’t yet a member of HSLDA, consider joining today! HSLDA’s work benefits homeschooolers in the United States and around the world. We invite you to participate in our ministry to the homeschool community. Join now >>

Lincoln’s Underground Railroad Brigade


It is well-known that FDR’s Democratic administration by 1936 had absorbed many American communists; soon many sailed for Spain in a brigade named for a previous American revolutionary in the White House. The communist international’s (Comintern) goal was exporting revolution and undermining capitalism, today the US government exports this revolution to all regions of the globe.  Bernhard Thuersam

Lincoln’s Underground Railroad Brigade

“in 1936 . . . the Spanish Civil War catalyzed the battle against fascism worldwide, many in the (American Communist] Party [CPUSA] decided that more was required of them than just raising money, picketing consulates or, as in the case of communist seamen, smuggling literature into fascist countries.  Steve Nelson, who left the Pennsylvania anthracite fields to become political commissar of the XV Brigade, recalled in his memoirs:

“When Franco, Hitler and Mussolini attacked Spain, the die was cast.  No longer could our campaigns be confined to agitation.  Many in the United States knew we had to move beyond passing resolutions that urged our government to aid Spain.”

In the late fall of 1936, the CPUSA began its own recruiting drive for the International Brigades. The first organized group of volunteers from the United States sailed from New York on the Normandie on Christmas Day, 1936.  There was a high percentage of communists among them (in higher command positions), but the Brigade’s variety of ideologies demonstrated how pervasive anti-fascism had become.  Most of the Americans volunteers were in their early twenties. 

Because of the extension of the Neutrality law to the Spanish war, they traveled as tourists or students on their way to Europe, not declaring their real destination.  Once in France, an underground railroad took them to Spain. 

In the Jarama Valley in February 1937, the Lincoln’s, as they were soon called, underwent their trial of fire . . . Out of 450 that went into battle, 120 were killed and 175 were wounded. The Lincoln’s, who [were] disparagingly referred to as “premature anti-fascists,” paid a very heavy price for their commitment . . . fewer than half of all the Americans who had gone to Spain [survived].” 

(The Communist Party of the United States, Fraser M. Ottanelli, Rutgers University Press, 1991, pp. 175-177)

Washington support for immigration reform heats up as time runs out

President Obama and other supporters of immigration reform see an open road on Capitol Hill toward passing legislation and have stepped up efforts with less than 20 working days left in this legislative session.

The White House confirmed Monday that Obama will hold a Roosevelt Room meeting on immigration reform, after a Republican senator influential in getting such legislation passed in his chamber expressed optimism that the Republican-led House could be poised to follow.

The administration has not released the names of the meeting attendees. But Press Secretary Jay Carney, in confirming the session, suggested the White House will continue to tout reform support from both political parties and big business, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

“Immigration reform will reduce the deficit by $850 billion over the first 20 years,” Carney told reporters. “It’s good for the economy and the right thing to do. We hope the House will follow the Senate and take action.”

A Senate Budget Committee spokesman said Carney delivered the talking points used by the business lobbyists pushing this immigration plan.

"But what does the Congressional Budget Office’s report actually show?" he asked. "The immigration plan would increase on-budget deficits, spike unemployment and slash workers’ wages. The White House is offering its full-throated endorsement of a plan to displace millions of low-income U.S. workers at a time of crippling joblessness.”

More @ Fox

Senate GOP: Did White House cook UN global warming report?

Senate GOP: Did White House cook UN global warming report?

Senate Republicans are questioning the Obama administration about reports that U.S. officials tried to suppress the 15-year global warming hiatus in the United Nations’ climate report.

The Associated Press reported in September that the Obama administration, along with several European nations, lobbied the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to omit or downplay data showing that global warming stopped in 1998.

In response, Republican senators have sent a letter to Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy, questioning her knowledge of these international lobbying efforts.

Texas GOP Poll: ‘Tea Party’ challenger beats Cornyn 46% to 33%

Texas GOP Poll: 'Tea Party' challenger beats Cornyn 46% to 33%

A generic “Tea Party” candidate beats Sen. John Cornyn III  (R.-Texas) in a Oct. 26 Human Events/Gravis poll of Republican voters in Texas 46 percent to 33 percent for the GOP’s number two senator.

The poll clearly shows Cornyn is trouble, especially when you see that in the poll Sen. R. Edward Cruz (R.-Texas) has a job approval rating of 73 percent among Republicans and Cornyn 46 percent, said the pollster Doug Kaplan, who founded Gravis Marketing in 2010 and whose polls were included in the Real Clear Politics basket of polls during the 2012 campaign.

The Republican primary is March 4. The day for candidates to file for the primary is Nov. 9 with a Dec. 9 filing deadline.

Hagel threatens National Guard in 9 states not issuing same-sex spouse ID cards

  Hagel threatens National Guard in 9 states not issuing same-sex spouse ID cards

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel today directed the chief of the National Guard Bureau to meet with the adjutants general of nine states to resolve the issue of those states denying ID cards to same-sex spouses at National Guard facilities.

In a speech at the 100th annual Anti-Defamation League in New York tonight, Hagel said the adjutants general will be expected to comply with both lawful direction and Defense Department policy, in line with the practices of 45 other states and jurisdictions.

DOD last month began providing same-sex spouse benefits for military members and eligible civilian employees, following the Supreme Court’s June 26 ruling that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional.

Ron Paul: 'Insane' to Vote for 'Libertarian' Robert Sarvis

On Monday, former Congressman and staunch libertarian Ron Paul (R-TX) campaigned for Virginia Republican Governor candidate Ken Cuccinelli and said Virginias would be giving up on liberty if they voted for Democrat Terry McAuliffe in Tuesday's election and would be "insane" if they voted for so-called libertarian Robert Sarvis, the third-party candidate who may siphon enough votes from Cuccinelli to spoil the election. 

Specifically referring to the mileage taxes that Sarvis indicated he may support and which may require GPS systems to be installed in everyone's cars, Paul said "anybody who would conceivably vote for someone who would endorse a mileage tax" is "insane" because a mileage tax would be an "invasion of privacy" and would just give the government more money it could waste. In an interview on MSNBC, Sarvis indicated that he could support "vehicle-miles-driven taxes."

Appearing with Cuccinelli, Paul also noted that Cuccinelli would cut taxes and would not support any new taxes. He said though Cuccinelli may not be in the Libertarian Party, he's a "Constitutionalist, so he's an ally."

Paul also ripped Democrats for thinking that individuals are not smart to take care of themselves.
"Why should we grant this authority to a few thugs who want to take over the government to make all our decisions for us?" Paul said.

More with video @ Breitbart

23 Items Under $5 That Can Save Your Life!

Via WiscoDave

survival items

I grew up in sunny California, and even though I have now lived in Utah for nearly 20 years, I still get this unsettled feeling whenever winter starts to settle in. When I think of how COLD it gets and the things that could potentially go wrong while on the road, or even at home should the power go out, I am reminded of how woefully prepared I am for such emergencies.

I recently came across this article on OutdoorLife.com about $2 items that can save your life and it was just the nudge I needed to at least get SOMETHING together for an emergency kit. Whether it’s a winter survival kit, or just a survival kit in general….you don’t have to spend a fortune to get started. When you think about it, sometimes the most valuable things in an emergency are also the cheapest things you can buy.

Here are some $5-or-less emergency prep items to get you started on your way to self-sufficiency.

Stupid way to commit suicide

How he did it:

First he got out of his SUV in the middle of a group of gun toting terrorists.
Next he pointed his shoulder held video camera at an IDF tank while standing in the middle of a group of gun toting terrorists...

Watch how it happened!

Arab Photographer Fadel Shana in Gaza.

                                                       More @ Double Tapper

"Resist – No Matter What"


I shall never repent having done what I did, nor complain about the consequences of my captivity.  (17 years in a North Vietnamese "reeducation" camp after 1975. BT)  If history were to repeat itself, I would choose the same path. By so doing, I know from experience that I would lose everything but HONOR.

H/t to Brock for this inspirational non-fiction example of implacable resistance to Communist tyranny.

Sát cộng.

Here is the real thing from Hamp, SF/VN. BT