Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Pitching In

Our House Burned Down Today 
For those who don't know already, OJD's house burned down:

Ryan has posted about it and Mr. Rawles ran a fundraiser as well. 

I don't know OJD, but I feel for him.  If you buy a book of mine between now and 11/16/13, send me a screenshot of the Amazon purchase.  I'll donate the full proceeds of my royalties to OJD.  Probably won't be much, but it's something.  That's what we're supposed to do, right?  Help each other out.

So go here: grab a book, and let me know about it. email your screenshots to:

Or, cut out the middle man (that'd be me) and give here:

British-Built Blockade Runners

Skeleton of American history emerges from storm

A total of 588 blockade-runners would emerge from English ports during the war -- shipping 8,250 cargoes worth two million dollars the South paid for these imports with 1,250,000 bales of cotton. The majority of the runners sailed from Liverpool and some from Glasgow, with the North viewing this activity “as virtually tantamount to a participation in the war by the people of Great Britain . . . “
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"

British-Built Blockade Runners

“In the early stages of the war every type of ship was used to break the blockade. But from 1862 onwards only steamers specially built or modified could slip through the Federal screen. Jones, Quiggin and Company of Liverpool built at least sixteen blockade runners between 1862 and 1865.  The Banshee, Lucy, Wild Dayrell, Bat, Badger, Colonel Lamb, Fox, Georgia, Belle, Hope, Lynx, Owl, Curlew, Hornet, Plover, Snipe, and Widgeon were all steel or iron paddle steamers of around 400 tons gross weight and were admirably built to evade the Federal ships. 

W.H. Potter and sons in 1864 built two ships of a similar type, the Deer and Dream, while William C. Miller and Son created not only the Oreto/Florida and the unfortunate Alexandra but the successful blockade-runners Phantom, Let Her B, Celia, Abigail, and Ray.  Bowdler, Chaffer and Company of Seacombe, in 1864, launched the Secret and the Stag, and, in 1865, the Swan. 

The Laird Brothers produced not only the wooden-screw Alabama (the Oreto and the Alexandra were also wooden-screw steamers), and the steel rams, but five steel paddle-steamers, the Wren, Lark, Mary, Isabel, and Penguin, and the Robert Todd, an iron screw.  All ships were especially suited to the swift maneuvers essential in blockade-running. 

Most of these blockade-runners were bought and run by Liverpool trading firms.  Edward Lawrence and Company, the firm for which Tom Taylor worked as a supercargo throughout the war, and in which he eventually became a partner, owned the Banshee, a notorious blockade-runner with at least seven successful round trips to her credit before her capture. 

A second Banshee was built and run by Aitken and Mansell and was again managed by the Liverpool firm.  Tom Taylor himself was lauded by Colonel [William] Lamb, commandant of Fort Fisher, for his “coolness and daring” and his generosity with food and luxuries to the poverty-stricken Confederates.

A number of blockade-runners were owned by the ship builders themselves – who no doubt made far more profit with them than would have ever been possible through straightforward sales.  William Quiggin of Jones, Quiggin and Company, owned the Bat, the Hope and the Colonel Lamb, which like the Phantom, roused [US consul to Liverpool Thomas H.] Dudley’s suspicions when it was being built. 

The Colonel Lamb was in fact sold by Quiggin to J.B. Lafitte of Nassau, but was never the property of the Confederacy, although it was one of the most notorious and successful blockade-runners under Liverpudlian Captain Tom Lockwood. T. Quiggin also owned the Owl, which was sold to [James] Bulloch for the Confederacy, as were Bat of the same firm and the Deer and the Stag – these were among the few blockade-runners owned by the Confederacy itself.  The Owl was to successfully run the blockade till the end of the war. 

The financial advisor to the Confederacy, Charles Prioleau, of Frazer, Trenholm and Company, bought several ships for trade with the South. Prioleau also purchased the Flora, the fastest steamer of her day, and one which was to be a bane to the North.”

(Support for Secession, Lancashire and the American Civil War, Mary Ellison, University of Chicago Press, 1972, pp. 168-172)

Dr. Ruth Westheimer, former Israeli Sniper


The future Dr. Ruth Westheimer was born Karola Ruth Siegel in Germany in 1928, the only child of an Orthodox Jewish couple. In 1939, after her father had been taken by the Nazis, her mother and grandmother sent her to Switzerland to get her out of harm's way. She did not see her family again, as they were murdered in the Holocaust.

Ruth was 17 with no home, family or country when WW II ended. Like many other Jewish Holocaust refugees, she moved to Israel (the Palestine). Ruth, dedicated to the building of a Jewish homeland, joined Haganah, an underground Jewish military organization. She served as a sniper. Says Dr. Ruth of that interval:

"When I was in my routine training for the Israeli army as a teenager, they discovered completely by chance that I was a lethal sniper. I could hit the target smack in the center further away than anyone could believe. Not just that, even though I was tiny and not even much of an athlete, I was incredibly accurate throwing hand grenades too. Even today I can load a Sten automatic rifle in a single minute, blindfolded."
 Her military career was cut short when she was seriously injured:

On her twentieth birthday, just 8 days after the Haganah was absorbed into the IDF, just as she finished up her watch, an Arab shell exploded at her feet, seriously injuring her.
More @ Double Tapper

White racists more likely to be gun owners: study

Via avordvet


Are gun ownership and racism linked?

Researchers have found that the more racist beliefs held by a white person, the more likely the person is to own a gun — conclusions that have rankled gun rights advocates.

A team led by Kerry O'Brien, of Monash University in Australia and The University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, examined white Americans’ negative perceptions about blacks and compared the rates of both gun ownership and opposition to gun control to discover the correlations.

Researchers based their conclusions on the results of a multiple-choice questionnaire that measured responses to a series of statements about attitudes toward black people. The more strongly a person agreed with a statement, the more points they accumulated.

The total points were then averaged to come up with a score between one and five that determined “symbolic racism.” Researchers found that the more points a person accumulated, the greater their chances of owning a gun and of opposing gun control.

Sixth session of the Southern National Congress

Via Timothy

The sixth session of the Southern National Congress was a smashing success! 

We received an outstanding amount of press coverage in the two days leading up to it. The media was alerted to the Congress by a Marxist group called the Tennessee Anti-Racist Network. Their intent was to cause us grief, but they could not have done us a greater service.

One of the two speakers scheduled to speak quickly backed out and lied about various facts concerning his actions. We are happy to learn of Rep. Matheny's lack of integrity before we started to support him in the next legislative session.

On the other hand, Senator Frank Niceley appeared and presented his proposed legislation for the nomination of US Senators by the State's legislative caucuses. While the actual elections would be by vote of the citizens as called for by the 17th Amendment to the US Constitution, changing the nomination process would make the Senators more aware of their responsibility to represent the State rather than their deep-pocket contributors.

A Knoxville News Sentinal article on Monday (4 Nov), reported that Senator Niceley "said he found those on hand for the event to be 'a well-mannerd, well-read group of Southern historians.'" Likewise, the delegates to the SNC found Senator Niceley to be a relaxed, home-spun gentleman who is intellectually astute, well-read, and articulate.

The Congress passed four resolutions (full text on Actions in Congress page):

More @ SNC

Another traffic stop nightmare

Via avordvet

It's a story that has left the entire country wondering about the state of law enforcement in New Mexico.

4 On Your Side revealed how David Eckert rolled through a stop sign in Deming.

A K-9 named Leo alerted that it sniffed drugs on Eckert's driver's seat.

And, for the next 14 hours, those police officers, and doctors at the Gila Regional Medical Center performed eight medical procedures including x-rays, rectal finger exams, enemas, and finally a colonoscopy.

According to a federal lawsuit, officers Bobby Orosco and Robert Chavez were two of the officers involved, and they never found drugs inside Eckert.

Our investigation reveals another chapter. Another man, another minor traffic violation, another incident with Leo the K-9 and another example of the violation of a man's body.

More @ KOB

Glock Files Court Brief Supporting Second Amendment Foundation’s California Case

“Under the First Amendment California is not allowed to compile a list of books you can read, and under the Second Amendment the state should not be allowed to compile a list of handguns you can own.”

Attorneys for Glock, Inc. have filed an amicus curiae brief supporting the Second Amendment Foundation’s case in California, Pena v. Lindley, a lawsuit challenging the state handgun roster requirements that include micro-stamping and magazine disconnects.

Glock produces some of the most popular pistols in the world, and their guns are carried by law enforcement professionals and legally-armed private citizens across the United States.

“We are proud of Glock for stepping up to the plate,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “Glock believes, as do we, that California’s requirements place an undue burden on both consumers and manufacturers.”

According to the brief filed by attorneys Erik S. Jaffe of Washington, D.C. and John C. Eastman of Orange, Calif., Glock pistols are like the majority of semi-auto pistols manufactured today, because they do not include the magazine disconnect. Indeed, the brief notes that “the overwhelming majority of law enforcement agencies require pistols that do not have a magazine disconnect mechanism.”

A Good Reason to Carry Concealed and Practice

 A Good Reason to Carry Concealed and Practice

Why do you carry concealed? This is a good reason, and a better reason to practice your shooting…

On Friday, 5 July 2013 I found out how important it is to have a “Standard” to your carry of a concealed firearm and just as important, maybe more, than the type of firearm that you carry, to practice with it and become thoroughly comfortable with it.  I have been carrying for 35 years and a shooter for over 45 years.

That Friday, my wife had gone into town (we have a small farm of 120 acres), UPS just dropped off a package and I went back into the Laundry room to continue my work in there.  A few minutes later I hear a truck pull into my circular drive and then someone loudly knocking on my door.  I thought it was the UPS man again that he may have another package that he forgot to drop off.  As I come out of the hallway into the Dining area I see my back door being held open by a stranger who is startled by my appearance and he is in the process of raising his right hand, and I notice a pistol in his hand.

More @ USA Carry

Je$$e Jack$on Sues Georgia Over State’s “Stand Your Ground” Law, Claims It Is Racist Against Blacks…

Even though SYG laws disproportionally benefit blacks.

(Reuters) – A national coalition led by the Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr. is seeking to have Georgia’s “Stand Your Ground” statute ruled unconstitutional, arguing in a federal lawsuit filed late Monday that the law discriminates against minorities.

HSLDA: To Protect and Pass On

Very good, though I could have done without viewing the Tyrant. :)

Man Grabs Robber's Gun & Beats Him with It

Man did he take a huge risk.

In Delaware County, Pennsylvania a man found himself staring at a robber's gun, but instead of handing over his money he puts his life on the line. John McGowan approached the robber as he stared down the barrel of the criminal's handgun. Tackling him, he took the gun from his attacker and began to beat him with it.

Obama High School Friend: Barry Soetoro “Identified Himself as a Foreigner and a crack-smoking homosexual.

James Manning recently interviewed a high school friend of Barack Obama, who claims to have known him back in the 1970s as Barry Soetoro. Mia Marie Pope says that Obama identified himself as a foreigner and a crack-smoking homosexual.

Ms. Pope was born in 1962, in California, and moved with her family to Hawaii when she was still an infant. Pope claims that she did not meet or see Barry Soetoro until about 1977. She said that she, Barry and other kids would hang out at the beach at Waikiki.

Mia Marie Pope says that Barry Soetoro "always portrayed himself as a foreign student."

While Soetoro was a little older than her and didn't always run around with the circle of friends that she had, Pope says that he "very much was in sort of the 'gay community,'" which she says that even back then was "thriving."

"We knew Barry as, just common knowledge, that girls were never anything that he was ever interested in, and as a young teenager….as a young girl… was clear to me that Barry was strictly into men," Pope said. She also indicated that she had no desires for him and said that they didn't get along, largely in part to the fact that he was "a pathological liar, even back then."

NC: MAIG Mayor who tried to circumvent gun laws defeated

Morrisville, NC Mayor Jackie Holcomb attempted to try to find a way to circumvent North Carolina gun laws that went into effect October 1, which expanded the list of places concealed carriers could legally be armed, including parks and greenways. She’d also joined Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) even though gun crime is almost nonexistent in Morrisville, and tried to force a local store to give up selling semi-automatic sporting rifles.

She won’t have to worry about that anymore, as voters tired of her anti-gun antics threw her out on her butt in favor of town councilman Mark Stohlman:

More @ Bearing Arms

Cuccinelli Crushed McAuliffe Among Independents: Christie Refused to Campaign for Cuccinelli and Cuccinelli Campaign Says National GOP Abandoned Them: ‘We Were on Our Own’

 Tea Party favorite Ken Cuccinelli, abandoned by the Republican establishment as too “extreme” to win in Virginia, crushed Democrat Terry McAuliffe among independent voters by 9 percentage points, 47%-38%.

 Tuesday night and again Wednesday morning, NBC’s Chuck Todd reported that New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie refused to campaign for Ken Cuccinelli, the Virginia Republican who narrowly lost his own governor’s race to Democrat Terry McAuliffe. “They begged Christie, and you can make an argument,” Todd said on Morning Joe. “That to bring a Chris Christie to Northern Virginia might have helped. But Chris Christie is worried about his own brand.”

 The GOP establishment is making a serious mistake by under estimating the power of the TEA Party to take control of the party.
Check it out:

A campaign strategist for Republican Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli said that the national GOP abandoned the campaign in its final days.

At the end of the race, Cuccinelli was closing in on Democrat Terry McAuliffe, who eked out a two-point victory on Tuesday despite exit polls that showed McAuliffe was up by seven points.

According to the Washington Post, Chris La Civita said that financial support from national Republican sources dried up on October 1.

Homeowner detains burglar until police arrive; Officers vocalize importance of self-protection

Via Bearing Arms

 Boyle County Sheriff's Office
Elliott said Collins was supposed to be released to police; however, due to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, officers were not notified and Collins left the hospital. He was later located in Burgin during a traffic stop.

A Burgin man got more than he bargained for when he broke into a home Sunday afternoon on Lancaster Road in Boyle County.

Eric Collins, 48, entered the home about 3 p.m. but, unfortunately, “he picked the wrong house,” said Boyle County Sheriff Marty Elliott.

The homeowner, Jesse Smith, is an outdoorsman and veteran who said he was considered an expert marksman when he was in the military.

Smith, who had been away from home Sunday, returned to find a truck belonging to Collins in the driveway.

Removing the keys from the truck, Smith armed himself and went toward the house. Trying the front door, he noted that the deadbolt was still locked, but the handle was unlocked, which was unusual.

Smith said the deadbolt requires a key to open it from the inside, as well as  from the outside, meaning Collins was unable to use the door as an exit.

Traveling around the exterior of the home, Smith discovered Collins, who was attempting to escape through a window. Collins showed Smith his arm, which was severely cut during his attempted escape.

Having already typed 911 in his phone, Smith called the emergency line and spoke with dispatch.
A self-described “gun advocate,” Smith never had to fire on Collins. He said he didn’t want to harm the man but had determined he was not going to be a victim.

“People have asked why I didn’t shoot him. I didn’t feel threatened,” Smith said.

Five Counties Vote To Secede From Colorado

Via Michael Downing


In non-binding referenda Tuesday in Colorado, voters in five counties endorsed secession from the Centennial State. Six more counties rejected proposals to create a 51st state of “North Colorado.”

Voters in the 11 counties put the question on the ballot, upset that the state legislature had enacted environmental protections and gun violence reduction measures.

“The heart of the 51st State Initiative is simple: We just want to be left alone to live our lives without heavy-handed restrictions from the state Capitol,” Jeffrey Hare, an secession advocate told the Denver Post.

I Am Now a Dissident (and You Should Be, Too!)

Via avordvet

Image result for dai ta ho ngoc can

RVN Ranger Army Colonel Ho Ngoc Can 
(Shortly before he was executed after requesting to
salute the RVN colors with his uniform on. His request refused, he shouted "Long  Live the Republic of Vietnam.")


dissident n. a person who opposes official policy, esp. that of an authoritarian state.

We live in a nation where the constitutionally respectful are becoming increasingly outnumbered by those who neither understand the underpinnings of our founding nor recognize the benefits that flow from those foundational values. 

In place of legitimate constitutional scholarship in our educational system, we see a systematic and unrelenting effort to overturn the original concepts of our Constitution in favor of some "living" replacement -- an "updated" document made for a diverse and evolving population, or so we are told.

Those who hold offices created by the Constitution itself are the very people using the power of those offices to usurp constitutional authority and undermine its place in American law.

Rush uncorks on major Republican 'betrayal': 'I never thought I would live to see this kind of self-sabotage

The Republican Party “betrayed” its own candidate, Ken Cuccinelli, in the race for Virginia governor, says radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, claiming party leaders want to make New Jersey’s Chris Christie the GOP frontrunner for president in 2016.

“It’s a shame what happened to Ken Cuccinelli,” the top conservative voice said in his post-election analysis Wednesday. “He was betrayed by his own party. … Here was their chance to have a Republican governor in the state of Virginia, and they didn’t care.”

Cuccinelli was defeated Tuesday by Democrat Terry McAuliffe with a thin margin of just over two percentage points, 47.74 percent to 45.29 percent. Robert Sarvis, a Libertarian candidate, collected 6.52 percent of the vote.

Meanwhile, Christie cruised to re-election as New Jersey’s governor, with a landslide victory over Barbara Buono.

Limbaugh lashed into the GOP establishment’s treatment of tea-party favorite Cuccinelli, saying, “They didn’t want him to win, this is the dirty little secret. I don’t even think it’s a secret now. Such is the animus toward the tea party in the Republican Party establishment that they are perfectly comfortable with a Christie win and a Cuccinelli loss, because to them, that’s a tea-party loss. So now the Republican establishment can run around and claim the tea party is an albatross around their neck. The tea party is the death knell, they’ll say.”

More @ WND

Report from Yesterday’s Senate Hearing on the UN Disabilities Treaty—Politics of Personal Destruction

Dear HSLDA Members and Friends,
  Mike Farris is founder and chairman of HSLDA and an expert on international law.

Yesterday, I testified against the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) before the U.S. Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee. During this hearing, it became clear that the Democrat senators on the committee weren’t interested in hearing how this dangerous United Nations treaty could harm our freedoms. Instead, this hearing showed that the senators leading the charge to ratify this treaty have decided to take a page from the far left’s playbook and will stop at nothing to vilify and destroy anyone who has concerns with the UNCRPD.

Dr. Susan Yoshihara from C-FAM and I were the only witnesses against the UNCRPD. There were five witnesses in support of the treaty, and one neutral witness who generally supported the treaty but thought more RUDs (written reservations) were needed. Two of the witnesses, Senator Mark Kirk (IL) and Kelly Ayotte (NH), are sitting senators.

False Trail

After we gave our introductory remarks, the personal attacks began. Senator Barbara Boxer (CA), the second most senior Democrat senator on the committee, asked me if HSLDA or has ever raised money during our battle against UN control over children and families with disabilities. Instead of asking her if she had ever raised money during her campaigns for U.S. Senate, or whether any of the pro-UNCRPD organizations raise money for their fight, I explained that HSLDA is funded by you, our members. is funded solely by donations. 

Senator Boxer’s attack, however, was not really against me or HSLDA. It was against you, and every other homeschool family who has ever supported HSLDA because you believe in our mission to defend the God-given right of parents, not faceless bureaucrats, to care for and educate our children. Senator Boxer thinks that your membership in HSLDA and your support of our critical work to defend homeschooling, support widows and single parents through the Home School Foundation, and the work of to pass a constitutional amendment makes you an evil special interest that must be vilified and defeated. 

Next, Senator Dick Durbin (IL), another senior Democrat on the committee, falsely argued that HSLDA’s position is that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is the threat to homeschool freedom. The fact is that HSLDA strongly supports the ADA and other laws advancing the freedom and dignity of persons with disabilities which our democratically elected representatives have passed. What’s more, the UNCRPD would actually threaten parental rights which are enshrined in the IDEA. I explained to him that it was the UNCRPD, not the ADA, which was the threat. He ignored me and persisted in stating that HSLDA believes the ADA was the threat. Logic teachers call this a straw man argument, which is used by people who do not wish to debate the merits of an issue.

And finally, near the end of the hearing, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez (NJ) said, by way of dismissing HSLDA’s legal arguments about how the UNCRPD is binding under international law, “I appreciate that you have an LLM from London which is as I understand from a distance learning course….” The room packed with supporters of the treaty burst out in rude and loud laughter, forcing Chairman Menendez to gavel the room to order. 

Avoiding the Facts

Again, while this was a personal attack aimed at me intended to sideline my arguments, Chairman Menendez was admitting that he had no response to HSLDA’s arguments about the dangers of the UNCRPD and international law. He showed that he will resort to petty, silly, and personal attacks rather than substance.

This battle is about one thing: who will make the laws for the United States? Our democratically elected representatives? Or UN treaty law? Homeschoolers know that they cannot trust the United Nations to protect the freedom of loving parents to raise their children. And any honest American understands that the UN cannot be trusted to preserve and protect our nation’s sovereignty and fundamental freedoms which have been bought with the blood of patriots through the centuries.

It is ironic that President Obama, Secretary Kerry, and the other politicians who are promising us that the UNCRPD will not threaten parental rights, homeschool freedom, and our nation’s sovereignty, are the same politicians who promised us that if we like our healthcare insurance, we can keep it. They’ve been proven wrong. We cannot let them win this time when our children’s future is on the line.

This is a tough battle. The senators who are trying to ram the UNCRPD down our nation’s throat will stop at nothing to destroy anyone who stands in their way. Please pray. And please call your senators and urge them to reject this UN treaty. Your calls made the difference last time. By the grace of God, they will make the difference this time.

Contact Your Senators

You can reach your senators by calling the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121, by using our legislative toolbox to type your address and find their contact info, or by using HSLDA’s emailing tool to send a prewritten letter to your senators by filling out your information online.

Please call right now and keep calling, and please also forward this email to your friends. You can visit HSLDA’s action page here to learn more about the CRPD, and you can read the text of the CRPD here.

Standing with you for Liberty,

Michael P. Farris, JD, LLM
Chairman, HSLDA

P.S. The Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee will hold another hearing on the UNCRPD on Tuesday, November 12. We do not yet know when it will come up for a vote in the Committee, but it will likely be very soon. We will send out more information as soon as we have more details. Finally, even though Senator Boxer doesn't want you supporting the battle against the UNCRPD and for U.S. sovereignty, you can donate if you wish.
Farris' CRPD Hearing Report
November 6, 2013
It was obvious from the earliest moments of the hearing that I was going to be the brunt of a lot of abuse. During the course of the hearing I was personally attacked by Senator Menendez, Senator Boxer, and Senator Durbin. I don't mean they disagreed with me on the merits of the issue. I mean they attacked me personally for "fear-mongering", misrepresentation, fund-raising, political motives, and having earned an LLM through distance learning. The shots were cheap and it wasn't really any fun.

But here is the point. When the left stoops to these kinds of tactics, it is a sign of two things:

1. They have no effective answers to the substance of my arguments.

2. We are having an impact. President Michael Farris President Michael Farris
There is only one question that really matters here: Do we generate enough phone calls to make sure that the Republicans who voted with us last time stand strong?

If we let the left get away with these tactics, our movement - indeed, our country - is doomed.

I have to admit that I took a lot of solace in this idea during the hearing: The people will protect the sovereignty of the United States even if our Senators are ready to jettison it.


Farris signature
Michael Farris Founder and President

Editor's Note:

1. Please call your senators again. Urge them to oppose treaty ratification. You can reach them through the Capitol Switchboard (202-224-3121) or find their info by clicking on your state at

2. Please donate generously to support our efforts. Yesterday, Senator Boxer attacked Mike for raising funds on this issue. Apparently she believes that while those who agree with her have every right to donate to her campaign coffers, you don't have the right to support us financially. Help us as we work to make your voice heard!


Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Researh

Obama - Gallup


Nov 2-4, 2013 – Updates daily at 1 p.m. ET; reflects one-day change

U.S. pastor in Iran moved to 'more dangerous' prison. 'It's a place where people disappear ... where people murder each other'


The American pastor held in Iran since September 2012 has been moved from the notorious Evin Prison to the “even more dangerous” Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj, an hour and a half from Tehran, officials say.

The American Center for Law and Justice, which has been working to free Pastor Saeed Abedini, said the move was discovered while Abedini’s family members attempted a visit, but were told he had been transported to the “life threatening” prison in Karaj.

In an exclusive interview with WND, ACLJ Executive Director Jordan Sekulow said the severity of Abedini’s situation has increased.

“It’s more notorious in its scale. It’s a place where people disappear. It’s a place where people murder each other. There are a lot of convicted murderers; there are convicted rapists there,” Sekulow said.

Sekulow says the signs aren’t good for Abedini.

“As for the political prisoners who get sent there, it’s prisoners who are in their last days. That’s why there’s such an urgency behind our statements on this,” Sekulow said.

Sekulow says the Iranian government frequently uses Rajai Shahr to dispose of prisoners that present political liabilities to the regime.

More @ WND

Democrat McAuliffe wins Virginia, barely. Tea-party Republican Cuccinelli defeated in close vote

                                     Almost pulled it off despite being outspent ten to one.

The slugfest for Virginia governor between Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Ken Cuccinelli came to an end Tuesday, as the nation watched to see whether swing-state voters would embrace a candidate tied to President Obama or a champion of the tea party.

McAuliffe won the race, defeating Cuccinelli in a surprisingly close victory, by about two percentage points, with 99 percent of precincts reporting.

According to Fox News exit polls, the surprising closeness of the race can be attributed – in part – to the disastrous roll-out of Obamacare. Virginia voters in general oppose Obamacare by a margin of 53 to 45 percent, according to exit polls. Of those who oppose the law, 80 percent voted for Cuccinelli and 11 percent voted for McAuliffe.

More @ WND

Despite Easy Win, Christie Still at War With GOP Base

 Image: Despite Easy Win, Christie Still at War With GOP Base

By winning Tuesday night in a landslide election for his second term as governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie moved so far to the left, it may be difficult for him to win the Republican nomination for president come 2016.

The GOP governor won in one of the bluest states, where President Barack Obama beat Republican Mitt Romney by 18 points in 2012. To win, Christie had to morph close to not only blue-state values and views, but become close to Obama himself — and he did just that.

Key positions Christie has taken in New Jersey — backing Al Gore's view that global warming is "for real" and caused by humans; his public slamming of the National Rifle Association and conservatives such as GOP Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky; his acquiescence to gay marriage — all will come back to haunt him in what likely will be a fierce Republican primary fight ahead.

More @ Newsmax

Twila Donelson

Just found the above pictures today, so a re-post. She seemed so much younger than 42.

 Vietnam Babylift, My Story

 I was in Vietnam in one capacity or another from October 1967 until April 1975 except for the years 1971 and 1972. From 1973 until the end, I was the Funds Manager for the South Vietnamese Air Force at Bien Hoa. An interesting note is that Bien Hoa was the busiest airport in the world during the war and I believe TSN was second.

I was diagnosed with cancer of the vocal cords in the fall of 1974 and from the moment *Twila Donelson heard of this, she was the most caring and thoughtful person imaginable towards me. I truly believe it affected her more than it did me. She was deeply concerned, as she knew I loved the water, and she gave me the address of a friend of hers in Texas, who as a Colonel had undergone the same operation, but still boated. I can't say enough about her kindness.

In the early afternoon of the day of the C5A flight, Twila entered the doorway of my office at DAO (Defense Attache Office of the American Embassy) TSN and stated that she was leaving shortly to accompany the orphans and would not be back. She stated how sorry she was that I wouldn't be going. I don't recollect what I said, but she turned to go out the door, then paused, turned around, looked at me, but without saying anything more, left. I could see the sadness that had enveloped her face, and detected tears in her eyes. A few hours later, she was dead.

More with pictures @ FNC and NamSouth