Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Ain't my president

In behavior that is certainly less than appropriate for a state funeral, Obama acts like a teenager, taking selfies with a blond woman who I hear is some mucky in the Danish delegation.   O's beard certainly looks pleased with his antics, doesn't she?  At least he wasn't embarrassing the nation by shaking hands with some tin pot dictator.  Or shouting back at adolescent fans like some boy band singer.

NC: Carbine Williams, an amazing story

Via comment by Mike  on Object of desire: M1941 Johnson rifle

Visitors to the NC Museum of History who view the workshop of inventor David Marshall "Carbine" Williams get only a glimpse of the colorful character who died 37 years ago this month.

Raleigh Times staff writer D.I. Strunk described some of the story in Williams' obituary.
He was a colorful backwoods man turned inventor-genius. But he also was a man who lost his freedom and then regained it, in a sense, with guns.

In 1940, in 14 days, he developed the weapon that became the M-1 Carbine. He was honored by the late Gen. Douglas MacArthur, who praised the weapon Williams invented as "one of our strongest contributing  factors to our victory in the Pacific."

A motion picture, "Carbine Williams," released in 1952 and starring Jimmy Stewart, was based on Williams' life.

Read more here: http://blogs.newsobserver.com/pasttimes/behind-the-carbine-williams-story#storylink=cpyMmm

The Cotton Was in the South, the Action Was in the North


Not only did Eli Whitney’s invention revolutionize the labor-intensive cultivation of cotton, but Massachusetts textile mill owner Francis Cabot Lowell’s vision of extreme wealth and financial empire fueled the need for African slave labor to till Southern plantations essential to his industry.  Karl Marx observed in 1846, “Without slavery there would be no cotton, without cotton there would be no modern industry,” and he saw clearly who and what was perpetuating African slavery in the United States.

 Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"

The Cotton Was in the South, the Action Was in the North:

“The explosion of raw material from the South that followed [Eli Whitney’s invention] soon enriched New England’s textile aristocracy whose mills were partially responsible for driving up the number of slaves fivefold between 1800 and 1860. In that year close to four million slaves accounted for nearly 40 percent of the South’s population. Seeking new arable cotton acreage, Southern growers by then had relentlessly expanded westward into virgin territories that would become Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Missouri.

In the Treaty of Ghent, which ended the War of 1812, England and the United States agreed to suppress the slave trade. So much for policy positions. In reality, Baltimore builders designed faster clipper ships to carry and deliver cargoes of slaves for Liverpool’s thriving slave traders. Slave-produced cotton created many of England’s most prestigious banks, including the giants Barclay and Lloyds. Liverpool’s towering skyline of massive Victorian commercial buildings stands as a monument to [slave-produced] cotton supremacy.

[New England] cotton mills were well on their way to producing $115,000,000 worth of cotton by 1860, or three times as much as the country imported, and every ounce of it relied wholly on slave labor. A US Census in 1790 counted nearly 697,124 slaves, with almost as many in New York (21,234) as in Georgia (29,264). Despite the Constitutional ban on further importation in 1808, by 1820 there were 1,533,086 slaves, almost all now in the South, and Virginia alone accounted for 425,757.  By then the South produced an astonishing 2.275 billion pounds of raw cotton, and the crop accounted for 60 percent of the country’s exports. The South now supplied over 80 percent of the cotton manufactured in Britain, two-thirds of the world’s total supply, and all the cotton used in New England’s mills.

Cotton was New York’s leading export; the South depended on New York as well as for European home furnishings and high-quality imported fabrics including silks and linens. The irony in all this was that although a New York stopover required ships to travel 200 miles out of their direct lane between Liverpool and Charleston, Savannah and New Orleans, there was no logistical reason for its involvement. “The combined income from interest, commissions, freight, insurance, and other profits were so great that, when Southerners finally awoke to what was happening, they claimed that New Yorkers with a few other Northerners were getting forty cents for every dollar paid for Southern cotton,” one historian reported. Southern States that had fought to win their independence from the British crown now relinquished it economically to the North.

New York did more than ship Southern cotton; it provided much of the funding for it. Hundreds of Yankee cotton factors from New York blanketed the South every year, working with Manhattan banking houses that had the capital to make loans. Acting as independent intermediaries, the factors advanced long credit at high interest against next year’s crop, usually from 7 to 12 percent, and took their cut. Southern banks played a minor role. [Planter] Debt was chronic.

It resulted primarily from the growers’ need to expand their acreage and buy more slaves. That in turn gave financiers from England and New York the power to monitor their operations, squeeze out higher interest rates…bales became payment; they quickly turned into cash as New Yorkers sold that raw cotton to Liverpool to supply Lancashire’s mills. The cotton fields were in the South, but the action was in the North for speculators and businessmen.”
(Cotton, Stephen Yafa, Penguin Books, 2005, excerpts pp. 121-136)

NC: The William Dorsey Pender Civil War (sic) Roundtable will sponsor a free lecture by Ed Bearss


The Edgecombe Community College History Department and the William Dorsey Pender Civil War Roundtable will sponsor a free lecture by Ed Bearss, National Park Historian Emeritus on Friday, Jan 10, 2014 at the Mobley Atrium in the Fleming building on the Tarboro campus of Edgecombe Community College.  He will speak on Gen Pettigrew of North Carolina. 
 The public is invited to the lecture, which will begin at 7:30 PM after dinner, which is at 6:30 PM.  The cost of the dinner is $12.  Students and all others are welcome to attend the lecture for free after the dinner.  

Reservations are requested for those planning on attending the dinner.

Please contact Monika Fleming at the college 823-5166x241 by Jan. 7 to make reservations. (During the Holidays the College is closed, call Ken Lautzenheiser at 955-3472)

The Hanging Of Mary Surratt–Judicial murder and government dirty linen–part two

Via Billy


The “trial” of Mary Surratt and the Lincoln conspirators is still something that is debated about even today. If you want to see some of the arguments, check out the Internet. I read several articles awhile back about the involvement of Dr. Samuel Mudd, the man who set John Wilkes Booth’s broken leg.

Mudd claimed he did not know Booth. He was still sent to the Dry Torgugas as a prisoner. Others have claimed that Mudd “was in it up to his eyeballs.” So the argument is anything but settled.

The question has arisen–was it even a legal trial or not?  Reverdy Johnson, Mrs. Surratt’s first attorney, had contended that the military court that tried the conspirators was without proper authority to do so as long as the civil courts were sitting.

Snapshot of Mandela’s South Africa


Mandela’s African National Congress (ANC) adopted a Soviet-inspired Freedom Charter which promised that “All shall have the right to occupy land wherever they choose,” which signaled open season on white farmers and their land.  Author Ilana Mercer writes of how the ANC attempts to tame and rewrite South African history mimics the efforts by American elites to “deconstruct American history and memory.”  The new dispensation is multiculturalism and “the denunciation of America’s Western foundation and a glorification of non-Western cultures.”   Mercer’s book is well-worth reading.   Bernhard Thuersam

Snapshot of Mandela’s South Africa 

“[Former Police Commissioner J.B.] Vorster resigned from the Prime Ministry in 1978 to make way for P.W. Botha . . . [and] Although Botha modified apartheid legislation, sometimes softening it,  the international campaign against white rule – involving shrill demands for disinvestment – intensified.

In 1984 Botha (made President under a new constitution) declared a state of emergency; but the domestic situation grew worse and worse, while the practice – particularly among the Xhosa – of “necklacing” suspected police informers attained international ill repute.  

“With our boxes of matches and our necklaces, we shall liberate this country,” proclaimed Mandela’s increasingly deranged wife Winnie to the New York Times of February 20, 1989. 

A severe stroke forced Botha from power in 1989.  Nothing in the background of his successor, President F.W. de Klerk, indicated the revolutionary policies he would pursue. De Klerk scrapped the ban on the ANC and other opposition parties; freed Mandela from incarceration; acceded to Namibia’s independence; and junked the nuclear weapons. 

[A] 1992 referendum, asking white voters if they favored de Klerk’s reforms, resulted in sixty-eight percent of the respondents saying “yes” . . . [as de Klerk promised negotiations with the opposition] “would only be about power-sharing.”  With Mandela, de Klerk shared the Nobel Peace Prize [in 1993] . . . [and a general election in 1994] brought Mandela to power with over sixty percent of the vote.
Even the election report of the Library of Congress, hardly a hotbed of Afrikaner sentiment, admitted that “in ANC-controlled area, some of the party activists intimidated [opposition] party organizers and disrupted their campaign rallies . . . The harsh truth is that “large scale intimidation made it nearly impossible to for rival parties to campaign in the African townships.”

So much about South Africa is reminiscent of the famous line in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance:  “When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”

(Into the Cannibal’s Pot, Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa, Ilana Mercer, Stairway Press, 2011, pp. 63-65)

Social justice indoctrination in math class courtesy of Common Core

Via avordvet

 Math class common core

 To ensure that not a single minute of precious indoctrination time is wasted in the school day, liberal educators have incorporated brainwashing into every course subject, including math.

Next month, the organization, Creating Balance in an Unjust World, will hold its annual conference on “math education and social justice”.

The conference is sponsored by Radical Math, an organization founded by Jonathan Osler, a math and community organizing teacher at a Coalition of Essential Schools high school in Brooklyn, NY.

The Coalition of Essential Schools (CES) is the progressive education reform movement expanded by President Obama and domestic terrorist William Ayers through their work with the Chicago Annenberg Challenge in the 90′s.

As I explained here, Common Core ‘architect’ David Coleman’s Grow Network also worked with Chicago Public Schools, Obama, and Ayers during that time.

More @ EAG News

Jobs Report is Fraud, Greatest Ponzi Scheme in History Continues

Via avordvet

 Jobs Report is Fraud, Greatest Ponzi Scheme in History Continues

I am a small businessman at “ground zero.” I don’t need Obama, the Fed, economists, or the media to tell me how the economy is doing. I live it. And I’m telling you, we’re all being lied to. The economy is not getting better, it’s getting worse. 
Back in late 2007 and early 2008, I publicly predicted (numerous times) that we were entering the deepest recession since the 1929 Great Depression. At the exact moment I wrote about this, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke was testifying in front of Congress that the economy was fine, we were not in recession, and there was little threat of a serious economic decline. It turned out he was dead wrong about everything. A small businessman always knows.

In my national bestselling book, ”The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide“ I predicted all of this: the decline of the economy, the death of jobs, the disaster of Obamacare, and the murder of the middle class. It’s all happening in front of our very eyes.

More @ The Blaze

Robber In Custody And Another Shot And Killed By Hold-Up Victim

 Galen Allen

A man who was shot during an apparent robbery at the Highway 58 Bi-Lo parking lot on Wednesday has been taken into custody.

Galen Lawayne Allen Jr., 26, is charged with attempted first-degree murder, aggravated robbery, aggravated assault and tampering with evidence.

Police said he initially was in critical condition.

The other robber, Calvin Ward, a juvenile, was shot and killed.

Police said the shooter will not be charged.

More @ Chattanoogan

WestJet Airlines Produces a Christmas Surprise for Passengers

WestJet, an airline based in Calgary, Canada, left over 250 airline passengers in Toronto and Hamilton speechless – not from bag fees or lost luggage, but a Christmas surprise beyond imagination. WestJet set up a virtual Santa, via a live feed, who asked various passengers what they would like for Christmas. After the passengers’ boarding pass was scanned at a kiosk, the virtual Santa would know each person’s name which surprised both adults and children.

The passengers’ Christmas wish list included toys, clothes and a request by one couple for a big screen TV. Some requests garnered a few laughs with everyone enjoying the fun. Passengers then departed for their various flights.

While these passengers were flying to their destinations, WestJet volunteers, 175 of them, frantically gathered the gifts passengers requested from Santa – all of them. It was certainly an unimaginable surprise for those passengers.

Obama’s Back Dated & Forged Selective Service Form Hits Washington Times in Full Page Ad


Someone has finally decided to put out Barack Obama’s forged documents in some mainstream papers. On Monday, CDR Charles Kerchner (Retired) took out a full page ad in the Washington Time to make people aware of the fraudulent documents of Barack Hussein Obama, specifically his back dated and forged selective service form.

Kerchner’s ad appeared on page 5 of the Washington Times National Weekly and included a large copy of Barack Obama’s Selective Service form, along with various URLs to other pertinent information on the various forgeries of Obama’s documents.

Nelson Mandela, 1918 to 2013. A Good man or an Evil Man, you decide…

Via Cousin John


Nelson Mandela. The name resonates around the world and people see a black man, walking out of the gates of Robben Island Prison in South Africa after serving  18 out of his 27 years prison term.  He is a Nobel Peace Prize winner, but then so was Barack Hussein Obama who up to the time he received his prize, had done absolutely less than nothing to earn it. That prize has long since lost its’ value and meaning as it has become yet another left wing Progressive political tool.

Let me take you on a short trip back in time, from a man who was born and lived in Africa, and saw the results of the ANC work, as well as other Marxist/Communist terrorist groups like ZANU, ZAPU, SWAPO etc from the 70′s.

Obamacare could force volunteer fire departments to close

Via Cousin John

Firefighters battled a blaze in the aftermath of a Nov. 18 tornado in Washington, Illinois. The vast majority of U.S. firefighters are community volunteers

  • The Affordable Care Act forces companies with more than 50 workers to buy them all health insurance or pay hefty fines
  • The IRS says volunteer firefighters are 'employees,' even though the Department of Labor says they're 'volunteers'
  • Out of more than 1 million fire departments in the U.S., 87 per cent are staffed entirely or mostly by life-saving volunteers
  • Members of Congress are weighing in, but the Obama administration hasn't taken any action yet to carve out a fire-fighting exceptionVolunteer fire departments all across the U.S. could find themselves out of money and unable to operate unless Congress or the Obama Administration exempts them from the Affordable Care Act.

    'I thought the kinks were worked out of Obamacare at the first of the month,' Central Florida volunteer firefighter Carl Fabrizi told Sunshine State News.

    'Man, oh, man, this could potentially destroy some real good companies in Florida.'

    The U.S. Department of Labor takes the term 'volunteer' literally, but the IRS says volunteer firefighters are technically employees if they're on the job more than 30 hours per week, making them subject to Obamacare's employee-mandate rules.

    More with video @ Daily Mail
  • Object of desire: M1941 Johnson rifle

    Have you ever seen a rifle that tripped your “I really want that” trigger the first time you saw a picture of it?

    I first saw a photo of the M1941 Johnson rifle probably twenty years ago, and have wanted to get my hands on one ever since. Unfortunately there were only about 35,000 ever made and many of those were destroyed in combat in the South Pacific, so this video is (sigh) probably as close as I’m ever going to get.

    I’ll warn you in advance that the cameraman for this video is the owner of the rifle is he’s heard wheezing all the way though the video, and whispers his opinion of firearms designer Eugene Stoner at about the six-minute mark.

    More @ Bearing Arms

    George Zimmerman's Girlfriend Wants Charges Dropped, Says Police Intimidated Her


    In a stunning reversal, George Zimmerman's girlfriend, Samantha Scheibe, is requesting that recent charges against him be dropped and now claims she felt intimidated by police during questioning that led to charges being filed against Zimmerman.

    She also states she wants to be with him and has asked for a retraining order to also be dropped.

    More @ Breitbart

    Two commie dictators shake hands


    For those who believe in human rights and liberty, the sight of our president bounding up some stairs to energetically shake hands with Raul Castro, dictator of Cuba, was more than a little unsettling -- regardless of the circumstance. But that's what President Obama seemed to go out of his way to do at Nelson Mandela's memorial service Tuesday. Although Castro has imprisoned American Alan Gross for four years now, CNN alternately applauded and made excuses for the handshake.

     More with videos @ Breitbart

    Can whites escape post-Mandela bloodbath? 'There is direct evidence of government incitement to genocide'


    With the death of South African revolutionary icon Nelson Mandela, outside analysts and locals alike are expressing fear of a coming genocide of European-descent Afrikaners.

    So significant is the threat in South Africa, some genocide experts are urging Afrikaners to consider fleeing their homeland.

    Dr. Gregory Stanton, head of Genocide Watch and a man who himself fought against the apartheid system, warned as early as last year that South Africa was at Stage 6 out of 8 on the road to genocide: the planning and preparation phase.

    “There is thus strong circumstantial evidence of government support for the campaign of forced displacement and atrocities against white farmers and their families,” said Stanton, after a fact-finding mission to South Africa last year. “There is direct evidence of government incitement to genocide.”

    In an e-mail to a prominent Afrikaner monitoring the dangers, Stanton emphasized that Genocide Watch had raised the Genocide Stage level for South Africa to Stage 6 based on “evidence that the murders of Afrikaaner farmers and other whites is organized by racist communists determined to drive whites out of South Africa, nationalize farms and mines, and bring on all the horrors of a communist state.”

    More @ WND

    Perils of a Porous Border


    Protecting the 1,954-mile Mexico-U.S. border, as some pundits assert, is not just an economic issue, or a problem of criminal drug trafficking and gun running. It threatens America’s national security. In an August 13, 2013 op/ed in The Washington Times, Retired Admiral James Lyons, who was senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations, stated, “Fixing our porous borders is one of combating the threat of terrorism that America faces. In the various efforts to reform the U.S. immigration system, often overlooked in the debate is its impact on national security.”

    The statistics are alarming: according to an August 1, 2011 investigative report in the Columbus Dispatch, the United Nations estimates that 97 percent of the illegal immigrants who enter the U.S. clandestinely do so across the U.S.-Mexican border. However, only 20 percent of illegal aliens are caught. Smuggling illegal aliens across the border is now a $6.6 billion industry for Mexican crime syndicates.

    More slaves now than at any other time in history

    Via Billy
    Simba, 14, is one of thousands of children kidnapped by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and used as slaves in the border regions of South Sudan, Central African Republic and the Congo.

    There are more people in slavery today than at any time in human history. The best estimate, according to the U.S. State Department, is 27 million, and that does not include bonded labour. This is more than double the total taken from West Africa during the transatlantic slave trade in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.

    More @ The Star

    NYPD Beat Family and Killed Pet Parakeet in Own Home, Lawsuit Says

    Via WiscoDave


    A Staten Island woman has sued the city claiming police entered her St. George home without a warrant, beat her family and killed her beloved pet parakeet, according to court documents.

    Last year, Evelyn Lugo's bird, Tito, was thrown from his cage after it was knocked off a dresser as cops came into her Corson Avenue home, the Daily News first reported.

    The officers then stepped on the bird intentionally, killing it, court documents say.

    Officers also beat two of Lugo's sons, her daughter and a family friend, the lawsuit claims.

    More @ DNAinfo New York

    International Disaster Kit, 3-Day Essentials

    Via Oleg Volk

    In 1989, Hurricane Hugo devastated the eastern Caribbean and the East coast of the United States. The devastation didn't just affect the coastal towns; it spread for miles inland as well. So many of those that were able to evacuate still got caught in the tornadoes it spawned. A lot of them were not prepared for an emergency, thinking they had outrun it. They had no supplies with them when the trees fell and blocked the roads for miles.

    Global Warming Alert: Antarctica sets record of -135.8

    Feeling chilly? Here's cold comfort: You could be in East Antarctica which new data says set a record for "soul-crushing" cold.

    Try 135.8 degrees Fahrenheit below zero; that's 93.2 degrees below zero Celsius, which sounds only slightly toastier. Better yet, don't try it. That's so cold scientists say it hurts to breathe.

    A new look at NASA satellite data revealed that Earth set a new record for coldest temperature recorded. It happened in August 2010 when it hit -135.8 degrees. Then on July 31 of this year, it came close again: -135.3 degrees.

    The old record had been -128.6 degrees, which is -89.2 degrees Celsius.

    Ice scientist Ted Scambos at the National Snow and Ice Data Center said the new record is "50 degrees colder than anything that has ever been seen in Alaska or Siberia or certainly North Dakota."

    More @ AP

    Human Events/Gravis S.C. poll: Trouble for Graham

    Human Events/Gravis S.C. poll: Trouble for Graham

    There is great volatility for Republican Sen. Lindsey O. Graham heading into the 2014 primary election, according to a Human Events/Gravis poll of 601 registered South Carolina voters, who had voted in a GOP primary in the previous four years.

    “There is a significant bloc of undecided voters among South Carolina Republicans, who are not committed to Senator Graham,” said Doug Kaplan, the president of Florida-based Gravis Marketing.
    “Asked if they would support a Tea Party candidate in the primary against Graham, 39 percent responded: Yes, 37 percent responded: No and 27 percent were undecided,” Kaplan said.

    Put head-to-head, Graham against former senator James W. DeMint, 47 percent supported DeMint, 36 percent Graham and 17 percent were undecided, he said. DeMint resigned from the Senate to take the helm of the Washington-based Heritage Foundation.

    More @ Human Events

    How Every Part of American Life Became a Police Matter

    Via WiscoDave



    From the workplace to our private lives, American society is starting to resemble a police state. 

    If all you've got is a hammer, then everything starts to look like a nail. And if police and prosecutors are your only tool, sooner or later everything and everyone will be treated as criminal. This is increasingly the American way of life, a path that involves "solving" social problems (and even some non-problems) by throwing cops at them, with generally disastrous results. Wall-to-wall criminal law encroaches ever more on everyday life as police power is applied in ways that would have been unthinkable just a generation ago.

    By now, the militarization of the police has advanced to the point where "the War on Crime" and "the War on Drugs" are no longer metaphors but bland understatements. There is the proliferation of heavily armed SWAT teams, even in small towns; the use of shock-and-awe tactics to bust small-time bookies; the no-knock raids to recover trace amounts of drugs that often result in the killing of family dogs, if not family members; and in communities where drug treatment programs once were key, the waging of a drug version of counterinsurgency war. (All of this is ably reported on journalist Radley Balko's blog and in his book, The Rise of the Warrior Cop.) But American over-policing involves far more than the widely reported up-armoring of your local precinct. It's also the way police power has entered the DNA of social policy, turning just about every sphere of American life into a police matter.

     The School-to-Prison Pipeline

     More @ Mother Jones

    Necklace of Death

    Via NC Renegade

    Barack and Michelle Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, George and Laura Bush will all figuratively wear a necklace at Nelson Mandela’s memorial tomorrow—the Winnie Mandela necklace that is the most grotesque one of all time.

    The prime ministers of Canada and Britain, Stephen Harper and David Cameron will wear the necklace, too.  But none of the world leaders at the Mandela funeral—Daily Mail touted as the biggest funeral in the world since Winston Churchill—will hear the screams of the young blacks who died in agony wearing the Winnie Mandela necklace.

    Time and the politically correct era can never wash away the Crime of Humanity foisted on the blacks of South Africa when Communist African National Congress (ANC) ‘freedom fighters’ and ‘liberators’ sent hundreds to their death via the burning tire necklace.

     The crime of the so many black brothers and sisters chosen for Death by Necklace? Suspicion of being “too friendly to whites”.