Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ammo goodies

7.62 X 39 Specialty Ammo, Incendiary
7.62 X 39 Specialty Ammo, Metal Piercing Incendiary
7.62 X 39 Specialty Ammo, Tracer

We carry a variety of 12 gauge exotic ammo that break rock-solid barriers, not your bank account.

Our M855 round has about 40 of the hard, steel cores loaded into it and features a special steel shot wad to insure that the cores and the barrel play nice. The cores produce a fast opening pattern and upon impact the cores tumble like little lawn-mower blades. If you want to absolutely shred your target, reach for the M855 12 gauge exotic ammo.

Try our armor piercing incendiary with light recoil this armor piercing slug has its way with two car doors and still has plenty of horse power to take care of business on the other side. Body armor won’t help a suspect with this round, either. The rounds not only penetrated completely through two car doors but also passed through the milk jugs and then one went through two 2×4′s!

Nothing says ‘I love you,’ like a six inch wide entry wound. Some folks call these rounds ‘bolo’ rounds. These rounds contain two .58 Caliber musket balls connected by a 6″ seven strand, braided steel cable. While the cable keeps the balls close together in flight it makes its own wound path upon impact. This 12 gauge exotic ammo is not for the faint of heart.

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12 Gauge 2 3/4" Steel Penetrator


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.50 BMG/M17 TRACER - 12 gauge 2-3/4" sabot

Preserving Our Freedom: Nullification vs Article V Constitutional Convention


The United States of America is a nation in trouble and in decline. We continue to travel down a path that is the very antithesis of the principles on which our country was founded. The bold entrepreneurial spirit that fueled our growth and prosperity is now maligned and punished, and the rugged individualism of the frontier is scorned, while collectivism and mediocrity is praised and mandated.

Only the truly ignorant or those totally disconnected from truth and logic fail to understand the consequences of what is happening.

Our nation is ensnared in the Death Spiral that has destroyed dozens of societies before us over the course of history.

Trapped in a Spiral of Debt, one month we use our national Visa Card to pay the interest on our MasterCard; the next, we use the national MasterCard to pay the interest on our Visa. 

There's a Yankee on our Memorial!

The soldier's attire on top of the Civil War monument has raised many questions about whether he was a Union or Confederate soldier. The monument is located in the center of York, Maine. 
KINGSTREE, SC — Around the turn of the 20th century, as veterans of the Civil War began dying off at a frightful rate, there was a burst of activity, both in South and North, to erect monuments to honor their dead and their veterans.

Williamsburg County was no exception, and May 10, 1910 was the great day of the unveiling of the Confederate soldier’s statue by the Courthouse in Kingstree. The statue was a result of much effort by the United Daughters of the Confederacy, who had raised the funds by holding many ice cream socials and strawberry festivals, and hired a noted Italian sculptor to create the monument.

According to local historian Bessie Swann Britton, there was a gasp of astonishment as the statue was unveiled and the crowd realized that it was the image of a Yankee soldier.


As it turns out, the sculptor had mass produced many statues for towns all across the country, and he had switched the Kingstree statue with one intended for a Union memorial in York, Maine.

In York, the error was discovered before the unveiling ceremony, but the frugal New Englanders refused to pay for a second statue, and they went ahead to erect the Confederate statue in the center of town.

At the time, neither town knew where their intended statue had gone. Today, both statues remain in place, perhaps due to the cost of rectification, or maybe as a symbol that it’s time to let bygones be bygones.

The story is told, perhaps apocryphal, of a Confederate veteran who was present at the Kingstree unveiling, but had been imbibing freely ahead of time. When the statue was uncovered and he saw a Yankee soldier on the pedestal, he raised his arms into the air and cried, “Grant, I surrender!” before pitching forward into a ‘shine’ induced slumber.

NC: Safe Surrender

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What you know about North Carolina's Safe Surrender Law could save a life.

 The risk of homicide on the first day of life is 10 times greater than at any other time of life.

North Carolina’s Safe Surrender Law allows an overwhelmed parent to surrender a newborn to a responsible adult and walk away. The baby will then be placed in a loving home.

An infant up to 7 days old may be surrendered to any responsible adult.

Safe surrender is anonymous and legal.

In an emergency call 911, or for more information about the safe surrender law contact your local county department of social services. A listing of county departments of social services is available at

Please help spread the word about the Safe Surrender Law!

Cop cuffs fireman in crash site dispute

A California Highway Patrol officer handcuffed and detained a Chula Vista firefighter for refusing to move his engine out of traffic at a crash scene Tuesday night, prompting a nationwide storm of online commentaries on Wednesday.

The firefighter had parked the engine behind an ambulance in the fast lane of Interstate 805 near East Naples Drive, where a sedan had flipped over a concrete guard rail and two people were reported injured.

Chula Vista Fire Chief Dave Hanneman said fire crews are trained to position their rigs to block oncoming traffic.

“I know clearing the freeway is a priority for the CHP,” Hanneman said. “Our No. 1 priority is the safety of our firefighters and patients.”

The CHP officer, whose name has not been released, told firefighter/engineer Jacob Gregoire to move the engine out of the traffic lane or he would be arrested, Hanneman said. He said Gregoire, who was checking the overturned car for any additional victims, answered that he’d have to check with his captain.

That’s when the officer detained Gregoire, a 12 ½-year fire service veteran, Hanneman said.

Taking Down Silicon Valley's Electrical Grid with Rifles?


If you've been reading Global Guerrillas for years, you'll recognize the type of attack I'm about to describe.

It's very similar to the easy (anybody can do it, as opposed to cyber) type of attack on critical systems that be became so popular in Iraq (and were so effective in preventing any meaningful economic recovery, which helped fuel the insurgency).  For more: 1, 2, 3, just do a search on the bottom right.

Last year, one or two people shot up a electrical substation in central California that fed Silicon Valley.  As is usual in this type of attack, it was successful yet nobody was arrested or hurt -- which makes attacks like this easier to recruit for and easier to repeat.

The attackers initiated the attack at ~1 AM on April 16, 2013 and ended it ~1 hour later.  Here's what they did:

GOP Senator Apologizes for McCain Tantrum at Syrian Christian Leader Meeting

Hell-bent on arming opposition forces in Syria—despite strong evidence that they’re run by Islamic terrorists—John McCain displayed behavior unbecoming of a United States Senator during a recent meeting with Syrian Christian leaders touring Capitol Hill.

The delegation of Syrian clergy came to Washington to raise awareness among lawmakers of the growing crisis among the region’s minority Christian community. Christians make up about 10% of the Syrian population and they are being targeted and ruthlessly murdered by radical elements of the rebel forces, according to the visiting church officials. They say the media and human rights groups in the west have been largely silent on the ordeal of the Christians in Syria.

A number of churches have been destroyed or burned, children were killed when rebels fired mortar rockets at an Armenian Christian school in Damascus and countless others have been abducted by Islamic fighters, the Syrian delegation reveals in a statement published by the research group, Westminster Institute, that brought them to Washington. Eleven nuns have also been abducted and are still in captivity and two bishops are still missing after getting kidnapped during a humanitarian mission.

But Senator McCain, an Arizona Republican, evidently doesn’t want to hear negative stories about the rebels he’s working to arm. So he stormed out of a closed-door meeting with the Syrian clergy officials last week.

Obama-backed government gassing own citizens?


This so-called U.S. ally is being accused of HEINOUS new crimes against its own people, and so far not a peep from Barack Obama.

Where's the "red line" now, Mr. President? 

 Libyan hospital reports obtained by WND appear to support a claim by a tribal leader from near Tripoli that the provisional government, backed by the Obama administration, launched sarin gas attacks on its citizens just weeks ago to stamp down a popular tribal uprising gaining momentum under the Libyan Green Flag of Resistance.

Sheikh Hassan Ajeely, a leader of the Wershevana tribe, told WND in an exclusive Skype interview that the government, which is supported by the United Nations, the United States and NATO, has paid a bounty to recruit al-Qaida militia and related Islamic militants to launch the alleged gas attacks.

“Last month, the United Nations-backed al-Qaida-related Islamic militia have begun killing civilian members of our tribe with sarin gas attacks,” Hassan charged.

More @ WND

Reports: House GOP to 'Shelve' Major Immigration Reform Legislation in 2014

Shannon Bream         @ShannonBream
BREAKING! Fox's @MikeEmanuelFOX says he's got hot tip - SpkrBoehner will "likely" PULL immigration reform from House agenda this year.
Boehner had reportedly been intent on bringing some form of reform package to the floor this year, but that was never entirely clear. He equivocated at a recent GOP retreat, and now it looks like he's backing off. Conservatives within his caucus have been grumbling bitterly about the timing, with at least one member suggesting that Boehner's speakership could be in jeopardy if he moved forward.

I rather doubt Boehner was swayed by that sort of internecine saber-rattling, but he apparently concluded that the fastest way to crack up a relatively unified party ahead of what should be a very good election cycle would be to schedule this political earthquake before November. Righty supporters and opponents of reform alike have urged Republicans to avoid this unforced error. If these reports are accurate, leadership seems to have listened.

More @ Town Hall

Another Family Made Homeless to Sherman’s Glory,%20February%201,%201865,%20William%20Waud-600.jpg

Kentuckian Milford Overly wrote in 1904 his assessment of Sherman’s mostly unopposed march from Atlanta to Bentonville: “It means murder, robbery, arson, and nearly all other crimes enumerated in the black calendar, the details of which would shame vandalism itself.” He thought Sherman a cruel one, “waging war with little less barbarity than did the savage chief whose name he bore.”
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"

Another Family Made Homeless to Sherman’s Glory

“The last act of barbarism I saw Sherman’s soldiers commit was near Bentonville, N.C., on the morning of the last great battle for Southern independence. On the preceding night Gen. Joseph E. Johnston . . . quietly moved his army from Smithfield and threw it directly across Sherman’s path at Bentonville.  Gen. George G. Dibrell’s cavalry division, composed of his own brigade of Tennesseans and Col. Breckinridge’s Kentuckians, was falling back in front of one of the advancing Federal columns, the writer of this commanding the rear guard, closely followed by the enemy’s advance.

We had just crossed a narrow swamp . . . and passed by a neat, comfortable-looking farmhouse, occupied by women and children.  Halting some distance beyond and looking back, we saw Federal soldiers enter the house. Presently women were heard screaming, in a few minutes the building was in flames, and another family was homeless. 

Sherman’s raid was ended, and he was a great hero. With his great army of veterans, almost unopposed, he had overrun and desolated the fairest sections of the South, burning cities, towns, and country-dwellings; had wantonly destroyed many millions of dollars’ worth of property, both public and private; had made homeless and destitute thousands of women and children and aged men by burning their house and destroying their means of subsistence. And it was to glorify him and for these deeds of barbarism that “Marching Through Georgia” was written, and it is for this it is sung.”

(What Marching Through Georgia Means, Milford Overly, Confederate Veteran, September 1904, pg. 446)

“Why do you need an assault rifle?” Why, to kill tyrants, of course.
A CBS affiliate in Baltimore wrote about a protest by Second Amendment supporters over the weekend that targeted Maryland’s ineffectual anti-gun laws, noting that the infringements pushed by Governor Martin O’Malley’s citizen control cult in the Democratic Party haven’t had any impact on crime, and that it failed to stop the recent mall shooting in Columbia.

Predictably, supporters of gun control soon rallied to support O’Malley’s failed citizen control law in the comments, including the person known only as “guest” who left the following as part of long-winded comment:

‘Doc shock’ spreads, as ObamaCare commissars try to legislate it away

 'Doc shock' spreads, as ObamaCare commissars try to legislate it away

The L.A. Times has a big story about “doc shock” spreading like wildfire across California.  Unlike the Democrats’ hilariously stupid “job lock” talking point – in which they’ll try to convince their less discriminating followers that employment is a form of slavery which ObamaCare liberates you from by getting you fired – “doc shock” is very real, and it’s getting worse:

A month into the most sweeping changes to healthcare in half a century, people are having trouble finding doctors at all, getting faulty information on which ones are covered and receiving little help from insurers swamped by new business.

More @ Human Events

Brian Terry's Brother Rips Holder on Fast and Furious: 'Where Is the Accountability?'

In a blistering letter to Attorney General Eric Holder delivered Wednesday, Kent Terry – the brother of murdered Border Patrol agent Brian Terry – questioned why, years later, the Terry family still does not have the truth about Operation Fast and Furious. 

“Mr. Holder I am going to get right to the point of this letter,” he wrote. “I am not pleased with your behavior as America's Attorney General. Simply denying that you had no knowledge about Operation Fast and Furious is troubling in itself, but for you to not comply with Congress is even more troubling. It is shocking to know that the Attorney General of the United States had no knowledge or was not made aware of Fast and Furious until after the death of my brother, Brian Terry.”

Terry continued his letter by writing that he questions why – if Holder really did not know about Fast and Furious – he has not held anybody in the Department of Justice or the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives accountable for the scandal.

“For you Mr. Holder to be so ill served by your own advisers on your watch is unbelievable,” he wrote. “If that is the case, then you would think there would be accountability to your so called advisers who did not inform you," Terry wrote, adding, "Where is the accountability Mr. Holder?”

More @ Breitbart

Victims' families in Texas 'affluenza' case outraged after teen avoids jail again


The families of victims who were injured or killed in a drunken-driving crash in Texas expressed outrage Wednesday after the teen driver who avoided jail time in the crash was ordered to go to a rehabilitation facility paid for by his parents.

State District Judge Jean Boyd again decided to give no jail time for Ethan Couch, defense attorney Reagan Wynn and prosecutors told reporters after the hearing, which was closed to the public.

Prosecutors had asked Boyd to sentence him to 20 years in state custody on charges related to two people who were severely injured.

Couch was previously sentenced to 10 years' probation in the crash that killed four people in June 2013. The sentence stirred fierce debate, as has the testimony of a defense expert who says Couch's wealthy parents coddled him into a sense of irresponsibility. The expert termed the condition "affluenza."

More @ Fox

U.S. Postal Service Announces Ammo Purchase

Roundabout via Wes 

The U.S. Postal Service is currently seeking companies that can provide “assorted small arms ammunition” in the near future.

On Jan. 31, the USPS Supplies and Services Purchasing Office posted a notice on the Federal Business Opportunities website asking contractors to register with USPS as potential ammunition suppliers for a variety of cartridges.

More @ Daily Paul

Has Michael Brendan Dougherty Written The Most IDIOTIC Article Ever On The Immigration Debate?

Via Matthew

I can't remember if I've ever met Michael Brendan Dougherty, but we had a series of email exchanges that ended when he stood me up for lunch without explanation a couple of years ago. (The younger generation is cowardly, but in their defense $PLC spies and enforcers are everywhere!)

A friend just alerted me to The GOP will survive immigration amnesty| The Republican Party will just do what it always does: adapt [The Week, February 5, 2014]. Our friend writes:
The most IDIOTIC article I have read yet on the immigration debate...The whole premise of his article is that the GOP MUST change to adapt to the immigrants, not vice versa!
I think that's a bit hard—Dougherty does concede that Ann Coulter
presents impressive polling evidence to show that immigrants and naturalized U.S. citizens typically agree more with liberal ideas about government than conservative ones. "No wonder they vote for Democrats 2-1," she writes.
But what I think is really remarkable is that Dougherty actually knows there was an immigration cut-off in the 1920s, but still does not address the argument that it was essential to the process of assimilation...and GOP survival.

More @ V DARE

NC: Update On Common Core Study Committee

Perhaps you will recall that in a recent edition of my newsletter just the other day, I was complaining that the third meeting of the study committee on Common Core would not be held until after the short session, that there would be no public comment taken until then, and that no action would be taken until January, 2015.  Well, I have some good news for you which I just received yesterday.
A change has been made in these plans, according to what I was told by committee chair, Rep. Bryan Holloway.  He told me yesterday that the new plans are as follows.
According to Rep. Holloway, the third meeting will be held sometime in late March or early April.  It will be entirely devoted to public comment.  He expects it to be a long meeting.  He expects that the date and time of this meeting will be announced at the Feb. 20 meeting of the committee.  He expects that the committee will offer some kind of preliminary recommendation to the short session of the Legislature.
I consider this update to be good news of a step in the right direction.  As soon as I know the date and time of this third meeting, I will let you know.  Rep. Holloway did say that folks who wish to speak will need to get their names on the list ahead of time, rather than count on signing up to speak when they arrive that day.  So when I have all the information about doing that, I'll let you know.
God's blessings be with you all.

Representative Larry G. Pittman
North Carolina General Assembly
House of Representatives
1321 Legislative Building
16 W. Jones Street
Raleigh, NC  27601-1096

Update on One Man vs. the World

When I wrote Brave New War back in 2006, I made this aggressive projection on how rapid technological change would change warfare:
The threshold necessary for small groups to conduct global warfare has finally been breached, and we are only starting to feel its effects.  Over time, in as little as perhaps twenty years and as the leverage of technology increases, this threshold will finally reach its culmination -- with the ability of one man to declare war on the world and win.
It seems that we are on track with my projection.

CBO Director: Obamacare 'Creates a Disincentive for People to Work'

Via NC Renegade


The subsidies that help low-income people buy expensive health insurance are a 'disincentive for people to work," Douglas Elmendorf, director of the Congressional Budget Office, told Congress on Wednesday.

"What the Affordable Care Act does, is to provide subsidies focused on lower- and lower-middle-income people to buy health insurance. And in order to encourage a sufficient number of people to buy an expensive product like health  insurance, the subsidies are fairly large in dollar terms. Those subsidies are then withdrawn over time -- withdrawn from people as their income rises.

More with video @ CNS News