
Via Ninety Miles From Tyranny


A man among men

David B. Bleak

Medal of Honor action


On 14 June 1952, Bleak was part of a patrol of the 2nd Battalion, 223rd Infantry, sent north to probe Chinese forward positions and attempt to obtain Chinese prisoners of war for interrogation. Bleak volunteered to accompany the 20-man patrol of an I&R Platoon on this mission, which was to send them to a sparsely-vegetated feature called Hill 499, where Chinese forces were known to be operating. The patrol left United Nations lines at 04:30 Korea Standard Time on 14 June, under cover of darkness. It was preceded by an attack by F Company, 223rd Infantry, to the west which was intended to distract Chinese forces.[5][n 1]

However, as the patrol ascended the hill, it came under heavy Chinese automatic weapons fire which struck the lead elements, injuring several soldiers. Bleak, at the rear of the formation, rushed forward and treated and stabilized several soldiers hit in the initial volley, then followed the remainder of the patrol as it continued its mission.[5]

As they attempted to continue up the hill, several Chinese soldiers from a nearby trench opened fire, injuring another soldier. According to witness reports, Bleak rushed the trench and dove into it, tackling one Chinese soldier and, with only his hands, broke the soldier's neck, killing him. Bleak was then confronted by a second soldier, whom he reportedly grabbed by the neck, fatally crushing his windpipe. A third Chinese soldier then approached, and in the ensuing scuffle, Bleak used his combat knife to stab and kill the soldier.[2][3][5]

Bleak then returned to the patrol and attempted to treat more wounded members, but soon thereafter a Chinese hand grenade bounced off of the helmet of the soldier standing next to him and landed nearby. Bleak tackled the soldier over and covered him with his larger frame to protect him from the grenade, but neither was injured in the ensuing blast.[5] 

The patrol then continued on its mission, and was successful in capturing several Chinese prisoners.[4] However, as it descended Hill 499 to return to UN lines, they were ambushed by another group of Chinese hidden in a trench with an automatic weapon. Three of the other soldiers were wounded in the attack, and as Bleak attempted to run to them, he was hit in the leg. Bleak dressed all four wounds, but one of the men had been hit too critically to move. In spite of continued Chinese fire and his own injury, Bleak picked up the wounded soldier and began to carry him down the hill.[5]

As he attempted to withdraw with the wounded soldier, Bleak was confronted by two more Chinese. Putting down the wounded soldier, Bleak reportedly surprised the Chinese soldiers by charging them and smashing their heads together with such force that he may have fractured the skulls of one or both of the assailants before pushing them out of his way.[2][3][5][8]

Eventually, all 20 men of the patrol returned to the UN lines, but a third of them were wounded. Bleak was credited with saving the patrol, both by promptly treating the wounded and by aggressively attacking and killing or neutralizing five Chinese soldiers.[5]

Judge Who Jailed Ukraine Protesters Shot Dead

Via Angry Mike

We previously highlighted just how serious the situation was in Ukraine - and Victoria Nuland's FUBAR comments and clear US manipulation did nothing to calm matters - but today's news (via Ria Novosti) suggests things are escalating rapidly. Alexander Lobodenko - a 34-year-old district court judge who recently sentenced several political protesters to house arrest has been shot dead.

Via Ria Novosti,

The House Republicans That Sold Us Out on the Debt Ceiling Bill

 Howard Coble (NC)

I am getting a little tired of making these lists. Never in American history has a legislative majority meant so little. It is becoming far too easy for the left to force their will upon the spineless right.

Throw out a few bits of propaganda about the sky falling and you have an entire block of useful idiots, in the Senate and House alike, who will vote however they are told to vote by the leadership of the opposing party.

John Boehner (OH)
Ken Calvert (CA)
Dave Camp (MI)
Eric Cantor (VA)
Howard Coble (NC)
Chris Collins (NY)
Charles Dent (PA)
Michael Fitzpatrick (PA)
Michael Grimm (NY)
Richard Hanna (NY)
Doc Hastings (WA)
Darrell Issa (CA)
Peter King (NY)
Kevin McCarthy (CA)
Buck McKeon (CA)
Patrick Meehan (PA)
Gary Miller (CA)
Devin Nunes (CA)
David Reichert (WA)
Hal Rogers (KY)
Peter Roskam (IL)
Ed Royce (CA)
Jon Runyan (NJ)
John Shimkus (IL)
Chris Smith (NJ)
David Valadao (CA)
Frank Wolf (VA)

Wooden Puzzle Lock For Secret Door

Via Kabelmast 

 Picture of Wooden Puzzle Lock For Secret Door

The end of my pantry goes under the stairs to the second floor.  I HATE wasting valuable storage space so I decided to make good use of it by adding a wine rack.

Of course that wasn't good enough, and in true Myst fashion, decided to make a Puzzle Lock to hide a secret compartment.

How Obama Officials Cried ‘Terrorism’ to Cover Up a Paperwork Error

Via WiscoDave

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.  Photo: Carolyn Kaster/AP

 Wonder if he has ever told the truth in his life?

After seven years of litigation, two trips to a federal appeals court and $3.8 million worth of lawyer time, the public has finally learned why a wheelchair-bound Stanford University scholar was cuffed, detained and denied a flight from San Francisco to Hawaii: FBI human error.

FBI agent Kevin Kelley was investigating Muslims in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2004 when he checked the wrong box on a terrorism form, erroneously placing Rahinah Ibrahim on the no-fly list.

What happened next was the real shame. Instead of admitting to the error, high-ranking President Barack Obama administration officials spent years covering it up. Attorney General Eric Holder, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and a litany of other government officials claimed repeatedly that disclosing the reason Ibrahim was detained, or even acknowledging that she’d been placed on a watch list, would cause serious damage to the U.S. national security. Again and again they asserted the so-called “state secrets privilege” to block the 48-year-old woman’s lawsuit, which sought only to clear her name.

More @ Wired

Obamacare Enrollment 'Slowing to a Crawl' & Half of Obamacare 'Enrollees' Still Owe Their Premiums

The White House and its Congressional allies have been pumping greatly exaggerated Obamacare enrollment statistics in the media, which we helped debunk earlier in the week. How are they going to dress up an apparent sharp downward trend in sign-ups (or "plan selections") in late January and early February, with the March 31 enrollment deadline fast approaching? Investors Business Daily's Jed Graham examines some of the available state-level data and sees an enrollment trajectory plateau:

More @ Townhall


The White House has been dealt a stunning new blow on Obamacare sign-up numbers with reports showing that only about half of the people "enrolled" at healthcare exchanges in various states have actually paid their premiums.

With the March 31 deadline for enrollment just seven weeks away, the number of sign-ups in federal and state marketplaces has slowed down to an alarming figure since the sudden surge in the latter part of December and early January.

More @ Newsmax

Clarence Thomas: The worst things that have been done/said to me— by northern liberal elites — not by the people of Savannah, Georgia

 Image: Clarence Thomas: America Too Sensitive About Race

American society is more "conscious" of race than it was in the segregated south and during the early period of the civil rights struggle, U.S. Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas told a college audience on Tuesday, Yahoo News reported.

Thomas told students at Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach, Fla., that he was saddened that America was more race conscious than it was in that earlier era.

He spoke of growing up as a Catholic and African American in Savannah, Ga., "the first black kid" to attend his all white school.  "Rarely did the issue of race come up," Thomas said.

"Now, name a day it doesn't come up.

More @ Newsmax

Rafael Cruz: Obama acts no different than that bearded guy I left behind in Cuba

 Image: Ted Cruz's Father: 'Time We Start Being Biblically Correct'

Bursts of applause had already interrupted Rafael Cruz repeatedly, but the loudest cheer of the night came when the Cuban-born pastor finally made the Barack Obama-Fidel Castro comparison the crowd had been waiting for.

"He acts no different than that bearded guy I left behind in Cuba," the father of firebrand U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz told a packed tea party gathering.

Likening the president to Castro has become something of a trademark for the elder Cruz, and it's actually one of his milder comments. The 74-year-old from suburban Dallas has in the past called for sending Obama "back to Kenya" and accused him of being an "outright Marxist" out to "destroy all concept of God."

More @ Newsmax

Egypt: U.S. Embassy official in contact with Muslim Brotherhood arrested

Via avordvet

Barack Obama has been an indefatigable and unstinting supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, as well as of its proxies in the U.S. Thus it is not surprising that U.S. Embassy employees in Cairo would be Brotherhood allies as well. Obama was the target of vociferous criticism during the anti-Brotherhood demonstrations last summer for his uncritical support of the Brotherhood.

“US Embassy confirms one of its local employees detained,” by Rabab Fathy for Youm7 via the Cairo Post, February 11 (thanks to Joyce):

Leatherwood M1000 ART Scope Value Pack




Take the Math and Guesswork Out of Long-Range Scopes

Vietnam War Sniper Scope Autoranges, Corrects - Simply Aim & Fire from 100 to 1000 Yards!

You'll Love This If:

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  • You're looking for the best long-range scope for the money
The Leatherwood ART (Auto Ranging & Trajectory) M1000 scope makes long-distance shooting simple. Simply place the reticle on the target. Use the brackets on the reticle to frame an 18-inch or 1 meter target (i.e. the 18" height of a buck's chest cavity) by zooming in to an area of known size. Aim and shoot. It all takes less than 5 seconds, and the shooter's eye never leaves the scope. The scope automatically ranges the target and compensates for bullet trajectory for distances of 250 to 1,000 meters. This means no holdover or guesswork.

This makes the Leatherwood M1000 one of the best hunting scopes on the market. It's also ideal for shooting competitors in need of a trusted long-range rifle scope.

Retail: $496.98 Your price: $300.00

Obama’s surgeon general nominee Dr. Vivek Murthy is a radical gun grabber



President Obama is using every executive power in his arsenal to infringe on Second Amendment rights.

His latest maneuver is to nominate a rabidly anti-gun doctor to be the next U.S. surgeon general. Dr. Vivek Murthy is facing Senate approval in upcoming weeks.

Dr. Murthy is the 36-year-old president and co-founder of Doctors for America, a group that advocates for Obamacare and gun control laws

The group calls gun violence “a public health crisis.” It pushes for Congress to ban “assault weapons” and “high-capacity” magazines and calls for spending tax dollars for more gun-control research.

The organization also lobbies for doctors to be allowed to ask patients, including minors, whether they have legal guns in the home. If the patient admits to having guns, Dr. Murthy wants doctors to “counsel them appropriately about safety measures.”

NC: Rocky Mount Store owner shoots, wounds robbery suspect

The owner of a Rocky Mount convenience store shot and wounded one of three men suspected of trying to rob the store Sunday night, according to Rocky Mount police.

Three men entered Mix Mart at 1522 S. Church St. about 9 p.m. police said. Two of the men were armed with handguns while the third suspect attempted to rob the 43-year-old man, but the store owner pulled a handgun and the two groups fired multiple shots at one another, police said. The three suspects then fled the scene.

One suspect is described as a 5-foot-6 black man, weighing about 170 pounds with a black leather jacket covering a blue hooded sweatshirt and a blue scarf covering his face. The second suspect is described as a 5-foot-6 black man, weighing 150 pounds and wearing a red shirt and black jacket. The third suspect is described as a 5-foot-9 black man, weighing 170 pounds and wearing a multi-colored button up shirt.

How to abolish the corrupt IRS: Lord Monckton advocates use of RICO statute by harmed nonprofits

It goes without question that the IRS will have to be abolished.

The scandal of the IRS’ compelling small tax-exempt organizations to file their returns online with a Soros-funded hard-left political group, and only with that group, via a direct link from the IRS website only to that of the group, would be a very grave breach of administrative law in the United Kingdom, leading to substantial punitive damages.

My own experiences with corruption in the U.K.’s Inland Revenue suggest that the first step is firm and prompt action in the courts to stop this in-your-face unlawful partisan bias.

More @ WND

Foreign Aid? It's Being Flushed Down the Toilet Faster Than You Think.

Via Peter

The economy of Mexico is the 13th largest in the world and the 11th in buying power. British economist Jim O’Neill, former head of asset management for Goldman Sachs, said recently that, “Mexico has a unique opportunity to steal the thunder of no less a giant than China.” Remember Ross Perot’s warning about that giant sucking sound of jobs going south of the border because of the North America Free Trade Agreement? It’s turned out to be a whirlpool.

According to 2013 Census Bureau data, the U.S. had a trade surplus with Mexico of $1.6 billion in 1993, but that has plunged full speed to a trade deficit of $50.1 billion last year. Yet the amount of foreign aid that the U.S. gave to Mexico during 2012 was $317 million. And here’s a stick-in-the-eye note: in an article this writer penned for the Unz Review, a Government Accounting Office report found that of the 1,954 mile border with Mexico, only 44 percent — 860 miles — is under “operational control.” The average cost per mile of border fencing, to protect American jobs from illegal aliens, was $3.9 million a mile. The advantage of cutting off aid to Mexico and applying it to building the fence? You do the math.

S.C. Gov. Haley backs carrying firearms without permits, training

Via Tom

S.C. Gov. Haley backs carrying firearms without permits, training

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley says she supports a proposed bill that would make it legal to carry guns without a permit or training, The State newspaper reports.

The proposed Constitutional Carry Act (S. 115) would decriminalize carrying a firearm without a permit — effectively eliminating the need for a concealed weapons license and related training — and would allow people to carry firearms either concealed or out in the open.

“Criminals are dangerous," Haley said Tuesday, "and I think that every resident should be allowed to protect themselves from criminals."

More @ Yahoo

NC: Federal court rules North Carolina 'Choose Life' license plate unconstitutional

Via LH

I've never seen one on the road.

North Carolina's anti-abortion license plate is unconstitutional because the state doesn't provide the same forum for motorists on the other side of the contentious issue, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.
A three-judge panel of the Richmond-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously upheld a federal judge's ruling that the "Choose Life" license plate is unconstitutional.

Lawmakers approved the anti-abortion plates in 2011 and rejected proposals to offer plates with messages "Trust Women" and "Respect Choice." That constitutes "blatant viewpoint discrimination squarely at odds with the First Amendment," wrote appeals court Judge James A. Wynn, who is from North Carolina.

More @ Fox

Eight cars damaged by sinkhole at the National Corvette Museum

Via Terry


 A sinkhole opened up this morning beneath the Skydome at the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky, swallowing a total of eight cars on display, including two on loan from General Motors.

The sinkhole, which opened up at 5:40 a.m., is reported to be 40 feet in diameter and up to 30 feet deep, and the museum has called in a structural engineer to determine if the sinkhole poses any additional threat to the property. For now, the National Corvette Museum, with the exception of the damaged Skydome, remains open to the public.

More @ Hemmings

The Privileged People


Politicians say, "We're all equal," and pretend that they represent everyone. But, in fact, they constantly pick winners and losers. America is now like the place described in George Orwell's book "Animal Farm": "All animals are equal," but some are "more equal than others." "Animal Farm" was about Communism, but today the allegory applies to our bloated democracy, too.

 During the "fiscal cliff" negotiations that Congress and the media made sound so tough -- as if every last penny were pinched -- Congress still managed to slip in plenty of special deals for cronies.
  • NASCAR got $70 million for new racetracks.
  • Algae growers got $60 million.
  • Hollywood film producers got a $430 million tax break.
When America's going broke, how do moviemakers get a special break?

A 9mm Takeover?

There has been a great deal of talk about a “9mm takeover” on the internet/blogosphere and, of course, anything you hear on the internet is correct, right? Like the insurance TV Commercial says…”anything printed on the internet has to be the truth.”

Let’s take first things first…over half of what is printed on the internet is complete and utter bullshit. Most of it is recycled from other sources by people who are not in the know and then embellished to cover “their take” on the circumstance or situation.

Second, many of the people who write a good game on the internet have no real background to make their claims which really hurts those that do talk from knowledge.

Force, Open Raw and Cruel

As Americans we have wanted the system to work. When the government and the bankers wrecked the economy and looted trillions of dollars in private IRAs, 401ks, home equity and business equity,  we waited for the economy to stabilize to where those funds would return. Instead, the government took trillions more in debt to pay off the bankers and government agencies that wrecked the economy in the first place.

When they passed Obamacare through back-door deals and open government bribes in the form of the Cornhusker Kickback and other sweetheart deals to key senators and House members, we waited for the Supreme Court to rule this monstrosity unconstitutional, as logic would dictate that it was.

When the Justice Department was caught red-handed walking guns across the border and into the hands of Mexican drug cartels (ultimately to kill one of our own law-enforcement officers),  we waited for the resignation of the Attorney General, as well we should expect.

When  Benghazi revealed that the Secretary of State had denied protection to the American Embassy prior to the attack, we waited for the resignation of the Secretary of State, as well we should expect.