Via LH

Sergeant of Marines Lawrence Gordon Hutchins, III


On 2/13/14 Sgt Hutchins’ arraignment for unpremeditated murder charges of an “Unknown Iraqi Male” in Hamnadiya, Iraq in April 2006 took place at Camp Pendleton.  This is the third time around.  Although his case has already been overturned twice (the second time by the highest court in the military justice system, The Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF), The Navy Department insists on trying Sgt Hutchins again.  The fact that it is even possible to continue this constant barrage against Sgt Hutchins and his family boggles the mind.  


To attempt to explain how this is not double jeopardy to the average, reasonable American citizen, is far too complicated to address here.  The simple fact of the matter is that the prosecution is, in fact under the military justice system, able to do it.  And needless to say, they are pursuing this once again.  In my personal opinion, this is so far beyond absurd, that I have no words to describe what they are doing.  However, given my familiarity with the case, I know why they are doing it.  And I will leave it at that.

 More @ The Jag Hunter



Don't doubt for one iota that this or a variance wouldn't be used here if feasible.

Upon migrating to the United States many years ago, I embraced my new home and left the past behind. Never could I imagine that, at some point, that past would become relevant. 

But now, I am compelled to talk about it again.

In the USSR, we had state-controlled media which shaped the narrative entirely.

Our founder, Vladimir Lenin, was portrayed as a noble, charismatic, and smart man -- the champion of the underdog (the working class), the seeker of equality, defeater of the rich. The humble man with common ideas who was destined for greatness.

Lenin peered at us intently from textbooks and walls. His was the face behind the good intentions that shaped our everyday life.

As a kid, I was largely shielded by my family -- they took the brunt of "adult tasks" in everyday life. They bribed officials to accomplish the most basic of things, they conserved every kopek and piece of bread, they got me the rare medicines I needed, all through means I didn't dare fathom.

Of course, there was nothing special about those medicines, those favors, or anything else that took such effort to obtain -- in America, you can just go out and get it in a corner store. In the Soviet Union, the word "deficit" was commonly used in everyday language.

"This and this product are in deficit." This meant that you couldn't buy them.

Once free Iranian women

Via Ninety Miles From Tyranny

Women protest against the mandatory wearing of hijab in the days following the Iranian Revolution, 1979. Photo credit: Soroush90gh / Wikimedia
Women protest against the mandatory wearing of hijab in the days following the Iranian Revolution, 1979. Photo credit: Soroush90gh / Wikimedia

Kathleen Willey: 'Hillary is the war on women'


Kathleen Willey, the former volunteer aide to Bill Clinton who says she was sexually harassed the president in the 1990s, is now sounding the alarm about the potential danger of Hillary Clinton becoming president.

“Hillary Clinton is the war on women, and that’s what needs to be exposed here,” Willey said Sunday night on Aaron Klein’s WABC Radio show.

“The point is what this woman is capable of doing to other women while she’s running a campaign basically on women’s issues. It just doesn’t make any sense. She singlehandedly orchestrated every one of the investigations of all these women [who accused her husband of sexual crimes]. They’re the people reminding us of how sordid this all is.”

More @ WND

NYT, federal judge overruling gay marriage ban confuse Constitution for Declaration of Independence
 Judge Duh

Both federal judge Judge Arenda L. Wright Allen and the one-time newspaper of record confused the Constitution for the Declaration of Independence during their haste to celebrate the overturning of Virginia’s gay marriage ban Thursday night.

“Our Constitution declares that ‘all men’ are created equal. Surely this means all of us,” wrote Allen in a tautological pronouncement that cited a unilateral assertion of sovereignty penned in response to 18th-century British abuses of power, rather than the supreme law governing the U.S.

The New York Times gave no indication it noticed Allen’s glaring error, dedicating most of its 761-word article to sniffing at opponents of same-sex marriage.

Wendy Davis Gets Real: No 20-Week Abortion Ban I Could Support


Wendy Davis must be dizzy from all the spinning she's done this week on the question of abortion.

Tuesday morning the Dallas Morning News reported that Davis had said she could support a 20-week ban on abortion, just not the specific one included in the bill she filibustered last June. Davis said "I would have and could have voted to allow that to go through, if I felt like we had tightly defined the ability for a woman and a doctor to be making this decision together and not have the Legislature get too deep in the weeds of how we would describe when that was appropriate."

The reaction from some on the left was disappointment but the NY Times decided to take the lemons and make lemonade. In a story published Thursday they praised Davis' nuanced position on the issue and assured readers "Ms. Davis and her aides had made similar comments previously." In other words, Davis openness to a 20-week ban isn't really news.

But even as the Times was adjusting to the new normal, Davis was pulling the rug out from under them. She told the San Antonio Express-News Thursday that her comments to the Dallas Morning News had been mischaracterized. "What I tried to convey there was that it's impossible for the Legislature to define artfully enough exceptions that will accommodate everyday situations that women are facing in that arena, and that it has to be left to a woman and her doctor" Davis explained.

So Tuesday there was some version of the bill she could have allowed "to go through" if it was defined "tightly" enough. By Friday the task was simply "impossible." That certainly sounds like another flip-flop but only if you believe for an instant that what Davis said Tuesday was more than Texas sized spin.

More @ Breitbart

Sandy Hook: CT State Worker Reveals Why He Resigned His Position… “It made me feel sick…”


What would you do if you worked for a state government agency and you suspected that they were covering up something really horrible?

In a moment you will read an email from a gentleman who did the only thing he could do.

He quit.

I need you to understand a few things about this email. First off, it was unsolicited, so it's not in the form of any kind of interview. I went back and asked if I could use this, because I feel it is that important.

Secondly, I want you to understand that I do not consider myself a professional journalist. I am a truth seeker and a blogger. I am proud of that. I will always be a blogger. As a blogger I allow myself to be human and I respect the same in others. You will find that I have censored a lot of sections of this email and replaced those sections with [bold letters in brackets] to try to give you an idea of the meaning. Why? Because this isn't a "Rosebud" fantasy piece. This person is real. He has a family and the safety of his family means everything. I tried to get rid of things that might give extra clues to his identity.

'It wouldn't be Valentine's Day if someone didn't get shot'


Some were surprised to hear about the black mob violence on Valentine’s Day at Victoria’s Secret in Norfolk, Va.

Not at the violence: The Galleria at Military Circle has been the site of dozens of episodes of racial lawlessness over the last two years, most of which has gone unreported in the local newspaper.

The surprise is that this mall is still open. Most of its major tenants are gone or leaving – Sears, J.C. Penney’s, the nearby DoubleTree also closed. The big draw there now is a movie theater with cheap tickets.

More @ WND

But you don’t need guns in bars…


The first rule of winning a gunfight is having a gun, and realizing that gunfights can happen almost anywhere, at any time. As a result, many states are relaxing prohibitions on where firearms may be carried in self defense, including in restaurants and bars, like this one in Port Arthur, Texas:

More @ Bearing Arms


Home invader targets home of nuclear guard. Wanna guess how that ended up?


GRNC High Risk Restaurant alerts enable you to identify restaurants, theaters and other assemblies for which admission is charged that post signs prohibiting concealed carry. It is important that you report posted restaurants, contact listed merchants to let them know why you are unable to patronize their businesses, and register your opinion on social media networks and review sites.

In particular, we ask that you contact the "focus merchant" listed below. We also ask that you take the listed steps to leave comments on website forms, social media such as Facebook and Twitter, and review sites such as Yelp and TripAdvisor.

Below the Focus Merchant information, you'll also find a complete list of High-Risk Restaurants and Theaters. 

Review the list for merchants in  your city, and let them know you don't appreciate the anti-gun political statement they are making as part of their business model. Respectfully tell them that as long as they are posted against Conceal Handgun Permit-Holders, you're happy to take your dollars elsewhere; somewhere that is safer, somewhere where your rights are respected.

Below the High-Risk Restaurant list, you'll also find a "Welcome Back" list. 

These are the restaurants and venues that, after hearing from GRNC supporters like you, elected to remove their anti-gun signs, and return to the freedom-friendly side. E-mail or stop in and thank these merchants, but do not post on social networking or review sites.


To report posted merchants:

To find and contact posted merchants:

To buy GRNC High Risk Restaurant Cards (preferred):

To download High Risk Restaurant Cards (if you are unwilling or unable to buy them):

The current anti-gun "Focus Merchant" is North Carolina based:

Carolina Ale House

NOT ONE DIME for anti-gun Carolina Ale House!

  • Phone and E-mail Carolina Ale House corporate leadership (LM Restaurants).  Tell President Lou Moshakos that you will spend not one more dime at Carolina Ale House restaurants until he removes anti-gun postings. If the signs stay, let him know that your family will be dining elsewhere, places that aren't posted against lawful concealed carry; (800) 528-9945 /
  • Take to social media. Use Facebook and Twitter to warn others of the anti-gun policy at Carolina Ale House. Recommend to others that they spend not one more dime at the Carolina Ale House as long as it's posted against law-abiding gun owners.  
  • Send a message to Carolina Ale House on the restaurant's comments page. Inform them that it's bad business to turn away tens-of-thousands of paying customers who also happen to be law-abiding concealed handgun permit-holders. Let them know that, until the policy changes,  you will not spend one thin dime at their restaurants.
  • Offer reviews for the anti-gun Carolina Ale House on Yelp and TripAdvisor. Search for the Carolina Ale House nearest you, and leave a review.  

Use the chart below to find the high-risk restaurants and theaters in your area: 

  • Call and e-mail them to let them know that  you'll be spending your money elsewhere as long as they are posted;
  • Use social media like Facebook and Twitter to warn others that these are high risk establishment; 
  • Offer reviews on Yelp and (if applicable) TripAdvisor

8th Court Hearing for DC Man Arrested for Having Shotgun Shell in Home


Mark Witaschek enjoys hunting, but since he lives in Washington DC which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, he keeps his guns at his sister’s house in Virginia.  On one of his hunting trips, his shotgun had a misfire, meaning the firing pin struck the primer on a shell, but the shell didn’t fire.  He kept the misfired shotgun shell as a souvenir of his hunting trip.

In 2012, Witaschek’s ex-wife created a nightmare for him as she told police that he had threatened her with a gun.  She had previously obtained a restraining order against him, so 30 armed police officers raided his DC home.  His 16 year old son was taking a shower at the time of the raid so police used a battering ram to break down the door and then they hauled the teen out of the bathroom, still naked and dripping wet.  They handcuffed Witaschek and his girlfriend and put them in one room and the kids in a separate room.

Climate scientists slam Obama science czar’s ‘pseudo-science rambling’ on global warming
 Guess he was being kind stating "fooled" when it is crystal clear they are lying.

The night before President Barack Obama was set to address Californians stricken by a prolonged drought, White House science czar Dr. John Holdren told reporters that virtually all weather is being impacted by climate change and that droughts were getting “more frequent, they’re getting longer and they’re getting dryer.”

Two prominent climate scientists disagree. Former NASA scientist Dr. Roy Spencer and University of Colorado climate scientist Roger Pielke, Jr. slammed Holdren for his “pseudo-science rambling.”

“The idea that any of the weather we are seeing is in any significant way due to humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions verges on irrationality,” Spencer wrote in his blog.


Confederate flag should not be dishonored

Via Susan

In his letter of Jan. 8 Delwyn Logan states the Confederate battle flag “has become a true banner of evil for millions of Americans.” This is the result of 150 years worth of the propaganda from the victorious, who have deliberately perpetrated this lie in order to cloak their war of invasion and conquest of the Confederate States of America in robes of morality. All of the issues that were wrangled over before the war of the 1860s evaporated into thin air when the Southern states peacefully seceded from the original Union and formed their own confederation.

But President Lincoln and his radical political party would have none of it. So he launched his war and invaded the Confederacy to destroy it and to drive the Southern States back into his Union at the point of the bayonet, in order to “save the Union” for Northern industrial and financial interests.

The Confederate battle flag was a soldier’s flag. It was born on the battlefield and carried by the men who were fighting to defend our country from an enemy bent not on liberation, but conquest. Are we to take it down then, and meekly acquiesce in the perpetuation of that colossal lie that has been leveled against us for 150 years? Or should we let it fly to honor the truth and the men who fought under it?

The Holy Scriptures tell us that to bear false witness against one’s neighbor is a cardinal sin, and that the wages of sin is death. The truth of the Confederate battle flag is, therefore, that it is an indictment against imperialism and coerced political allegiance, just as the Stars and Stripes used to be in 1776.

H. V. Traywick Jr. 

National Corvette Museum : Timeline Set for Sinkhole Repair and Car Recovery

Via Tom


During a press conference today on Corvette Boulevard, Mike Murphy with Scott, Murphy & Daniel construction provided an update and timeline on the work to be done.

Highlights of the press conference include:

- This is very common for this area, what's not common is for a sinkhole to swallow eight Corvettes.

- It is repairable. The building foundation and structure is in good condition.

- They will be securing the sinkhole and surrounding areas to ensure that even if we have sinkholes on the property in the future it will not affect the Museum.

- It will take 2-3 weeks to stabilize and secure the area (red spire, walls of the sinkhole) then the process of vehicle recovery will begin.

- They will be making sure the sinkhole is safe and that no further damage will occur before starting vehicle recovery.

- It will take 4-6 days to retrieve the vehicles

- After that, they will replace earth and the floor system

- They have a good plan and it takes action tomorrow with no problems foreseen

"We are confident that it will be done in time for the Museum's 20th Anniversary Celebration in August. You won't even know that this has happened," said Wendell Strode, Museum Executive Director

View the entire video of our press conference on YouTube here.

Huntsville gun shop owner calls Remington plant news among 'best kept secrets in the history of Madison County'

Via Billy
 Remington Coming To Huntsville

Larry Barnett, owner of Larry's Pistol and Pawn on Memorial Parkway, said today's news that Remington Outdoor Co. plans to bring a major manufacturing plant to Huntsville "was one of the best kept secrets in the history of Madison County."

Sources told that work to bring the 500,000 square-foot, 2,000 employee plant here have been going on for nearly a year, but the news only broke this weekend, ahead of a planned Monday announcement.

More @ AL