Monday, February 17, 2014

CBM: Sugar Sugar & It's Gonna Rain


Jim Quick/Coastline & Albert Rogers: It's Gonna Rain: Making Waves Cruise


OVER-SEXED ED: ‘We Teach Our Children Not to Sleep Around’, Dad Ticked Over Homework That Stepped Way Over the Line

Via Angry Mike


The principal of Romeo High School has called an outraged father to apologize about a controversial homework assignment.

The 9th grade biology worksheet sent home with students this week featured questions about a mother trying to determine the identity of her baby’s father.

Possible answers included: the cable guy, the mailman, the cab driver, the bartender and the guy at the club.

More @ Clash Daily

Rawls & the MOC



The problem IN VIRGINIA is one of old--- SCALAWAGS & LINCOLN LOVING REPUBLICANS working in unison.  I hope God forgives the Museum's Southern head—because many of us Unreconstructed Confederates never will.  He has betrayed our Confederacy.  By his actions he exhibits his scorn of the very principles men such as my ancestors sweated blood, cried tears, and lost lives for.   He is disowning, repudiating and apologizing for the Cause for which Lee fought and Jackson died.  It is indeed a sad, sad world we live in if that Mr. Rawls is allowed to get by with his ignominious deeds.   If he, as I have heard, is actually a Confederate descendant—it is truly a revolting as well as a shameful situation he has brought about.

If Confederate Major R.E. Wilson were able to climb out of his grave, he would surely rise up and smite Rawls with a saber.  Wilson so believed in the absolute right of the South's self-defense that he stated, "If I ever disown, repudiate, or apologize for the Cause for which Lee fought and Jackson died, let the lightings of Heaven rend me, and the scorn of all good men and true women be my portion.  Sun, moon, and stars all fall on me when I cease to love the Confederacy.  'Tis the Cause, not the fate of the Cause, that is glorious."

Whatever is the genetic truth about the ancestry of Rawls, be he Southerner or Yankee,  he should earn the scorn of every truth-loving American—and certainly that includes more Americans than he can even imagine existing.

Shame, shame on him and all who support him in his repugnant, disgraceful actions.

By his deliberate reversal of the original purpose for which those Confederate artifacts were donated to the Museum, he affronts the (most of them dead) contributors.   If, in the museum he now seems to have taken over, he sells the story that the North’s invasion of the South was to free the slaves, he  lies.  If he sells the story that the South had no legal or moral right to secede, he lies.

As intelligent and clever as he is, he must be knowledgeable that this is so and probably discounts any resistance occurring if he makes slavery the centerpiece of the War of Northern Aggression.  In the doing, however, he underestimates the love that many Americans still hold for their Confederate ancestors and the admiration that some awakened northerners have for all who tell the truth.   In addition, he ignores the truth that some northerners  re learning daily that their own  ancestors were imprisoned by Abe Lincoln without trial  because those brave northerners dared say that the South had the legal right to secede.  These northern descendants are now beginning to shout that THE SOUTH WAS RIGHT!

But of course the Museum's head, in efforts to take advantage of the popularity of the present anti-truth, anti-South movement, may share his lies with enough dumbed down Americans and naïve foreigners to put a bit of jingle in his own pocket.

As we all know or should know, "money is the root of all evil."

It is hoped that God's angels come and visit with MR. RAWLS and all who support the original Marxist anti-South propaganda -- including that propaganda written by the great atheist Karl Marx himself, and published in America's most widely circulated newspaper, the New York Tribune during the ten years Marx was employed by Horace Greeley and Charles Dana.   Once Dana became Lincoln's Assistant Secretary of War— assistant to that fiend of a man by name of Edwin Stanton, Stanton turned out tons of the most egregious propaganda the world has ever known—all sickeningly anti-Southern, highly imaginative horror stories—even declaring that Confederate soldiers lopped off the heads of northern boys and kicked those heads about on the battle fields.

The Marxist inspired propaganda proved successful in getting northerners to continue the fight in the middle of the War when they were losing.

It does seen that perhaps what’s his name has swallowed all that propaganda.

Shame on him!  And shame on every school he ever attended. And shame on every Confederate descendant who is too cowardly or too brainwashed to speak out against the infamous actions of Rawls.

Joan Hough in Spring, Texas

NC Congressional Candidate Richard Lynch: I’m Not Going To Washington to Give You Something, But to Help You Keep What Is Yours


"To be forced to feed the monster that will eventually devour you, is not only evil but, is counterintuitive to the very spirit of freedom and survival." 
–Richard Lynch

Last Saturday, I had the privilege of attending a kick off for a congressional run for a friend of mine in Gastonia, North Carolina. Richard Lynch is running for the 10th District seat against incumbent Patrick McHenry.

I met Richard last February during a Second Amendment Tea Party rally. Richard is a constitutionalist and truly believes in limited government.

Lynch opened his time be having those of us in attendance view the first half of the following video (which I highly recommend to all, especially considering the recent Internal Revenue Scandals, which have actually gone on long before Barack Obama).

Unclassified Documents Reveal Sinister Plan between Rep. David Dreier & Muslim Brotherhood

Daivd Dreier

Unclassified documents and emails, never published in Western media until now, regarding the secret Muslim Brotherhood spy working for the America Embassy in Cairo, are being presented in the trial of Mohammed Mursi. They reveal the activities of a liaison between the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and the Muslim Brotherhood's most senior leaders. Though employed by the embassy, Ahmed Aleiba does not have diplomatic immunities and was arrested by Egyptian authorities last month, according to the New York Times Bureau Chief, David Kirkpatrick.

 The trial, which begins on February 16th, will determine if Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Khairat Al-Shater and ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi will be convicted. Much of the case rests on their dealings with Aleiba, who sent emails in his capacity as a U.S. embassy employee. One of those emails, originated on June 6, 2012 – prior to Mohammed Mursi's election – implicates a Republican U.S. Congressman.

Kansas City blues: Violent black mobs

'I have never seen a group of white kids running around causing problems'  

“Well I work by the plaza and I can tell you I have never seen a group of white kids running around causing problems. Have not seen a group of Hispanic kids running around causing problems. That goes for Chinese, Korean, or every other race out there. You want to make it a race thing so I am going to call it like I see it.

“This issue revolves completely around our young black youth. Getting in large groups and running the sidewalks jumping around acting immature is not what the plaza needs or wants as real shoppers are trying to enjoy a night out.

“I don’t blame anyone for avoiding the Plaza when this happens, it is not a safe environment when hundreds of out of control children are running around.”

Said another visitor to the same site:

“I had to cross the Plaza last summer going home from babysitting, and while sitting at a stoplight I was shouted at, called names, and had my car beaten on by these hooligans. They were ALL black. These are the type of situations that worsen the already tense race relations in this city. The problems on the Plaza are with BLACK teenagers. Call it what you will – since there are no white teens causing the problems. This is a problem for anyone who enjoys the Plaza – so we all get to suffer because of the lack of parenting of these black delinquents.”

More @ WND

‘I Feel Like I Can’t Trust My Government’: The Story of a Couple’s Fight Against Eminent Domain Over ATVs That Will Leave You Scratching Your Head

Via avordvet

 The Barries purchased the property in the hopes that they could use it to relax in their retirement and pursue their hobbies (image source Facebook via Colorado News Day)

  You are 100% correct.

 Colorado couple’s dream to own land in the mountains has turned into a nightmare now that government officials have decided to come after them with eminent domain.

The view from the deck of the small, century-old cabin was perfect for Andy and Ceil Barrie — a sweeping panorama of 13,000 and 14,000-foot peaks towering above the forest of centuries-old bristlecone pines.

It convinced the couple to buy a 3-bedroom home in a subdivision below, where they could live year-round, and the 10-acre parcel surrounding the cabin in the midst the White River National Forest.

 Now the county government, alarmed that the couple drives their ATV up a 1.2-mile old mining road to the cabin, wants to take the Barrie’s land — and it’s doing so by claiming eminent domain. Rather than using the practice of government seizure of private property to promote economic development, the county is using it to preserve open space.

More @ The Blaze

Malloy Offers Limited Amnesty To CT Gun Owners


Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy is looking for a way around the uncomfortable fact that Connecticut gun owners have, to a large extent, lifted a collective middle finger at the state’s post-Newtown firearms registration scheme. Desperately looking for a way to paper over the fact that tens of thousands of gun-owning Nutmeggers let the December 31 deadline pass without so much as a thought of compliance, the Malloy administration has concocted a new strategy for at least processing the late registration documents they received.

As reports, the governor’s minions are adopting an Obama-like approach to the law: “Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s administration has concluded it can process without additional legislation some of the late-arriving firearm registration paperwork mailed in by gun owners attempting to comply with a new law” . . .

Legislation? We don’t need no steeenkin’ legislation.


N.Y. / Region Common Core Curriculum Now Has Critics on the Left


The Common Core has been applauded by education leaders and promoted by the Obama administration as a way to replace a hodgepodge of state standards with one set of rigorous learning goals. Though 45 states and the District of Columbia have signed on to them since 2010, resistance came quickly, mostly from right-leaning states, where some leaders and political action groups have protested what they see as a federal takeover of local classrooms.

But the newest chorus of complaints is coming from one of the most liberal states, and one of the earliest champions of the standards: New York. And that is causing supporters of the Common Core to shudder.

Carol Burris, an acclaimed high school principal on Long Island, calls the Common Core a “disaster.”
“We see kids,” she said, “they don’t want to go to school anymore.”

More @ NYT

The Mayor and Mommy cult continue to mislead the public about gun violence in schools!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_200/june-14-2011-james-fox-lipman-family-professor-school.jpg

Public relations executive Shannon R. Watts of Moms Demand Action and her sugar daddy Michael Bloomberg are continuing to hurl falsehoods about firearms from behind his phalanx of armed bodyguards. Unfortunately for them, their deceptive comments are being noticed by actual experts.
One of those experts is James Alan Fox, a Northeastern University criminologist and author of Violence and Security in Schools: From Preschool through College. He read the citizen control cult’s recent propaganda  asserting that their has been a rise in school shootings.

He was not amused:
What I find so disturbing about the moms and mayors report is not just the tallies of homicides, suicides and other shootings in schools, but the complete lack of any context for interpreting these figures.

As it happens, the numbers assembled by the moms and mayors are not out-of-line with historical patterns, and, in fact, are lower than two decades ago when gang violence was especially problematic at school settings. And, as added perspective, consider that there are more than 50 million school children in America, making the risk of fatality well below one in two million. By comparison, many times more youngsters are killed annually in bicycle accidents. I would trust the moms, if not the mayors, would support a national helmet law as quickly as a gun restriction.
More @ Bearing Arms

2 shot while trying to rob off-duty HPD officer, his girlfriend outside movie theater

Via Bearing Arms

2 shot while trying to rob off-duty HPD officer, his girlfriend outside movie theater

Outside Edwards Cinemas in Greenway Plaza, the drama spilled over from the big screen and into the streets early Sunday.

“It’s a shame you can’t get out into the community at night without having to worry about somebody taking what you have,” said moviegoer Patrick Martin.

It happened just after midnight. Police say off-duty officer J. Johnson was taking his girlfriend to the movies. They were walking near the intersection of Weslayan and Portsmouth when Ruben Anthony Zelaya, 17, Macedonio Rivera, 18, and Luis Angel Aquino, 17, pulled up in a silver sedan. Police say Johnson, who was wearing plainclothes at the time, thought they were stopping to ask for directions.

“Instead the front passenger (Zelaya) produced a pistol, pointed it at the couple and demanded their belongings,” said HPD spokesman Kese Smith. “At that point Officer Johnson, fearing for his girlfriend’s safety as well as his own, drew his duty weapon firing more than once hitting the vehicle.”

More @ KHOU

NC: A Comma Dean of Errors


Author's Note: The fight for student’s rights continues. The series is stretching out longer than anticipated but you will want to keep reading. There's some good news at the end of the road.

Dear Chancellor Miller (;

After laying the groundwork in my previous correspondence, I finally have an opportunity to respond to the sweeping claim that UNCW's student affairs division treats student groups equally, regardless of their political viewpoint. I will also respond to the Dean's claim that there are hundreds of student groups on campus that have been approved without any difficulties whatsoever. That claim suggests that those who are not approved have somehow failed to comply with university policies and procedures. The contrary evidence I will present will demonstrate that there has been a pattern of misconduct in the Dean's office extending over a period of more than a decade.

Let us start by going back to the first letter I wrote to you. We can learn something by focusing on just one of the groups in question, the Second Amendment Club. I have a special interest in this club because I am their advisor.

I began to help the club with its application for official recognition all the way back in August. The student affairs division has required multiple resubmissions of the application since that time. Let me provide some examples of suggested revisions from a recent application, which was submitted seven months into the process. Again, these are suggested revisions coming from your administration seven months into the application process:

- The administrator doesn't like the fact that we have the word "sixty" in our application. He prefers that we use the numerical "60."

- The administrator doesn't like our use of the phrase "during academic year." He wants us to say "during THE academic year."

More goodies @ Townhall

Union Official Blames NY 'SAFE Act' Gun Control for Remington's Alabama Expansion

Via Billy

A United Mine Workers official blasted NY Governor Andrew Cuomo's SAFE Act as the cause of Remington Outdoor Co.'s decision to open a new plant in Alabama.

 More with video @ Breitbart

The "Dastard" Robert Randolph Releases the Genie


By By David Boozer

Somebody had to be the first and, in this case, it happened to be Robert Randolph. This former navy lieutenant holds the unwelcomed distinction of being the first person to attack a sitting U.S. president (some accuse him of attempting an assassination). Unfortunately, he chose the wrong president.

Andrew Jackson Autograph Endorsement Twice Signed
Many expected better from Randolph. He came from a politically powerful Virginia family. With great expectations, he joined the U.S. Navy, serving under some influential naval officers: Commodore Stephen Decatur, Commodore Charles Goodwin Ridgely, and John Timberlake. But after his appointment as purser on the USS Constitution in 1828, his life began to unravel. He was accused of committing fraud with naval funds, which resulted in an ugly scandal with larger political implications known as the Randolph Affair. Fortunately, the fraud case ended in December 1832 when the navy court of inquiry found that he had not committed fraud, in spite of not being able to account for $4,000. Unfortunately, President Andrew Jackson got involved. After closely following Randolph's case for four years, Jackson used his powers as commander in chief to discharge the lieutenant from the U.S. Navy. Randolph didn't take this well.

Andrew Jackson Autograph Endorsement Twice Signed
The former lieutenant waited for the right moment to exact his revenge, choosing May 6, 1833, while President Jackson waited to disembark a steamboat at Fredericksburg, Virginia. As the tall, gaunt president and his entourage sat around a table, Randolph came onboard, found the president, and struck him in the face. The blow was enough to bring blood. (Andrew Donelson, the president's nephew and private secretary, was present and believed the attack was an assassination attempt.) The other men with the president intervened, sending Randolph fleeing. He escaped and Jackson chose not to immediately arrest him. But this did not mean Jackson had sympathy for him — far from it.

Andrew Jackson Autograph Endorsement Twice Signed
On April 3, 2014, Heritage Auctions will offer a letter written by an anonymous author dated May 9, 1833, (just three days after Randolph attacked Jackson) from Fredericksburg, Virginia, asking that Jackson forgive and forget his attacker. The boldness of the unknown author is remarkable: he argues that Jackson should forgive Randolph for several reasons, such as to ennoble him in the eyes of his countrymen and as a help to Randolph, who had no "means of support." Reinstating Randolph in the navy would, the author reasoned, give "you an opportunity of exhibiting the noblest revenge of a noble nature of 'doing good to those who despitefully use you.'. . . Reinstate him, I pray you." The president was not at all persuaded.

The sixty-six-year-old whiskey-drinking Tennessean didn't become president by being soft (during the attack he was still carrying a bullet in his chest from an 1806 duel) or forgiving toward his adversaries (he never forgave those who attacked his wife's honor during the turbulent 1828 presidential campaign), and he wasn't about to begin being either now. With his blood still boiling, he took up a pen and endorsed the anonymous letter in bold ink, "Such a dastard never ought to have been in the Navy he that has rob[bed]the dead, a brother officer, ought not to associate with the honest. he whowas patronised by the gallant [Stephen] Decatur & after his death had the meaness to traduce him# is unworthy of the countenance of any honest man — [signed] A. J. #Commodore Ridgely — [signed] A. J."

Andrew Jackson Autograph Endorsement Twice Signed
Jackson was rightfully angry at the "dastard" Robert Randolph. But this was bigger than only these two men. Randolph had let the unwelcomed genie out of its bottle. Since that May 1833 day when President Jackson was attacked, there have been over twenty known attempts to assassinate a president or president-elect. Four have been successful (Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy). President Jackson was even the victim of another, more dangerous assassination attempt two years later when his attacker aimed two pistols at him; both misfired. This time, Jackson was ready. He grabbed his cane and set upon the man, severely beating him. Since John Kennedy, every president except Lyndon Johnson has been threatened.

This anonymously written letter with an unequivocal response twice signed by President Jackson certainly has great historical significance. It will be offered along with many other historical manuscripts on April 3, 2014, at our April Manuscripts Auction #6113 to be held at 445 Park Avenue, 15th floor In New York City. A full preview will be available from March 31 through April 3. If you can't make it to New York, you can still watch the auction live and bid using HERITAGE Live! This convenient platform has been the choice of over 24,000 bidders in the past twelve months alone.

Video: Jerry Miculek Shoots his .30 Caliber Magazine Clip

 Via Gun Digest

 After hearing State Senator Kevin De Leon talk about a .30 caliber magazine clip being fired in half a second (view the video HERE!), Jerry Miculek had to put the California Democrat’s fictional gun gear to the test. Disappointingly, the old pro was not able to produce the impressive rates of fire De Leon spoke about despite following the politician’s suggested modifications. While the magazine clip proved to be functionally useless, Miculek stilled gleaned an important lesson from his experiment. That is, firearms enthusiast should keep their ears peeled when those who write their state’s and our country’s legislation start talking about guns. Their ignorance or knowledge on the topic will form the bedrock of the laws they propose.

FAA: 'No experience necessary' for air-traffic control

I read an article yesterday stating they were going to have a problem hiring enough pilots in part because of new rules and regulations.

No experience? No problem. You, too, can be an air-traffic controller, guiding hundreds or thousands of flights from airport to airport across the country.

The Federal Aviation Administration says the position offers an “exciting, challenging and rewarding aviation career.”

Qualifications are to be a U.S. citizen, be able to start training no later than your 31st birthday, pass medical, security and pre-employment tests, and have either a bachelor’s degree or three years of progressive work experience.

And be able to speak English “clearly enough to be understood over communications equipment.”

But not necessarily any experience.

In fact, the agency specifically addresses that concern, stating, “Members of the general public can apply for FAA air traffic control specialist positions through specific job vacancies announced on USAJOBS that do not require previous air traffic control experience.”

More @ WND

Police: Stamford High School employee Vicor Eng brutally assaulted by 4 teens, 1 arrested


A Stamford High School employee was discharged from Stamford Hospital Saturday night after police say he was brutally assaulted.

Police say 63-year-old Victor Eng was attacked by four juveniles walking on Prospect Street during his lunch hour on Tuesday, leaving him with a broken neck and a fractured spine. Police say the incident appears to be a random attack, similar to those seen in the “knockout game.”

Guidance Counselor Bobby Augustine says the entire school community is in shock because administrator Eng is a legendary figure at the school.

More with video @ News 12

Hazmat Highway to Hell with Oxygen Cylinders

Via Doug

Great Icebreaker video for a HAZMAT Class demonstrating the dangers of insecure high pressure cylinders in a highway accident. This was an accident that occurred in Russia. Russians have dashcams in order to provide additional evidence in court due to guard against police corruption and insurance fraud.

'F**k the EU': Snr US State Dept. official caught in alleged phone chat on Ukraine

Roundabout via Nancy


A senior US State Department official has allegedly been caught giving an unexpected message to the EU while discussing Ukrainian opposition leaders’ roles in the country’s future government. The phone call was taped and posted on YouTube.

"F**k the EU," Assistant Secretary of State for Europe Victoria Nuland allegedly said in a recent phone call with US ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, as the two were discussing a deal to end the crisis in Ukraine.

The four-minute video - titled ‘Maidan puppets,’ referring to Independence Square in Ukraine’s capital - was uploaded by an anonymous user. The origin of the recording is not clear. The video was first reported in the Kyiv Post.

More @ RT