Wednesday, April 9, 2014

BLM Southern Nevada Employee Directory & Dildo environmentalists pushing Fed action + Request



Via Christian Mercenary with hot links added

Rob Mrowka 702.249.5821, at the Center for Biological Diversity and Terri Robertson 702-459-7613 of Friends of Sloan Canyon are two of the environmentalists pushing the federal government to take these actions. 

 We also need info on the contractors who stole the cattle for the government

General Robert E. Lee's Return from the McLean House, April 9th 1865

Via Carl

General Edward Porter Alexander from Augusta Georgia is buried in Magnolia Cemetery in Augusta along with seven other Generals . Alexander Hall at Fort Gordon, GA is name after B/Gen E Porter Alexander .Gen Alexander learn to use the Wig --wag flag signal from US Gen Myers(Know as Father of the US Signal Corp ) . Gen Alexander was the first to use signal flags in combat when he was a Capt. at Mananas (Bull Run )                                           

Having surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia, General Lee rode back toward his headquarters tent through a cool and dark Palm Sunday evening. The sun behind the clouds had slanted near the horizon; sunset in Richmond that night came at 6:24. A chaplain present with the army described the weather: "The morning had been bright and fair. By noon dark and gloomy clouds had gathered over the whole face of the sky."

From a distance of a half-mile, General Edward Porter Alexander saw Lee coming out of the village on his familiar gray "Traveller" at about 4:30 p.m. Lieutenant Colonel Charles Marshall, Lee's reliable 34-year-old aide, rode beside his chief. "A strong desire seized me," Alexander wrote, "to have the men do something, to indicate to the general that our affection for him was even deeper than in the days of greatest victory and prosperity."

Under orders from Alexander and his subordinate officers, artillerymen hurried to the roadside and formed into line. Alexander instructed them "to uncover their heads, but in silence," as Lee passed.

The hastily formed plan for a dignified, if emotional, tribute to the surrendered army's chieftain fell apart at once. Infantry posted nearby swarmed around the artillerists and as Lee drew nigh, "someone started to cheer, and then, of course, all joined in." When he could be heard, the general "told the men in a few words that he had done his best for them & advised them to go home & become as good citizens as they had been soldiers."

During General Lee's short, simple remarks, "a wave of emotion seemed to strike the crowd & a great many men were weeping." Soldiers pressed close to touch the general or his mount, "to try & express in some way," General Alexander wrote, "the feelings which shook every heart." A South Carolina surgeon who had served under Lee for most of the war described the moment in a contemporary letter to his wife: "I heard some of our men yelling, and saw General Lee and his staff riding towards us, and as he stopped the men crowded around him to shake his hand and every man was shedding tears." Another observer used comparable language: "The men flocked round General Lee and met him with shouts and tears."

A North Carolinian standing "on the road side nearest the Court House" left a similarly vivid description of the event: "As he approached we could see the reins hanging loose on his horse's neck and his head was sunk on his breast. As the men began to cheer, he raised his head and hat in hand passed by, his face flushed and his eyes ablaze."

Private John Mathews Brown had been attending Washington College in Lexington, Virginia, when war erupted. In March 1862, two weeks after his seventeenth birthday, he enlisted in the Rockbridge Artillery. Brown served steadily with that renowned battery, except when absent sick and while recovering from a wound he suffered at Malvern Hill.

At Appomattox on the evening of April 9, 1865, Brown went to the edge of the road when he heard a commotion, and saw Lee riding through a dense crowd of soldiers. The general stopped in the midst of the throng and spoke briefly, out of Brown's hearing. Someone later told the Rockbridge gunner that Lee had admonished the men that "the bravest and best thing you can do is to go to that wife who is waiting anxiously for you." Then, "as he approached where I stood," Brown recalled, "every head was bared.General Lee's eyes were full of tears, as he turned his face from side to side and looked on the bowed heads of his men." The next morning, Colonel Marshall found some privacy in General Lee's ambulance, with an orderly posted to deflect interruptions, and drafted in pencil one of the most famous documents in American military history. General Orders No. 9, signed by Lee, began: "After four years of arduous service marked by unsurpassed courage and fortitude the Army of Northern Virginia has been compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources."

Miami-Dade police internal affairs lieutenant accused of helping cocaine traffickers

Via LH!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_1200/112303545.jpg

Miami-Dade cop Ralph Mata, the feds said Tuesday, protected cocaine smugglers, bought them firearms, doled out sensitive law enforcement intelligence and even concocted a detailed plot to murder rivals.

But Mata, 45, is no low-ranking uniformed patrolman – he is a lieutenant with internal affairs, tasked with rooting out corruption within his own department.

Federal authorities arrested Mata in Miami Gardens on Tuesday, stunning fellow officers, who described the longtime policeman as a straight-laced, low-key supervisor who has been with Miami-Dade’s Professional Compliance Bureau since March 2010.

More @ Miami Herald

Read more here: @ Miami Herald

Meet The Americans Who Put Together The Coup In Kiev—Chapter and Verse

Via Nancy

If the US State Department’s Victoria Nuland had not said “Fuck the  EU,” few outsiders at the time would have heard of Ambassador Geoffrey  Pyatt, the man on the other end of her famously bugged telephone call.  But now Washington’s man in Kiev is gaining fame as the face of the  CIA-style “destabilization campaign” that brought down Ukraine’s  monumentally corrupt but legitimately elected President Viktor  Yanukovych.

Ray McGovern,  who worked for 27 years as an intelligence analyst for the agency, mocks -
Geoffrey Pyatt is one of these State Department high  officials who does what he’s told and fancies himself as a kind of a CIA  operator.
He tells Democracy Now that -
It  used to be the CIA doing these things. I know  that for a fact.
Now it’s the State Department, with its coat-and-tie  diplomats, twitter and facebook accounts, and a trick bag of goodies to  build support for American policy.

House Ways and Means Committee Votes to Refer Lois Lerner For Criminal Charges


The House Ways and Means Committee has voted to 23-14 along party lines to refer former head of tax exempt groups at the IRS Lois Lerner to the Justice Department for prosecution. Although the details about exactly what charges will be have not yet been released, lawmakers are arguing Lerner has not been truthful with Congress or the IRS inspector general and leaked confidential tax information.

Last time a referral like this happened, it was to Major League Baseball player Roger Clemens, who was pursued by the Department of Justice for lying to Congress but was exonerated in court.

This is a test for the Department of Justice and the Obama administration. What's more important?

Baseball and steroids? Or the most powerful federal agency abusing its power to target innocent conservative groups?

More @ Townhall

GOP Rep. Refuses to Question Eric Holder Because He Should ‘Be in Jail’


Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) drew attention today after getting into a heated back and forth with Attorney General Eric Holder during a House Judicial Committee hearing. At the same hearing, Gohmert’s fellow Texas Republican Rep. Blake Farenthold apparently decided he did not even want to ask Holder any questions, suggesting he belongs in jail.

In lieu of questioning Holder, Farenthold delivered the following statement:
“I’m committed to maintaining the Constitutional balance of power and the authority that this legislative branch has, and I just don’t think it’s appropriate that Mr. Holder be here. If an American citizen had not complied with one of the Justice Department’s subpoenas, they would be in jail and not sitting here in front of me, testifying.”
More with video @ Mediaite

16yr. Old Thug Orders Newlywed to Strip and Then Kills Him

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A 16-year-old was today arrested and charged over the murder of Nathan Trapuzzano, the newlywed who was shot dead as he took a morning walk.

Simeon Adams, known by the nickname ‘Red’, is alleged to have confessed to a friend that he shot Nathan once in the stomach – after the newlywed, who was expecting his first child, reached down to his shoes as Adams made him strip during the robbery.

"Stonewall" Holder explodes over contempt of Congress citation

On Tuesday, Rep. Louie Gohmert had a heated discussion with Attorney General Eric “Stonewall” Holder about the latter’s astonishing refusal to hand over documents pertaining to a variety of scandals, notably including the Obama Administration’s deadly gunrunning program, Operation Fast and Furious.  There is no way to defend what Holder has done – he’s a political operative sitting on a mountain of documents that our representatives in Congress have every right to see – so Holder didn’t even try.  He just got very, very angry that Congress keeps badgering him about it.

When Gohmert brought up the historic contempt citation voted against him by the House in 2012, Holder went ballistic.
“I realize that contempt is not a big deal to our Attorney General,” Gohmert prodded, “but it is important that we have proper oversight.”

“You don’t want to go there, buddy!” Holder snarled in response.  ”You don’t want to go there, OK?  You should not assume that uh that is not a big deal to me.  I think it was inappropriate, I think it was unjust, but never think that it was not a big deal to me.  Don’t ever think that.”

 Gohmert, of course, is entirely and objectively correct.  The contempt of Congress citation is a “big deal” to Attorney General Holder only insofar as it offends his vanity.

More @ Human Events

Judge denies John Doe prosecutors’ move to dismiss Eric O’Keefe’s civil rights suit

Via WiscoDave


The complainants charge that the investigation is nothing more than a partisan witch hunt bent on punishing Republican Gov. Scott Walker and his allies for conservatives’ political successes, such as public-sector collective-bargaining reform, despised by the left. More so, the investigation, featuring what have been described as “paramilitary-style predawn raids” on the homes and properties of conservatives, has deprived the targets of their fundamental constitutional rights, particularly abridging the First, Fourth and 14th amendments.

More @ Watchdog

NC: Guest speaker on guns and self-defense law creates controversy at Campbell Law School

A lecture at Campbell Law School caused some controversy Tuesday.

The guest speaker was an expert on guns and self-defense law, but his Twitter feed has raised some eyebrows because of comments he made about Trayvon Martin.

For his part, Andrew Branca says he is not interested in the broader issue of how race plays into the justice system. He just wants to talk about the law. Yet, it is his Twitter account that had some questioning why he was invited to Campbell.

"That George Zimmerman got out of the car contrary to police instructions, that's not true," Branca said.

Branca is a Massachusetts lawyer traveling the nation by motorcycle -- a one-man lecture tour on guns and self-defense law.

His strong opinions have been in hot demand since Zimmerman was acquitted of murdering Martin.
"I decided what people really needed to know was the rules up front to avoid getting in trouble in the first place," Branca said.

More @ ABC

Lee's Surrender, By My Great Grandfather, April 9, 1865, 149 Years Ago

 Yearly post

Confederate Veteran May-June 1990

25th Anniversary of General Lee's Surrender April 9th, 1865

by John Pelopidas Leach, 1890

A quarter of a century has passed since General Lee surrendered the last hope of the Confederacy at Appomattox Court House.

For more than a year prior to that time, he had, with matchless skill, contended against vastly superior numbers and military resources, and successfully held at bay the grandest army ever marshaled on American soil. In the annals of American history, the name of this village will be preserved side-by-side with Yorktown, New Orleans and Mexico.

A private soldier, though a living witness, cannot describe a battle, much less a campaign. The field of observation to him is circumscribed and limited. But as I went with my companions to the last firing line, I have some vivid recollections of the event and I will relate my experiences and observations as a member of Company C, 53rd NC Regiment at Appomattox.

Before reaching Appomattox on the memorable retreat of our army from Petersburg, the half starved division of General Bryan Grimes, of which I belonged, was halted after dark for a short rest, and some of the *sharpshooters in the skirmish line, commanded by my brother, Lieutenant George T. Leach, also of Company C in the 53rd NC Regiment, collected and drove to our bivouac two or three cows with the intent of butchering them, believing, as they certainly had reason to believe, that the poor cattle would soon fall into the merciless hands of our pursuers.

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Major General Bryan Grimes

Reaching our stopping place, for we had no encampment there, Lieutenant Leach sent to headquarters to get permission to butcher the cows for his Corps of Sharpshooters, stating that his men were suffering from food. They had been constantly on the flanks and in the rear of the retreating army since the evacuation, marching, counter marching, retreating and fighting without food or rest. General Grimes peremptorily refused to allow the cattle to be killed, because to allow it would violate one of Lee's well-established rules prohibiting plundering at any cost.

He ordered the cows to be returned to the field from which they were driven, a mile or two back. The order was instantly executed as far as possible - the cattle were driven within range of the federal pickets and turned over to our pursuers. We marched on with empty stomachs and continued to hold the front line in an attempt to open the way for the retreat of the Army. However, unknown to General Grimes, General Gordon, the memorable right eye and at that time the right arm of Lee and in immediate command of all the forces there, had discovered that we were "flanked by 10,000 shotted guns and by 10,000 fronted."

l do not believe that General Lee could have put into battle that day more than eight or 10,000 men, hence it would have been cruel slaughter to have continued the war at that point one moment longer as we would have been forced to assume that of the aggressor against 50,000 well armed and well-fed veterans of Grant's Army who had lapped our feeble forces in front and upon both flanks. In order to continue the retreat and overcome the enemy would have been a military impossibility as well as a ridiculous and monstrous proposition in view of the worn-out condition of our soldiers who, though, were still willing to give battle with vigor and determination.

The actions of those engaged at Appomattox was but a skirmish preliminary to surrender and I have little doubt that General Grant and General Sheridan had planned to bring about the surrender of Lee or destroy his Army at that point. They accomplished their purpose with exceedingly small loss to those engaged under Lee.

Of those who participated in or were present at the McLean House at the time the terms of surrender were concluded, there are few who now live. General Lee had with him only one officer, Colonel Marshall, while General Grant was accompanied by a number of officers. The officers there present fairly represented in proportion the number of privates upon either side that could have been put into battle.,+Surrender+at+Appomattox.jpg

We continued marching, counter-marching and skirmishing through the greater part of the night of April 8th and 9th. Then at sunrise we were deployed on a road and rail fence just beyond and in sight of the Court House. I do not recall the sight of a single dead Confederate that day though we drove some Union sharpshooters through the woods to the southwest where they made a stand on the edge of the woods and a few of them were killed and left upon the field.

Sheridan had placed some six-pound field guns in the woods in our front. They were keeping up a rapid fire when we advanced to their capture. Before we had gone half the distance, the guns were surrendered to a flanking party, and pretty soon were brought galloping across the field.

We escorted them to a point near the Court House and continued to advance to the west. We had gone less than a mile when the flag of truce was sent out and the firing ceased; this was no regular battle, though good men were killed and wounded in the skirmish. I think I saw the last gun fired that day. As we returned through the village, I saw some artillerymen prepare a gun for action. They opened fire upon a column of the enemy who were advancing from the south of the town, seeming unmindful of what had transpired at the front. An office rode up and ordered the gunners to cease firing. The various commands of the Army were much scattered and disorganized, but soon began to assemble in bivouac and before night were fed by our captors.

The Confederates were gathered over and around a large barren old field northeast of town when General Lee was seen to return from the village accompanied by Colonel Marshall. The whole Army rushed out to greet him and so thronged the road as to impede his passage. There was little cheering but no dearth of tears. Some wanted to hear a word from him, but if he spoke, I failed to catch his words. He waved his hand; the soldiers yielded the road and he passed on. He was very sad and perhaps could not restrain the tears. His bearing was erect and manly as a born ruler of men. He was a superb rider, always well mounted, but seldom rode out of a walk.

In a few moments, General John B.Gordon, who was at the time the idol of the Army, came along mounted upon a handsome bay mare, in a graceful canter. His dashing manner relieved the pent up-feelings of the men and they burst forth in wild applause. He passed through the assembled Army with hat in hand waving in response to their greeting. That evening and night speeches were made to the Army the best one by General Gordon.

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Next morning we marched out under arms, fronted a column of Federals who stood in line at parade rest, stacked our guns and filed away to the South to fight never more for Dixie.

John Pelopidas Leach
Littleton, NC 1890

Edited by *Brock Townsend from many of the author's articles.
*The author's great grandson.

PS: An additional account states:

My Great, Grandfather Private John Pelopidus Leach wrote:

"Needham and Jack, faithful and devoted servants of my Brother Geo. T. Leach who then commanded my company, and Capt. Richardson who was captured at Fort Stedman, informed of the surrender, came to the front in search of my Brother and myself. They awoke me and gave me the first information I had of Lee's army, which I did not believe, until returning with them past the courthouse to the bivouac of the remnant of my company I saw the open field about the village full of straggling men, moving in aimless fashion, artillery, ambulances and wagons gathering in parks, many men crying, some cursing and all in pitiful distress."

"My command stacked arms in front of the victorious federals on the 10th of April, with one lieutenant, nine white men--all with guns-- and two Negro servants, Needham Leach of Chatham and Jack Richardson of Johnston County." (The Lieutenant was my great Uncle, George Thomas Leach)

"I with Needham, a Negro servant, as my only companion turned south to my home, Pittsboro, NC, passed through Chapel Hill and the Federal brigade of Gen. Atkins stationed there.

At Byrnums Mill on the Haw River, Needham and I were rowed across the stream in a bateau carrying the family servant of Maj. London, Sr. returning home with a bag of corn meal which he carried on the back of a mule."


Shock Troops of the Confederacy

* Shock Troops of the Confederacy

"......the *sharpshooters of the Army of Northern Virginia played an important and sometimes pivotal role in many battles and campaigns in 1864 and 1865. Confederate General Robert Rodes organized the first battalion of sharpshooters in his brigade in early 1863, and later in each brigade of his the trenches of Petersburg......"


Before computers and when I lived in CA, I hired a NC lady to research the body servant of my g uncle, Needham Leach forward and she found the present day descendants of Needham! One of them lived close to me in CA and the others are still in Pittsboro. We've visited often and met my black Aunt Dixie who was named after my Great Aunt Dixie and a Cousin Dixie who is still alive and kicking in Pittsboro. I could not have been any happier. This was on my mothers side so I couldn't use my DNA and I could not get a male to do it on the Leach side. The reason I wanted this done was:

1. There was no slave listed in the 1860 census of Needham's age.

2. My gg grandfather would not have sent his eldest son off to war with a new, untested slave.

3. Needham is mentioned many times in letters home and he traveled back and forth between Virginia and NC obtaining provisions for my great uncle and grandfather.

4. He walked home from Appomattox with my great grandfather.

5. When he was married some years later, my gg grandfather traveled a long distance to be a witness at his wedding.


Lee's Surrender, By My Great Grandfather

Fixes for the highly dangerous OpenSSL Heartbleed security hole are arriving now. Update your servers ASAP.

Via LH


Make no mistake about it. The OpenSSL Heartbleed security hole is as serious for Internet security as a stage four cancer diagnosis would be for you. Worse still, OpenSSL 1.01 —  the one production version affected — had been shipping since March 12, 2012. That meant tens of millions of Web sites had been potentially vulnerable to attacks via this hole. Fortunately, OpenSSL repaired this with the release of OpenSSL 1.01g on April 7.

More @ ZD Net

First, Stop the Train

Via Sioux
Imagine a situation in which an earthquake destroys a suspension bridge over a deep canyon.

A passenger train is speeding toward the location, and those in charge realize there is a potential problem ahead but choose instead to argue about the ambient temperature in the passenger cars, the food service, and whether they will reach their final destination on time. A few people are quite disturbed when they learn of the tragedy about to unfold if the train isn’t halted, but they are labeled as “alarmists” who really are not sophisticated enough to understand the situation.

Obviously, I am referring to our nation and the impending disaster that awaits us if we continue on a course of ever-expanding government control of our lives, fiscal irresponsibility, unwise energy policies, and a laissez-faire attitude regarding our world leadership responsibilities.

'Jesus is a monkey,' Mary is a cow"

Via Nancy

People leave the Deir Rafat Catholic convent whose walls can be seen sprayed with graffiti reading 'Jesus is a monkey,' Mary is a cow,' and 'price tag,' Tuesday, April 1, 2014, near the Israeli city of Beit Shemesh (photo credit: AFP/Menahem Kahana)

  April 1, 2014

The Latin patriarch of Jerusalem condemned Tuesday an assault by vandals overnight on a Roman Catholic convent, demanding that police catch the perpetrators.

The vandals scrawled “Mary is a cow” and “America [is] Nazi Germany” on the walls of the Deir Rafat convent and slashed the tires of five vehicles parked nearby, police spokeswoman Luba Samri said.

But One Life To Give

As most readers know, Connecticut Citizen's Defense League (CCDL) held a rally on Saturday in defense of the Second Amendment and in opposition to Public Act 13-3 (assault weapons ban-a misnomer as it is). By all accounts it was well-attended by a largely armed citizenry with no incidents, as one would expect.

In a recent post I encouraged attendance by all who could make it, especially those in other states in close proximity to Connecticut to show support. With or without my encouragement, they did as I suspected they would and many different states were represented. This is the sort of support it will take to drive home the message to every legislature that attempts to pass such arbitrary and illegal laws will be resisted with mutual support.

It has come to my attention that some felt that I would be at this rally due to my wholehearted support and several posts in which I encouraged attendance. My pledge to go to Connecticut was not to attend this rally, but to the greater prospect of government action against gun owners. I sent an email to several trusted folks with that exact intent. I apologize if some got the wrong impression of my intentions, or that I did not make myself clear on my pledge, which stands today, but not just for Connecticut.

Right now, in Nevada another storm is brewing with rancher Cliven Bundy.