Saturday, April 12, 2014

In Nevada the Feds Back Off–for now

Via Bill

It seems as if the good folks won one for a change instead of the government’s thugs. Today it was announced that the BLM will remove themselves from the area of Clivan Bundy’s ranch and will no longer try to remove his cattle, either by running them to death in the heat with helicopters or just by rounding them up and rustling them.

The BLM totally misread the intent of the folks that showed up to help Mr. Bundy resist their “government” aggression. They thought all they had to do to stave off resistance was to shout “one step closer and you’re dead.” This time it didn’t work. The assembled crowd just kept coming slowly, one step at a time. The BLM would have had to start shooting people to stop them and even the lapdog media would not have been able to cover that up satisfactorily–and besides, some of the assembled crowd probably might have returned fire. They were ticked off enough.

The county sheriff finally got enough backbone to do what he should have done in the first place–disarm the BLM and order them out of the area, which he did, after an ultimatum from Mr. Bundy to step up and do his constitutional duty.

BLM releases cattle to Bundy

Via avordvet


A deal has been reached between Bundy family leaders and the Bureau of Land Management, but not without some very tense moments.

Armed Bundy family leaders met with BLM officers Saturday afternoon in Mesquite to discuss the fate of the Bundy's cattle that the feds removed from BLM land, over the past week.

Under the deal the cattle were released from a holding area near Mesquite, back onto the federal lands they were removed from.

However, according to the BLM, the deal does not absolve Bundy from any of the fees he owes for having the animals there in the first place.

Rancher Cliven Bundy is not describing it as a deal, but as the American citizens taking back the cattle.

"There is no deal here. The citizens of America and Clark County went and took their cattle. There was no negotiations. They took these cattle. They are in possession of these cattle and I expect them to come home soon," Bundy said.

More @ KLAS

NC: Local Teachers Call For Self-Defense Training Following School Tragedies

Security cameras, locked doors, new ID badges: all helpful tools in keeping schools safe, but some local teachers are saying they're not enough.

School violence is a frightening new reality for educators like Judy Kidd, President of the Classroom Teachers Association of North Carolina. She says she doesn't feel safe in the classroom.

"Teachers are not trained well enough in safety on how to protect themselves and their students," says Kidd. She says schools have become a target for violence, and teachers are often on the front lines, unable to protect a classroom full of innocent children.

More @ WCBC

NC: Hagan and others haunted on taxpayer-funded abortion vote

A pro-life group appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court over its right to post billboards that highlighted the pro-abortion vote of a congressman isn’t sitting idle as it awaits a ruling.

The Susan B. Anthony List already is taking the message to voters in at least three more largely conservative-leaning states.

The message is that the senators, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and Mark Pryor of Arkansas, supported funding abortions through their Obamacare votes.

The Democrat lawmakers are facing high hurdles in their re-election campaigns in states where abortion funding is a concern of voters. Already, in this election year, Democrats are hindered by a stagnant economy, massive new taxes, a failed foreign policy and scandals linked to the White House that could cost them control of the Senate. 

More @ WND

Nevada Cattle Rancher Wins 'Range War' With Feds

Via John

 Show down: Ranchers on horseback and protesters gather at the BLM camp to try to claim back cattle the agency has already rounded up

This should cause increased hostility by Patriots to the next nefarious scheme by our commie government.


"Based on information about conditions on the ground, and in consultation with law enforcement, we have made a decision to conclude the cattle gather because of our serious concern about the safety of employees and members of the public," BLM Director Neil Kornze said.

A Nevada cattle rancher appears to have won his week-long battle with the federal government over a controversial cattle roundup that had led to the arrest of several protesters. 

Cliven Bundy went head to head with the Bureau of Land Management over the removal of hundreds of his cattle from federal land, where the government said they were grazing illegally. 

Bundy claims his herd of roughly 900 cattle have grazed on the land along the riverbed near Bunkerville, 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas, since 1870 and threatened a "range war" against the BLM on the Bundy Ranch website after one of his sons was arrested while protesting the removal of the cattle. 

"I have no contract with the United States government," Bundy said. "I was paying grazing fees for management and that's what BLM was supposed to be, land managers and they were managing my ranch out of business, so I refused to pay."

More @ ABC

L.A. Sheriff’s Deputies Shoot Two Of Three Hostages As They Escape, Killing One

 Victim John Winker (left), Alexander McDonald (right) has been charged with murder, two counts of attempted murder, and one count of torture.
Victim John Winker (left), Alexander McDonald (right) has been charged with murder, two counts of attempted murder, and one count of torture.

Whether you are a regular Joe or a law enforcement officer, the legal legitimacy of armed self defense is a matter of perception. You are allowed to act on what you think you see, instead of what is actually going on.

As a result of mistaken perception, two men of three men taken hostage by another armed with a knife were shot by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies as they fled an apartment, because the three deputies thought that the second man escaping was the armed suspect.

More @ Bearing Arms

LIVE Coverage from #Bunkerville, Nevada...

@ 21st Century Wire

Update:  BLM states they will leave tomorrow. Also told to surrender arms at protest and place under flag.  Additionally, return cattle.

NC: 541,978 background gun checks of 2,488,842 nationwide in March

FBI released March's background check numbers to reveal "it was the biggest March in the National Instant Criminal Background Check (NICS) system's history." 

According to, the raw data shows "2,488,842 total background checks were preformed in March 2014."

This is up 200,000 checks over March last year and 400,000 checks over the number that took place in February.

March contained 10 days that were each among the highest in NICS checks history, "and the first two weeks of the month ranked in the top 10 for highest weeks for background checks."

More @ Breitbart

Arizona Sheriffs Rip DHS for Not Giving Info on Released Illegals

Arizona's top two sheriffs told Newsmax that they are fighting an uphill battle against illegal immigration in their state because the federal government has still not provided information about the illegals they released from local jails last year due to budget cuts.

"They released 2,000-plus criminals who were on their way to deportation," Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said in an interview. "These are the same people that even President Obama said needed to be deported out of the country.

"We have illegals who we are arresting every day," Babeu added. "We don't know if these are the same people. They won't give us the names."

"We turn them over to ICE, and they keep coming back to jail," said Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, referring to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. "Either they're letting them out the back door — or they're deporting them, and they keep coming back. There's a problem with this."

More @ Newsmax

The Nevadan Wild West: Bundy Ranch, the Federal Government, and the Nevada Water Tipping Point

Via Jonathan

Many Americans have been watching with great consternation the ongoing struggle between the Federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the U.S. Marshals against Cliven Bundy and his family.  There are no signs of either side relinquishing its position.  Many onlookers have been informed that this dispute is over protecting the desert tortoise.  But it is nothing of the sort.  In fact, the reality of the dispute goes far underneath what is being talked about.  The more appropriate source of the dispute is ground water as well as surface water this is a war over water.

Cliven Bundy and his family claim that they can trace their family ownership back to around the 1870s on their current property in Clark County.  This is well before any federal offices such as the EPA, BLM, or water management were created.  This corresponds with the Homestead rights that were established during the Lincoln administration in 1862 to entice people to settle the western frontier and expand the U.S. agricultural enterprises.  This 19th-century policy was meant to encourage and support settlement by families like the Bundys.  Now, over 150 years later, what seemed to be borderless country surrounding small-town Bunkerville in Nevada is an inhospitable petri dish for the experiments of growing federal regulations.

Common Core in North Carolina: The Story

Via NC Renegade

Published on Apr 9, 2014
I thought I knew a lot about Common Core, but I was blown away by some of the information revealed by Whitney Neal at the March meeting of the Lake Norman conservatives. MUST watch this video ALL THE WAY THROUGH - learn why simply removing the words "Common Core" from NC General Statutes, as has been suggested by several NC legislators, will NOT rid North Carolina of Common Core. Don't be fooled! Sample appropriate repeal legislation can be seen at the following link; even this will not completely rid NC of the Common Core and its associated programs, but FULLY repealing the mandates from the statutes is the first step on the path to reclaiming NC's sovereignty in education:

The final meeting of the North Carolina Common Core Study Committee is April 24 at 10 AM. The committee may submit legislation to the NCGA for a hearing during the short session (which begins in May), but they MUST approve the measure at the April 24 meeting in order for Common Core repeal to be heard this year. The deadline for the committee to submit their legislation in order to be eligible for NCGA short session hearing is April 25. Study Committee members are to receive legislative proposals 10 days in advance of the meeting; however, if it is the case that Chairmen Soucek & Holloway neglect to send the legislation to the members in advance, the advanced-notice rule may be waived at the committee meeting by a motion, a second, and a 2/3 vote to do so. If the committee instead brings forward symbolic "remove the name Common Core" legislation, activitsts should let committee members know that they expect them to motion for a substitute amendment and replace the intelligence-insulting measure with the more substantial repeal legislation. More info on timing:

Also of note: there has been a lot of discussion from the NC administration about a new plan for teacher pay increases & bonuses. Sounds great, but from where is the money to come? What many may not realize is that the McCrory teacher bonus plan entails accepting ANOTHER ROUND of Race to the Top funds - the round 3 of RttT discussed in the video as tying NC data mining to the Department of Health & Human Services and subjecting NC parents to "home visits." McCrory has acknowledged that his plan entails the teacher bonus pay coming from RTTT Round 3: "McCrory proposed rewarding 1,000 top teachers with $10,000 stipends, with the money coming from the state's federal Race to the Top grant funds. Using the money for stipends would require federal approval, Atkinson said, because it would mean taking money from another grant-funded endeavor." Read more here:

Remember that nothing in this world is free, this is especially true of "free money" coming from the federal government. Accepting Race to the Top funding has entailed selling the freedom, livelihood, and privacy of North Carolina's children. For more information on this aspect, see:

This informational video was produced as a part of my ongoing independent journalism project to shine light upon human injustice & corporate-government control freaks. Please contribute to my cause so that I may continue in this venture! More info & follow my projects here:

MANY MANY THANKS to Whitney Neal of FreedomWorks for sticking it to the Common Core big government control freaks, to the Lake Norman Conservatives for providing interesting forums focused on individual freedom and government transparency, to Major Dave NC & FreedomWorks for the NC Common Core Study Committee footage integrated throughout the video, and to the many North Carolina freedom fighters that have put countless hours into researching, sign making, advocating, phone-calling, letter-writing, and traveling to be a voice for the children of NC.

Music at intro: Kaskade, Steppin Out; Music at Exit: Gary Jules, Mad World