Thursday, April 17, 2014

Goodies from Ol' Remus


1937. Santa Maria California, pea harvest workers

Nevada - Constitutionally minded Americans are not going to stand by and watch another massacre, nor a loss of gun rights, nor will we be entertaining violations of our freedoms for much longer. This society is on the edge of something. It's kinetic, or electric. It is not yet quite visible but it is there, reverberating in the atmosphere.
Brandon Smith at

What comes next - Government seldom gives up this easily. I’d venture this is only settled for the moment and the heist will resume as soon as the media is distracted by something else... Figure however long it takes for the Feds to run facial recognition on everyone who showed up in support of the Bundys, and time for a Grand Jury to be empaneled and come up with some kind of conspiracy to obstruct, or whatever, and then a snap decision to show We the People who the boss is. I give it 120 days, more or less, but we’ll see how it all rolls out.
George Ure at

Tipping point - Americans have been surrounded, deliberately corralled, by an increasing code of regulations.  Americans have regulations pointed at their health care in the form of ObamaCare, their finances by the mercurial IRS, their communications by the NSA, the future education of young Americans by the newly launched Common Core.
Monica Morrill at

Election results explained - Based on a North Carolina study, where 35,750 people were found to have likely voted in North Carolina and one other state , the national voter fraud numbers from the 2012 election may have reached one million.
Jim Hoft at

Regulations, laws and rights
Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them.
Supreme Court, 1966, Miranda vs. Arizona, 384 US 436, 491 via
All codes, rules, and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking due process of law.
Rodriques v. Ray Donavan, U.S. Department of Labor, 769 F.2d 1344, 1348 (1985) via Paul Sevy at
This is the first time in our history that MOST Americans don't identify with the upper class. They now realize that all of the rules, regulations, taxes, fees, militarized police, tasers, pepper spray, FEMA camps. homeland security billion bullets are meant for them, not someone else. --BullyBearish, comment 4646067 at
I think companies have the right to refuse business to people for wearing roller skates, speaking Swedish, or skipping leg day at the gym. But let's talk for a second about the 900-pound gorilla in the room: I have never heard of anyone being fired for being too politically correct. A recent article calling for jailing anthropocentric global warming skeptics did not, so far as I can tell, result in any lost wages. Calling for the destruction of the white race doesn’t get you fired—it gets you tenure. If Brendan Eich had been donating money to Howard Dean instead of Pat Buchanan, he’d still have a job, says Nicholas Pell in this article, The Care Bears vs. McCarthy, at Taki's Magazine.

Our law enforcement system is in a state of collapse - and it's a deliberate plan by the president of the United States, and it's wrong. And, people need to be aware of it and need to stand up to it and I believe the American people are beginning to do so. So, you come into the country illegally and the attorney general of the United States declares that these individuals have a civil right to amnesty. How can this possibly be: the chief law enforcement officer in America? Vice President Biden recently said, quote: 'You know, 11 million people live in the shadows; I believe they're already American citizens.' Eleven million undocumented aliens are already Americans? Goodness. The vice president of the United States would make such a statement. It's stunning beyond belief.
Sen. Sessions via Craig Bannister at cnsnews

Disarming the proles - Aspiring group leaders often use "othering" to raise themselves to leadership of the group. Emphasizing a distinction between "us" and "them" that casts "us" in a favorable light is a time-tested tactic for acquiring acolytes and followers... Many of those persons are objectively inferior: stupid, ignorant, amoral, arrogant, unmannerly, and generally unfit for human society. However, they get to work in the "halls of power," and we don't. Their contemptuous attitude toward us follows naturally.
Francis Porretto at 

Marc Faber - I believe that the market is slowly waking up to the fact that the Federal Reserve is a clueless organization. They have no idea what they're doing. And so the confidence level of investors is diminishing, in my view. This year, for sure—maybe from a higher diving board—the S&P will drop 20 percent. I think, rather, 30 percent. Who knows. But all I'm saying is that it's not a very good time, right now, to buy stocks.
Marc Faber via Alex Rosenberg at

Liberty Movement Rising

Via WiscoDave

"Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing."  - Thomas Paine 

The label of “fringe” is a common one used by statists, bureaucrats and paid shills in order to marginalize those who would stand against government corruption. The primary assertion being sold is that the “majority” joyously supports the establishment; and the majority, of course, is always right.

The liberty movement, which is a collection of numerous freedom organizations and political activists brought together by a shared philosophical bond, has been accused of “fringe” status for quite some time. With corporatist dominance over the mainstream media for decades backing an elitist machine in Washington and a global banking cartel footing the bill with money created from thin air, any such accusation can be made to seem “real” to those who are unaware.

The problem has always been a matter of physical action giving rise to an acknowledgment of numbers.

We have all heard the old story of the debate within the ancient Roman government over the idea of forcing the slave population to wear distinct armbands so that they could be more easily identified among the regular population. The concept was rejected on the realization that if the slaves were given a visual confirmation of their considerable numbers and strength, they would be encouraged to revolt against the Roman tyrants. That is to say, as long as the slaves felt isolated, they would remain apathetic and powerless. Of course, that was not always the case. Sometimes, a small group would stand up despite their supposed isolation, and the rest of the world, wide-eyed and astonished, would take notice.

The liberty movement has just experienced one of its first great moments of realization and empowerment in Clark County, Nev., and millions of past naysayers have been shell-shocked.

More @ Zero Hedge

After Nevada ranch stand-off, emboldened militias ask: where next?

Via WiscoDave

Flat on his belly in a sniper position, wearing a baseball cap and a flak jacket, a protester aimed his semi-automatic rifle from the edge of an overpass and waited as a crowd below stood its ground against U.S. federal agents in the Nevada desert.

He was part of a 1,000-strong coalition of armed militia-men, cowboys on horseback, gun rights activists and others who rallied to Cliven Bundy's Bunkerville ranch, about 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas, in a stand-off with about a dozen agents from the federal Bureau of Land Management.

The rangers had rounded up hundreds of Bundy's cattle, which had been grazing illegally on federal lands for two decades. Bundy had refused to pay grazing fees, saying he did not recognize the government's authority over the land, a view that attracted vocal support from some right-wing groups.

Citing public safety, the BLM retreated, suspending its operation and even handing back cattle it had already seized.

No shots were fired during the stand-off, which Bundy's triumphant supporters swiftly dubbed the "Battle of Bunkerville," but the government's decision to withdraw in the face of armed resistance has alarmed some who worry that it has set a dangerous precedent and emboldened militia groups.

"Do laws no longer apply when the radical right no longer agrees?" said Ryan Lenz, a writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors militia group activity.

More @ Reuters

Sheriff's office gets MRAP



The following is my "letter to the editor" in response to an article in the April 16th edition of the Beaver Dam Daily Citizen.

I don’t know about you but I feel much safer after learning that the Sheriff’s SWAT team now will be getting a MRAP all  their own! From the battlefields of Afghanistan to the cornfields of Dodge County…

Well I can certainly see why after reading in the same day’s paper about the disorderly conduct over a Brewer’s game in Waupun. Or what about that neighbor directing his downspouts onto another’s property? That fight in Beaver Dam? Next time the strippers at Silk get into a fight over a tip– SEND IN THE MRAP!

The increased militarization of the police all across this nation is getting ridiculous and now it expands to Dodge County. After all why should Sheriff Ninmann be the only Sheriff not to have one? Small towns throughout this country are likewise getting these “free” vehicles.

I am glad Dodge County has an extra $5000 to cover the cost of transport. That’s hardly a drop in the bucket. So small an amount that I wish the Board of Supervisors would pass the hat and collect the money. Maybe the Sheriff’s Department could hold a bake sale and raise the funds.

Plenty of money in the departments training fund – the Deputies have nothing else to do so might as well get trained, right?

Maintenance? No worries there either with plenty of extra funds to go around.

Yes, the costs of this vehicle will be insignificant in relation to the overall budget. Why spend the money for something like this? Has the Zeta cartel moved into Dodge County?

I admit that the house in Burnett looked pretty sketchy on TV a while back…

Kudos to the brave Sheriff’s Deputies who have been going to work every day patrolling the mean streets of Dodge County without a MRAP having their backs. I haven’t read about any IEDs yet but there was dog feces all over a yard in Beaver Dam.

If Sheriff Ninmann and the County Board are concerned about “what If” scenarios I would like to point out that the military is considering eliminating the A-10 Warthog program. After all, the MRAP might need air support for a loose bull someday.

I suggest the Board members and the Sheriff get baking.

Dave Dietz
Horicon, WI

NY Pizza Delivery Man Stops Robbers With Concealed Carry Weapon


A man delivering a pizza late at night in upstate New York looks like an easy target for a robber — and he probably is without a gun. The good news is, the pizza delivery man attacked by four armed robbers outside a house in Buffalo Monday did not go to work that day unarmed.

The Buffalo News reported:
A gang of robbers attacked a pizza deliveryman just before 10:30 p.m. Monday as he brought food to a house in the 400 block of Cornwall Avenue, near Erie County Medical Center. 

In the front hallway of the house, one of the robbers, who wore a mask and had a brown hoodie pulled over his face, hit the deliveryman on the head with a hammer, according to police.
The masked man also displayed what appeared to be a gun, police said.
But then, the deliveryman told investigators, he pulled out his own handgun and fired a shot, striking the masked man. The rest of the gang scattered.
More @ Townhall

Sheriff: Deputy did not take aim in Wal-Mart shooting

Via Jeffery

David Lonie Horton

The father of a man shot by an off-duty Morgan County sheriff’s deputy in a Huntsville Wal-Mart said Wednesday he has some serious questions about the shooting, which the deputy reportedly claimed was accidental.

Henry Horton said he suspects the deputy intentionally fired the gun at his son, David Lonie Horton, 26, of Somerville, during the 1:30 p.m. encounter Tuesday at the store on South Memorial Parkway.

“I don’t see how you can accidentally shoot someone,” Henry Horton said. “I don’t see how an off-duty officer can draw arms on somebody in a different county and shoot somebody.”

1966 Chevrolet Nova L79 One Owner Since New, Mostly Original Paint

 R407 1966 Chevrolet Nova L79  One Owner Since New, Mostly Original Paint Photo 1

For sixteen-year-old Roger Burleson, graduating from high school was more than a rite of passage; it was a ticket to muscle car Nirvana. His father Bill, who by virtue of hard work had risen from humble beginnings as a West Virginia coal miner to success with a string of service stations and auto parts stores in southern Ohio, had promised young Roger the same graduation gift he had conferred on his two older brothers before him – a new car of his choice.

When the time came, at his father’s insistence, Roger ordered the car exactly as he wanted it: Black on Black and with the same L79 327/350 HP V-8 offered in the Corvette. It had a Muncie 4-speed, 3.73 Positraction rear end, an AM radio, seat belts and dual outside mirrors – and it was perfect.

More @ MECUM

The Cancer, The Militia, And Cliven Bundy

 Three pages.

I’ve been inundated with opinions on the legality, morality, and constitutionality of the Bunkerville, Nevada public lands standoff between the ranching family of Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the FBI, and other law enforcement agencies.

After listening to many opinions and perspectives I’m coming closer to drawing some conclusions. For starters, as a legal matter, Cliven Bundy doesn’t have a legal legal to stand on.

That doesn’t remotely mean that he’s wrong. 

From the moment the ink was dry on the parchment creating it, the federal government has used, abused, and expanded its power into a grotesque mockery of what the Founders envisioned. The federal government was never supposed to occupy more land than it absolutely needed to function, much less control huge swathes of entire states. They have made their tyranny “legal” by passing laws and writing regulations, but legality is merely a concept… it doesn’t mean that laws stripping power from the citizenry are moral, or constitutional, or that we should blindly obey them.

More @ Bearing Arms

Indicted Businessman Names Harry Reid as Alleged Recipient of Massive Bribe

 Joint Session Of Congress Counts Electoral College Votes In 2012 Pres. Election

A Utah businessman is rocking both state and national politics after claiming Utah Attorney General John Swallow helped him broker a deal with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to make a federal investigation into his company quietly disappear, the Salt Lake Tribune reports.

Jeremy Johnson was allegedly told that the price would be $600,000, and claims to have made an initial payment of $250,000 when he was slapped with a federal lawsuit.  Now he says he wants his money back.

7 W&L students demand removal of Confederate flags, decry view of Lee's legacy

Via Billy
Lee Chapel

 “The university is a hotbed of these kinds,” he said. “They would fit better in Communist China than in the United States. They don’t have the right to control other people’s actions.”

Some Washington & Lee University law students want the university to live by its honor code and stop glorifying its namesake by acknowledging the dishonorable side of both Robert E. Lee and W&L.

Seven multiracial students, calling themselves The Committee, have demanded that W&L remove the flags of the Confederacy from the campus and Lee Chapel, acknowledge and apologize for participating in chattel slavery, recognize Martin Luther King Day on the undergraduate campus and ban neo-Confederates from marching across campus to the chapel on Lee-Jackson Day.

If their demands are not met by Sept. 1, they will engage in civil disobedience.

Dutch cleaning firm whites-only hiring policy prompts angry response

Via Nancy
 “White workers are better than non-white workers,” said  Wesley de Laat, owner of Budget Cleaning Brabant

In a row eerily redolent of apartheid in South Africa or the “colour bar” in the United States, a Dutch cleaning company has caused a storm of controversy by declaring it has a whites-only staff recruitment policy – and works only for white customers.

Wesley de Laat, owner of Budget Cleaning Brabant, laid his requirements on the line when he advertised for Dutch-born white-only gardeners on Facebook and in the regional press, maintaining in answer to angry criticism that “white workers are better than non-white workers”.

“I don’t discriminate,” he insisted. “I just don’t invite them for interview. Poles, Moroccans, any non-whites, are not going to be hired to work for this company. Achmed and Ali are probably very good people, but I don’t want them working for me.”

FBI Visiting Gun Shops: "If you see some Middle Eastern guy come in, you don’t have to be so worried about that........

Via Jonathan


 ..........What we’re really looking for are people talking about being sovereign such as sovereign citizens or people talking about big government,” the agent reportedly stated." 

More @ Info Wars

Proposed Common Core standards omit ‘liberty’ from list of America’s founding principles

Via avordvet

 Common Core is only related to English and math, as some “conservative” proponents say.

Yeah, riiiiight.

The state of New York is currently proposing a set of Common Core social studies standards for kindergarten through 8th grade students.

Among the standards is how students will learn about the history of America. On page 32, the draft document deals with “civic ideals and practices.”

“The United States is founded on the principles of democracy, and these principles are reflected in all types of communities,” it reads.

That’s fair enough, we suppose. The early United States had a very limited democratic process, with most states limiting voting rights to male property owners. Only later was the ability to vote and participate in government extended to average men and eventually women.

But then the social studies draft takes a noticeably progressive turn.

“The United States is founded on the democratic principles of equality, fairness, and respect for authority and rules,” the standards document says.

More @ EAG

Intemperate Frauds (Beck = #1)

A Little Vicks Vaporub Gets The Tears Flowing

There are two divided nations known as the United States. The best known is the United States of America. This is the one we all believed in, fought to defend and continue to fight to restore. The other one is the Constitutional United States, where states claim their authority over the federal government. This is the one worth fighting for today.

Perhaps, something new will take the place of the once powerful United States of America, perhaps a few other things. What is known is that the current government, actually the employees of the United States of America, no longer faithfully execute their offices. They are frauds, using our funds, pursuing the oppression of the very sustenance of their power.

Why One Man Traveled Almost 3,000 Miles To Take On The Federal Government At A Ranch In Nevada

Via avordvet

 Bundy ranch

In early March, the Bureau of Land Management sent a letter to cattle rancher Cliven Bundy informing him they intended to impound his "trespass cattle," contending he owes more than $1.2 million in fees. On April 5, they started rounding up the cattle on his property. Since then, his story has become a cause for conservative activists frustrated with the federal government. The plight has attracted numerous activists to his property, and the conflict between Bundy's supporters and federal officials exploded onto the national scene last weekend.

Days after agents with the Bureau of Land Management ended their effort to round up Cliven Bundy's cattle to ease mounting tensions, the showdown between the rancher and the federal government is still attracting armed conservative activists from around the country to a dusty stretch of land about 80 miles east of the Vegas Strip.

Last Tuesday, as he started to read more and more about the situation on The Drudge Report, Jerry DeLemus decided to give Bundy a call.

They spent more than an hour on the phone. "What do you need?" said DeLemus, who was calling from some 2,700 miles away in Dover, N.H.

"I need help," Bundy told him. "I need bodies."

"I'm coming," DeLemus said.