Z-Street Wins Ruling Against IRS – Was Targeted By Obama Officials Because of It’s Pro-Israel Views

Via LH

Z Street representative Lori Lowenthal Marcus spoke out in March 2013 about the harassment the pro-Israel group received from the Obama IRS:
They told us terrorism happens in Israel. Therefore, they had to look into our organization because they thought we might be funding terrorism. We’re a purely educational entity. We didn’t fund anybody. We barely funded ourselves.”
Remember: This is the same administration that wouldn’t call the Benghazi massacre a terrorist attack but accused a pro-Israel group of supporting terror.

Via On the Record:

Justice For Baby “Bou Bou” – Georgia Authorities Begin To Respond To Public Outrage

Via Susan

stun grenade 2

The Habbersham County officials, in particular Sheriff Joey Terrell,  have been all over the map with their justifications that led to a 19-month-old toddler clinging to life as a result of a severely flawed 3am “No Knock” SWAT raid. 

If you have followed this story from the beginning you’ll notice the familiar pattern of false stories which initially surface by police now being entirely contradicted.   Check out this ABC report with about a half dozen inconsistencies noted from initial justification.

The terrorized family now has legal counsel after the Georgia Bureau of Investigation previously denied to listen to their pleas for an investigationAnd friends have put together a donation site to support the family in their immediate needs HERE

Radio Talk show host Michael Graham shares:

Libertarian Candidate for Governor Chris Holbrook Arrested For Gathering Signatures


Lake Calhoun, MN- For months Benswann.com has reported on the uphill battle Libertarian candidates face when trying to obtain ballot access, including Ohio Gubernatorial candidate Charlie Earl being kicked off the ballot three times in this election cycle or Florida Gubernatorial candidate Adrian Wyllie being arrested for driving without a license only a week after he was invited to take part in the states one gubernatorial debate.

But it is Minnesota Gubernatorial candidate Chris Holbrook who may go down as facing the most outlandish attack on his attempt to get onto the ballot.
Holbrook was arrested Thursday afternoon at Lake Calhoun while gathering signatures to gain ballot access.
More with video @ Freedom Outpost

I-95 Memorial Confederate Battle Flag #2 Raised in Fredericksburg


The Virginia Flaggers are pleased to announce the raising of the 2nd I-95 Memorial Battle Flag in the Commonwealth. A 20’ x 30’ Army of Tennessee version of the Confederate Battle Flag was raised this morning on an 82’ pole in Stafford County, just north of Fredericksburg, in a small, private ceremony that included a Confederate Color Guard, Rifle Salute, Invocations, and historical presentations

The flag will fly in honor of all Confederate soldiers, and specifically to remember the nearly 246,000 Confederate soldiers who fought in separate battles in the vicinity of Fredericksburg (1862), Chancellorsville (1863), Spotsylvania (1864) and the Wilderness (1864). 

Mexico to legalize vigilantes fighting drug cartel

Via watchful



Mexico's government plans on Saturday to begin demobilizing a vigilante movement of assault rifle-wielding ranchers and farmers that formed in the western state of Michoacan and succeeded in largely expelling the Knights Templar cartel when state and local authorities couldn't.

The ceremony in the town of Tepalcatepec, where the movement began in February 2013, will involve the registration of thousands of guns by the federal government and an agreement that the so-called "self-defense" groups will either join a new official rural police force or return to their normal lives and acts as voluntary reserves when called on.

The government will go town by town to organize and recruit the new rural forces.

"This is a process of giving legal standing to the self-defense forces," said vigilante leader Estanislao Beltran.

But tension remained on Friday in the coastal part of the state outside the port of Lazaro Cardenas, where other "self-defense" groups plan to continue as they are, defending their territory without registering their arms. Vigilantes against the demobilization have set up roadblocks in the coastal town of Caleta.

More @ Yahoo

‘I Will Not Obey Orders for Americans to Surrender Their Arms’

Via Cousin John

Thousands of activist gun owners, angered over Connecticut’s Orwellian “Gun Violence Prevention and Child Safety Act,” gathered at the State Capitol in Hartford on a cooler-than-predicted Saturday in early April.

They were fed up with opportunistic politicians exploiting the Newtown tragedy at the expense of freedom, and they were furious and defiant that many owners of semiautomatic rifles and standard-capacity rifle and handgun magazines, who had defied a registration deadline, were now considered criminals.

To my surprise, I had been invited to give the keynote address. I’m not from that state and my dealings with Connecticut Citizens Defense League, the group organizing the rally, had been mostly internet-based. Perhaps one reason for the invitation was a “GUNS Magazine” column I’d written a few months earlier defending Constitution State gun owners, some of whom lined up late to register their magazines and rifles before the mandated deadline.

When I stood to speak in Hartford, what I saw was a crowd fired up and united in opposing and working to roll back the gun ban. Judging from the vocal responses, the assembled Connecticut gun owners were supportive of calls to work within the system to elect the right candidates and defeat the wrong ones, in both parties, and to appeal to the courts, as CCDL and NRA are doing in Shew v Malloy.

Also, the rally gave me a chance to learn some new things firsthand, and to reinforce some assumptions I brought to the event. Here are five areas that stand out:

"Hanoi" Jane To Keynote 2014 UCLA Commencement Ceremony


Two-time Oscar winner Jane Fonda will deliver this year’s commencement speech to UCLA‘s School of Theater, Film and Television grads on Friday, June 13. Fonda made her screen debut in 1960′s Tall Story and went on to star in over 40 films including comedy classics Cat Ballou and 9 to 5. Dramas They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?, Julia, The China Syndrome, On Golden Pond, and The Morning After nabbed her Academy Award nominations, while her turns in Klute and Coming Home won her the Oscar.

More @ Deadline

Drug task force that burned a toddler this week also killed an innocent pastor in 2009

Via avordvet
  Alecia Phonesavanh covers her face on Thursday, May 30, 2014 in Atlanta as she talks about an incident in which Phonesavanh's 19-month-old son was critically injured when a police device was tossed into his bed Wednesday morning in Habersham County by a SWAT team in search of a drug suspect. Phonesavanh said there is no way officers should not have known they were children in the house. Habersham County Sheriff Joey Terrell said the officers were looking for a suspect who may have been armed and followed proper procedure by using the device. (AP Photo/Atlanta Journal-Constitution, John Spink)

 After Georgia’s Mountain Judicial Circuit Narcotics Criminal Investigation and Suppression Team burned a toddler with a flashbang grenade during a drug raid on Wednesday, Habersham County Sheriff Joey Terrell told Access North Georgia:
“The person I blame in this whole thing is the person selling the drugs,” Terrell said. “Wanis Thonetheva, that’s the person I blame in all this. They are no better than a domestic terrorist, because they don’t care about families – they didn’t care about the family, the children living in that household – to be selling dope out of it, to be selling methamphetamine out of it. All they care about is making money.

Sonic, Chili’s heed Moms call, tell customers to leave guns at home

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is stringing together victories on the open-carry front, convincing restaurants and fast-food establishments to tell customers to leave their firearms at home.

The latest to do so include Chili’s Grill & Bar and Sonic, both of which announced on Friday that they would prefer if gun owners not bring firearms into store locations.

A Sonic spokesperson said, “…we’re asking that customers refrain from bringing guns onto our patios or into our indoor dining areas.”

Likewise, a Brinker International/Chili’s Grill & Bar spokesperson echoed the sentiment.

More @ Guns

Bloomberg Sycophants Spring an Ambush in the U.S. House


GUN CONTROL VOTE IN HOUSE:  Disciples of anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg staged an ambush in the House of Representatives on Thursday.

And 76 Republicans fell right into the trap.

The vote was on a Mike Thompson (D-CA) and Peter King (R-NY) amendment to the Commerce-Justice-Science funding bill.  Both Representatives hold an “F” rating with Gun Owners of America.

Their amendment would add an additional $19.5 million to pay states to turn in more names to the federal gun-ban (NICS) list.

Already, more than 175,000 law-abiding veterans have lost their Second Amendment rights this way.  And, in states like New York, this money will pay to strip Americans of their constitutional rights, merely because they consult a psychiatrist and are prescribed a therapeutic drug.

The amendment was sprung so that GOA had only a few hours to send a letter to the Hill, and no time to send out a new alert to its members -- although we told you earlier this week that Bloomberg and Obama minions were renewing efforts to exploit the recent California tragedy and pass gun control.  NRA took no public position at all on the legislation.
Despite the short turn-around time, GOA did manage to get a Facebook alert out to its members. 

  If you haven’t “liked” GOA’s Facebook page, please go here right now and do so. Don’t wait any longer, as you are missing very informative articles and critical alerts!
In the end, the Thompson-King amendment passed by a vote of 260-145.  That’s the bad news.

The good news is that the battle has just begun.  The bill now goes to the Senate, and will ultimately be shelved in favor of a massive government-wide funding bill -- called a “continuing resolution” or CR.

Hence, there is still a possibility that we can get the Thompson-King amendment removed from the final CR.

That being said, the loss hurts.

Bloomberg can now spend weeks bragging that he has “crushed” the gun lobby, and this will give impetus to allow him to raise more money.

But when it comes to gun rights issues, the 76 Republicans who went wobbly will be defined almost exclusively by their vote for this anti-gun amendment.

The GOP could take a lesson from Barack Obama's 2008 and 2012 “ground game” playbook.  As odious as Obama is to those who love the Constitution, he reached out to each of the major constituencies of the Democratic Party and gave them a reason to vote for him.  As a result, he won.

The 76 Republicans are hardly going to get Bloomberg's endorsement for betraying their supporters.  And they have angered the Second Amendment community in a way that may take a long time for them to repair.

ACTIONWrite your Representative.  Thank him if he voted right and opposed the Thompson-King amendment.  If he voted wrong, let him know what you think about that.

Missing Wife

Via Cousin Colby

Distraught husband filing a report on his missing wife:

Husband: My wife, Misty, she went shopping two days ago and still has not returned home.
Officer: What is her height?
Husband: I never noticed.
Officer: Slim or healthy?
Husband: Not slim, can be healthy.
Officer: Color of eyes?
Husband: Never noticed.
Officer: Color of hair?
Husband: Changes according to the season.
Officer: What was she wearing?
Husband: Pant suit or dress... I don't remember exactly.
Officer: Was she going in a car?
Husband: Yes.
Officer: Can you tell me the make, model, color and license number and any
outstanding details of the car?
Husband: Black Audi A8 with supercharged 3.0 liter V6 engine generating 333
horse power teamed with an eight-speed tiptronic automatic transmission
with manual mode. And it has full LED headlights, which use light emitting
diodes for all light functions license IT HAS-GO! and it has a very thin scratch
on the left front door.
...and then the husband started crying...

Officer: Don't worry sir, we'll find your car.

Obama Administration Plans To Let Some Young Undocumented Immigrants Join The Military

Via LH

Pentagon officials have approved a policy that would allow a limited group of undocumented young people who came to the U.S. as children to enlist in the military, opening up a path for them to eventually become citizens, The Huffington Post has learned.The move, which has not been formally announced by the Obama administration, would affect some of the roughly 550,000 undocumented young people granted the ability to remain in the country under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, many of whom have pled with the government to allow them to enlist.

III Claymore

"This is what proto will look like as of now, but still would love other suggestions." 
Just so you can see so far. I am machining inlays at the moment but will cut real part in a few minutes.

And yes depths will be mapped to the surface curvature.