Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Are Most Mass Murderers Really White?

Via Cousin John

charles cookie thornton

List Of Most Horrific Black Serial Killers! [Video] - See more at: http://bossip.com/699850/not-white-men-only-list-of-most-horrific-black-serial-killers-video/#sthash.DygfuENZ.dpuf
List Of Most Horrific Black Serial Killers! [Video] - See more at: http://bossip.com/699850/not-white-men-only-list-of-most-horrific-black-serial-killers-video/#sthash.DygfuENZ.dpuf
Aside from attacks on the Second Amendment, there is a certain theme that’s now repeated after every massacre committed by an unhinged individual: that most all mass killers are white. After the recent Elliot Rodger murders, for instance, Michael Moore said that he no longer had “anything to say” before immediately saying, “Nearly all of our mass shootings are by angry or disturbed white males.” Not to be one-upped in the inanity department by a mass of male whiteness, one Brittney Cooper at Salon wrote, “How many times must troubled young white men engage in these terroristic acts that make public space unsafe for everyone before we admit that white male privilege kills?”

Ironically, Cooper had mentioned, parenthetically, that “as many commenters have pointed out, [Rodger] had a white father and mother of Asian descent,” but, hey, you can’t let a minor detail get in the way of a good racial screed. And perhaps mass killing is such a Caucasian domain that perpetrating one bestows a person with honorary whiteness. Yet about this we should ask a question:

Obama Suggests US Needs Ban On Semiautomatic, Automatic Weapons

Via avordvet


President Barack Obama Tuesday suggested that the U.S. government should follow Australia’s example in dealing with shooting sprees, which involved strict gun bans on semiautomatic and automatic weapons.

“Australia had a mass shooting [in 1996] similar to Columbine and Newtown, and just said, ‘That’s it, we’re not seeing that again,’ and basically imposed very severe tough gun laws and they haven’t had a mass shooting since,” Obama said, after he was asked for his reaction to recent shooting episodes in California and Oregon. Those laws included the confiscation of nearly all handguns and rifles.

“We can have respect for the Second Amendment and responsible hunters and sportsmen can have possess weapons,” Obama told an audience of students during a broadcast on the Tumblr website.
But the country needs “commonsense rules in place that make a dent in what’s happening,” he said, after an emotional appeal to the students and young people who were watching the Tumblr broadcast, which was advertised as a question-and-answer session about student debt.

Australia also instituted a gun buy-back program and a national registery and licensing system in the wake of the April 1996 mass shooting.

Obama’s statement is likely to cause heartburn for Democratic candidates in Kentucky, Louisiana, Arkansas and other states where gun rights are valued.

More @ Daily Caller

NC: Another Parton-Connected Project in Trouble

Roundabout via Cousin John


Dare County real estate developer Ray Hollowell was counting on Dolly Parton and her family to help him transform the Pine Mountain development, located in southern Burke County, into a more upscale community that he renamed “The South Mountain Preserve.” Hollowell also was counting on Gov. Bev Perdue to help promote the project, and N.C. State University to help establish vineyards and a winery on the property.

Not long before, officials in Roanoke Rapids had counted on Dolly’s brother Randy and the Randy Parton Theatre to anchor a music district that would transform the economy of the region. Soon after the theater opened, however, it became a different kind of anchor, saddling the town with millions in debt and an underused performance facility. The project drew extensive coverage from news outlets across the state, led by reporting in Carolina Journal.

But the saga of Pine Mountain — featuring hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid taxes, delinquent homeowners assessments, and overdue loans — has attracted little public attention and no news stories to date. And Hollowell, along with homeowners in the development and officials in Burke County, hope that Pine Mountain doesn’t suffer a fate similar to that of the Randy Parton Theatre.

Hollowell began purchasing vacant lots at Pine Mountain in 2005, using 14 different entities to acquire more than 900 individual parcels. His activities were concurrent with the development of the Randy Parton Theatre, the groundbreaking for which was in November 2005. The building was completed in March 2007.

Militia means you and me




Ellie Kinnaird’s interpretation of the Second Amendment (“2nd Amendment never said right to bear arms was absolute,” DN, May 27) is an interesting work of fiction, but its basis in historical precedent and established jurisprudence couldn’t be more mistaken.

Ms. Kinnaird’s fantasy vaguely refers to an 1875 Supreme Court case wherein she alleges “that the Second Amendment applies to the government, not an individual gun owner.” A closer reading of the 1875 Supreme Court case United States v Cruikshank affirms what Americans have long known: that the right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right neither granted nor revocable by the government. To wit: “The right to bear arms is not granted by the Constitution; neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence.”

Ms. Kinnaird’s understanding of grammar is no better than her understanding of law. The prefatory clause of the Second Amendment (concerning “A well-regulated milita …”) does not limit the operative clause (“the right of the people to keep and bear arms …”). One would indeed wonder why a Bill of Rights explicitly designed to enumerate fundamental individual rights would need to grant the right of its organized militia to keep and bear arms.

But since Ms. Kinnaird is determined to conflate the prefatory clause with the operative clause, she would also do well to consult the definition of militia. The Second Amendment does not specify the organized militia, the national guard, the state forces or even the reserve militia. Instead, the second amendment broadly referred to the militia, whose definition is found in the text of the Militia Act of 1903 thus: “the militia shall consist of every able-bodied male citizen … who is more than eighteen and less than forty-five years of age.” So even if the Second Amendment was intended to be a collective right, it would still appear to apply to the majority of our adult citizenry.

Ms. Kinnaird and I agree on one thing, though: the Supreme Court will not protect us. Protecting us is the responsibility of neither the Supreme Court n or the police, as evidenced by the 1981 Supreme Court case Warren v District of Columbia. The responsibility of protecting one’s self ultimately belongs to that individual, and that fundamental responsibility (and the corresponding right to arm one’s self) should not, and cannot be abrogated entirely by the government, well-intentioned as it may seem.

She’s correct that no right is absolute, but we limit those rights cautiously and judiciously. Ms. Kinnaird decries her detractors as not having read Heller; based on her misinterpretations I wonder out loud if she’s ever read the National Firearms Act of 1934, United States v. Miller, the Gun Control Act of 1968, the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act of 1986, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 or McDonald v. Chicago. If she had, Ms. Kinnaird would find that firearms are already heavily regulated, and that nothing in the Heller decision reverses those heavy restrictions.

Should Ms. Kinnaird venture bravely into the extensive corpus of literature left by our founding fathers, she would also discover a long and rich tradition of individuals keeping and bearing arms. I’d suggest she add James Madison’s Federalist 46 to her reading list; it will serve her well when she contemplates the meaning of the second amendment and the intentions of its architects.

Armed with information and historical context, Ms. Kinnaird may better understand why Americans rightly revere the Second Amendment as sacrosanct. And why the vast majority of Americans are absolutely unwilling to give up that individual right.

Michael Helms is a senior history major at N.C. State University.


Via Susan Ya' made my day, sweetie! :)


Good riddance to bad rubbish! :)

It wasn’t enough that Eric Cantor spent $1 million in the weeks leading up to the election, when his primary opponent hardly had $100,000 in his campaign coffers.

It didn’t matter that the House majority leader, 51, branded Dave Brat a liberal hack, and himself as the guardian of the Republican creed. On Tuesday night, Cantor, who was swept into the majority leader’s suite in a tea party wave, was swept out by the same movement.

Cantor conceded the race around 8:25 p.m. — shortly after the Associated Press pronounced Cantor’s 13-year political career over. With nearly 98 percent of precincts reporting, Brat had 55 percent of the vote, while Cantor had 44 percent. People close to Cantor said internal polls showed him hovering near 60 percent in the runup to the race.

More @ Politico

Saiga-12 vs Remington 870

 Fitty%TACTICAL and crew go to the range again and see a guy there doing some shotgun drills.

Fitty% asks him if he has heard of the Saiga-12 and he says he has but that his pump is more reliable.

So Fitty% tells him to shoot both. The weapon to have the least malfunctions wins.

Filmmaker ‘Behind The Benghazi Attack’ Found To Be A CONFIRMED MUSLIM Agent Who Worked With US Government

In a Shoebat.com EXCLUSIVE, a woman who starred in the controversial video that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton blamed for the attacks in Benghazi, has come to us with a STUNNING revelation that the man who produced the video recently confessed to her that he is a Muslim – twice.

 Cindy Lee Garcia, who is also the plaintiff in a lawsuit against Google and Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the maker of the infamous “Innocence of Muslims” video, responded “Yes” both times after being asked by Garcia if he is a Muslim.

In a recorded phone call with Ben Barrack, Garcia said she contacted Nakoula approximately three weeks ago and twice asked Nakoula if he was Muslim. Both times, Nakoula said that he was. Listen to the interview below:


Because He Is Black, Americans Suffer and Die

Via avordvet


Clearly, no amount of unprecedented unlawful power-grabs, narcissistic behavior, blatant lies, and ignoring of the Constitution will sway the mainstream media and the Democrats from their loyalty to Obama.  Why?  The answer is that Obama is black, which makes him their ultimate weapon of mass destruction – able to nuke traditional America.  Obama's mission is to cram his radical socialist/progressive dream for America down our throats.

Obama’s reign of terror is but a mere preview of things to come if the MSM and Democrats are successful in duping Americans into handing Hillary Clinton the keys to the Oval Office.  Just as Obama has ruled as America's first king, Hillary will be our first queen.  Those who dare to criticize or oppose Queen Hillary's radial liberal agenda will be branded sexists and severely punished – subjected to a high-tech lynching, their politically battered carcasses left on public display to ward off other outspoken conservatives/Republicans.

Massive 843.7-pound Marlin Caught During Gulf Coast Billfish Tourney

 Deb Hebert's 843.7-pound marlin, caught during the Mississippi Gulf Coast Billfish Classic. Joe Hudson, owner of the Iona Louise, stands to the left.

Deb Hebert has been involved in life-or-death situations and weathered the fury of hurricanes, but she has seldom been in a situation as exhilarating or draining as the one she faced during the Mississippi Gulf Coast Billfish Classic (MCGBC).

Hebert, an emergency room doctor and lieutenant colonel who has flown with the Keesler Air Force Base’s famed Hurricane Hunters, hooked into the first blue marlin of her two-year fishing career on the Iona Louise, the boat owned by Joe Hudson, her boyfriend, based out of Montgomery, Alabama.

More than three hours later, the petite Hebert prevailed over the big fish and the 127-1/2-inch blue marlin was boated. When Iona Louise and crew weighed in at Biloxi’s Golden Nugget Casino and Point Cadet Marina, the huge marlin registered 843.7 pounds.

More @ Outdoor Hub

Aussies To Form Alliance to Thwart Obama’s Climate Goals


Australia’s Prime Minister Tony Abbott is seeking out “like-minded” countries to form an alliance to thwart climate policies being pushed by President Obama and other world leaders.

Abbott announced his intention to stymie efforts to push climate policies on unwilling countries as he met with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Monday. Abbott said he seeks to  build a conservative alliance with Canada, Britain, India and New Zealand.

All  are Commonwealth countries that were formerly part of the British Empire and are led by center-right governments, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.

President Obama’s recently announced regulations on power plants have gained international recognition from the United Nations and some European countries. The White House hopes its new regulations will give the U.S. leverage when negotiating a new international climate deal in 2015.

But Abbott’s planned coalition aims to counter Obama’s push to get the international community to adopt climate policies, like carbon taxes and cap-and-trade schemes.

What is the 2nd-Largest Religion in Your State?

While Christianity is still the biggest religion in every state, the second-largest religions in each state show the diversity of America.
 Large swathes of the nation have sizable followings of Buddhism (13 states), Islam (20 states), and Judaism (14 states). Hinduism is 2nd in Arizona and Delaware.

More @ IJ Review

Hillary Clinton: Obama and I Restored America's Leadership in the World


 Most ridiculous statement I have heard in a long time.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that although she had disagreements with President Obama during her time at the State Department, she was largely proud of her career.

“[I]n many areas he and I worked together and I think we saw positive results, I’m very proud of what we did during the time I was there,” she said. “I think we restored America;s leadership at a time when it was in quite dire straights.”

More @ Breitbart

A Northern voice

Via Billy


Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:29 PM
Subject: A Northern voice

You say that have received “hateful” communications with regard to your demand for the removal of historic flags from The Citadel.

Of course, no decent, objective person would send any message that could be rationally considered “hateful,” but I have also found after many years of debating the issues surrounding the effort of the Southern States to leave a union that had become hostile to their citizens that “hateful” is often another way of identifying cogent, intelligent opinions that differ from one’s own point of view. And usually, the more cogent and intelligent, the more eager the recipient is to play the well known “race card.” If I disagree with you, goes the game, I am a racist. Now, I do not know if you hold to that unfortunate point of view, but I wish to declare “up front,” as they say, that nothing I write to you can possibly be considered “hateful” unless, of course, you hold the above point of view.

Sadly, you and so many others are victims of a “history” that never existed. Often this historical narrative flies in the face not of Southern accounts, but of Northern ones as well. The flags which you find offensive never flew over any ship transporting slaves from Africa where black captives of interminable tribal wars were sold to Europeans by their own people. “Roots” is a total fiction! Indeed, the flag that flew from the mastheads of slave ships is the same flag (minus a number of stars) that presently flies over the Capitols in both Washington and Columbia!

But more to the point, since debating history is not permitted in these “politically correct” days (lest the truth be revealed!), it is time to recognize the fact that other people have opinions too. As well, "being offended" is not found in the Constitution! Quite the opposite, in fact! The First Amendment protects not profanity or obscenity, but unpopular political speech and thus, under that Amendment you are free to call for the censorship of the flag of the Confederate States of America - a constitutionally formed government on the North American continent - but you have no right to demand that censorship, not as a citizen and certainly not as a “public servant.”

If you cannot bring yourself to permit your fellow South Carolinians to have those freedoms which you and those who want what you demand, then I would suggest that you put the matter up for the vote and let the people of South Carolina decide. And once they have spoken in referendum, I would further suggest that, if the matter goes against you, you accept their decision and let the flags fly.

Valerie Protopapas,
Huntington Station, New York

Confederate flag at Citadel protected under state law, AG says

Via Susan

The state attorney general's office says a Confederate flag hanging in a chapel at The Citadel is protected by state law and may remain. (LOU KRASKY/AFP/Getty Images)

The Confederate Naval Jack flag in Summerall Chapel at The Citadel is allowed under state law, the Attorney General's Office announced Tuesday. 

"In our opinion, this flag would be protected in its present location by the Heritage Act as a 'monument' or 'memorial' erected on public property of the state," Solicitor General Robert D. Cook states in a letter to the two senators requesting the opinion. 

"The General Assembly has mandated, by virtue of the Heritage Act, that monuments and memorials honoring the gallantry and sacrifice of this state's various wars are protected," Cook says. 

"It is thus our opinion that the flag referenced in your letter, the Confederate Battle Flag, placed in Summerall Hall in 1939 is protected by the Heritage Act," Cook says.

General: History calls for Bergdahl charges


The court-martial of a Vietnam War POW who claimed he was tortured by his captors establishes a precedent for the prosecution of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to a decorated retired general and Defense Department official.

As WND reported, retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin believes evidence clearly shows Bergdahl is a deserter who should never draw a free breath and that President Obama is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors for ignoring federal law in pursuit of an administration goal.

In a telephone interview Monday, Boykin discussed the court-martial of Robert Garwood, a former U.S. Marine who was the only Vietnam POW to face court-martial. In his defense, Garwood claimed he was tortured. The Obama administration, likewise, has claimed Bergdahl was locked in a metal cage by his captors and mistreated or possibly tortured in captivity.

Boykin argued politics should play no role in determining whether or not Bergdahl is court-martialed.
“All this talk about not leaving someone behind or about whether Bergdahl was tortured in captivity is nonsense once a soldier goes over to the enemy,” Boykin said.

More @ WND

In Warrenton, Va., the Mosby Museum illuminates the Gray Ghost


 Mosby Monument
Christine and Bonnie



Mosby Site

 John Singleton Mosby's Revenge


I’ve never (no, never) seen a historic house that I haven’t wanted to go right into.

A famous person lived here? Something significant occurred there? Knock, knock, let me in. A great work was born inside those walls, in that room, on this desk? Lemme see, lemme see.

I mean, if you want to get close to history — touch it, feel it, breathe it, absorb it, understand it — where better than in the places where the men and women who made it lived and worked and thought and did? Maybe even left a little psychic energy behind. (Okay, that’s a little fanciful, but you never know. . . .)


Gun Store Sign: ‘Will Trade Obama To Mexico For Sgt. Tahmooressi’

 View image on Twitter

Continuing its critical shots at President Barack Obama, the Tactical Firearms store of Katy, Texas, has yet another weekly message for the president: “Will Trade Obama To Mexico For Sgt. Tahmooressi. God help us all.” The message references U.S.M.C. Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, who is being held in a Mexican prison after mistakenly crossing the border with registeredguns.

More @ CBS

Medal of Honor Roll Call: Michael E. Thornton


In the past, we have looked at brother recipients of the Medal of Honor and other coincidences, this week, our MOH hero is Michael E. Thornton. In the last days of our support of democracy in Vietnam, Thornton saved the life of his brother Navy SEAL Thomas R. Norris. Six months later, Norris himself earned the MOH for saving downed flyers. Thorton stayed in the SEALs after the war and was chosen to be a plankowner in the fabled SEAL Team Six in 1980.

Rank: Petty Officer Organization: U.S. Navy Born: 23 March 1949, Greenville, S.C. Entered Service At: Spartanburg, S.C.

Place / Date: Republic of Vietnam, 31 October 1972


For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while participating in a daring operation against enemy forces. PO Thornton, as Assistant U.S. Navy Advisor, along with a U.S. Navy lieutenant serving as Senior Advisor, accompanied a 3-man Vietnamese Navy SEAL patrol on an intelligence gathering and prisoner capture operation against an enemy-occupied naval river base. Launched from a Vietnamese Navy junk in a rubber boat, the patrol reached land and was continuing on foot toward its objective when it suddenly came under heavy fire from a numerically superior force. The patrol called in naval gunfire support and then engaged the enemy in a fierce firefight, accounting for many enemy casualties before moving back to the waterline to prevent encirclement.

Upon learning that the Senior Advisor had been hit by enemy fire and was was believed to be dead, PO Thornton returned through a hail of fire to the lieutenant’s last position; quickly disposed of 2 enemy soldiers about to overrun the position, and succeeded in removing the seriously wounded and unconscious Senior Naval Advisor to the water’s edge. He then inflated the lieutenant’s lifejacket and towed him seaward for approximately 2 hours until picked up by support craft. By his extraordinary courage and perseverance, PO Thornton was directly responsible for saving the life of his superior officer and enabling the safe extraction of all patrol members, thereby upholding the highest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service.

Dorkhead wants the Confederate Flag removed from the Citadel's chapel

The Confederate Naval Jack hangs from the interior of Summerall Chapel with 56 other flags that were donated by states, territories and organizations.

The Charleston S.C. councilman who wants the Confederate flag removed from the chapel at the Citadel is Henry Darby. His email address is : henrydarby@msn.com if you would like to politely give him your opinon on this matter.

- Billy

Joseph Wilcox of Las Vegas

Via LH

joseph wilcox las vegas
Joseph Robert Wilcox was in the checkout line at a Las Vegas Walmart Sunday when cops say Jerad Miller entered the store, fired a single shot and yelled for everyone to get out of the store.
Wilcox, carrying a concealed handgun, decided to act. Fearing the worst about Wilcox’s intentions, Wilcox walked toward Miller, prepared to shoot him and potentially save a number of lives.
Miller’s wife, Amanda, who was nearby pushing a shopping cart after she and Jerad had ambushed two police officers in a nearby pizza place, shot Wilcox dead before he could act. Cops soon arrived and cornered the Millers, and Amanda Miller shot her husband before killing herself.
It’s not clear what would have happened had Wilcox not approached Jerad Miller, but Wilcox, 31, is being hailed as a hero who acted selflessly to save others.
He acted bravely, but tragically made an error that most would make.  The media has programmed us to accept a spree killer as a white or asian male working alone.  He expected just to be dealing with Jerad:

SNOWDEN: Here's Everything We've Learned In One Year Of Unprecedented Top-Secret Leaks

Via Nancy

 edward snowden

Just one year ago, The Guardian reported the first leak based on top-secret documents that then-29-year-old Edward Snowden stole from the National Security Agency (NSA). At the time, Snowden worked as an intelligence contractor for Booz Allen Hamilton in Hawaii.

It would not be the last leak based on documents Snowden took.

Snowden allegedly downloaded up to 1.5 million files before jetting from Hawaii to Hong Kong to meet with journalists Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras. After he handed off his treasure-trove of documents, he flew from Hong Kong and later became stranded in Moscow. His future was far from certain as the journalists he trusted started revealing his secrets.

Here is everything that Snowden's leaks have revealed so far:

Ralph Peters slams ‘bleeding hearts’ on left: “If Bergdahl hadn’t deserted he wouldn’t have been tortured!”

Via LH


Ralph Peters really let go tonight on Megyn Kelly’s show, hitting back hard at the left who suggests many are being to hard on Bergdahl because he was tortured. Peters says that if Bergdahl hadn’t deserted he wouldn’t have been tortured. And then he tells those bleeding hearts on the left where they should go, literally.

And there’s much more.


'Gun-free' restaurant chain becomes easy target

It seems that robbers just don’t pay attention to what their victims want.

For the fourth time in the few weeks since Jack in the Box restaurant chain officials asked that their customers disarm themselves before coming, there’s been a report of a robbery at one of the stores.

An armed robbery.

More @ WND