A pleasant time was had by all and enjoyed his down-home presentation.
Sheriff Asa Buck came out and spoke to our group
about the dangers of prescription drug misuse and abuse and criminal
activity related to prescription drug diversion. Sheriff Buck reported
on the recent initiative known as “Operation Pill
Crusher” which has targeted those in our community who sell
prescription medication. The sheriff spoke about the cost to taxpayers
related to prescription drug abuse especially concerning inmate
housing, Medicaid fraud, and the millions of dollars associated
with hospital costs for treating overdose patients and newborns
diagnosed with neonatal abstinence syndrome.
The Sheriff talked about all his office has done
and continues to do to bring awareness to this issue. He spoke about the
“Pills Can Kill” prescription drug take back program and their “MEDS”
program. MEDS stands for
Monitor your prescription; Educate family and friends about the dangers of prescription drug misuse,
Dispose of medication you no longer need and Store medication you do need in a safe place that only you or trusted family member know about.