Goodies from Ol' Remus

1937. Kitchen cupboard in Northome Minnesota
Oxydol's still around, the brand is one hundred years old this year.
Higher education - At best, academia is seen as providing a refuge for people who can't cope with the real world—a sort of collection of mental institutions and halfway houses for the intellectually differently abled, if you will. The question is, as a society with so many poor people, increasing numbers of them direct products of academia, should we continue to support these academic institutions by entrusting our children to their care?
Dmitry Orlov at
Using “prosecutorial discretion” as a pretext, he has exempted the vast majority of illegal aliens from the consequences of their actions. He has formally amnestied—without legislative authorization—more than a half-million illegal immigrants who claim to have come here before age 16. He is signaling that sometime this year he will unilaterally, and illegally, amnesty half or more of the roughly 12 million illegal aliens now living in the United States.
Mark Krikorian at
On no legal basis, all 4.5 million residents of the five U.S. territories were quietly released from ObamaCare. It seems the costs of healthcare soared in these five territories due to uneconomic mandates... WSJ reports all of a sudden last week HHS discovered new powers after "a careful review of this situation and the relevant statutory language," that enabled them to 'selectively exempt' American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana Islands, and Virgin Islands from Obamacare.
Wall Street Journal and Tyler Durden at
art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg Why I Am No Longer a Leftist
How far left was I? So far left I was a two-time Peace Corps volunteer and I have a degree from UC Berkeley. I wore a button saying "Eat the Rich." To me it wasn't a metaphor. Below are the top ten reasons I am no longer a leftist. This is not a rigorous comparison of theories, it's an accounting of the milestones on my herky-jerky journey, says Danusha Goska in this article, Ten Reasons Why I Am No Longer a Leftist, at The American Thinker.
(H/t reader PW)

art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg Comprehensive amnesty
First, they said there was no surge at the border, it was a phony crisis manufactured by the Drudge Report. Next, liberals told us these “undocumented migrants” were mere children fleeing violence and drug cartels. Then we found out that more than 80 percent of the “children” were teenage males. Now, instead of “living in the shadows”— the shadows of mass protests, New York Times magazine covers, TV shows, government housing, free schools, free medical care and free food stamps, “undocumented migrants” seem poised to become full legal residents so they can vote for more welfare and more amnesty, says Ann Coulter in this article, Happy 30th birthday, Central American Humanitarian Crisis, at Human Events.

art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg Flick versus stick
It has been a commonly held belief the ferro rod is superior than a Bic lighter. I, too, was an adamant believer of the ferro rod, but the more I used it, the more I began to question it’s authoritative claims. Using critical thinking and through my experiences, I determined it was NOT the wonder bar it claimed to be and stopped using it all together a few years ago. Grabbing a calculator, a scale, and a large size ferro rod, I did some quick calculations and this is what I came up with, says Alan Halcon in this article, Ferro Rod vs. Bic Lighter, at Dirt Time.
art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif Also see Ross Gilmore's comments in this article, Ferro Rod vs. BIC Lighter, at Wood Trekker

art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif Stealth fishing - Shopping carts make stealthy fish traps. People are used to seeing them in the rivers, especially beneath bridges. Another reason they are stealthy is that people associate certain classes of people with shopping carts and the mere act of pushing one renders the pusher invisible.
Eaton Rapids Joe at

Georgia Deputy chases suspect, shoots at dog, misses, hits boy - The family who lives on the property said their 10-year-old son was shot in the back of the knee. Sheriff Wooten later confirmed that the boy had been shot by one of the deputies at the scene. The bullet entered from the back of the knee and exited out of the front of the child's leg... a deputy was approaching the property when a dog ran up to him. The deputy's gun fired one shot, missing the dog and hitting the child.
Christian McKinney at
art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif See also: Cop Tries to Shoot Dog, Plugs Kid Instead. Police Use of Passive Voice Ensues, by J. Tuccille, at Reason
See news article with photos: Deputy who shot 10-year-old identified; more charges on suspects, by Christian McKinney at WTOC in Savannah, Georgia
Working-class victimizers - A blue-collar white kid, who feels lost and friendless on the alien terrain of a university campus, a campus he has to leave immediately after class so he can get to his fulltime job at MacDonald's, must accept that he is a recipient of "white privilege" – if he wants to get good grades in mandatory classes on racism.
Danusha Goska at

Fish market owner to release 18-pound lobster

 Joe Norton, owner of Mullaney's Fish Market in Scituate, holds an 18-pound lobster he calls  Luke, which he plans to release back into the sea soon.

The 18-pound, barnacle-encrusted lobster had seen better days.

After evading for at least 75 years the fate met by countless other crustaceans, he found himself in an offshore trawler, ultimately ending up in the tank at Mullaney’s Fish Market in Scituate.
Luckily for the lobster, store owner Joby Norton has a soft spot for older sea creatures.
“We’ve had people come in who wanted to buy him for the Fourth, but we decided we don’t want to sell him,” Norton said Tuesday in his Scituate Harbor market. “We’re better off letting him go so he can live out his life.” 
More @ Wicked Local

Tunisia, a Muslim Nation, Does What US Doesn’t Have the Guts To But Should (Or We’ll Die)

Via Susan

It’s rare that a Muslim nation is several steps ahead of America. It’s also rare that a Muslim nation gets it and we don’t. But when even Tunisia–the former lair of the P.L.O.–is taking drastic-but-necessary steps to stop jihadists from within, maybe we should take note. Sadly, America will never have the guts to do this, when even Tunisia now has the guts. Maybe we should take a hint.

Sessions to Congress: Back Ted Cruz or Remain 'Complicit' in 'Nullification of Border'

Via Billy

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee and a key immigration hawk, took to the Senate floor on Monday afternoon to attack the efforts by President Barack Obama to grant amnesty via executive order to millions of illegal aliens.

During his floor speech, Sessions endorsed a bill from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) that aims to curb the president’s executive amnesty efforts—and called on his colleagues to cosponsor it. Sessions said:
Senator Cruz has a bill that would stop this presidential overreach. Sessions said. It’s very simple. It lays out that we won’t spend money providing legal documents to people unlawfully in the country as defined by the law of America and as defined by the Congress of the United States. So, I will ask, will you cosponsor Senator Cruz’s bill and let’s defend our constituents, or will our congressional colleagues remain complicit in the nullification of our laws and basically the nullification of border enforcement?
More @ Breitbart

After a Brutal Home Invasion, An Anti-Gun Couple Changed Their Minds On Firearm Ownership

 James Dittrich and Meredith Duffy are now gun owners after being attacked by criminals.

Like most people, James Dittrich had horrible situational awareness.

He’d walked his dog and was returning up the stairs to his third floor apartment, and the two thugs were on him in the stairwell before he knew what was going on. They robbed him of his wallet, and forced him into his apartment at gunpoint, where his fiance was sleeping.

Dettrich—finally clued into the fact that he put his fiance, Meredith Duffy in great danger—went after the gun, hoping to give Duffy a chance to call 911:

So I reached up and I grabbed [the gun],” Dittrich said. “I couldn’t wrestle it free, but I knew, with both hands on it, I had control of it, and that was the opportunity that she needed to call. And I just, I really just hoped I could keep control of it for her to make that call.”

More @ Bearing Arms

Americans Protest Illegals as High-Profile Conservatives Pander – And Then A Fight Erupted

Via Susan


Whoooooo doggies.   Mrs. Dana Loesch is blistering mad that American Thinker dare to call her, Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz to task.

I do firmly believe tension is extremely high at Glenn Beck world inc. because their decisions this past week, and their attacks against those who disagreed with their decisions, created a situation where they ultimately Alinsky’d  (Isolate, Ridicule, Marginalize) their own audience.    The responses to this AT article from Dana Loesch reek of desperation and angst.

First the Article:

What Did US Spy Satellites See in Ukraine?

 Russian-made Buk anti-missile battery.

The’s Ukraine bias has been obvious, siding with the Kiev regime and bashing ethnic Russian rebels and Russia’s President Putin. But now – with the scramble to blame Putin for the Malaysia Airlines shoot-down – the shoddy journalism has grown truly dangerous, says Robert Parry. 

In the heat of the U.S. media’s latest war hysteria – rushing to pin blame for the crash of a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet on Russia’s President Vladimir Putin – there is the same absence of professional skepticism that has marked similar stampedes on Iraq, Syria and elsewhere – with key questions not being asked or answered.

The dog-not-barking question on the catastrophe over Ukraine is: what did the U.S. surveillance satellite imagery show? It’s hard to believe that – with the attention that U.S. intelligence has concentrated on eastern Ukraine for the past half year that the alleged trucking of several large Buk anti-aircraft missile systems from Russia to Ukraine and then back to Russia didn’t show up somewhere.

MH17: Likely that the second airplane was a Ukrainian fighter jet.

Via Susan


Russia has now shown its satellite pictures and radar information from the Donetsk, Ukraine region during the July 17, 2014 Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crash.

The Wall Street Journal reported in its article, "Russia Presents Its Account of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Crash," that:
Russia's Defense Ministry on Monday presented its first detailed account of the final moments of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, saying Russian radar had spotted a second aircraft in the vicinity shortly before the crash and that satellite imagery showed Ukraine had moved missile systems into the area before the incident.
At a news conference, air force chief Igor Makushev didn't say who the ministry thought had fired the missile that apparently brought down the airliner on Thursday.
The Wall Street Journal also reported:

Rep. Carolyn Maloney of New York wants Capitol Police to investigate Gun Owners of America Executive Director Larry Pratt for ...

Via avordvet

 Gurning contest winner Maloney doesn't like the First Amendment any better than she does the Second.

 ... it’s not quite clear what laws she alleges he’s broken, or what authority either they or the House Sergeant at Arms would have for following up on her complaint.

The news of the latest baloney from Maloney comes from a Wednesday entry on Roll Call, where we learn she was reacting to yet another in a seemingly interminable line of transparently ridiculous anti-gun hit pieces in Rolling Stone.

Pratt’s “offense”?

He actually had the gall to claim “the Second Amendment is for “for restraining tyrannical tendencies in government … especially those in the liberal, tyrannical end of the spectrum.”

The nerve of the guy. Next thing you know, he’ll be quoting homegrown terrorists!

More @ Examiner

Video of MH17 Hit by Missile? (7 main questions)

Reader David sent an email and accompanying video that purportedly shows the Malaysian Flight 17 being hit by missile. Let's take a look.

David Writes ...

It appears as if the right engine and wing area took the hit. The camera operator is able to record the moment of impact in the first 2 seconds of this clip. Note the smoke burst left behind on impact with the #2 engine area. There is a 18 second delay (speed of sound delay) due to the distance and altitude of the explosion. Question: How did this video operator know to have his camera running just prior to the missile explosion? How many people run their camera in the sky looking for an airplane cruising at altitude so high that most are not visible to the human eye? Note that the pilots are maintaining wings level, the airplane and burning wing still intact, in what appears to be an uncontrolled descent from 33,000 feet when the video ends at 1 minute 19 seconds.

Mish comment. I am not sure if I can make out everything David says, or if it is indeed flight 17, but it is an interesting clip.

Update From Jacob Dreizin

Jacob Dreizin, a US citizen who speaks both Russian and Ukrainian provided this update a few hours ago.

Hello Mish

This whole thing is a mystery of no lesser magnitude than that other Malaysia Airlines flight that disappeared in March. The true picture is even foggier than most people realize, with many questions unanswered.

Main Questions (7)

  1. For unknown reasons, the flight diverted or was diverted from its usual course to fly smack over a tiny patch of land---of roughly 5000 square miles, or the size of Connecticut---controlled by pro-Russian rebels. (In fact, the 777 went down a few miles from the geographic bottleneck where three desperate Ukrainian brigades are trapped between the rebels and the Russian border.) Why? And if this airspace had been closed by Ukraine (on July 8th), why was that closure never registered with international aviation authorities or coordinating bodies?
  2.  More @ Townhall

Look out, North Carolina, here comes Molotov Mitchell

 Molotov Mitchell

One of WND’s edgiest voices is challenging a liberal stronghold in North Carolina by running for state senator on a platform of personal freedom for everyone – liberal, conservative or otherwise.

“I am the GOP cruise missile, and I intend to crush the Obama clone in Raleigh,” says Molotov Mitchell, who appears in WND each week with his “For the Record” video column.

Mitchell is taking on Democrat State Senate Minority Whip Josh Stein in November. Stein is a staunch liberal, whose record includes votes against several pro-life bills during the last legislative session and strong support for same-sex marriage, having received an award from the Equality NC Foundation for his advocacy on the issue.

“Stein has long been considered one of the state’s strongest allies for LGBT equality,” the foundation said in a press release. “The progressive Democrat actively worked to include sexual orientation and gender identity in K-12 anti-bullying legislation.”

The district leans solidly Democrat after it was specifically redistricted to be a safely Democrat seat. It is so solidly Democrat, that in the last election, Stein ran unopposed.

Mitchell told WND that while he knows it will be a difficult battle to win, he nevertheless believes he has a strong shot at taking down this Democrat Goliath and conquering a liberal stronghold in the state.

Mitchell explained to WND he believes the tide is turning back to conservatism in the state, noting that in 2010 a Republican revolution took control of both chambers of the legislature as well as the governorship and lieutenant governorship. Since that time the Republicans have used conservative principles to turn things around in the state.

More @ WND

After 2,000 Years, the Last Christian is Forced to Leave Mosul

Via Billy

The last Christian reportedly left Iraq's second largest city of Mosul at 12:00pm on Saturday, ending over 6,000 years of Assyrian history in the city. Assyrians have lived in Mosul for over 6,000 years, converting to Christianity over 2,000 years ago. This all came to an end on Saturday, when the last Assyrian Christian left the city.

On Thursday, July 17th, the Islamic State (IS)-- formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS)-- released a statement demanding the Christians in Mosul either to convert to Islam, paying the jizya (tax on non-Muslims), leave the city, or be killed. The threat was to be implemented on Saturday.  It is being reported locally that by noon yesterday, every Christian had chosen to leave.

More with video @ Breitbart

Libya airport fighting kills 47

Via Susan

A picture taken on July 16, 2014, shows flames and smoke billowing from an airplane at the Tripoli international airport in the Libyan capital. Credit: Mahmud Turkia/AFP 

An Islamist-led militia has stepped up its assault on Libya's main airport, controlled by rival fighters, which the health ministry said on Monday had left at least 47 dead in a week.

The fighting, which erupted on July 13 and shut Tripoli international airport, also injured 120 people, according to figures for the week until Saturday.

The European Union condemned a fresh outbreak of violence on Sunday, two days after the collapse of a truce with the militia controlling the airport, which left five civilians dead according to local media.

A coalition of militias led by Islamist fighters launched an assault on the airport on Sunday, with clashes later spreading along the road to the capital.

By Sunday evening, fighting had subsided around the airport, security official Al-Jilani al-Dahesh told AFP, but clashes continued in the western suburbs of the capital, witnesses said.

"The airport was attacked this morning with mortar rounds, rockets and tank fire," Al-Dahesh told AFP.

"It was the most intense bombardment so far."

                                                                   More @ ifrica

1930 Duesenberg Model J Torpedo Berline Convertible

No American car even approached the grandeur of the Duesenberg Model J when it made its first public appearance at the New York Salon on December 1, 1928, an event for which trading was temporarily halted on the New York Stock Exchange. By then the company founded by Fred and August Duesenberg 15 years previous was the property of E.L. Cord, whose plan for his latest venture was to exploit the Duesenberg name and engineering expertise, their reputation already enriched with a win at the French Grand Prix and three victories in the Indianapolis 500, to produce “The World’s Finest Motor Car.”

The Duesenberg J perfectly fulfilled Cord’s desire for an uncompromising luxury motor car that was also a technical tour de force. Its masterfully designed 420 CI dual-overhead-camshaft straight-8 engine was fitted with four valves per cylinder and produced an astounding 265 HP and 374 lb-ft of torque, enabling a second-gear speed of 90 MPH and a top speed of 116 using a 3-speed transmission.

More @ MECUM

Veterans show Obama how they turn their backs on him, as he has done to them

Via Billy

Angry veterans protested President Obama’s visit to Delaware to show their disdain for how the administration has treated them.

The 25 protesters — led by Martin Nicholson, a veteran Marine – lined the street and turned their backs to the president’s passing motorcade.

“We feel he’s turned his back on us veterans, so we’re going to turn our backs on him as he drives by on his motorcade to show our appreciation that he does not care about us veterans,” Nicholson told

Obama was in Delaware to discuss a recently damaged bridge, a topic the protesters call a waste of Obama’s time when much bigger issues demand his attention, including the Veterans Affairs scandal and the invasion of illegal immigrants.  

AK-47 Sales Soar After US Sanctions Kalashnikov Imports

Via WiscoDave


I assume Tyler is being facetious and CNN is it's normal dumb self.

Who could have seen this coming? Following the US imposition of further sanctions on Russia last week, specifically the import of Kalashnikov firearms, CNN reports gun stores across the US are experiencing a run on AK-47s.

As CNN reports,

Here's a surprising effect of the latest U.S. sanctions against Russia: a run on AK-47s.

Perry Prepares to Deploy National Guard to Small Portion of Border

 Via Billy


Texas media outlets are reporting Texas Governor Rick Perry is preparing to deploy the Texas National Guard to portions of the Texas/Mexico border.

State Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa (D-McAllen) confirmed the pending announcement of Perry’s decision to deploy 1,000 soldiers from the Texas National Guard to the border. The goal of the guard deployment is to bolster the work of the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) State Troopers, according to Jennifer Saenz, a spokesperson for Sen. Hinojosa.

"The senator understands that Perry wants this troop build-up, but is not sure what kind of federal approval he needs for it. (None, dorkhead.) He just knows he wants to deploy 1,000 troops there," Saenz said in an article posted on the Houston Chronicle.

More @ Breitbart