Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Blueprint for World War III

 The Blueprint for World War III

This article is the first of a two part series which details the coming war. This war will not be a simple war of occupation such as what we saw in Iran and presently in Afghanistan. This war will be utterly devastating and has the potential to escalate into a conflict befitting the over-used term, “Armageddon”.

Part one of this series will present what boxing fans call, “the tale of tape”. The “tale of the tape” entails identifying the combatants, their respective sides as well as the relative strengths of the participants and their military forces.

The Relative Strengths of Each Side

The coming war will largely feature what pundits call the BRIC nations and the USA and her allies. Each side of this coming conflict possesses widely divergent military strengths, weaknesses and strategies.

The US Is Dependent On a Devastating First Strike Attack

 More @ The Common Sense Show

The South from Country to Colony


 The South in 1865 voluntarily laid down its arms in deference to the Northern Constitution and its laws, though it experienced what the wife of Gen. Bryan Grimes called a “reign of terror.”  She reported that “there was a report that they would hang all officers above the rank of captain and all their property would be confiscated.
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"

The South from Country to Colony

“We stacked eight thousand stands of arms, all told, artillery, cavalry, infantry stragglers, wagon-rats, and all the rest, from twelve to fifteen thousand men.  The United States troops, by their own estimate, were 150,000 men, with a railroad connecting their rear with Washington, New York, Germany, France, Belgium, Africa, “all the world and the rest of mankind,” as General [Richard] Taylor comprehensively remarked, for their recruiting stations were all over the world, and the crusade against the South, and its peculiar manners and civilization, under the pressure of the “almighty American dollar,” was as absolute and varied in its nationality as that of “Peter the Hermit,” under the pressure of religious zeal, upon Jerusalem . . . .

Those who took a serious consideration of the state of affairs, felt that with our defeat we had as absolutely lost our country – the one we held under the Constitution – as though we had been conquered and made a colony of by France or Russia.  The right of the strongest – the law of the sword – was as absolute at “Appomattox” that day as when Brennus, the Gaul, threw it in the scale at the ransom of Rome.

So far, it was all according to the order of things, and we stood on these bare hills men without a country. General Grant offered us, it was said, rations and transportation – each man to his native State, now a conquered province, or to Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Many would not have hesitated to accept the offer for Halifax and rations; but, in distant Southern homes were old men, helpless women and children, whose cry for help it was not hard to hear.  So, in good faith, accepting our fate, we took allegiance to this, our new country, which is now called the “United States,” as we would have done to France or Russia.

With all that was around us – the destruction of the “Army of Northern Virginia” and certain defeat of the Confederacy as a result – no one dreamed of what has followed. The fanaticism that has influenced the policy of the Government to treat subject States – whose citizens had been permitted to take an oath of allegiance, accepted them as such, and promised to give them the benefit of laws protecting person, property and religion – as the dominant party in the United States has done, exceeds belief.

To place the government of the States absolutely in the hands of its former slaves, and call their “acts” “laws;” to denounce the slightest effort to assert the white vote, even under the laws, treason; and finally, force the unwilling United States soldier to use his bayonet to sustain the grossest outrages of law and decency against men of his own color and race! . . .

. . . [T]his has gone on until, lost in wonder as to what is to come next, the Southern white man watches events as a tide that is gradually rising and spreading, and from which he sees no avenue of escape, and must, unless an intervention almost miraculous takes place, soon sweep him away . . . “

(The Falling Flag, E.M. Boykin; Empire of the Owls, H.V. Traywick, Jr., Dementi Milestone Publishing, 2013, pp. 295-296)

Woman Uses Her Gun To Ward Off Abduction


An Ohio woman who is licensed to carry a gun but had only recently started carrying one for protection put it to good use earlier this week.

Dinah Burns was out walking her dog, Gracie, on a path near an elementary school in Lancaster on Monday when two men approached her with a baseball bat and threatened to abduct her.

“Two gentlemen (I can only imagine.......) came out of the woods, one holding a baseball bat, and said ‘You’re coming with us,’” Burns told WBNS, adding that Gracie was little help in deterring the men.

Thankfully, Burns had something else for protection.

Jine the Cavalry

Do you want to catch the Devil?
Do you want to have fun?
Do you want to smell hell?
Bully boys, hey! Bully boys, ho!

CHORUS: If you want to have a good time, jine the cavalry!
Jine the cavalry! Jine the cavalry!

If you want to catch the Devil, if you want to have fun,
If you want to smell Hell, jine the cavalry!
We’re the boys who went around McClellian,
Went around McClellian, went around McClellian!
We’re the boys who went around McClellian,
Bully boys, hey! Bully boys, ho!

CHORUS: If you want to have a good time, jine the cavalry!
Jine the cavalry! Jine the cavalry!

If you want to catch the Devil, if you want to have fun,
If you want to smell Hell, jine the cavalry!
We’re the boys who crossed the Potomicum,
Crossed the Potomicum, crossed the Potomicum!
We’re the boys who crossed the Potomicum,
Bully boys, hey! Bully boys, ho!

If you want to have a good time, jine the cavalry!
Jine the cavalry! Jine the cavalry!

If you want to catch the Devil, if you want to have fun,
If you want to smell Hell, jine the cavalry!
Then we went into Pennsylvania,
Into Pennsylvania, into Pennsylvania!
Then we went into Pennsylvania,
Bully boys, hey! Bully boys, ho!

If you want to have a good time, jine the cavalry!
Jine the cavalry! Jine the cavalry!

If you want to catch the Devil, if you want to have fun,
If you want to smell Hell, jine the cavalry!
The big fat Dutch gals hand around the breadium,
Hand around the breadium, hand around the breadium!
The big fat Dutch gals hand around the breadium,
Bully boys, hey! Bully boys, ho!

If you want to have a good time, jine the cavalry!
Jine the cavalry! Jine the cavalry!

If you want to catch the Devil, if you want to have fun,
If you want to smell Hell, jine the cavalry!
Ol’ Joe Hooker, won’t you come out of The Wilderness?
Come out of The Wilderness, come out of The Wilderness?
Ol’ Joe Hooker, won’t you come out of The Wilderness?
Bully boys, hey! Bully boys, ho!

If you want to have a good time, jine the cavalry!
Jine the cavalry! Jine the cavalry!

If you want to catch the Devil, if you want to have fun,
If you want to smell Hell, jine the cavalry!

Muslims begin to flee

Via comment by Sioux on ISIS the Islamic State: Islam’s Most Recent Terror

Ireland belongs to the Irish:

Muslims flee Northern Ireland to escape anti-Islam violence. Some Muslims in Northern Ireland have announced plans to leave the country to avoid anti-Islamic violence. The announcement comes after an attack on a Muslim family in the city of Belfast, when crazed rioters broke into their home and assaulted them.

The home invasion came after remarks from Belfast based Pastor James McConnell, who said in a sermon “The God we worship and serve this evening is not Allah. The Muslim god-Allah-is a heathen deity. Allah is a cruel deity. Allah is a demon deity.” He later added that Islam is “a doctrine spawned in hell.”

Hospitalization was required for at least one of the victims.
Somehow, it doesn't seem too surprising that Northern Ireland isn't overly taken with the whole "all cultures are equal". Considering that the Protestant Ultras didn't exactly go along with the idea of Catholic rule, it seems unlikely that they will suffer the imposition of Islam.

More @ Vox Popoli

Oh, no! North Carolina laws allow children to use automatic guns

A 9-year-old Arizona girl’s accidental killing of her firearms instructor this week reignited the national debate over guns, but with an unusual focus: children using fully automatic rifles.

North Carolina is among 30 states that don’t prohibit children from using rifles, whether it’s a .22-caliber squirrel rifle or a fully automatic Uzi like the one in the Arizona accident.
Some gun-control advocates are using the incident to call for new laws, but Charlotte-area gun experts say the answer is common sense and better training for instructors.

NC: GRNC Alert 8-30-14 Michael Bloomberg is Buying Lunch!


The Michael Bloomberg-funded "Moms Demand Everytown For Responsible Subservience" (or whatever they call themselves this week) is buying lunch on Sunday!

A group of freedom-hating astroturfers will be grilling up some lunch at 1 p.m. on Sunday at Rupert Bell Park (1501 Mount Zion Place, Winston-Salem, NC). As Michael Bloomberg knows, there will always be people that can be "bought", even if it is with some hamburgers and hot dogs.

If you're around on Sunday and looking for something to do, why not stop by, have lunch on Bloomie, and check out what the enemies are up to at their own expense?

ISIS the Islamic State: Islam’s Most Recent Terrorist Franchise

Mike Scruggs

ISIS stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. It now prefers to be called simply the Islamic State in recognition that their territorial ambitions are global and will soon extend to Jordan and Lebanon.

They have also revived the idea of the Caliphate--all Islam under one ruler and eventually all the world under Islam and Islamic Law (Sharia). They are fundamentalist Sunni Muslims fully committed to violent Jihad against non-Muslims, secularized Muslims, and smaller Muslim sects considered heretical by Sunni Muslims. They are also enemies of Shia Islam, which is the dominant Muslim sect of Iran and nearly two-thirds of the population of Iraq. Only one-third of the population of the Iraq are Sunni Muslims, and these are about evenly divided between Sunni Arabs, which dominated Iraq under Saddam Hussein, and Sunni Kurds in northern Iraq.

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pointed out, ISSI is in reality closely related to Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist franchise active in Palestine and among Syrian rebels. In fact, the chain of origination goes from the Muslim Brotherhood and its political fronts to its chief terrorist franchise Hamas, which spawned Al Qaeda, which in turn spawned ISIS several years ago. It has been noted that each spawning in the Muslim Brotherhood chain is increasingly radical and violent in its commitment to the fundamentalist teachings of the Koran and Muhammad. Estimates of ISIS military strength vary widely. According to a Syrian source, they have grown from only 4,000 under arms in 2013 to 80,000 spread over both Iraq and Syria in recent months.

Most disturbing to many in the West has been the genocidal slaughter of Christians and smaller non-fundamentalist Muslim sects, such as the Yazidi, who find themselves in the path of ISSI forces.

According to several international sources, ISIS has massacred thousands, and many thousands more are fleeing for their lives. According to Crisis Relief International (CRI), when ISIS captured the Kurdish city of Queragosh, they began systematically beheading children.  So far both Iraqi and Syrian military units have retreated from their violent and fanatical assault. The recent public beheading of American journalist James Foley underscored their dedication to the most brutal forms of terror. So far, only the Kurds, known for their fervent Kurdish nationalism and tough-minded military prowess, have successfully blunted their attacks. The United States has thus far done limited bombing of ISIS positions. American experience in the early years of the Vietnam War showed that this sort of nominal and largely public relations level of bombing is not likely to be effective. ISIS is a danger that must be totally crushed and destroyed in detail.  That will require aggressive air warfare and determined effort.

Furthermore, the United States and the West must embrace the reality of Islam’s violent nature. Jihad, violence, vengeance, fanaticism, subservient slavery, beheadings, and all the rest have their origin in the fundamental basics of Islam—the Koran and the teachings and example of Muhammad.  Islam is not a religion of peace and tolerance. It is exactly the opposite, and we need to drop the fairytale version of Islam popular with liberal academics and media and supported by gullible and poorly informed politicians, including Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Tony Blair, and G.W. Bush. They did not do their homework on the true nature of Islam, and we may pay a heavy price for that negligence.

The prevalent fairytale is a danger to Western survival and certainly to Christians, Jews, and any who dare oppose Islam. There are many moderate Muslim individuals, but the vast majority of moderates are secularized or purely cultural Muslims. Various polls indicate that anti-Jewish, anti-Christian, and anti-Western sentiments prevail among Muslims. Over 80 percent of U.S. and Canadian mosques teach hatred of Jews, Christians, and Western civilization, as well as the supremacy of Islam and the necessity to advance that supremacy by whatever means, including deception and violent Jihad.

In his book on Islam' theology, history, and impact on the world, author and scholar, Dr. Serge Trifkovic has said:

“Like the unicorn, we can visualize a moderate Islam, but who can find it?” 

There are, however, a few smaller Muslim sects that do evidence a moderation that is even friendly and protective of Christianity and have in fact been influenced by Christianity, but these are considered heretical by the mainstreams of both Sunni and Shia Islam. One of these is the Alawite sect of Shia Islam in Syria, a 10 percent minority to which most of the ruling Assad regime in Syria belong.  There is also a 10 percent Christian minority in Syria. Both of these minorities are in extreme danger from ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Hamas.

Complicating things, the Assad regime has brought in about 5,000 Hezbollah troops, the principal Shia Muslim terrorist arm of Iran. Hezbollah (the Army of Allah) is probably the best trained terrorist organization in the world and are organized units of the Iranian military.

Obama’s dilemma as President of the United States is that he has strong cultural ties to Islam and strong political connections and loyalties to the Muslim Brotherhood both here and abroad. The Brotherhood and all its terrorist arms are determined to destroy Israel and the United States as primary goals in their Jihad against the rest of the world.  It is increasingly obvious that our President is hostile to any orthodox form of Christianity or Judaism and unsympathetic to the continued existence of Israel. 

Most decent Americans are not willing to stand by while Christians, Jews, and dissenting Muslim sects are slaughtered or enslaved by ISIS, Hamas, or Al Qaeda. The frightening dilemma for the American people is that Barack Obama seems intent upon destroying every aspect of American greatness—constitutional, economic, social, military, moral, and spiritual—from within. He appears to be willfully leading our country into prolonged suffering and inglorious national destruction

Harry Reid's Alma Mater Strips His Name from Building


Southern Utah University, where Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid went to school, is stripping his name from one of its buildings after the city where the college is located got $40,000 in pledges in five days from people who wanted his name to come down.

More @ Newsmax