The Militarization of U.S. Domestic Policing


The ongoing “wars” on drugs and terrorism have helped to militarize domestic policing, giving us “no-knock” raids and other tactics formerly considered off-limits for civilian law enforcement. A political-economic analysis of this trend explains how crises have eroded rules that were created to constrain the use of military power and separate domestic policing from military functions.

Goodies from Ol' Remus

1937. Reedsville, West Virginia gas station. Reedsville is a hamlet of 600 in north central West Virginia.

All you need to know about New Jersey - A man was stabbed by his wife, and she was charged. The police found the husband's gun collection and confiscated it in accordance with protocol.
Jim Gearhart at 


Filed under braindead: 
Smoker's registry - This will be useful for both smokers and non-smokers. The time has come for us to know where smokers live, work and, most importantly, smoke, so the non-smoking public can make decisions based on this information.
MPP John Abbot at


art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg Britain's spineless proles
A daughter is one of the jewels of a man’s existence, and his actions in protecting her from harm—particularly sexual harm—are simply beyond judgment by outsiders. We turn much of the responsibility for order and punishment over to society with the understanding that we will be protected. But when a society fails, for whatever reason, we are not, by the very nature of things, obligated to continue honoring the bargain. This factor appears to be no longer operative in Rotherham. Over 1400 girls, over a period of a dozen years, were picked up, gang-raped, beaten, humiliated, broken, and then sent out onto the night streets to turn tricks for the sons of Allah, says J.Dunn in this article, The Dhimmis of Rotherham, at American Thinker 

art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg YouTube shields thuggas from publicity
Remember the surveillance video showing six male suspects brutally beating a couple outside a club in downtown Springfield, Missouri? Police on Friday said YouTube took down the video and issued cops an email saying the clip violated community guidelines. The online video giant warned the Springfield police that more violations might mean the department might lose the ability to post videos — or even see its account permanently suspended, says Dave Urbanski in this article, After Cops Post Video of Brutal Beating in Attempt to ID Suspects, YouTube Reportedly Takes Action You Might Find Hard to Swallow, at The Blaze.

art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg Barbarians inside the gates
History is written by the victors—and the victors are often large, arrogant empires not particularly inclined to look favorably on other cultures. It therefore became commonplace for entire peoples to be thought of as “barbaric,” says Jo Rodriguez in this article, 10 Misconceptions About ‘Barbarians’, at ListVerse

Eric Holder - Not only has he lied before members of Congress and, ultimately, been held in contempt, he has obfuscated the truth and been the most partisan, partial, prejudiced, and self-pitying attorney general in my lifetime... He has not only failed to investigate crimes and potential crimes occurring in this administration, he has been the Cover-Upper-in-Chief and will be sorely missed by those in the administration, like Lois Lerner, who want to disobey the law and flaunt it.
Rep. Louie Gohmert, via Matthew Boyle at

Nuclear North Korea - Because the North has no possibility to win a conventional arms race due to its economic hardships, it is using all its resources to develop nuclear capability, which is an asymmetrical weapon. We believe the North is developing a tactical short-range missile because it has reached the final stage of miniaturization of a nuclear warhead. Through three nuclear tests since 2006, the North managed to take steps closer to miniaturization to a certain degree. We have to be prepared that they will be operationally deployed within a short period of time.
South Korean spokesmen via Yong Soo and Myo Ja at

FBI Says 9mm Is The Best Pistol Round

Federal HST .45 ACP 230gr P45HST2 

Slow motion penetration

Y'all go for it, I'll stick with my 45's.


A new study from the FBI’s Training Division shows that overall, the 9mm Luger pistol round is the best option for law enforcement handguns, recommending departments shouldn’t switch their side arms to larger rounds considered by many to be more lethal.

Based in a combination of factors, including so-called “stopping power,” weight and availability, the FBI study shows that the 9mm round penetrates far enough, allows for shooters to carry more rounds, and is more widely available and less expensive than alternative rounds like the .45 ACP or .40 Smith & Wesson.

More with poll @ Grand View Outdoors

Liberal Poet: My Daughter Died For My Right To Choose

“I Think she was a she. No, I know she was a she, and I think she would have looked exactly like me….I would have stuck up glow up stars on her ceiling, and told her they were fireflies to protect her from the dark…I would have made sure I was a good mother to look up to…She could have been born…I would’ve supported her right to choose, to choose a life for herself, a path for herself. I would’ve died for that right like she died for mine. I’m sorry, but you came at the wrong time…”
The above quote is an excerpt from a poem written by Leyla Josephine. This poem was extolled as feminist by The Huffington Post, as a beautiful example of female empowerment. This is what the left has come to, offering praises to a woman who aborted her daughter, then used that  abortion to further her celebrity by writing a poem about it.

NC: "Just when you thought Chapel Hill couldn’t get any kookier along comes THIS GUY”

 State Rep. Graig Meyer, D-Orange
  “Loony Tune” 

 9603 Leslie Dr., Chapel Hill, NC 27516

Home: 919-967-6253 Work: 919-715-019


A Democratic state lawmaker from North Carolina is raising eyebrows with comments indicating he’s ashamed of his own “whiteness.”

“Just when you thought Chapel Hill couldn’t get any kookier along comes THIS GUY,” wrote Brant Clifton of the Daily Haymaker blog in a column about lawmaker Graig Meyer.

Meyer, described on the blog as “um, ‘interesting,’” was quoted discussing “Whiteness, White Guilt, and um, ‘White Supremacy,’” in “Courageous Conversations About Race,” by Glenn E. Singleton.
Subtitled “A Field Guide for Achieving Equity in Schools,” it includes Meyer’s comments:

“The truly difficult work is looking deep within myself to recognize where my own reservoirs of whiteness reside and what value or burdens they present to me,” the excerpt states. “Every time I review Peggy McIntosh’s inventory of white privilege I learn something more about myself, and – through attentiveness to my own experience – I think I could add a few more forms of racial privilege to her list.”

More @ WND

Celebrity Chef Slams ‘Obama Nonsense,’ Laments Decline of Restaurant Industry


As a celebrity chef, cookbook author, and TV personality, Emeril Lagasse is one of the most well known chefs in the country, and with a net worth of about $50 million and a food empire that brings in an estimated $150 million, he’s one of the wealthiest, too. So it was surprising to hear him say at a recent event that he has “nowhere to go, really—other than broke.”

The reason? Predictably, Big Government.

More @ Townhall

After Oklahoma Beheading and ISIS Threats, Arkansas Firing Range Becomes First To Exclude Muslims

 Jan Morgan, owner of The Gun Cave Indoor Range, has declared her facility a "Muslim free zone." (image via

In an act that will no doubt result in lawsuits, The Gun Cave Indoor Shooting Range in Hot Springs, Arkansas, has declared itself a “Muslim free zone” due to concerns over domestic Islamic terrorism. The ban was announced yesterday by range owner Jan Morgan in an article posted to her web site where she cites ten points justifying her position.

Among the points cited are prior attacks in the United States that the federal government refuses to classify as terrorism, including the Fort Hood attack, the Boston Marathon bombing, and the last week’s Oklahoma City beheading. Morgan has also received death threats in the past for her writing about Islam.

Another incident that weighed heavily in Morgan’s decision was an incident at her firing range several weeks ago, which she relayed to Bearing Arms this morning.

More @ Bearing Arms

Russia threatens to retaliate against U.S. military: Warns airspace over Syria under protection of Moscow

 Russian Air Force Sukhoi Su-34

Russia has delivered a behind-the-scenes threat to retaliate if airstrikes carried out by the U.S. or its allies target the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Middle Eastern security officials told WND.

The security officials said Russia complained Sunday in quiet talks with United Nations representatives that the Obama administration’s current aerial campaign against Islamic State fighters in Syria is a violation of international agreements regarding control of Syrian airspace.

The officials said Russia warned it could potentially retaliate if U.S. or Arab airstrikes go beyond targeting Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, and instead bomb any Syrian regime targets.

More @ WND

Democratic State Rep. Christina Ayala arrested on 19 voting fraud charges

Via Bill

State Rep. Christina “Tita” Ayala, D-Bridgeport, was arrested Friday on 19 voting fraud charges.
Ayala, 31, is accused of voting in local and state elections in districts she did not live, the Chief State’s Attorney’s Office said in a press release.

The arrest warrant affidavit also alleges Ayala provided fabricated evidence to state Election Enforcement Commission investigators that showed she lived at an address in a district where she voted while actually living outside the district, according to the release.

Ayala, who represents the 128th District, was elected in 2012, replacing her cousin, Andres Ayala, who was elected to the state Senate. She chose to run for reelection earlier this year, despite the voting fraud investigation, but lost a four-way primary in August.

3-3 is Threeper Day: Celebrate It

Via Iver


We all know we have been sold down the river by a government intent on changing America into something else; something heartless and cold. Though they couch it in touchy-feely verbiage and use phrases that can only be translated into hostility toward traditional America and Americans, phrases like: cultural sensitivity, diversity and equality (that the African-American community has recently found out does not mean them after all, it means the newest, strongest voting block: the illegal immigrants from south of the border).

How Obamacare Funds the Nation’s Largest Abortion Provider

Via Cousin John

Despite promises to the contrary by members of Congress and even the president, Americans now know that Obamacare is entangling tax dollars with coverage of elective abortion.

Last week, the Government Accountability Office released a report confirming that more than 1,000 Obamacare exchange plans cover elective abortion but remain eligible for taxpayer subsidies.

But that’s not the full story on how Obamacare funds the abortion industry.

In addition to sending taxpayer money to plans that cover abortion, the massive health care law has created new avenues of public funding for Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider.

More with video  @ The Daily Signal